Divine Alchemy Initiation - Meetup

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unity of spirit & matter, alchemy progress's from spiritual mysticism to Divine ... “I am the Universal Consciousness of (wholeness, abundance, success, right ...
Divine Alchemy Initiation Denise Singerline Foster Bringing into our Reality the experiences we choose, helping us to understand cause & effect, mind & manifestation, energy & matter. By recognizing the power of the mind, unity of spirit & matter, alchemy progress’s from spiritual mysticism to Divine materialism by creative principle at work & materializing in our world of form. 12 Steps- The completed cycle of experience towards regeneration to a higher consciousness, will & sacrifice to achieve knowledge and wisdom Step 1- Know Thyself – God is within us, speaking words of truth lovingly. Mirror work. When we speak it, we become it. When we think it, we become it. “I am the Universal Consciousness of (wholeness, abundance, success, right relations) in radiant expression. I Am the shining sun of (complete wellbeing, infinite supply, divine accomplishment, love & harmony).

Step 2- Secure the cooperation with the Angels the Governors of Life, each controlling a gate or opening to the inner planes my consciousness. I seek to ensure they are in harmony with me and my objectives. “I with pure intentions and love in my heart, am embarking on a dynamic alchemical process to change my life to a higher spiritual vibration. I ask to harmonize any conflicting patterns in me. I ask that we work together Angels of Success & Fulfillment, Angels of Union & Receptivity as we form a manifestation chain. Our vibrations are now in harmony and Divine Order prevails.” Step 3- The fusion of the Angel of Power & Authority & the Angel of Spiritual Strength & Will and the embodiment of this blended energy force. “I ask that these Angels of Power & Authority & the Angel of Spiritual Strength & Will come to me, as we blend our energies in Divine light. I accept them in the force field of my consciousness. My life is ruled by Divine Spiritual power of Gods Purpose & Power. My mind sees only the good and my heart is fearless.” Step 4- Bond with Saturn the Angel of Presence, the Light of the Lord. As my Light of

Spiritual Self and the Angel of Light merge together, I see the truth of my Reality with acceptance and without judgement. “I Am the Light, I am Success & Fulfillment, I Am the law unto my world.”

Step 5- Bonding with Isis the High Priestess, the Creative Mind. “In bonding with you Isis, I live my life with beauty, nobility & harmony. I ask that you help me to transform my thoughts of discord, disharmony, fear, anger, resentment and guilt. My thoughts and feelings are of the highest order. I ask that you work with me in harmony with the universal truth, goodness & beauty.”

Step 6- Think thoughts of truth & speak words of power. “My mind is Healed of all false beliefs & error patterns. My body is in perfect health. I am the law of expansion, increase & fruition. I am the consciousness to do, be & have. I Am the power to be successful. My inner light draws to me those who radiate love, peace & joy.” Step 7- Mentally Show Isis your mental movie of your ideal life, your vision of your perfect world in every aspect. “Use your imagination to see the ultimate life, not limiting yourself in anyway. By doing this, you are impressing your images upon Creative mind.” Step 8- Speak the Creative Feminine Principle. “ I have been given the vision & truth. My energy field is configured for the perfect pattern for manifestation of my Ideal life.” Step 9- See & feel the Divine energy of Spirit, radiating through the blueprint of your Ideal Life as it radiates out of your throat chakra. “As a Holy golden ray of light shines down upon me, flowing around and through me, the unity of Spirit & matter. See-feel your body as perfect, abundant, successful, the people in your life are expressing love & harmony in right relationships, see your ideal life.” Step 10- Say Yesssssss. Meditate on the reality of you manifesting the Ideal life, say Yes, I accept it now. See your perfect healthy body and say Yes, I accept it now. Look at abundance in your life and say Yes, accept it now. Look at all of your loving harmonious relationships and say Yes, I accept it now. All of this is now activated and the seeds have been planted. Step 11-Establish through Love- the Law of Attraction. “Tune into your heart chakra, feel it radiating love, feel the joy, it’s a magnet for love, compassion & acceptance. Feel it pulsating as it is activated and will draw the manifest experiences back to you. Love attracts what love has formed.” Step12-Feel the Gratitude. “Feel intense gratitude and thankfulness for the Divine Blessings showering over you, all has been manifest and is in motion.” I Am the Universal Consciousness of Wholeness in radiant expression. I Am the Shining Sun complete wellbeing. I Am the Universal Consciousness of Abundance individualized and in radiant expression. I Am the Shining Sun of infinite Supply. I Am the Universal Consciousness of Success individualized and in radiant expression. I Am the Shining Sun of Divine Accomplishment. I Am the Universal Consciousness of Right Relations individualized and in radiant expression. I Am the Shining Sun of Love and Harmony.

“The Alchemists Handbook” & “The Angels Within Us” by John Randolph Price