International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) ISSN (P): 2250-0057; ISSN (E): 2321-0087 Vol. 4, Issue 6, Dec 2014, 17-26 TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.
Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université Ziane Achour, Djelfa, Algérie
Département de Zoologie Agricole et Forestière, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie El Harrach 16200 Alger, Algérie
ABSTRACT During the study period, a total of 30 species of Heteroptera belonging to 11 families recorded in two stations prospected. The most common family is Lygaeidae with 11 species. These species are distributed in homogeneous manner between Chestnut plantation and Holm oak forest, 14 specific species for each station and a common species between the two biotopes, only Himacerus mirmicoides. In Chestnut plantation the most abundant species is Anthocoris nemoralis (36.66%), in Holm oak there is dominance of Aphanus rolandri and Raglius alboacuminatus with a percentage of 16.90%. Furthermore, this study allows the identification of Geotomus petiti never discovered in North Africa, it is reported in this study for the first time in Algeria and Maghreb, and other uncommon species such is the case of Alloeorhynchus putoni.
KEYWORDS: Heteroptera, Chestnut, Holm Oak, Chréa, Algeria INTRODUCTION Forests contain many insect of an amazing biological diversity of species that have a crucial role in the functioning of ecosystems. The spatial distribution of populations is usually addressed either in the light of community ecology, or as a response to changes in each species present in the environment (NIEMELA, 1990). The first model relies on the existence of processes, such as inter-and intra-specific competition, predation or parasitism, which regulate the spatial and temporal distribution of species and structure communities. The second model assumes that the distribution of a species is a dynamic phenomenon, is an extinction and recolonization of local populations following changes in environmental conditions (BAGUETTE, 1992). Several insects realize their larval development in decayed wood or soil. Given the threats that current practices pose to the future of these species, data on their biology have been particularly developed around the world; at a time when it is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of biodiversity. The aim of this study is to analyze through a qualitative and quantitative comparative diversity of Heteroptera in chestnut and Holm oak and obtain informations on the structure of this important group. In order to assess the dynamics of populations and note the role, specificity and interest processions insects that colonize these natural environments.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Study sites After a survey conducted in the National Park Chréa, located at 50 Kms south of the capital Algiers and extends over 26,587 hectares along the central parts of the Atlas Mountains, the choice involved two Fagaceae; a Chestnut plantation and a Holm oak. The forest formations of prospected sites belong on the floor of the Mediterranean vegetation sub-humid areas with mild winter, characterized by annual rainfall between 400 and 700 mm.
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Nora Khellaf, Gahdab Chakali, Hamza Bougherara & Mohamed Ghelem
Environmental data stations used are summarized in table 1. Table 1: Forest Characteristics Retained Forest Type Altitudes (m) Bioclimatic Stage Geographic Coordinate 1025 Sub-humid 36° 26' 50'' N et 2°52' 18'' E Chestnut plantation 1388 Sub-humid 36°26' 3,5''N et 2°53'20,6'' E Holm oak forest
METHODOLOGY Installing Traps The pitfall traps or interception trap tends to become widely used in various countries in the world (MEHENNI, 1994). This simple process is used for the sampling of invertebrate species communities that move to the surface. Many flying insects that come to rest on the surface or become carried away by the wind there are also trapped. That is, the proper method for obtaining many standardized and comparable censuses. His success proves its effectiveness, provided you take into account its limitations (BAGUETTE, 1992). Trapping is selected is made with plastic containers cylindrical 12 cm deep and 9 cm in diameter, perforations are made at the top to remove excess water during rainy periods. This material is buried vertically so that the pot opening coincides with the ground level, which must be firmly packed around the trap to avoid the barrier effect for the species. The pitfall are filled with 2/3 with water and diluted in 5% formalin, which the role of wetting agent and retains the biological material. It is helpful to place a flat stone over each pot, raised by media in a triangle to facilitate the penetration of insects and reduce evaporation during the warmer weather. STEIN (1965) showed that the semi-dominant and rare species could be captured with only five Barber traps and the quantitative number did not change when the number of traps is twenty (MEHENNI, 1994). For its part, OBRTEL (1971) finds that the number of traps required for a complete census of the order of 10 (BAGUETTE, 1992). In our case, we opted for the systematic installation of 10 traps according to transect method, in which all along a line ten meters apart systematically five traps were placed. Setting up traps occurs during the second decade of each month during the period, which runs from July 2008 to May 2012. One week after the installation of traps, the contents of each sample taken in a plastic bag labeled with the characteristic of the station, the date of deposit and removal of the trap and its number. Biological material composed of Heteroptera separated and examined in the laboratory.
METHODS OF RESULTS EXPLOITATION Quality Sampling BLONDEL (1979) defines the quality of the sample by the equation: Q = a / N a: The number of species seen at one time and in one copy per statement. N: The number of records. The higher the ratio a / N approaches zero, the quality is good (RAMADE, 2003). Ecological Indices of Composition Total and Average Wealth BLONDEL (1979), says that the total wealth S is the number of species of the stand. It is considered a fundamental parameter of a community of species. S is the average number of species in a sample of the biotope (RAMADE, 2003).
Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594
Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
Diversity and Structure of Heteroptera in Chestnut Plantation and Holm Oak Forests in the National Park of Chréa (Blida, Algeria)
Centesimal Frequency This is the percentage of individuals of a species (ni) from the total number of individuals (DAJOZ, 1971). The relative abundance of species in a stand or in a sample, characterized fauna diversity of a given environment (FRONTIER, 1983). The centesimal frequency is calculated by the equation: F x 100% = ni / N ni: The number of individuals of the species considered. N: The total number of individuals of any species confused. Frequency of Occurrence and Constance The occurrence frequency is the percentage of the number of records containing the species taken into consideration based on the total number of records (DAJOZ, 1971). C = P × 100 / P' P: The number of records containing the species studied. P ': The total number of surveys. Depending on the value of C, the following categories are defined as follows: - A species is ubiquitous if C = 100% - A species is constant if 75% ≤ C ≤ 100% - A species is regular if C ≤ 50% ≤ 74% - A species is incidental if 25% ≤ C ≤ 50% - A species is accidental if 5% ≤ C ≤ 25% - A species is rare if C ≤ 4% Ecological Indices of Structure Shannon-Weaver Diversity BLONDEL et al. (1973) define diversity as the degree of heterogeneity of a stand. This index is considered the best way to reflect the diversity, it is calculated as follows: H’ = -∑ qi log2 qi H ': Diversity index expressed in units of bits qi: Relative frequency of the category of individuals with respect to the species This index gives an idea about the variety of different environments; specifically it helps to know the diversity of a given species within a stand. If H is high, the population is considered diversified and therefore the environment is favorable. If however H is low, it is low in cash or unfavorable. Maximal Diversity BLONDEL (1979) expresses the maximal diversity by the following relationship: H'max. Log2 = S.
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Nora Khellaf, Gahdab Chakali, Hamza Bougherara & Mohamed Ghelem
H'max: The maximal diversity S: Total wealth. Equitability The ratio index is observed diversity H ' to the maximal diversity H' max (BARBAULT, 1981). BLONDEL (1979) held that the equal distribution is the ratio of the observed diversity to maximal diversity. It is calculated as follows: H’ E= H’ max. The value of E varies from 0 to 1 when E tends to 0 this means that the number of species harvested are not in equilibrium with each other. When E tends to 1 it means that the number of species caught are in equilibrium with each other. Statistical Analysis Method (PCA) The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a method of restraint multivariate data analysis that seeks to identify the main axes that best explain the correlations between descriptive variables. It seeks to synthesize the information in a table crossing individuals and quantitative variables. Produce a summary of information within the meaning of the PCA is to establish a similarity between individuals, groups of individuals seeking homogeneous, highlight a typology of individuals. As for variables, highlight them link budgets, with synthetic variables and highlight a typology of variables. The PCA seeks in general to establish links between these two types (LEGENDRE & LEGENDRE, 1984). This analysis helps in cases where it is impossible to reduce to a contingency table, to have a graphical two-factor analysis dimensions (DELAGARDE, 1983). In this work PCA is used as discriminant analysis to study the influence of fire on abundance, centesimal frequency and the frequency of occurrence and consistency.
RESULTS Ecological Indices Exploitation Sampling Quality The values of the sampling quality (Q) calculated from 80 readings taken during the experimental period are listed in table 2. Table 2: The Sampling Quality in the Two Stations Stations Chestnut Plantation Holm Oak Forest
a 10 8
N 80 80
a/N 0.12 0.10
The quality sampling values calculated are respectively 0.12 and 0.10 for the Chestnut and the Holm oak forest. These results are comparable between the two stations; the quality of the sample tends to zero, which demonstrates a good sampling and efficiency of trapping techniques used. Total and Average Wealth Total and average wealth (S) and (s) of the two stations are grouped in table 3. Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594
Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
Diversity and Structure of Heteroptera in Chestnut Plantation and Holm Oak Forests in the National Park of Chréa (Blida, Algeria)
Table 3: Specific Wealth of the Two Stations Total Wealth (S) Average Wealth (s)
Chestnut Plantation 15 8
Holm Oak Forest 15 9
Based on the results obtained, the values of total wealth are similar in the two stations (15 species). Centesimal and Occurrence Frequencies Centesimal frequencies and the frequencies of occurrence and consistency of the captured species during the period of study in the two stations surveyed are summarized in table 4. Table 4: Centesimal and Occurrence Frequencies of Various Species Harvested Family
Species Megalonotus praetextatus (HerrichSchaeffer, 1835)
Chestnut Plantation Ni F% Fo
Holm Oak Forest F% Fo
50 (Ac.)
Aphanus rolandri (Linnaeus, 1758)
25 (At.)
Lygaeosoma sp. (Spinola, 1837)
12.5 (At.)
Raglius alboacuminatus (Goeze, 1778)
37.5 (Ac.)
Geocoris lineola (Rambur, 1839)
25 (At.)
Raglius confusus (Reuter, 1886)
25 (At.)
Beosus maritimus (Scopoli, 1761)
37.5 (Ac.)
Plinthisus sp. (Fieber, 1864)
12.5 (At.)
Leptodemus minutus (Jakovlev 1876)
1.25 (Ar.)
Spilostethus pandurus (Scopoli, 1763)
1.25 (Ar.)
Scolopostethus decoratus (Hahn, 1833)
2.50 (Ar.)
Eurydema ornata (Linnaeus, 1758)
50 (Ac.)
Sciocoris sideritidis (Wollaston, 1858)
12.5 (At.)
Himacerus mirmicoides (O. Costa, 1831)
2.50 (Ar.)
50 (Ac.)
Prostemma guttula (Fabricius, 1787)
50 (Ac.)
Alloeorhynchus putoni (Kirkaldy 1901)
1.25 (Ar.)
Geotomus petiti (Wagner, 1954)
12.5 (At.)
Coriomeris affinis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1839)
37.5 (Ac.)
Gonocerus insidiator (Fabricius, 1787)
1.25 (Ar.)
Brachysteles parvicornis (A. Costa, 1747)
12.5 (Ac.)
Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius, 1794)
13.75 (Ac.)
Tingis cardui (Linnaeus, 1758)
1.25 (Ar.)
Anthocoridae Tingidae
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Nora Khellaf, Gahdab Chakali, Hamza Bougherara & Mohamed Ghelem
Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey, 1852)
1.25 (Ar.)
1.25 (Ar.)
Peirates stridulus (Fabricius, 1787)
3.75 (Ar.)
Deraeocoris (Phaeocapsus) cf. pilipes(Reuter, 1879)
1.25 (Ar.)
Deraeocoris punctum (Rambur, 1839)
1.25 (Ar.)
Campyloneura virgula (Herrich‐Schaeffer, 1835).
1.25 (Ar.)
Rhopalus subrufus (Gmelin, 1790)
2.5 (Ar.)
Leptopodidae Patapius spinosus (Rossi, 1790) Reduviidae
F%: Centesimal frequency; Ni: number of individuals of the species; Fo: frequency of occurrence and consistency (At: Accidental Species, Ac.. Accessory Species; Re: Regular Species; Co. Constant species, Ar: Rare species). This results show a variability of centesimal frequency according of the stations. In chestnut plantation, the most common family is Anthocoridae representing 36.66% of the diversity of Heteroptera followed by the Lygaeidae family (13.33%). The families of Nabidae, Reduviidae and Miridae represent 10% of Heteroptera diversity. The Tingidae and Rhopalidae represent 6.66%. Coreidae and Leptopodidae are limited to only 0.33%. In Holm oak forest, the family of Lygaeidae most dominant with a 63.55% of the global diversity, Nabidae followed by (16.21%). Other families are limited at 5.18% for the family Pentatomidae, only 2% for Coreidae and Anthocoridae. Depending on the frequency of occurrence and consistency, it shows four species categories: accidental, accessory, regular, constant and rare. In chestnut plantation, we note the dominance of rare species with a staff of 14 species and one accidental species (Anthocoris nemoralis). In Holm oak forest there is another classification with dominance of accessory species, numbering 8 species. The highest number is noted in the family of Lygaeidae with 3 species. The number of accidental species is 7 species. Shannon-Weaver Diversity and Equitability The results of the Shannon-Weaver diversity index and equitability are mentioned in table 5. Table 5: Calculated Values of Shannon-Weaver Indices and Equitability of Species Chestnut Plantation Holm Oak Forest H’ (bits) 2.38 3.88 H’max. (bits) 3.40 4.91 0.70 0.79 E H ': diversity of Shannon - Weaver; H 'max. : Maximal diversity; E: equitability The diversity of Shannon-Weaver 'H' "knows a maximum value in Holm oak forest with 3.88 bits and a value limited to 2.38 bits in chestnut plantation. From these results, it should be noted that the Holm oak forest provides a favorable environment to a more biodiversity structured. Chestnut plantation is characterized by a structure of the low diversity. Also the values of the equitability of the two study sites tend towards 1 case of chestnut plantation (E = 0.70) which is closest to the unit. The evenness of the Holm oak forest equals 0.79. It appears from these results that there is a balance between the entomological stands at both sites environments.
Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594
Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
Diversity and Structure of Heteroptera in Chestnut Plantation and Holm Oak Forests in the National Park of Chréa (Blida, Algeria)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) This analysis was to determine whether the species richness of the two stations is a descriptor of the state of the environment prospected. Variables (species richness, abundance, centesimal frequency and of occurrence) were analyzed using a (PCA) method of ordination in reduced space suited to this kind of treatment. The value and meaning of the relationship between ecological descriptors and the axes of the PCA are shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Circle of Ecological Correlations Descriptors This analysis was performed on the matrix of correlation coefficients; the two components express 86.93% of the information expressed by environmental variables (respectively 36.15% and 50.78%). The variables are represented by arrows (vectors); N: species richness, F: centesimal frequency, Fo: frequency of occurrence (in Holm oak), n: the abundance of species, f: centesimal frequency fo: frequency of occurrence (in chestnut). The first axis is separated the chestnut plantation in the negative portion of the axis from Holm Oak which is shown in the positive portion of the shaft. All variables occupy a relatively small circle inside the area correlations. The maximum angle between two variables is less than 90 °. This suggests that all the variables are positively correlated with each other. The abundance and frequency of the chestnut plantation are correlated and interrelated with the variables Holm oak forest, which are however less correlated with each other. This confirms the existence of different qualities between the two areas studied.
DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS This study shows comparable stand Heteroptera diversity in chestnut plantation and Holm oak forest with 15 species listed for each station which 14 are specific for each biotope and only one common between the both, Himacerus mirmicoides. This can be explained by the organization metapopulation of Heteroptera, that is to say a set of subpopulations more or less isolated in space. This isolation is not, however, as a total number of individuals moving from one population to another, allowing the repopulation of stations or extirpated accidentally (DAJOZ, 2002). 30 species recorded reflect the diversity, abundance and distribution of this group of insects in the two stations considered.
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Nora Khellaf, Gahdab Chakali, Hamza Bougherara & Mohamed Ghelem
In Chestnut plantation, the results show that except for Anthocoris nemoralis, counted 11 times, the number of other species is too limited; it varied from 1 to 3 individuals. 10 other species are listed only once. In Holm Oak forest diversity of Heteroptera is divided between two categories 7 and 8 species accessories accidental. This order is unfortunately marginalized in Algeria with the exception of some fragmentary work on species with agricultural interest, research on species of forest bugs remain absent. The family of Lygaeidae alone has 8 species in Holm oak forest and 3 different species in chestnut plantation. The abundance of Lygaeidae is justified by their lifestyle, they live mostly in colonies, but often under moss or bark, under stones or among the dry leaves, rarely outdoors. They feed on corpses, various vegetable juices, or sap of certain plants (ROBERT, 2001). Concerning the family of Pentatomidae; Eurydema ornata and Sciocoris sideritidis are commonly called "Bugs wood", they are mostly herbivorous and emit when they are worried a smelly secretion. The exclusive presence of Himacerus mirmicoides and Prostemma guttula is related to habitat belonging to Nabidae. This group prefers dry leaves where it is the quest of insects especially flies (ROBERT, 2001). According to the same source the Coreidae and Cydnidae are herbivores. Moreover, Coriomeris affinis is an aerial insect that stings the tender parts and seeds, unlike Geotomus petiti never discovered screen in North Africa, it is reported in this study for the first time in Algeria and the Maghreb area. This is an underground, burrowing bug that sucks the sap from the roots. Brachysteles parvicornis, part of the family Anthocoridae is predatory on aphids and mites. The species is also reported as consuming lepidopteran eggs, which can justify their presence in the specific Holm oak forest where a significant number of egg batches of gypsy moth has been detected. This study also led to the identification of reported for the first time at the National Park Chréa and rare species in the case of Alloeorhynchus putoni.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Mr. JC. STREITO in charge of the National Laboratory of Plant Protection of Montpelier and Mrs. MARTA GOULA from the Autonomous University of Barcelona for their assistance in the identification and confirmation of the various groups of Heteroptera insects. Our gratitude and thanks to Mr. DAHAL R. and ZIER M. Responsibles of Forest National Park of Chréa, for their valuable field assistance and encouragement.
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Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594
Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
Diversity and Structure of Heteroptera in Chestnut Plantation and Holm Oak Forests in the National Park of Chréa (Blida, Algeria)
DAJOZ R., 2002 – Les Coléoptères Carabidés et Ténébrionidés. Ed. Tec. & Doc. Lavoisier, Paris, 522p.
DELAGARDE J., 1983 – Initiation à l’analyse des données. Ed. Dunod, Paris, 157 p.
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