PHILIPPINE STAR WORKSHOP for CAMPUS JOURNALISTS and .... 167_Philippine Star Workshop for ... and Orientation on Learn P
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region Schools Division Office Quezon City Nueva Ecija St. , BagoBantay, Quezon City
December 18, 2017 DIVISION MEMORANDUM , s. 2017 No. I (p?
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs, CID/SGO D Div ision/District Supervisors School Principals/Officers-in-Charge (Public and Private Schools ) Department Heads/Head Teachers of Engish and Filipino School Paper Advisers (Elementary and Secondary, Public and Private Schools) All Concerned
1. The Schools Division Office of Quezon City, in cooperation with The Philippine Star, will conduct a free workshop on media literacy, feature writing, and newspaper production, as well as an orientation on the Learning Experience Acquired through Reading Newspapers (LEARN) Program on January 23-2 5, 2018 at the Quezon City Science Interactive Center. 2. Participants to this seminar sha ll be one (1) cam pus journ alist, preferably the Editor-inChief, of each o fficial paper of each school; the school paper adviser of each official school publication; and the Principal. 3. Thesem1na · r s ha II b econd UC ted accord"1no to tt.llS SC he du Ie: Time Participants Date i January 23, 2018 8:00 A .M. - 5:00 P. V1 . ' Campu s Journalists Janu ary 24, 201 8 8:00 A.M. - 5: 00 P .M. School Paper Advisers I January 25, 2018 10:00 A .M. - 3:30J >.:M. I Sc hool Princi12als
4. Immediate and wide dissemination of th is Memorandum is d esired .
-((LIZABETH E. QUESADA, CESO V Schools Division ls .ri tendent ~ I
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For the past years, our company has been committed to provide innovative 'prog'r·arns to various institutions in the Philippines. In line with our effort co bridge the academe and the industt)', we would like to propose to you a partnership which will be beneficial to the educational institution and students. LEARN or Learning Experience Acquired through Reading Newspaper program is envisioned to use our newspaper as a new tool for teaching in the academe. The content of the newspaper and free LEARN modules are carefully crafted to be used in developing awareness and stimulate thinking among students on the current issues on po litics. business, etc, in our nation and abroad. While our Sudoku Super Challenge partnership would en hance the student's analytical skills. To give you an idea about the program, we kind ask your pennission to an introductory seminar to select private and public Elementary and Hi gh School students. Journalism teachers and school heads (Public Elementary School: _ . High School: _ . Private Elementary:_, High School: _ .) within your division. The three day seminar;
Day I (Students) 9:00AM - 12:00 NN 12:00NN - 0100 PM 0 I00 PM - 0400 PM -
Media Literacy and News Literacy Lunch break How to Choose your News? Introduction to Journalism Newspaper production
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Dav 2 (School Paper Adviser)
9:00AM-12:00 NN 12:00NN -0100 PM 0100 PM-0400 PM -
Media Literacy and News Literacy Lunch break How to Choose your News? Introduction to Journalism Newspaper production
Each school within the division is encouraged to send 1 representative from their Journalism club for the said seminar.
Day 3 (School Heads)
9:00AM-12:00 NN -
Orientation of LEARN Program to School Heads
The event will be held at the conference hall of a select school within your division. The team will be travelling from Manila is composed of our Circulation Manager Joy Odra and Project ...______ "--..._, · ~ Specialist/Contributor Gillian Gacuma who facilitate the seminar.
---May you have questions; you may contact me at +639256281398 / 09276768910. Thank you and we look forward for this beneficial partnership with you. God bless and more power to DepEd Quezon City.
Sincerely, as. QUEZADA Business Dev lopment Specialist
Republk of th•! fiilli'ppim~s Deparhuent of Education N,\tional C.1pital. Hcgiou DlVlSCON OF C f TY SCHOOLS QUEZON CIT Y Nut!V