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Heterochromatin differs from euchromatin by a set of speci¢c features. We suggested earlier that speci¢c features of heterochromatin result from differences in ...
Chromosome Research 10: 201^208, 2002. # 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands


DNA in the centromeric heterochromatin of polytene chromosomes is topologically open

Fedor E. Kuzin1, Irina E. Shilova1, Markus Lezzi2 & Alexey D. Gruzdev1* 1 Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lavrent’yeva Avenue, 10, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; Tel: (3832) 332327; Fax: (3832) 331278; E-mail: [email protected]; 2 Institut fˇr Zellbiologie, ETH H˛nggerberg, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland *Correspondence Received 17 August 2001; received in revised form and accepted for publication by Adrian Sumner 1 January 2002

Key words: DNA topology, heterochromatin, polytene chromosomes

Abstract Heterochromatin differs from euchromatin by a set of speci¢c features. We suggested earlier that speci¢c features of heterochromatin result from differences in DNA topology of these two chromatin types and provided explanations for the majority of them (Gruzdev 2000). We proposed that, unlike topologically closed euchromatic DNA, the DNA of heterochromatin is topologically open, i.e. it likely contains single- or doublestrand breaks. In this work, we studied the topological state of DNA in a block of centromeric heterochromatin and in a euchromatic banded region of Chironomus melanotus polytene chromosomes by micro£uorimetric methods using the £uorescent intercalating dye ethidium bromide (EB). It was demonstrated that the fraction of topologically closed DNA in heterochromatin blocks is ¢ve-fold smaller than in the banded region. The data obtained support the hypothesis proposed.

Introduction Cell nuclei of eukaryotes contain two types of chromatin ^ euchromatin and heterochromatin ^ displaying substantially different properties. In particular, the opinion of Heitz (1928) that heterochromatin is genetically inert may now be regarded as true. Moreover, the induction of the so-called position effect i.e. inactivation of a gene translocated into heterochromatin as a result of chromosomal rearrangement, is a well-known property of heterochromatin. As a rule, heterochromatin is tightly packaged and replicates at the very end of the S phase. Crossover within

heterochromatin is an extremely rare event. On the contrary, the majority of breakpoints of chromosome rearrangements are located in heterochromatin. In addition, heterochromatin regions have a propensity to aggregate with one another, resulting for example in a varying number of chromocenters in interphase nuclei. From a molecular standpoint, heterochromatin DNA differs from euchromatin DNA by its content of highly repetitive sequences. Moreover, there is a notable intraspecies variation in the distribution of heterochromatin blocks possibly playing an adaptive role. Speci¢c heterochromatin features and their biological roles are detailed in several

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202 monographs (Prokof’eva-Bel’govskaya 1986, Verma 1988, Zhimulev 1998). Most heterochromatin features are yet requiring satisfactory explanations. It is believed that heterochromatin features are determined by epigenetic factors, such as DNA methylation (Lewis & Bird 1991) or speci¢c histone acetylation (Jeppesen et al. 1992, Ekwall et al. 1997), along with the presence of heterochromatin-typical non-histone proteins (Eissenberg & Elgin 2000). Recently, we found that dramatic changes in DNA topology occur in cultured murine cells during the cell cycle (Kuzin & Gruzdev 2000). Interphase nuclei contained three DNA fractions. About 20% nuclear DNA were torsionally stressed and very sensitive to nicking with DNase I (presumably active genes), about 55% were relaxed and moderately sensitive to DNase I (presumably inactive genes), and about 25% were either topologically open, or resistant to DNase I. In metaphase chromosomes, only two fractions were found. About 75% chromosomal DNA were torsionally stressed and moderately sensitive to DNase I while about 25% remained either topologically open or resistant to DNase I. Interpreting these results, we ascribed the DNA of the last fraction to heterochromatin, i.e. the DNA which is either topologically open or resistant to DNase I. The assumption that this DNA is both topologically open and resistant to DNase I provides an explanation of the known speci¢c features of heterochromatin (Gruzdev 2000). We postulated that each DNA domain of heterochromatin contains at least one single- or doublestrand break. Such breaks would keep those stretches of the DNA double helix which are unconstrained (i.e. internucleosomal linker DNA) from torsional stress because the breaks allow these stretches of the DNA double helix to rotate freely. This free rotation would provide additional £exibility which enables heterochromatin to be packaged more tightly compared with euchromatin containing topologically closed DNA. In addition, the free ends of broken DNA strands in heterochromatin may cause different heterochromatin blocks to interact through the formation of hybrid DNA strands. Although the hypothesis proposed explains well many heterochromatin-speci¢c features, the topology of heterochromatin DNA has not yet

been investigated. In this work, we compared the topology of unconstrained DNA in centromeric heterochromatin and in euchromatin bands of polytene chromosomes by a simpli¢ed micro£uorimetric method and EB intercalation.

Materials and methods Larvae of the midge Chironomus melanotus Keyl (Diptera, Chironomidae), collected in the neighborhood of Akademgorodok (Novosibirsk), were used in this work. The set of polytene chromosomes in the salivary gland nuclei of this species consists of one small and three large chromosomes (Figure 1a). Each chromosome contains a distinct block of centromeric heterochromatin with a diameter of about 7 mm and a length of about 5 mm. For the goal of the present work, it is important to note that DNA underreplication, which is typical of Drosophila, does not occur in heterochromatin of C. melanotus (Steinemann 1978). The large size of the heterochromatin blocks makes these chromosomes convenient for the goals of the present work (see below). Two or three of these blocks may join at random forming a so-called ‘pseudochromocenter’ (HHgele 1977). Usually, a heterochromatin block which has not joined the pseudochromocenter was used for our investigations (Figure 1b); this block may belong to any of the three long chromosomes. However, since there was no difference found between free and fused heterochromatin blocks, pseudochromocenters were also employed for our studies as indicated in the text. In some experiments, fused heterochromatin blocks were analyzed after their mechanical separation (for technique, see below). When two heterochromatin blocks are fused, the chromosomal arms frequently are paired too. They are connected together by ectopic ¢bers between opposite euchromatin bands. These tiny ¢bers are hardly visible between undisturbed chromosomes but may be seen after mechanical separation of chromosomes (Figure 1c). For the investigation of euchromatin in arm B of chromosome I, three types of con¢guration of chromosome I were chosen: (1) naturally free, i.e. non-paired, (2) ectopically paired, and (3) mechanically separated i.e. formerly paired. As a rule, ectopically paired arms were employed

DNA in heterochromatin is topologically open


Figure 1. Polytene chromosomes from salivary glands of Chironomus melanotus used in the present work. (a) Karyotype (orcein-acetic acid-¢xed and -stained preparation). (b) Unpaired chromosome I isolated in the un¢xed state; phase contrast, note: because of an excessive difference in refraction the heterochromatic block (arrow) appears bright instead of dark. (c) Chromosomes separated by microneedles in order to demonstrate the ¢bers interconnecting euchromatic chromosome arms or heterochromatic blocks which intially were paired ectopically or fused, respectively; phase contrast image whose contrast was improved electronically by removing the background (Adobe Photoshop). Arrows: heterochromatin blocks; arrowheads: ectopic ¢bers; reference bar: 10 mm.

for measurements although naturally free arms yielded the same results. Chromosomes were isolated from nuclei of salivary gland cells with thin metal needles. For mechanical separation of ectopically paired euchromatic chromosome arms or fused heterochromatin blocks, the respective paired chromosomes were pulled in opposite directions with two needles. By the separation step, ¢bers appeared interconnecting the formerly paired chromosomes or heterochromatin blocks. Upon further separation of the formerly paired chromosomes, these ¢bers broke and retracted. Isolated chromosomes were transferred into a stainless steel chamber with a cover glass bottom The chamber was ¢lled with a solution of the intercalating £uorescent dye ethidium bromide (EB) and transferred after 1^2 h staining onto

the stage of an inverted microscope in a micro£uorimetric setup. Fluorescence intensity (I) of the chromosome region selected was monitored continuously by a paper recorder during the entire time period of an experiment (Figure 2). In order to avoid differences in staining, the staining time was extended with each EB concentration until the I of a region studied had reached a plateau. The design of the chamber permitted addition or change of DNase I and other solutions during the ongoing experiment. The solution used for chromosome isolation and staining contained 87 mmol/L NaCl, 3.2 mmol/L KCl, 1 mmol/L MgCl2, and 10 mmol/L Tris^HCl pH 7.3 in addition to EB of the concentration indicated. The construction of the micro£uorimeter was such as to allow measurement of the I of a small

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Figure 2. Two examples of £uorescence intensity changes over time in heterochromatic block (HC) and euchromatic banded regions (bands) of chromosome I after addition of DNase I (arrows) to the chamber.

de¢ned area in the EB-stained preparation. This was accomplished optically by use of a diaphragm having an aperture width of 8 mm unless stated otherwise. The essence of the method we used for determining the DNA topological state in chromosomes (Gruzdev & Lezzi 1997, 1998, Gruzdev et al. 1999, Kuzin & Gruzdev 2000) resides in the fact that the binding constant of closed DNA depends on the concentration of intercalating dye whereas that of open DNA does not. In other words, staining of chromosomes with EB introduces positive supercoils into topologically closed DNA domains, thereby decreasing their binding constant for EB. Upon a mild treatment of chromosomes with DNase I, introducing nicks into DNA, the supercoiled DNA relaxes and its binding constant increases. This results in an increased amount of bound dye and, consequently, in an increased I. The difference in I before and after treatment with DNase I (DI=I) allows three topological states of DNA to be discerned. (1) Closed negatively supercoiled DNA exhibits a concentration dependence of DI=I which starts with negative values at low EB concentrations and reaches positive values at concentrations of about 10^6 mol/L (Gruzdev & Lezzi 1998, Gruzdev et al. 1999,

Kuzin & Gruzdev 2000). (2) Closed relaxed DNA exhibits DI=I values which are always positive and fall into a bell-shaped curve (Gruzdev & Lezzi 1997). (3) Topologically open DNA displays DI=I values which are zero at any dye concentration. The fraction of open DNA cannot be determined experimentally but has to be calculated (total DNA minus fraction of closed DNA ¼ fraction of open DNA).

Results In the ¢rst experimental series, the binding isotherms (EB concentration dependence of I) of DNA in heterochromatin and euchromatin were compared. Two considerations are important in this connection. First, the EB concentration applied must not exceed 10^5 mol/L in order to avoid displacement of chromosomal proteins (Doenecke 1977, Schroter et al. 1985). At very low EB concentrations, though, I might become too low to be measured with reasonable con¢dence calling for extensive statistics. Second, the amount of DNA in the loci measured varies from chromosome to chromosome requiring internal standardization. This was accomplished by setting the

DNA in heterochromatin is topologically open


Figure 3. EB^DNA binding isotherms of chromosomal regions: *, block of centromeric heterochromatin; &, euchromatic banded region. Each curve is the mean of six measurements. Vertical bars: standard deviation. The curves are signi¢cantly different (p < 0:001).

value of the initial £uorescence intensity of each locus to unity. As evident from Figure 3, the isotherm of heterochromatin rises more steeply than that of euchromatin. This is in accordance with an open state of heterochromatin DNA which, in contrast to closed euchromatin DNA, does not impede EB intercalation at higher dye concentrations due to torsional constraints. In the second experimental series, we compared heterochromatin and euchromatin with regard to the relative change in I (DI=I) after nicking their DNA with DNase I. The curves describing the EB concentration dependency of DI=I are qualitatively similar for either type of chromatin: they are both bell-shaped and fall into the range of positive DI=I values (Figure 4). This means that euchromatin as well as heterochromatin contains topologically closed relaxed DNA. However, the amplitudes of the two curves differ signi¢cantly, the one for heterochromatin being much smaller. In application of the notion that only closed DNA can be torsionally stressed and thus relaxed by nicking, we conclude that heterochromatin contains a smaller percentage of topologically closed DNA than euchromatin. In other words, heterochromatin has a large content of DNA which is open. Assuming that euchromatin contains 100% closed DNA, we estimate the content of open DNA in heterochromatin to be 67%.

It is not improbable that the closed DNA fraction in heterochromatin is an admixture from adjacent euchromatic bands whose images may not have become completely shielded by the diaphragm of the microphotometer. To reduce this admixture, we closed the aperture of the diaphragm to a width of 1.6 mm i.e. to a much smaller size than the heterochromatin blocks (5 mm). In this case, a DI=I value of 0:07 was obtained at 10^6 mol/L EB (Figure 4). This value corresponds to a content of topologically closed DNA in heterochromatin of 20% rather than 33% as previously determined with the wider aperture. In extrapolating the results obtained by closing the aperture of the diaphragm, we speculate that essentially all DNA in heterochromatin might be topologically open. In the third experimental series, we wanted to introduce breaks into the DNA double helix of heterochromatin and euchromatin mechanically rather than enzymatically. The rationale was that DNase I might not have been able to nick DNA in heterochromatin because of tight packaging which would result in a low DI=I value. It was found that breakage of the ¢bers interconnecting euchromatin chromosome arms which previously were paired ectopically reduced their DI=I from 0.32  0.02 to 0.12  0.2 at 10^6 mol/L EB (Figure 4). Applying the same mechanical separ-


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Figure 4. Dependence of the relative change in £uorescence of chromosome regions (DI=IÞ on concentration of ethidium bromide. &, euchromatic banded region of an unpaired chromosome I; &, euchromatic banded region of a chromosome which originally was paired ectopically after its mechanical separation breaking the ectopic ¢bers; *, block of centromeric heterochromatin; ~, block of centromeric heterochromatin measured with small diaphragm. Each point is the mean of six measurements. Vertical bars: standard deviation. Each curve represents the best ¢t to the measured points and is calculated as relative difference in EB binding densities (ro  rc Þ=ro using equations of dye^DNA binding isotherms for topologically open (ro) and topologically closed (rc) DNA molecules. Note: The amplitude of the curve for heterochromatin had to be diminished by a factor of 0.33 of that of the euchromatin curve in order to ¢t the data points.

ation procedure to fused heterochromatin blocks yielded no signi¢cant change in DI=I, indicating that their DNA was open already.

Discussion It is obvious that the discovered difference in the EB binding isotherms of DNA in euchromatin bands and in heterochromatin blocks (Figure 3) is only an indirect evidence for the occurrence of topologically open DNA molecules in heterochromatin regions. However, this difference cannot arise from differences in the DNA primary structures of the chromosomal regions in question, since I of EB^DNA complexes is independent of the AT/GC ratio (Genest & Wahl 1978, Borissova et al. 1998). On the other hand, it is indubitable that chromosomal proteins are capable of affecting the binding of EB to DNA. In particular, it is known that heterochromatin differs from euchromatin by the presence of small amounts of heterochromatin-speci¢c proteins (Reuter & Spierer 1992, Eissenberg & Elgin 2000). However, it seems unlikely that their presence in hetero-

chromatin is capable of increasing noticeably the binding of EB to DNA as it would be more likely to decrease this binding. Therefore, we are inclined to believe that the discovered difference in the EB binding isotherm of euchromatin bands and of heterochromatin blocks results from the topological openness of the unconstrained, i.e. internucleosomal, linker DNA present in heterochromatin. More convincing in this respect are measurements of DI=I i.e. of the relative increase in I of stained chromosome regions as a result of DNase I treatment (Figure 4). A priori one would assume that cleavage of DNA into short fragments during DNase I treatment would decrease DI=I. With prolonged DNase I digestion periods this was in fact found (results not shown). However, within the time period of DNase I digestion used in the present work (i.e. until I reached a plateau) DI=I increased with both chromatin types attaining a considerably higher value with euchromatin than with heterochromatin (Figure 2). These ¢ndings strongly suggest a considerably lower content of topologically closed and thus higher content of topologically open DNA in heterochromatin than

DNA in heterochromatin is topologically open in euchromatin, especially when taking into account the results obtained with the smaller aperture of the diaphragm. Moreover, mechanical breakage of ectopic contacts decreased DI=I in euchromatin while leaving that of heterochromatin unchanged. All these observations con¢rm our notion that the majority of DNA in heterochromatin is topologically open. Together with our previous experience (Gruzdev & Lezzi 1997, 1998, Gruzdev et al. 1999, Kuzin & Gruzdev 2000), the present studies demonstrate that micro£uorimetry in combination with the intercalating dye ethidium bromide is a reliable method for determining the topological state of DNA in chromosome structures like heterochromatin blocks. In particular, we could show that the DI=I value re£ects nicely the fraction of topologically closed DNA in a chromosomal region of interest. How could the topological openness of heterochromatin DNA have been brought about? The simplest explanation is the presence of singleor double-strand breaks having been introduced to this DNA either mechanically or enzymatically e.g. by DNase. We believe that, in the case of heterochromatin, DNA breakage has occurred in vivo, i.e. prior to chromosome isolation. This is because Balbiani ring 2 which is a highly decondensed puff and thus most accessible to mechanical force and enzyme action contains closed DNA which moreover is torsionally stressed (Gruzdev & Lezzi 1998). Furthermore, DNA in euchromatin bands which represent normally condensed chromatin is closed (this work) while heterochromatic blocks which are the most condensed and compact structures contain topologically open DNA (this work). Complex formation with topoisomerases being continuously active in opening and closing double-stranded DNA would be another possible explanation for the open state of heterochromatin DNA. It is known that both topoisomerases I and II participate in many processes which occur in the cell nucleus, such as replication, transcription, chromosome condensation and separation. However, the latter two processes have to be disregarded for polytene nuclei and replication activity is low in the developmental phase of salivary glands used while transcription does not occur in heterochromatin blocks. With

207 respect to cytoplasmic topoisomerases possibly becoming liberated artifactually during chromosome isolation, the same argumentation applies as given above (see also discussion about topoisomerases and BR2 in Gruzdev & Lezzi 1998). Therefore, we deem the action of topoisomerases an unlikely cause for the open state of DNA found in heterochromatin and rather postulate the pre-existence of single- or doublestrand breaks. Nevertheless, it would be desirable to con¢rm our conclusions regarding the open state of unconstrained DNA in heterochromatin by other methods. In order to do so, we plan to employ in-situ nick translation without nicking (Patkin et al. 1995) or ligase reactions in situ revealing the availability of targets in DNA, i.e. the presence of nicks and breaks. Our preliminary observations made with the last method indicate that heterochromatin blocks do indeed offer such targets for ligases. These investigations will be continued and presented in subsequent publications.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to I. I. Kiknadze and A. G. Istomina for their helpful advice on collecting and identi¢cation of the Chironomus species, to L. I. Gunderina for valuable advice, and to G. B. Chirikova for assistance in translation of the manuscript. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 00-04-48994).

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