Diseases of Poultry #9780813804309 #Iowa State University Press ...

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vegetable blend using animal tallow or hydrogenated oils from the food industry. Lipids from these sources are rich in s
Diseases of Poultry #9780813804309 #Iowa State University Press, 1978 #1978 #M. S. Hofstad Mycotoxicoses, a mycotoxicosis is a disease caused by a toxic metabolite of a fungus (mycotoxin). Hundreds of mycotoxins are now recognized and characterized chemically and biologically. The mycotoxins usually associated with poultry health problems are the ergot alkaloids. Paratyphoid infections, the numerous motile members of the bacterial genus Salmonella are collectively referred to as paratyphoid (PT) salmonellae. Found throughout the world, these organisms infect a wide variety of hosts (including invertebrate and vertebrate wildlife, domestic animals. Leukosis/sarcoma group, the leukosis/sarcoma (L/S) group of diseases designates a variety of transmissible benign and malignant neoplasms of chickens caused by members that belong to the family Retroviridae. Lymphoid leukosis has been the most common form of L/S group of diseases. Pox, pox is a common viral disease of commercial poultry (chickens and turkeys) as well as of pet and wild birds. Pox has long been observed in several avian species. This chapter discusses ultrastructural features of avianpox viruses. Avianpox does not cause productive. DISEASES OF POULTRY, CHAPTER 15: SUBCHAPTER--MAREK'S DISEASE, marek's disease virus is a herpesvirus that causes tumors, neurological disease and death in commercial chickens. The infection is widespread and is capable of causing severe losses. The disease can be controlled by vaccination, but emergence of more virulent strains. Bacterial respiratory diseases of poultry, bacterial pathogens play an important role in causing respiratory disease in domestic poultry species. In many cases, the bacterial component of a respiratory disease colonizes the respiratory system only after a primary viral or environmental insult. Colonization. Reovirus infections, reovirus infections are prevalent worldwide in chickens, turkeys, and other avian species. Viral arthritis is observed primarily in meat-type chickens but can be found in lighter breeds and turkeys. Reoviruses have been isolated from a wide range of disease conditions. Enteric diseases of poultry with special attention to Clostridium perfringens, several enteric disorders affect poultry and cause illness, mortality and economic losses. The ban on antibiotic growth promoters increased the problem by allowing intestinal bacteria, influenced by predisposing factors, to destroy the internal lining of the gut. Infectious laryngotracheitis, infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a respiratory tract infection of chickens caused by Gallid herpesvirus type 1 (GaHV-1). This virus may cause severe production losses due to mortality and/or decreased egg production. The diagnosis of GaHV-1 requires laboratory assistance. Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in poultry: role of dietary lipids, abstract In the United States, supplemental dietary lipid is typically provided as an animalvegetable blend using animal tallow or hydrogenated oils from the food industry. Lipids from these sources are rich in saturated, trans, n-6 fatty acids and poor in n-3 fatty acids. Linoleic. Developmental, metabolic, and other noninfectious disorders, this chapter covers disorders induced by the environment or management conditions and diseases that are not associated with a specific body system conditions such as cannibalism or amyloidosis. It focuses on metabolic diseases of economic importance. Colibacillosis, colibacillosis refers to any localized or systemic infection caused entirely or partly by avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC), including colisepticemia, hemorrhagic septicemia, coligranuloma (Hjarre's disease), air sac disease (chronic respiratory disease. Interaction of aflatoxin in the feed and immunization against selected infectious diseases in poultry. II. Effect on oneâ dayâ old layer chicks simultaneously vaccinated, a study was conducted to assess the effects of aflatoxin contaminated feed on the immunoresponse of oneâ day old layer chicks to attenuated live virus vaccines for Newcastle disease (ND), infectious bronchitis (IB) and infectious bursal disease (IBD). Concurrent. Infectious bronchitis, infectious bronchitis (IB), also called avian infectious bronchitis, is a common, highly contagious, acute, and economically important viral disease of chickens caused by coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). The virus is acquired following inhalation. Production and growth related disorders and other metabolic diseases of poultry-a review, in humans, metabolic complaints may be associated with a failure in one of the body hormone or enzyme systems, a storage disease related to lack of metabolism of secretory products because of the lack of production of a specific enzyme, or the breakdown. Nutritional metabolic diseases of poultry and disorders of the biological antioxidant defence system, deficiencies or disturbances of nutrition cause a variety of diseases and can arise in different ways. The amount of a particular nutrient in the diet may be insufficient to meet the requirements, the diet may contain substances that inactivate the nutrient or inhibit. Infectious bronchitis, avian infectious bronchitis (IB) is an economically important, highly contagious, acute, upper-respiratory tract disease of chickens and other fowl, caused by the avian coronavirus IB virus (IBV). The clinical outcome of an infection in chickens depends on many variables such. Campylobacteriosis, avian species, especially domestic poultry including chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese, are frequently infected with the members of thermophilic Campylobacter, primarily Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. Although thermophilic campylobacters. Neoplastic diseases: introduction, neoplastic diseases of poultry comprise a variety of related and unrelated conditions possessing a single common denominator: neoplastic character. This group of diseases is divided into two main categories, depending on whether the etiologic agent is known. Infectious coryza and related bacterial infections, infectious coryza is an acute respiratory disease of chickens caused by the bacterium known as Avibacterium paragallinarum, once known as Haemophilus paragallinarum and Haemophilus gallinarum. The greatest economic losses associated with infectious coryza. by RJ Julian