On behalf of the President of India, Chairman, Railway Recruitment Board,
Bilaspur (in short ... papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office
sweepings ...
Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur
Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
PRICE Rs: 2000/-
Book No. ---------
(Rupees Two Thousand Only)
TOP SHEET Tender Notice No. RRB/BSP-47/2011 -12
Dated: 29/11/2011
This set of tender schedules contains the following documents: S. No.
Pages From
Tender Notice
Tender conditions/special conditions of contract
Tender Form Issuing Details
Tender Schedule, Scope of Work
Tender Form
Instruction to tenderer (s)/contractor (s)
Schedule & Rate Sheet
Details of Earnest Money
Agreement form
Instruction for Downloading of Tender documents from Internet & its Submission
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
DATED: 29.11.2011
On behalf of the President of India, Chairman, Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur (in short RRB/BSP) invites open tenders in sealed envelops on prescribed forms from willing parties/ contractors for the work as detailed below. 1.
Description of the work
Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
Approximate quantity (in Kgs.)
109000 Kgs. in one year
Approximate Tender value (in Rs.)
Rs.7,43,380/- (Rupees Seven Lacs Forty Three Thousand Three Hundred Eighty only)
Currency of contractual period
1 (One) year or till delivery of material whichever is earlier.
Cost of tender form (in Rs.)
Rs.2000.00 (Rupees Two thousand only)
Address of the office where the tender form can be purchased
Office of the Railway Recruitment Board/ Bilaspur, beside General Manager’s office, SECR head quarter complex, Bilaspur (CG)- 495 004. Tender form can also be downloaded from our web-site www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in
Earnest money (in Rs.)
Rs.37,200/- (Rupees Thirty Seven Thousand Two Hundred only)
Date of issue of tender forms and time of sale of tender forms
From 29.11.2011 to 01.01.2012 between 10.30 hrs. & 17.00 hrs. and on 02.01.2012 (between 10.30 & 13.00 hrs) on any office working days.
Date and time of submission of tenders and opening of tender
The tenderer(s) can drop their tender form(s) in the Tender Box kept in the RRB/BSP’s office from 10.30 hours of 29.11.2011 up to 15.00 hrs. of 02.01.2012 on any office working days. The tender will be opened at 15.30 hrs on 02.01.2012.
10. Web site particulars and notice board location where complete details of tender can be seen.
For other details please visit our web-site www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in. Tender notice can also be seen on the notice board of Railway Recruitment Board/Bilaspur.
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 3
TENDER CONDITIONS 1.0 Submission of Tenders: The tender should be put (in a sealed cover superscripted with Tender No. and due date) in the tender box provided in the office of the Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur, besides GM Office, SEC Railway Complex, Bilaspur – 495 004 by closing time and date of tender. The tenderers who submit their tender by post must dispatch them well in advance so as to reach within closing time and date of tender. 2.0 The tender will be opened on the opening time and date mentioned in schedule of tender. The tenderers, if they desire, may attend the opening of tenders. 3.0 Tender, received after closing date and time of tender will not be taken into consideration. 4.0 The offer should be filled in the prescribed tender form with typed or written neatly in indelible ink. Any correction/overwriting should be attested and signed by tenderer. 5.0 The rate must be quoted in words as well as in figures. 6.0 The tender consists of different locations of old records etc at Bilaspur. 7.0 The tenderer should submit performance report of similar contract executed by them on this Railway or any other Railway or with other public sector undertakings, with the details in following format: S.No. Contract No. Name of the & date organization
Description of Qty. purchased goods
Unit rate
Details of delivery
Validity of offer: The tenderer shall keep their offer open for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender. If tenderer withdraws or amends or impairs or derogates the offer during this period, the earnest money deposit (EMD) shall be forfeited. 9.0 The Railway administration may reject any tender without assigning any reason and not necessarily accept the highest bid. It shall have also the right to accept the whole or any portion of the tender. 10.0 Conditional offers are liable to be summarily rejected. 11.0 The tenderers should sign on each page of the tender documents and indicate on the tender form in which capacity and authority the tender documents are signed. The tenderer must specify the business, name and the constitution of the firm. Signing tender documents: i) A single person trading under his own name should sign his own name in full. ii) A single person trading under a firm’s name should sign first his firm’s name and then underneath his name in full. iii) In the case of a firm of more than one persons the names of the partners must be filled in above and the tender be signed by the partner who should first sign in the firms and then underneath his own name in full. iv) In the case where a tender is signed by person or partner of a firm for and on behalf of the proprietors or other partners of a firm, the tenderer shall undertake the whole responsibility in respect of the authority in favour of such persons and he shall produce power of attorney issued in favour of the signatory as and when called upon to do so. 11.1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): Tenderers are required to submit the requisite EMD along with the tender. EMD may be deposited in the following modes: i)
Cash: to be deposited with the Chief Cashier, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur/ Raipur/Nagpur and original money receipt issued towards such payment must be enclosed with the tender. OR
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 4
Demand Draft/ Deposit receipt/FDR: to be drawn on the State Bank of India or any other nationalized bank in favour of Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur giving reference of the tender no. and due date.
The EMD receipt must be attached with the tender, without which no tender will be considered. The EMD of the successful bidder will be converted into/as security deposit. The Chairman, RRB, Bilaspur, reserves the right to forfeit EMD, if the successful tenderer fails to take the delivery of goods in accordance with the conditions of the acceptance letter. 11.2 No interest shall be payable on the cash deposit/EMD. 11.3 If tenderer withdraws or amends or impairs or derogates the offer during this period, the earnest money deposit (EMD) shall be forfeited. 11.4 EMD of the unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded at the earliest. However, no interest shall be payable on the refunded amount. 11.5 The offer without EMD shall be summarily rejected. 12.0 Security Deposit (SD) 12.1 In case of acceptance of tender, the tenderer shall submit SD equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the total value of tender, within 14 days from the date of Advance Acceptance Letter. The amount of EMD submitted along with tender will be adjusted against the SD and only balance amount will have to be deposited for security deposit in such cases before issue of the Sale Contract. This amount of Security Deposit will be retained for due fulfillment of the contract. The Security Deposit may be forfeited in the event of any breach on the part of the purchaser in terms of the contract or in the event of anything becoming payable by the purchaser to the President by law/virtue of the contract. 12.2 SD can be submitted in following modes: i) Cash: to be deposited with the Chief Cashier, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur and original money receipt issued towards such payment should be sent to the office of RRB/Bilaspur. OR Demand Draft/Deposit receipt/FDR: to be drawn on the State Bank of India or any other nationalized bank in favour of Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur giving reference of Acceptance Letter no. and date. 12.3 The security deposit may be forfeited by the President of India in the event of any breach on the part of the purchaser, of the terms of this contract or in the event of anything becoming payable by the purchaser to the President of India by virtue of this contract. 13.0 Sales tax, income-tax and any other taxes leviable under Government statutory provisions shall be charged extra from the Purchaser, in form of TCS (Tax collected at source). ii)
14.0 Arbitration: In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions or in connection with the contract (except pertaining to any matter, decision of which has specially been provided for by any of these conditions), the same shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator appointed by the General Manager of S.E.C. Railway. It will not be objected that the Arbitrator is a Government servant and that, in the course of his duties as a Government servant, he has expressed views on all or any of the matter in dispute. In the event of such, an Arbitrator, to whom the matter is originally referred being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, or becoming unable to act due to any reasons, the General Manager aforesaid, at the time of such transfer, vacation of office, or inability to act, shall appoint another person to act as Arbitrator in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Such persons shall be entitled to proceed from the state at which it was left by the predecessor. The award of Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this agreement.
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 5
15.0 Wherever any court matter is involved, all disputes will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts at Bilaspur (C.G.). 16.0 The period of contract will be 1 year or till delivery of the material whichever is earlier. 17.0 The Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur is empowered to accept, reject or modify the contract. 18.0 The successful tenderer will have to execute an agreement within 10 days from the date of acceptance. CONDITIONS OF SALE (SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT) 19.0 i) The President of India acting in the premises of the Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur shall be hereinafter called “RRB” and the firm to whom the letter of acceptance is issued shall be hereinafter called “Purchaser”. ii) The powers conferred upon the President of India by these conditions may be exercised by the Chairman, Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur or any other official deputed by him for that purpose. iii) Any notice to be served on the purchaser shall be deemed to be sufficiently served, if delivered left at or sent by Registered Post addressed to the purchaser at his last known place of business. 20.0 i) The currency of running contract shall be one year from the date of issue of contract/ acceptance or till delivery of the material whichever is earlier. ii) Quantities specified in the Schedule of tender are only approximate subject to fluctuation of plus/minus 25% (twenty-five percent) tolerance. The materials will be delivered on “As is where is basis”. No Guarantee is given regarding quantity and quality of material in a lot/stack. The tenderers are advised to inspect the type of material presently available at site before submitting their offers. This includes the existing available quantities and anticipated fresh arising. Delivery of the material is to be made time to time, during the period of contract, pursuant to the terms and conditions of contract. No complaints regarding material/lot will be entertained afterwards. Also the purchaser will not be allowed to break up or select for the lots/stacks which will be formed within the railway premises and each lot/stacks therefore, must be taken delivery and removed as it stands. No pick and choose shall be allowed to the Purchaser while lifting the material. iii) No sale shall be invalid on account of fault/error in description, quantity or quality of lot and the Purchaser shall not be entitled to claim any damages or compensation whatsoever on account of same. iv) Materials are sold on the assumption that the Purchaser has inspected the lots/stacks/type of material and know what he is buying, whether he has inspected or not, the principle of Caveat Emptor shall apply. 21.0 The communication of acceptance of the offer shall be deemed as complete as and when the same is dispatched to the address given by the purchaser in the tender and it shall constitute a binding contract between the Purchaser and RRB. 22.0 The rate mentioned in tender form is for all lead & lifts of material with purchasers/ contractors labour only. 23.0 i) The Purchaser should visit the location of stockholder once in a month without fail to assess the quantities of disposable documents/papers available for delivery and get sale memo from stockholder. Apart from this regular system, the stockholder can advise the purchaser about quantities available with him at any time and in that case, it would be the responsibility of Purchaser to collect sale memo from stockholder within 3 days from receipt of such communication. ii) The Purchaser will be required to take delivery of the materials as per the sale memo issued by the stockholder. Normally, sale memo will be issued as per the arising of the material. However, if any accumulation exist the entire quantity available as per sale memo will be required to be lifted by the Purchaser. iii) Each sale memo will be considered a separate sale order. Purchaser will be required to deposit full sale value as per terms and conditions of sale.
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 6
24.0 25.0
The amount of full purchase price shall be paid by the purchaser (in cash/through Demand Draft/Bankers cheque) within 7 (seven) working days from the date of sale memo. Further extension will be granted for a further period of 20 days at the discretion of RRB, with interest @ 15.75% (provisional) chargeable from the expiry of free time allowed. v) The payment of full purchase price can be made by Purchaser in cash or through Demand Draft/Bankers cheque of any nationalized bank in favour of the FA&CAO/SEC Railway/Bilaspur. However, it may be noted that the Money Receipt of the same will be issued by the Chief Cashier on realization of DD and the date of Money Receipt shall be reckoned as the date of payment for the purpose of delivery. vi) The contract will be operated through Sale Release Order (SRO) issued by RRB within the currency of the contract. The amount due will have to be paid in cash and deposited in Chief Cashier, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur at the time of collection of the material in case the tender is accepted. The material can only be removed from the Railway premises on production of Sale Release Order (SRO). In case the Purchaser does not present himself for taking delivery and desires that the delivery may be given to his representative, power of attorney on a non-judicial stamp paper duly executed before and authenticated by a Public Notary or a Judge or a Magistrate may be furnished to the RRB at the time of taking delivery of the materials. Vigilance clearance is taken regularly wherever required and without vigilance clearance no material will be lifted from the premises. All the confidential documents will be shredded at the collecting/lifting place only.
27.0 28.0 All the confidential documents (Used/Un-used question booklets etc) will be shredded to
maximum 15 mm paper size by using shredding machine or manually. The contractor is required to bring the shredding machine and/or labour. No charge will be paid to the contractor
29.0 30.0
31.0 32.0 33.0
34.0 35.0
for shredding machine and/or labour. The space and electric supply for the purpose of shredding etc will be provided free of cost. If during the working on shredding machine any damage to Railway property accrued it will have to made good by the purchaser/contractor. The RRB reserves the right to recover it from outstanding sale amount/S.D. The delivery of material should be made in presence of the representative of RPF, Accounts (S.V./ISA) and RRB. Loading/unloading of the material will be done by the Purchaser at their own expenses. In the event of Purchaser’s requiring crane facilities the same will be provided at the discretion of the Administration on payment as per Rules & Regulations existing of the Railway Administration. The contractor is liable to handle the materials from different locations at Bilaspur to the place indicated for the purpose of weight by their own labourers within the same rate. The material (old record etc) will be weighed at site or Government approved weight and measure scale "Dharam Kanta". The purchaser shall be bound to lift the material within 21 working days from the date of the SRO, if the material covered by the sale memo is less than 50 M/Ts. For every further quantity of 10 M/Ts or part thereof in excess of 50 M/Ts additional time of 10 working days will be allowed. No extension of time will normally be granted before prior payment of ground rent to the stockholder concerned @ ½% per day of the sale value of material remained unlifted subject to minimum of Rs.20.00 per day per lot/stack. Such extension would be granted at the discretion of the RRB. In case delivery could not be given by the RRB due to any administrative problem, the extension may be granted without ground rent at the sole discretion of RRB. The Purchaser shall furnish monthly report regarding payments made and the quantities lifted by him. Normally no extension for more than one month beyond FDP (free delivery period) shall be granted. If the material of lot/stack are not removed within the free delivery period or the extended delivery period, the same can disposed off by RRB in such manner as deemed fit including disposal through public auction at the entire risk and cost of the purchaser along with forfeiture of EMD/SD, without making any reference to the purchaser. No interest shall be paid to the Purchaser on the amount deposited by him subsequently found refundable to them under any condition of the contract.
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 7
The Purchaser shall make his own arrangement of transport for removal/lifting of the materials, sold to him from the different locations. The Purchaser shall intimate RRB a week in advance regarding the proposed Delivery schedule and take confirmation of same before commencement of removal/lifting of material of the lot. The delivery of lot will be effected on working days and within official working hours:Monday-Friday 09:30 to 13.00 hrs. and 13:30 to 17:30 hrs. In order to complete the delivery within stipulated timings, all loading should cease 30 minutes before the closing time. Delivery can also be made on Saturday during the above timing at the discretion of RRB.
38.0 Loading/unloading of the material will be done by the Purchaser at his own expenses. The following conditions shall apply for private labourers:i) The labourers of the Purchaser will be allowed in the Railway premises on identification cards which will be issued by the RRB. ii) The purchaser will be entirely responsible for any loss, damage etc. suffered by or injury sustained by labours within the Railway premises, and in no circumstances shall be Railway Administration/RRB entertain any claim in the matter. On no account the Purchaser or his labours shall be permitted to reside in the Railway premises after closing hours of the delivery. iii) The articles brought by the labours of the Purchaser will be recorded at the gate while the labour is allowed in and will be subject to check with the particulars noted at the gate while going out. Any extra tools found, will not be allowed to pass out. iv) The RRB reserves the right to check up the contents of the materials already delivered and loaded in vehicles etc. before it actually leaves the site and no claim from the purchaser for detention of vehicles etc. will be entertained by the RRB on this account. 39.0 In case the materials are to be collected by the Purchaser in trucks and no weighment facility is available inside Railway premises, the weighment of materials should be made at those places nominated by the Railway Administration and if any charges are to be paid for such weighment, the same shall be borne by the Purchaser. The loaded truck should be escorted to the weighbridge by the representative of the RPF, stockholder and stock verifier/ISA and the correct weight should be recorded duly safeguarding interest of Railway Administration in all respects. 40.0 The security deposit shall be forfeited by RRB as liquidated damages, if the Purchaser without sufficient causes fails to deposit the price of materials within the period specified in the Sale Contract. The contract is liable to be cancelled at the risk and cost of the purchaser without any further reference to him and material will be disposed off by the RRB in such a manner as deemed fit including disposal through Public Auction. The difference between the price fetched on such resale and the price of original sale contract shall be recovered from the Purchaser. This would be in addition to make good any other losses sustained by Railway administration, due to the breach of contract. 41.0 The material will remain Railway property until all the conditions of sale are fulfilled. The mere payment of the purchase price does not constitute completion of sale. Material will become the property of the purchaser only after the sale has been completed in all respects. The RRB shall not in any circumstances whatsoever, be liable for any theft or misappropriation or loss by deterioration/fire/any other cause which may occur after all the formalities of the sale are completed. 42.0 Time is essence of contract & any delay in lifting/deposition of sale value by the contractor after intimation given by Railway/RRB through registered post will liable the purchaser to pay ground rent @ Rs. 5000/- per day till the date of delivery.
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 8
Name of the Work: Work: Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
ISSUED TO: - M/s ......................................................................................................................................................
ADDRESS:- .................................................................................................................................
PRICE OF TENDER DOCUMENT: RS. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only). DATE OF TENDER OPENING: 02.01.2012 at 15.30 hrs. MONEY RECEIPT No ..........................................
Date .....................................
DEPOSITED WITH: .................................................................................................................................
Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
Name of the work: Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
Brief Description of Work
Approximate value of works in Rs. (Including running cost )
Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
Rs. 7,43,380/-
Earnest Money Rs.
Cost of Tender Document
Notes:Notes:1. Tender with contractor's conditions is liable to be rejected. 2. The period of contract is 12 (Twelve) months (1 year) from the date of issue of acceptance letter, or till delivery of material whichever is earlier. 3. Tenderer has to sign all the pages. 4. Quantities provided in the tender are likely to vary by 25%. 5. The rates mentioned in tender form is for all lead and lifts of materials with purchaser/contractor’s labour only. 6. Sales tax, income tax and any other taxes leviable under statutory provisions as applicable at the time of delivery shall be paid by the purchaser.
Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
TENDERER FORM To The President of India, Acting through the “Chairman” Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur (C.G) Pin 495004 Name of work: Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur. 1.
I/We............................................................ have read various conditions to tender attached here to and hereby agree to abide by the said conditions. I/We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for opening the same and in default there of I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/ our “Earnest Money Deposit”. I/we offer to do the work as per attached Rate sheet and hereby bind myself/ourselves to complete the work as per the condition of the contract.
I/We also hereby agree to abide by the General Conditions of Contract of SER and laid down conditions in this tender.
A sum of Rs. ………….. (Rupees…………………………………………) is herewith remitted as Earnest Money vide …………………………………………………………………… (detailed to be filled by tenderer).
The full value of the earnest money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other rights or remedies if:, a)
I/We do not commence the work within ten days after receipt of order to the effect.
I/We do not execute the Contract document within 07 (Seven) days after receipt of notice issued by the Railway that such documents are ready.
It shall be understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of stipulation on his part and that after submitting his Tender he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions there of in a manner not acceptable to the administration, should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the said stipulation the aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to the Railways.
Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer of this work.
Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
The tender form/documents must be enclosed/kept in sealed cover, subscribing thereon the name of the work, as mentioned in the tender notice and Tender Notice No. and deposited/ dropped in the Tender Box provided in the office of the RRB/BSP as mentioned in the tender notice, not later than the time and date mentioned in the tender notice. The tenders will be opened at the stipulated time in the presence of such of those tenderer(s) or their authorized representatives who may choose to be present. Tenders which are received after the date and time specified will not be considered.
Tenders containing, overwriting, additions, alterations, erasures, obliteration and other defects are liable to be rejected. All corrections made by the tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) should be properly attested by the tenderer/contractor.
Tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) must not quote any special conditions in their offer, violating which the offer is liable to be rejected.
The tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) shall sign every page of the tender document and submit the same intact.
The tenderer(s)/contractor(s) should quote their rates in figures and in words. Wherever there is a difference between the rates quoted in figures and in words, the rates quoted in words will be considered as correct and taken for the tender evaluation.
The tenderer(s)/Contractor(s) should specifically and fully disclose their respective constitutions and submit attested photocopies of documents like partnership deed, article and memorandum of Association, Certificate of Incorporation etc if any in support of such disclosures along with tender. If tenderer/contractor is a firm, i.e. partnership business, the names and addresses of all the partners should be stated whether the same is registered under the Indian Partnership Act. The Railway Administration/RRB shall always have the liberty to demand the production of the original of the said documents and also to make such further requisitions regarding the constitutions of the tenderer(s)/contractor(s) as may be considered necessary.
The earnest money shall be accepted in any of the following forms :-
In cash, deposited with Divisional Cashier, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur or Raipur or Nagpur. The deposit receipt issued by the Divisional Cashier to be attached, in original with the tender.
Deposit receipt, Demand Draft, FDR on State Bank of India or any other Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of FA&CAO/SECR/Bilaspur duly indicating reference of the tender no. and due date.
Deposit receipt executed by the scheduled Banks (other than the State Bank of India and Nationalized Banks) approved by the Reserve Banks of India for this purpose. The Railways will not however accept deposit receipt without getting the writing concurrence of Reserve Bank of India. Tenders not accompanied by earnest money conforming to 07 (a) and
07 (b) above will not be considered and no correspondence whatsoever will be entertained on this account.
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 12
It shall be understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of stipulation on his part and that after submitting his Tender he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions there of in a manner not acceptable to the administration, should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the said stipulation the aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to the Railways/RRB.
The earnest money deposited by the successful tenderer will be retained as part of the Security Deposit for due and faithful fulfillment of the contract. The balance to make up the security deposit may be deposited by the tenderer/contractor in cash in the office of the Divisional Cashier, South East Central Railway Bilaspur or may be deposited through Demand Draft/ Deposit receipt/ FDR to be drawn on the State Bank of India or any other nationalized bank in favour of Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur giving reference of Acceptance Letter no. and date.
These instructions to the tenderer shall be deemed to form a part of tender document. Noncompliance with any of the conditions set forth in this tender document is liable to result in the tender being rejected.
S.E. Railway General Condition of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Instructions to the tenderer(s) and stipulation made in the preamble to the various schedules and in the foot notes of schedules and various items of works shall govern the works to be done under this contract. Tenderer shall carefully study the GCC, standard specifications and special conditions of the tender.
Special conditions of contract will take precedence over SER’s General Conditions of Contract. Any note appearing in the schedule of contract will take precedence over the special conditions. Note at the foot of item of work shall take precedence over all other notes, special conditions, SER’s GCC.
All measurement, methods of measurement, meaning and intent of specifications of interpretation of the special conditions of contract given and made by the Railway or by the Accounts – in Charge on behalf of the Railway shall be final and binding and shall be considered as “Excepted matters” in terms of conditions No.63 of SER’s GCC.
Change in Address: Any change in the address of the contractor shall be forthwith intimated in writing to the Railways. The railway will not be responsible for any loss/ inconvenience suffered by the contractor on account of his failure to comply with this.
Accepted Rates: The rates quoted by the tenderer and accepted by the Railway Administration/RRB shall hold good till the completion of the work and no additional individual claim shall be admissible on account of fluctuation in market rates, increase in taxes and any other levies/tolls etc.
Signature of Tender(s) /Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
Excise duty, Sales Tax or any other Tax/Dues: Sales tax, income tax and any other taxes leviable under statutory provisions as applicable at the time of delivery shall be paid by the tenderer/purchaser.
If State Government /local body modify or implement any new rule for tax/duty/ royalty during the tenure of the contract, the same shall be borne in full by the contactor and work should not be allowed to be effected on this account. Any dispute with State Govt. /local body shall be settled by the contractor on his own.
Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
Period of contract:
12 months (1 year) or till delivery of material whichever is earlier.
Disposal of old records, examination related documents, papers etc. after shredding by the contractor and office sweepings of Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur.
Basic rate, per Kg (in Rs.)
Approximate quantity (in Kgs) in 1 year
Percentage above/ below on the basic rate
In figure ………. % above/ below In word (………………...... ……………………………. …………………..……….)
Total Basic price
Rs.7,43,380/- (Rupees seven lacs forty three thousand three
(for one year)
hundred eighty only)
NB: Rate should be quoted only in rate sheet Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
Earnest Money deposited with the Chief Cashier, South East Central Railway, ……………….. (Name of Station) as detailed under: …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….
Earnest Money deposited through Demand Draft/ Deposit receipt/FDR as detailed under. …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….
Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
CONTRACT AGREEMENT No._________________________________________________ Date_____________ ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made this…………………………………………..Day of……………… between the President of India acting through the Railway Recruitment Board hereafter called the “RRB” of the one part and hereinafter called “Contractor” of the other part. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSES that in consideration of the payments to be made to the Railways, the contractors will duly performs the said work in the said schedule set forth and shall execute the same with great promptness, care and accuracy in a workman like manner to the satisfaction of the Railway and will complete the same accordance with said specification and said drawing and said conditions of contract on or before the …………………………..day of ……………… and will maintain the said work for a period of ………………… Calendar Months from the certified date of their completion and will observe, fulfill and keep all the conditions therein mentioned (which shall be demand and taken to be Part of this contract as if the same has been fully set forth herein ). The contractor and the Railway both hereby agree that if the contractor shall duly perform the said work on the final completion there of the amount due in respect thereof at the rates specified in the schedule here to annexed . Signature…………………………...……. Contractor……………………………….. Address..………………………………… Date ……………………………
Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur (for president of India) Signature……………………………..…. Witness………………………………….. Address ………………………………….. Date ……………………………...
Instruction for downloading of tender documents from Internet & its submission 1.
The tender documents for this work can be obtained from the internet at Railway Recruitment Board, Bilaspur’s Website www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in and the offers can be given on the same subject to the conditions given below which will be carefully studied by the intending tenderer (s) and offers submitted accordingly.
The tender documents shall be carefully downloaded from the website mentioned above and the same shall be printed carefully and arranged as per the index. The tender documents so downloaded shall be complete in all respects, which shall be the sole responsibility of the tenderer (s), and the Railway shall not be liable for any mistake/loss or corruption of data in downloading and/or printing. The end of tender documents has been marked in bold letters as “END OF TENDER DOCUMENTS” on separate page in the uploaded document, which may be checked while downloading the tender document to ensure that the complete tender documents have been downloaded. The tenderer(s) must also compare the document as printed with the document as uploaded on the website. The tenderer(s) shall sign the undertaking given below in para 10 failing which the offer given by him/them shall be summarily rejected.
A master copy of the document downloaded from the website mentioned above shall be kept in the office of the tender inviting authority. In case of any discrepancy between the tender document downloaded from the website and master copy, the later shall be prevail and shall be binding on tenderer(s). The offer received shall be deemed to have been submitted on the document as uploaded and appearing in the website mentioned above whose master copy is kept in the office of tender inviting authority.
The tenderer (s) shall print the document on good quality, white A4 size paper on any good quality printer, preferably laser or DeskJet or inkjet type printer.
The cost of tender document as mentioned in the notice inviting tender shall be enclosed with the offer as a separate bank draft in the name of “FA&CAO, S.E.C.Railway, Bilaspur” or original money receipt deposited with Divisional cashier, Bilaspur, Raipur, Nagpur or the Station Master of any station over S.E.C.Railway for the requisite amount as cost of tender document. The cost of tender document shall not be clubbed with the earnest money deposit. The tender(s) submitted without the requisite cost of tender documents in appropriate form shall not be considered.
The tender(s) shall be filled up after careful study of the documents and the site and any clarification required may be obtained from the tender inviting authority whose address is given in the tender documents.
The tenderer (s) downloading the documents from internet must keep themselves updated through the website from which the tender document is downloaded regarding corrigenda, if any, to the notice inviting tender or the tender or the tender documents, which shall be uploaded in the same website and also published in newspaper. The offer received without such corrigenda published shall be liable to be rejected.
Any willful changes / deletion / addition in printing carried out in the tender documents shall be viewed very seriously, whether detected at the time of opening/award of tender or after award of work and the same may result in penal action including banning of further business with defaulting tenderer (s). In addition, the tenderer (s) are liable to be prosecuted for the same as per law.
The tenderer (s) or his authorized representative shall sign in original on each page of the downloaded tender document. The following declaration should be given by the tenderer (s) while submitting the tender.
Signature of Tender(s) Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India 18
Declaration I/We have downloaded the tender form from the Internet site and I/We have not tampered/modified the tender documents in any manner. In case the same is found tampered/modified, I/We understand that my/our offer shall be summarily rejected and I/We are liable to be banned from doing business with the Railways and/or prosecuted as per laws.
I/We are submitting a demand draft No._________________, dated _________________ issued by _________________ or original money receipt No._________________ dated ____________ deposited with _________________ station for Rs. _________________ towards the cost of tender document.
Signature of Tenderer
Dated: Address
Signature of Tender(s)/ Contractor (s)
Secretary, For Chairman, RRB/Bilaspur For and on Behalf of President of India
End of Tender Document 19