153 2016 Division Secondary Schools Press Conference.pdf. Div Memorandum No. 153 2016 Division Secondary Schools Press C
Republic of the Philippines :
Department of Education National Capital Region
September 16; 2016 DIVISION IVIEMORANDUM No. /.5.3 s. 2016 2016 DMSION SECONDARY SCHOOLS To:
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Division Supervisors Secondary School Principals Head Teachers and Teachers In-Charge (Public and Private Schools)
The Division of City Schools, Quezon City, in coordination with the Q~ezon City Secondary School Paper Advisers Association (QCSSPM), will hold its Division Secondary Schools l~ress Conferenc~ (DSSPC) with the theme: ! "Strengthening Freedom of Information Through Campus Journali m" on October 3, 6, 7, and 10, 2016 at San Francisco High School, Misamis St., Bago Bantay Sta. Cristo, Quezon City.
Participants to this conference are selected campus journalists with their respective dchJ01 paper \adv)sers. Each school publication may field two contestants per category in the individual contests, providled they are of the ame medium. 11
Each publication may send not more than thirty (30) delegates to the DSSPC. Delegates should re ort o the designated contest venues in their prescribed school uniforms with IDs.
Regular individual contests both in English and Filipino categories include the following: a. Editorial Writing e. Copyreading/Headline Writing b. Feature Writing f. EditoriCll Cartooning c. News Writing g. Photojournalism (Digital) · d. Sports Writing h. Science Reporting
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5. 6.
Group contests in Radio Broadcasting and Collaborative Desktop Publishing both in Engl ish be conducted.
~nd inlFilipin9 khall also I
The Top 15 Photojournalism contestants in English and Filipino will compete in the Regional hotoj?.urnalism contest. All photojournalism participants should use only point-and-shoot digital cameras (max. of 16 megapixels) with new or formatted memory c~rds. Sharing of cameras is discouraged. DSLRs are not allowed. J
The top three best groups per district in Radio Broadcasting and Collal)Qrative Desktop Publ s ing will compete in the Division Press Conference. Only the champion group of the division will represent the Divis o of Quezon City in the Regional Press Conference. I
As provided for in Sec. 2, Rule V of RA 7070, otherwise known as the "Campus Journalis~ ~ct of 1991," incidental expenses relative to the conduct of press conferences may be charged against the sctiopl paper funds. In this I I particular activity, the editorial board, which has the custody of the said funds, shall pay th~ registration fee of the school's participants in the amount of One Hundred Pesos (Php 100.00) for each student and chool paper adviser to defray miscellaneous expenses. I
The active participation and all-out support of all concerned in enjoined to ensure the success o this undertaking.
Immediate dissemination of the contents of this Memorandum to all concerned is desired.
2016 Division Secondary Schools Press Conference San Francisco High School October 3, 6, 7, and 10, 2016 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES
October 3, 2016 8:00-12:00 PHOTOJOURNALISM CONTEST Venue: Quezon City Circle
Day 1 October 6, 2016
Day2 October 7, 2016
Day 3 October 10, 2016
8:30a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Opening Program/Lectures
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Editorial Cartooning
I :00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closing and Awarding Ceremonies
10:00 - I :00 p.m. Individual Writing Contests and Photo Layouting
8:00a.m. - 11 :00 a.m. Sports Lecture/ Contest 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Collaborative Desktop Publishing 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 nn English Radio Broadcasting 12:00 nn - 4:00 p.m. Filipino Radio Broadcasting 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Retrieval and Tallying of Results
I :00 - 2:00 p.m. Election of Editors' Guild
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WORKING c bMMITTEES Program and Invitation: Virginia Galman, Josephine Bonsol, Cindy Reginio, Erwin Urian Finance and Registration: Melvyn Bellosilo, District O oor~inators , Accommodation and Stage Decoration: District 1 School Paper Advisers Certificates: Nuelan Magbanua, Cristina f eliciano, Ivy Bonador Trophies and Medals: Cesario Britanico, Jen Garalda, ¥ichael Jugado Reception: Jen Lago, Ginalyn Flores, Israel\ta Perez, Jean Lacem a, Agnes Bueza, Cleofe Rivera Documentation: Meden Fadriquela, Seo Caburiatl, April Robenta Retrieval: Emman Halabaso, Gil Espei;iida, Edgar Medallo, Ramil Magno Edith Moron, Cecille Santos, Suzie Fedelicio, Loma Tabangcura Refreshments: Marettie Dela Cuesta, Adelle So]iaban, Carmelita Alcala, Cristina Feliciano, Contest: Teresita Doctor, Nuelan Magbarlua
ENGLISH Lorena Sales Iris Eliseo
News Writing Editorial Writing
Merelyn Chen Gracie Espiel
Feature Writing
Cristine Landoy JeanLacema
Sports Writing
Ramil Magno Rose Ranchez
Science Writing
Christine Vase Grace Cristobal
Copyreading and Headline Writing
Juliet Ramiscal Edith Moron
Editorial Cartooning
I Romeo Bulosan JuUus Palermo
Radio Broadcasting
Col1al:>0rativf ~es~top fqbllslijQg
Emmanuel Halabaso Imelda Canlas ~esario Britannico Edgar Medallo Virginia Galman Cecil Santos I Charlie Daqag ¥i:irsna qepi~a Cleofe Manu!"l Joseph Soriano 1
I' I
I l1
FILIPINO Mylene Campos Elsa Villar Lulu Tuason Mischelle Arintoc Loida Palacio Marlyn Becauco Julie Vital Ginalyn Flores
Cecile Angeles Winnaflor Gaspar
Ma. Fe Te Grace Ubaldo
II 11 I
Rita Fajutag Nelson Gamilla Jsraelita Perez Mercy Abando Susie Fedelicio Joseph ine Bonsol Ivy Alzaga Genalyn Lago Roseo Caburrian Meden Fadriquela lvy Bonador Julius Pellero