distracted drivers board game - TeenDrive365

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like for your group to design a teen driver education board game that teaches teenagers and ... on the 2008 National Occ


DIRECTIONS: You are part of a team of game designers that has been approached by FunTime Games, Inc. They would like for your group to design a teen driver education board game that teaches teenagers and preteens (ages 12-15) about the dangers of driving while distracted. Use the criteria below to create an original board game or interactive computer game if the technology is available. REQUIREMENTS: •

You must have a way for players to advance their pieces (e.g., dice, spinner, drawing cards, etc.)

You must determine how a player wins the game (e.g., accumulation of points, reaching a specific spot on the board first, etc.)

Your game must introduce good driving decisions and reward players for driver safety (e.g., players could draw a card that says, “Driving conditions are poor due to rain. You decide to reduce your speed. Advance 2 spaces.”)

Your game must introduce poor driver safety and penalize players for it (e.g., players could draw a card that says, “You can’t find your glasses but decide to drive anyway. Lose a turn.”)


Begin by brainstorming a list of topics around teen driver education, specifically good and poor decisions that affect driver safety.

Determine the set-up for your game. How do players advance? How are they introduced to good and poor driving decisions around driver safety?

Write out the directions for your game.

Create your board/playing area.

Create your player pieces.

Decide on a name for your game.

Play a round of your game to determine if it “works” and then revise or modify it to fix any problems you encounter.

NOTE TO EDUCATOR: When students are done, have them trade games with other teams/classmates in order to play one another’s games.

(cont. on page 2)

Do not conduct any activity without adult supervision. This content is provided for informational purposes only. Discovery Education and Toyota assume no liability for your use of the information. Published by Discovery Education. © 2015. All rights reserved.



U.S. Department of Transportation

Official U.S. Government Website for Distracted Driving

• Put It Down Campaign •

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Statistics and Facts about Distracted Driving. Based on the 2008 National Occupant Protection Use Survey [online]. [Cited 2008 June 2–22]. Available from URL: http://www.distraction.gov/stats-and-facts/#what

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. 2009 Traffic Safety Culture Index. [Cited 2009 July]. Available from URL: http://www.aaafoundation.org/pdf/2009TSCIndexFinalReport.pdf

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Policy Statement and Compiled Facts on Distracted Driving. [Online]. Available from URL: http://nhtsa.gov/

2 Do not conduct any activity without adult supervision. This content is provided for informational purposes only. Discovery Education and Toyota assume no liability for your use of the information. Published by Discovery Education. © 2015. All rights reserved.