electroencephalography (EEG) sequences are used to search for patho- ... In previous using work the authors have shown that in a domain of time versus.
Domain Adaptation for Pathologic Oscillations Rory Lewis1,2 , Chad A. Mello2 , James Ellenberger2 , and Andrew M. White1 1
Departments of Pediatrics & Neurology, University of Colorado Denver, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, 80045, USA Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO USA 80918, USA
Abstract. This paper presents a platform to bridge datamining techniques and concepts in the field of neurosciences with state-of-the-art data mining, in particular domain adaptation. In non-clinical environs, once an exhaustive search for a particular item of knowledge seems to be impractical, there is the natural tendency to switch to heuristic methods to expedite the search. Conversely, when neuroscientists are in the same situation, they will trust exhaustive searches rather than heuristics such as clinical decision-support systems (CDSS). This is particularly when electroencephalography (EEG) sequences are used to search for pathologic oscillations in the brain. The purpose of this paper is to promising results illustrating how an intelligent agent can data mine explicit types of pathologic oscillations in the human brain.
In previous using work the authors have shown that in a domain of time versus amplitudinal strength in EEGs of a person during seizure, the neural oscillations of artifact remain stationary in continuous clustered segments while the neural oscillations seizure activity move (see Figure 1) [10]. To validate this the authors used their rough set-based discretization and clustering tool called neuroClusteringTM . The reason why the clustering tool could create these three distinct clusters is because when the human brain is working efficiently there is a precise interaction of neural activities that renders oscillatory synchronization [13], [8], [3], [5], which creates a harmonic ebb and flow of electricity observable on an electroencephalogram (EEG). Conversely, when one develops a neurological pathology this synchronization breaks down. Discovering classifiers for these pathologic oscillations is crucial in finding their cures. This will only change when a CDSS incorporates intelligence that can learn in one domain and retrain itself across another domain. In the continuing goal to establish an autonomous machine-learning CDSS for detecting pathologic oscillations from a plurality of EEG domains for neuroscientists, the authors present a state-of-the-art rough set theory methodology that embraces domain adaptation. The paper will now illustrate how discretizing and clustering EEG signals in this manner is also conducive for domain adaptation. First we review neuroClusteringTM then we address the motivation for the experiments, domain adaptation, along with the experiment process and results. D. Ciucci et al. (Eds.): RSFDGrC 2013, LNAI 8170, pp. 374–379, 2013. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Domain Adaptation for Pathologic Oscillations
neuroClusteringTM: The ability discretize large portions of signal based EEGs allows a machine to convert large portions of complex fourier transforms to small I II III 2-dimensional arrays of x, y members. Now if this format is conducive for domain adaptation we can train off of neurodiagnostic domain consisting of many ”patients” and quickly match the closest patients to a new patient. This would yield a new resource for studying the abnormal synchronization processes found in the pathologic oscillaIV tions associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. It is known in Fig. 1. neuroClusteringTM : (I) Original the field of neurodiagnostic studEEG is split with a spline to extract change of ies, that proper overall interpreta- time and Riemann sum values. (II) Each point tion of EEG findings rely on valid represents one instance of change of time versus correlations of associated clinical Riemann during 0.333 seconds. (III) FCM censemiology identifying specific os- troid of the cluster in II is instantiated onto cillatory states [7]. Problems such (IV) which has three distinct areas. Bottom as the subjective nature of what right cluster rdefines artifact. Bottom left left constitutes a seizure [16] and is ”normal” activity Upper cluster is seizure. the insurmountable resources required to have machines learn and identify pathologic oscillations is unacceptable. To do this let X = x1 , x2 , ..., xN represent the finite set and 2 ≤ c ≤ N is an integer. The objective was to partition data set X into c clusters where one assumes that c is known [15]. With classical sets one defines a hard partition as a family of subsets {Ai |1 ≤ i ≤ c ⊂ P (X)} where Ai jointly c contain all the data in X, which must be not empty, pairwise disjoint and i=1 Ai should reconstruct X [14]. We need μik to attain real values in [0,1] therefore fuzzy partitioning is used as a generalization of hard partitioning where we let X = [x1 , x1 , ..., xN ] represent the finite set where 2 ≤ c ≤ N be an integer where the fuzzy partitioning space for X is the set Mf c = uij ∈ RN ×c |μik ∈ [0, 1], ∀i, k; where the i-th column of U contains values of the membership function of the i-th fuzzy subset of X and constrains the sum of each column to 1. This means that total membership of each xk in X equals 1 thus making the distribution of the memberships (artifact or seizure) amongst the c fuzzy subsets flexible in nature. For discretization, the authors used a quantitative indice to evaluate the efficiency of this rough clustering algorithm, incorporating the concepts of rough sets capturing the average degree of completeness of knowledge of all the clusters [11]. Figure 1082
R. Lewis et al.
Domain Adaption Experiments
As seen in Figure 2(a), the classic setting for machine learning is single domain learning where the goal is to have an input x that predicts a corresponding output y, x → y, where we assume that x and y are drawn against some probability distribution of the joint pair x and y, (x, y) ∼ P r[x, y]. For example, our x’s may be a post neurosurgery ICU patient’s (patient) EEG and our goal is to have a machine predict whether that patient is incurring a fatal pathologic oscillation. As the author has seen over the past few years applying rough set theory to patients in the neuro ICU ward where the goal is to learn what one, if any, of the hundreds of seizures a post brain surgery will have will be a fatal one - the type that shuts off bodily functions and only alert the neurosurgeon of this event and not the others, simply takes too long. By the time the machine has learned and trained off of the same patient the patient has left the hospital, the neuro surgeon has had 60 false positives a day or in one cade, the patient died.
(a) S
Sn-1 Sn
Tn-1 Tn
Fig. 2. Domain Adaptation TM : (a) Classical, D : Rk → R. (b) This paper, where K RK →R . domain adaptation where D1R →R , and (c) Future work 4 Dw,x,y,z
Enter domain adaptation which is based off of its critical ”Single Good Hypothesis”; ∃h∗ , S (h∗ ), T (h∗ )small. which is in essence saying, for us in the neuro ICU ward that there exists, somewhere out there, a classification rule that is based off of previous patients (S) who were also in this neuro ICU ward, that correctly predicts a particular type of pathologic oscillation in both the training Pn ’s EEG data and the target Pn+1 ’s EEG data where the error is small. Note that in Shared Support the two distributions are similar while in Shared Representation Learning the two distributions are completely different.As shown in Figure 2(b) we now we have two distributions, a source (S) distribution and a target (T) distribution. The source distribution, (x, y) ∼ P rS [x, y], is the training distribution where classification rules are derived from many previous patients while the target (T) distribution, (x, y) ∼ P rT [x, y], is the test distribution which may elicit rules derived from the closest match of the previous
Domain Adaptation for Pathologic Oscillations
patients that were in the neuro ICU ward. Many methodologies can be used to do this including, Covariate Shift [6], Representation Learning [1], Feature Based Supervised Adaptation [4]and Parameter Based Supervised Adaptation [17], to name a few. This is represented in Figure 2 by the swapping of the colors representing the stars for normal, the circles for artifact and the squares for seizure, the colors of interior white and full colors in the three aforementioned shapes are swapped out across the cross/ cut lines between the S and T’s. in Note that in Figure 2(a) the new patient when using classical KDD and applying domain adaptation terminology upon it, is actually is actually both the source(S) and the target (T) distribution. Figure 1082
Figure 0499
ICU Patient 1082
ICU Patient 0499
Fig. 3. EEG Clustering: 2 of 2000 ICU “patients”: Dotted line bisects seizures above normal & artifact clusters below
The goal of the experiments was to recognize the confidence of classification rules of a plurality of synthesized patients according to how well their values distinguish between the instances of the same and different classes close to one another. Using Scala we created 2,000 patient’s EEGs with some having no seizures, some have two seizures, some having no artifact and some have two sets of artifact (see Figure 3). We selected a cohort of 670 patients, P001 , P002 ... P670 to only be trained by using the classical iterations for learning and training. We set a predefined threshold from an expert epileptologist and our optimal subset was randomly chosen by selecting a random 33% of the values. We performed the iterations 6 times. Next, using a J48 Generator in Weka we submitted the training to a tester and then trained off of another randomly chosen 33% of the synthesized data [9] which is based off of Quinlan’s original bagging and boosting methodology [12]. In the classic supervised learning context we determine how effective a system performs on test data by bounding the empirical error of the training data with the expected error on the test data test ≤ ˆtrain + complexity n where the complexity may be Girosi, Rademacher, etc., and as the number of training entities increases so do the test and training errors converge. In Domain Adaption however, the test error εtest is measured on a new distribution [2].
R. Lewis et al.
To test the hypothesis the authors ran J48 algorithms twice on two randomly selected sets of 670 synthesized patients. In cohort1 six iterations of training and learning on 66 randomly selected patients off the same distribution were run using Naive Bayes (classical)(see dotted line in Figure 4). In cohort2 six iterations of training off the source distribution were Iteration trained on 66 randomly selected patient from cohort2 (see solid line Fig. 4. Initial Results: Domain Adaptation in Figure 4) and learned on the 66 (solid line) started off consistently below the classical KDD (dotted line’s) confidence levels ”new” patients.
Conclusions and Future Work
As seen in Figure 2(c), the future work is the motivation behind this paper. In (c) where iwe move towards a new class of machine learning that can adapt, and select all the closest S1’s to T1s, adapt, and select all the closest S2’s to T2’s which could be animal databases, and then adapt, and select all the closest S3’s to T3’s which could be conversations between doctors. To make this model move closer towards how humans think, it must also apply many Sn’s to the closest Tn’s which could be YouTube, textbooks, strings, arrays, audio and ... essentially all inhomogenous databases that right now cannot possibly be fused to the Final Target FT. As seen in these experiment results, in all the domain adaptation cases, the results started lower than the classical KDD results varying from 21% to 53% on the first iteration but soon surpassed the classically trained patients’ confidence levels. We are concerned that we do not understand exactly why the domain adaptation starts off lower. The focus in these experiments was to see if we could make domain adaptation work and compare it to a classical KDD approach - hence the focus was not the drilling down into the resultants each step of the way. The authors are already performing work to compare the same type of randomly selected patients to many more types and see what the results tell us. The end result is that domain adaptation is showing strong results and opening up many doors allowing machine learning to learn off of one distribution and train on another. More so, with more testing we may soon qualify to test these results on real human in the post neurosurgery ICU wards at Anschutz Medical School in early 2014.
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