ABSTRACT. The upper elevations (2300-4200m) of a national park locat.d On the caStern slopes of the IlOllhe.n Peruvian Andes were surv
FERN GAZ. 14(1) 1991
DIVERSITY, ECOLOGY AND DISTRIB UTION OF HI GH-ELEVATION PTERIDOPHYTES WITHI N RIO AD IS EO NATIONAL PARK, NORTH-CENTRAL PER U 2 K ENN ETH R. YOUNd,2 & BLANCA LEON ' Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, U.s.A .; and 2Museo de Histo ria Natural , Av. Are nales 1256, Apa n ado 14-0434, Lima 14, Peru ABSTRACT The upper elevations (2300-4200m) of a national par k locat.d On the caStern slopes of the IlOllhe.n Peruvian Andes were surv
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FERN G,\ZETfE: VOLU M E 14 PART 1 (1991)
FIGURE S. Photograph of tht montane
forest >one of
Ab,seo National Park
T .... o climbing ferns were present: Hlechnum kun/hlllna , which was co mmo nly sec n. cspcclali} at approximately JOOOm eicv:lllon. as an erect terrestrial herb and al so as a tfunk chmbt:r, rcachlng heIghts of 2-3 m; a nd 8/cchnum 5('homburgkll. whose robust rh,zome was observed once 2m up a Hec truJlk al 2700m. Th e Tlverlne ~cgCtaliOn shared numerous plant SpeC Ie 700m. These werc mostly montane forest spa:ies. sometimes crossing ovcr int o the tropical alpine zone or also growing in the lower montane forest. T hree species (Niphidium crassifolium 5.1., Polypodium buchtienii. and Thel}pluis caucaensis) were present in all four zones. The largesl elevationa! ranges were those o f Polypodium buchrienii (l300m), Thdypteris concinna (DOOm ), Thdypteris caucaensis (125Om) and Polypodium cf. eurybasis (I050m ). The average eleva tional range for all of the spa:ies found in each zone increased as altitude da:reased: tropical alpine zone (258m (SO - 271», montane rain forest (342m (S O - 3(0» , montane weI fo rest (425m (S O - 361». lower monlane weI forest (6S0m (SO - 527». Howeve r. the o nl y zones Significantly differen t (at p J;Ie ..... Campy/on~urum amphos!enon {KIO\zschJ Fee Campyloneurum 'n5!(o/!Um (Willd.) Fee CYS!OP!Crt5 ("'gill)" ( L. ) Bernh. E/aphoglossum engel!i (Karsten) Chml EJaphoglossum mdant:holic:um V~J"e5fd,dla "I"p«unmlc." (l.) C.anfill •. 1. 1.."',Ip'rlal ur"On""on, Icrrc~ln,,1 terre,""al cl"ph}'I,. 0,. lerre,l .,,1 uncummun uncummOIl. ep'phIIIC ulKommon.lerreslnal
/::I.,plwglossum c"S'anwm (8a k~r) O,d. Elaplwgl=um doc/twum Mickel. nom. Incd . EI.,pllglussum (fm~c,;um (Fc.:) ,\Iu" ....' E/;'I'hogIQMum glO$.wphJ /lum IIINOIi. £t.Jphug/ass.um In'squama MIckel. nom . mcd. Ebphoglo>.pod,,,'" ' pp i'o/, _,,,dw,,, mOn/cn •.,,,hu.dlpc' R. "' r~u" Tlti.'/>pr.·r/, bmch>pu$ (Sod.) A. R Smith fhd}prrm (11,oron.) ,\\"011 Thd)pr,·", ,-,"K.Il',"," If lonon.) Alwin n"'('p,('m m nemn" (W,lkl.) ell",.: "{lId.'I""'" ("nd", (Mcu ) A I,lon ""hlplphyl.m"" (K:''''"''J I[,e((l"
."'III", IS"
/ "ph,,,,,, ...
) S" 'I"."'fll""''''''' IG ",lna l "p,ph) lie o. lerrosmal. III !)pen ",e, uncommon. on I~",hhd"" uncommon. on r"el cobble cplphYlI' Of 'III,,1 uncommon. ,o"cSlrlal uncommon. epJphyllc CP'ph)-I,C lo"",mal l.".smal ,
I;mart"a (Cav.) Ma.on
(L. I Lon;'
Pol.> ,xx.l,um bu,'hll"nll Cn"SI & R""cn>t P,'I.'plmfot,um hcq. pul)pod1um sp. I'len. "'''rlcala !look. 1'Il"rIs pol!)nrurum rcptnsCAublel) C Pres) Ocnn.t"ooll" d,,;s""'ta (S w. I T. Moore ,,",ph,d,um crasslfoilUm iL.l Ldhnger '.1. Pol>p.xhum bucht,mll Chml & R ~n>l Potu,odlUm "ryba5!S C. Chr, Tlrel) 1'1l. «11Icron.) Ab,on The/lp'er» evnc:mn.l (WiUd.) Chlng "'hd)pt,·", '1'.
eplph)"c or lOrro'trlal lln~1
TABLE S. SomL!.",,)· ",d,ce> among ,he four ecologICal wn., of Ih~ .1udy area. Soronson', Inde. - (2a/{2a • b • e ll ~ 100: Jaccard', Ind •• - la/la • b • el) ~ 100: "here a - number of spt"t~ ~hartd belwe 4: 47-60. lE6N. B. & N. VAL ENCIA . 1988, Pteridophytes of ZArate, a forest o n the "" cstern side of the Penman Andes. Fern Gaz. 13: 217-224. MORAN, R.C. 1987. Sterile-fertile leaf dimorphy and evolution of soral types In Pol>bouYiI (Dryopteridaceae). S}'5t. Bol. I }; 617-628. M UElL ER-DOMB01S. D. & H. EL LENBERG . 1974. Aims and Methods of VegetatIOn Ecolo8}'. John Wiley & Sons. Ne"" Yo rk. 0 llGAARD. 8 . 1979. LycopodIUm in Ecuador.-hab'ts and hab,lals. In K. LARSEN & l.B HOLMNIELSEN (Eds.). TropIcal Bolany, AcademIC Press, london. pp. 381·)95. 0L lGAARD. B. 1987. A revtSCd classification of Ille LycopodIaceae sJ at. Operu 80!. 92: 153-178. RAPAPO RT. E. H. 1982, Areography: &ographieal Strategies O(Sp«I'S. Pergamon. I\;e"" YOI ~ . STE VENS. G.c' 1989. The latitudinal gradient In geographIcal range: how so many .pecits COUISt In the 'ropics. Am.,. Nat. 13): 24.0-256. TRYON , R.M. & R.G. STOLZE. 1989a, Ptendophyta of Peru. Part l. l. Ophiogl05sa,ea~ - 12, Cya!heacue. Fieldiana, Bol. II.'. No. 10. TR YON, R.M. & R.G . STOLZE. 1989b. Ptondopllyt3 of P.ru. Part l. D . Ptendactae IS. Dcnnstaedt;aceae. Fit:/dlana. Bot. n.s. No. 22. YOUNG. K.R. 1990. 8io~geography and ecology of II "mbul",~ foresr '" nonh-cenlral Peru, l'h,D, disscrtallon , University of Colorado. Boulder. YOUNG. K.R. & B. LE6N . 1988. VegotaciOn de la zona alta del Parquc Naclo nal RIO AnISOO. San Marlin. ReI'lSra Fousral tk/ Peru 15: ),,20. YOUNG. K.R. & B. lE6N, 1989. Ptendophyte lpec;es dIversity In Ihe trnlral Peru ",an Amazon Importante of adapllic speclah zat ion. Bnrrom3 4/: 388-395. YOUNG. K.R. & B. lE6N. 1990a Cat.:iJogo de las planlas d. la ~ona alta del Pa.quo Naclonal Rio Ahisco , PorU. Publ. M usco tk Hislona Natural ( L",,..). Ser. 8).1: 1· )7. YOUNG. K.R. & B. LE6N . 199Gb. Curvature of woody pla ms on ,II. slopes of a Peru~lan mOnla"" forest. Phys. Geogr. 11: 66-74.