Page 1 of 2. Republic of the Philippines. Department of Education- National Capital Region. SCHOOLS DIVISION OFF.ICE. QU
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education- National Capital Region SCHOOLS DIVISION OFF.ICE QUEZON CITY Nueva Ecija St, Bago Bantay, QC www.depedqc. ph
December 22, 2016
DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. ~ J 5' , s. 2016
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs, SGOD I CID I AO Administrative Officers V Division and District Supervisors Elementary I Secondary School Heads All Concerned
For the infonnation and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of Regional Memorandum No. 155, s. 2016 dated December 8, 2016 from Dr. Ponciano A. Menguito, Director IV, Department of Education, National Capital Region, Quezon City, on the subject "Teachers ' Clearance", the content of which is self-explanatory. Attention is invited to item nos. 1 to 5 of the said memorandum. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memo~ is desired.
OIC, Education Program Supervisor Officer In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Incl.:
As stated.
Department of Edi SCHOOLS OIVISIC'
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