A 3D Network of Graphene/Silicon/Graphene Sandwich Sheets as Anode for Li-Ion Battery Zhijun Feng1, Ang Fu1, Lun Chen1, Chenhui Huang1, Fei Pei1, Yanling He2, Xiaoliang Fang1, Baihua Qu1, Xinyi Chen1,*, Alan M. C. Ng2,*, and Jingqin Cui1,* 1
Pen-Tung Sah Institute of Micro-Nano Science and Technology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, P. R. China 2 Department of Physics, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, 518055, P. R. China E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
graphene/silicon/graphene sandwich sheets is proposed as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Direct deposition of Si film on three-dimensional graphene frame secures active material attachment, improves conductivity while elastic graphene wrappings and numerous voids absorb volume expansions. With only 12 wt% of Si and total Si-C composite loading of 1.47 mg cm-2, the matrix exhibits specific capacities of 0.62 mAh cm-2 (423 mAh g-1) and longterm retentions of ~60% at 0.7 mA cm-2 (0.45 A g-1). At a higher current density 1.4 A g-1, specific capacities stabilize at 70 mAh g-1 with Coulombic efficiencies higher than 99%. The manufacturing technique can be easily scaled up to fabricate electrodes in large quantities or in desired shapes for flexible device applications. Keywords: 3D graphene; Silicon anode; Sandwich structure; Lithium-ion battery
1. Introduction Rapid advancements in technology have made it unimaginable to live without portable electronic devices. Excellent battery performance is in urgent need to further liberate a device’s functions and portability. Lithium-ion battery has been one dominant power source thanks to its high energy capacity and operating voltages.[1] Yet increasing desire for ultrathin, light devices demands novel redox chemistries and tailored structures to dramatically improve battery longevity and energy density.[2] 1
Silicon is believed a promising anode material, yet its enormous volume change requires extreme care in electrode architecture to reduce material crumbling and cracking.[3, 4] Many pioneering approaches, mostly slurry coated electrodes with 50+ wt% of Si nanoparticles, have achieved excellent capacities over extended cycles and inspired many nano-construction designs.[5, 6] However limited by cathode capacities and the space in devices, in practical terms only a small amount of silicon is necessary to avoid unsafe swelling.[7, 8] Hence carbon is usually introduced to enhance electronic conductivities, requiring sophisticated Si-C constructions.[9, 10] Structures such as summer-rolls or sandwiches have been proved powerful protections for silicon.[11, 12] Further, to increase charge transfer and reduce the total mass, direct application of active materials over porous three-dimensional current collectors is one efficient approach.[13, 14] Following these principles, we employ three-dimensional graphene (3DGr) as a foundation to both connect and wrap active materials. Graphene not only shows promising futures as anodes, but also enhances battery performances as excellent wraps.[15, 16] Through coating silicon films on a 3DGr skeleton grown on Ni foam, a matrix is created with naturally interconnected active materials and increased specific area, eliminating binders/conductive additives and shortening ionic diffusion pathways. Similar techniques have been proposed without dissolving the metal to maintain mechanical strengths.[ 17 ] Here Ni is removed and an additional graphene layer is over Si forming sandwich-type tubes (procedure summarized in Figure 1a). The matrix, referred as 3DGrSiGr hereafter, offers sufficient void spaces, doubles interacting surfaces and increases conductivities, resulting in facilitated electrochemical reaction reversibility and enhanced cycling stabilities. 2. Experimental The 3DGr framework was fabricated following the classic Ni-sacrificing method via chemical vapor deposition (CVD).[18] Silicon films of 200 or 400 nm, thinner than the diffusion limit of lithium in silicon (~600 nm at 4200 mA g-1), were deposited on the framework via angled 2
magnetron sputtering followed by a second CVD process.[19] The 3D network was cut into circular disks of diameter 1.10 cm and average weight 0.35±0.03 mg each with 10-14 wt% of Si. Then 3-5 disks were pressed together to form one flexible free-standing anode. The anodes were assembled into CR2032 coin cells with lithium disk counter electrodes and Celgard 2400 membrane separators. The electrolyte was 1 M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate (EC/DMC 1:1 in volume). De-/charging processes were repeated at room temperature on a Neware BTS4000 battery testing system (Shenzhen, China) between 3.000.01 V at various current densities under the galvanostatic mode. More details are listed in Supporting Information.
Figure 1. (a) Fabrication procedure of the 3D matrix with the cross-section of a branch for each step. The last cross-section illustrates Si film sandwiched between two blankets of fewlayer graphene. Note: Gr = graphene and the thickness is not to scale; (b) SEM image of electrodes and high-magnitude of the open end of an individual branch (Inset). The 3D structure is loyally kept; (c) Raman spectrum of the 3DGrSiGr matrix showing peaks associated with crystalline Si and few-layer graphene. The bright field optical image of a typical surface is shown (right Inset) with a dashed circle indicating the laser focus spot. EDS map (left bottom Inset) of samples indicates uniform distribution of C (red) and Si (green) through the electrode surface. Left top inset shows a newly manufactured 3D matrix sheet.
3. Results and discussion SEM images (Figure 1b) verify that the 3DGrSiGr is not damaged by the sputtering or the high-temperature CVD process. Empty pores (diameters 100-400 μm) among the 3
interconnected branches (diameters 30-70 μm) cover over 50% of the image area, creating abundant room for mechanical stress rearrangement and electrolyte diffusion while maintaining a much reduced mass. Hollow inner spaces from dissolving Ni are seen at broken ends. These outer and inner empty spaces will provide sufficient buffer for silicon expansion during electrochemical cycling. Both surfaces are smooth at the micrometer scale, indicating uniform thickness of Si deposition. Raman spectra (Figure 1c) demonstrate characteristic peaks of graphene, as well as a relatively sharp crystalline Si peak. As the laser can penetrate only ~100 nm into solid, the G band and 2D band are from top-layer graphene covering Si deposition.[20, 21] The EDS map (Inset) reveals universal Si deposition all over the branches. Additional SEM images in Figure S1 show that, compared to island-like depositions on a copper foil or a silicon wafer from the same process, Si films on 3DGr appear planar and nearly wrinkle-free. The morphology hints efficient coverage of exposed graphene surfaces and excellent attachment between C and Si. The actual thickness of 400-nm deposition, observed from the film on the Si wafer, is ~310 nm. One drawback of magnetron sputtering is that the film is usually deposited in a directional fashion and hence is not uniformly distributed over vertical surfaces. A branch edge shows a piece of thin, delicate graphene dangling (Figure S2). However with the porous structure of 3DGr, many surfaces inside the network are able to be partially covered, creating non-continuous Si films that facilitate decreasing mechanical stresses. The charge-discharge curves (Figure 2a) and cyclic voltammetry profile (CV, Figure 2b) both confirm de-/lithiation occured within the 0.01–1.0 V range. During the 1st lithiation process a steep decreasing line with a turn point near 0.70 V is observed, followed by a short stable period around 0.20 V. The alloying of Si and Li accounts for this 0.20 V plateau while the turn point is due to the formation of the SEI layer as it disappears in the following cycles. A very slow decrease of potential below 0.15 V with two quasi-plateaux near 0.12 V and 0.08 V is observed, corresponding to Li intercalation into graphene sheets and the recrystallization of 4
Li-Si alloys, respectively.[22] The curves are similar to those of anodes made of graphene nanosheets due to 3DGr influences on the Si lithiation.[15, 23 ] The delithiation curve is obsereved with three flat regions located at 0.11, 0.14, 0.23 V and one inconspicuous plateau at 0.41 V. The first two plateaus are related to extraction of Li+ from the graphitic carbon.[24] The latter two plateaus are accociated with stages of Li-Si dealloying.[25] The 2nd and later lithiation curves are at least twice steeper, but maintain smooth slopes, indicating reversible de-/lithiations. Accordingly, during the 1st CV cycle no detecable peak is observed in the lithiation scan due to the formation of an SEI layer from decomposition of electrylote organics. The broad peaks at 0.2-0.6V along the anodic scan arose from Li extractions from Si and C. [26] Starting from the 2nd cycle, a peak around 0.17 V with a shoulder (~0.20 V) and a sharp peak near 0.02 V along the cathodic scan are recorded, coressponding to the electrochemical Li-C intercalation and Li-Si alloying: first amporphous Li-Si, then crystalline Li-Si alloys.[27] For the anodic scan, a bump split into two peaks, 0.22 and 0.29 V, and a weak but broad peak around 0.50 V are noticed. The former bump is from Li extraction from graphene and transition of crystalline Li-Si alloys to amorphous alloys, and the latter is due to Li extraction from various Li-Si compositions.[28] Subsequent cycles display almost identical patterns overlapping with each other, suggesting structurally stable electrode undergoing reversible electrochemical reactions. For comparison, CV curves and charge/discharge profiles for anodes fabricated from 3DGr are shown in Figure S3. The profiles are much steeper than those for 3DGrSiGr anodes as deintercalation is much less complicated than dealloying of LixSiy. [29]
Figure 2. (a) Voltage-capacity profiles of the 3DGrSiGr electrode cycled at 0.010 A g-1 and (b) CV curves for the first four cycles scanned at 0.1 mV s-1. As most reactions happen between 0.01-1.0 V, only data within this range are plotted; (c) Impedance measurements of an electrode before activation (black) and after 500 cycles (green) at 0.50 A g-1. The marks are experimental data and the lines are fitted data; (d) Rate performance at different current densities (A g-1) for the electrodes with varied mass loadings; (e) Cycling stability and CE of two electrodes at 0.50 A g-1. The electrodes are activated at 0.010 A g-1; (f) Comparison of electrochemical performances of our 3D structure with literature Si-anode designs (all based on the Si mass).
The Nyquist plots (Figure 2c) of newly assembled cells and cells after 500 cycles indicate stable electrode structures that are essential for decent battery performances. The semi-circles observed in the high and medium frequency region are related to mass transfer-controlled interface barriers at the SEI layer or kinetically-controlled electrochemical reactions. Before 6
cycling the short-range interface resistance and charge-transfer resistance are 4.0 and 33.6 , respectively. After de-/lithiation for 500 cycles at a charging density of 1.0 mA cm-2, the resistances increase to 15.7 and 67.6 , suggesting that structures have not changed dramatically. The considerably small values are results of much enhanced ionic diffusion with the pores in the network filled with electrolyte and Li ions.[10] A Randles circuit including an interface resistance, a double layer capacitor, a charge-transfer impedance, and a Warburg impedance is assumed for the simulation. Galvanostatic performance of the 3DGrSiGr structure is assessed at various dis/-charge rates and the cells show excellent capabilities and stabilities (Figure 2d). For three different loadings, initial specific capacities at the current density 0.025 A g-1 are all better than 700 mAh g-1, suggesting greatly enhanced power density. With mass loadings of 1.23 or 1.47 mg Si-C cm-2, 650 mAh g-1 (~0.60 mAh cm-2) is achieved at 0.045 A g-1. The capacity decreases to 600, 510, and 390 mAh g-1 for 0.10, 0.25, and 0.45 A g-1, respectively. At the highest charging current density 0.70 A g-1, a specific capacity 300 mAh g-1 is still obtained. When the mass loading reaches 1.68 mg cm-2, the specific capacity is reduced rapidly to 120 mA h g-1 for 0.45 A g-1. With bulkier stacking, it takes more time for the ions to reach far end branches. Also, since a large concentration gradient is formed, delithiation becomes more irreversible, hence the smaller capacity and faster loss of battery stabilities. At 0.7 mA cm-2 (0.5 A g-1), the specific capacity for 1.47 mg cm-2 stabilizes at 0.38 mAh cm-2 after 480 cycles, which is ~61% of the first-cycle capacity. For 1.68 mg cm-2, the eventual specific capacity decreases below 0.13 mAh cm-2, retaining only 20% of the initial capacity (Figure 2e). Again thinner Si deposition performs better than thicker films, as a larger volume creates more concentrated local mechanical stress hence is prone to break into pieces and eventually falls off the 3DGr skeleton. The experimental results agree well with the hypothesis that mechanical strain from continuous and detrimental volume changes is one core reason causing the Si performance decaying. Specific capacities appear to decrease then 7
increase during the long-term cycling. This trend has been observed for several designs containing void-wrapped Si nanostructures.[30, 31] Given enough time, the stabilized alloys are eventually able to release more Li ions back to the electrolyte. With partial shredding of graphene, additional cavities are created and more redox active sites are freed, allowing the anode to store more charges.[24] Nevertheless the capacity boost is partially realized at the cost of losing structural completeness and the battery life is ultimately shortened. For future studies, a design of alternating layers of graphene and Si nano-film may potentially reduce stress and enhance cycling stabilities more efficiently. Comparisons with recent literature works are plotted in Figure 2f and summarized in Table S1 and S2. Overall the 3DGrSiGr anodes are able to retain a capacity of magnitude ~0.5 mAh cm-2, comparable to or higher than literature values while requiring much less active material.[17,
19, 32 ]
The porous matrix opens more accessibility and active sites for mass
transport and electrochemical reactions, therefore holds higher capacities. Moreover the strong adhesion between graphene and silicon effectively prevents nanostructure agglomeration or loss of active material, both profitable for battery performances. At high current densities the CEs for all cells are above 98% over 1000 cycles, indicating highly reversible reactions (Figure S4). Also, the 3DGr is of a few-layer structure and stacking layers could rearrange themselves following the Si film distorting without cracking as inter-layer sliding faces ultralow frication at the atomic scale.[33, 34] Few-layer graphene has a theoretical Young’s modulus in the magnitude of TPa, which might assist improving the structure’s tolerance towards mechanical stresses.[35] After 500 cycles at 1.0 mA cm-2 (0.75 A g-1) a 3DGr cell (Figure S5) reaches an area capacity of 0.10 mAh cm-2 (~75 mAh g-1). In comparison, 0.18 mAh cm-2 is achieved for 3DGrSiGr anodes (same total mass and Gr:Si = 88:12). With only a negligible volume and ~10% mass added, the anode realizes an 80% increase in areal capacities. After the Si coating many tiny
pores in the 3DGr base are concealed, and the actual capacity contribution of carbon is hence smaller than that of the 3DGr-only anode.[36]
Figure 3. XPS spectra of 3DGrSiGr electrodes at de-lithiation status and lithiation status.
To define structural variations during electrochemical performances, high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of 3DGrSiGr anodes at different phases of lithiation are carried out (Figure 3c). Before cycling only a major Si2p peak at 101.8 eV (Si-C) is detected with no Li1s signals present. A sharp peak near 284.5 eV associated with C sp2 is the main C1s signal. A much weaker C=O peak is detected at 288.5 eV. The O1s peaks could have come from Si-O bond 532.9 eV and compositions including C=O, O-SiC bonds (531.5 eV). After full lithiation (discharged to 0.01 V, 250th cycle), Si2p peaks of the anode are deconvoluted into 4 main sub-peaks at positions 99.5, 100.5 for possible Li-Si and Si-Si, 101.7 for Si-C, and 102.9 eV for LixSiOy, respectively. The C=O peak (now 289.1 eV) in C1s spectrum is greatly enhanced and the C-C bond slightly shifts to 284.1 eV. Two additional peaks appear at 285.9 eV from PEO-type polymers, and 282.4 eV from Si-C bonding. The O1s spectrum is mainly 530.9 eV with a lowered shoulder at 532.5 eV from Si-O and LixSiOy. The Li1s spectrum is composed of two sub peaks at locations 53.4 eV and 54.6 eV. Possible chemical compositions include Li-OH and LixSiOy.[37] The results again confirm that both Si and graphene contribute to hosting lithium. XPS spectra for the lithiation status of 3DGr-only
anodes, together with F1s and P2p signals from the lithiation status of 3DGrSiGr anodes, are shown in Figure S6 for reference.
Figure 4. SEM images of 3DGrSiGr electrodes after (a) 500 cycles and (b) only 1 cycle of de/lithiation electrochemical reactions. The insets display striking morphology contrasts between wrinkled regions and cracked regions. (c) and (d) show the surface details and element maps of wrinkles (left) and cracks (right) after 500 cycles and after only 1 cycle, respectively. EDS maps on the top show abundant Si (green) and dense C (red) overlapping in all morphologies.
The 3DGrSiGr structure remains its soft and flexible nature after many cycles. Upon rinsing with solvent a full-shaped anode can be separated from the rest cell parts. However with electron microscopy structural evolutions at the micro-scale are clearly identified (Figure 4). The anode experiencing only 1 complete cycle looks much similar to the pristine network in a way that belts and voids are obviously distinguishable. After 500 cycles, empty spaces between branches that were visible before the battery cycling disappear. Twisted surfaces with wrinkles appear here and there in a random fashion. The wrinkled areas are dominantly Si with the rest area containing both Si and C (Figure S7a). The initial branches/tubes have transformed into flat belts from stacking and battery assembling. Then during cycling, composed of ductile graphene and silicon films, belts expand horizontally into the empty 10
space while the voids absorb the volume expansion and rearrange the belts into wrinkles. Aside from wrinkles flat surfaces with mud cracks of various widths are seen. Higher magnification images show that for 1-cycle anode, shallow cracking lines are just starting to appear on the Si film, while after 500 cycles silicon has evolved into numerous nano-pillars probably from SEI formation and breakage. This transition greatly enhances interactions between the anode and electrolyte, and explains why specific capacities drop first but increase later during extended cycling. EDS mapping and Raman peaks prove that Si films are continuously anchored to the graphene skeleton during cycling (Figure S7b), proving efficient structural perseverance. 4. Conclusions In conclusion, a 3D network of sandwich sheets with Si thin film wrapped between graphene is proposed as free-standing anodes. The protected silicon experiences limited and stable formation of SEI, while the 3DGr skeleton maintains the conductive pathway. With only 12 wt% of Si, maximum specific capacities tested at 0.025 and 0.45 A g-1 reach 680, 420 mAh g1
, corresponding to 1.0 and 0.62 mAh cm-2, respectively. After 500 cycles under 0.45 A g-1 the
anode structure achieves favorable cycling stability with capacity retention over 60%. The fabrication process may not strike as super economic at first glance, but the novel combination of 3D architecture and sandwich wrapping significantly reduces the loss of active material-current collector contact, grants sufficient room for volume expansion, and is applicable to many materials. Mass production of large electrode sheets from Ni foam is possible, averaging down fabricating costs. Being inherently superlight, ultrathin and highly flexible, the 3DGrSiGr network poses excellent potentials for applications in wearable and portable devices.
Supporting information Additional information about the electrode morphologies and electrochemical performances, comparison of battery performances. 11
Acknowledgements The authors thank the financial support from NSF of Fujian Province, China (No. 2017J01103) and the Graphene Project of Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission. The project was also partially funded by NSFC (Nos. 21303143, 11574255). Ms. Lingling Zheng is sincerely appreciated for her technical support with material characterizations. Declarations of interest: none. References
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