Domestic Heat Pumps - Australian Geothermal Solutions

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Calorex has been manufacturing heat pumps in the UK for over 30 years and has unrivalled experience and expertise in heat pump technology. More domestic ...
World Leaders in Heat Pump Technology

Domestic Heat Pumps Low carbon solutions for heating and hot water

Saving energy comes naturally to us

The sustainable heating solution for today and tomorrow Home heating with lashings of hot water Whether your concerns are for the

impact on both the environment and

environment or your fuel bill,

domestic fuel costs. Fitting a heat

sustainable heating offers benefits

pump will help you, the homeowner,

for both. Incredibly, domestic

significantly reduce your energy bills

heating accounts for almost 30% of

as it can deliver up to 4kW of useful

all carbon emissions in the UK. Heat

heat for every 1kW of energy needed

pumps are proven to reduce

to run it. Heat pumps also help to

emissions by an average of 50%

preserve the dwindling supplies of

compared to fossil fuel boilers or

ever more expensive fossil fuels as

electric heating, making them the

they make the most of the free

most effective way of reducing the

energy from the sun.

Heating and hot water supply for a 100m2 bungalow 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Annual fuel cost £

Annual CO2 emissions



Based on Jan/Feb 2010 average fuel prices 8


















How do domestic low carbon heat pumps work? Up to 400% efficient A heat pump extracts the heat from

heat from the ground or air into a

water. Domestic heat pumps have

solar energy stored in the ground or

refrigerant, which is then

been used in Europe for many years

in the air and concentrates it for use

compressed to raise its temperature.

where they are a tried and tested

in a domestic heating system. It acts

A heat exchanger then takes out the

form of high efficiency low cost

like a fridge in reverse. Conventional

heat and uses it in the heating


refrigeration technology absorbs the

system to provide warmth and hot



HEAT PUMP Compressor


Water out

Heat Exchanger



Low Pressure Side

Expansion Valve

High Pressure Side

Calorex heat pumps are charged with non-toxic, bio-degradable, CFC-free refrigerant, which has no detrimental impact on the earth’s protective ozone layer.

Calorex heat pumps - designed and manufactured in the UK Calorex has been manufacturing heat pumps in the UK for over 30 years and has unrivalled experience and expertise in heat pump technology. More domestic installations have been supplied by Calorex than by any other manufacturer. Our range of ground and air source heat pumps has been developed specifically for UK housing, climate conditions and heating system designs. As well as efficiently heating your home, Calorex heat pumps are uniquely designed to supply domestic hot water at 65°C, without the need for electric heating back up. Heating and hot water are managed by a standard central heating programmer with a room thermostat controlling the heat output in exactly the same way as with a conventional boiler. Legislation and funding support Most planning application approvals now require houses to be built to code levels 3 or 4 of the new Code for Sustainable Homes. This enforces substantial improvements in energy efficiency over and above Building Regulations Part L. Field trials show

that code level 3 can be achieved with a Calorex air source heat pump and level 4 with a Calorex ground source heat pump with no change to the basic structure of the building. The installation of ground source heat pumps can qualify for funding support of up to 80% under the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) and Low Carbon Building Programme (LCBP) schemes. The Calorex sales office can arrange for funding support quotes with E.ON who is a nominated supplier under these schemes. Calorex air source heat pumps now also qualify as a renewable energy source under European legislation. Private householders can apply for funding.

Product features • Accredited under the Government’s Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) • Dual temperature operation for maximum heating efficiency • DHW up to 65°C with no immersion heater or direct electrical resistance heater required • Space heating temperatures variable from 35°C to 55°C for underfloor heating or radiators • Twin compressors in larger models to optimise efficiency • Plumbing and electrical connections only • Only a single phase electricity supply required • No gas supplies, flues or ventilation required • Maintenance free – no expensive annual servicing required

Ground source or air source heat pump? Both ground source and air source

Benefits of ground source

heat pumps offer energy efficiency,

• Higher efficiency has a constant temperature energy source - the ground

reduced carbon emissions and lower running costs. Your choice of system will depend on your budget and on

• Smaller sized units internal or external installation

the type of application best suited to your needs and your home.

Bivalent installation Air source heat pump with existing boiler

• Ideal for multiple installations with boreholes (reduced drilling costs)

Whilst Calorex heat pumps can be

existing boiler. The heat pump is

sized to provide your total heating

sized to provide a variable

Benefits of air source

and hot water requirement, it is

proportion of the annual heating

• Lower capital cost

often better with existing properties

requirement (say 85%) with the

to link a heat pump into the system

existing boiler integrated to deliver

whilst retaining the back-up of the

the balance on the coldest days.

• Operational to -15°C • Reverse cycle defrost only 4 minutes per hour

Coldest day of the year

Amount of heat required

Heat pump capacity Equilibrium point

Covered by heat pump Covered by back up boiler Spare heat pump capacity

Number of hours

• Ideal for multi-storey apartment buildings

• For stand-alone use (monovalent) or integration with existing heating systems (bivalent)

Technical Specification

Air Source Heat Pumps MODEL





kW kW kW kW

3.39 1.11 2.97 1.54

6.56 2.17 5.63 2.93

9.11 2.93 7.86 3.98

kW kW

4.40 1.18 3.72

8.40 2.27 3.70

11.70 3.13 3.70

kW kW kW kW

6.30 1.37 6.10 1.78

11.81 2.58 11.44 3.35

16.50 3.51 15.92 4.54

ELECTRICAL DATA Electrical Supply 1 Phase Minimum Supply Capacity Maximum Supply Fuse 1 ph N/ Type C MCB Soft Start Amps 1 ph N

V/ph/Hz amps amps amps

13 20.0 19

230/240V~1N/50Hz 25 32.0 35

32 40.0 31

AIR DATA Air Flow (Anem’ @ air on grille. Wet evap’) Fan External Resistance STD Fan External Resistance ‘F’

m3/hr mm Wg mm Wg

3266 0 6

3000 0 6

4330 0 6

litres/min metres hd litres inches inches litres

7.5 1.1 2.0 3⁄4˝ BSPM

20 0.4 6.5 1˝ BSPM


15 0.7 3.5 3⁄4˝ BSPM 3⁄4˝ Domestic Waste 100

SOUND DATA Sound Pressure @ 1 metre Sound Pressure @ 10 metres

dB(A) dB(A)

57 37

58 38

60 40

DIMENSION DATA Width (unpacked) Depth (unpacked) Height (unpacked) Weight (unpacked)

mm mm mm kg

1143 562 963 127

1143 562 963 164

1583 612 963 235

Air On 0°C 90%RH * Output To Water (@35°C) # Electrical Input Output To Water (@55°C) # Electrical Input Air On 7°C 87%RH * Output To Water (@35°C) # Electrical Input COP Air On 20°C 60%RH * Output To Water (@35°C) # Electrical Input Output To Water (@55°C) # Electrical Input

WATER DATA Water Flow +20% Pressure Drop (Water) Condenser Volume Water Connections Condensate Water Connections Typical Buffer Tank Sizes

NOTES 1) Weight and dimensions nett 2) Allow 500mm clearance to service panels 3) Minimum air temperature -15°C 4) Calorex reserve the right to change or modify models without prior notice 5) *= Outdoor heat exchanger inlet temperature 6) # = Indoor heat exchanger outlet temperature


Technical Specification

Ground Source Heat Pumps MODEL Source Water/Brine on 0°C* Output to water (@35°C)# Electrical Input Output to water (@55°C)# Electrical Input COP Source Water/Brine on 15°C* Output to Water (@35°C)# Electrical Input Output to water (@55°C)# Electrical Input ELECTRICAL DATA Electrical Supply 1 Phase Minimum Supply Capacity 1 Phase Maximum Supply Fuse 1 Phase Max Starting Current/Start (LRA)


WW3500 WW5000 WW6500 WW8000 WW12000

kW kW kW kW

3.17 0.86 2.61 0.87 3.69

4.54 1.14 3.41 1.19 3.97

6.24 1.69 6.19 2.19 3.68

8.30 2.01 8.10 2.60 4.13

12.50 2.90 12.00 3.90 4.31

kW kW kW kW

5.49 0.86 4.65 1.20

7,76 1.14 6.15 1.64

9.28 1.69 9.13 2.54

12.31 2.27 11.93 3.03

18.90 3.13 18.20 5.50

V/ph/Hz amps amps amps

11 15 19

15 20 22

230/240 V~1N/50Hz 20.4 32 33

25 32 19

32 40 21

12 0.84

17 1.2

25 3.9

25 2.8

15 1.4

15 0.7

35 1.4 1˝ BSPM 20 0.4 1˝ BSPM

WATER DATA Source(Ground) Water(Brine) Flow +10% Pressure Drop (Water/Brine) Water Connections Process (Heated) Water Flow +10% Pressure Drop (Water) Water Connections

l/min m hd inches l/min m hd inches

GENERAL DATA Gas Charge (R134a) Sound Pressure Level @1m

kg dB (A)

2.5 39

2.5 40

2.4 42

3.2 48

5.3 52

DIMENSION DATA Width (unpacked) Depth (unpacked) Height (unpacked) Weight (unpacked)

mm mm mm kg

500 444 850 103

500 444 850 109

715 450 945 133

715 450 945 158

915 465 945 196

GROUND COLLECTOR EXAMPLES 240v single phase for 1800 hours Heat Pump Borehole depth Flat ground hose length

kW m m

3.5 60-80 150-200

5.0 70-90 200-300


2 x 30

2 x 40

8.0 140-170 2 x 200 or 2 x 350 3 x 45

12.0 160-190 2 x 250

Slinky collectors

6.5 80-100 300-400 or 2 x 300 2 x 50

3⁄4˝ BSPM

7.5 0.08

3⁄4˝ BSPM

The above information is offered only as guidance and Calorex recommend that professional technical advice is sought prior to design and selection of system components.

NOTES 1) Weight and Dimensions Nett 2) Allow 500mm clearance to service panels 3) Calorex reserve the right to change or modify models without prior notice 4) *= Outdoor heat exchanger inlet temperature 5) # = Indoor heat exchanger outet temperature

10 3.5

4 x 50

Technical Specification



HOT WATER CYLINDERS 140 Litres 150 Litres 150 Litres 180 Litres 180 Litres 210 Litres 210 Litres 210 Litres 210 Litres 250 Litres 250 Litres

BUFFER TANKS 50 Litres 95 Litres 150 Litres 50 Litres 95 Litres 150 Litres


Order Code

All fitted with 3kW - 1 phase immersion heater vented unvented unvented slimline unvented unvented slimline unvented unvented slimline vented unvented twin coil unvented unvented twin coil

1050mm x 450mm 1125mm x 550mm 1700mm x 450mm 1325mm x 550mm 1600mm x 450mm 1525mm x 550mm 1850mm x 450mm 1500mm x 450mm 1525mm x 550mm 1780mm x 550mm 1780mm x 550mm

50mm foam only 50mm foamed and cased 50mm foamed and cased 50mm foamed and cased 25mm foamed and cased 50mm foamed and cased 25mm foamed and cased 50mm foam only 50mm foamed and cased 50mm foamed and cased 50mm foamed and cased

584058 584067 584071 584068 584072 584069 584073 584060 584050 584070 584051

All fitted with 3kW - 1 phase immersion heater unvented tanks do not include expansion kits vented vented vented unvented unvented unvented

COMBINED BUFFER TANKS & CYLINDERS Buffer Tank / Cylinder 50 L / 150 L 95 L / 180 L 150 L / 210 L 50 L / 150 L 95 L / 180 L 150 L / 210 L


450mm x 400mm 750mm x 450mm 1100mm x 450mm 500mm x 500mm 800mm x 550mm 1125mm x 550mm

foam only foam only foam only foamed and cased foamed and cased foamed and cased

584055 584056 584057 584064 584065 584066

unvented tanks include 1 DHW expansion kit vented vented vented unvented unvented unvented

1650mm x 550mm 2100mm x 550mm 2150mm x 600mm 1650mm x 550mm 2100mm x 550mm 2150mm x 600mm

foam only foam only foam only foamed and cased foamed and cased foamed and cased

584061 584062 584063 584052 584053 584054

Calorex Heat Pumps Ltd The Causeway, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4XD 01621 856611 or visit

Domestic Heat Pumps v.4

World Leaders in Heat Pump Technology