dlrcc traffic news - Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

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Apr 14, 2018 - Traffic management will be in place for the duration of the works. » Ardmore Park * - **. Connection for



Saturday, 14th April 2018 – to – Friday, 20th April 2018 A public service provided by Municipal Services Department of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Listed below are noteworthy road works of which the Traffic and Road Safety Section has been informed. Details are supplied as per information received by 16:00 hrs. on the preceding Thursday. Emergency road works cannot be forecast. » #

New Entry Update

Estimate of Potential Disruption: *** major ** medium * minor


Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 » Temporary Closure of Benildus Avenue, Sandyford St. Benildus College has requested the temporary closure of Benildus Avenue, Sandyford. The closure is to be from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on Friday 18th May, 2018. The purpose of the proposed closure is to facilitate Rás Benildus. A Traffic Management Plan will be in place and all diversions will be signposted. Diversion of traffic will be via Drummartin Link Road, Blackthorn Drive and Blackthorn Avenue and vice versa. Emergency access can be provided, if required, during the period of the Road Closure. Any interested party may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Engineer, Traffic Section, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire not later than noon on Friday 4th May, 2018 or e-mail to [email protected]

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Section 75, Roads Act, 1993 Extension of Temporary (Periodic) Road Closure, Kelly’s Avenue, Dún Laoghaire Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has received an application from John Sisk and Sons (Holdings) Ltd), Wilton Works, Naas Road, Dublin 22, to extend the temporary closure of Kelly’s Avenue, Dún Laoghaire, from its junction with George’s Place to its junction with Crofton Road to through traffic until Tuesday 12th June, 2018. The road will not be closed continuously during this period. Closures will be periodic and residents will be notified at least three days in advance in each instance. The purpose of the closure is to facilitate works relating to the new Rapid Delivery housing development at George’s Place, Dún Laoghaire. A Traffic Management Plan will be in place and the diversion routes will be clearly signposted. Local Access will be maintained at all times.


» Green Route - ** R113 Ballinteer Roundabout to Sandyford Roundabout (Drummartin Link Road) Gully cleaning on the Green Route on Saturday 14th April 2018 from 3.00am to 12 noon approximately. Ballinteer roundabout and approach roads to the Ballinteer roundabout will be reduced to one lane for the first phase of the works. Cleaning will progress from Ballinteer roundabout towards Sandyford roundabout. Traffic management will be in place for the duration of the works.


Ardmore Park * - **

Connection for foul sewer, water mains and surface water adjacent to development at 52 Ardmore Park, Dún Laoghaire, will require half of the road to be closed at this location between 8.00 and 17.00 hours from 11th April to 17th April 2018. A Stop/Go system will be in place.

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» Johnstown Road, Cabinteely ** Road restoration works will take place on Wednesday 18th - Friday 20th April 2018 between the hours of 10am and 4pm. There will be a Stop & Go traffic management system in place.

» Kilmacud Road Lower – Junction with South Ave. and Kilmacud Road Upper ** Slit trench excavations are to commence on Monday 16th April and last to Friday 20th April. Lane restrictions will be in place from 10am to 4pm for the duration of the works. During works on the left slip lane on to Kilmacud Road Upper, a lane closure will be in place and a detour via Drummartin Link Road will be in place.

» Landscape Road, Churchtown * Siac will commence constructing a new footpath on the west side of Landscape Road on Wednesday April 18th until Friday 4th May 2018. Traffic Management will be in place for the duration of the works.


Grange Road, Ballinteer **

Ducting and cable laying works will continue into the week commencing Monday, 30th April 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. and 18:00 – 23:00 hrs. (if required). A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation for the duration of the work.

Public Lighting Lantern and Bracket Upgrade Works ** Public lighting lantern and bracket upgrade works will take place on: 1. Kilmacud Road Upper 2. Deansgrange Road 3. Clonkeen Road 4. Blackthorn Drive 5. Kill Lane/Avenue 6. Clonskeagh Road 7. Leopardstown Road 8. Kilmacud Road Lower 9. Cornelscourt Hill 10. Avoca Ave 11. Monkstown Ring Road. 12. Stradbrook Road These works will continue until Friday, 21st December 2018. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in operation as required. Page 3 of 4

N11 – Northbound between the Clonkeen and Johnstown Junctions ** Public lighting column and lantern upgrade works will commence on Monday, 29 th January 2018 until Friday, 27th April 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. and 19:30 – Midnight (if required). A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation for the duration of the work.

N11 – Southbound between the Clonkeen and Johnstown Junctions ** Public lighting column and lantern upgrade works will commence on Monday, 5 th February 2018 until Friday, 27th April 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. and 19:30 – Midnight (if required). A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation for the duration of the work.

M50/M11 - Northbound/Southbound Information on planned road works along the M50 can be found at: http://m50concession.com/operation-maintenance/planned-road-works/ End

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