Divided Attention in Multitasking with Mobile Devices Spencer Castro, Travis Seymour University of California, Santa Cruz Author Note Spencer Castro, University of California, Santa Cruz Dr. Travis Seymour, University of California, Santa Cruz Approved: ______________________________ Date:_________ Second Reader: Dr. Nicolas Davidenko Approved: ______________________________ Date:_________ By signing above I hereby confirm that the following paper represents Master’s level work. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Spencer Castro at the Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064 Contact:
[email protected]
Screen displays today seem to be ubiquitous, varied in appearance, and deployed in many situations. As a result they potentially affect people’s abilities to attend to and perform everyday tasks. It is important to discuss how multiple screen displays af-‐ fect attention as they become more commonplace. In applied domains, screen dis-‐ plays affect human performance at work, the ability to attend to multiple stimuli op-‐ timally, and distractedness while operating vehicles. Two ways in which displays vary are their size and mobility. Previous research has shown that people are in-‐ creasingly using multiple displays, including mobile devices, simultaneously and that this split in attention has detrimental effects on goal-‐directed behavior. Other research suggests that a larger display improves performance over a smaller display when showing textual information. More studies show that holding a display will alter attention, which is unique to mobile devices. In order to address these ques-‐ tions participants were asked to perform a task with a mobile device and a station-‐ ary device. On a mobile device (foreground) of either 4.8 or 10.1 inches, participants maintained a jittering ball within a circle. On a 19in. computer display participants vocally responded to a choice task (background task). Data analysis suggests that those using a smaller foreground device achieved higher performance on the back-‐ ground task than those using a larger device, while having similar performance in the foreground task. Future studies are needed to determine the mechanism of this difference in performance. Keywords: display, size, attention, hands, multitasking
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES Divided Attention in Multitasking with Mobile Devices
A recent study by CourseSmart and Wakefield Research questioned 500 college
students about their studying habits and found that 73% reported using some type of technology (Kessler, 2011). In addition, 38% reported not being able to go more than 10 minutes without switching attention to their laptop, smartphone, tablet or e-reader. Linda Stone, a former executive of Microsoft called our fixation with devices, ‘‘continuous partial attention’’(Rose, 2011). Data support the prevalence of this state of continuous partial attention. Neilson Media Research (2014) reported that 40% of mobile device users indicated that they used their device while watching television daily. Continuous partial attention may refer to one of two types of scenarios defined within the psychology literature: task switching and simultaneous multitasking. There are several theories that purport a distinction between switching between separate tasks and simultaneously performing two tasks, while others believe that they are actually the same action on different scales. Task Switching The term task switching was first used by Jersild, (1927) and has since been based upon the findings within attention literature that define attention as a lim-‐ ited-‐capacity system (see Broadbent, 1958; Triesman, 1964; Kahneman, 1973). Some of the tasks most common to task switching are variations of the Stroop task (Stroop, 1935) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) (Berg, 1948). Examples of the Stroop task, (1935) would be quickly naming the ink color of letters that spell out a different color. A variant of the Stroop task is a motor response with cursor location to the color of a word on the screen, or to the color that the word named
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 4 (Durgin, 2000). The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test involves a set of cards that vary along the shape, color, and number of objects depicted. Participants are asked to match the cards, but are usually not given instructions on how to match them (Berg, 1948). By switching between variations of Stroop or WCST tasks, one can study the effects of task switching upon performance of the tasks. The multitasking literature as a whole tends to report decrements in performance in multitasking and task switching as similar. Allport, Styles, and Hiesh (1994) specifically showed perfor-‐ mance decrements in switching between multiple tasks. They found a decrement in performance due to switching tasks in a study using the Reverse Stroop (Durgin, 2000) and standard Stroop (Stroop, 1935) tasks. A group of participants either per-‐ formed those tasks in repetitive or alternating task block, and those in the alternat-‐ ing condition had slower reaction times after switching tasks. Rubinstein, Meyer & Evans (2001) also have shown that switching tasks comes at an attentional cost. They found that there could be performance decrements up to 1.4 seconds when alternating visuo-‐motor tasks were compared to repeating variations of the Wiscon-‐ sin Card Sorting Test. Simultaneous Multitasking
The aforementioned scenarios (e.g. using a cell phone and watching TV)
could actually be examples of Task Switching as opposed to simultaneous multitask-‐ ing, and some would even argue that simultaneous multitasking is impossible due to queuing in a serial representation of central processing (see Pashler, 2000). Howev-‐ er, others argue that there is evidence for simultaneous multitasking, or virtually perfect time-‐sharing (see Schumacher, Seymour, Glass, Fencsik, Lauber, Kieras &
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 5 Meyer, 2001). Both of these explanations support similar deficits of behavioral per-‐ formance during dual tasking. This phenomenon is known as dual task cost (DTC). According to Kahneman (1973), human attention is inherently limited. Performing more than one task simultaneously often results in interference that degrades the performance of each. In one prevalent model of DTC, Pashler (1994) posits a bottleneck in processing information and subsequent action that inevitably leads to interference and performance decrements in goal-directed multiple-task behavior. However, attention is not consistently attenuated by two tasks; some tasks in combination show almost no performance decrement, while others create ample interference and lower performance (see Kahneman, 1973; Wickens, 1984). In contrast to Pashler’s (1994) proposal of a central cognitive decision-making resource that queues tasks, others argue that sufficient practice and motivation may reduce DTC in some cases (e.g., Meyer and Kieras, 1997a; 1997; 1999, Schumacher, Seymour, Glass, Fencsik, Lauber, Kieras, and Meyer, 2001). However, these papers focus upon very simple tasks to show that simultaneously performing two tasks is indeed possible, but it does not occur without motivation, training, or very simple cognitive tasks. When tasks are more complicated, there are multiple measures of bottlenecks, but the processing of these tasks can occur in parallel.
At first these performance decrements may seem counterintuitive to the trends of
increasing monitors in the work place. Some businesses employ multiple monitors in order to display different sources of information, reasoning that having multiple monitors actually optimizes task completion and lessens cognitive load. According to Colvin, Tobler, & Anderson (2004), the main benefit of using multiple monitors is during taskswitching periods where a user must toggle a new window on a single screen. The re-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 6 searchers reported that across three types of editing tasks, when participants used multiple screens as opposed to a single screen they took less time, made fewer editing errors, and made more overall correct edits. They attributed the fact that people do not have to physically interact with the interface in order to visually assess information as a main factor in increased performance.
There are other scenarios that may not see as much of a benefit as adding more
screens in the workplace. Many studies have focused upon the particular difficulty we have with simultaneously performing continuous visuo-motor activities. A salient example of this situation is while driving a motor vehicle. Research has shown that driving performance is significantly impaired by secondary tasks, with the most distracting common behavior being cell phone use (see Strayer & Johnston, 2001; Strayer, Watson, & Drews, 2011). Meanwhile car manufacturers are adding more and more complex “infotainment” systems with touch-screen displays. For example, the Tesla Model S electric vehicle currently features a 17-inch touch-screen display along its center console. Considering that during any daylight hour 10% of drivers are using their cell phone, and car interiors are becoming increasingly complex, we may be creating increasingly unsafe cars that require more and more divisions of our attention (Glassbrenner, 2005; Cook and Jones, 2011).
This problem becomes even more worrisome now that phones are capable of so
much more than just making calls. According to Cook and Jones (2011), 74.3% of young adults text and drive. Over half (51.8%) text weekly while some even engage in accessing the web (16.8%). Cook and Jones (2011) also found a positive correlation between young adults’ cell phone behaviors and crashes, as well as traffic citations. Handheld devices are
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 7 becoming ubiquitous due to their mobility and size, which inevitably has led to these situations with a mobile device and a secondary activity. People use their mobile phones to order something or look up a restaurant that they just saw on a television commercial. We text a friend updates on the game’s score or send pictures of news headlines from the T.V. (Neilson, 2014). In travel situations we look up destination addresses and then navigate within map applications. Why then, when people know that multitasking hurts performance, and can endanger their lives, do they continue to do it? There are certain types of people who seem heavily prone to multitasking, and that these same people are the worst at simultaneously performing two tasks. Ophir, Nass, and Wagner, (2009) discovered that self-reported heavy media multi-taskers performed worse than light media multi-taskers in a laboratory test of multitasking. The researchers concluded that self-reported heavy media-multitaskers were worse at ignoring irrelevant information while attempting to detect changes in the orientation of a target bar amongst distractors.
Even in high-stakes environments like driving, people seem unable to avoid mul-
titasking. However, there are situations like the workplace or at home, where dividing attention may be more acceptable. Again, there are more situations in which multitasking may occur due to technological availability. According to the Pew Research Center (2005), there was a 38% increase in the teens using the Internet from 2000 to 2005. In 2005, fourty-five percent of teens had a cell phone, and 33% had used it to send a text message. One in four cell phone-owning teens used their phone to connect to the Internet (Lenhart, Madden, & Hitlin 2005). Now, helped by the convenience and constant access provided by mobile devices, especially smartphones, 92% of teens report going online
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly,” (Lenhart, 2015).
There are now approximately 11 million teens who go online daily, as opposed to 7 million in 2000. This growth in mobile device use and Internet availability has increased the opportunity for the aforementioned multi-screen scenarios (Smith & Boyles, 2012). A Pew Research Center Survey (2012) found that television watchers are increasingly using secondary devices to react in real-time to things viewed during the course of television programs. For example, 38% of users said they used cellphones to keep occupied during commercial breaks. Similarly 28% posted a message to friends who were watching the same program. In the Ericsson Consumer Insight Summary Report (2013), 75% of people polled used their mobile device while watching TV. This type of situation has been increasing rapidly over the last 15 years and compels researchers to discern the implications of pervasive multitasking.
The previous studies establish that multitasking with mobile devices is a prevalent
activity, and work to address the nuances of multitasking scenarios. This research suggests that splitting one task visually seems to increase performance, and to switch between tasks or simultaneously multitask is detrimental to performance. In this study, we are interested in the scenario of simultaneous multitasking; what are we aware of while simultaneously performing two tasks? This study attempts to apply behavioral methods to determine how performance changes within a growing ‘in-the-wild’ situation; using mobile devices while attending to a second screen. Factors Affecting the Use of Handheld Devices in Multitasking Recent research has shown that the size of the screen we are searching affects visual attention and the performance of that search. Chen, Liao, and Yeh (2011) used Anne
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES Treisman’s (1980) Visual Search Paradigm to distinguish two ends of the spectrum in
allocating visual attention to search a screen; parallel and serial search. They found that larger screen size affected reaction time in conditions where the target symbol was almost indistinguishable from the distractors. They defined this condition as serial search. However, screen size had no effect on searches for clearly distinct objects, such as a “v” among “o”s. They defined this condition as parallel search. According to this study, larger screens would take longer to search when trying to find something similar to everything else on the screen.
Another factor that could potentially affect attention to multiple screens is their
location relative to each other. Colvin, Tobler, & Anderson (2004) had multiple displays set side by side at the same distance from the user. Other studies only use one screen with multiple stimuli (Allport, Styles, and Hiesh (1994) ; Chen, Liao, and Yeh, 2011). However, the applied literature in aviation (Wickens and Andre, 1990) and driver distraction (Strayer & Johnston, 2001) addresses a Near-Field (foreground) and Far-Field (background) presentation of relevant stimuli. According to the work of Wickens and Andre (1990) and Wickens, Martin-Emerson, and Larish (1993), as relative distances of relevant information decreases, dual task cost decreases, but does not disappear. However, in both the aviation and driving literature, the secondary “screen” is really the Far-Field window that allows visual information to update where the vehicle needs to be maneuvered. In aviation, the use of a Head Up Display (HUD) allows for a more explicit second screen with co-located information, but it is still overlaid upon physically distant information. Instead, our questions centered around ubiquitous everyday interactions with mobile de-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 10 vices, which allow for novel orientations, but do not tend to involve the distances between relevant information involved in driving and flying. Experiment 1: Effect of Size in a Non-Coplanar, Multi-Screen Task
The goal of Experiment 1 was to recreate a common scenario involved with mo-
bile devices, such as attending to the mobile device while having a computer or television directly behind it. Participants performed a continuous tracking task on a mobile device while simultaneously vocally responding to a four-alternative choice task on a background screen. We varied the size of the mobile device. Based upon the previous literature on multitasking, we expected participants to perform more poorly on the background choice task during dual-task blocks compared to single-task blocks. We also predicted that participants would perform more poorly on the mobile device task during dual-task blocks compared to single-task blocks. In our study, the relevant information of the mobile device was held in a fixed location and the distance of information of the background task varied in height and lateral distance from the mobile device. Based upon previous work, (Wickens & Andre, 1990; Wickens, Martin-Emerson, & Larish, 1993) we predicted that reaction times to a change further from the mobile device would be slower. In addition, because Chen, Liao, and Yeh (2011) found no difference for the effect of screen size on reaction times in parallel search, but Bridgeman et al. (2003) and Bruijn, et al. (1992) found performance improvements with larger screens in tasks similar to the current experiment. Therefore, we predicted improved performance for the tablet over the phone. One possible consequence of a study with different tasks is unequal allocation of attention to one of the tasks. If we think about the example of using a mobile device
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 11 while watching TV, then the relevance of replying to a friend might override watching a rerun of Seinfeld. However, if it’s the first time seeing a highly anticipated show or movie during a climactic point in the plot, then replying to the friend might have to wait. In our task, participants were not giving instruction as to a primary task and a secondary task and were encouraged through the instructions to attempt to do both tasks at the same time. There are also lower level considerations that influence attention across multiple screens. Mazza, Turatto, & Umilta, (2005) have shown that in images people are much quicker to notice small changes in the foreground and slower to notice large changes (such as the color) to the background. This research may point to the background task suffering the most in this foreground-background arrangement. Therefore, we predict that the effects of dual task cost will occur more in background tasks and the continuous foreground task will be prioritized. Method Participants
46 undergraduates at the University of California, Santa Cruz (13 Males, 33 Fe-
males) enrolled in a psychology course, received course credit in exchange for their participation. Three participants were removed from the analysis due to technical malfunctions and resulting loss of data. Materials For All Experiments For the background task, a 19-inch Dell computer monitor (1280 x 1024 pixels) was positioned at approximately 36 inches from the participant. In the Foreground condition, participants used either a 5.4 x 2.8 inch (720 x 1280 pixels) Samsung Galaxy SIII smart phone or a 9.6 x 6.9 inch (1280 x 800 pixels) Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet that
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 12 was held approximately 30 inches from the participant. The center point (target location) on both devices was held constant approximately 5 inches below the bottom-center of the Dell computer monitor. Vocal responses were recorded using a Psychology Software Tools Serial Response Box™ Voice Key with an Audio Technica® ATR20 microphone mounted on a 5 inch table stand. Background task stimuli were presented electronically using the E-Prime 2.0 software (Psychology Software Tools, Pittsburgh, PA), which also recorded reaction time and accuracy for each response. Foreground task stimuli were presented by a custom android application. Procedure Participants were randomly assigned to either use the phone or the tablet for the duration of the experiment. The experiment was conducted across 5 blocks: a single-task mobile device block (Foreground) for approximately 5 minutes, followed by a single-task choice task block (Background) for approximately 5 minutes. Afterwards, participants completed 3 dual task blocks, each lasting approximately 5 min (see Table 1). After all blocks were completed, participants completed a survey that included prior experience with multitasking, a self-efficacy measure, and technology use (see Appendix B). Before starting the first single-task block, participants were handed the mobile device and asked to first pay close attention to instructions describing the mobile device task, and then to complete this task as accurately as possible. Next, participants received detailed instructions about the choice task (Background). The mobile device was taken from the participant during this single-task block. The participants completed the choice task in approximately 5 minutes. After the single task blocks participants were asked to complete three blocks in which they were to perform both tasks simultaneously to max-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 13 imize their performance in terms of accuracy, reaction time, and error score. A written version of the instructions are included in Appendix A. A post-survey was administered to assess previous experience with technology, confidence (Appendix B). We used the General Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, adapted to compare confidence in abilities with confidence in multi-tasking (Chen, Gully, & Eden, 2001). Tasks. In the Foreground task, participants controlled the movements of a blue ball by physically tilting the mobile device. Participants were asked to keep the ball within the center of a target circle. A weighted jitter, approximately the distance of the radius of the target circle, was applied to the ball. If the blue ball was allowed to slide outside of the circle, a beep would sound at 1-second intervals until the ball was back in the target circle. A numerical error score accumulated in the top left corner of the device. The Foreground task interface is shown in Figure 1. In the Background task, participants were asked to vocally respond to the position of a change on a computer monitor. The computer would present one row at four possible heights to the participant. After a randomized interval between 3 and 10 seconds, a change would occur at one of four possible counterbalanced locations within that row. For the background there was a change in the direction of an arrow. One arrow out of four possible would switch direction from the previously uniform arrow set. This change was characterized as a discrete change. On the majority of blocks, participants were asked to complete both tasks simultaneously. No ranking of importance was specified for the goals. Participants attempted
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 14 to keep the blue ball within the circle while responding as quickly and accurately as possible to the position of the background stimulus change. Measures. For the mobile device task, we measured the accumulated error score across each block. Each participant received an error score for single task blocks and dual task blocks. For the background task, we measured reaction time (RT) and accuracy for each question. Each participant received an average reaction time for single task blocks and dual task blocks. Accuracy in the background task was not significantly different across groups or substantially different from 100% for any participant. Therefore, it was excluded as a measure. Finally, we subtracted performance in the single task conditions from performance in dual task conditions to assess Dual Task Cost (DTC). Statistical analyses were performed using an independent samples t-test to assess differences between phone and tablet conditions. Results Single Task Trials An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare mobile device error, and background reaction time in phone and tablet conditions. In single task trials mobile device error score and background choice task reaction time were calculated and compared, but no statistical differences were observed between phone and tablet conditions, t(42) = 1.06, p = .28; t(42) = 1.39, p = .17 (see Table 3). Dual Task Trials Mobile device error per block and mean reaction times per block were measured for dual task trials (see Table 3). An independent-samples t-test was conducted to compare mobile device error and background reaction time in phone and tablet conditions.
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 15 There was a not a significant difference in the mobile device error scores for phone (M = 39.72, SD = 35.66) and tablet (M = 50.37, SD = 32.7) conditions; t(42) = 1.04, p = .3. However, there was a significant difference in the background choice task reaction times (milliseconds) for phone (M = 896.18, SD = 177.54) and tablet (M = 1106.85, SD = 264.84) conditions; t(42) = 3.15, p = .003; 95% CI[75.21, 346.14]. Dual Task Cost Dual Task Cost was calculated by subtracting the average single task trial scores from the average dual task trial scores for each participant. There was a not a significant difference in the mobile device error scores for phone (M = -.23, SD = 25.06) and tablet (M = 1.83, SD = 32.92) conditions; t(42) = .18, p = .8. However, there was a significant difference in the background choice task reaction times (milliseconds) for phone (M = 111.09, SD = 266.54) and tablet (M = 283, SD = 310.09) conditions; t(42) = 2.00, p = .026; 95% CI[27.31, 345.71] (see Table 3). Discussion
In Experiment 1 we conducted analyses for assessing factors of performance in a
background/foreground context with a mobile device and a free-standing screen. From the previous literature we have established that there is a DTC associated with multitasking and task switching (Pashler, 1994; Rubinstein, Meyer, & Evans, 2001), and have built on that research to show how design factors manipulate this cost. We have also shown that multiple displays are being used simultaneously and in a novel configuration with increasing frequency (Ericsson Consumer Lab, 2013) and that this paradigm should be studied further (see also Colvin, Tobler, & Anderson, 2004; Cook and Jones, 2011; Strayer, Watson, & Drews, 2011). Finally, we have identified a few factors that potential-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 16 ly influence performance in this new context, including screen size and hands in the visual field (see Bruijn et al., 1992; Reed et al., 2006). From this foundation we conducted a study to assess how size of the device in the visual field influences performance across both devices, biases visual attention toward one device over the other in this foreground/background configuration, and how these factors influence each other. Although we predicted that a larger screen size would increase performance of the tasks overall, we found that performance for the phone condition did not show as much of a detriment in the background choice task. We found that the slower reaction times in the tablet condition apparent in the background task speak to some performance detriment inherent in the comparison of the two devices. This could be an interesting finding regarding screens in that previous research often involved reading and finding information or errors in walls of text on coplanar screens. This finding suggests that the effect of screen size on performance may be tied to perceiving, processing, and responding to information in the foreground task differently, leading to an observable decrement in performance on the background task. However, in this analysis we identified a few possible improved measurements. One result that seemed apparent is that there was a practice effect for the Dual Task Cost measures. Having only one single task practice block for the DTC measure meant that participants performed more poorly at the beginning of the study, and therefore showed negative dual task cost in some conditions. This confound was corrected by having sufficient practice for the tasks and interleaving the blocks in Experiment 2. Experiment 2: Influence of Non-Attentional Size and Dimensions of Mobile Device
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 17 In the proposed study we have created a design that allows for practice to be accounted for in the data by counterbalancing the order of single and dual task blocks, thereby giving a more accurate assessment of the measures of dual task cost than Experiment 1 (see Table 2). In addition, more trials per participant and more total participants than Experiment 1 allowed for more reliable comparisons between phone and tablet conditions.
It is also possible that the various aspects of holding a larger compared to a small-
er device could have non-attentional effects. In order to account for possible nonattentional effects a third device was created with the screen size of the phone and the weight and dimensions of the tablet. We referred to this device as the Phony Tablet (PT). If the confound of weight and dimension are eliminated and the effects are attentional, previous literature on attention may be updated to account for this new context. In accordance with the previous literature on screen size and attention (see Bruijn, Mul, and Oostendorp, 1992; Bridgeman, Lennon, and Jackenthal, 2003), we predicted that the weight and dimensions of the device were not a factor, which would lead the phony tablet to perform similarly to the phone and differently from the tablet. Also, in past research with multiple mounted displays, researchers have not accounted for the possible effect of physically holding a device on a person’s attention. However, there is a plethora of research demonstrating that hands within our visual field affect performance in reaction time tasks (see Reed, Grubb, & Steele, 2006; Dufour & Touzalin, 2008; Tseng, Bridgeman, and Juan, 2012; Qian, Al-Aidroos, West, Abrams, & Pratt, 2012). Hand distance from target stimuli varies by the nature of differing sizes between devices in the current study. Therefore, we must attempt to account for its effect upon performance in our non-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 18 coplanar multi-screen scenario. The visibility of the hands within the current study is manipulated with the addition of the third condition that holds the hands the same distance from target information as the tablet, but mirrors the screen size of the phone. Based upon the aforementioned hand-related literature, we would predict that hands closer to target information in the visual field will facilitate attention and lead to better performance than the far-hands condition. Method Participants
123 undergraduates at the University of California, Santa Cruz (36 Males, 87 Fe-
males) enrolled in a psychology course, received course credit in exchange for their participation. The experimental design consisted of a comparison of means in phone, tablet, and phony tablet conditions. Three participants were removed from the analysis due to technical malfunctions and resulting loss of data. Materials The technology in Experiment 1 was used for the current study (see Experiment 1). However, additional information was taken into account for the weight and dimensions of the technology. For example, the 5.4 x 2.8 inch (720 x 1280 pixels) Samsung Galaxy SIII smart phone weighs approximately 4.7 ounces while the 9.6 x 6.9 inch (1280 x 800 pixels) Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet weighs approximately 18 ounces. A 9.6 x 6.9 inch press board with a 5.4 x 2.8 inch cutout was built to accommodate the smart phone and added together weigh a total of 18 ounces. Procedure
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 19 The study consisted of three between-subjects conditions: Phone, Tablet, and Phony Tablet (PT). The experiment was conducted across 8 blocks: a single-task mobile device block (Foreground) for approximately 10 minutes, followed by a single-task choice task block (Background) for approximately 10 minutes. Afterwards, participants completed 2 dual task blocks, each lasting approximately 10 min (see Table 2). These blocks were then repeated, with a single task mobile, background task choice task, and two dual task blocks. After all blocks were completed, participants completed the same survey as Experiment 1 (see Appendix B). Before starting the first single-task block, participants were handed the mobile device and asked to first pay close attention to instructions describing the mobile device task, and then to complete this task as accurately as possible. Next, participants received detailed instructions about the choice task (Background). The mobile device was taken from the participant during this single-task block. The participants used the choice task for approximately 10 minutes. After the single task blocks participants were asked to complete two blocks in which they were to perform both tasks simultaneously to maximize their performance in terms of accuracy, reaction time, and error score. A written version of the instructions provided to participants are included in Appendix A. The same post-survey from Experiment 1 was administered to assess selfefficacy, specifically with regard to multitasking, familiarity with technology, and video game use (Chen, Gully, & Eden, 2001). Tasks. The tasks in Experiment 1 were used for the current study (see Experiment 1).
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 20 Measures. For the Background task, we measured reaction time (RT) and accuracy for each question. For the mobile device task, we measured the accumulated error score across each block. Results Single Task Trials
A one-way analysis of variance was conducted in order to compare mobile device
error and background reaction time in phone, tablet, and phony tablet conditions. In single task trials mobile device error score and background choice task reaction time were calculated, but no statistical differences were observed between phone and tablet conditions, t(120) = 1.07, p = .29; t(120) = 1.38, p = .19 (see Figure 2). Dual Task Trials
Mobile device error per block and mean reaction times per block were measured
for dual task trials. A one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect of device type on mobile error and background reaction time in the phone, tablet, and PT conditions. No main effect of device was found for mobile device error score F(2, 2
120) = 0.64, p = .53, ηp = .01. However, there was a significant effect of reaction time (milliseconds) on device type at the p < .05 level for the three conditions, F(2, 120) = 2
6.38, p < .001, ηp = .10 (see Figure 3). Post Hoc pairwise comparisons using the Tukey Honest Significant Differences test indicated that the mean score for the phone condition (M = 970.30, SD = 217.74) was significantly different from the tablet condition (M = 1102.87, SD = 265.28), but not the PT condition (M = 929.27, SD = 200.82). However, PT was significantly different from the tablet condition. Taken together, these results
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 21 suggest that the device with the weight and dimensions of the tablet, but the screen size of the phone (PT) performed similarly to the phone and differently than the tablet. Dual Task Cost Dual Task Cost was calculated by subtracting the average single task trial scores from the average dual task trial scores for each participant. A one-way between subjects ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect of device type on mobile error and background reaction time in the phone, tablet, and PT conditions (see Figure 4). There was not a significant difference in the mobile device error scores for phone, tablet, or PT, 2
conditions, F(2, 120) = 1.17, p = .31, ηp = .02. There was a significant effect of device type on background reaction time (milliseconds) at the p < .05 level for the three condi2
tions, F(2, 120) = 5.71, p < .01, ηp = .09. Post Hoc pairwise comparisons using the Tukey Honest Significant Differences test indicated that the mean reaction time (milliseconds) for the phone condition (M = 124.49, SD = 212.03) was significantly different from the tablet condition (M = 271.43, SD = 266.55), but not the PT condition (M = 125.51, SD = 192.18). The PT condition was also significantly different from the tablet condition, suggesting that the phone and PT conditions reacted more quickly to background stimuli than the tablet condition. These results suggest that the tablet condition had a higher DTC than the phone or PT conditions. Discussion Experiment 2 showed that when accounting for practice, DTC occurs as expected for a multitasking experiment, replicating previous DTC studies (e.g. Pashler, 1994). This study also shows that as people attend to a foreground screen of various sizes, how they attend to that foreground screen changes. With regard to the size and location of the ef-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 22 fect, it appears that it occurs for information beyond the foreground screen. It also seems that larger screens, although possibly priming more attentional focus to that location, do not necessarily enhance performance for that task, and cause detriments to attention allocated to background tasks.
Also in Experiment 2, it is clear that the Phony Tablet (PT) acts more like a phone
to participants than it does a tablet. There are a few theories that address this outcome. First, it could have to do with the type of attention being deployed. From the three main types of visual attention listed by Carrasco (2011), our task requires overt and/or covert spatial attention, and could be deployed as feature-based attention (FBA) or object-based attention. We have no measures, such as eye tracking, to discern between overt and covert attention, as we were interested in change in performance, and not individual differences in strategy. However, we can still reach some conclusions about the nature of attentional resources being allocated to each of the two tasks (foreground and background). It first requires that we view the brain as a limited capacity system and attention as a selective process from a finite set of options. If there is a fixed amount of overall energy available for the brain, and this metabolic energy is thought of as constant, then the firing rates of neurons responding to visual information quickly saturate this capacity (Attwell & Laughlin, 2001). This limited resource view is fairly well established by the previous research (see Broadbent, 1958; Treisman, 1960). Secondly, simultaneous stimuli within receptive fields interact in a mutually competitive way, also known as lateral inhibition. There is neural research to show that responses to simultaneous stimuli are a weighted average of an individual response within a receptive field (see Reynolds, Chelazzi, & Desimone, 1999). The Eriksen Flanker Task shows us that there is a minimum size our
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 23 attentional field might be (Eriksen & Eriksen, 1974), and Posner, (1980) has shown how we might voluntarily adjust the attended region independently from our focal point. However, Eriksen (1974) and subsequent work (see Faber, Maurits, & Lorist, 2012) based upon the Eriksen Flanker task show how mental fatigue lowers our ability to suppress irrelevant stimuli. The findings most relevant to our current manipulation are that attention distributed over a larger region of the visual field has a lower spatial resolution and less processing efficiency for a given subregion (Castiello & Umilta, 1990, 1992; Eriksen, 1990 in Carrasco, 2011). For a Post Hoc hypothesis, it would make sense now that the larger screen, which would require more attentional resources and activate a larger area of the visual cortex, would leave fewer resources under a cognitive workload for subsequent change detection in the background choice task. So in our original hypothesis we predicted that a larger screen would lead to a more diffuse attentional field, but we did not allow for the trade-off between size, spatial resolution, and loss of processing efficiency. This led us to wrongly hypothesize that the allocation of attention to the background task would be greater overall than if it was completely outside of the attentional field with the smaller screen. It seems that the smaller screen allowed for the capacity of greater change detection in the periphery. For neural evidence of this phenomenon, Muller, Bartlet, Donner, Villringer, and Brandt (2003) showed that as attention is distributed more widely, the amount of activated retinotopic visual cortex increases, but the relative level of any subregion of activity decreases when compared to a less distributed attentional field. It is possible that there are other aspects of this task that modulate attention to the devices differently. In terms of the hands’ effect on visual attention, there are recent stud-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 24 ies showing that hands can facilitate attentional focus near the palms. Supporting data shows that the effect disappears when monitor adjacent hands are arranged with outwardfacing palms (Tseng, Bridgeman, & Juan, 2012). Also the grasp position similarly modulates this effect. In Experiment 2 we can ask if this is meaningfully different in two screen displays. Thomas, (2012), shows that having the hands in a pincer grasp position with the thumb and forefinger resting on the display will nullify the effect of responding faster to targets nearest to the hand. Participants responded to stimuli on a device screen while holding their hands in adjacent positions with different hand shapes. This suggests that how you hold the mobile device could modulate your tendency to pay attention to it. These results also demonstrate that changes in visual processing near the hands rely on the hands’ posture. Although hands positioned to afford power grasps facilitate a faster reaction time, a pincer grasp posture that affords more precise action does not. In addition, having an expensive and complex piece of technology and paying attention to it may have to do with not dropping it, the device being close to you, or it getting your attention through sound and haptic feedback. The current study allows us to suggest that hand distance from relevant stimuli may not have as noticeable of an effect on performance as screen size with our task. Limitations and Future Directions
There are many questions still to be asked of this novel ‘in-the-wild’ scenario. For
instance, stimuli cannot be too easy or too difficult in order to maintain a desired multitasking environment. Tasks that people perform on their mobile devices now vary widely, from small updates or alarms to in-depth conversations via text, email, or voice command. Also, the weight and dimensions of the devices still have some relevance with re-
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 25 gard to our hand comparisons. In future iterations of this study, we may want to focus upon the difference between two continuous tasks running simultaneously instead of the current continuous Foreground and discrete Background. This proposed change should lessen the strategic variability across the two tasks and make it easier to discern differences across conditions. In future research within the context of Foreground mobile devices and Background monitors we would like to look at individual differences in strategy as well. Effects may be obscured by a large difference in performance strategies of participants. They may attempt to switch tasks (Allport, Styles, & Hsieh, 1994; Rubinstein, Meyer, & Evans, 2001), attend to both tasks simultaneously (Schumacher et al., 2001) or ignore one task completely due to engagement differences in the two tasks. Further analyses could compare participants who performed well in one task against participants who performed well in the other, and then overall performance across these two groups. We could correlate this type of analysis in future studies with survey questions about participants’ strategy. Research also suggests that there may be an age preference for mobile device screen size. There was an interesting preference for types of mobile devices between age groups. Nearly half of people 18-24 years of age used their phone while watching television daily, while people 55-64 years of age were most likely to use tablets during daily television viewings (Neilson Media Research, 2014). However, our sample only contained the former group, and age did not correlate with performance on phone or tablet. This could potentially lead to a familiarity bias for the phone against the tablet, but post-survey results indicate no correlation in device familiarity with performance. Conclusions
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 26 In these studies we’ve seen evidence that suggests that when holding a mobile device, larger screens may decrease our abilities to attend to information beyond the device. In this experiment, it seems as if UCSC undergraduate students can attend to background information on a computer with very minimal performance loss to foreground or background tasks if the foreground screen is small. However, once the device is changed to the larger tablet, dual task cost and reaction times for the background task both increase. This finding could be attributed to familiarity with the phone over the tablet in young people (see Neilson, 2014), but evidence suggests that the more visual area taken up activates more cortical neurons, which would leave fewer resources for processing other information. It is possible that eliminating this configuration of multiple displays from one’s routine at work, in the car, or at home could become a proven method for individuals to bolster their efficiency and performance at certain tasks. However, due to the previously shown effects of training and DTC (see Schumacher et al. 2001), we may only need time to adjust to this new configuration of displays developing all around us. Even now participants have shown that the device they are more likely to be familiar with does not always show a reliable dual task cost for simultaneously attending to background information. Further study is required to answer these questions.
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Table 1. Experiment 1 Procedure Design
Table 2. Experiment 2 Procedure Design
Table 3. Experiment 1 Results Error (score)
Single Phone
Single Tablet
Dual Phone
Dual Tablet
DTC Phone
DTC Tablet
Reaction Time (ms) p .28
p .17
Figure 1. Mobile device foreground and computer display background task example.
Figure 2. Experiment 2 single task mobile device error score and background reac-‐ tion time.
Figure 3. Experiment 2 dual task mobile device error score and background reaction time.
Figure 4. Experiment 2 dual task cost mobile device error score and background reaction time.
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES Appendix A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Welcome to the Mobile Multitasking Game! Thank you for participating in this study. Please read the instruction screen carefully, and then tell the researcher you are ready to move forward. In this task you will be asked to use a mobile device and make decisions about information on a computer screen simultaneously. The mobile device must be held in both hands with arms resting upon the counter. On the mobile device there is a game which consists of keeping a ball in the center of a circle. If the ball is inside of the circle the mobile device will not beep. If the ball is outside of the circle the mobile device will beep until the ball is back in the circle. You can see the number of times the ball has left the circle in the top left corner of the screen. Let’s practice the mobile task now. The experimenter will hand you the mobile device and position your arms on the table. Remember that in order to keep the ball in the center of the circle, you must keep the device at the correct angle. When you are ready, press START on the mobile device Now let’s look at the background task. You are going to be making decisions about arrows. In this task you will be asked to respond to the location of the changed arrow. First, you will see a fixation cross. Then you will see a row of 4 arrows appear. At some point one of the arrows will change direction. When you notice the change, speak loudly and clearly into the microphone. Speak the number that corresponds with the position of the change. Let’s practice the computer task now. The experimenter will show you where to position your hands and feet relative to the table. Remember that in order to record a correct response, you must say, loudly and clearly, the number that corresponds with the location of the change. When you are ready, let the experimenter know you wish to begin.
Appendix B
1502 Survey in this survey you will be asked questions about the experiment you just completed. It is very important that you answer honestly so take your time with each question. After you have completed the questions, let the experimenter know that you are ready to continue. 1. Session Number 2. Participant Age 3. Which gender do you identify with? Activities This section of the survey asks about your experience with various activities. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. Never to Every Day 6-point Likert 4. How often do you play first person shooters? 5. How often do you play Massive Multiplayer Online Games? 6. How often do you go without using any type of screen display? 7. How often do you use a mobile touchscreen device specifically for games? 8. How often do you use a touchscreen tablet? 9. How often do you use a touchscreen phone? 10. How often do you use your computer specifically for games? 11. How often do you use your mobile phone or tablet for something other than calls? (e.g. surfing the Web, checking email, etc.) Abilities The next set of questions ask about your belief in your ability to complete tasks and accomplish goals. Rate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree 6-point Likert 12. I will be able to achieve most of the goals that I have set for myself. 13. When facing difficult tasks, I am certain that I will accomplish them. 14. In general, I think that I can obtain outcomes that are important to me 15. I believe I can succeed at most any endeavor to which I set my mind. 16. I will be able to successfully overcome many challenges. 17. I am not confident that I can perform effectively on many different tasks. 18. Compared to other people, I can do most tasks very well. 19. When things are tough I struggle. 20. I can perform most activities while doing other things at the same time. 21. When facing multiple difficult tasks, I am confident I can do them both. 22. In general, I think that I can balance multiple life goals well. 23. I don’t believe I can succeed at most endeavors where I have to keep track of multiple things. 24. I can successfully overcome many challenges.
DIVIDED ATTENTION IN MULTITASKING WITH MOBILE DEVICES 35 25. I am confident that I can perform effectively on many different tasks. 26. Compared to other people, I can’t hold as many ideas in my head at once. 27. Even when things are complicated, I can do more than one at the same time. Single Task Questions In this Section, you will be asked questions about performing each of the tasks individually Not at all difficult to Very difficult 6-point Likert 28. How hard did you find the mobile task by itself? 29. How well do you feel you performed on the mobile task by itself? 30. How hard did you find the computer task by itself? 31. How well do you feel you performed on the computer task by itself? 32. Compared to others how well do you think you did on the mobile task by itself? 33. Compared to others how well do you feel you did on the computer task by itself? Multitasking 34. How how easy was it to do two tasks at the same time? 35. Compared to others, how good do you consider yourself at multitasking? 36. While balancing the ball on the mobile device, how hard did you find detecting a change in the direction of an arrow You have completed the questionnaire and are free to go. Thank you very much for your participation.