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VIII Semester B.E. (CSE/ISE) Degree Examination, June/July 2015 (Y2K11 Scheme) CI 82 : DISTRIBUTED OPERATING SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer any five full questions selecting at least two from each part. PART – A 1. a) Describe the design approaches of an operating system in detail. b) Explain RPC with its semantics. 2. a) Explain briefly how the messages are causally ordered in Birman-SchipperStephenson protocol.

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b) Describe the Huang’s termination detection algorithm with the proof of correctness.


3. a) Discuss how Mackawa’s algorithm differs from other algorithms and what problem it poses.


b) Explain Suzuki-Kasami’s broadcast algorithm for distributed mutual exclusion. 10 4. a) Explain Chandy-Misra-Haa’s edge chasing algorithm with an example. b) Explain the Dolev et al. algorithm for reaching Byzantine Agreement.

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PART – B 5. a) Discuss symmetrically initiated algorithms with its merits and demerits. b) Explain the load sharing policies in V-system and sprite. 6. a) Briefly explain the static voting (Gifford) Protocol with an example. b) Explain briefly the majority based dynamic voting protocol with an example. 7. a) What is a data base operating system ? Explain the requirements of a database operating system in detail.

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b) Discuss the access matrix model and its implementation. How do you ensure safety in access matrix model ? 10 8. a) Explain conservative Time stamp ordering algorithm in detail.


b) Discuss the Kung-Robinson algorithm for concurrency control for optimization. 10 _______________________