Discharge Project - healthwatch Hillingdon

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Oct 31, 2016 - Project Delivery Plan ... Project Sponsor: Turkay Mahmoud – Board Member. Project ... A desktop review
Project Delivery Plan

Discharge Project Project Team Project Name:

Discharge from Hillingdon Hospital

Project Sponsor:

Turkay Mahmoud – Board Member

Project Lead:

T.S. (Raj) Grewal – Operations coordinator

Start Date:

1st Jan 2016

Review Date:

31st Oct 2016

Version Control Version





First draft

G Hawkes



Re draft

T Grewal




T Grewal




Approvals Role


Board Approved

Jeff Maslen

Project Sponsor

Turkay Mahmoud

Executive Officer

T S Grewal

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Project Overview The Healthwatch Hillingdon ‘Discharge from Hillingdon Hospital’ project will identify and engage Hillingdon residents who have recently gone through the discharge process at Hillingdon Hospital. Through their experiences we will gain a greater understanding of being discharged from hospital, ascertaining what works well and where improvements may be required. Healthwatch Hillingdon will seek to work in partnership with Age UK (Hillingdon) and Hillingdon Carers to deliver some parts of this project.

Scope To gather intelligence on people’s views and experiences of discharge from Statement: Hillingdon Hospital and collate an evidence-based report, by March 2016; which shares good practice and outlines recommendations about how services could be improved. The project will focus on: Adults over the age of 65 with complex needs or long term conditions who have been recently discharged from Hillingdon Hospital to home, or another care facility. The discharge of patients from other ages groups will be covered under a separate project if necessary. Paediatric services (under 18 years old) are out-of-scope for this project. This area of care is incorporated in the 2015-17 work-plan, under Operational Priority 6, Shaping a Healthier Future. Discharge from maternity services is also out-of-scope for this project and will be covered under a separate work-stream “Maternity” outlined in our 2015-17 workplan.

Aims To establish the effectiveness of discharge processes including support and care provided prior to and post discharge. To identify factors, barriers/enablers and risks that contribute to a safe discharge. To determine the extent of appropriate discharge.

Objectives Provide data, evidence and offer solutions to commissioners and providers that would enable improvements in services, designed to improve the quality of discharge and support in the community.

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Constraints The recruitment of volunteers could have a direct impact on the number of residents engaged. Ideally, disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks will be required only where appropriate for the work undertaken (e.g. when engaging directly in resident’s homes).

Risks The number of residents identified who are willing to, or have the capacity to, inform us of their discharge experience is negligible. Quantity and quality of responses may be insufficient to meet the needs of the project – this will be actively managed as the project evolves.

Assumptions We expect assistance from commissioners, providers and the voluntary sector to help in identifying residents that are, or have experienced discharge and or provision of support services in the community.

Schedule and Methodology This delivery plan provides more detail on the work which will be undertaken to meet the project, the related roles and responsibilities, the resource contribution required, and how its success will be measured. The detailed delivery schedule is shown below in section “Milestones” and “Discharge Delivery Plan Schedule, Appendix 1”. A desktop review will be carried out to inform the project. The following sources of information/data sets will be evaluated to determine: current discharges standards, outcomes, performance against quality indicators and potential areas of focus and enquiry: 

Health Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) data on hospital admissions/outcomes

HSCIC data on social care activity and outcomes

London Borough of Hillingdon JSNA

Better Care Fund (BCF)/Older people’s transformation Board papers/minutes

NHS England guidance and information

Kings Fund and Healthwatch England’s review on hospital discharge

Royal College of Physicians – Geriatric Medicine

NICE Guidance.

In obtaining the experiences of patients following discharge from Hillingdon Hospital it will be necessary to engage with people who are either awaiting discharge or have been recently (65 years, with 1 or more LTC) and their family/carers who are awaiting discharge from The Hillingdon Hospital. Co-ordinate and arrange for patient/carer interviews post-discharge. Engagement with and collect the views and experiences of patients (>65 years, with 1 or more LTC) and their family/carers up to 30 days following discharge from hospital. Complete first draft including desktop review. Complete 2nd draft - incorporate any feedback comments from Board/project lead. Share 2nd draft with stakeholders prior to publication.


1st June


1st July


1st July


1st July 1st Sept

Report contents and any recommendations are drafted


1st Sept

Final draft completed incorporating any feedback. Final draft approved by project lead and Board Send report for final layout; external (optional) Deliver final report to external printers Pre-notify external stakeholders of report publication date. Prepare press-release and communication plan


1st Oct


1st Nov

Ensure the report is factually correct and any potential gaps identified early. Report contents and any recommendations are agreed by Board


29th Nov


29th Nov 1st Sept


1st Sept

Co-ordinate volunteers to cover interview sessions at Hospital. Start patient engagement activity

4. Report writing

5. Publish report


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Publish final report


1st Dec

Report identifies good practice and provides evidence base and solutions to commissioners and providers that would enable improvements in the quality of the discharge process.

Note: Project dates in July/August makes some allowance for staff leave, however further adjustments may be needed to reflect staff/volunteer leave periods. Key dates may also require upward/downward adjustments based on feedback from stakeholders, outcomes of the desk top analysis and progression of the structured interview phase. Any necessary changes to delivery plan will be agreed with Project Lead/Sponsor and mitigating actions developed to minimise impact. Agreed changes and mitigating actions will be communicated to the Board.

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