Discussion on the paper " Fractional boundary layer

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y. T v x. T u t. T f. (2) where ν is the fluid kinematic viscosity and f α is the thermal diffusion coefficient. From equations (1) and (2) it is found that the units of.

Discussion on the paper " Fractional boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a stretching sheet with variable thickness, Lin Liu, Liancun Zheng, Yanping Chen, Fawang Liu, Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, 140(9)"

Asterios Pantokratoras School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi – Greece e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract The present comment concerns some doubtful results included in the above paper. In the above paper the momentum equation and the energy equation are as follows (equations 6 and 9 in [1])    1u u u u   1u  B( x) 2  u v     1  1  (1   1 ) u t x y  ( y) 1   y


   1T T T T   1T   u v   f   2  1  (1   2 ) t x y ( y )  1   y


where  is the fluid kinematic viscosity and  f is the thermal diffusion coefficient. From equations (1) and (2) it is found that the units of kinematic viscosity and thermal diffusion coefficient are [ ]  m 1 (length  1 ) sec 1 (time 1 )

[a f ]  m  1 (length  1 ) sec 1 (time 1 )

in order that all terms in each equation have the same units ( m sec 2 in (1) and Kelivin sec 1 in (2))


The Prandtl number is defined as Pr 

 f

and its units are m 1 sec 1 [Pr]   1  m   (length    ) 1 m sec

This means that the Prandtl number is dimensionless and correct only for cases    . However, in figure 4 in [1] temperature profiles are presented for   0.9 and   0.8,0.9,1.0 . Therefore the results for   0.8 and   1 are wrong. The authors introduced the following dimensionless parameters marked with superscript * (equations 14, 15 and 16 in [1]) t  (a f / ) (  1) /(   ) /  f t * y  (a f / )1 /(   ) y * u  b f (a f / ) (  1) /(  ) u * v  (a f / )  /(  )  f v * u0  b1n f (a f / ) (  1) /(  ) u0 * A  (a f / )1 /(   ) b ( n1) / 2 A *

It was mentioned previously that the Prandtl number is correct only when    . However, for    , none of the above parameters can be defined because the exponents with denominator    cannot be defined. The question is how the profile with     0.9 in figure 4 was calculated. The dimensionless magnetic parameter is defined as follows


B0 2 b n f M  

 f   

   

(  1) /(   )


For the magnetic field the following equation is valid B( x)  B0 x  b

( n 1 / 2 )

(4) B(x) 2  2 term B0 

From equation (1) it is found that the units of the term


from equation (4) it is found that the units of the


The units of b are m  n2 sec 2 .


Therefore the units of the term


m12n sec 1 .

B0 2 b n f 


Thus there are two errors in the definition of the magnetic

parameter M . The first is that the  

sec 1

 term  f 

   

(  1) /(   )

cannot be defined for

which implies the correct Prandtl number. The second error is that

the term

B0 2 b n f 

is dimensional, not dimensionless.

Taking into account all the above the results presented in [1] are inaccurate.

References [1]. Lin Liu, Liancun Zheng, Yanping Chen, Fawang Liu, Fractional boundary layer flow and heat transfer over a stretching sheet with variable thickness, Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, Vol. 140/091701.