available after the event at bigsocietydis.wordpress.com. Twi:er ..... understanding to developing inclusive pracnces an
Disability. Austerity. Resistance. Tuesday, 15th & Wednesday, 16th September, 2015 Innox Dine, Level 5, Students’ Union Building, Durham Road, Sheffield, S10 2TG Enter through the West Entrance of the Students’ Union Building. Book separately for each day via Eventbrite: Day One hAps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/disability-‐austerity-‐resistance-‐day-‐one-‐Ickets-‐17004803826 Day Two hAps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/disability-‐austerity-‐resistance-‐day-‐two-‐Ickets-‐17004857988
Travel to the University of Sheffield
DirecIons Innox Dine, Level 5, Students’ Union Building, Durham Road, Sheffield, S10 2TG. Enter through the West Entrance of the Students’ Union Building Parking Limited on street parking is available nearby. Blue badge holders, please contact k.runswick-‐
[email protected] to book a space. Public car parking spaces can be found here: hPp://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/ sheffield_uni_western_bank_sheffield_united_kingdom/? ac=1&country=UK&lat=53.380941&lng=-‐1.4879469999999628 Park and Ride Informa]on is available here: hPps://www.sheffield.ac.uk/visitors/mapsandtravel/parkandride Train The nearest sta]on is Sheffield. You can catch a tram to the University stop, or it is about a 30 minute brisk walk from the sta]on or a £12-‐15 taxi, ride depending on traffic.
AccommodaIon near the University* • • • •
• •
The Rutland Hotel www.rutlandhotel-‐sheffield.com Leopold Hotel www.leopoldhotel.co.uk The Harley www.theharley.co.uk/ Premier Inn, Sheffield City Centre hPp://www.premierinn.com/en/hotels/S14UP? searchModel.map=false&CID=TRA_UK_BL_HotelWebsiteLink _LV_SHEBAR Etruria House Hotel hPp://etruriahouse.co.uk Jury’s Inn, Sheffield hPps://www.jurysinns.com/hotels/sheffield? tmad=c&tmcampid=33&tmplaceref=e&tmclickref=jury's %20inn%20sheffield&gclid=CM_F1sXbwcUCFSvJtAodkDAA9g
* Please not these addresses are for informa]on only, and not recommenda]ons. Please contact the hotels direct for further informa]on.
Conference PracIcaliIes RegistraIon, breaks and lunch • The registra]on desk and all refreshments will be available on Level 5 of the Students’ Union Building. Internet access • Wifi is available via Eduroam only throughout the Students’ Union Building. Photography • Photographs will be taken for publicity purposes. If you would not like your photo taken, please advise. Conference blog • Presenta]ons, videos and social media responses on the conference will be available amer the event at bigsocietydis.wordpress.com. TwiAer We will use the #austerity15 Feedback form • Please fill out your feedback form and leave it on the registra]on desk before you leave. Access Requirements • The venue is wheelchair accessible and there will be BSL signing throughout the presenta]ons. Please contact k.runswick-‐
[email protected] with any queries or access requirements. Dietary Requirements • Please contact k.runswick-‐
[email protected] for any dietary requirements. Acknowledgement • This work and seminar day was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (Grant Reference: ES/K004883/1).
Programme Tuesday 16th September Welcome (10.00-‐ 10.15) • Professor Gill Valen]ne, Pro-‐Vice-‐Chancellor -‐ Social Sciences, The University of Sheffield IntroducIon (10.15-‐10.30) • Dan Goodley, Professor of Educa]on & Disability Studies, The University of Sheffield Keynote 1: Coproducing research in a Ime of the cuts (10.30-‐11.00) • Jodie Bradley, Vicky Farnsworth & Annie Ferguson, SpeakUp Self Advocacy, Rotherham Break: Tea/Coffee (11.00-‐11.30) Keynote 2: Circles of Support (11.30-‐12.00) • Helen Smith, Community Circles Keynote 3: Staying Strong: How north-‐west self-‐advocacy groups are coping with austerity (12.00-‐12.30) • Laurence Clark, Dene Donalds, Karen Flood and Vicki Hornby, Pathways Associates. Lunch (12.30-‐1.45) Keynote 4: What works in employment ( 1.45-‐2.15) • Keith Bates, The Founda]on for People with Learning Disabili]es. Keynotes 5: Voices to be heard: standing up and being listened to (2.15-‐2.30) • Bob Langsford Keynote 6: My Concerns about the Cuts (2.30-‐2.45) • Kevin White Knowledge Café (2.45 – 3.45) • Rebecca Lawthom, Manchester Metropolitan University, Katherine Runswick-‐Cole, Manchester Metropolitan University & Dan Goodley, The University of Sheffield Tea/Coffee will be available from 3.00pm Please bring your tea/coffee back with you to your knowledge café tables. Close (3.45-‐4.00pm)
Programme Wednesday 16th September Welcome (back) (10.00-‐ 10.15) • Katherine Runswick-‐Cole Keynote 1: Disability. Austerity. Resistance. (10.15 -‐10.45) • Dan Goodley, & Katherine Runswick-‐Cole Keynote 2: The Disabling Effects of Cultural and Poli