Citation: Renner, J., B. Evans, and G. Siddiqi, Dislocation creep of calcite, J. Geophys. Res. ... magnitude at a given stress and temperature [Brodie and. Rutter ...
Dislocation creep of calcite Jo¨rg Renner,1 Brian Evans, and Gunter Siddiqi2 Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Received 27 November 2001; revised 13 September 2002; accepted 8 October 2002; published 24 December 2002.
[1] When the power law equation, e_ / snexp(Q/RT ), which relates strain rate (_e), stress
(s), gas constant (R), and temperature (T ), is used to describe thermally activated dislocation creep of calcite rocks, the stress sensitivity (n) and temperature sensitivity or apparent activation energy (Q) differ greatly from rock to rock. To better constrain parameters of a mechanical equation of state, we performed triaxial deformation experiments on dense synthetic aggregates of polycrystalline calcite at temperatures of 873–1073 K and strain rates between 5 107 and 3 103 s1 to strains