Does Attention Constrain Developmental Trajectories

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is how elusive the gene(s)–behavior associations can be no .... recently used simplified versions of the auditory and visual ... of fragile X syndrome (M age at Time 1 [T1] 5. 8 years ..... improvements in the accuracy of hits and speed of detection .... deficits emerge early in development, beginning ..... Research, 189, 285–301.

EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

Does Attention Constrain Developmental Trajectories in Fragile X Syndrome? A 3-Year Prospective Longitudinal Study Kim Cornish Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Victoria Cole and Elena Longhi University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom Annette Karmiloff-Smith University of London, London, United Kingdom Gaia Scerif University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Abstract Basic attentional processes and their impact on developmental trajectories in fragile X syndrome were assessed in a 3-year prospective study. Although fragile X syndrome is a monogenic X-linked disorder, there is striking variability in outcomes even in young boys with the condition. Attention is a key factor constraining interactions with the environment, so it is a perfect candidate to predict trajectories in cognitive and behavioral outcomes. In this study, 48 boys with fragile X syndrome were assessed 3 times over 24 months. Although nonverbal IQ declined, there were significant improvements in nonverbal growth scores and in cognitive attention. In contrast, behavioral difficulties (i.e., autistic symptomatology, hyperactivity–inattention) remained stable over this time frame. Attentional markers in the visual and auditory modalities predicted intellectual abilities and classroom behavior, whereas auditory markers alone predicted autistic symptomatology. Key Words: fragile X syndrome; attention; developmental trajectories; longitudinal

Neurodevelopmental disorders with a clear genetic etiology provide important glimpses into the complex world of gene–behavior associations. This knowledge has been facilitated by a decade of groundbreaking research discoveries that have provided critical new insights into how genes interact with other genes to impact early brain maturation and cognitive development, as well as how genes interact with a rapidly changing and dynamic environment to shape an emerging behavioral phenotype in the first few years of life. New collaborations, previously unexplored, among the disciplines of molecular genetics, K. Cornish et al.

developmental psychology, cognitive and social neurosciences, and brain imaging have driven this new knowledge. Although extremely innovative in design, this research is not without its challenges. A key lesson from a decade of research is how elusive the gene(s)–behavior associations can be no matter how sophisticated the technological advances, even in single gene disorders for which there is increased expectation of gene– behavior correlates. Development itself is likely to play a dynamic role in shaping gene–behavior correlates in addition to individual differences in gene–environment interactions that drive more 103


EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

In the case of fragile X syndrome, which is a single gene disorder resulting from the loss of a specific gene (FMR1) on the X chromosome, a puzzling complexity is how such different behavioral end states, at least by late childhood, arise from the deletion of one gene. Due to X linkage, almost all affected boys will display developmental delay compared with approximately a third of affected girls, who, due to their second unaffected X chromosome, often display less marked intellectual and cognitive impairment. However, it is not the case that in a given population of affected boys, all will display the same degree of cognitive impairment or behavioral severity. Pioneering studies by Roberts and colleagues (e.g., Roberts, Mankowski, et al., 2009; Skinner et al., 2005) have demonstrated clearly that, even in young boys with fragile X syndrome, phenotypic outcomes can also be driven by variables that are not directly linked to genetic variation on the FMR1 gene, such as nonverbal IQ performance and level of adaptive functioning, as well as those that have some association with the FMR1 gene, most notably autism. Indeed, there are currently few single gene models for which there is a clear involvement with autism, and fragile X is one of those disorders. However, this association is still controversial for two reasons: (a) Only a relatively small percentage of children diagnosed with autism can be linked to some form of genetic abnormality (Ey, Leblond, & Bourgeron, 2011), and (b) approximately 20%–50% of individuals with fragile X syndrome will be diagnosed with autism (e.g., Hatton et al., 2006; Philofsky, Hepburn, Hayes, Hagerman, & Rogers, 2004), with the remainder of boys with fragile X syndrome sharing some commonalities in autismlike features (e.g., eye-gaze avoidance, social interaction impairments, and delayed language). These latter individuals are likely to fall along a continuum of autistic involvement (Cornish, Turk, & Hagerman, 2008) that may not necessarily be linked to the FMR1 gene expansion. Studies have not consistently

reported that the degree of autism symptomatology predicts developmental pathways, and there is clearly a complex relationship between autism involvement in fragile X syndrome and autism without fragile X syndrome (see Hernandez et al., 2009). Therefore, in the case of fragile X syndrome, where there is a clear genetic etiology, yet striking variability in outcomes even in young boys with the condition, what predicts differing developmental trajectories of outcome? Although variations in autism symptomatology and in nonverbal IQ or adaptive functioning are specific outcomes of interest, what drives these outcomes? Attention functioning, or lack thereof, has been the focus of considerable research in recent years in fragile X syndrome and in many different neurodevelopmental disorders (see Cornish & Wilding, 2010, for a review). It is a complex cognitive domain that encompasses both overt behavioral characteristics, such as distractibility, impulsivity, and disorganization, as well as underlying cognitive components. For example, the ability to exert effortful control to inhibit a dominant or prepotent response, to hold in working memory newly relevant rules that require the suppression or activation of previously learned responses, and to shift attention between tasks represent key building blocks for everyday learning and development. Attention deficits in fragile X syndrome are well documented. At the behavioral level, attentional problems are the most frequently cited behavioral characteristics in fragile X syndrome. In the largest nationwide parent survey to date of children with fragile X syndrome, Bailey, Raspa, Olmsted, and Holiday (2008) reported findings on 976 males and 259 females, in which parents identified inattentive behaviors as a significant problem in 84% of males and 67% of females. Classroom assessment of inattentive behaviors (Cornish, Munir, & Wilding, 2001) and clinical interviews (Turk, 1992) have further confirmed the degree and pervasiveness of attention problems in fragile X syndrome by late childhood. At the cognitive level, numerous studies have attested to a core difficulty in inhibitory control processes, as shown on tasks that required inhibition of previously correct responses (Cornish et al., 2001; Cornish, Scerif, & Karmiloff-Smith, 2007; Scerif, Cornish, Wilding, Driver, & KarmiloffSmith, 2004, 2007; Scerif et al., 2005) and maintenance of attentional focus (Scerif, Longhi,


Attention and development in fragile X syndrome

generalized functions (e.g., intellectual level, behavioral and adaptive functioning; see Cornish & Wilding, 2010; Karmiloff-Smith, 1998, 2009; Scerif & Karmiloff-Smith, 2005, for extended reviews of supporting empirical evidence and theoretical points above).

Fragile X Syndrome


Cole, Karmiloff-Smith, Cornish, in press; Sullivan et al., 2007). Although the pattern of these findings suggests a fragile X syndrome ‘‘signature,’’ such that the cognitive attention profile reported in children with fragile X syndrome differs from that reported in other genetic developmental disorders that impact attention processing (e.g., Williams syndrome, Down syndrome, as detailed by Cornish et al., 2007; see also Scerif & Steele, 2011), it remains unknown to what extent behavioral inattention maps onto cognitive inattention, or the extent to which attention, as a cognitive domain, impacts other aspects of behavioral functioning such as autism symptomatology. This is, of course, a challenging question to address, because individual differences in cognitive attention difficulties, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, and other behaviors could simply be co-occurring aspects of the fragile X syndrome phenotype. This area is where we believe that longitudinal data provide a critical and unique way of assessing the (temporal) directionality of attention constraints on other developing behaviors. Furthermore, if, as a number of studies have indicated, cognitive attention deficits in fragile X syndrome occur very early in development, beginning in infancy or toddlerhood (see Cornish et al., 2007; Scerif et al., 2005), their impact on the developing phenotype will be considerable and result in cascading effects across other developing domains. Emerging studies have begun to trace developmental pathways in fragile X syndrome (Roberts, Mankowski, et al., 2009), but, to our knowledge, none has thus far explored developmental changes in the context of attention processing, namely how impaired attention can constrain interactions with the environment (e.g., as the challenges posed by the classroom environment), and, therefore, have a significant impact more broadly on behavioral outcomes across childhood (for a recent exception, see Scerif et al., in press). An additional issue remains open for investigation when studying attention in fragile X syndrome. Research has tended to focus on assessing the role of attention within the visual domain, with comparatively fewer studies focusing also on the auditory domain. However, understanding whether attentional difficulties generalize across vision and audition in fragile X syndrome is clinically relevant: If stimuli in a certain modality were relatively easier for young K. Cornish et al.

EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

children with fragile X syndrome to attend to, this might open opportunities for optimization of learning materials through the development of targeted educational and clinical interventions that could begin prior to formal schooling. Few studies have thus far pitted visual and auditory attention measures directly against each other in children with fragile X syndrome (Scerif et al., in press; Sullivan et al., 2007). Sullivan et al. used auditory and visual continuous performance tasks (CPTs) with children with fragile X syndrome (8 to 13 year olds), a large proportion of whom were on stimulant medication. Only 61% of 56 boys tested on visual CPTs and 54% of 52 boys tested on the auditory task were able to complete the two tasks respectively. Furthermore, children with fragile X syndrome performed poorly on both and relatively more so for the auditory task. Although pioneering in the collection of data on attention across modalities, the study by Sullivan et al. did not ask whether visual and auditory attention impact differentially on behavioral and adaptive outcomes. Scerif et al. recently used simplified versions of the auditory and visual CPTs to assess attention across modalities in 37 younger boys with fragile X syndrome (4–10 year olds). Children with fragile X syndrome struggled to attend to both modalities and, again, experienced greater difficulties with auditory compared with visual stimuli. Furthermore, attention markers were significant predictors of behavioral difficulties in the classroom a year later for boys with fragile X syndrome. These findings point to the importance of studying how attention in different modalities may operate similarly or differently for boys with the condition and to how it may predict developing behavioral outcomes.

Current Study Based within a 3-year prospective longitudinal design, our core purpose was to explore how basic attention processing develops in boys with fragile X syndrome from as young as 4 years old and trace its impact on the wider behavioral landscape. We asked specifically whether, and if so, how, attentional processes impact on variable outcomes across boys with fragile X syndrome. To our knowledge, this is the largest such study of attention in medication-naı¨ve boys with fragile X syndrome. 105

EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103


Table 1 Demographic Data Year 1 Group


CA (mo.) 48 MA (mo.) 41

M (SD)

Year 2

Year 3



M (SD)



M (SD)


98.05 (27.07) 38–133 57.46 (10.37) 32–77

48 44

110.42 (27.19) 57.36 (12.25)

49–146 24–79

48 47

122.38 (27.33) 58.43 (10.15)

60–157 24–80

Note. Chronological age (CA) and mental age (MA) equivalent on the Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised (Leiter-R; Roid & Miller, 1997) for children with fragile X syndrome at the three study time points. MA equivalents could not be computed for all children as not all could complete the four required subscales of the Leiter-R (see text). This excludes children on medication for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder at any point during the length of the study (n 5 11), with the full study sample consisting of 59 boys with fragile X syndrome.

Method Participants Forty-eight boys with a confirmed diagnosis of fragile X syndrome (M age at Time 1 [T1] 5 8 years, 1 month; range 5 3–10 years) were recruited through the Fragile X Society, the national support group for children and families with fragile X syndrome in the United Kingdom (see Table 1 for demographics) as part of a larger study of attention difficulties in boys with fragile X syndrome (see Cornish et al., in press; Scerif et al., in press). All children were followed and assessed again 12 months (Time 2 [T2]) and 24 months later (Time 3 [T3]). A large sample of typically developing boys (n 5 129 at T1) was also recruited locally and followed longitudinally, and, from these, a group of 33 boys with equivalent nonverbal ability (as measured using age equivalents on the Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised [Leiter-R; Roid & Miller, 1997]) were selected to act as an ability-matched control group to boys with fragile X syndrome for the experimental and nonstandardized measure reported here. This excluded typically developing children who scored above the clinical cut-off of 70 on the attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder index of the Conners Teacher Rating Scales— Revised (CTRS; Conners, 1997). Signed informed consent was obtained from all parents following the ethical procedures approved by the appropriate local institutional review board. In the final sample (n 5 48), we excluded any child in the group with fragile X syndrome who was taking medication for the treatment of inattention and hyperactivity symptoms at any of the time points, because stimulant treatment significantly changes behavior and attention in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as well as, more specifically, children with 106

fragile X syndrome (Roberts, Miranda, et al., 2011). However, as part of our broader study and to maintain a clear picture of the sample as a whole, all children who had volunteered to take part in the study (N 5 59) were followed at all time points. Of note, at all time points, this broader fragile X syndrome study sample contained a relatively small proportion of children on stimulant medication (7 out of 59 at T1, 6 out of 59 at T2, and 9 at T3 [i.e., a maximum of 15.3%, with 2 children among these having started but then discontinuing stimulant treatment]), compared with stimulant medication rates reported for other samples of boys with fragile X syndrome (e.g., 33.4% in Sullivan et al., 2006). Multiple factors may have driven this lower percentage: Children in the current study were younger than those in other relevant published studies (e.g., Hooper et al., 2008; Sullivan et al., 2007), and there may be cultural differences in stimulant treatment practices, with lower incidence of treatment in the United Kingdom (e.g., Hsia & Maclennan, 2009). In addition, scores in the abnormal range for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder indexes for typically developing children and difficulties with hearing and vision in all children acted as additional exclusion criteria.

Measures Intellectual ability. The Leiter-R (Roid & Miller, 1997) is a standardized assessment for individuals aged 2–20 years designed to be entirely nonverbal: We chose to use it because some children with fragile X syndrome are challenged in comprehending verbal instructions and providing verbal responses. The Brief IQ score is a composite of four different scales: Figure Ground (FG) segregation, Form Completion (FC), Sequential Ordering (SO), and detecting Repeated Attention and development in fragile X syndrome


Patterns (RP). In this study, FG tasks required children to find an item embedded within an increasingly detailed background—children were required to organize and fit together complex fragmented pieces. The SO tasks involved ordering sets of images according to logical rules (e.g., by size, number, color, and shape), and the RP task involved identifying and continuing series of increasingly complex patterns. In all subscales, test items increased in difficulty until a maximum performance was reached. In addition to IQ scores (based on ability against a normative sample), the Leiter-R allows for the extraction of growth scores. Growth scores are scaled according to Rasch (1960/1980) item response theory. Within this model, all items contributing to the battery are made comparable by transforming raw-score scales to an equal-interval Rasch Scale (logit scale). Therefore, item difficulty is not calculated as a proportion of participants answering it correctly within a given sample (ability-level dependent), but is sample independent. Growth scales scores range from 380 to 560, and they provide a quantitative measure that is referenced to the domain of all skills tapped by the Leiter-R, rather than referenced to the norm sample. This is particularly relevant to comparing performance over multiple occasions, especially for children who are significantly delayed and lower in functioning. Autistic symptomatology. The Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ; Rutter, Bailey, & Lord, 2003) is a brief instrument that evaluates communication skills and social functioning in children who may have autism or autism spectrum disorders and are older than 4 years of age. In this study, all except 2 boys with fragile X syndrome at T1 were older than 48 months; therefore, we opted to use this scale for the full sample at all time points. Completed by a parent or other primary caregiver in less than 10 min, the SCQ is a commonly used way to determine whether an individual should be referred for a complete diagnostic evaluation of autistic spectrum disorders. It provides both a total score (with an at-risk cut-off for autism) and subscales scores focused on the triad of impairments experienced by children with autism spectrum disorders. The three SCQ subscales address Reciprocal Social Interaction (e.g., appropriate facial expressions during interaction, use of socially appropriate questions or statements, forming friendships, sharing items or interests, empathy), Communication (e.g., unusual sentence structure, use of invented phrases, use of K. Cornish et al.

EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

gestures to communicate wants or needs, structure and flow of conversation, repetition of words or phrases), and Restricted or Repetitive Interests (e.g., preoccupation with unusual interests; unusual focus on particular sounds, smells, features of objects rather than their whole; repetitive body movements, such as spinning; favorite objects). Behavioral inattention–hyperactivity. The CTRS (Conners, 1997) was used because it is a commonly used, standardized screening instrument that targets attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology in the classroom and consists of 28 items, measuring indexes of Oppositional Behavior Problems, Hyperactive Behavior, and Cognitive–Inattention Problems across the school setting in 3–17 year olds. Three subscales address Oppositional Behavior (e.g., Refusal to Comply With Adults’ Requests, Argumentative, Spiteful), Cognitive–Inattention Problems (e.g., Easily Distracted, Failure to Finish Tasks, Forgetful, Short Attention Span), and Hyperactive Behavior (e.g., Restless, Cannot Remain Seated at School, Cannot Wait for Turn, Excitable and Impulsive). An Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Index provides a composite score based on key items across the other three subscales (individuals with scores above the clinical cut-off level of 70 are considered likely to have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and those with scores above 65 are considered at risk). Cognitive attention: visual task. This task was an even further simplification (cf. tasks used by Cornish, Cole, Longhi, Karmiloff-Smith, & Scerif, in press; Scerif et al., in press) of a standard continuous performance task. The task provided a baseline measure of attention to centrally presented gabor stimuli (see Figure 1). These controlled stimuli allowed us to ensure that all children could detect targets clearly and that difficulties did not depend on differences in their knowledge of the materials, something that could occur with meaningful items. In addition, because children were only required to detect infrequent stimuli, rather than any more complex discrimination of potential targets among distractors (cf. Cornish et al., in press; Scerif et al., in press), this task was the simplest way in which we could tap sustained attention in the absence of distraction. Auditory task. Temporal parameters of stimulus presentation and overall duration were identical to the visual task, but with the auditory task we presented pure tones. The intensity chosen for this attention task was clearly above threshold 107


EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

Figure 1. Trial schematics. Trial sequence for the visual and auditory attention detection tasks. Part 1A: For visual attention, targets were high-contrast Gabor patches, generated using custom display routines from the Matlab PsychToolbox (Brainard, 1997), presented at pseudorandom intervals within a plain visual background. Part 1B: For auditory attention, pure tones (523.25 Hz) were presented at pseudorandom intervals. For both tasks, targets were presented within a variable time window of 3.2–4.8 s, with an average intertarget interval of 4.2 s, and participants had a time window of 2.4 s to respond after each. for children in the group. Both experiments were run from a Dell latitude laptop and projected onto a Dell 17-in. monitor (refresh rate 5 75 Hz). Tones were presented through two external I-Trigue 2300 speakers. Responses were recorded using a Cedrus RB-530 response pad, and both experiments were programmed using E-Prime, Version 1.2 software (Psychological Software Tools, 2006).

Procedure Children were seen at school, in a quiet space close to their classroom. For the attention tasks, they sat at a small table at about 30 cm from the monitor and two speakers, facing the button box. Individual short blocks for each task were alternated in presentation across participants to limit differential effects of fatigue and practice. Standardized assessment scales were intermixed with experimental runs to provide variety and reduce boredom. Questionnaires were completed by parents every year and by the teacher or classroom assistant who was most familiar with the individual child’s behavior at each time point. Cognitive attention tasks were run as follows:

infrequently presented; therefore, children had to pay attention for a prolonged period of time to detect them. When the target wave was detected they pressed a target key (to ‘‘catch the fish’’). If they responded correctly, a cartoon fish image was presented as positive feedback during an extended slow practice with auditory feedback (‘‘yippee!’’) throughout the experiment. 2. Auditory task. Children were asked to help a hungry mouse grab some cheese that would arrive behind a closed door, and, to do so, they needed to listen for a knock at the door (the ‘‘cheese knock’’). Pressing the target key would open the door and ‘‘catch the cheese.’’ If children responded correctly, an animated cartoon character (the mouse) grabbed the cheese behind the now open door. For both attention tasks, slow practice trials were followed by real-time practice and by test blocks. Test trials were divided into three blocks, each lasting approximately 1 min and including a total of 15 targets presented at pseudorandom intervals (providing a maximum total of 45 targets across the three blocks).


1. Visual task. The task was described to the children as a fishing game. Children were asked to look out for ‘‘big waves,’’ as this meant ‘‘there was a fish swimming past.’’ Targets were

Group performance and variability across multiple cognitive and behavioral outcome mea-


Attention and development in fragile X syndrome

Developmental Trajectories of Outcomes

K. Cornish et al.

Brief IQ score Overall Growth score Figure Ground subscale Form Completion subscale Sequential Order subscale Repeated Patterns subscale ADHD Index Oppositional Cognitive–Inattention Hyperactivity SCQ Total Composite score Reciprocal Social Interaction Communication Restricted Repetitive Interests Auditory hits (%) Auditory false alarms (no.) Auditory RT (ms) Visual accuracy (%) Visual false alarms (no.) Visual RT (ms)

Subscale 38 38 40 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 36 36 36 36 41 41 41 41 41 41

n 63.50 463.24 470.83 466.63 452.63 462.68 65.59 62.74 70.03 63.38 19.33 6.58 6.08 5.44 59.00 14.17 1,275.62 54.00 13.85 1,280.43

M (SD)

M (SD)

(15.63) 57.00 (15.43) 52.00 (11.5) (8.17) 464.50 (7.38) 465.79 (4.92) (13.26) 470.23 (10.31) 470.48 (8.4) (11.47) 467.13 (8.95) 470.68 (8.73) (12.39) 456.66 (11.64) 455.66 (6.34) (12.64) 464.79 (11.94) 468.89 (6.28) (8.29) 63.74 (8.40) 66.51 (10.29) (15.12) 59.87 (14.88) 62.18 (13.6) (10.82) 65.54 (11.08) 68.67 (10.07) (9.72) 61.77 (10.41) 64.21 (12.03) (7.31) 20.53 (7.12) 19.94 (8.86) (3.6) 7.36 (3.65) 6.86 (4.53) (2.84) 6.78 (2.91) 6.19 (2.53) (2.18) 5.31 (2.25) 5.31 (2.44) (22) 67.00 (24) 72.00 (21) (16.79) 19.46 (17.95) 22.73 (27.1) (281.87) 1,161.80 (255.05) 1,126.62 (270.5) (24) 63.00 (24) 72.00 (20) (12.88) 20.12 (20.51) 28.73 (30.94) (376.21) 1,118.27 (309.71) 1,013.58 (279.78)

M (SD)

Year 1 (M CA 5 Year 2 (M CA 5 Year 3 (M CA 5 8.1 years) 9.2 years) 10.2 years)

27.913*** 3.259* 0.064 3.484* 2.066 4.771* 1.93 1.314 2.059 0.835 0.899 1.208 1.913 0.211 10.886*** ns 6.848** 18.204*** ns 14.896***


Time effect

T1 . T2 . T3

T1 . T2 = T3 T1 , T2 , T3

T1 . T2 . T3 T1 , T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 = T2 , T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 = T2 , T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 5 T2 5 T3 T1 , T2 , T3

Simple main effects

Note. Mean scores and standard deviations for standardized outcome measures and cognitive attention measures, for all boys with fragile X syndrome who provided data at all three time points (see Appendix for additional information on the full sample of children completing each measure, even if not longitudinally, to inspect patterns of increasing completion rates over the 3 years). CA 5 chronological age; MA 5 mental age; ADHD 5 attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; RT 5 reaction time; ns 5 nonsignificant. Leiter-R 5 Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised (Roid & Miller, 1997): For the IQ measure, population M 5 100 (SD 5 15). CTRS 5 Conners Teacher Rating Scale—Revised: Short Form (Conners, 1997): Standardized t scores are available based on age and gender (M 5 50, SD 5 10), with t scores . 70 reported as severely abnormal. SCQ 5 Social Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al., 2003), a brief parental questionnaire tapping key diagnostic aspects of autistic spectrum symptomatology, derived from the Autistic Diagnostic Interview (ADI; LeCouteur, Rutter, Lord, & Rios, 1989), with an at-risk cut-off for autistic spectrum disorder of 15. Values in bold indicate scales that showed significant changes over the three time points. a Leiter-R measures nonverbal intellectual ability. b CTRS measures attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology. c SCQ measures autistic symptomatology. d Cognitive Attention measures computer-based tasks. *p , .05. **p , .005. ***p , .001.

Cognitive Attentiond

SCQ Parent scoresc




Table 2 Longitudinal Changes in Group Outcomes


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EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

Figure 2. Developmental trajectories. Individual children’s and group trajectories from Time 1 to Time 2 to Time 3, plotted against chronological age (CA; months [mnths]) for the following dependent variables—Part 2A: Leiter-R Brief IQ (Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised [Roid & Miller, 1997]), and Part 2B: Leiter-R Growth scores. sures from T1 to T2 and T3 are represented in Table 2, for all children who provided a full longitudinal data set by completing measures at all three time points of the study. Additional data points for children who did not complete all measures at three time points also provided useful information on increasing completion rates for the standardized cognitive assessments and cognitive attention measures, and these are reported in the Appendix. In addition, Figure 2 represents individual children’s and group trajectories across a sample of the reported dependent measures for which statistically significant (and diverging) effects of time were obtained. Intellectual ability. Overall Leiter-R Brief IQ scores declined significantly across the three time

points, F(2, 74) 5 27.913, p , .001, g2 5 .430 (analyses of simple main effects were Bonferroni corrected henceforth; see Table 2). However, the group demonstrated an overall increase in growth scores—overall main effect of time, F(2, 74) 5 3.900, p , .025, g2 5 .081—showing small but nonetheless significant improvements across the full length of the project (T1 . T3, p 5 .024). In addition, breaking down ability into subscales showed a pattern of strengths and weaknesses and different rates of change across time for the distinct cognitive abilities tapped by the subscales. Boys with fragile X syndrome as a whole showed an advantage on FG tasks, followed by FC and RP tasks, and weakest performance in SO tasks, overall effect of subscale, F(3, 111) 5


Attention and development in fragile X syndrome


79.702, p , .001, g2 5 .683; FG . FC 5 RP . SO, ps , .05. Patterns of change in separate subscale abilities did not significantly vary across the project time scale, although there was a marginal trend toward differences in their rate of change, Time 3 Subscale interaction, F(4, 413,222) 5 2.109, p , .075, g2 5 .054. This trend should be considered with caution, but it suggests that the relative patterns of strengths and weaknesses across subscales were subject to some change over the 3 years, although there were some clear and consistent areas of strength over time (e.g., FG) and weakness for others (e.g., SO tasks). At T1, the group performed significantly differently across the subdomains (FG , FC 5 RP , SO, ps , .05), showing particular strengths in FG tasks and particular weakness in SO. By the end of the project at T3, this pattern of significant weakness in SO remained (SO . FG, FC, and RP, all ps , .001), with performance on the remaining subscales having become comparable (FG 5 FC 5 RP, all ps 5 1.00). When looking at subscale changes individually, although FG and SO remained constant across the length of the project (ps . .10), FC performance showed a significant improvement across time, F(2, 74) 5 3.484, p 5 .036, g2 5 .086, T2 , T3, p 5 .058, as did RP task performance, F(2, 74) 5 4.771, p 5 .011, g2 5 .114, T1 , T3, p 5 .019. Autistic symptomatology. Autistic symptomatology remained stable across the three time points, as indexed by no significant decline in SCQ total scores: Null effect of time, F(2, 70) 5 1.552, p 5 .219, g2 5 .042, T1 5 T2 5 T3, all ps , .10. High total scores were not driven by the entire triad of impairments that are characteristic of autism spectrum disorder, because the group showed significant differences across subscale scores overall, main effect of subscale, F(2, 70) 5 6.388, p 5 .003, g2 5 .154; there were significantly lower scores (i.e., relative strengths) for the Restricted and Repetitive Problem Subscale than for Reciprocal Interaction Difficulties subscale (p 5 .013) and marginally lower scores compared with the Communication Difficulties subscale (p 5 .079). This relative pattern of scores across subscales representing the autism spectrum disorder triad remained constant across the length of the project, null Subscale 3 Time interaction, F(2.89, 140) 5 1.077, p 5 .361, g2 5 .030. This null interaction effect nonetheless highlights potential patterns of change (see Table 1) to be followed through further replications because K. Cornish et al.

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they are consistent with other reported longitudinal findings (Hernandez et al., 2009): Although all individual subscales seemed comparable at the start of the project at T1, relative weakness in Social Interaction and Communication Difficulties compared with Restricted Behaviors were largest at T2, reflected in their elevated scores (ps , .05). At T3, however, all subscale scores converged again. None of the individual subscale scores changed significantly across any time point (all ps . .10). Behavioral inattention–hyperactivity. Teacher reports of behavioral difficulties as measured by the CTRS (Conners, 1997) indicated stable t scores over time but also consistent differences across subscales: Boys with fragile X syndrome scored significantly lower (i.e., demonstrated fewer problems) on the Oppositional and Hyperactivity subscales than on the Cognitive–Inattentive and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Index subscales. Across all subdomains, scores remained constant across time: There was only a marginal effect of time, F(2, 76) 5 2.590, p 5 .082, g2 5 .064, with only a marginal drop in overall scores from T1 to T2 (p 5 .096). The group showed significant differences in subscales: Main effect of subscale, F(1.633, 76) 5 8.901, p 5 .001, g2 5 .190, demonstrating an overall weakness in cognitive and inattention behavior, reflected by higher scores: Oppositional Behavior , Cognitive and Inattention . Hyperactivity (ps , .01); Oppositional 5 Hyperactivity (p 5 1.0). This pattern of relative strength and weakness across subscales remained constant across time, F(2.85, 152) 5 0.376, p 5 .761, g2 5 .010. None of the individual subdomains significantly changed across any time points (all T1 5 T2 5 T3, all ps , .10).

Developmental Trajectories in Cognitive Attention Changes in performance across the three time points were compared with a group of 33 typically developing children, matched by group mental age (MA) scores at T1 (typically developing M 5 62.58, SD 5 11.58), t(70) 5 21.610, p 5 .112. Accuracy: hits. Boys with fragile X syndrome were less accurate at detecting targets than the typically developing group overall, main effect of group, F(1, 72) 5 29.357, p , .001, g2 5 .290. However, both groups showed similar patterns of performance across modalities (null Group 3 Modality interaction, p 5 .132) and similar rates 111


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of change in accuracy across time points (null Group 3 Time Point interaction, p 5 .802): Both groups showed a similar relative advantage for hits in the auditory modality (77.9%) compared with the visual modality (73.7%), main effect of modality, F(1, 72) 5 16.342, p , .001, g2 5 .185. In addition, both groups demonstrated a significant overall improvement in accuracy across the three time points, main effect of time point, F(2, 144) 5 38.271, p , .001, g2 5 .347. Therefore, although boys with fragile X syndrome attended to targets at a lower level of accuracy overall, they demonstrated a similar pattern of performance and rate of improvement to typically developing children of the same MA level. False alarms. Due to distribution violations in typically developing children (who committed fewer of these errors), nonparametric tests were used to analyze group differences for these data (Bonferroni corrected, a 5 .008). Mann Whitney U tests were run to investigate group differences at each time point. Boys with fragile X syndrome made significantly more false alarms than the typically developing group for both visual and auditory modalities, at all three time points (visual: U 5 217.50–380.50, all ps 5 .001; auditory: U 5 218.00–260.00, all ps 5 .001). Friedman analyses of variance (ANOVAs) addressing change in scores for each group across the three time points showed that, for both groups, the number of false alarms did not change significantly in either the auditory—typically developing (T1 M 5 2.70, SD 5 4.67; T2 M 5 6.5, SD 5 11.67; T3 M 5 4.30, SD 5 6.79), x2(2, N 5 72) 5 6.077, ns, and fragile X syndrome, x2(2, N 5 72) 5 3.529, ns—or the visual modality— typically developing (T1 M 5 3.61, SD 5 4.56; T2 M 5 9.18, SD 5 12.89; T3 M 5 6.27, SD 5 7.11), x2(2, N 5 72) 5 6.145, ns, and fragile X syndrome, x2(2, N 5 72) 5 4.541, ns. Therefore, although the fragile X group produced more false-alarm hits overall, they demonstrated a similar relative pattern of performance to the typically developing children, both across modality and time. Reaction times. Reaction times (RTs) for hits were slower for boys with fragile X syndrome than the typically developing group overall, main effect of group, F(1, 72) 5 55.187, p , .001, g2 5 .434. Both groups showed faster responses in the visual modality overall, with faster RTs in the visual task (M 5 929.84 ms) than the auditory task (M 5 990.42 ms), main effect of modality, F(1, 72) 5 10.501, p 5 .002, g2 5 .127. All children became

faster at responding across the three time points overall, main effect of time point, F(2, 144) 5 58.774, p , .001, g2 5 .449. Although improvements across individual time points were significant for both groups (T1 . T2 . T3, ps , .013), gains in speed were larger in the typically developing group than the fragile X syndrome group, Time Point 3 Group interaction, F(2, 144) 5 5.508, p 5 .005, g2 5 .071. Improvement over time or practice effects? Overall, it was very encouraging to see reliable improvements in the accuracy of hits and speed of detection in boys with fragile X syndrome. However, these improvements may have been driven by repeated experience of the tasks. We reasoned as follows, to assess the possibility of practice effects driving the longitudinal improvements in performance across these experimental tasks: If improvements depended on being presented with the same task repeatedly (albeit at 1-year intervals), the performance of the children contributing data to our longitudinal analyses at T2 and T3 should be better than that of groups of children of the same chronological age (CA) who, at T1, had encountered the tasks for the first time. Although this matching procedure was not possible for boys with fragile X syndrome, given the current sample size and the mismatch between CA and MA, typically developing children contributing to our longitudinal analysis (i.e., longitudinal sample) at T2 were compared with groups of typically developing children at T1, of comparable CA, who were naı¨ve to the tasks (i.e., T2 task-naı¨ve comparison group: n 5 32; M CA 5 81.10 months, SD 5 12.73 months), t(39) 5 21.54, p 5 .131 (i.e., not different in CA to the longitudinal sample), and their T3 data were compared with a similar tasknaı¨ve group of typically developing children at T1 (i.e., T3 task-naive comparison group: n 5 33; M CA 5 90.59 months, SD 5 10.07 months), t(39) 5 21.223, p 5 .227 (i.e., not different in CA to the longitudinal sample). As there were mismatches in overall MA across these groups, MA was entered as a covariate in these analyses. There were no significant differences in accuracy of hits between the longitudinal group and the task-naı¨ve comparison group at T2 (p 5 .973) or at T3 (p 5 .403). This was also the case for RTs, both at T2 (p 5 .057) and T3 (p 5 .708). Therefore, these results suggest that longitudinal improvements in accuracy of hits and RT in typically developing children (and by extension, in boys with fragile


Attention and development in fragile X syndrome

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Table 3 Longitudinal Correlations Across Measures Time 1 auditory attention Scale



False alarms


Time 1 visual attention Hits

Time 2 outcomes Leiter-R Brief IQ score .192 .021 2.186 .187 Overall Growth score .428**{ 2.029 2.195 .373* CTRS scores ADHD Index 2.451***{ 2.039 .522***{ 2.442***{ SCQ scores SCQ Total Composite score 2.253 .422** .212 .057

False alarms


2.136 2.122 .960

2.225 2.079 .531***{



Time 3 outcomes Leiter-R

Brief IQ score .139 Overall Growth score .501***{ CTRS scores ADHD Index 2.375* SCQ scores SCQ Total Composite score 2.115

.054 .036 .246 .354*

2.133 2.188 .251 .137

.170 .424***{ 2.338* 2.007

.063 2.043 2.211 .329

2.429***{ 2.190 .290 .028

Note. RTs 5 reaction times; Leiter-R 5 Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised (Roid & Miller, 1997); CTRS 5 Conners Teacher Rating Scale—Revised: Short Form (Conners, 1997); SCQ 5 Social Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al., 2003). Pearson’s correlation coefficients between auditory and visual cognitive attention measures at Time 1, and key outcome measures at Time 2 and Time 3. *p , .05. **p , .009. ***p # .005. {Survives Bonferroni correction (a 5 .008).

X syndrome) cannot be due to practice effects alone, as the longitudinal group retested at T2 and T3 did not perform any better than CA-matched naı¨ve children who performed the same tasks for the first time. In turn, longitudinal improvements can more confidently be attributed to developmental changes over the course of the study.

Does Early Attention Predict Longterm Outcomes? After checking that distributions of T1 cognitive attention predictor variables (auditory and visual hits, false alarms, and mean RTs, respectively), T1 control variables (T1 Leiter Brief IQ), as well as T2 and T3 outcome variables (intellectual abilities: Leiter Brief IQ and growth scores; autistic symptomatology: SCQ total composite score; behavioral inattention–hyperactivity: Conners Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Index) met assumptions of normality, preliminary bivariate correlations were carried out across these variables and are reported in Table 3. Given the exploratory nature of these analyses, all significant correlations were followed up further as described below, but Table 3 also flags correlations surviving a stringent correction for multiple comparisons for each outcome variable with cognitive attention markers (a 5 .008). K. Cornish et al.

Statistically significant correlations were followed by hierarchical linear regression models predicting individual differences in outcomes at T2 and T3 through cognitive attention markers, after controlling for IQ at T1. Auditory and, only marginally, visual attention (more precisely, hits) significantly predicted Leiter overall growth scores at T2 but not Brief IQ scores. Both auditory and visual hits also significantly predicted Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Index scores at T2, for which RTs were also significant predictors of variance. Autistic symptomatology, as indexed by SCQ total composite scores at T2, was predicted by auditory false alarms. Table 4 represents model statistics for the final step for each of these regression models. The predictive relationships between attention markers, on the one hand, and intellectual functioning, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, as well as autistic symptomatology overall survived, albeit more weakly in some cases, for T3 outcome variables, as represented in Table 5. In summary, distinct cognitive attention measures at T1 predicted individual differences at T2 and T3. These predictive relationships varied in their domain generality or domain specificity. Both T1 visual and auditory cognitive attention markers 113

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Table 4 Time 1 Attention Predictors of Time 2 Outcomes Model summary Cognitive attention marker


Adjusted R

R2 change

F change


.148 .095

.137 .087

5.961 3.542

.020 .068

.330 .224

.264 .272

7.092 6.297

.003 .005





Time 2 intellectual ability (Leiter-R Growth score) Auditory attention hits Visual attention hits Time 2 ADHD symptoms (ADHD Index) Auditory attention hits (RTs) Visual attention hits (RTs) Time 2 autistic symptoms (SCQ composite) Auditory attention false alarms

Note. Hierarchical regression model statistics assessing cognitive attention markers as predictors of outcomes at Time 2. Boldfaced numbers represent statistically significant, unique predictors. Leiter-R 5 Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised (Roid & Miller, 1997); ADHD 5 attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; RTs 5 reaction times; SCQ 5 Social Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al., 2003).

predicted overall intellectual abilities and behavioral attention difficulties as measured at T2 and T3. In contrast, auditory cognitive attention (and, more precisely, false alarms when monitoring for auditory input) was a stronger predictor of autistic symptomatology than visual cognitive attention markers at both T2 and T3.

Discussion The present findings build on a decade of research investigations that have characterized the range and severity of cognitive attention impair-

ments in fragile X syndrome (Cornish et al., 2001, 2007, in press; Scerif et al., 2004, 2007, in press; Scerif & Karmiloff-Smith, 2005; Sullivan et al., 2007). The severity of this deficit is such that it impacts all aspects of everyday functioning. In one of the largest parent surveys to date, Bailey, Raspa, and Olmsted (2010) reported that attention and hyperactivity in boys with fragile X syndrome (84% and 66%, respectively) represented major behavioral concerns. Indeed, a catalogue of empirical studies has shown that attention deficits emerge early in development, beginning in toddlerhood, and are still observable in early

Table 5 Time 1 Attention Predictors of Time 3 Outcomes Model summary Cognitive attention marker


Adjusted R

R2 change

F change


.339 .165

.350 .185

20.678 8.631

, .001 .006

.113 .046

.107 .059

3.866 2.238

.058 .144





Time 3 intellectual ability (Leiter-R Growth score) Auditory attention hits Visual attention hits Time 3 ADHD symptoms (ADHD Index) Auditory attention hits Visual attention hits Time 3 autistic symptoms (SCQ composite) Auditory attention false alarms

Note. Hierarchical regression model statistics assessing cognitive attention markers as predictors of outcomes at Time 3. Boldfaced numbers represent statistically significant, unique predictors. Leiter-R 5 Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised (Roid & Miller, 1997); ADHD 5 attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; SCQ 5 Social Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al., 2003).


Attention and development in fragile X syndrome


adulthood (Cornish et al., 2001, in press; Scerif et al., 2004, 2007, in press; Scerif & KarmiloffSmith, 2005; Sullivan et al., 2007). Although previous research is important in demonstrating the age-related changes in attention functioning, it is situated within a cross-sectional framework and, therefore, can only provide snapshots of behavior at a given time point in different cohorts. For the first time, our findings provide evidence of longitudinal change across three time points collectively spanning 24 months. A core question guiding this research is to what extent these striking attention difficulties that are characteristic of young boys with fragile X syndrome predict the highly variable outcomes (IQ, autistic symptomatology, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder behaviors) that also characterize children with this monogenic disorder. These difficulties may, of course, simply be cooccurring aspects of the phenotype in fragile X syndrome, but a longitudinal design allowed us to investigate the extent to which earlier individual differences in attention mattered to later functioning. We predicted that cognitive inattention would drive these individual differences longitudinally. Of note in the present study, we included for the first time an examination of very basic attention functioning within the visual and auditory modalities, providing a unique opportunity to explore how attention processing across these two modalities differentially impacted on behavioral outcomes.

Intellectual Functioning Over Developmental Time We focused on nonverbal IQ and followed the trajectory of performance on four key cognitive subdomains, tapping known strengths and weaknesses in the fragile X syndrome cognitive profile. Of note, although overall IQ declined (as expected, given that this measure is standardized against CA and, therefore, contrasts children with fragile X syndrome with increasingly older typically developing children [see also Skinner et al., 2005]), growth scores (more representative of changes for children compared with their own earlier performance) showed small but significant improvements over the three time points. These improvements in growth scores echo experimental data that reflect apparent ‘‘developmental freeze,’’ or even worsening of performance, when boys with fragile X syndrome K. Cornish et al.

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were pitted against what might be expected if they were compared against CA-matched peers, whereas following children longitudinally has demonstrated significant improvements (e.g., Cornish et al., in press; Scerif et al., in press). In terms of the relative pattern of strengths and weaknesses in intellectual ability, as expected, boys with fragile X syndrome demonstrated a relative advantage on tasks that involved simultaneous or holistic processing, such as identifying common objects or scenes from fragmentary parts, and a disadvantage on tasks that required sequential (step-by-step) processing. This latter ability remained consistently weaker than all other skills across the 3 years and confirms earlier findings that a core, fundamental weakness in the fragile X syndrome phenotype is the ability, or lack thereof, to process and remember a logical order of information (e.g., first, next, last, and so forth; e.g., Cornish, Munir, & Cross, 1998, 1999). A pervasive deficit in sequential processing has a significant impact on everyday functioning and learning. Our findings confirm the stability of this deficit over the childhood years.

Behavioral Functioning Over Developmental Time Autistic symptomatology remained relatively stable across the three time points, with the most impacted behaviors being those related to poor socialization and communication skills and the least impacted being those related to restricted, repetitive behaviors. Of note, many children in our sample reached the clinical cut-off at risk for autistic spectrum disorders across the three time points, but high scores were driven particularly by social difficulties, rather than by the full triad of impairment characteristic of autism spectrum disorder. This is consistent with the most recent and extensive reports of the distinctive social cognitive and social anxiety difficulties experienced by children with fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder (Hernandez et al., 2009; Roberts, Clarke, et al., 2009). In addition, in their seminal longitudinal study, Kaufmann and colleagues (Hernandez et al., 2009) reported a divergence across their sample of boys with fragile X syndrome with autism (fragile X syndrome + autism spectrum disorder) and without (fragile X syndrome + none). They reported stability in autism behaviors and divergence, across both groups from Time 1 to Time 2, but with a greater 115


convergence of behaviors in Time 3. This latter pattern emerged as a result of the gradual worsening of behaviors in the fragile X syndrome + none group and improvement of behaviors in the fragile X syndrome + autism spectrum disorder group by Time 3. In our own sample, and although not significant as observed by Hernandez et al., performance across the three SCQ subdomains deviates at T2, with worsening performance on the social interaction and communications domains, but by T3, all three subdomains were comparable in profile. These potential dynamic changes over time definitely deserve to be followed and replicated in other samples. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder behaviors followed a similar pattern to that of autistic symptomatology: Elevated Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Index scores were underpinned by distinct subdomain profiles characterizing the sample across timelines, with an overall weakness in cognitive–inattention scores, but with profiles remaining relatively stable over time. The stability of these behavioral attentional difficulties over the whole period of the study and majority of the study sample replicates and extends findings reported on shorter time periods (12 months) and on a more able subset of children (Cornish et al., in press; Scerif et al., in press). This finding also raises the important question of whether, given the pervasive nature of these attentional deficits, we should consider attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a co-occurring condition as we do with autism and fragile X syndrome.

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syndrome improved at a slower pace in terms of their ability to speed up responses to hits. As a whole, improvements on subtle attention measures, in line with those observed in typically developing children, were highly encouraging and not a pattern one would necessarily gather from their IQ profile. In addition, and unlike clear patterns of auditory weaknesses reported with more challenging attention tasks across modalities (Scerif et al., in press; Sullivan et al., 2007), both groups of children favored the auditory task, in terms of accuracy, and responded faster in the visual task. These findings suggest that, under highly simplified conditions, children with fragile X syndrome can attend to stimuli across modalities as children without fragile X syndrome do, albeit less efficiently overall. The tasks we adopted here differed from those used in these previous studies along a highly interesting cognitive dimension: Here, we required simple detection of stimuli to be attended, rather than discrimination of the same stimuli embedded in streams of distractors. Therefore, this raises the intriguing possibility, to be followed in future research, that distractors may influence boys with fragile X syndrome differentially more in an auditory compared with a visual context and that presenting auditory stimuli without distraction (as much as possible, given the practical constraints of everyday environments) could reduce these differential effects and greater difficulties in the auditory modality.

Attention Across Modalities as a Predictor of Later Outcomes?

Although attention performance on all our markers, as measured by number of correct responses, false alarms (incorrect hits), and RTs, was significantly poorer in boys with fragile X syndrome compared with typically developing, control boys at each time point, two important patterns emerged. First, reliable improvements in performance occurred in both groups, but these improvements took place at different rates depending on task demands and variables. False alarms remained stable over the full period of the study for all children, and both groups demonstrated similar rates of improvement over time in the accuracy of hits, but the boys with fragile X

Attention across the visual and auditory modalities also differentiated in terms of how it predicted intellectual ability and behavioral outcomes, both 12 months and 24 months after first assessment. Cognitive attention measures in both the visual and auditory modality at T1 predicted aspects of overall intellectual abilities across the study and behavioral attention difficulties 12 months later as well as, more weakly, 24 months later. Weaker, longer term predictive power may index a divergence across cognitive and behavioral measures, but this speculative suggestion needs to be followed further with a greater number of longitudinal time points. These data suggest domain-general effects of poor attention on nonverbal intellectual abilities and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder–related


Attention and development in fragile X syndrome

Attention Functioning Over Developmental Time


outcomes. In contrast, aspects of auditory cognitive attention were a stronger predictor of autistic symptomatology than visual attention markers across time points, suggesting, in turn, that attention in the auditory modality could be an important marker of risk for autistic symptoms in boys with fragile X syndrome, and one that should be followed just as closely as visual attention, on which most studies of attention in fragile X syndrome have focused.

Conclusions and Implications We mapped trajectories of outcome over 3 years in terms of nonverbal intellectual abilities, autistic symptomatology, behavioral inattention– hyperactivity, and cognitive markers of attention to visual and auditory stimuli. Trajectories across these outcomes varied, with some suggesting no change over time and others suggesting significant improvements over time. Collectively, at the behavioral level, symptoms of autistic spectrum symptomatology and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder difficulties remained relatively stable across the three timelines but with important subdomain profiles of relative strengths and weaknesses. At the cognitive level, whereas IQ scores declined, nonverbal growth scores and cognitive attention markers clearly indicated small but significant improvements across the full duration of the study. In addition to these characteristics of boys with fragile X syndrome as a group, we tried to understand whether early cognitive attention markers would predict differential outcomes longitudinally. Both visual and auditory attention predicted cognitive outcomes, such as nonverbal intellectual ability, and behavioral difficulties, such as hyperactivity, whereas auditory attention alone predicted aspects of autistic spectrum symptomatology. In turn, these findings emphasize the important role played by attention in constraining later outcomes in boys with fragile X syndrome and, we believe more broadly, in young children with attentional difficulties. Our data clearly support the importance of recognizing potential subtle impacts of gene expression on brain development across and within cognitive domains, in this case, attention. To simply assume that socalled commonalities in behavioral outcomes (e.g., attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms) across different developmental disorders imply similar brain mechanisms, which in turn drive K. Cornish et al.

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cognitive attention outcomes, is no longer warranted, given the data presented here. Our findings also highlight distinct modalities as potential risk markers of interest to researchers, clinicians, and practitioners working to ameliorate difficulties.

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This research was supported by a project grant from the Wellcome Trust to Gaia Scerif (principal investigator), Annette Karmiloff-Smith, and Kim Cornish (Grant WT079326AIA). We express our deepest thanks to all families who participated in the research and to the Fragile X Society for their continued support to our research efforts. We are indebted to Hannah Broadbent, Nela Cicmil, Victoria Leggett, Katy Theobald, Charlotte Havill, and Emma Molyneaux for their invaluable input to data collection and analysis. We also acknowledge Ben Harvey’s programming input and Justin Cowan’s contributions to task design and to the initial stages of data collection. Correspondence regarding this article should be sent to Gaia Scerif, Attention: Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Group, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford: South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, United Kingdom. E-mail: gaia. [email protected]



Overall Growth score Brief IQ score Figure Ground subscale Form Completion subscale Sequential Order subscale Repeated Patterns subscale Oppositional Cognitive–Inattention Hyperactivity ADHD Index SCQ Total Composite score Reciprocal Social Interaction Communication Restricted Repetitive Interests Auditory hits Auditory RT (ms) Auditory false alarms Visual hits (%) Visual RT (ms) Visual false alarms (no.)

Leiter-R (cognitive ability)

41 41 42 41 41 41 44 44 44 44 40 40 40 40 42 42 42 42 42 42

n 461.68 63.8 469.69 465.2 451.63 460.02 62.64 70.16 63.57 65.66 19.6 6.75 6.08 5.6 59 1,278.91 14.07 54 1,278.66 13.83

(9.76) (15.24) (13.96) (12.29) (12.47) (16.2) (14.62) (10.64) (9.33) (7.87) (7.2) (3.7) (2.9) (2.15) (22) (279.22) (16.6) (24) (371.77) (12.72)

M (SD) 44 44 45 45 44 44 44 44 44 44 40 40 40 40 46 46 46 46 46 46

n 460.14 56.09 464.89 461.22 453.95 461.36 59.5 66.57 62.02 63.82 20.03 7.68 6.75 5.23 62 1,160.07 17.98 59 1,137.22 19.15

(17.35) (15.33) (19.89) (18.56) (15.09) (16.09) (14.21) (10.88) (10.16) (8.18) (7.62) (3.74) (2.98) (2.18) (26) (254.94) (17.52) (26) (335.07) (20.18)

M (SD)

Year 2

47 47 48 47 47 47 42 42 42 42 39 39 39 39 48 48 48 48 48 48


461.15 51.87 464.96 465.45 452.43 465.19 62.21 69.1 64.05 66.55 20.41 7.31 6.33 5.31 67 1,139.75 21.02 67 1,051.96 26.15

(16.24) (12.76) (18.84) (18.32) (12.45) (13.57) (13.4) (9.87) (12.15) (10.21) (8.71) (4.63) (2.49) (2.41) (24) (275.15) (25.53) (24) (288.25) (29.36)

M (SD)

Year 3

Note. Mean scores and standard deviations for standardized outcome measures and cognitive attention measures, for all boys with fragile X syndrome completing each measure at the three time points, even if not longitudinally so. This provides information on increasing rates of completion for the study measures. Leiter-R 5 Leiter International Performance Scale—Revised (Roid & Miller, 1997); CTRS 5 Conners Teacher Rating Scale—Revised: Short Form (Conners, 1997); ADHD 5 attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; SCQ 5 Social Communication Questionnaire (Rutter et al., 2003); RT 5 reaction time.

Cognitive Attention (computer-based tasks)

SCQ Parent scores (autistic symptomatology)

CTRS (ADHD symptomatology)



Year 1

Supplemental Table



EAAIDD DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.2.103

Attention and development in fragile X syndrome