Human Reproduction Vol.22, No.7 pp. 1932–1941, 2007 Advance Access publication on May 10, 2007
Does 3D ultrasound offer any advantage in the pretreatment assessment of ovarian reserve and prediction of outcome after assisted reproduction treatment? K. Jayaprakasan1, N. Hilwah, N.R. Kendall, J.F. Hopkisson, B.K. Campbell, I.R. Johnson and N.J. Raine-Fenning Academic Division of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, School of Human Development, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 1
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BACKGROUND: This study compared the predictive value of the antral follicle count (AFC) measured from stored 3D data by three methods including a ‘2D equivalent technique’ and two 3D techniques, the ‘multiplanar view’ and ‘rendered inversion mode’, as a test of ovarian reserve and treatment outcome. METHODS: One hundred consecutive subjects aged