Division of Support Services - Maintenance and Operations

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Division of Support Services. 15701 E. 1st Ave. Suite 206. Aurora, CO 80011. Phone: 303-365-7812. FAX: 303-326-1947. MEM
Division of Support Services 15701 E. 1st Ave. Suite 206 Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: 303-365-7812 FAX: 303-326-1947 MEMORANDUM Date:

August 5, 2009






Anthony Sturges, Chief Operating Officer


APS Energy Management and Conservation Standards

In our continued effort to control escalating energy costs, the standards detailed on page 2 were enacted May 1, 2008. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself and your staff with this important information. Our objective is to reduce energy consumption, enabling otherwise wasted resources to be redirected back into the classroom to support student achievement. Also, please visit the district’s energy conservation website which provides valuable information including details about the Green Stars Energy Conservation Cash Incentive Program, energy saving tips and an electricity usage report, listed by school/site. http://apscms.net/departments/maintop/energy-conservation/ Bo Bacon, Energy Consultant, is available to review the goals of our energy management program, answer questions, and provide support. Bo can be contacted via email at [email protected] or by phone at extension 28644.


Anthony Sturges Chief Operating Officer

1. Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Temperature Set Points & System Control. o HVAC Systems are programmed to maintain a temperature range from 68 F – 74 F during occupied periods and a temperature range of 60 F – 85 F during unoccupied periods.  Occupied periods are Monday – Friday, excluding holidays and breaks, 60 minutes prior to and 90 minutes following scheduled bell times  Unoccupied periods are all times not defined as occupied hours above, including weekends, holidays & breaks After-Hours HVAC Needs o HVAC systems will not be scheduled for occupied use during unoccupied periods o Schools/sites may request HVAC during unoccupied periods by submitting a work order via the Maintenance & Operations Maximo work order system. The work order must be submitted a minimum of three (3) days in advance of the planned event and must include the specific area/s within the school, date, and start and end time of the event. o HVAC overrides provide an alternative means for initiating HVAC systems after hours. Please contact Bo Bacon at [email protected] or at extension 28644 for a list of override access location by school Process for Reporting HVAC Issues o To report areas within your school or site with temperatures above or below the district set point standards as described above, please contact Maintenance and Operations dispatch at extension 28600. 2. Lighting - Lighting accounts for up to 50% of a school’s electrical energy! ALWAYS TURN LIGHTS OFF o When leaving a room or area for any period of time (It’s a myth that it costs less to leave fluorescent lights on than to shut them off – turning lights off for even a few seconds saves energy & money) 3. Personal Equipment Refrigerators, microwaves & coffee makers are acceptable in staff lounges and department offices only. Use of Space heaters must be pre-approved by submitting a request to Bo Bacon at. These requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and unless a special need exists will only be approved in areas where necessary to maintain the district’s minimum temperature of 68 F. 4. Office Equipment Computers, monitors, printers and copy machines should be turned off at the end of each day (exceptions are file servers and those devices used to print nightly reports) Please turn off computers and monitors when not in use for at least 45 minutes. 5. Building Shut-downs for Breaks Schools are expected to complete a comprehensive building shut-down list prior to leaving for the four major breaks (summer, fall, winter and spring). Shut-down checklists are available for download at the district’s Energy Conservation website located at http://apscms.net/departments/maintop/energyconservation/ or by sending an email request to Bo Bacon at [email protected]