A BSTRACT. We develop and analyze a class of overlapping domain decomposition (DD) preconditioners for linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems. Our preconditioners utilize the structure of the optimal control problems. Their execution requires the parallel solution of subdomain linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems, which are essentially smaller subdomain copies of the original problem. This work extends to optimal control problems the application and analysis of overlapping DD preconditioners, which have been used successfully for the solution of single PDEs. We prove that for a class of problems the performance of the two-level versions of our preconditioners is independent of the mesh size and of the subdomain size.
1. I NTRODUCTION This paper is concerned with the development and analysis of a class of domain decomposition (DD) preconditioners for linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems. Such problems arise in many applications (see e.g., [35, 41, 47]) and, perhaps more importantly, they arise as subproblems in Newton-type or sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods for many nonlinear elliptic control problems (see, e.g., [9, 18, 33, 34, 43]). After a discretization, a linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems leads to a large-scale quadratic programming problems whose solution is, under suitable conditions, characterized through the linear system of optimality conditions. This linear system is large-scale and indefinite and it usually has to be solved iteratively. The spectrum of this system is determined, among other things by the mesh size h and the control regularization parameter α (see the formulation (1.2) below). Often one observes that the condition number of the optimality system matrix grows like h−2 and like α−1 . Good preconditioners are important for the overall performance of solution methods for elliptic control problems. We note that the structure of the optimality system arising in elliptic control problems is different from the structure of the saddle point systems arising in the solution of the Stokes equation or in the solution of elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) using mixed finite element methods. Thus, the preconditioners developed in that context cannot be used in the solution of optimal control problems, in general. This paper is concerned with the development of DD preconditioners for the optimality system of linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems. Our preconditioners utilize the structure of the optimal control problems. The execution of our preconditioners requires the parallel solution of subdomain linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems, which are essentially smaller subdomain copies of the original problem. We extend Date: November 23, 2004. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 49M05, 65N55; Secondary 49N10, 49M27. This work was supported in part by NSF Grant ACI-0121360 and by the Los Alamos National Laboratory Computer Science Institute (LACSI) through LANL contract number 03891-99-23 as part of the prime contract (W-7405-ENG-36) between the Department of Energy and the Regents of the University of California. 1
overlapping DD preconditioners which have been used successfully for the solution of single PDEs to optimal control problems. We prove that the performance of the two-level versions of our preconditioners is independent of the mesh size h and of the subdomain size H. Numerical studies indicate that the performance of our preconditioners for optimal control problems is comparable to the performance of their counterparts applied to single PDEs. Moreover, the performance of our preconditioners seems to be rather insensitive to the size of the control regularization parameter α. Let V and U be Hilbert spaces with duals V 0 and U 0 , respectively, let a : V × V → R,
b : U × V → R,
be continuous bilinear forms, let m : V × V → R,
q : U × U → R,
be symmetric and continuous bilinear forms, let c, f : V → R,
d:U →R
be continuous linear functionals and let α > 0. We consider the linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problem α 1 (1.2a) m(y, y) − c(y) + q(u, u) − d(u) minimize 2 2 (1.2b) subject to a(y, φ) + b(u, φ) = f (φ) ∀φ ∈ V. The unknowns are the state y ∈ V and the control u ∈ U . Assumptions on the (bi)linear forms that ensure existence and uniqueness of a solution of (1.2) will be given in Section 2.1. The formulation (1.2) covers many problems, including the example problems Z Z 1 α 2 minimize (y(x) − yˆ(x)) dx + (1.3a) u2 (x)dx, 2 Ωo 2 ∂Ω (1.3b) subject to − ∆y(x) + σy(x) = fb(x) in Ω, ∂ y(x) = u(x) ∂n
(1.3c) and
(1.4a) (1.4b) (1.4c)
minimize subject to
1 2
on ∂Ω
α (y(x) − yˆ(x)) dx + 2 Ωo − ∆y(x) = fb(x) + u(x)
y(x) = 0
u2 (x)dx,
in Ω, on ∂Ω.
In both examples Ωo ⊂ Ω, yˆ ∈ L2 (Ωo ), fb ∈ L2 (Ω) are given functions, and α > 0 is a given parameter. In (1.3), σ ≥ 0 is also given. R Example (1.3) is a special case R of (1.2) with V = H 1 (Ω), U = L2 (∂Ω), a(y, φ) = Ω ∇y∇φ + σyφdx, m(y, φ) = Ωo yφdx, R R R R b(u, φ) = ∂Ω uφdx, q(u, φ) = ∂Ω uφdx, c(φ) = Ωo yd φdx, f (φ) = Ω fbφdx, and 1 2 d R = 0. Example (1.4) is a special case of (1.2) with V = H0 (Ω), U R= L (Ω), a(y, φ) = uφdx, q(u, φ) = ∇y∇φdx, m, c, f defined as in example (1.3) and b(u, φ) = Ω RΩ uφdx, d = 0. Ω Our DD preconditioners for (1.2) are derived from a framework based on subspace decomposition. Such a framework is well known for elliptic PDEs (see, e.g., [12, 20, 21, 22, 48, 50].) Since the optimality system for the linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problem (1.2) is highly indefinite, the well-posedness of subspace projection operators and
the equivalence between the optimality system for (1.2) and a system involving combinations of the subspace projection operators need to be examined. This is done in Section 2, where we will provide conditions based on the structure of linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems that guarantee the well-posedness of subspace projection operators and allow an equivalent reformulation of the optimality system for (1.2) using the subspace projection operators. The subspace decomposition framework is applied in Section 3 to derive overlapping DD preconditioners for (1.2). We extend the ideas in [10, 12, 13] to examine the performance of our preconditioners when applied with GMRES. We will show that, under suitable conditions on the optimal control problem and on the finite element mesh and subdomains, the convergence factor of GMRES preconditioned with a two-level version of our overlapping preconditioners is independent of the mesh size h and of the subdomain size H. This result extends to the optimal control context results that are well known for overlapping DD methods applied to individual PDEs. The general idea is to split the operator arising in the optimality system for (1.2) into a symmetric positive definite part and a remainder part, so that the symmetric positive definite part ‘dominates’ the remainder part. This requires a somewhat non-standard non-symmetric formulation of the optimality conditions, which in the discretized case corresponds to an interchange of two row blocks. This will be illustrated in Section 3.3. In this section we will also show that this row block interchange is not necessary in the actual use of our preconditioners, i.e., in practice one can work with the symmetric version of the optimality conditions. While the general outline of the proof for the convergence factor estimates follows that of [10, 12, 13], many technical details need to be extended to the optimal control setting. This is accomplished in Section 3.2. Our estimates apply to the case of distributed controls (e.g, Example (1.4)). To estimate the performance of our overlapping preconditioners, we need some discretization error bounds for linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems. Since these results are somewhat scattered in the literature and sometimes focus on specific linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems, we present the necessary error estimates in Section 5, focussing on the setting of this paper. Other DD methods for linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems are given in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 42, 36, 37] and DD methods for a class of elliptic parameter identification problems are discussed in [19, 40, 49]. We refer to [37] and [44] for a brief comparison of the different approaches. Our overlapping DD methods, like the DD methods in [1, 2, 3, 36, 37] are based on a decomposition of the optimality system. The subproblems that have to be solved (in parallel) are smaller subdomain versions of the optimality system. Hence, our methods as well as those in [1, 2, 3, 36, 37] require fewer communication per computation compared to the approaches in [4, 5, 6, 42] which require the (parallel) solution of smaller subdomain versions of the governing PDE and its adjoint. The higher computation to communication ratio may be preferable on some computing platforms. The subdomain optimality systems arising in our approach are optimality systems of smaller subdomain copies of the original optimal control problem, allowing code reuse. This is also true for [37], but not for [1, 2, 3]. Finally, while convergence proofs are presented in [1, 2, 3, 6, 42], there are no results in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 42, 36, 37] that estimate the performance of the respective DD methods with respect to mesh size h, subdomain size H, or regularization parameter α. We are able to provide such estimates for our overlapping DD methods.
The non-overlapping Neumann-Neumann methods studied in [36, 37] can also be derived from the general framework in Section 2, following the work of [20, 24] for elliptic PDEs. In this sense, the present paper complements [36, 37]. Our work in this paper is also related to [11], where a nonlinear overlapping DD method is applied to the solution of (systems) of nonlinear PDEs. The method in [11] could be applied to the optimality system for an elliptic optimal control problem. If this is done for linear-quadratic problems, the method is identical to the overlapping DD methods in this paper. Hence, this paper provides theoretical justification of the approach in [11] for linear-quadratic optimal control problems.
2. S CHWARZ F RAMEWORK We describe a general domain decomposition approach for solving linear-quadratic optimal control problems. First, we briefly review conditions for the existence of a unique solution of the abstract control problem (1.2). We then present a subspace decomposition of the optimal control problem, where the space of state, adjoint and control variables are decomposed into local spaces. This is an extension of the subspace methods well-known for analyzing domain decomposition algorithms for PDE problems (see, e.g., [12, 20, 21, 22, 48, 50].) However, since the optimality system for the linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problem (1.2) is highly indefinite, the well-posedness of subspace projection operators and the equivalence between the optimality system for (1.2) and a system involving combinations of the subspace projection operators need to be examined. In this section we will give conditions based on the structure of linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems that guarantee the well-posedness of subspace projection operators and allow the equivalent reformulation of the optimality system for (1.2) using an addition of the subspace projection operators. 2.1. Problem Formulation. We assume that the state equation (1.2b) is surjective, i.e., that for all l ∈ V 0 there exist y ∈ V , u ∈ U such that a(y, φ) + b(u, φ) = l(φ) ∀φ ∈ V
and that the objective function is strictly convex on the null-space of the constraints, i.e., that there exists a constant ζ > 0 such that (2.1b)
m(y, y) + αq(u, u) ≥ ζ(kyk2V + kuk2U )
for all y ∈ V , u ∈ U with (2.1c)
a(y, φ) + b(u, φ) = 0 φ ∈ V.
Remark 2.1. The conditions (2.1) are satisfied if a and q are coercive. This is the case for the first example problem (1.3) if σ > 0 and for the second example problem (1.4). If σ = 0, the bilinear form in the first example problem (1.3) is not coercive on V = H 1 (Ω). However, one can show that the first example problem with σ = 0 satisfies (2.1) [37]. The next result is standard, see, e.g., [38, 41, 44]. Theorem 2.2. Let conditions (2.1) be satisfied. Problem (1.2) has a unique solution y ∗ ∈ V, u∗ ∈ U . The pair y ∗ ∈ V, u∗ ∈ U solves (1.2), if and only if there exists a unique
adjoint variable p∗ ∈ V such that (2.2a) (2.2b) (2.2c)
a(θ, p∗ ) + m(y ∗ , θ)
= c(θ)
∀θ ∈ V,
αq(u∗ , µ) + b(µ, p∗ ) = d(µ) a(y ∗ , φ) + b(u∗ , φ) = f (φ)
∀µ ∈ U, ∀φ ∈ V.
Moreover, there exists a constant κ > 0 such that (2.3)
ky ∗ kV + ku∗ kU + kp∗ kV ≤ κ (kckV 0 + kdkU 0 + kf kV 0 ) . def
We define the space Z = V × U × V , and let z = (y, u, p) ∈ Z, ψ = (θ, µ, φ) ∈ Z. Assuming that the conditions (2.1) are satisfied, the problem of solving for the optimality conditions (2.2) may be stated as finding the unique z ∗ ∈ Z such that (2.4)
K(z ∗ , ψ) = g(ψ)
∀ψ ∈ Z,
where K : Z × Z → R, and g : Z → R are defined as K((y, u, p), (θ, µ, φ))
= a(θ, p) + m(y, θ) + αq(u, µ) + b(µ, p) +a(y, φ) + b(u, φ), = c(θ) + d(µ) + f (φ).
(2.5) g((θ, µ, φ))
Remark 2.3. Note that the optimality system (2.2) can also be written as (2.4) with K and g defined by K((y, u, p), (θ, µ, φ))
= a(φ, p) + m(y, φ) + αq(u, µ) + b(µ, p) +a(y, θ) + b(u, θ), = c(φ) + d(µ) + f (θ).
(2.6) g((θ, µ, φ))
If we compare (2.5) to (2.6) we see that the roles of θ and φ are interchanged. The representation of (2.4) with (2.6) corresponds to a reordering of the equations in (2.2) in the order c-b-a and interchanging θ and φ of the original optimality system. After a finite element discretization, (2.4) with (2.5) is obtained from (2.4) with (2.6) by a row permutation (see Section 3.3). The bilinear form (2.5) is symmetric, i.e., satisfies K(z, ψ) = K(ψ, z) for all z, ψ ∈ Z. The bilinear form (2.6) is not symmetric, but can be split into a symmetric part and a remainder part. This splitting will be important for the convergence analysis for the overlapping methods presented in Section 3. All results derived in the remainder of this section for (2.5) remain true if (2.5) is replaced by (2.6). 2.2. Subspace Decomposition of the Optimal Control Problem. Assume that the spaces V, U are decomposable into subspaces as (2.7a) (2.7b)
= =
V0 + V1 + ... + VN , U0 + U1 + ... + UN ,
with Vi ⊂ V and Ui ⊂ U , i = 0, ..., N . The space Z may then be decomposed as (2.8)
Z0 + Z1 + ... + ZN ,
with Zi = Vi ×Ui ×Vi . In a domain decomposition problem with N (possibly overlapping) subdomains, each of the spaces Zi , i = 1, ..., N , is associated with subdomain i. The special space Z0 is used as a coarse space in a two level method and would not be needed in one-level methods. For each i = 0, ..., N , we assume that there exist local continuous bilinear forms (2.9a)
ai , mi : Vi × Vi → R,
bi : Ui × Vi → R,
qi : Ui × Ui → R,
that are local approximations to the corresponding global bilinear forms. For i = 0, ..., N we require that mi and qi are symmetric, that for all li ∈ Vi0 there exist yi ∈ Vi , ui ∈ Ui with ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ) = li (φi ) ∀φi ∈ Vi
and that there exists a constant ζi > 0 such that mi (yi , yi ) + αqi (ui , ui ) ≥ ζi (kyi k2Vi + kui k2Ui )
for all yi ∈ Vi , ui ∈ Ui with ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ) = 0 φi ∈ Vi .
Often the local forms are defined as restrictions of the global forms to the local spaces, i.e., ai (yi , φi ) = a(yi , φi ), bi (ui , µi ) = b(ui , µi ), mi (yi , φi ) = m(yi , φi ), qi (ui , µi ) = q(ui , µi )
for all yi , φi ∈ Vi and all ui , µi ∈ Ui . For each i = 0, ..., N , we define a bilinear form Ki : Zi × Zi → R as a local approximation for K : Ki ((yi , ui , pi ), (θi , µi , φi )) (2.12) = ai (θi , pi ) + mi (yi , θi ) + αqi (ui , µi ) + bi (µi , pi ) + ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ). Lemma 2.4. If the local bilinear forms satisfy the requirements (2.10), then for each z ∈ Z there exists a unique solution zi ∈ Zi of Ki (zi , ψi ) = K(z, ψi )
∀ψi ∈ Zi .
Proof. Let z = (y, u, p) ∈ Z be arbitrary. If we set zi = (yi , ui , pi ) ∈ Zi , then (2.13) can be written as (2.14)
ai (θi , pi ) + mi (yi , θi ) + αqi (ui , µi ) + bi (µi , pi ) + ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ) = a(θi , p) + m(y, θi ) + αq(u, µi ) + b(µi , p) + a(y, φi ) + b(u, φi )
for all (θi , µi , φi ) ∈ Vi × Ui × Vi . Since z is fixed, the right hand side of (2.14) defines a continuous linear functional (2.15)
gz ((θi , µi , φi ))
cz (θi ) + dz (µi ) + fz (φi ),
on Zi , where cz (θi ) = a(θi , p)+m(y, θi ), dz (µi ) = αq(u, µi )+b(µi , p), fz (φi ) = a(y, φi )+b(u, φi ). Equation (2.14) is equivalent to the system (2.16a) (2.16b)
ai (θi , pi ) + mi (yi , θi ) = αqi (ui , µi ) + bi (µi , pi ) =
cz (θi ) dz (µi )
∀θi ∈ Vi , ∀µi ∈ Ui ,
ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ) =
fz (φi )
∀φi ∈ Vi .
Using assumptions (2.10) together with Theorem 2.2 we see that (2.16) is the necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for (yi , ui ) to be the unique solution of the subspace optimal control problem 1 α min (2.17a) mi (yi , yi ) − cz (yi ) + qi (ui , ui ) − dz (ui ) yi ∈Vi ,ui ∈Ui 2 2 (2.17b) s.t. ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ) = fz (φi ) ∀φi ∈ Vi . with corresponding adjoint pi . This means zi is uniquely defined by z.
For each i = 0, ..., N , we define the operator Ti : Z z
→ Z, 7→ zi
where zi ∈ Zi is the unique solution of (2.13). By definition ot Ti , ∀ψi ∈ Zi .
Ki (Ti z, ψi ) = K(z, ψi )
It is easy to show that Ti is linear. Moreover, if Ki is the restriction of K, it is easy to show that Ti2 = Ti , i.e., Ti is a projection. We note that Ti z may also be stated as the solution of the linear problem ∀ψi ∈ Zi ,
Ki (Ti z, ψi ) = gz (ψi )
where gz is defined as gz (ψi ) = K(z, ψi ). We are interested in transforming the problem (2.4) into an equivalent problem that is better conditioned. We define the operator T : Z → Z as Tz =
Ti z.
To establish the nonsingularity of T , we impose stronger assumptions on the local bilinear forms that those in (2.10). For i = 0, ..., N we require that mi and qi are symmetric and that there exist η > 0, ρ > 0 such that ai (yi , yi ) ≥ ηkyi k2Vi
∀yi ∈ Vi ,
mi (yi , yi ) ≥ 0
qi (ui , ui ) ≥
∀yi ∈ Vi ,
ρkui k2Ui ,
∀ui ∈ Ui .
Assumptions (2.21) imply (2.10). In fact the continuity and coercivity of ai imply that ai (yi , φi ) = li (φi ) for all φi ∈ Vi has a unique solution yil for given li ∈ Vi0 . Hence, (2.10a) is satisfied with yi = yil and ui = 0. The continuity and coercivity of ai imply that for each ui ∈ Ui , ai (yi , φi ) + bi (ui , φi ) = 0 has a unique solution yi (ui ), which depends Lipschitz continuously on ui . This together with Assumptions (2.21b,c) imply (2.10b). Lemma 2.5. Let bilinear forms satisfy (2.1). If the local bilinear forms satisfy the requirements (2.21) for i = 0, ..., N , then the operator T is nonsingular. Proof. Let z ∈ Z satisfy T z = 0. If we denote zi = (yi , ui , pi ) = Ti z, i = 0, ..., N , then N X
(yi , ui , pi ) =
(0, 0, 0).
For each i = 0, ..., N , (yi , ui , pi ) = Ti z is the solution of (2.16). Setting θi = yi , µi = ui , φi = pi in (2.16), then summing over i = 0, ..., N and using (2.22) gives (2.23a)
ai (yi , pi ) + mi (yi , yi ) =
αqi (ui , ui ) + bi (ui , pi ) =
N X i=0
N X i=0
ai (yi , pi ) + bi (ui , pi ) =
N X i=0
N X cz (yi ) = cz ( yi ) = 0, i=0
N X dz (ui ) = dz ( ui ) = 0, i=0
N X fz (pi ) = fz ( pi ) = 0. i=0
Adding equation (2.23a) to (2.23b) and subtracting (2.23c) results in N X
αqi (ui , ui ) + mi (yi , yi ) = 0.
Each term in the previous sum is nonnegative by assumptions (2.21b,c), so we must have ui = 0 for i = 0, ..., N . Setting φi = yi in (2.16c) and summing over i = 0, ..., N gives N X
ai (yi , yi ) + bi (ui , yi ) =
fz (yi ) = 0,
which implies yi = 0, i = 0, ..., N , by requirement (2.21a). Finally, setting θi = pi in (2.16a) and summing over i yields N X
ai (pi , pi ) + mi (yi , pi ) =
cz (pi ) = 0,
which implies pi = 0, i = 0, ..., N . This shows Ti z = 0 for i = 0, ..., N . With (2.18) we can deduce K(z, ψi ) = 0 for all ψi ∈ Zi , i = 0, ..., N , and since Z = Z0 + . . . + ZN , we obtain K(z, ψ) = 0 for all ψ ∈ Z. By Theorem 2.2, z = 0. The following example shows that the assumption (2.10) on the local bilinear forms, which is sufficient to guarantee existence of the projection operators Ti , is not sufficient to P ensure nonsingularity of N i=0 Ti . Example 2.6. Let V = R, U = R. We define bilinear forms a(v, φ) = 0, m(v, φ) = vφ, b(u, µ) = uµ, and q(u, µ) = 0. It is easy to verify that the bilinear forms satisfy (2.1). The bilinear form K is associated with the matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 and in this example we use K to also denote the above 3 × 3 matrix. We set Vi = V , Ui = U , i = 0, 1 and we define the bilinear forms a0 = a, m0 = m, b0 = b, q0 = q and a1 = a, m1 = m, b1 = −b, q1 = q. It is easy to verify that (2.10) is satisfied for i = 0, 1., but not (2.21). The bilinear forms Ki , i = 0, 1 are associated with the matrices 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 , 0 0 −1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 which we also denote by K0 , K1 . The matrix representations of the projection operators Ti , i = 0, 1, are given by T0 = K0−1 K = I and T1 = K1−1 K = diag(1, −1, −1). Obviously, T0 + T1 is singular. We consider the problem T z = r,
(2.24) where (2.25)
N X i=0
ri ,
ri = Ti z ∗ , i = 0, ..., N, def
and z ∗ is the solution of (2.4). The local right hand sides ri , i = 0, ..., N , can be computed without knowing the solution z ∗ . In fact, (2.4) and (2.13) imply that Ki (Ti z ∗ , ψi ) = K(z ∗ , ψi ) = g(ψi )
∀ψi ∈ Zi .
This means that ri = Ti z ∗ ∈ Zi , i = 0, ..., N , can be computed by solving the local problem Ki (ri , ψi ) = g(ψi )
∀ψi ∈ Zi .
Theorem 2.7. If the bilinear forms satisfy (2.1) and if the local bilinear forms satisfy (2.21) for i = 0, ..., N , then problems (2.4) and (2.24) have the same solution. Proof. i. Problem (2.4) has a unique solution by Theorem 2.2. Let z ∗ satisfy K(z ∗ , ψ) = g(ψ) for all ψ ∈ Z, then Ki (Ti z ∗ , ψi ) = K(z ∗ , ψi ) = g(ψi ) = Ki (ri , ψi )
∀ψi ∈ Zi .
This means Ki (Ti z ∗ − ri , ψi ) = 0 for all ψi ∈ Zi , which implies Ti z ∗ = ri . Therefore, PN PN T z ∗ = i=0 Ti z ∗ = i=0 ri = r. ii. Suppose that we have found a solution w that solves T w = r. Then T w = T z ∗, or T (z ∗ − w) = 0. Since T is nonsingular by Lemma 2.5, we have (z ∗ − w) = 0, so w is a solution to (2.4). The transformed problem (2.24) may be solved by using a linear iterative method. The operator T is nonsymmetric, in general, and we solve (2.24) using GMRES [46], QMR [26] or any other method for nonsymmetric systems [45]. In Section 3.3, we show that the operator T has structure that allows the application of the symmetric QMR (sQMR) method [27, 28]. Let A(·, ·) be an inner product on Z and let k · kA be the norm on Z induced by A(·, ·). We define (2.26)
cT = inf
A(T z, z) , A(z, z)
CT = sup z6=0
kT zkA . kzkA
If GMRES with inner product A(·, ·) is applied to the solution of (2.24) and if cT > 0, then the residual r − T z (k) in the kth GMRES iteration obeys (2.27)
kr − T z (k) kA =
k/2 c2 kr − T z (0) kA 1 − T2 CT
(see [25].) In the next section we analyze a specific domain decomposition method, and estimate a lower bound for cT and an upper bound for CT in terms of the key problem parameters H (subdomain size), h (mesh element size) and α (regularization parameter.) We conclude this section by remarking that a multiplicative Schwarz and hybrid methods for the optimal control case can also be formulated in a straightforward way (see [48, Sec. 5.1]). However, for these methods results corresponding to Theorem 2.7 still need to be established. It is also possible to allow non-nested spaces Vi , Ui , i.e., spaces with Vi 6⊂ V , Ui 6⊂ U , if one introduces appropriate of interpolation operators (see [48, Sec. 5.1]).
3. OVERLAPPING D OMAIN D ECOMPOSITION M ETHODS 3.1. Space Decomposition. Let Ω ⊂ Rd , d = 2, 3, be a polygonal/polyhedral domain with boundary ∂Ω and let D = Ω or D = ∂Ω. We assume that the state and the control space satisfy V ⊂ H 1 (Ω), U = L2 (D). We apply the finite element method for solving (1.2) or, equivalently, (2.2). Let {T h } be a family of quasi-uniform meshes. For τ ∈ T h , let hτ denote the length of the longest side of τ and define h = max{hτ : τ ∈ T h }.
We discretize states and controls using continuous piecewise linear functions. Let Vb h = v h ∈ H 1 (Ω) : v h |τ linear ∀τ ∈ T h .
The spaces of discretized states and controls are given by (3.2) V h = v h ∈ V : v h ∈ P1 (τ ) ∀τ ∈ T h ,
where P1 denotes the space of piecewise linear polynomials, and o n (3.3) U h = uh ∈ U : uh = v h |D for some v h ∈ Vb h
respectively. Note that the space V h may incorporate homogeneous Dirichlet boundary information; the space Vb h does not. We set Z h = V h × U h × V h.
Our discretization of (1.2) is given by (3.4a)
subject to
α 1 m(y h , y h ) − c(y h ) + q(uh , uh ) − d(uh ) 2 2 a(y h , φh ) + b(uh , φh ) = f (φh ) ∀φh ∈ V h .
The unknowns are y h ∈ V h and uh ∈ U h . The necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for (3.4) are given by (3.5)
K(z h , ψ h ) = g(ψ h )
∀ψ h ∈ Z h ,
where K and g are defined in (2.6), i.e., are given by (3.6a) K(z, ψ) = (3.6b) g(ψ) =
a(φ, p) + m(y, φ) + αq(u, µ) + b(µ, p) + a(y, θ) + b(u, θ), c(φ) + d(µ) + f (θ)
where z = (y, u, p) and ψ = (θ, µ, φ). The choice (3.6) over (2.5) for the (bi)linear forms K, g will be motivated in Section 3.2 below. Note that (3.5) can also be obtained by discretization of (2.4) with (3.6). We partition the set of elements in Ω into N subdomains Ωi , i = 1, ..., N , with maximum diameter less than or equal to H. Each subdomain Ωi is extended to a larger region b i , with an overlap such that Ω (3.7)
b i ∩ Ω, ∂Ωi ∩ Ω) ≥ δ, distance(∂ Ω
for some δ > 0. In general, we assume that the amount of overlap is kept proportional to the subdomain diameter, i.e., (3.8)
δ ≥ βH
−1 −1
−1 −1
−1 −1
F IGURE 3.1. A sample triangulation of Ω = (−1, 1)2 partitioned into 16 subdomains (left plot). The three shaded regions are examples of extended subdomains (middle plot). A coarse mesh (right plot). for some constant β > 0. Each extended region is assumed to not cut through any fine b i that is outside of the original domain Ω is cut off (see mesh element, and any part of Ω b bi , i = 1, . . . , N , as follows Figure 3.1). Corresponding to Ωi we define D bi = D ∩ ∂ Ω bi D if D = ∂Ω, bi = Ω bi D
if D = Ω.
b i, i = We define state and control subspaces associated with each extended subdomain Ω 1, ..., N, by o n bi , (3.9) Vih = v h ∈ V h : v h = 0 on Ω\Ω n o uh ∈ U h : uh = vh |Dbi for some v h ∈ Vb h . Uih = (3.10)
b i for which In the case of boundary controls, the set Uih = ∅ for all extended subdomains Ω b b the interior (relative to D) of D ∩ Ωi is empty. We say that Ωi , i = 1, ..., N , is a control subdomain if b i ) = ∅. (3.11) int(D ∩ Ω Here the interior is taken relative to D. The associated local product spaces are Zih
(3.12) Since V (3.13)
+ ...
+ VNh h
Vih × Uih × Vih h
and U =
i = 1, ..., N. U2h
h + ... + UN we have
h Z = Z1h + Z2h + ... + ZN .
On each Zih , i = 1, . . . , N , we define the bilinear form Ki : Zih × Zih → R as a local restriction of K defined in (3.6), (3.14)
Ki ((yi , ui , pi ), (θi , µi , φi )) = a(φi , pi ) + m(yi , φi ) + αq(ui , µi ) + b(µi , pi ) + a(yi , θi ) + b(ui , θi ).
b i is not a control subdomain, the terms involving ui , µi are dropped from (3.14). If Ω In the two-level method, we use two families of meshes to discretize the domain Ω. The coarse-level family is denoted by {T H } and the fine-level family by {T h }. For the coarse-level triangulation, we first partition Ω into N nonoverlapping elements, denoted as Ωi , i = 1, ..., N , and then, if necessary, subdivide Ωi , i = 1, ..., N , to obtain a coarse
mesh T H (see the right plot in Figure 3.1). The coarse mesh is subdivided further to obtain the fine mesh T h . Let Hτ denote the length of the longest side of τ ∈ T H and define (3.15)
H = max{Hτ : τ ∈ T H }.
We assume that both families {T H } and {T h } are quasi-uniform. The coarse-level finite element space are defined as H (3.16) VH = v ∈ V : v H ∈ P1 (τ ) ∀τH ∈ T H , n o UH = uH ∈ U : uH = v H |D for some v H ∈ Vb H , (3.17) where, as before, Vb H = v h ∈ H 1 (Ω) : v H ∈ P1 (τ ) ∀τ ∈ T H , P1 denotes the space of piecewise linear polynomials, and ZH = V H × U H × V H . def
For convenience, we also define V0 = V H , U0 = U H and Z0 = Z H . By our construction of the fine and coarse meshes, we have V H ⊂ V h and U H ⊂ U h . It is possible to construct non-nested triangulations so that the coarse spaces V H , U H are not subsets of V h , U h , respectively. In this case, we would need interpolation operators in order to exchange information between meshes ([48, Sec. 2.8].) The local bilinear form K0 corresponding to the coarse space is defined as K0 = K. In particular, the local bilinear forms a0 , m0 , q0 for the coarse grid are given by a, m, q. We make the following assumptions. A1 We assume that the local bilinear forms ai , mi , qi , i = 1, . . . , N , which are defined as restrictions of the bilinear forms a, m, q, satisfy (2.21). A2 We assume that the bilinear forms a, m, q satisfy (2.21). Note that since ai , mi , qi , i = 1, . . . , N , are defined as restrictions of the bilinear forms a, m, q, Assumption A2 implies Assumption A1. Assumption A1 is required for the onelevel method, while Assumption A2 is required for the two-level method, 1 Remark 3.1. R In the example problem (1.3) with σ = 0, we have V = H (Ω) and a(y, φ) = Ω ∇y∇φdx. The local spaces (3.9) satisfy n o b i ) : v = 0 on ∂ Ω b i \ ∂Ω . Vih ⊂ v ∈ H 1 (Ω
b i \ ∂Ω is nonempty, then the Poincare inequality implies that If the relative interior of ∂ Ω the local bilinear form Z ai (yi , φi ) =
bi Ω
∇yi ∇φi dx
is coercive. The positive semidefiniteness of mi and the coercivity of qi follow immediately from the definition of m and q in example problem (1.3). Hence, assumption A1 is satisfied for the example problem (1.3). The bilinear form a, however, violates the assumption A2. For example problem (1.3) with σ > 0 and for example problem (1.4) assumptions A1 and A2 are satisfied. The transformed system (2.24) is now computed for the discretized problem, i.e., in (2.24) we replace Z by Z h , Zi by Zih , i = 1, . . . , N , and Z0 by Z H . That is, for i = 0, . . . , N , we define the projections (3.18)
Ti : Z h zh
→ Z h, 7→ zih ,
where zih ∈ Zih , i = 1, . . . , N , is the solution of (3.19)
Ki (zih , ψih ) = K(z h , ψih )
∀ψih ∈ Zih
and z0h ∈ Z H is the solution of (3.20)
K(z0h , ψ H ) = K(z h , ψ H )
∀ψ H ∈ Z H .
The right hand sides ri ∈ Zih , i = 1, . . . , N , and r0 ∈ Z H are defined through (3.21)
Ki (ri , ψih ) = g(ψih )
∀ψih ∈ Zih .
K(r0 , ψ H ) = g(ψ H )
∀ψ H ∈ Z H ,
and (3.22)
respectively. The one-level additive operator is T = T1 + . . . + TN . Under assumption A1, Theorem 2.7 shows that (2.4), (3.6) is equivalent to (3.23)
(T1 + . . . + TN )z h = r1 + ... + rN .
The two-level additive operator is T = T0 + T1 + . . . + TN . Under assumption A2, Theorem 2.7 shows that (2.4), (3.6) is equivalent to (3.24)
(T0 + T1 + . . . + TN )z h = r0 + r1 + . . . + rN .
3.2. Convergence Analysis for the Two-Level Method. In this section we present a convergence analysis for overlapping domain decomposition methods for elliptic linearquadratic optimal control problems with distributed controls. Our convergence analysis is based on the convergence theory by Cai and Widlund for non-symmetric or indefinite elliptic PDEs. See [10, 12, 13] and [48, Chaper 5]. We split K into a symmetric positive definite part A and the remainder N = K − A. The symmetric positive definite part A generates the inner product that is used in GMRES. To derive convergence estimates for the GMRES residual, we need to show that A dominates N . Many technical details in our convergence proof use the fact that K corresponds to the optimality system for an elliptic linear-quadratic optimal control problem and differ substantially from those presented in [10, 12, 13] and [48, Chaper 5]. The bilinear form K defined in (3.6) may be split into two components (3.25)
K(z, ψ) = A(z, ψ) + N (z, ψ)
∀z, ψ ∈ Z
with symmetric positive definite part (3.26)
A((y, u, p), (θ, µ, φ)) = a(y, θ) + αq(u, µ) + a(p, φ)
and (3.27)
N ((y, u, p), (θ, µ, φ)) = m(y, φ) + b(µ, p) + b(u, θ).
It is this splitting that motivates the choice (3.6) over (2.5). We make the following assumption.
A3 There exist constants 0 < ca ≤ Ca , 0 < cq ≤ Cq , 0 < Cm , Cb , such that (3.28a)
ca kyk2H 1 (Ω) ≤ a(y, y),
a(y, φ) ≤ Ca kykH 1 (Ω) kφkH 1 (Ω) ,
cq kuk2L2(Ω)
q(u, µ) ≤ Cq kukL2 (Ω) kµkL2 (Ω) ,
(3.28c) (3.28d)
≤ q(u, u),
0 ≤ m(y, y),
m(y, φ) ≤ Cm kykL2 (Ω) kφkL2 (Ω) , b(u, φ) ≤ Cb kukL2(Ω) kφkL2 (Ω) ,
for all y, φ ∈ V and all u, µ ∈ U and (3.28e)
b(ui , φi ) ≤ Cb kui kL2 (Ω b i ) kφkL2 (Ω bi),
for all φi ∈ Vih and all ui ∈ Uih . These assumptions are satisfied for example problem (1.4). Assumption (3.28c) excludes problems with boundary controls, such as the example problem (1.3). We will comment on this restriction in the conclusion section. Since our local bilinear forms ai , mi , qi , i = 1, . . . , N , are defined as restrictions of the bilinear forms a, m, q, (3.28) implies Assumptions A1, A2. To prove convergence of our domain decomposition method, we also need the following regularity assumption. A4 Suppose that for every l1 , l3 ∈ L2 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) the solution w ∈ Z of the adjoint problem (3.29)
K(ψ, w) = h(l1 , 0, l3 ), ψiL2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)
∀ψ ∈ Z
satisfies w ∈ H 2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω) × H 2 (Ω) and that there exists C > 0 such that (3.30)
kwkH 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω)×H 2 (Ω) ≤ Ck(l1 , 0, l3 )kM
∀l1 , l3 ∈ L2 (Ω).
Recall that (3.6) is nonsymmetric, i.e., A4 is not an assumption on the regularity of the solution of the optimal control problem. Under assumption (3.28), the bilinear form (3.26) defines an inner product on Z h and we set kzk2A = A(z, z). We apply GMRES with the A-inner product to solve (3.24). The GMRES residuals obey (2.27), where cT , CT are defined in (2.26). The following theorem is the main result of this section. Theorem 3.2. Let the bilinear forms satisfy A3 and b = q, and let α > 0 be given. Furthermore, let A4 be satisfied. If GMRES with A-norm defined (3.26) is used to solve (3.24) where Ti and ri , i = 0, . . . , N are defined in (3.18)–(3.20) and (3.21)–(3.22), respectively, with Ki = K and if H is sufficiently small then cT > 0 and 1 − cT /CT can be bounded independently of H and h. The proof of Theorem 3.2 requires a number of technical lemmas, which will be presented next. To simplify the labeling of non-critical constants throughout this section, we use C without any subscript to denote a generic constant that does not depend on the mesh size h, the subdomain size H, and the regularization parameter α. We define M : Z × Z → R, (3.31)
M ((y, u, p), (θ, µ, φ)) = hy, θiL2 (Ω) + hu, µiL2 (Ω) + hp, φiL2 (Ω)
and kzk2M = M (z, z).
By (3.28) there exists CA > 0 (independent of H, h, and α) such that kzkM ≤ CA max{1, α−1 }kzkA
∀z ∈ Z.
Lemma 3.3. There exists a constant CK > 0 (independent of H, h, and α) such that (3.33)
|K(z, ψ)| ≤ CK max{α, α−1 } kzkA kψkA
∀z, ψ ∈ Z.
Proof. The definition (3.6) of K and (3.28) give |K(z, ψ)| = |a(y, θ) + αq(u, µ) + a(p, φ) + m(y, φ) + b(µ, p) + b(u, θ)| ≤ C kykH 1 kθkH 1 + αkukL2 kµkL2 + kpkH 1 kφkH 1 +kykH 1 kφkH 1 + kµkL2 kpkH 1 + kukL2 kθkH 1 .
On the other hand, the definition (3.26) of A and (3.28) imply 1/2 kzkA kψkA = [a(y, y) + αq(u, u) + a(p, p)] [a(θ, θ) + αq(µ, µ) + a(φ, φ)] =
a(y, y)1/2 a(θ, θ)1/2 + α1/2 a(y, y)1/2 q(µ, µ)1/2 + a(y, y)1/2 a(φ, φ)1/2 +α1/2 q(u, u)1/2 a(θ, θ)1/2 + αq(u, u)1/2 q(µ, µ)1/2 + α1/2 q(u, u)1/2 a(φ, φ)1/2
+a(p, p)1/2 a(θ, θ)1/2 + α1/2 a(p, p)1/2 q(µ, µ)1/2 + a(p, p)1/2 a(φ, φ)1/2 C min{1, α} kykH 1 kθkH 1 + kukL2 kµkL2 + kpkH 1 kφkH 1 +kykH 1 kφkH 1 + kµkL2 kpkH 1 + kukL2 kθkH 1 .
The desired estimate follow from the previous bounds on |K(z, ψ)| and kzkA kψkA .
The first part of the following lemma corresponds to [12, L. 4], [50, eq. (4.3), L. 7.2]. The constant NO in the following lemma plays the same role as the spectral radius of the strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz inequality matrix E that is often used in the analysis of PDE problems ([48, Sec. 5.2].) The second inequality in the following lemma can be proven analogously to the first inequality [44]. Lemma 3.4. There exists a constant NO (independent of H, h, and α) such that every PN decomposition z h = i=0 zih , zih ∈ Zih , satisfies k
N X i=0
zih k2A ≤ NO
N X i=0
kzih k2A ,
zih k2M ≤ NO
kzih k2M .
The following lemma is proven, e.g., in [21, Sec. 4], [50, Lemma 7.1], [48, Sec. 5.3.1]. Lemma 3.5. There exists a constant C0a > 0 (independent of H, h (and α)) such that for PN all v h ∈ V h , there exists a two-level decomposition v h = i=0 vih , vih ∈ Vih , with N X
2 a(vih , vih ) ≤ C0a a(v h , v h ).
The constant C0a > 0 is independent of H, h (and α) provided that the amount of overlap δ defined in (3.7) is proportional to H (see (3.8)). Without the latter assumption one can show that the constant C0a in Lemma 3.5 satisfies 2 2 (3.34) C0a ≤ C˜0a (1 + H/δ), where C˜0a is independent of H, h (and α) and δ is the amount of overlap defined in (3.7) (see [23], [48, Thm. 2].)
Lemma 3.6. There exists a constant C0q > 0 (independent of H, h, and α) such that for PN all uh ∈ U h , there exists a two-level decomposition uh = i=0 uhi , uhi ∈ Uih , with N X
2 q(uhi , uhi ) ≤ C0q q(uh , uh ).
Proof. Let u ∈ U be given. We set uh0 = 0 and we let u ˜i ∈ L2 (Ωi ) be such that N X
uh =
u ˜i (x) = 0, x ∈ / Ωi .
u ˜i ,
(One can choose u ˜i related to uh χΩi , where χΩi is the indicator function, but one needs to avoid to include function values of uh on the boundary ∂Ωi more than once.) We define uhi = Ih u˜i . We have uh = Ih uh = Ih
N X i=1
Ωi uhi |τ
Ih u ˜i =
uhi .
For elements τ ∈ Th inside = u |τ and, hence, = kuh kL2 (τ ) . For elements outside Ωi that are not adjacent to Ωi , uhi |τ = 0 and, hence, kuhi kL2 (τ ) ≤ kuh kL2 (τ ) . For all other elements τ ∈ Th we have kuhi kL2 (τ )
u˜i =
kuhi kL2 (τ )
≤ |τ |1/2 kuhi kL∞ (τ ) ≤ |τ |1/2 kuh kL∞ (τ ) ≤ C|τ |1/2 h−d/2 kuh kL2 (τ ) ≤ Chd/2 h−d/2 kuh kL2 (τ ) ,
where we have used |τ | to denote the measure of τ and we have used an inverse inequality [15, Thm. 17.2] to bound the L∞ (τ )-norm by the L2 (τ )-norm. Consequently, N X
kuhi k2L2 (τ ) ≤ Ckuh k2L2 (τ ) ,
where we have used the fact that any τ ∈ Th belongs only to a finite number of overlapping b i that is bounded independently of N . Summing over the elements τ ∈ Th yields domains Ω N X
kuhi k2L2 (Ω) ≤ Ckuh k2L2 (Ω) ,
which together with (3.28b) gives the desired result.
It is straightforward to extend Lemmas 3.5 and 3.6 to the product space Z h = V h × U × V h as follows. h
Lemma 3.7. There exists a constant C0 > 0 (independent of H, h, and α) such that for PN all z h ∈ Z h , there exists a two-level decomposition z h = i=0 zih , zih ∈ Zih , with N X
A(zih , zih ) ≤ C02 A(z h , z h ).
The next lemma establishes properties of the coarse grid projection. Its proof requires discretization error estimates for optimal control problems. These are briefly summarized in Section 5. We also need the following assumption on the regularity of the adjoint problem as stated in Assumption A4.
Lemma 3.8. Assume that A4 holds and that z h = (y h , uh , ph ) ∈ Z h . There exist C1 , C2 > 0 independent of H and h, such that the solution z H = (y H , uH , pH ) ∈ Z H of K(z H , ψ H ) =
K(z h , ψ H )
∀ψ H ∈ Z H
obeys kz H kA
≤ C1 kz h kA ,
and (3.37)
ky h − y H kL2 (Ω) + kph − pH kL2 (Ω) ≤ C2 max{α, α−1 }Hkz hkA .
Before we present the proof, we remark that by definition (3.18), (3.20) of T0 , we have z H = T0 z h , where z h , z H are given as in the previous lemma. Hence Lemma 3.8 provides estimates for the coarse grid operator. Proof of Lemma 3.8. First we note that (3.35) has a unique solution. In fact, in the proof of Lemma 2.4 we have shown that (3.35) corresponds to a coarse grid optimal control problem of the type (2.17). By Theorem 2.2 applied to the coarse grid optimal control problem, the coarse grid optimal control problem has a unique solution. Moreover, the coarse grid solution obeys (3.36) (see (5.5)). For brevity we define zˇh = (y h , 0, ph ) and zˇH = (y H , 0, pH ). We consider the adjoint problems (3.38a)
K(ψ, w) = hˇ z h − zˇH , ψiL2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω) h
∀ψ ∈ Z,
K(ψ , w ) = hˇ z − zˇ , ψ iL2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)
∀ψ h ∈ Z h ,
K(ψ H , wH ) = hˇ z h − zˇH , ψ H iL2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)
∀ψ H ∈ Z H .
If we set ψ h = z h − z H in (3.38b) and note that hˇ z h − zˇH , z h − z H iL2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω) = h H 2 kˇ z − zˇ kL2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×L2 (Ω) , then (3.39)
K(z h − z H , wh ) = ky h − y H k2L2 (Ω) + kph − pH k2L2 (Ω) .
Equation (3.35) with ψ H = wH ∈ Z H yields K(z h − z H , wH )
= 0.
Subtracting (3.39) and (3.40), we have (3.41)
K(ˇ z h − zˇH , wh − wH ) = ky h − y H k2L2 (Ω) + kph − pH k2L2 (Ω) .
We now use Lemma 3.3 to bound K(·, ·) ky h − y H k2L2 (Ω) + kph − pH k2L2 (Ω) (3.42)
≤ CK max{α, α−1 }kz h − z H kA kwh − wH kA .
Let w be the solution of (3.38a). Standard error estimates for linear quadratic optimal control problems (see Theorem 5.3) give kwh − wkA H
kw − wkA
≤ ChkwkH 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω)×H 2 (Ω) , ≤ CHkwkH 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω)×H 2 (Ω) .
Using the previous two inequalities and assumption A4, we obtain kwh − wH kA
kwh − wkA + kwH − wkA ≤ CHkwkH 2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω)×H 2 (Ω)
CH(ky h − y H kL2 (Ω) + kph − pH kL2 (Ω) ).
Hence, (3.42) implies ky h − y H k2L2 (Ω) + kph − pH k2L2 (Ω) ≤ CK C max{α, α−1 }Hkz h − z H kA ky h − y H kL2 (Ω) + kph − pH kL2 (Ω) which, together with (3.36), gives (3.37).
b i , i = 1, ..., N , has diameter less than or equal Lemma 3.9. If each overlapping region Ω to Cδ H, then there exists C > 0 independent of H and h such that h kvih kL2 (Ω b i ) ≤ CCδ Hkvi kH 1 (Ω bi)
∀vih ∈ Vih ,
i = 1, . . . , N.
b i , by a Poincar´e inequality (e.g., [29, eqn. 7.44]) Proof. Since vih is zero outside of Ω b 1/d k∇v h k 2 b ≤ CCδ Hk∇v h k 2 b kvih kL2 (Ω b i ) ≤ C|Ωi | i L (Ωi ) i L (Ωi )
b i | denotes the measure of Ω b i ⊂ Rd . This implies the desired inequality. where |Ω
The following lemma says that the bilinear form K is positive definite on the subspace Zih , i = 1, . . . , N , if H is sufficiently small.
b i , i = 1, ..., N has diameter less Lemma 3.10. Assume that each overlapping region Ω than or equal to Cδ H. There exist constants H0 > 0, CH0 > 0 such that if H ≤ H0 , then (3.43)
K(zih , zih ) ≥
(yih , uhi , pi )
Proof. Let = ity in Lemma 3.9 imply K(zih , zih ) = ≥
CH0 A(zih , zih ) ∈
Zih .
∀zih ∈ Zih ,
i = 1, . . . , N.
The definition (3.6) of K, (3.28) and the first inequal-
a(yih , yih ) + αq(uhi , uhi ) + a(phi , phi ) + m(yih , phi ) + b(uhi , phi ) + b(uhi , yih ), a(yih , yih ) + αq(uhi , uhi ) + a(phi , phi ) h h h h h −C kyih kL2 (Ω b i ) kpi kL2 (Ω b i ) + kui kL2 (Ω b i ) kpi kL2 (Ω b i ) + kui kL2 (Ω b i ) kyi kL2 (Ω bi) a(yih , yih ) + αq(uhi , uhi ) + a(phi , phi ) 1 1 h 2 αcq h 2 C kui kL2 (Ω kph k2 b ) −C kyih k2L2 (Ω b i ) + kpi kL2 (Ω bi) + bi) + i 2 2 4C αcq i L2 (Ω C αcq h 2 ku k b ) + ky h k2 b ) + i i 4C i L2 (Ω αcq i L2 (Ω α a(yih , yih ) − C(1 + α−1 )Cδ Hkyih k2H 1 (Ω q(uhi , uhi ) bi) + 2 +a(phi , phi ) − C(1 + α−1 )Cδ Hkphi k2H 1 (Ω b ). i
The assertion now follows from the definition (3.26) of A and (3.28).
Lemma 3.11. Let H0 be defined as in Lemma 3.10. There exists a constant CH1 > 0 such that if H ≤ H0 then N X
A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) ≤ CH1 A(z h , z h )
∀z h ∈ Z h .
Proof. Recall, that by definition (3.18), (3.20) of T0 , the function z H defined by (3.35) satisfies z H = T0 z h . Hence, by inequality (3.36), A(T0 z h , T0 z h ) ≤ C12 A(z h , z h ).
Let H < H0 . Lemma 3.10 and the definition (3.18), (3.19) of Ti imply −1 −1 A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) ≤ CH K(Ti z h , Ti z h ) = CH K(z h , Ti z h ) 0 0
∀z h ∈ Z h ,
i = 1, . . . , N . We sum over i = 1, ..., N , then use Lemma 3.3 and Lemma 3.4 N X
−1 CH K(z h , 0
A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) ≤
Ti z h )
−1 CH CK max{α, α−1 }kz hkA k 0
Ti z h kA
−1 CH CK max{α, α−1 }A(z h , z h )1/2 NO 0
N X i=1
This implies N X
1/2 A(Ti z h , Ti z h )
−2 2 A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) ≤ CH CK max{α, α−1 }2 NO A(z h , z h ). 0
−2 2 The desired inequality follows if we set CH1 = CH CK max{α, α−1 }2 NO + C12 . 0
Lemma 3.12. There exist constants H2 > 0, CH2 > 0 such that if H ≤ H2 then N X
A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) ≥ CH2 A(z h , z h )
∀z h ∈ Z h .
Proof. Let z ∈ Z h be arbitrary. By Lemma 3.7 there exists a representation z h = PN PN h h h 2 1/2 h ≤ C0 kz h kA . We derive an upper bound for i=0 kzi kA ) i=0 zi , zi ∈ Zi with ( K(z h , z h ) by using this decomposition of z h , the definition (3.18) of Ti and Lemma 3.3, K(z h , z h ) =
K(z h , zih ) =
K(Ti z h , zih ) ≤ CK max{α, α−1 }
N N X X CK max{α, α−1 }( kTi z h k2A )1/2 ( kzih k2A )1/2 i=0
kTi z h kA kzihkA .
Applying the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Lemma 3.7, K(z h , z h ) ≤
N X CK C0 max{α, α−1 }( kTi z h k2A )1/2 kz h kA . i=0
To derive a lower bound for K(z , z ) we proceed as in the proof of Lemma 3.10 to obtain α K(z h , z h ) ≥ a(y h , y h ) + q(uh , uh ) + a(ph , ph ) 2 −1 −C (1 + α )ky h k2L2 (Ω) + (1 + α−1 )kph k2L2 (Ω) . (3.45)
Let z H = (y H , uH , pH ) be defined by (3.35) and recall, that by definition (3.18), (3.20) of T0 , we have z H = T0 z h . Applying the triangle inequality and using Lemma 3.8, (3.32),
we obtain the lower bound K(z h , z h ) ≥
α a(y h , y h ) + q(uh , uh ) + a(ph , ph ) 2 −1 −C (1 + α )ky h − y H k2L2 (Ω) + (1 + α−1 )kph − pH k2L2 (Ω)
−C(1 + α−1 )kz H k2M α ≥ a(y h , y h ) + q(uh , uh ) + a(ph , ph ) 2 (3.46) −C max{α, α−1 }2 (1 + α−1 )H 2 kz h k2A − C max{1, α−1 }(1 + α−1 )kz h kA kT0 z h kA . Combining the upper bound (3.44) and the lower bound (3.46), we have (3.47)
N 1/2 X kz h kA kTi z h k2A CK C0 max{α, α−1 } + C max{1, α−1 }(1 + α−1 ) i=0
(1/2 − C max{1, α} (1 + α 2
)kz h k2A .
If H2 is chosen such that C max{1, α} (1 + α < min{1, α/2}, then (3.47) implies the desired result with 2 1/2 − C max{1, α}2 (1 + α−1 )H22 CH2 = 2 . CK C0 max{α, α−1 } + C max{1, α−1 }(1 + α−1 )
The following Lemma bounds the contribution by the local components (i > 0) to the nonsymmetric part of K(·, ·). Lemma 3.13. Let H0 be defined as in Lemma 3.11. There exists a constant CH3 > 0 such that if H ≤ H0 then (3.48)|
N (Ti z h − z h , Ti z h )| ≤
CH3 max{1, α−1 }HA(z h , z h )
∀z h ∈ Z h .
Proof. Let Ti z h = (yih , uhi , phi ). We note that (3.49) |
N (Ti z h − z h , Ti z h )| ≤
N (Ti z h , Ti z h )| + |N (z h ,
Ti z h )|.
The definition (3.27) of N and (3.28) imply |N (Ti z h , Ti z h )|
= |m(yih , phi ) + b(uhi , phi ) + b(uhi , yih )| h h h h h ≤ C kyih kL2 (Ω b i ) kpi kL2 (Ω b i ) + kpi kL2 (Ω b i ) kui kL2 (Ω b i ) + kui kL2 (Ω b i ) kyi kL2 (Ω bi) h 2 −1 −1 h 2 ≤ C kyih k2L2 (Ω kyih k2L2 (Ω kphi k2L2 (Ω b ) + kpi kL2 (Ω b )+H b )+H b ) + Hkui kL2 (Ω b ) . i
With Lemma 3.9 and (3.28) we obtain |N (Ti z h , Ti z h )|
h 2 h 2 ≤ CCδ2 H kyih k2H 1 (Ω b ) + kpi kH 1 (Ω b ) + kui kL2 (Ω b ) i
max{1, α
}HA(Ti z , Ti z ).
Lemma 3.11 now implies |
N (Ti z h , Ti z h )| ≤ CCδ2 CH1 max{1, α−1 }HA(z h , z h ),
provided H ≤ H0 . Let z h = (y h , uh , ph ) and Ti z h = (yih , uhi , phi ). The definition (3.27) of N implies (3.51)
N (z h ,
Ti z h )
= m(y h ,
N X i=1
N N X X yih ). uhi , ph ) + b(uh , phi ) + b( i=1
Assumption (3.28) and Lemmas 3.4, 3.9 imply m(y h ,
phi )
≤ Cky h kL2 (Ω) k
phi kL2 (Ω) ,
≤ CNO ky h kL2 (Ω)
kphi k2L2 (Ω b
≤ CNO Cδ Hky h kL2 (Ω)
kphi k2H 1 (Ω b
Similarly, b(uh ,
yih ) ≤
Ckuh kL2 (Ω) k
yih kL2 (Ω) ,
CNO kuh kL2 (Ω)
kyih k2L2 (Ω c) i
CNO Cδ Hkuh kL2 (Ω)
kyih k2H 1 (Ω b
P h h The estimate of the term b( N ˜hi ∈ Vih be the i=1 ui , p ) is little more involved. Let p 2 b h L (Ωi ) projection of p , i.e., Z
bi Ω
p˜hi φhi =
bi Ω
phi φhi
∀φhi ∈ Vih .
It is known, see, e.g., [8], [39, L. 1.8.1], that (3.54)
k˜ phi − phi kL2 (Ω) ≤ Chkphi kH 1 (Ω)
and (3.55)
k˜ phi kH 1 (Ω) ≤ Ckphi kH 1 (Ω) .
Using assumption (3.28), (3.54), h ≤ H, Lemma 3.9 and (3.55), we obtain N X b( uhi , ph ) = i=1
b(uhi , ph − p˜hi ) + b(uhi , p˜hi ),
h kuhi kL2 (Ω ˜hi kL2 (Ω phi kL2 (Ω ci ) (kp − p ci ) + k˜ ci ) )
h kuhi kL2 (Ω phi kH 1 (Ω ci ) (kp kH 1 (Ω ci ) + k˜ ci ) )
h kuhi kL2 (Ω ci ) kp kH 1 (Ω ci )
kuhi k2L2 (Ω c) i
kph k2H 1 (Ω c)
kph k2H 1 (Ω) .
ci is bounded indepenSince the number of subdomains that overlap a given subdomain Ω dently of N , we have N X h 2 kph k2H 1 (Ω c ) ≤ Ckp kH 1 (Ω) . i
Hence, we obtain
N X uhi , ph ) ≤ b(
kuhi k2L2 (Ω ci )
If we combine (3.51)–(3.56), recall that z = (y h , uh , ph ), Ti z h = (yih , uhi , phi ), and use Lemma (3.11), then N (z h ,
Ti z h )
N X 1/2 CH ky h kL2 (Ω) kphi k2H 1 (Ω b ) i
+kuh kL2 (Ω)
kyih k2H 1 (Ω) b
C max{1, α−1 }Hkz hkA
N X i=1
(3.57) ≤
C max{1, α
}Hkz hk2A ,
+ kph k2H 1 (Ω)
1/2 A(Ti z h , Ti z h )
kuhi k2L2 (Ω c) i
provided H < H0 . The desired estimate now follows from (3.49), (3.50), (3.57).
The contribution from the coarse component to the nonsymmetric part can be bounded similarly. Lemma 3.14. Assume that b = q. There exists C > 0 such that |N (T0 z h − z h , T0 z h )| ≤ C max{α, α−2 }HA(z h , z h ) ∀z h ∈ Z h .
Proof. Let z h = (y h , uh , ph ) and T0 z h = z H = (y H , uH , pH ). By definition (3.18), (3.20) of T0 , K(z H , ψ H ) = K(z h , ψ H ) ∀ψ H ∈ Z H . Inserting the defintion (3.6) of K, into the previous identity, we obtain αq(uH , µH ) + b(µH , pH ) = αq(uh , µH ) + b(µH , ph ) ∀µH ∈ U H . With b = q and µH = y H , this implies b(uH − uh , y H ) = α−1 b(y H , ph − pH ).
The definition (3.27) of N and (3.58) imply |N (T0 z h − z h , T0 z h )| =
|m(y H − y h , pH ) + b(uH , pH − ph ) + b(uH − uh , y H )|
|m(y H − y h , pH ) + b(uH , pH − ph ) + α−1 b(y H , ph − pH )| C max{1, α−1 } ky H − y h kL2 (Ω) kpH kL2 (Ω)
+kpH − ph kL2 (Ω) kuH kL2 (Ω) + kpH − ph kL2 (Ω) ky H kL2 (Ω) .
We use Lemma 3.8 to obtain
|N (T0 z h − z, T0 z h )| ≤ C max{1, α−1 } max{α, α−1 }Hkz hk2A . Now we are able to prove our main convergence result, Theorem 3.2. Proof of Theorem 3.2. We show that both cT (the minimal eigenvalue of the Hermitian part of T ) and CT (the norm of T ) can be bounded independently of H and h for H sufficiently small. First we provide a bound for cT . From the definition of Ti in (3.18), A(Ti z h , ψih ) + N (Ti z h , ψih ) = K(Ti z h , ψih ) = K(z h , ψih ) = A(z h , ψih ) + N (z h , ψih ) for all ψih ∈ Zih . Setting ψih = Ti z h , we have A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) + N (Ti z h , Ti z h ) = A(z h , Ti z h ) + N (z h , Ti z h ), or A(Ti z h , z h ) = A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) + N (Ti z h − z h , Ti z h ). Summing up over i = 0, ..., N , we have N X
A(Ti z h , z h ) =
N X i=0
N X i=0
A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) +
N (Ti z h − z h , Ti z h ),
A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) − |
N (Ti z h − z h , Ti z h )|.
We let H < min{H0 , H2 } and then bound the first term on the right from below using Lemma 3.12 N X A(Ti z h , Ti z h ) ≥ CH2 A(z h , z h ), i=0
and bound the second term on the right from above by Lemmas 3.13 and 3.14 |
N (Ti z h − z h , Ti z h )| ≤
CH3 max{1, α−1 }HA(z h , z h ),
|N (T0 z h − z h , T0 z h )| ≤
C max{α, α−2 }HA(z h , z h ).
Therefore, (3.60)
A(T z h , z h ) ≥ (CH2 − CH3 max{1, α−1 }H − C max{α, α−2 }H)A(z h , z h )
where the constants are independent of H or h. For H sufficiently small, CH2 − CH3 max{1, α−1 }H − C max{α, α−2 }H is positive, so that cT
A(T z h , z h ) > 0, z6=0 A(z h , z h ) inf
and remains bounded away from zero if H is decreased further. To bound the norm of T , we use Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.11. CT2
A(T z, T z) z6=0 A(z, z) PN NO i=0 A(Ti z, Ti z) ≤ sup A(z, z) z6=0 ≤ NO CH1 ,
= sup
with NO and CH1 being bounded independently of H and h.
3.3. Algebraic Viewpoint. The overlapping methods for optimal control may be formulated at the algebraic level, which is useful for explaining many implementation issues. h Let {φj }nj=1 , {µj }m and U h , respectively. The discretized states, j=1 be bases of V controls and adjoints can be written as y h (x) =
n X
yj φj (x),
uh (x) =
m X
uj µj (x),
n X
ph (x) =
pj φj (x),
respectively. We use bold face for the corresponding vectors of coefficients representing y h , uh , ph , e.g., y = (y1 , ..., yn )T . If we define matrices A, M ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×m , Q ∈ Rm×m and vectors b, c ∈ Rn , d ∈ Rm with entries Ajk = a(φk , φj ),
Mjk = m(φk , φj ), Bjk = b(µk , φj ), bj = f (φj ), cj = c(φj ), dj (µj ),
Qjk = q(µk , µj ),
then the equivalent algebraic formulation of (3.4) is α T T T 1 T (3.61a) min 2 y My + 2 u Qu − c y − d u, (3.61b) s.t. Ay + Bu = b. If there exists a feasible point and if the Hessian of the objective function is positive definite on the null-space of the constraints (both assumptions are satisfied for a discretization of the example problems (1.3) and (1.3) using conforming piecewise linear elements as described
as described in Section 3.1 (see also [37]), then the necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for (3.61) are given by b y A B 0 0 αQ BT u = d . (3.62) c p M 0 AT
The system (3.62) is the matrix representation of (3.5), (3.6). We also use the notation (3.63)
Kz = g
instead of (3.62). Note that A 0 A B 0 0 αQ BT = 0 αQ (3.64) 0 0 M 0 AT
0 0 0 + 0 M AT
corresponds to the splitting (3.25). Let Ai Bi 0 (3.65) Ki = 0 αQi BTi ∈ R(ni +mi +ni )×(ni +mi +ni ) , Mi 0 ATi
B 0 0
0 BT 0
i = 1, . . . , N,
b i , i = 1, . . . , N , i.e., be the submatrix of (3.62) associated with the extended subdomain Ω h Ki is the KKT matrix associated with the space Zi . Furthermore, let A0 B0 0 (3.66) K0 = 0 αQ0 BT0 ∈ R(n0 +m0 +n0 )×(n0 +m0 +n0 ) M0 0 AT0 be the KKT matrix associated with the coarse space Z H . By y Ri ∈ R(ni +mi +ni )×(n+m+n) , Rui Ri = y Ri
i = 1, . . . , N,
we denote the restriction matrix that maps the global (y, u, p) vector to the local vecb i . In the case i = 0, R0 ∈ tor (yi , ui , pi ) corresponding to the extended subdomain Ω R(n0 +m0 +n0 )×(n+m+n) is the interpolation operator from the coarse grid to the fine grid. The block diagonals of R0 are computed as described in [48, p. 62]. b i that do not For a boundary control problem such as (1.3) with extended subdomains Ω share a boundary segment with Ω, the middle row and column block of Ki and the middle row block of Ri have to be deleted. The same issue may also arise when distributed control is executed only on a subset Ωc of Ω. To simplify the presentation, we do not distinguish between these cases. The discussion in this section can be easily extended to include b i on which no control is exercised. control problems with extended subdomains Ω The algebraic representations of (3.19), (3.20) are given by Ki zi = Ri Kz,
i = 0, . . . , N.
Hence, (n+m+n)×(n+m+n) , Ti = RTi K−1 i Ri K ∈ R
i = 0, . . . , N.
Similarly, n+m+n , ri = RTi K−1 i Ri g ∈ R
i = 0, . . . , N.
The algebraic representations of the transformed system (3.24) is given by N X
Ti z =
If we define
ri .
RTi K−1 i Ri ,
then we see that (3.67) is just the preconditioned equation PKz = Pg
corresponding to (3.63). It is interesting to observe that the system (3.62) is nonsymmetric. This choice is motivated by the existence of a splitting (3.25), (3.64). On the other hand, the nonsymmetric form of (3.62) and the resulting nonsymmetry in the preconditioner P seems to preclude the application of iterative methods for symmetric indefinite systems that allow symmetric indefinite preconditioners such as the symmetric QMR (sQMR) method [27, 28]. This is not the case, as the following discussion will show. If K is the KKT matrix defined in (3.62) and if Π ∈ R(n+m+n)×(n+m+n) is the permutation matrix that interchanges the first n and last n components of a vector, then M 0 AT (3.70) ΠK = 0 αQ BT . A B 0
Similarly, let Ki , i = 0, . . . , N , be defined in (3.65), (3.65). If Πi R(ni +mi +ni )×(ni +mi +ni ) , i = 0, . . . , N , then Mi 0 ATi (3.71) Πi Ki = 0 αQi BTi ∈ R(ni +mi +ni )×(ni +mi +ni ) . Ai Bi 0
The block diagonal structure of Ri as well as the fact that the permutations Π, Πi interchange the first and last blocks imply Ri = Πi Ri Π,
Πi = ΠTi .
The preconditioned matrix PK, where P is defined in (3.68), can now be written as PK =
RTi K−1 i Ri K =
RTi K−1 i Πi Ri Π K =
RTi (Πi Ki )−1 Ri Π K.
The matrices Π K, Πi Ki , i = 0, . . . , N , are symmetric (cf. (3.70), (3.71)) and indefinite ([30, 36, 37]). Hence, instead of solving the preconditioned system (3.69) we can solve ! ! N N X X T −1 T −1 (3.72) Ri (Πi Ki ) Ri (Πg), Ri (Πi Ki ) Ri (Π K)z = i=0
the matrix Π K is symmetric indefinite and the preonditioner T −1 Ri is symmetric. If we use GMRES,then the convergence thei=0 Ri (Πi Ki ) ory developed in Section 3.2 applies to both cases. The QMR (sQMR) residuals can be linked to the GMRES residuals [26], [45, Sec. 7.3]. where PN
Throughout this section we let Ω ⊂ R be a convex, open subset with polygonal boundary. We verify that Assumptions A1–A4 are satisfied for the example problem (1.4). control, weR have V = H01 (Ω), U =R L2 (Ω), a(y, φ) = R In problem (1.4) with distributed R ∇y∇φdx, m(y, φ) = Ωo yφdx, b(u, φ) = Ω uφdx and q(u, φ) = Ω uφdx. AssumpΩ tions A1–A3 are satisfied. To verify Assumption A4, let w = (wy , wu wp ) and ψ = (θ, µ, φ). The adjoint problem (3.29) is equivalent to (4.1a) (4.1b) (4.1c)
a(wp , φ) + b(wu , φ) = hl1 , φi αq(µ, wu ) + b(wy , µ) = 0 a(θ, wy ) + m(θ, wp ) = hl3 , θi
, ∀φ ∈ V, ∀µ ∈ U, ∀θ ∈ V.
Standard estimates analogous to those applied in Theorem 2.2 show that (4.1) has a unique solution w = (wy , wu wp ) ∈ H 1 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω) which satisfies kwkH 1 (Ω)×L2 (Ω)×H 1 (Ω) ≤ C(kl1 kL2 (Ω) + kl3 kL2 (Ω) ) for some C > 0. Since wu , l1 ∈ L2 the solution wp of (4.1a) is in H 2 and obeys kwp kH 2 (Ω) ≤ C(kwu kL2 (Ω) + kl1 kL2 (Ω) ) for some C > 0 [31, Th.]. Analogously, since wp , l3 ∈ L2 , the solution wy of (4.1c) is in H 2 and obeys kwy kH 2 (Ω) ≤ C(kwp kL2 (Ω) + kl3 kL2 (Ω) . Finally, (4.1b) implies wu = wy ∈ H 2 (Ω). The previous estimates show that Assumption A4 is satisfied.
5. E RROR E STIMATES FOR E LLIPTIC L INEAR -Q UADRATIC O PTIMAL C ONTROL P ROBLEMS In this section, we present basic error estimates for elliptic linear-quadratic optimal control problems that are needed in the proof of Lemma 3.8. We focus on the setting of this paper. More results on error estimates for elliptic linear-quadratic optimal control problems may be found in [14, 17, 32] and the references cited therein. Throughout this section we assume that condition A2 holds, i.e., that the bilinear forms a, m, q satisfy (2.21). Moreover, as in Section 3 we assume that the triangulation is quasiuniform. We can define operators Ah,k ∈ L(V h , (V k )0 ), Bh,k ∈ L(U h , (V k )0 ), Mh,k ∈ L(V h , (V k )0 ), Qh,k ∈ L(U k , (U k )0 ), via (5.1)
hAh,k v h , φk iV 0 ,V = a(v h , φk ), hBh,k uh , φk iV 0 ,V = b(uh , φk ), hMh,k v h , φk iV 0 ,V = m(v h , φk ), hQh,k uh , µk iU 0 ,U = q(uh , µk ),
where h·, ·iV 0 ,V the duality pairing between V 0 ad V . If h = k, we simply write Ah , . . . instead of Ah,h , . . .. Since a, m, q satisfy (2.21), (5.2)
hAh v h , v h iV 0 ,V ≥ ca kv h k2V , hQh uh , uh iU 0 ,U ≥ cq kuh k2U , hMh v h , v h iV 0 ,V ≥ 0.
for all v h ∈ V h , uh ∈ U h . In particular, Ah and Qh are continuously invertible.
The operator Kh,k ∈ L(Z h , (Z k )0 ) associated with the finite element discretization of (3.6) is given by Ah,k Bh,k 0 ∗ . αQh,k Bh,k (5.3) Kh,k = 0 ∗ Mh,k 0 Ah,k . We also consider A ∈ L(V, V 0 ), B ∈ L(U, V 0 ), M ∈ L(V, V 0 ), Q ∈ L(U, U 0 ), K ∈ L(Z, Z 0 ), defined analogously to (5.1), (5.3).
Lemma 5.1. Let Z h be equipped with the A-norm. If the a, m, b, q are continuous and if a, m, q satisfy (2.21), then the operator Kh ∈ L(Z h , (Z h )0 ) defined in (5.3), (5.1) is invertible and there exists κ > 0 such that kKh−1 kL((Z h )0 ,Z h ) ≤ κ ∀h. Proof. Since a, b, m are continuous bilinear forms, Ah , Bh , Mh are uniformly bounded. By (5.2), the inverses Ah and Qh exist and are uniformly bounded. Elementary calculations show that Mh A∗ 0 0 I 0 0 0 Kh = Bh∗ (A∗h )−1 −Bh∗ (A∗h )−1 MA−1 I Ah h b I 0 0 0 0 Qh −1 I Ah Bh 0 , (5.4) × 0 B I −(A∗h )−1 Mh A−1 h h 0 I 0 bh is invertible and its inverse is bh = αQh + B ∗ (A∗ )−1 Mh A−1 Bh . By (5.2), Q where Q h h h −1 b −1 uniformly bounded. Since Ah , Bh , Mh , Ah , Qh are uniformly bounded, the operators on the right hand side of (5.4) are invertible and their inverses uniformly bounded. This proves the uniformly boundedness of Kh−1 . With (5.1), (5.3), the equation K(z H , ψ H ) = K(z h , ψ H )
∀ψ H ∈ Z H
can be written as KH z H = Kh,H z h . With Lemma 5.1 this implies (5.5)
−1 kz H kA ≤ kKH k kKh,H k kz hkA
(cf. 3.36). Let k be defined as in (3.6) and let l ∈ Z 0 be given. We are interested in the error between the solutions z and z h of (5.6)
k(z, ψ) = hl, ψiZ 0 ,Z
∀ψ ∈ Z
and (5.7)
k(z h , ψ h ) = hl, ψ h iZ 0 ,Z ,
∀ψ h ∈ Z h
respectively. If we define, lh ∈ (Z h )0 by hlh , ψ h iZ 0 ,Z = hl, ψ h iZ 0 ,Z for all ψ h ∈ Z h , then (5.6), (5.7) can be written as (5.8)
Kz = l
and Kh z h = lh ,
respectively. To derive an estimate for the error kz h − zkA , we let Rh : Z → Z h be a restriction operator and we consider the identity Kh (z h − Rh (z)) = lh − Kh Rh (z). We immediately obtain the estimate (5.10) kz h − Rh (z)kA ≤ kKh−1 kL((Z h )0 ,Z h ) klh − Kh Rh (z)k(Z h )0 ≤ κklh − Kh Rh (z)kA , where we have used Lemma 5.1. An estimate for kz h − zkA now follows from estimates of klh − Kh Rh (z)kZ 0 and kRh (z) − zkA . Let z = (y, u, p). Let Πh : C 0 (Ω) → V h be the V h interpolant [15, 16]. and let rh : L2 (D) → U h be the Cl´ement interpolation operator [15, p. 132], [7, p. 82]. The results in [15, Th. 17.1],[16, Thm. 3.2.1], [15, p. 133], [7, p. 82] guarantee the existence of C > 0 (independent of h) such that (5.11a)
kv − Πh vkH 1 (Ω) ≤ ChkvkH 2 (Ω)
∀v ∈ H 2 (Ω),
ku − rh ukL2 (D) ≤ ChkukH 1 (D)
∀u ∈ H 1 (D).
If we define the restriction operator Rh (z) = (Πh y, rh u, Πh p)T
(5.12) and assume
z ∈ H 2 (Ω) × H 1 (Ω) × H 2 (Ω), then (5.11) implies (5.13)
kz − Rh (z)kA ≤ Ch max{kykH 2 (Ω) , kukH 1 (Ω) , kpkH 2 (Ω) }.
To estimate klh − Kh Rh (z)k(Z h )0 we use the definition of lh and Kh to obtain klh − Kh Rh (z)k(Z h )0
hlh , ψ h iZ 0 ,Z − hKh Rh (z), ψ h iZ 0 ,Z , kψ h kA ψ h ∈Z h \{0}
hl, ψ h iZ 0 ,Z − hKRh (z), ψ h iZ 0 ,Z . kψ h kA ψ h ∈Z h \{0}
Since z solves (5.8), klh − Kh Rh (z)k(Z h )0
hl − Kz, ψ h iZ 0 ,Z + hK(z − Rh (z)), ψ h iZ 0 ,Z kψ h kA ψ h ∈Z h \{0}
hK(z − Rh (z)), ψ h iZ 0 ,Z kψ h kA ψ h ∈Z h \{0}
kKkL(Z,Z 0 ) kz − Rh (z)kA kψ h kA kψ h kA ψ h ∈Z h \{0}
kKkL(Z,Z 0 ) kz − Rh (z)kA .
Combining the estimates (5.10), (5.13) and (5.14) gives the following error estimate.
Theorem 5.2. Let a, m, b, q be continuous and let a, m, q satisfy (2.21). Let {Th }h and {{τ ∩ D : τ ∈ Th }}h be regular families of triangulations. If the solution z = (y, u, p) of (5.8) satisfies y, p ∈ H 2 (Ω) and u ∈ H 1 (D), then there exists C > 0 independent of h such that the error between the solution z of (5.8) and the solution z h ∈ Z h of (5.9) obeys kz − z h kA ≤ Ch max{kykH 2 (Ω) , kukH 1 (D) , kpkH 2 (Ω) }
Again, let k be defined as in (3.6) and let l ∈ Z be given. In the proof of Lemma 3.8 we need an estimate of the error between the solutions w and wh of (5.15)
k(ψ, w) = hl, ψiZ 0 ,Z
∀ψ ∈ Z
and (5.16)
k(ψ h , wh ) = hl, ψ h iZ 0 ,Z ,
∀ψ h ∈ Z h
respectively. If we define, lh ∈ (Z h )0 by hlh , ψ h iZ 0 ,Z = hl, ψ h iZ 0 ,Z for all ψ h ∈ Z h , then (5.15), (5.16) can be written as (5.17)
K∗ w = l
and (5.18)
Kh∗ wh = lh ,
respectively. Using kK∗ k = kKk, k(K∗ )−1 k = kK−1 k and the same techniques applied to prove Theorem 5.2 we can establish the following result. Theorem 5.3. Let a, m, b, q be continuous and let a, m, q satisfy (2.21). Let {Th }h and {{τ ∩ D : τ ∈ Th }}h be regular families of triangulations. If the solution w = (y, u, p) of (5.17) satisfies y, p ∈ H 2 (Ω) and u ∈ H 1 (D), then there exists C > 0 independent of h such that the error between the solution w of (5.17) and the solution wh ∈ Z h of (5.18) obeys kw − wh kA ≤ Ch max{kykH 2 (Ω) , kukH 1 (D) , kpkH 2 (Ω) } ∀h.
6. C ONCLUSION We have extended the framework based on subspace decomposition, which is well known for elliptic PDEs, to derive domain decomposition methods for linear–quadratic elliptic optimal control problems. We have shown that the subdomain problems that arise in our preconditioners are essentially smaller copies of the original optimal control problem, hence allowing code reuse. The subspace decomposition framework was then applied to derive overlapping DD preconditioners for linear–quadratic elliptic optimal control problems. We have shown that the convergence factor of GMRES preconditioned with a two-level version of our overlapping preconditioners is independent of the mesh size h and of the subdomain size H, provided that the coarse grid is sufficiently small, relative to the control regularization α. This result extends to the optimal control context results that are well known for overlapping DD methods applied to individual PDEs. Our numerical results in [44] indicate that the convergence behavior of our two-level overlapping DD preconditioners for linear–quadratic elliptic optimal control problems is comparable the performance of their counterparts applied to single elliptic PDEs. However, the numerical results in [44] also indicate that our convergence theorem is too pessimistic for small α. In fact, for the test problem with distributed controls considered in [44], we have not observed any dependence of the size of the coarse grid on α. A sharper theoretical
analysis of the convergence dependence on the size of the control regularization α is part of our future research. In [44] the conditions αq(u∗ , µ) + b(µ, p∗ ) = d(µ) for all µ ∈ U (cf. (2.2b)) and q = b, d = 0 were used to express the control u∗ in terms of p∗ and eliminate the former from the optimality system. An overlapping domain decomposition method corresponding to the one discussed in this paper was applied in [44] to the resulting 2 × 2 system. An advantage, from the theoretical point of view, of the approach in [44] is that implicitly u = α−1 p and, hence u inherits all regularity properties from the adjoint p. This is not necessarily the case in our approach and makes the proofs of Lemmas 3.13, 3.14 more involved. However, we believe that the approach followed in his paper is more suitable for the optimization context, since it allows one to formally extend the domain decomposition methods is this paper to problems with point–wise control constraints in several ways.
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