'JM Brag-*. 'Pancreato-Biliary Service, and 'Vascular. Biology Group, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK; 'Surgical. Pathophysiology, University Hospitals, Malmo, ...
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Biochemical Society Transactions (1999) 27
Relationship between Trypsinogen Burden, Activation and Fibrinol sis in Acute Pancreatitis. 2J Douglas, Appelros, 'A Borgstrom, ;=: : I ' 'JM Brag-*. 'Pancreato-Biliary Service, and 'Vascular Biology Group, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK; 'Surgical Pathophysiology, University Hospitals, Malmo, Sweden; 4Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, South Africa
Heightened fibrinolysis is known to be associated with increased morbidity in acute pancreatitis, but its relationship to the degree of trypsinogen activation is unclear. We report a study of admission blood and urine samples, using surrogate markers of plasmin (plasma cross-linked fibrin degradation products; XL-FDP), thrombin (plasma soluble fibrin; SF) and trypsinogen activation (urinary procarboxypeptidase B activation peptide; CAPAP), with assessment of total trypsinogen burden (t-Tg), including anionic and cationic isoforms, in serum. 24 consecutive African patients were studied, including 7 with a severe outcome (3 deaths, 2 at day 2; and 4 with acute lung injury with or without acute tubular necrosis) and 17 mild outcomes. SF mg/L
t-Tg pg/L (n3 (1 7) (1 7) (23) [Reference] (26. IO-IOO] [O 98. 0 30-4 51 [57, 39-92] MildAP '333, I 6, * 1892, 0 40-7 8 144-3664 56-1126 Severe AP * t 1200, 'tS 0, *t4775, 3 8-10 2868-8615 476-2000 Significance 2pC0.05; 'different from controls; ?different from XL-FDP pg/L