Life Skills. â. Social responsibility. â. Health and environmental responsibility. â. Visual art ... o. Google Art
Doodle 4 Google Lesson Plan 2 The South Africa of My Dreams: Create In this second part of the doodle creation process, learners will work towards creating a Google Doodle which expresses their vision for the future South Africa and reflects on 20 years of freedom in South Africa. The activities are aimed at inspiring them to express their creativity through various art forms.
SA curriculum compliance This lesson plan can be incorporated into the following topics: Grade 4 ●
Life Skills ○ Social responsibility ○ Health and environmental responsibility ● Visual art Grade 5 ●
Life Skills ○ Social responsibility ○ Health and environmental responsibility ● Visual art Grade 6 ● ●
Social Sciences: History ○ Democracy and citizenship in South Africa Life Skills ○ Health and environmental responsibility ○ Social responsibility Visual art
Activity: Let’s create our dreams This year’s Doodle 4 Google competition theme is: “The South Africa of my Dreams”. As we celebrate 20 Years of Democracy, Google is inviting learners to express their creativity by sharing their vision for the future. In the previous lesson plan, learners brainstormed about the South Africa of their dreams, and came up with ideas for doodles. Now, they will express their idea using various art forms.
Creation can take many forms, including a drawing or painting, a photo, a video, a sculpture, or a piece of writing. But sometimes, it is difficult to express an idea in any form. In this activity, learners will use their ideas and explore different ways to create them. For inspiration, you can show them examples of artworks and beautiful places around the world. By the end of this activity, they will have a design for the Doodle 4 Google competition. Learners can use any combination of materials and techniques. Go through the competition rules and prizes with your learners. Remind them that they can draw inspiration from anywhere, but entries should be entirely their own work.
Shades of greatness In this activity, learners will explore how other people have turned their ideas into artworks. Using their ideas from the first lesson plan as inspiration, they will design a Google doodle using art materials of their choice (for example, watercolours, ink and brushes). They will create their doodle on a Doodle4Google entry form. During this activity they will focus on the art elements of colours, shapes and lines and design principles of balance, variety and patterns.
You Will Need: ●
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Access to the Internet. Although you can use this lesson plan with traditional offline tools, we encourage schools with Internet access to experiment with digital tools. Some of the tools we will use include: o Google Art Project and Street Art on Google Cultural Institute. o Photo spheres and Street View on Google Maps. o Google Image Search, which learners (in groups, or as a class with teacher guidance) can use to search for images. To make sure that learners do not come across any inappropriate images, turn on SafeSearch: go to Search Settings. Select the tick box to filter explicit results. (Learn more about making the web safe for children at A laptop/PC and projector. A laptop/PC per group of learners is also a great way of bringing this lesson plan to life, as is an Interactive Whiteboard. Art materials, including printed entry forms, watercolour paints, fine paint brushes, pencils, acrylic drawing ink and water bottles.
Teaching Guidelines Note: this lesson plan can be divided into two lessons of 40 minutes 1. Show learners the various ways that artists use art to express themselves and their ideas. The idea is to stimulate their creativity and spark their imaginations so that learners see that art can take various forms and is not limited to drawing and painting. There are great resources on the Internet where you can explore art through the ages:
The Google Art Project. Walk through museums and exhibitions around the world, and see artworks from famous artists, up close and in high resolution.
Street Art on Google Cultural Institute. Discover online collections and exhibitions about the history, locations and artists of street art.
Artsy. Use this online platform to discover and learn about art.
The Google Art Project let’s you explore works of art from galleries across the world.
2. Artists often draw inspiration from their surroundings. Use the following tools to show learners some of South Africa’s beautiful natural wonders: ○
Photo Spheres on Google Maps. People upload 360o photos of their favourite places in South Africa.
Street View on Google Maps. Visit sites such as Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and Table Mountain. To explore an area in Street View mode, simply drag the little yellow man in the bottom right corner and drop him on the spot on the map you wish to visit.
Photo Spheres on Google Maps lets you explore images that other people have uploaded - or add your own image of your favourite spot.
3. Ask your learners to create something at home to express the idea they developed in the first lesson plan. They can use any medium or combination of media, including the following: ○
Take a photograph with a cell phone camera
Create a video with a cell phone camera
Write a story or poem
Draw a picture
4. If there is time in class, give learners the opportunity to share their creations with the rest of the class. 5. In the next part of the lesson, learners will create a doodle based on the idea they developed in the first lesson plan. They will use pencils, pencil crayons and kokis to create their design. Download and print out entry forms for the Doodle4Google competition. The entry form gives an outline of Google’s logo and gives learners a good place to start with their creation. 6. Hand out any images or work created during the Imagine phase. Learners can also look at any pictures that they may have stored digitally and at mind maps that they created. Remind your learners to focus on themes and ideas about the South Africa of their dreams. Allow learners to express this in their own way. 7. Using a pencil, learners create images and pictures into and around the letters. The letters can just be decorated or the letter could become an image. For example, the letter “O” could become a beautifully decorated sun. Learners should try to work as neatly as possible. You can see examples of Google Doodles at
8. Suggest to learners that they use different shapes, lines and patterns to create their design. Demonstrate this on the board. 9. At this stage it might be useful to show them some examples of past Doodle 4 Google entries. A good way to do this is to do an image search on Google - type “Doodle 4 Google winners” into the Search box and click on Images.
You can use Google Image Search to quickly show learners a range of past Doodle 4 Google entries.
10. Hand out water colour paints, inks and paintbrushes, or any other art supplies you choose to use. 11. Once the initial drawing is complete, learners can add colour to their images and designs. You may need to demonstrate how to use the watercolour paint and inks before the learners begin adding colour. Once again, encourage learners to work as neatly as possible, leaving the background white. 12. When the doodles are complete, display them together on the board so that learners can share their process with the rest of the class.
Take It Digital! More information about the apps in this lesson plan ● ●
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Google for Education is a collection of Google tools and products that make learning fun, productive and collaborative. Google Drive - this is like Word or Powerpoint but hosted on the Web. Creating a Google Doc or Slide allows you to easily collaborate and re-share. If you’re using Google Apps for Education, you may already be familiar with this tool. But you can also use it by logging into your Gmail account and clicking on Drive. YouTube is a useful tool for finding inspiring videos of South Africa. Google Street View on Google Maps lets you explore world landmarks, discover natural
wonders and step inside locations such as museums, arenas, restaurants and small businesses with 360-degree images. The Google Cultural Institute lets you explore world wonders, art and history. Some of the historical collections relating to South Africa include the Nelson Mandela Digital Archive, and documentation of key events such as the first democratic elections. Also part of the Google Cultural Institute, the Google Art Project is a a virtual museum that brings together millions of artifacts from multiple partners, together with the stories that bring them to life.
The Nelson Mandela Digital Archives on Google Cultural Institute is one of many exhibits that explores world history in an interactive and visual way.