Jan 3, 2013 - development from myeloid and lymphoid differentiation pathways. (p 11). DNA repair regulated by. SLX4 protein (p 54). A new disease due to.
VOLUME 121 NUMBER 1 3 JANUARY 2013 Plasmacytoid DC development from myeloid and lymphoid differentiation pathways (p 11) DNA repair regulated by SLX4 protein (p 54) A new disease due to CD59 gene mutation (p 129) Towards adoptive immunotherapy for HHV6B (p 206) Treatment of relapsed ATL after allogeneic SCT (p 217) Cover: Iron alters red blood cell morphology (p 9) www.bloodjournal.org
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® j o u r n a l o f t h e a m e r i c a n s o c i e t y o f h e m ato l o g y 3 JANUARY 2013 • VOL 121, NO 1 • 1 – 242 DPS-Richmond Job Name: 000_KW1 Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
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