Distance Education Prospectus 2011-12 - Jiwaji University

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Page 1-17 ... Note – Last date of submission of Application Form (without Late Fees) is – 15 October .... :i esa fo'oHkj esa lEeku izkIr gqvk gSA lsVsykbV dE; qfuds'ku tSls ..... P.G.D.C.A. 3. Jai Hind Bismil College, Ambah,. Morena. Morena. U.G.
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Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) School of Studies in Distance Education Admission Notice – 2011-12 Phone No. – 0751- 2442868 (Director), 2442630 (Deputy Director), 2442869 (Office)

Application in the prescribed profarrma is invited for the admission in the following courses offered through Distance Mode from eligible candidate. Application form may be obtained on payment of Rs. 200/- by hand and Rs. 250/- by post by sending bank draft in favour of “Registrar, Jiwaji University, Gwalior”. For getting forms by post send self addressed envelope to, Director, SOS in Distance Education, Distance Education Building, University Campus, Gwalior – 474011. The application form may be down loaded from Jiwaji University website: wwwjiwaji.edu. 1. Graduate Course – B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Lib.I.Sc., B.J.M.C., 2. Post Graduate Course – i. M.A. – Economics, History, Sociology, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Political Science, Public Administration, Geography, Drawing & Painting and Social Work ii. M.Lib.I.Sc., M.J.M.C., M.B.A. (CSMM), M.B.A. (RTM) etc. iii. M.B.A. General (Three Year) 3. PG Diplomas – Psychological Counselling, Computer Application, Human Resource Development, Yoga Education. Note – Last date of submission of Application Form (without Late Fees) is – 15 October 2011 and 30 October 2011 with Rs.200/-and 30 Nov 2011 with Rs. 500/- late fees. The fee may be deposited by the Bank Challan in the Central Bank of India in any branch of M.P.


thokth fo”ofo|ky; Xokfy;j ¼e-iz-½ nwjLFk f”k{k.k v/;;u”kkyk izo”s k lwpuk

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nwjLFk f”k{k.k v/;;u”kkyk School of Studies in Distance Education

izo”s k vkosnu i= ,ao lwpuk foojf.kdk Application form & Information Bulletin

o"kZ 2011&12 Contact Address: Director, School of Studies in Distance Education Doorasth Shikshan Bhawan, University Campus Gwalior

lEidZ irk%& funs”kd nwjLFk v/;;u”kkyk] nwjLFk f”k{k.k Hkou] thokth fo”ofo|ky; ifjlj] Xokfy;j ¼e-iz-½ Qksu u- ¼0751½ 2442863 ¼dk;Zy;½¼0751½ 2442868¼funs”kd½ mifuns”kd 2442630

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Jiwaji University Gwalior (M.P) School of studies In Distance Education

nwjLFk f”k{k.k v/;;u”kkyk thokth fo”ofo|ky;] Xokfy;j 1. Hon.ble Vice Chancellor


Prof. M. Kidwai

2. Registar


Prof. Anand Mishra

3. Director


Prof. Umesh Holani

4.Dy Director


Prof. A.K Sharma

5. Phone


(0751) 2442868 (Director) 2442630 (Dy. Director) 2442869 (Office) 2442615 (Counselor)

Index:1. About Distance Education Mode 2. An Introduction of S.O.S 3. Courses Conducted and Details of Fee 4. Admission Process And Rules 5. Enrollment of Students 6. Teaching / Contact Programme 7. Study /Learning Material 8. Assignment work/ Project Work 9. Study/ Examination Centers 10.Examination and Results 11.Important News and Information 12.Syllabus of the couses conducted

Page 4-17

izks- etkfgj fdnobZ ekuuh; dqyifr thokth fo”ofo|ky;]

dqyifr egksn; dh dye ls--------------------fdlh Hkh ns”k ds lkekftd mRFkku ds fy, ‘kS{kf.kd iz;kl vfr egRoiw.kZ gSa D;ksafd f’k{kk ds fcuk Kku] dkS’ky ,ao O;ogkj esa ikjaxr gksuk vlEHko gSA nwjLFk f’k{kk dk lkekU; mn~ns’; ftKklq ,ao f’k{kd ds e/; og lapkj gS tks le; ,ao lhek ds ca/ku ls eqDr gksA nwjLFk f’k{k.k ds ek/;e ls jk"Vªh; ,ao vUrjk"Vªh; Lrj ij Nk=@Nk=kvksa dks f’k{kk ds leku volj miyC/k djk;s tk jgs gSA nwjLFk f’k{kk esa ikB~; lekxzh dh ,d vR;Ur egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk gksrh gSA orZeku esa lwpuk rduhfd fodkl ds dkj.k jsfM;ks] VsyhQksu] bUVjusV ,ao vU; nwjlapkj ek/;eksa us bl {ks= ds foLrkj esa vesY; ;ksxnku fn;k gS] ftlds dkj.k bls tufiz; f’k{k.k iz.kkyh ds :i esa fo’oHkj esa lEeku izkIr gqvk gSA lsVsykbV dE;qfuds’ku tSls uok/kqfud ra= Hkh bl f’k{k.k iz.kkyh esa vR;Ur egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk jgsa gSA ;gh dkj.k gS fd fo’oHkj esa nwjLFk f’k{k.k }kjk mPp f’k{kk ds fodkl ,oa izlkj esa fur u;s lksiku r; fd, tk jgsa gSA thokth fo’ofo|ky; }kjk o"kZ 1994 esa LFkkfir nwjLFk f’k{k.k v/;;u’kkyk] nwjLFk f’k{kk ifj"kn~ ubZ fnYyh ls le;≤ ij izkIr fd, x, foRrh; vuqnku ds lg;ksx ls fujUrj izxfr ds iFk ij vxzlj gSA orZeku es ;g foHkkx fofHkUu ladk;ksa ds vUrxZr 27 ikB~;dze lapkfyr dj jgk gSA ftlesa Lukrd]LukrdksRrj ,ao O;kolkf;d ikB~;dze lfEefyr gSA eSa bl v/;;u’kkyk ds mTtoy Hkfo"; dh dkeuk djrk gwaA ¼izks- etkfgj fdnobZ½

Page 5-17

1. ABOUT DISTANCE EDUCATION MODE :Higher education in India has always been charecterized by frequent changes. In its early years, the system was made up of small, private colleges for the well to do. Over time, publicsupported universities arose to provide education to all economic groups. The need for higher education continues to grow with the expanding population of the India, and change in structure is inherent with this growth. Distance education, a developing educational delivery system, is an alternative to traditional classroom teaching. Distance education is intended primarily to meet the educational needs of students prevented by work or family obligations from attending classes at traditional campus locations or class times. The distance students prefer to control the pace of their learning and prefer independent study. They also have less need for structured learning experiences and interaction with the professor or other students. A number of studies have been conducted addressing the challenges that arise from distance delivery. Teaching courses at a distance requires considerable adjustments be made by both the instructor and the distance students. Both the instructor and the students must adjust teaching styles to fit the requirements of distance delivery, while technology adds new challenges that require adoptations. The Distance Education has not only challenged the traditional form of higher learning but also served as a movement to overcome generic problems of scarcity and exclusivity of traditional universities. The challenge before the open and distance learning system is not on how to be an alternative system but to make a definite contribution to the development of knowledge-based human resourses rather than simply being a mechanism to expand the existing educational system.

MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide the higher education needed to those who are unable to join the regular education programmes in the University and to make use of education empowering youngsters especially of rural and remote areas for a proactive and meaningful participation in all decision making and development activities of society and the nation.

OBJECTIVES To provide quality education opportunity to youngsters living in rural and remote areas in order to prepare them for a constructive role in the knowledge based society. To equip them in skill that is demanded by a market driven society. To provide an opportunity for professionals to enhance their academic qualifications

Page 6-17 Main objectives of Distance Mode Education Programmes are: (A)

To provide quality educational opportunity to youngsters in rural area in order to prepare them for a constructive role in the knowledge society.


To equip youngsters in rural area in sklls, which are in demand by a market driven society


To develop awareness to continue education among those who discontinue their education after 10+2 because of their poor economic condition. If such students are encouraged to join distance mode education then they can work to earn money and continue their education.


Those who are in service and cannot attend regular classes are encouraged to join distance mode of education.


To run those Courses which the University is not running.

Teaching and learning at a distance is demanding. However, learning will be more meaningful and “deeper” for distant students, if the students and their instructor share responsibility for developing learning goals and objectives; actively interacting with class members; promoting reflection on experience; relating new information to examples that make sense to learners; maintaining self-esteem; and evaluating what is being learned. This is the challenge and the opportunity provided by distance education.

nwjLFk f”k{kk ,d ifjn`”; Hkkjr esa mPp f”k{kk lnSo ls ifjorZu”khy jgh gSA izkjafHkd o"kksZa esa mPp f”k{kk dh izfØ;k Lok/;k;h ,oa NksVs egkfo|ky;ksa ds :i esa izkjEHk gqbZA dkykUrj esa ljdkjh fo”ofo|ky; lHkh vkfFkZd lewgksa dks f”k{kk iznku djus ds fy, “kq: fd, x,A Hkkjr dh c