Jul 21, 2018 - Listed below are noteworthy road works of which the Traffic and Road ... Elton Park, Sandycove Road, Glas
Saturday, 21st July 2018 – to – Friday, 27th July 2018 A public service provided by Municipal Services Department of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Listed below are noteworthy road works of which the Traffic and Road Safety Section has been informed. Details are supplied as per information received by 16:00 hrs. on the preceding Thursday. Emergency road works cannot be forecast. » #
New Entry Update
Estimate of Potential Disruption: *** major ** medium * minor
Section 75, Roads Act, 1993 DLR Bay 10K Road Race Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is proposing to temporarily close the roads listed below on Monday, 6th August 2018 in order to facilitate a ‘10K Road Race’. The Race will take the following route: Newtownsmith, Windsor Terrace, Queen’s Road, Crofton Road, Harbour Road, Dun Leary Road, Longford Terrace, Seapoint Ave, Seafield Ave, Monkstown Road, Carrickbrennan Road, Mounttown Upper, Mounttown Lower, Glenageary Road Upper, Albert Road Upper, Albert Rd, St. Catherine’s Road, Castle Park Road, Elton Park, Sandycove Road, Glasthule Road and Link Road. Newtownsmith, Windsor Terrace, Queen’s Road, Crofton Road, and Harbour Road will be closed from 06.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. and the remaining roads will be subject to a rolling closure as the race progresses between 9.50 a.m – 12.30 p.m. A Traffic Management Plan will be in place and diversions will be signposted. Full details of the diversions will appear on our website www.dlrcoco.ie and will also be available at our public counter in Civic Hub, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire and in Dún Laoghaire and Blackrock Libraries. Any interested parties may lodge an objection in writing or by email to
[email protected] with the Senior Engineer, Traffic Section, Transportation Department, Dún LaoghaireRathdown County Council, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin not later than Friday, 27th July 2018. Page 1 of 9
Section 75, Roads Act, 1993 Ironman 70.3 Triathlon 2018 – DUBLIN Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council is considering the temporary closure of the following roads to facilitate the ‘Ironman 70.3 Triathlon 2018’ which will take place on Sunday, 19th August 2018. The ‘Ironman 70.3 Triathlon 2018’ will involve a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile cycle and 13.1 mile run. The swim will take place early morning in Scotsman’s Bay, Dún Laoghaire, followed by a cycle from Dún Laoghaire that will head to Kilternan, then south through Enniskerry to Roundwood, turning west to the Sally Gap, then north through Glencree to Cruagh Road before turning east back through Glencullen and Kilternan to Dún Laoghaire. The run will then take place in Dún Laoghaire along the seafront. The proposed temporary road closures within the administrative area of Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council are as follows: August 18th 2018, Saturday, 07:00 – 19:00 hours Link Road
R831 Marine Parade
R831 Newtownsmith
R831 Windsor Terrace
Otranto Place
August 18th 2018, 07:00 – August 19th 2018, 21:00 hours
Queen’s Road
August 19th 2018, Sunday, 04:00 – 19:00 hours Link Road
R831 Marine Parade
R831 Newtownsmith
R831 Windsor Terrace
August 19th 2018, 04:00 – 09:30 hours Park Road August 19th 2018, 06:30 – 09:30 hours R118 Glenageary Road Lower. August 19th 2018, 06:30 – 14:00 hours R118 Sallyglen (from Glenageary Roundabout to Graduate Roundabout)
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August 19th 2018, 06:30 – 09:45 hours R118 Church Road – Westbound Lane (from Graduate Roundabout to Wyattville Road)
R188 Wyattville Road – Westbound lane (from Church Road to the N11)
August 19th 2018, 06:45 – 09:45 hours N11 - One lane southbound (from Wyattville Road to M11/Dublin Road R837)
R837 Dublin Road (from the N11 to Stonebridge Road)
Stonebridge Road
August 19th 2018, 06:30 – 10:15 hours Rathmichael Road
R116 Ballycorus Road (open Westbound towards R117 Enniskerry Road only from 10:15)
August 19th 2018, 06:30 – 13:30 hours R116 Ballycorus Road – Eastbound only (from R117 Enniskerry Road to Rathmichael Church)
Stonebridge Road – Northbound only from Rathmichael Church to Mulinastill Road
Mulinastill Road – from Stonebridge Road to Cherrywood Road
August 19th 2018, 07:15 – 10:15 hours R117 Enniskerry Road (from R116 Ballybetagh Road to the Wicklow County Boundary) August 19th 2018, 08:30 – 13:00 hours R115 Old Military Road (from Wicklow County Boundary to South Dublin County Boundary) August 19th 2018, 08:30 – 13:15 hours R116 (from Cruagh Road through Ballybrack Road and Ballybetagh Road to R117 Enniskerry Road) August 19th 2018, 08:45 – 13:45 hours R116 Cherrywood Road
Bray Road (from Cherrywood Road for its entirety north)
N11 – northbound off ramp to Wyattville Road
August 19th 2018, 07:00 – 13:45 hours R118 Wyattville Road –northbound only, (from the N11 to Church Road) Page 3 of 9
R118 Church Road – northbound only (from Wyattville Road to the Graduate Roundabout)
August 19th 2018, 09:00 – 14:00 hours Avondale Road, (from Graduate Roundabout to Glenageary Road Upper)
Glenageary Road Upper (from Killiney Roundabout to Adelaide Road)
Adelaide Road
R755 (from L1036 to Togher Pairc)
Respective Route diversion details are available on www.dlrcoco.ie Local access will be maintained at all times, where possible, and diversion routes clearly sign-posted. Any person may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Engineer, Traffic Section, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin or via e-mail at
[email protected] in respect of the proposed temporary road closures in the administrative area of Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council. The closing time and date for receipt of objections is noon on: Friday 10th August, 2018.
Section 75, Roads Act, 1993, Temporary closure of Woodside Road, Sandyford, Co. Dublin Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council proposes to temporarily close Woodside Road from Blackglen Road to Slate Cabin Lane, from 27th August to 29th August 2018 inclusive, in order to facilitate tree trimming works by the Public Lighting Section, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The proposed diversion route is via Slate Cabin Lane - Enniskerry Road - Black Glen Road and vice versa. A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation and local access will be maintained. Any interested party may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Engineer, Traffic Section, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire or email
[email protected] before noon on: 21st July 2018.
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Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 Temporary Closure of Castle Street, Dalkey Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council has received an application to temporarily close Castle Street, Dalkey from The Church of the Assumption, Castle Street, Dalkey to Allied Irish Bank on Saturday 25th August, 2018 and Sunday 26th August, 2018 from 11 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. in order to facilitate Dalkey Lobster Festival. The purpose of the closure is to create a safe and family friendly community atmosphere for the ‘Lobster Festival’ with Cookery Demonstrations, Street Entertainment etc. A Traffic Management Plan with diversion routes will be in operation and local access will be maintained for the full duration of the event. Any interested party may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Engineer, Traffic Section, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council or email
[email protected] not later than noon on Friday 27th July, 2018.
Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 Temporary Closure of Arkle Road and a section of Blackthorn Road, Sandyford Business Park, Sandyford. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has received an application from Irish Crane Hire Ltd. T/A Kavanagh Crane Hire to temporarily close Arkle Road from the junction with Carmanhall Road and a section of Blackthorn Road from the junction with Carmanhall Road to the junction with Blackthorn Avenue on Sunday 5th August, 2018, Sunday 12th August, 2018 and Sunday 19th August, 2018 from 00.01 – 23.59 hours. The purpose of the closures is to facilitate works taking place on the roofs of the Atrium Buildings between Arkle Road and Blackthorn Road. A diversion route via Burton Hall Road and Carmanhall Road will be clearly sign-posted. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Any interested party may lodge an objection in writing with the Senior Engineer, Traffic Section, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire before noon on: Friday 20th July, 2018.
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Section 75, Roads Act, 1993, Temporary Road Closure of Castle Street, Dalkey
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has made an order to temporarily close Castle Street from The Church of the Assumption, Castle Street, Dalkey to Allied Irish Bank on Monday, 6th August 2018 from 12 Noon to 6.00 p.m. in order to facilitate ‘Dalkey Vintage Festival’. The purpose of the closure is to facilitate safe parking and display of vintage cars as part of Dalkey Vintage Festival. A Traffic Management Plan with diversion routes will be in operation and local access will be maintained for the full duration of the event.
Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 Temporary Closure of Johnstown Road, Cabinteely Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has made an order to temporarily close Johnstown Road between the junction with the N11 and the junction at the Old Bray Road, Cabinteely. The purpose of the closure is to facilitate ‘The Cabinteely Crossroads Céilí 2018’. The proposed closure will be from 5.00 p.m. on Saturday July 28th, 2018 to 1.00 a.m. on Sunday 29th July, 2018. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. The diversion route between Brennanstown Road and the N11 Dual-Carriageway will be via the Old Bray Road and onto the N11, at the junction with Clonkeen Road and vice versa. A Traffic Management Plan will be in place and the diversion will be clearly signposted.
Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 Temporary Closure of Cornelscourt Hill Road, Cornelscourt, Dublin 18 Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has made an order to temporarily close Cornelscourt Hill Road from Kerrymount Avenue to Park Drive from 08.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. Monday to Friday from Monday 16th July to Friday 24th August 2018 inclusive, in order to facilitate road and footpath restoration works by the Roads Maintenance Section, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The proposed diversion route is via Brighton Road, Westminster Road, N11, Old Bray Road and vice versa. A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation and local access will be maintained. Page 6 of 9
Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 Temporary Closure of Slate Cabin Lane, Sandyford, Co. Dublin Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has made an order to temporarily close Slate Cabin Lane from Woodside Road to Enniskerry Road at St Mary’s National School from 08.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. Monday to Friday from 16th July to 24th August 2018 inclusive, in order to facilitate road restoration works by the Roads Maintenance Section, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The proposed diversion route is via Woodside Road - Black Glen Road - Enniskerry Road and vice versa. A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation and local access will be maintained.
Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993 Temporary Closure of Ballybetagh Road, Glencullen, Co. Dublin Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has made an order to temporarily close Ballybetagh Road from Ballyedmonduff Road to Killegar Lane from 08.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. - Monday to Friday from 16th July to 17th August 2018 inclusive, in order to facilitate road and footpath restoration works by the Roads Maintenance Section, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. The proposed diversion route is via Red House Road – Ballyedmonduff Road - Burrow Road - Stepaside Lane - Enniskerry Road and vice versa. A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation and local access will be maintained.
Glenamuck Road, Carrickmines **
Mains water and sewer connection works will commence on Monday 23rd July, 2018 until Friday 27th July, 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. A Traffic Management Plan will be in place.
Lane restriction on N11, Cabinteely ** (Night works)
Lane restriction on N11, Cabinteely will commence on Wednesday night, Thursday night and Friday night – 25thto 27th July 2018 between 20:00 and 06:00 hrs. A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation.
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Glenart Avenue, Blackrock **
Road works will commence on Saturday, 21st July, 2018 until Friday 27th July, 2018 between 08:00 and 19:00 hrs. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in place.
St. Brigid’s, Church Villas, Cabinteely **
Reinstatement works will commence on Tuesday, 24th July 2018 between 10:00 and 15:00 hrs. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in place.
Auburn Road, Dún Laoghaire **
Reinstatement works will commence on Monday, 23rd July, 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in place.
Kilternan Cottages, Enniskerry Road, Kilternan **
Reinstatement works will commence on Monday, 23rd July 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in place.
Windsor Terrace – Dún Laoghaire Baths Redevelopment *** Construction commenced on the redevelopment of the Baths site on Monday, 23rd April 2018. Construction is programmed to be completed by Q1 2020. During July, hoarding will be erected along Windsor Terrace and a Traffic Management Plan will be in operation for some of these works. Lane restrictions will be between 10:00-16:00 hrs. Monday – Friday.
Shanganagh Road, Shankill ** Construction of a new footpath (which impacts on northbound traffic lane) commenced on Tuesday, 8th May 2018 until Friday, 27th July 2018 between 09:30 and 16:30 hrs. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in place.
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N11 – Northbound between the Clonkeen and Johnstown Junctions ** Public lighting column and lantern upgrade works will continue until Friday, 27th July 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. and 19:30 – Midnight (if required). A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation for the duration of the work.
N11 – Southbound between the Clonkeen and Johnstown Junctions ** Public lighting column and lantern upgrade works will continue until Friday, 27th July 2018 between 10:00 and 16:00 hrs. and 19:30 – Midnight (if required). A Traffic Management Plan will be in operation for the duration of the work.
Public Lighting Lantern and Bracket Upgrade Works ** Public lighting lantern and bracket upgrade works will take place on: 1. Kilmacud Road Upper 2. Deansgrange Road 3. Blackthorn Drive 4. Kill Lane/Avenue 5. Clonskeagh Road 6. Leopardstown Road 7. Kilmacud Road Lower 8. Cornelscourt Hill 9. Avoca Ave 10. Monkstown Ring Road 11. Stradbrook Road 12. Sallynoggin Road These works will continue until Friday, 21st December 2018. A Stop / Go Traffic Management Plan will be in operation as required.
M50/M11 - Northbound/Southbound Information on planned road works along the M50 can be found at: http://m50concession.com/operation-maintenance/planned-road-works/
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