Distribution and faunal associations of benthic ... - Geoscience

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Distribution and faunal associations of benthic invertebrates at Lake Turkana, Kenya. Andrew S. ... derived in volcanic-rift related terrains whereas the west side ...

Hydrobiologia 141 : 1 7 9 -197 (1986) © Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht - Printed in the Netherlands

Distribution and faunal associations of benthic invertebrates at Lake Turkana, Kenya Andrew S. Cohen Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ 85721, USA

Keywords : Lake Turkana, benthic, invertebrates, Africa, ostracods

Abstract The benthic environment and fauna of Lake Turkana were studied during 1978-1979 to determine distribution patterns and associations of benthic invertebrates . Lake Turkana is a large, closed-basin, alkaline lake, located in northern Kenya . Detailed environmental information is currently only available for substrate variations throughout Lake Turkana . Water chemistry and other data are currently inadequate to evaluate their effects on the distribution of Lake Turkana benthic invertebrates . Three weak faunal-substrate associations were discovered at Turkana . A littoral, soft bottom association (large standing crop) is dominated by the corixid Micronecta sp. and the ostracod Hemicypris kliei. A littoral, rocky bottom association, also with a large standing crop, is dominated by various gastropods and insects . A profundal, muddy bottom association, with a very small standing crop, is dominated by the ostracods Hemicypris intermedia and Sclerocypris cf. clavularis and several gastropod and chironomid species .


Location and water chemistry

Studies of the benthos of lakes contribute important data towards our comprehension of the lacustrine ecosystem . For a wide variety of reasons such work has lagged behind the study of the planktonic and nektonic elements of most lakes . Sampling difficulties and lack of standardized methods and presentation of results are only a few of the factors working to limit advances in our knowledge of lacustrine benthic organisms . Not surprisingly therefore, the study of the lacustrine benthos in E . Africa, where even planktonic ecology is poorly understood, can only be described as rudimentary. In this report I present preliminary results describing the benthos of Lake Turkana, Kenya . This study provides an initial understanding of the distributional ecology of the Lake's invertebrate fauna, as well as data on abiotic factors influencing the observed distribution patterns .

Lake Turkana, the largest lake in the Gregory (Eastern) Rift Valley of E. Africa, lies in the semiarid-arid northernmost part of Kenya (Fig . 1) . Because of its remote location, it has been the least studied of the African Great Lakes . Catchment drainages on the east side of the lake are primarily derived in volcanic-rift related terrains whereas the west side of the lake drains a mixture of volcanic and Precambrian metamorphic terrains . The lake is a closed basin with one major perennial influent, the Omo River, two semiperennial streams, the Kerio and Turkwell, and numerous seasonal and flash flood streams (Fig . 2) . Like most other lakes in the Eastern Rift, Lake Turkana is moderately alkaline and saline, of the sodium chloride/sodium bicarbonate variety (Table 1) . Alkalinity varied between 17-20 .64 meq . I -1 total CO3 2 + HCO3 within the lake proper during the study period, with some-



Koobi Fore

Allia Bay



Jarigole K m.

3 ° 30'N . -

Moiti Eliye Spgs : -~Lolebe Turkwell River

N. Sandy Bay S . Sandy Bay


Fig. 1. Location map of Lake Turkana, Kenya . Rift Valley shown by hatchured lines . From Cohen (1984) .

what higher values occurring mostly in marginal embayments and the north basin of the lake and lower values in the southern basin . Alkalinity of the Omo Delta region water during flood stage was considerably more dilute (mean 7 .63 meq .1 ). pH for the same intervals and localities registered 8 .6-9 .5 (main lake) and 7 .7 (Omo Delta) . Additional details of dissolved gas concentrations, alkalinity and water chemistry are given in Yuretich (1976, 1979), Hopson (1982) and Cohen (1982, 1984). Outside of some marginal embayments Lake Turkana is unstratified with respect to dissolved oxygen and temperature. Weak daily stratification cycles develop at midday and breakdown each night . The water column is usually supersaturated with respect to oxygen, even at depths greater than 60 meters, due to strong wind activity . Even near the maximum depths of the lake, TDO averages 60-80% saturation . Water temperatures at maximum depths fluctuated between 24-26 .5 °C during the study interval . Surface temperatures fluctuated -1

Fig. 2. Bathymetric contour map for Lake Turkana . Contour interval is 20 m . Adapted from data from Hopson (1975) . Note that the place name Loyangalani, in the SE part of the map area appears on other maps in this paper under an older, alternative spelling Loiengalani. From Cohen (1984) .

between 23-32'C depending on time of day and location . Lake Turkana water exhibits high organic and inorganic turbidity on both a seasonal and continuous basis, such that macrophyte growth is restricted to less than one meter water depth in the extreme north . In parts of the sediment starved Southern Basin this depth increases to over four meters (see Hopson, 1982 and Cohen, 1982 for details) .

Previous work Interest in the benthic fauna of L. Turkana dates from the Cambridge University Expedition to the

1 81 Table 1 . Water chemistry determinations for Lake Turkana, 1931 - 1979 . Turkana is a sodium carbonate-bicarbonate lake, typical of the Eastern Rift Lakes of Africa . Values in mg/1, except alkalinity (meq/1), P0 4 (µg/1), conductivity-k 20 (µmho/cm) and pH . From Cohen (1984) . Author (date of study/Ref. date) Beadle (1931/1932) Beadle (1931/1932) Fish (1953/1954) Fish (1954/unpub) Tailing and Talling (1961/1965) Yuretich (1973 - 1974/1976) Cerling (1975/1977) This study (1978/1979/-)







23 .0

5 .0

9 .5 9 .7



5 .8


Alk .

4 .0

21 .7


19 .4


21 .6


429 .0


P0 4

Total P

56 -



57 .6


Si0 2


4 .2


5 .0







23 .0 810 9 .2


9 .2


8 .6-9 .3 (9 .1)



5 .7

3 .0

24 .5




(18 .2)

(3 .8)

(2 .3)

(19 .0)





(18 .5)


4 .6

2 .4

22 .2




22 .2


16 .1-21 .8 (19 .5)

East African Lakes in the early 1930s . Work at Turkana was limited by severe logistical difficulties of the day, and was primarily taxonomic in nature . Fish and plankton studies (Beadle, 1932 ; Worthington, 1932 ; Worthington & Ricardo, 1936) comprise the bulk of the work published from this research . Some ostracod descriptions from collections made by this expedition were published by Lowndes (1936) . Arambourg's 1932-1933 expedition to Turkana followed, from which Roger (1944) described 17 species of molluscs from the lake . It is clear however, that these were actually shell collections from on shore, representing reworked Holocene fossils and not living populations. Lindroth visited Lake Turkana briefly in 1948 as part of a study of the taxonomy and biogeography of East Africa freshwater ostracods (1953) . He made a number of dip-net collections in and around Ferguson's Gulf, but took no dredge or bottom samples . Butzer (1971), in a major study of the Omo River Delta, described sedimentological and vegetational regimes of the near lake and prodeltaic regions around the river mouth . In addition, his climatic studies have been important in deciphering the cause and response correlations between short-term lake level fluctuations and climatic changes .

36 .7


18 -


8 .6


Severe famine in northern Kenya lead the British Government in the 1960s to institute the Lake Rudolf Fisheries Research Project (LRFRP), in an effort to alleviate food shortages by introducing fishing into the local (previously pastoral) economy. In addition to stimulating the first in-depth study of the biology of the L . Turkana fish populations, a considerable effort was expended in studying the benthos, as part of a routine limnological survey of the lake . Accurate depth soundings by the LRFRP led to the first good bathymetric map of the lake (Hopson, 1975) (Fig . 2) . Lake Turkana is divided into two distinct bathymetric basins (North and South) with a maximum (South Basin) depth of approximately 115 m . Valuable studies of primary and secondary productivity in various lake environments (Ferguson, 1975), identified constraints on any future estimates of energy flow into the detritivore food chain . Detailed results of the LRFRP are presented in Hopson (1982) . In connection with the LRFRP, Yuretich (1976) conducted a sedimentological study of the lake . Among his results were several of significance for the present study, including a) the low organic carbon content of Turkana deep water sediments, b) relatively high profundal sediment accumulation rates (up to 1 mm • a - '), and c) description and

1 82 mapping of numerous textural and mineralogical features of the lake's deep water substrates, particularly for areas not visited by the present author.

Methods Faunal and sediment samples were collected at 331 stations throughout the lake during July-September 1978 and July-November 1979 (Fig. 3). Samples were taken using a modified Ekman Dredge with a collecting area of 225 cm 2 and a maximum sediment penetration of 50 cm . Details of sampling methods are given in Cohen (1984) . No systematic variations were observed between samples collected at differing times of day and it can be safely assumed that beneath the photic zone (which in Turkana is always less than 10 m near-



3'30' N . -

shore), diurnal variations in the shelly benthos of this lake are insignificant . However, diurnal vertical migrations of dipteran larvae, known to occur in other East African lakes (Burgis et al., 1973) presented an intractable problem beyond the scope of this study. At some shallow water stations, shingle or heavily vegetated bottoms prevented the proper operation of the dredge and qualitative samples were collected by hand . Sampling in certain shallow water embayments was also inhibited by the considerable population of Crocodylus niloticus, whose cooccurrence with ecologists is often incompatible . Immediately upon collection, a 50 gm (approx .) surface sediment sample was removed for later study, and then the remaining sample was sieved using a U.S . sieve size #120 (125 micron) Nalgene sieve. This sieve size was small enough to retain most ostracod instars, in addition to most other microinvertebrates . When the dredge sample was undisturbed, epifauna was isolated from infauna prior to sieving. Occasionally subsurface 02 measurements were also made on these undisturbed sediments prior to sieving . Faunal samples were immediately preserved in 50% ethanol or pH 9 buffered formalin . Only live dipteran larvae and molluscs were counted . Both living ostracods and whole, but empty carapaces were examined . Rose Bengal has proven inconclusive as an indicator of soft tissues present in very small amounts in ostracod carapaces (K . Brassil, 1979, oral commun .) and this method for recognizing recently dead specimens was not used. Empty whole ostracod carapaces were examined to indicate species proportions of adults where live populations were extremely low . Such estimates may be partially biased by variations in hinge complexity between different ostracod species . The significance of such proportions and their relationship to live faunal assemblage proportions will be discussed below.

Benthic fauna of Lake Turkana - an introduction

Fig. 3. Benthos sampling station localities ; 331 stations are recorded from 1978 and 1979 surveys (from Cohen, 1984) .

Lake Turkana has a depauperate benthos, in comparison with most permanent lakes of its size . The appendix lists the taxa recovered to date based on this and other studies . These include ; I sponge species, I bryozoan species, 8 gastropod species, 3

1 83 bivalve species, 17 ostracod species, 23 + insect species and several hydracarines and annelids (totals from both the lake proper and the Omo Delta) . Of these, only a small number are found regularly enough to be discussed further in this report . The list clearly suggests a species dominance of ostracods among the benthic fauna . Unlike the insects (aside from chironomid larvae) they occur frequently outside of vegetated littoral areas, and are usually more abundant than molluscs or chironomids in terms of both population size and diversity in both littoral and profundal regions . Therefore, most of this discussion will center on the ostracod fauna, with mention of other taxa only where appropriate. Adequate data to assess the relationship between local water chemistry, seasonal or temperature variations and benthic faunal distribution patterns do not currently exist. Substrate data however, suggest that three broad faunal-substrate associations occur in the Lake Turkana benthos : 1) A littoral, soft bottom association. 2) A littoral, rocky bottom, and aufwuchs (encrusting) association . 3) A profundal (sensu Hutchinson, 1967), soft bottom association . There is considerable overlap between taxa of these three associations . In optimal areas for each habitat type, the associations are variable in terms of population dominance, with typical species sometimes absent from what might seem ideal localities . Population densities and zoobenthic biomass data for all associations are given elsewhere (Cohen, 1984) . Each association will be briefly summarized below. The term association is used in preference to community, because the results presented in this paper are principally distributional in nature ; preliminary data on feeding biology, competition, predation, etc., are at best circumstantial . Thus, to use the term `community', would be misleading, given the current status of knowledge of the Lake Turkana benthos . The littoral, soft bottom association

The littoral zone of Lake Turkana is extremely heterogeneous in terms of substrate texture and composition, sediment accumulation rate, water chemistry (due to varying degrees of evapotranspiration, photosynthetic activity, surficial and

groundwater discharge) and vegetation . The areal extent of this zone is limited by high turbidity to embayments and nearshore regions along open coastlines . Rare marshlands occur in the Omo Delta, the Kerio Turkwell Delta and in S . Central Alia Bay, all areas of surface or groundwater discharge . Silty mud substrates occur in most protected embayments on the West shore, as well as sporadically on the East shore, north of Alia Bay . Sands and sandy silt substrates (predominately composed of quartz and volcanic rock fragments) occur in lengthy segments along the Northwest shore, and sporadically elsewhere. Details of nearshore environments are given in Cohen (1982) and Cohen et al . (1986) . Insects, particularly corixid and naucorid water bugs, and the ubiquitous ostracod Hemicypris kliei are -the most common faunal elements of this association . In extremely shallow lagoonal areas, the corixid Micronecta sp . and Hemicypris kliei are usually the only macrofauna present, apparently grazing on algal mats, often in great numbers . In slightly greater depths (greater than 0 .5 m), the ostracods Ilyocypris gibba, Potamocypris worthingtoni (juveniles), Cyprideis torosa and an unidentified naucorid beetle may be found . Several species of swimming beetles (listed in the appendix) are also associated with vegetated soft bottoms . Faunal densities and diversities in littoral soft bottom habitats are highest in areas of discontinuous vegetation . They drop off slightly in areas of continuous Cyperus and 7ypha, and almost completely on coarser, sandy bottoms . Pulmonates, which might be expected in marshy or vegetated bottom habitats are conspicuously absent, except in the Omo Delta, where the large snail Pila wernei occurs . The littoral, rocky bottom association

Rocky littoral environments occur primarily in the southern part of the lake, where volcanotectonic activity has been most intense during the Holocene. Mixed rocky gravel and shingle substrates are common along the southeast shoreline and on the volcanic islands in the center of the lake . Extensive continuous cliffs occur in the southernmost regions of Lake Turkana . They are also found more sporadically around Kokoi, between Jarigole and Moiti and between Porr and El Molo Bay on

184 a

M a O U U








w w ' W


E x

0 0



Shingle-Hard Bottom

Gravel-Gravelly Sand

Medium-Coarse Sand

Fine-Silty Sand 19

Silt-Silty Clay 7




Thixotropic Inorganic Silty Clay



v W E .y










a 0 U


Shingle-Hard Bottom




Fine-Silty Sand

Silt-Silty Clay











c W 4,

0 E m

E 0 c9

O .5

y W Z

a 0

t0 E







W 0


















Pal a T 0

Shingle-Hard Bottom

Gravel-Gravelly Sand 4

Medium-Coarse Sand

Fine-Silty Sand 26

Silt-Silty Clay






Inorganic Silty Clay




Fig. 4. Faunal substrate relationships . Common benthic invertebrate taxa are figured in relation to 7 important substrate textures . Bar widths and percentages to the left of the bar indicate the frequency (presence vs . absence only) at which the given species occurred in the samples from that textural class . Most ostracod species occur frequently on a wide variety of substrates, while infaunal and aufwuchs insects (see text) are more selective.

the east side of the lake, and near Todenyang on the west side. The littoral, rocky bottom faunal association is dominated by insect larvae and molluscs which graze or forage on the epilithic algae . The insect larvae (several unidentified species of baetid stoneflies and taeniopterygid mayflies) are found primarily in cryptic environments such as crevices and the undersides of rocks, whereas the gastropods (Gabbiella roses, Ceratophallus natalensis and ?Tomichia n . sp .) occur exposed on surface aufwuchs . One, as yet unidentified spongillid sponge and one leech (Placobdella fimbriata) have also been observed on the undersides of boulders near Loiengalani . Ostracods are rare on both vegetated and barren littoral rocky bottoms, except where they border on mud bottoms .

The profundal, muddy bottom association

The profundal zone in Lake Turkana occurs at depths greater than 5 meters throughout the lake, and shallower in the turbid North Basin . With few exceptions sublittoral substrates are silty muds (8-12 phi mean grain size), consisting primarily of clay minerals, quartz, feldspar and calcite and poor in organic carbon (usually less than 1%) . Yuretich (1976, 1979) described systematic variations in profundal substrate mineralogy throughout the lake. Chironomids (4 spp), gastropods (Melanoides tuberculata, Cleopatra bulimoides, Gabbiella roses and ?Gyraulus sp.) and a variety of ostracods in-

habit the profundal zone on soft substrates . All of these taxa are apparently detritivorous in Lake Tur-

1 86 kana, although for some (i .e. Melanoides tuberculata, Darwinula stevensom) this is almost certainly facultative. All of the gastropods and most of the ostracods are stunted and thin shelled relative to their conspecifics in other African lakes, perhaps due Jo Ca 2-1- undersaturation (uncommon littoral gastropods in Turkana are also thin shelled) . Population densities tend to be low (total profundal invertebrate dry weight standing crops range from 10 to 150 mg • m -2), reflecting the general absence of detritus below 20 m (Cohen, 1984) . The proportions of individual taxa in this association are more uniform between localities than for the other two. Faunal-substrate associations

Figure 4 shows the frequency of association for each abundant species with the most common substrate types for the lake. Most ostracod taxa show only weak and irregular associations with a particular substrate, being found instead on a wide variety of bottom types. Aquarium studies of several species of ostracods from Lake Turkana shed some light on this subject . Four species studied in detail to date (Plesiocypridopsis newtoni, Hemicypris intermedia, Darwinula stevensoni, and Sclerocypris cf. clavularis) in my aquarium show one of two consistent locomotion patterns. Crawling is restricted to

firm, usually vegetated surfaces, particularly on macrophyte leaves and stems . Where ostracods occur over soft, unvegetated substrates, they almost perpetually hover over the sediment-water interface (excluding nonswimmers like Darwinula or infrequent swimmers like Ilyocypris), usually between 1-10 cm above the bottom . They will alight on the substrate only occasionally (presumably to grasp a particle of food) and remain on the bottom for only a few seconds . None of the ostracod species examined so far in my aquarium are infaunal, and no live dredge haul specimens have been observed in the substrate, despite numerous searches . I conclude therefore, that most of the Lake Turkana ostracods are epifaunal . (However, related species of Ilyocypris, Darwinula, and Cyprideis are infaunal elsewhere ; R . Forrester, written commun . 1985 ; P. DeDeckker, written commun . 1985.) Thus, their tie to any specific substrate is considerably reduced . Sandy, high energy substrates have almost no os-

tracods associated with them for the simple reasons that; 1) the ostracods cannot remain in position on the bottom for long enough to grasp their food, and 2) most food particles of a size range and quality appropriate for ostracods are winnowed out of areas with strong wave or current activity . On the other hand, where macrophytes have been able to stabilize such areas (usually quite restricted `toeholds') or where logs have been deposited, crawlers like Hemicypris kliei may occur in abundance (even in areas that are otherwise barren of ostracods), having a firm surface to cling to during the near continuous water motion . These abrupt faunal discontinuities do not correlate with significant water chemistry changes, but do suggest that substrate is an important factor for ostracod distribution in this instance. Chironomids which make shallow burrows have, not surprisingly, a closer relationship with substrate texture than is the case with the epifaunal ostracodes. Chironomid sp . A and B tolerate a wide variety of predominately silty and often organic rich substrates at medium depths . The less common, deeper water species C and D, were found exclusively on very fine grained bottoms (either inorganic or organic in the case of C, but only inorganic for D), where they are often found in small (less than 1 cm long), fragile, vertical tubes . The tubes are agglutinated from clay flocs, pellets, and a muccilaginous binder. Like chironomid tubes elsewhere (Pennak, 1978) they are probably used to assist the organism in water filtration . Species A and B occur in silt, and apparently do not construct tubes . The mayfly larva Povilla sp. was found burrowing in the mud at 10 meters depth by the LRFRP, but was not recorded in this study . Corixids are associated with algal mats, which themselves develop on a variety of underlying sedimentary textures . The gastropods Melanoides tuberculata and Cleopatra bulimoides were primarily restricted to soft, mud bottoms of various types, with only an occasional specimen found on coarse substrates . Melanoides tuberculata is a shallow burrower, while Cleopatra bulimoides may be found both inand epifaunally. Gabbiella rosea is found in rocky areas as well as on soft bottoms, but always epifaunally. ?Gyraulus sp. may prefer sandier bottoms, but its rarity makes any generalization dubious at this time . Ceratophallus natalensis was also found only rarely in this study but sampling of the

1 87 rocky south end of the lake and South Island was minimal and A. Hopson (pers . commun ., 1979) informs me that they are very abundant on rocky shorelines of that area .

Geographic distribution of benthic invertebrates The separation of the lake into distinct physiographic basins and water masses inevitably leads to the question of whether faunal `regions' exist, isolated by geography in addition to substrate type. For example, variations in benthic faunas from different parts of lake basins have been observed for Lake Tanganyika (ostracods and gastropodsCohen and Johnston, unpub.), Naivasha (decapods, chironomids-Litterick et al., 1979) and Chad (molluscs, chironomids-Dejoux et al., 1971) . Major environmental variations between parts of each lake (in particular, water chemistry, major substrate changes and vegetation) can usually be called upon to explain these faunal boundaries . In an effort to test this proposition, the distributions of seven common ostracod taxa were plotted on maps of the lake, with contouring expressed as a percentage of the total ostracod fauna counted for each station . The results are shown in Figures 5a-5g . In these maps there is little to suggest any major geographic zonation within the lake as a whole . Two taxa (Sclerocypris cf. clavularis and Hemicypris intermedia) show clearly defined concentric distribution patterns which approximately follow depth contours, simply becoming more abundant (as a percentage) in deeper water (and generally on finer substrates) . Cyprideis torosa, which reaches its maximum percentage abundance at 5-10 meters depth, clearly shows this on the map, but again, both basins of the lake are inhabited by this species . Many of the areas with large numbers of C. torosa are adjacent to regions of significant Na+ and K+ enriched groundwater discharge (for example the regions immediately north and south of Ferguson's Gulf and the area near the Turkwell Delta) . Na -1- concentration and groundwater discharge areas have been found to be important in regulating the distribution of this species elsewhere (Cohen et a l., 1983 ; P. DeDeckker, written common . 1985 ; R . Forrester, oral commun . 1985) .

Hemicypris kliei and Ilyocypris gibba are more restricted in their distributions . Since shallow, vegetated areas are most common in the north (from Loelia north on the west side, and from Alia Bay north, on the east side), their distributions reflect this habitat variance. However, it can be seen that in the few localities in the South Basin (i .e., at Loyangalani Bay) where vegetated habitats do oc-

A Fig. 5. Geographic ranges for selected common ostracod taxa . Percentages refer to 076 of total live ostracod fauna for each sample station (100 individuals counted at each station) . 5a) Hemicypris kliei. 5b) Ilyocypris gibba. 5c) Gomphocythere angulata. 5d) Darwinula stevensoni. 5e) Cyprideis torosa. 5f) Sclerocypris cf . clavularis. 5g) Hemicypris intermedia.

1 88 36E.

/Ilyocypris gibba

5-25% X25% low

cur, both of these species may be fo The distributions of Gomphocyt and stevensoni are more puz are anomalously rare in some parts while common elsewhere on very similar s and no physiographic features correspond to either of these distributions, Many lacustrine ostracod distribution patterns are regulated by groundwater seepage patterns (R . Forrester, written common . 1985), but insufficient data exists at present on local water chemi sibility. JbhunoylvI wo d a number of to were on the w e lake. Specimens recovered from the east were all juveniles .


llusc, Ceratophallus natalenlacobdella JObrAW he only

these taxa north of Central Island, despite many searches on appropriate rocky habitats . These species may be limited by the increasing alkalinity of the North Basin (Hart & Fuller, 1974). Certainly the vagility of the leech Placobdella (which is a temporary parasite of fish) would be adequate to spread it throughout the lake, were its distribution not being regulated by some environmental factor. Tomichia? n, sp. also appears to be restricted to calm water, western inlets, north of Ferguson's Gulf, where it occurs on small cobbles and plants,


although its water chemistry and temperature tolerances are unknown. The remaining molluscan species of the lake proper are all widespread . The Omo Delta-Sanderson's Gulf fauna, indicated by asterisks on the faunal list, is not found elsewhere, but none of these species are truly lacustrine. The reasons for the apparently widespread nature of the Lake Turkana benthos are not difficult to understand . Despite some geographic barriers at shallow depths, the profundal zone provides an easy corridor for passive dispersal of the few, vagile, cosmopolitan, deeper water species which are present . Kornicker and Sohn (1971) have shown that ostracod eggs can be transported alive in the digestive systems of fish . Shallow water populations are more isolated by

habitat barriers. However, La portant migratory water known to be significant dispersal agents for ostracods (Klie, 1939 ; Sandberg, 1964; McKenzie, 1970) . Thus, there is probably a regular transport of shallow water species between all coastal areas of the lake, populations being at least potentially established wherever the habitat is appropriate . There is very little endemism displayed by the Turkana benthic invertebrate fauna. Except for a small number of endemics (eg . Hemicypris kliei) most species of benthic invertebrates in Lake Turkana have widespread geographic ranges beyond the lake, and some of them are truly cosmopolitan on a global scale (i .e., Darwinula stevensoni, Melanoides tuberculata) .

1 90

Ostracod depth ranges Figure 6 illustrates the depth ranges of the 9 most common ostracod species found in Lake Turkana, as well as their mean abundance for each depth range (expressed as a percentage of the total fauna) . Below 50 meters, extremely small population sizes (rarely more than 1 live individual per dredge haul) occurred . Thus it was necessary to supplement the live ostracod ratios (for the greater than 50 meter depth range) with adult dead valve ratios . The great similarity between ; 1) live ostracod ratios from the 20-50 meter range ; 2) somewhat deeper (max. sampled depth 84 meters) dead valve ratios, and 3) rare, live specimen ratios from deep water suggest that this is a valid approach, and that the data are not significantly skewed by valve re-

working . Furthermore, the deepest water ratios do not change any conclusions which could not otherwise be gained from only examining the evidence to a depth of 50 meters . The faunal composition of the shallowest part of the lake (less than 5 meters) is quite distinct from greater depths, being dominated by Hemicypris kliei to the near exclusion of other species . Ilyocypris gibba and Cyprideis torosa are found in most samples, but in relatively small numbers . Potamocypris worthingtoni was found primarily in juvenile (instars II -IV) forms in shallow water in 1979, but during the more restricted sampling season of 1978 (E . Turkana, from Alia Bay to the Omo Delta only) it was quite rare . Plesiocypridopsis newtoni (not shown in Fig . 6) may be locally abundant in shallow water, but was not found nearly as prolifically as apparently oc-




o~ .U.







.E 0 m C



m c m U ql

E p

m m




U c E

0 >

T 0

0 E m

E 0

0 T

x U









m b

m E



E 0


a m














i 2-5




15 7







1 10-20













minimum recorded depth




maximum recorded depth









11 i








1 .5

1 .5

1 .5






Fig. 6. Ostracode depth ranges . Nine common taxa are shown . Values to the left of the bars indicate mean percentage of each sample made up by the taxa in question (n = 100) . Minimum and maximum depths for which each species has been recorded live are shown below each column. Hemicypris kliei is exclusively shallow water, while H. intermedia and Sclerocypris cf . clavularis are most frequent in profundal environments .

curred when Lindroth (1953) sampled in the Ferguson's Gulf area. At moderate depths (5-20 meters), Hemicypris kliei disappears and Cyprideis torosa becomes much more abundant . The species that dominate the deeper water assemblages (Hemicypris intermedia and Sclerocypris cf. clavularis) appear abundantly for the first time . Gomphocythere angulata is most abundant at this depth range . There is little evidence of a `dominant' ostracod species in the 5-20 meter depth range . While is most common from Cyprideis torosa Sclerocypris cf. clavularis for the 5-10 meters and 10-20 meter interval, the variance on these statistics are large, and in any given sample in the 5-20 meter range, any one of several species (including Gomphocythere angulata, Potamocypris worthingtoni and Hemicypris intermedia in addition to the above named species) may be most abundant . P worthingtoni at this depth range is

represented largely by adults, unlike its shallow water occurrences, but the implications of this peculiar distribution pattern are unclear . It may be significant in this regard that Lindroth collected at Ferguson's Gulf between 15-23 March (1948) during the height of the rainy season, whereas my collections were made during the dry seasons . Limnocythere africana occurs commonly, but at low frequencies, in the 1-20 meter depth range . In many East African alkaline lakes L. africana is quite abundant in littoral and sublittoral waters . Cohen et al. (1983) and Nielsen (1984) however, suggest that this species may persist in Lake Turkana near the lower limit of its alkalinity range . Below 20 meters the two species Hemicypris intermedia and S. cf . clavularis occur in far greater proportions than any others. Below 65 meters, valve assemblages usually contain only these two species, with the occasional Darwinula stevensoni and Gomphocythere angulata . The latter of these

1 92 has not yet been recovered either alive or as empty valves from depths greater than 72 meters . Unfortunately it has not yet been possible to sample below 85 meters . Such depths (85-115 meters) however represent only about 1% of the total lake bottom area . Note the apparent differentiation in ranges between the two species of Hemicypris in Lake Turkana, H. kliei being found strictly on or near vegetated substrates while H. intermedia is almost always profundal. The two samples containing live H. intermedia from shallow water were both from nonvegetated bottoms in turbid water . Lindroth (1953) described H. intermedia from swampy habitats in the Ngong Hills of southern Kenya (although he gives no specific environment) .

Analysis of faunal associations In order to assess the degree of co-occurrence among members of the soft bottom benthic faunas of the lake, an association matrix (Fig . 7) was developed for the 15 most common taxa . Jaccard's coefficient was used in the determinations of species-species co-occurrences for this matrix . The coefficient is expressed as : C N I +N2 -C where C iss the number of samples in which the two species . being compared co-occur, N l is the total number of occurrences of sp . #1 and N 2 the num-

a O U

0 V Q1

• •


7 U N


¢ m




• •



Gabbiella rosea Sclerocypris cf . clavularis . HemicvDria intermedia gvorideig toros a





corixid sp . A


0 U

®®®M®E®® ,M®EM®®®® .07 .03 .00 .00 09 .04 .01 M

.01- .15

04 .05 .02 .00

.16- .30

, .9 0


.08 .03 .04 .00

®~®~® M,E®®®®

08 .10 .04 .03

.05 .02 02 .31- .45 05 .04 .00 .00 .00

Melanoides tuberculata . . . .

chironomid sp . B



Cleopatra bulimoides

chirono mid sp . A

N Q)


.02 .07 .00 .00 .05 .00

parwinula ~tevensoni . . .



.10 .10®®® .00

Potamocypris worthinptoni ,



Gomphocvthere anqulata . . .

Limnocvthere africana . .



• •



• Ce

No E∎

®, 08 .04 .03 .04 .00 M® , . 30 ®M® .00 ® ∎U,® .20 04 ®, E .30 .03

.46- .60 ∎

> .60

20 .05

.. NEON NONE . :. '"EM11 M i∎∎ ∎∎. ∎

Fig. 7. Benthos association matrix . 15 invertebrate taxa are shown here in a Jacquard Coefficient of Association data matrix . Note the large cluster composed of deeper water taxa in the upper left and the small shallow water cluster at the lower right . Calculation of association values is discussed in the text.

193 ber of occurrences of sp . #2. For this analysis, 264 soft bottom samples from both the 1978 and 1979 field seasons were used . The Jaccard coefficient is used here in preference to other indices of association because of its conservatism and symmetry properties . Valentine (1973) has suggested that Jaccard's coefficient be used where sampling is assumed to be relatively complete and few elements of a local fauna are missing from any given sample, conditions largely met by this study. The data were compiled into a best fit matrix, with association "zones" clustering around nuclei of maximum association . Two association zones are apparent from this analysis, one of which is both larger in number of associations and stronger in depth of associations than the other. The larger and stronger zone centers around the mutual associations between Sclerocypris cf . clavularis, Hemicypris intermedia, Gomphocythere angulata and Cyprideis torosa . Hemicypris intermedia (with 86 occurrences) and Sclerocypris cf . clavularis (with 93 occurrences) were found together 85 times and these constitute the strongest element of this association . Potamocypris worthingtoni and Darwinula stevensoni are also grouped into this zone, but at a somewhat lower level of association. This first association arises from the numerous co-occurrences of all of these taxa at depths ranging from about 7 -10 meters (see Fig . 6) . The smaller and looser association occurs around the taxa Ilyocypris gibba, Hemicypris kliei, chironomid sp . A and -Limnocythere africana. This is the core of the shallow water (less than 5 meters water depth), soft bottom assemblage . Cyprideis torosa crosses over with strong associations to both zones. Limnocythere africana and Ilyocypris gibba are frequently associated with Gomphocythere angulata in the transition (5-10 meters) between the two assemblages . The relatively infrequent occurrence of the remaining insect (chironomid sp . B, corixid sp. A (= Micronecta sp.) and the three molluscan taxa listed) keep them from forming strong associations with any of the other taxa . It is clear from their relative frequencies of association however, that the molluscs all belong with the deep water association and the insects with the shallow water association .

Conclusions A two year study of Lake Turkana, Kenya was conducted to provide data on the distributional ecology its benthic invertebrates . Lake Turkana is a large alkaline lake with internal drainage. Ekman dredge hauls at 331 sampling localities, shoreline surveying and 02 , alkalinity, water temperature, pH and Secchi measurements form the primary data base for this study. Substrate variability is very high in shallow waters, typical of large, tectonic lake basins . Much of the lake's shoreline is sand or rock-shingle bottoms, particularly on the south and west sides . Muddy and vegetated shallows are more restricted. Deep water substrates are almost entirely fine grained silty muds . Oxygen and temperature data show that the lake is holomictic except in a few shallow silled embayments . 02 content is almost always well above saturation . Three benthic faunal associations have been identified for Lake Turkana : 1) A littoral, soft bottom association, dominated by the ostracod Hemicypris kliei and the corixid Micronecta sp. This association is found throughout the basin in water depths less than 2 m . Most lakeside sloughs and lagoons contain these two species exclusively. 2) A littoral, rocky bottom association, composed of stonefly and mayfly larvae, gastropods, a leech and a sponge . This association is mostly found in the southern part of the lake, where hard bottoms are common. 3) A profundal, muddy bottom association, composed of stunted gastropods, chironomids and ostracods . This association occurs throughout the basin at depths below 2-5 meters . Sandy bottoms are generally devoid of benthos at all water depths . Infaunal invertebrates, particularly bivalves, which frequent high energy sandy bottoms in other African lakes, are absent from Lake Turkana. Epifaunal ostracods are prevented from feeding on shifting sandy substrates, and macrophytes also have difficulty in colonizing them . Geographic distribution of benthic invertebrates within the lake mostly follows habitat variations with depth . With the exception of some of the rocky bottom species from the South Basin, all

1 94 common taxa occur throughout the lake wherever local substrate, water chemical and feeding conditions are appropriate . Most of the invertebrate species present in the lake benthos have adaptations for long range, passive dispersal . Depth range and faunal association studies of the common invertebrate taxa show two associations which can be related to water depth and which parallel the two soft bottom associations mentioned above. Most probably, these associations are only secondarily correlated with water depth, being principally regulated by food resource availability.

Acknowledgements I would like to thank Leo Laporte and Kay Behrensmeyer and the University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz for financial support of this project . Funding was provided by grants from NSF (#EAR77-2349), the University of California-Davis

Chancellor's Patent Fund and an ARCO Student Research Grant . Analytical field gear was provided by Jere Lipps and Charles Goldman, University of California-Davis . I am particularly indebted to my field assistants, Karen Higgins and Nancy Dickinson for all their help. The staff of the Kenya Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, particularly Messrs . P. C . Kongere and B. Ogilio provided me with tremendous logistical support, without which this research would have been impossible. Thanks also go to Mr. E . K. Ruchiami of the Office of the President, Government of Kenya, for his assistance . Many of the ideas presented here arose from conversations with Leo Laporte, Hilde Schwartz and Kay Behrensmeyer. Leo Laporte, Richard Cowen, Peter Ward, Rick Forester, Patrick DeDeckker and Mary Burgis read early versions of the manuscript, and Koen Martens and Dirk Van Damme provided invaluable assistance with the crustacean and molluscan taxonomy, though of course, all errors are my own.

Appendix - Checklist of benthic macroinvertebrates recorded from Lake Turkana Reference*

Phylum Porifera F . Spongillidae sp . inident . Phylum Bryozoa F . and sp, inident . (statoblasts only)

This report Harbott (pers . commun ., 1980)

Phylum Mollusca CI . Gastropoda Sub . Cl . Prosobranchia Ord . Mesogastropoda F. Thiaridae

Melanoides tuberculata Cleopatra bulimoides F. Potamiopsidae Tomichia? n . sp . F . Bithyniidae

This report

Gabbiella rosea F . Ampullariidae

Pila wernei** Sub . Cl . Pulmonata Ord . Basommatophora F. Planorbidae

Gyraulus? sp . Ceratophallus natelensis Segmentorbis angustus Cl . Bivalvia Ord . Eulamellibranchia F . Mutelidae

Verdcourt, 1960

195 Appendix (continued) . Spathopsis wahlbergi hartmanni** Caelatura aegyptiaca** F. Etheriidae Etheria elliptica** Phylum Annelida Cl . Oligochaeta F . and sp . inident . Cl. Hirudinea F . Glossiphonidae Placobdella fimbriata Phylum Arthropoda Cl . Crustacea Sub . Cl. Ostracoda Ord . Podocopida F. Cyprididae Hemicypris fossulatus Hemicypris kliei Hemicypris intermedia Oncocypris worthingtoni Oncocypris sp . Potamocypris mastigophora Potamocypris worthingtoni Plesiocypridopsis newtoni Sclerocypris cf. clavularis Sclerocypris bicornis Strandesia minuta F . Ilyocyprididae Ilyocypris gibba F. Darwinulidae Darwinula stevensoni F . Cytheridae Cyprideis torosa Gomphocythere angulata Limnocythere africana minor Limnocythere africana africana Cl . Arachnida Ord . Hydracarina F . and sp . inident . Cl . Hexapoda Sub . Cl. Insecta Ord . Plecoptera F. Taeniopterygidae several sp, inident. Ord . Ephemeroptera F . Baetidae sp . inident. F. Polymitarchidae Povilla sp . Ord . Odonata F . and sp . inident . Ord . Hemiptera F . Corixidae Micronecta ras Micronecta sp . sp . A sp . B

LRFRP-Ferguson, 1975

Klie, 1939

Lowndes, 1936 This report This report

This report

This report

This report

This report LRFRP-Prog . Rept ., 1974 This report

This report This report This report

196 Appendix (continued) . F . Naucoridae sp . A sp . B F . Notonectidae Anisops worthingtoni Anisops balcis Ord . Diptera F . Chironomidae sp . A sp . B sp . C sp . D Ord . Coleoptera F . Dyticidae Eretes sticticus Eretes sp . Canthydrus biguttatus Laccophilus umbrinus Cybister tripunctatus F . Hydrophilidae Coleostoma sp .

This report This report

Worthington, 1930

This This This This

report report report report

Worthington, Worthington, Worthington, Worthington, Worthington,

1930 1930 1930 1930 1930

Worthington, 1930

* References are listed as This report, if collected in Lake Turkana for the first time during this survey . Unreferenced species were collected in this survey and by earlier workers . Referenced species were not collected during this survey, but were recorded by the referenced author . ** Collected in the Omo River Delta only .

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Received 10 July 1985 ; in revised form 31 January 1986 ; accepted 26 March 1986.