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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE QUEZON CITY Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City www.depedqc .ph
February 08, 2017 DIVISION MEMORANDUM 0 IG s. 2017 No.
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Division/District Supervisors Principals, Head Teach~rs and Teachers In-Charge (Elementary and Secondary Schools, Public and Priv~te)
Attached is DepED Memorandum No. j5', s, 2017, re: 2017 Nat1onal Intellectual Disability Week with the theme Karapatan at Pantay-Pantay na Pagkakataon Pdra sa Lahat from February 14 to 2~, 2017. This is pursuant to the Presidential Proclamation Nt . 1385, s. 1975 entitled Designating the Period from February 14-20, 2017, and Every Yea Thereafter, as Retarded Children'! Week, the contents of which are self-explanatory, for the information and guidance of
the field .
2. P rticular attention is invited to paragraph no. 2 of the said D pED Memorandum, which stipulate the objectives of the national observance, and paragraph! no. 4, which encourages public, p~ivate and special schools with programs for children with heJring impai rm ent and SPED Centers t o undertake any or all activities suggested in the said memorandum, provided that the Engaged Time-on-Task Policy of the Department of Education, as prescribed in DepED Order No. 9,
s. 2005, shall be properly observed. 3.
Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desi lied.
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CECILLE G. Ed. D Acting Assistant Schools DiJision S~t.~erintendent Officers-in-Charlge
Encl.: As stated. References: DepEd Memorandum No. 10, s. 2016 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS LEARNERS SCHOOLS SPECIAL ECUCATION Memo/s. vorgas
4. All activities to be undertaken should not disrupt regular classes nor compromise adherence to DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. Activities which are community-based should be conducted during Saturday and SUnday of the week. I
5. All regional offices shall submit a report on the conduct of activities related to I the Celebration within 30 days after the observance through email address:
[email protected]. \ 6. For more information, all concerned may contact the Bu~eau of Learning I Delivery-student Inclusion Division (BLD-SID). Department of ~ducation (DepEd) Central Office, 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no. (02) 631-9993 or through the email address stated above. ..
.Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.
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Reference: DepEd Memorandum No. 10, s. 2016 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS LEARNERS SCHOOLS SPECIAL EDUCATION SMMA, DM 2017 National Intellectual Disability 0019 -January 6/23, 2017
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Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors ,. School Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School H ads
1. The Department of Education (DepEd), in collaboration with other government ., ., and nongoverment organizations (NGOs), will celebrate the 2017 National Intellectual Disability Week with the theme Karapatan at Pantay-Pantay na Pagkakataon Parci sa Lahat from February 14 to 20, 2017. This is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1385, s, 1975 entitled Desighating the Period from February 14 to 20, 1975, and Every Year Thereafter, as Retardkd Children's Week. 2. · This Department encourages all schools especially those with Special Education (SPED) programs to conduct any of the following suggested school-based activities during the week: a. Inviting the public to visit schools and classes or other educational service providers for children and youth with intelle tual disabilities; b. Holding cultural shows, sports fest, photo and work bxhibits, advocacy campaign in radio and television shows and other abtivities, featuring success stories; . c. Showcasing the potential capabilities of children and youth with intellectual disabilities; d. Conducting dialogues with parents, service provider and stakeholders on the theme of the Celebration; I · e. Discussing effective practices and systems of a~proach to better improve inclusion of children and youth with intelledtual disabilities in the classroom, school and community during m Jetings in regular classes or school programs; and, f. Organizing day camp to provide opportunities for c ildren and youth · with disabilities to explore and learn while having fJ n and to highlight the Celebration of the Natio~al Intellectual Disabilid Week.
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The National Capital Region (NCR), and the Quezon (QCG), in 3. coordination with DepEd-NCR, Philippine Association for Int llectual Disability Inc., Jaycess Capitol Inc.-Quezon City, Manila Water (MW) and the etropolitan Water and Sewerage System (MWSS), will sponsor the Annual Camp Pag-ibig at the Balara Filter Plant, Quezon City on February 19, 2017. Children enroied in special classes, including teachers, administrators and supervisors are encourkged to join the activity. Conduct of similar activities in all regions is encouraged.
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