Diversified Livestock Producer Profile Form - Nebraska Department of ...

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Direct marketing (from farm) ... What assistance do you need from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture or other servic
Nebraska Department of Agriculture Diversified Livestock Producer Profile Form (Please type or print.) This information will be utilized to publish a directory to increase awareness of livestock opportunities in Nebraska. If you wish to be included in this Directory, please complete this form, fold, and return it to the address listed on the back, or fax to (402) 471-2759. For further information, our toll-free number is 800-422-6692. To view the current Directory go to: www.nda.nebraska.gov. Choose “Promotions/Development” division. Scroll to bottom and select Diversified Livestock. Company name

Contact person


Telephone (



E-Mail Address:

Web Site Address:


Company background (years in operation, special bloodlines, other information.)

Please answer the following questions. Your assistance helps us support and promote the buying, selling and development of Nebraska’s agricultural products. (Answers will not be included in the directory.) 1.

Markets where you sell your livestock? (Mark all that apply.)

 Sale barns  Restaurants  Retail  Wholesale 2.

 Direct marketing (from farm)  Other market, please specify

 Ethnic market (specify city or cities)

Where do you exhibit your livestock? (Please specify where after each selection.) County/State fairs Regional or national shows Other (e.g., antler shows, breed shows, etc.)

 Yes  No 


Would you participate in a marketing cooperative that helps market your livestock?


What assistance do you need from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture or other service providers to better produce and market your livestock?


Do you wish to be included, at no cost, in the Diversified Livestock Directory ?


List my information under the following section(s). (Check all that apply.)

 Alpaca/llama  Aquaculture  Bison

 Elk/Deer  Emu/Ostrich/Rhea  Game birds

 Goats  Horses  Poultry

 Yes

Would like more information

 No

 Sheep  Swine  Other:

WP Form 156(2).doc (1/15)

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Nebraska Department of Agriculture Ag Promotion and Development Division 301 Centennial Mall S PO Box 94947 Lincoln, NE 68509-4947


WP Form 156(2).doc (1/15)