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E-mail: Key words: quiescence, diapause, .... internal mass and an ectodermal layer, made of about forty to several hundred nuclei ...
Hydrobiologia 446/447: 1–11, 2001. L. Sanoamuang, H. Segers, R.J. Shiel & R.D. Gulati (eds), Rotifera IX. © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Dormancy patterns in rotifers Claudia Ricci Dipartimento di Biologia, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano, Italy E-mail: [email protected] Key words: quiescence, diapause, anhydrobiosis, resting eggs, habitat disturbance, coarse- and fine-grained environment Abstract Dormancy is common among rotifers: monogononts produce resting eggs (diapause) commonly after switching to mictic phase, and bdelloids enter anhydrobiosis (quiescence) at any time during their life cycle. Monogononts are short-lived and inhabit coarse-grained environments; their dormancy is a long-lasting diapause, commonly initiated by indirect remote cues. Bdelloids live 3 times as long, live in fine-grained environments and enter short-lasting quiescence as a direct response to changing environment. The two dormancy forms of the rotifers can be related to the temporal variation of their environments and seem to represent diverse responses to disturbance occurring at different rates. The two strategies are alternative and mutually exclusive, as no single rotifer species seems capable of both diapause and quiescence. Dormancy has great ecological significance: it can carry the population through stressful conditions, promote species coexistence and serve as a biodiversity bank providing reliable colonization source. Introduction Many animals live in ephemeral habitats, and when the conditions become unsuitable for their life, they may either move to a better habitat, or if unable to actively migrate, they may persist in their environment by entering into dormancy. Dormancy is a temporally suspended life, characterized by reduced metabolism and arrested development. Dormant forms often present enhanced resistance to environmental stress, such as drought or extreme temperature. Onset and termination of dormancy are commonly under environmental control, although some autonomous control is apparent too. The temporally suspended life may be achieved through a number of diverse physiological states, and form and duration vary consistently among animals (e.g. Hand, 1991; Càceres, 1997a; Womersley et al., 1998). The term ‘dormancy’ includes both diapause and quiescence. The two phenomena are distinguished by being under endogenous and exogenous control, respectively. Diapause is initiated in response to a variety of stimuli (population density, temperature, photoperiod) that are directly or indirectly predictive of environ-

mental deterioration. Diapause is temporarily irreversible, and its duration may greatly exceed the duration of the harsh period (e.g. Hairston et al., 1995). Diapause is terminated by a specific trigger that does or does not correspond to the return of favourable conditions. This form of dormancy necessitates the presence of specific ontogenetic phases, like resting eggs in several invertebrates or larvae in nematodes and insects. Quiescence refers to states such as hibernation, aestivation and all forms of cryptobiosis (i.e. cryobiosis, anhydrobiosis, osmobiosis, according to Keilin, 1959). Quiescence is directly induced and maintained by the occurrence of adverse environmental conditions and is promptly broken once the condition is removed; it lasts as long as the unfavourable situation. Animals can enter quiescence at any age, and do not need to produce specific dormant stages. Both dormancy forms occur in rotifers. Phylum Rotifera comprises three classes, Seisonidea, Bdelloidea and Monogononta. Seisonidea are marine, their biology is mostly unknown, and the presence of dormancy in this class has never been investigated. The other classes, Monogononta and Bdelloidea,

2 consist mostly of freshwater animals that reproduce parthenogenetically and commonly live in unstable habitats prone to temporal catastrophic events. To resist uninhabitable conditions rotifers of these classes undergo dormancy. Dormancy of the rotifers was extensively reviewed by Gilbert (1974); more recently it has been dealt with by scientists who focused on peculiar aspects of the phenomenon, particularly the relevance of monogonont resting eggs as products of bisexual reproduction (e.g. Snell, 1987; Aparici et al., 1998; Serra & King, 1999), or the effect of dormancy on bdelloid demography (Ricci et al., 1987). Pourriot & Snell (1983) reviewed production, morphology, hatching and evolutionary significance of resting eggs. Since then, another resistant form, diapausing amictic egg, has been described in one monogonont species (Gilbert, 1995; Gilbert & Schreiber, 1995, 1998), adding to the already known dormancy forms in rotifers. Here, I analyse and compare the forms of dormancy occurring in these two rotifer classes, focusing on their ecological conditions and life history characteristics.

Dormant stages of rotifera Monogononta Resting egg There is no evidence that monogononts can survive harsh conditions as adults. Their dormant stage is represented by the egg produced after mating (resting egg). Cued by some external factor, monogonont rotifers can interrupt their parthenogenetic reproduction (amictic cycle) and initiate a mictic cycle that leads to the formation of sexually-produced resting eggs. Occurrence of resting eggs (r.e.) produced without mating, called pseudo-sexual eggs, has been demonstrated in one rotifer species, Keratella hiemalis, by Ruttner-Kolisko (1946); these eggs have the same appearance and the same resistance properties as the common r.e. Recently, other eggs capable of dormancy and produced without mating have been found (see below). Although current literature ascribes the production of r.e. to all monogonont species, and although the annual cycle of any ‘average’ monogonont is reported to consist of amictic plus mictic phases (see Wallace, 1999), males and r.e. have been found in a minority of species only. Many species, in which r.e. are unknown, are commonly cultivated in the laboratory and their

life cycles thoroughly studied. Whether the absence of r.e. in these and other species is a matter of paucity of data or of lack of bisexual reproduction, needs further investigation. Reasonably, the initiation of bisexual reproduction is influenced by population density, that must be high enough to locate a mate, and the production of the r.e. is affected by quantity and quality of the diet that should be sufficiently rich to provide resources for preparing a costly egg. Many studies have addressed the problem of ‘how much and when’ bisexual reproduction occurs in the monogononts, analysing costs (arrest of population growth) and benefits (genetic variation, mainly) (Wesenberg-Lund, 1930; Gilbert, 1963, 1977, 1993; King, 1980; Snell, 1986, 1987; Serra & Carmona, 1993; Aparici et al., 1998; Serra et al., 1998; Serra & King, 1999). Nevertheless, the outcome of bisexual reproduction in monogononts is the r.e. that is their common dormant stage (King & Schonfeld, 2001; Ruttner-Kolisko, 1963); it is destined to meet unfavourable conditions. The sexually-produced r.e. is a diploid fertilized egg with a thick, often sculptured shell made of three layers (Wurdak et al., 1978). The r.e. is bigger and contains higher energy stores, mainly lipids and glycogen, than the unfertilized amictic egg, and its production is more costly to the mother (Gilbert, 1993). Females producing r.e. may have only about 10% the fecundity of females producing amictic eggs (King, 1970; Ruttner-Kolisko, 1974; see Gilbert, 1993). The r.e. contains a diapausing embryo, differentiated into an internal mass and an ectodermal layer, made of about forty to several hundred nuclei (Wurdak et al, 1978; Gilbert, 1993; Pourriot & Snell, 1983; Clément & Wurdak, 1991). The r.e. can withstand several stresses, like low temperatures and drying (Gilbert, 1974; T. Schroeder, unpublished data). It generally sinks to the bottom and lays on top of the sediment where it remains dormant until the next growing season, usually months later. Pourriot & Snell (1983) listed hatching rates of a number of monogonont resting eggs and, despite variation among species, the rates are often close to 100%. Apparently, the r.e. viability is not significantly affected by increasing duration of dormancy; from a clutch of r.e. in a sediment sample, estimated to be 13 years old, up to 77% were found to hatch (King & Serra, 1998). Kotani et al. (2001) observed that about 80% of the resting eggs of Brachionus rotundiformis hatched after a dormancy lasting over 60 years.

3 Commonly, the dormancy of the resting embryo extends longer than the persistence of the harsh condition, is temporally irreversible and is broken independently from the cessation of the harsh period. The resumption of development is commonly influenced by a variety of factors – temperature, oxygen and light being the most common (Pourriot & Snell, 1983; Wallace, 1999). Hatching may be synchronous for a given group of eggs, or scattered over a wide time interval (Pourriot & Snell, 1983). Resting eggs hatch into amictic females. Diapausing amictic egg Recently, another type of monogonont dormant egg has been described in one rotifer species, Synchaeta pectinata, by Gilbert (1995). He called it a ‘diapausing amictic egg’ and found that its production was induced by starvation or low food availability (Gilbert & Schreiber, 1995, 1998). The diapausing amictic egg (d.a.e.) has characteristics similar to the subitaneous amictic egg, and its production does not require additional energetic costs to the mother (Gilbert, 1995). The shell of this egg is single-layered, like that of the subitaneous amictic egg, but thicker, and contains the embryo arrested at first cleavage divisions. It resumes development after a fixed time interval, regardless of the external conditions. Similarly to the r.e., these eggs undergo an obligatory dormant period before resuming development and hatching, but this period is much shorter than that usually required by the bisexually-produced resting eggs. As a response to different conditions, S. pectinata may be able to produce both d.a.e. after episodes of starvation and r.e. following the usual heterogonic reproductive cycle of monogononts. The species seems to be the only rotifer species, so far, capable of two forms of dormancy. Bdelloidea Anhydrobiotic form In response to the evaporation of water in the environment, bdelloids lose internal water and enter a particular form of dormancy, called anhydrobiosis. Almost all bdelloids are capable of anhydrobiosis – either as eggs or embryos, juveniles or adults – but capacity differs among species and strains (Ricci, 1998). In preparation for the anhydrobiotic condition, a bdelloid follows a sequence of adjustments of morphology and metabolism. The animal contracts into a compact shape, called ‘tun’, by withdrawing its cephalic and caudal extremities into the trunk (Ricci & Melone,

1984). This form may help the animal to better control the rate of water loss during the process of desiccation, and also to reduce transpiration when the dormant condition is attained. Tissues and cells become packed and, in this form, can preserve their integrity (Dickson & Mercer, 1967; Schramm & Becker, 1987). The series of adjustments that allow the rotifer to enter anhydrobiosis properly (preparation phase) require a few hrs, and duration of the period during which the rotifer is undergoing desiccation affects subsequent recovery success (Caprioli & Ricci, 2001). The time necessary to complete the preparation phase differs among species, and possibly this is related to the different desiccation velocity of the natural habitats. The metabolism of the desiccating animal is known to slow down until it is undetectable, and an osmo-protectant molecule, trehalose, is synthesized and stored. It stabilizes cellular structures and preserves macromolecular integrity. The presence of trehalose during dormancy has been assessed in the other taxa able to enter anhydrobiosis – tardigrades and nematodes (e.g. Crowe, 1971; Wright et al., 1992), as well as arthropods and plants (Crowe et al., 1992). The physiology and biochemistry of anhydrobiotic rotifers have never been explored, but it seems likely that trehalose also is produced by bdelloids. In contrast to monogonont eggs, bdelloids entering dormancy are not passive forms. Commonly, before entering anhydrobiosis, the animals burrow actively and move into the sediment where they can be better protected from the deleterious effects of drying. Dormant bdelloids are known to withstand very severe conditions of temperature, pressure and radiations, but most existing reports are anecdotal (Gilbert, 1974). Recently, the resistance of a bdelloid species to stressful conditions during anhydrobiosis has rigorously been tested, and high temperature, vacuum, low and high humidity proved hazardous for the dormant rotifer (Caprioli & Ricci, 2001). Dormancy of the anhydrobiotic rotifer, either egg or animal, is promptly broken by the return of water to the environment, and the animal resumes activity in a few hours. After addition of water, the rotifer swells up, unfolds, starts moving and, after a variable time, starts feeding. Possibly, the process of recovery tracks the modifications that occurred at induction of anhydrobiosis in reverse, and trehalose is degraded by the rotifer, as it is by nematodes and tardigrades. Rahm (1923) observed an unspecified number of specimens of Macrotrachela quadricornifera become active after wetting a herbarium moss that was kept


Figure 1. Rates of recovery of Macrotrachela quadricornifera (Rotifera, Bdelloidea) after different durations of anhydrobiosis. Solid line: all rotifers entered desiccation when 8-d-old. Broken line: the rotifers were not controlled for their age. Vertical bars: 1 standard deviation of the mean.

dry for 59 years. On the other hand, Caprioli & Ricci (2001) kept samples of M. quadricornifera anhydrobiotic for different time lengths under controlled conditions and found that the recovery percentages decreased drastically with increasing desiccation duration. Longer duration of anhydrobiosis seemed to be better tolerated by late embryos of this species, as apparent from the pattern of recovery rates of a mixedage population; at desiccation times longer than 40 days, the population consisted mostly of newborns (Fig. 1). The rate of bdelloid recovery is known to be affected by rotifer age at desiccation. Other things being equal, recovery is maximal for adults and late embryos, and minimal for juveniles and newly-laid eggs (Ricci et al., 1987; Örstan, 1995; Orsenigo et al., 1998). At present, we cannot offer any explanation for such difference that seems to be independent of resource availability (C. Ricci, unpublished). Whether short or long, dormancy represents a ‘blind’ interval in bdelloid life time, and the recovered rotifers ignore the duration of anhydrobiosis (according to the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ model, Ricci & Caprioli, 1998; Ricci et al., 1987). No difference was detected between age-specific fecundity and survival rates of rotifers maintained hydrated and those desiccated (Ricci et al., 1987). In contrast, considerable differences of

fitness components were found between populations that had experienced dormancy and those that were kept under conditions of constant hydration (Ricci, 1987). Species with high rates of dormancy recovery, like Abrochtha intermedia, Philodina vorax and P. rapida, were found to decline in number if cultivated under constantly hydrated conditions for several generations (C. Ricci, pers. obs.). Dobers (1915) and Wesenberg-Lund (1930), remarked that anhydrobiosis could enhance life-history traits of the bdelloids that experience it. Thus, while the rotifer seem to be unaffected by anhydrobiosis if directly exposed, populations derived from recovered mothers could have some advantage in terms of life-history traits. The three dormant forms occurring in the rotifers differ in modalities of initiation, duration and termination. The resting egg is the end-product of bisexual reproduction that necessitates two generations following the first signal, whereas the anhydrobiotic condition requires a few hrs to complete. An intermediate situation is represented by the diapausing amictic egg of Synchaeta, a parthenogenetic egg produced after starvation of the mother. The duration of dormancy of both monogonont eggs is independent of the duration of the environmental hardship, it is not terminated upon the return of favourable conditions, but necessitates some specific stimulus. These forms of dormancy

5 fit the definition of ‘diapause’. In contrast, bdelloid dormancy lasts as long as the drought of the habitat, does not require the formation of specific ontogenetic stages, but the animal recovery rate decreases at increasing desiccation times. The anhydrobiotic form corresponds to ‘quiescence’. Environmental grain Stability or variability of the environment are relative concepts and should be standardized to the organisms, to their biology and, more importantly, to their generation time. The same duration of time, say a year, is short for a long-lived animal, like man or an elephant, but is very long for a short-lived organism, like a rotifer. Thus, when speaking of environmental variability it is advisable to make use of the notion of ‘grain’ (sensu Levins, 1968). An environment is coarse-grained when the animal spends its whole life in a single alternative, that is, when an entire life time either includes, or does not include a harsh condition. In contrast, an environment is fine-grained when the time lapsing between two successive changes is shorter than the animal’s generation time. Thus, if an animal in its life has a high probability of facing uninhabitable situations one or multiple times, it lives in a fine-grained environment (Levins, 1969). Therefore, the same environment can be fine-grained or coarsegrained according to an animal’s life span, and the time scale for defining stability of environment should be related to the generation time of the organisms that live in it. Monogononta Monogonont rotifers consistently occur in the plankton of lakes (e.g. Edmondson, 1959; Nogrady et al., 1993; Shiel et al., 1998), but many species dwell in the bottom (Schmid-Araya, 1998; Ricci & Balsamo, 2000) and in the periphyton (Duggan, 2001) of lentic and lotic habitats. Our knowledge of rotifer biology and ecology is chiefly based on data from planktonic rotifers in temperate zones, and relatively little is known about the traits of rotifers in other regions or habitats. I shall refer to planktonic temperate rotifers, aware that it will be wrong to assume that all species have similar characteristics. Most monogonont rotifers are short-lived and complete their life cycle in 5–10 days, on average, at 19–25 ◦ C (Table 1). The conditions in freshwater environments in temperate areas are likely to change gradually

between cold unsuitable winters and hot dry summers. Thus, the short life-span of these rotifers either includes or does not include a winter or a dry season, and their environment can be defined as coarse-grained. The harsh condition of this sort of habitat occurs at more or less fixed time intervals, spaced by several rotifer generations. Some authors (e.g. Pourriot & Snell, 1983; Snell & Hoff, 1985; Gilbert, 1993) believe that r.e. of rotifers are not necessarily produced in anticipation of harsh conditions, but that micticfemale-production and r.e. formation, occurs under conditions that are favourable for the production of the energy-rich eggs. This interpretation does not account for the production of r.e. as dormant stages, but only as resource-rich eggs, that, as a side effect, will remain dormant for a long time. The widely-held opinion is that r.e. are produced in order to meet uninhabitable conditions (e.g. Wesenberg-Lund, 1930; see also Ruttner-Kolisko, 1974), but this requires that planktonic rotifers ‘forecast’ the future environment: after some stimulus, rotifers initiate the mictic cycle and after two generations release the resting eggs. Coupled to environmental conditions or not, the cues for sexual reproduction differ greatly between species and between strains (see e.g. Gilbert, 1977; Snell & Hoff, 1985; Snell, 1987; Serra & Carmona, 1993). The stimuli responsible for the dormancy of monogononts are remote and indirect, because do not initiate the production of dormant stages directly, but activate a cascade of events, which, once initiated, cannot be broken. Moreover, the massive production of resting eggs provides massive dormant stages that escape habitat selection, but that depress population growth rate. Thus, it could be disadvantageous for a rotifer to undergo diapause when the environmental conditions are still suitable for growth and reproduction, or, worst, not to have produced dormant stages at the right time to elude uninhabitable conditions. Monogononts reduce the risk of variation of the catastrophe date by maintaining a variable fraction of amictic females while initiating the mictic phase and following a bet-hedging strategy, similarly to other animals (e.g. Hairston et al., 1985). Commonly, the rate of production of mictic females is a stochastic event, in that it takes a range of possible values in different populations and in different species, and its probability may be related to the environmental quality. It seems likely that the more regular the occurrence of the uninhabitable conditions, the larger the fraction of mictic females present at a given moment, and the more numerous the resting eggs in the sediment at a given

6 Table 1. Mean life span of rotifer species under controlled conditions Species

t◦ C

Approx. life span


Monogononta A. priodonta A. silvestri Asplanchna brightwelli Brachionus angularis B. calyciflorus B. caudatus B. plicatilis Encentrum linnhei Euchlanis dilatata E. triquetra Keratella cochlearis Lecana tenuiseta Platyias quadricornis Proales sordida Synchaeta pectinata

20◦ 20◦ 25◦ 20◦ 20◦ 20◦ 20◦ 20◦ 22◦ 20◦ 20◦ 20◦ 20◦ 19◦ 20◦

5d 8d 4d 5d 11 d 6d 12 d 12 d 7d 7d 9d 26 d 7d 10 d 5d

Kirk (1997) Kirk (1997) Snell & King (1977) Walz (1987) Halbach (1973) Kirk (1997) Schmid-Araya (1991) Schmid-Araya (1991) King (1967) Lansing (1947) Walz (1987) Hummon & Bevelhymer (1980) Kirk (1997) Jennings & Lynch (1928) Kirk (1997)

Bdelloidea Adineta grandis Adineta vaga Embata laticeps Habrotrocha constricta H. elusa vegeta H. sylvestris H. tranquilla Macrotrachela inermis M. insolita M. quadricornifera Otostephanos monteti O. torquatus Philodina acuticornis P. citrina P. gregaria P. rapida P. roseola P. vorax

4◦ 24◦ 24◦ 24◦ 24◦ 24◦ 22◦ 24◦ 24◦ 22◦ 23◦ 24◦ 24◦ 20◦ 4◦ 22◦ 24◦ 22◦

40 d 17 d 27 d 38 d 32 d 40 d 29 d 31 d 76 d 25 d 44 d 45 d 23 d 22 d 37 d 32 d 25 d 22 d

Dartnall (1992) Ricci (1983) Ricci (1983) Ricci (1983) Ricci (1983) Ricci (1983) Ricci (unpublished) Ricci (1983) Ricci (1983) Ricci & Fascio (1995) Ricci (unpublished) Ricci (1983) Meadow & Barrows (1971) Lansing (1947) Dartnall (1992) Ricci (unpublished) Ricci (1983) Ricci & Fascio (1995)

time (Carmona et al., 1995; Serra & King, 1999). To have dormant stages available at the right time, monogonont populations can have three strategies. i) they can produce resting eggs at a low rate but continuously, while most of the population reproduces parthenogenetically (Fig. 2, ‘polyphasic’); and ii) they can produce resting eggs in a single event while a minor part of the population keeps parthenogenetic reproduction, if the environment is predictable and the uninhabitable condition occurs in a cyclic, regular se-

quence (Fig. 2, ‘monophasic’, see also Carmona et al., 1995). (iii) They can have a massive production of resting eggs and then disappear from the habitat, if the environment changes quickly and suddenly (Fig. 2, ‘bang-bang’, see also Serra & King, 1999). Monogonont rotifers are not known to elaborate fast dormancy responses, like quiescence, even though several species live in ephemeral habitats prone to sudden changes. The only dormant stage resulting from a direct cue is the ‘diapausing amictic egg’ of S. pec-


Figure 2. Theoretical patterns of resting egg production (arrows) of monogonont rotifers in response to three possible environmental conditions. Upper panel: unpredictable environment: a small part of the population switches continuously to mictic cycle (bold curve): the cycle is polyphasic. Middle panel: predictable environment: the rotifers switch once to mictic cycle: the cycle is monophasic. Lower panel: temporal environment: all rotifers switch to mictic cycle: the resting eggs are produced massively (‘bang-bang’).

tinata, induced by starvation (Gilbert, 1995). The species occurs in the plankton of lakes, an environment not exposed to sudden unpredictable changes. I am not aware of other reports of a fast dormancy response in the monogononts, but I would predict that such dormancy may exist, because many monogonont species inhabit puddles or shallow waters that are ephemeral habitats (Ruttner-Kolisko, 1974; Nogrady et al., 1993).

Bdelloidea Bdelloid rotifers inhabit the sediments of water bodies, the shores of freshwater environments and the thin water film around moss leaves or soil particles (Donner, 1965; Ricci, 1987). Their habitat conditions shift from suitable to uninhabitable quickly, and the change in environmental parameters, like temperature, ion concentration, amount of O2 , can be very fast, because the habitats are prone to sudden desiccation. Bdelloid rotifers live 30–40 days under controlled conditions (Table 1). The disturbance of their habitat can be frequent, and the life span of these rotifers is long enough to expose each bdelloid to one or more episodes of desiccation in its life time, to which it responds by

entering anhydrobiosis quickly. Following the definition given earlier, the habitat of the bdelloids is a fine-grained environment. Time-consuming adaptations would not help the animals survive the fast changes of their environment. As their habitat dries up, all bdelloids must initiate morphological and metabolic adjustments, and, within hours, enter anhydrobiosis. With the same rapidity, the environment will get water and become suitable again. Bdelloids re-hydrate, emerge from their dormancy in few hrs and resume reproduction in about 24 h. The mechanism looks like an ’on-off switch’ of metabolism, with complicated adjustments of physiology and morphology (Ricci, 1996). The on-off strategy may be of advantage when the favourable environment lasts for a short period of time and the recovered animals must be able to reproduce promptly. Adult animals act as fast colonizers that are able to establish an active community when conditions are favourable for growth and reproduction. The induction of, and emergence from, anhydrobiosis are deterministic events, all bdelloids enter dormancy at the same time and cannot delay the start or end of quiescence. The difference between the duration of the life cycles of the two rotifer groups is remarkable, as well as the differences between their environments,


Figure 3. Environmental changes: below the horizontal line the conditions are unfavourable to the rotifers. The environment fluctuates regularly and the generation time (tick marks on x-axis) of the animal either includes or does not include an uninhabitable condition. The environment changes suddenly and quickly, and the whole lifespan of the rotifer is likely to include environmental changes.

especially in terms of environmental grain (Fig. 3). Monogononts are short-lived, live in a coarse-grained environment and their dormancy lasts long enough to carry populations to the next growing season that may occur several months later. Resting eggs can remain dormant for days, months, or years, and yet remain viable. Bdelloids live three times as long, inhabit finegrained environments, and become quiescent directly in response to environment disturbance. Anhydrobiotic bdelloids have to survive until the next suitable environment – commonly after the next rain. While the diapause of monogononts permits survival through seasonal changes, anhydrobiosis has to carry bdelloids to the next suitable condition, often a few days later. This difference seems consistent with the remarkable difference between the duration of the rotifer dormancy. No rotifer species is capable of both diapause (resting eggs) and quiescence (cryptobiosis). Resting eggs and anhydrobiotic animals seem two alternative dormancy forms, endowed with different characteristics and adapted to habitats where disturbance occurs at different rates (Fig. 3) (Ricci, 1992).

Consequences of dormancy Dormancy is of survival value when its duration spans unfavourable periods in the natural environment. Thus, its major significance is that it carries the population to the next suitable condition. The dormant forms represent a biodiversity bank as they survive through environmental disasters, preserving species diversity and provide a reliable colonization source when conditions improve. The biodiversity bank assures genetic continuity through periods of environmental adversity. I propose to use ‘biodiversity’ bank to extend the concept of ‘seed’ or ‘egg’ bank (Lampert, 1995) to all dormant forms, including quiescent stages like the anhydrobiotic animals. No variability can be expected among the genotypes of the bdelloids that recover after anhydrobiosis, which faithfully reflect the genotypes present before the disaster, nor among the genotypes of Synchaeta before and after the d.a.e., because of the amictic production of the egg. In contrast, resting eggs of monogonont rotifers introduce genetic variability into species that reproduce chiefly through ameiotic

9 parthenogenesis. The resting egg, resulting from a sexual reproduction, possesses the novelties of the genetic recombination, and its contribution to genetic variability through recombination seems relevant (e.g. Gilbert, 1963, 1977; King, 1980; Snell, 1987; Aparici et al., 1996, 1998; King & Serra, 1998; Serra & King, 1999; Gómez & Carvalho, 2000). The role of the biodiversity bank is more accurately performed by the anhydrobiotic state or by the diapausing egg, because these preserve the genotypes without any modification. The dormant stages act as propagules that when conditions are suitable, can originate a new population, either in the same place already occupied, or in other habitats, if dispersed. Actually, some bdelloid and very few monogonont rotifers were found in the dust collected with windsocks and rain samplers, demonstrating that passive dispersal is possible (Jenkins & Underwood, 1998). Several possible mechanisms for bdelloid dispersal have been recognized, wind and running waters being the most likely (Örstan, 1998; Schmid-Araya, 1998). The pattern of emergence after dormancy reflects the same trend as already seen for induction: an ‘all-together’ recovery for the bdelloids, and a great variability in timing of the emergence for the monogononts. Variability in the time of hatching for the monogononts is consistent with the emergence patterns of other taxa that produce resting eggs (Gilbert, 1974; Hairston, 1996), and can produce the succession of different genotypes derived from different egg clutches of a single species (King, 1972; Gómez et al., 1995). Such a hatching pattern influences both the genetic composition of a population and the species structure of a community (e.g. Càceres, 1998; King & Serra, 1998). Any dormancy type would reduce the rate of elimination of a species, or of a strain, from a system when conditions for active life become unfavourable, and increases the rate of recolonization of a habitat when conditions improve. Dormancy can also promote species coexistence and regulate sib-competition; coexistence of competitors without competitive exclusion necessitates resource partitioning and spatial or temporal separation of the competitors. Several rotifer species apparently make use of the same resources, are not separate in time or space, and possibly compete, yet they co-occur (e.g. King, 1972; Snell, 1979; King & Serra, 1998). We can hypothesize that the coexistence of competitors could be made possible by different dormancy capacities, that might determine

temporal fluctuations in recruitment, consistently with the ‘storage effect’ demonstrated in Daphnia (Càceres, 1997b).

Conclusions and perspectives Dormancy forms of the rotifers can be related to the temporal variation of their environments. Monogononts are short-lived, inhabit coarse-grained environments, and have a long-term diapause, commonly initiated by indirect, remote cues. Bdelloids live 3 times as long, live in fine-grained environments and can transform into short-term quiescent forms directly in response to the environment disturbance. The two dormancy forms seem to represent alternative responses to disturbance occurring at different rates, and no single rotifer species seems capable of both diapause and quiescence. S. pectinata can produce short-lasting ‘diapausing amictic eggs’ as a direct response to episodes of starvation and long-lasting resting eggs following the usual monogonont reproductive cycle. This species is capable of two different dormancy forms, both diapausing stages. The dormant state carries the population through stressful conditions, preserves it against dramatic selection operated by the uninhabitable environment, and contributes to a biodiversity bank providing a reliable colonization source. Dormancy is a very efficient time- and spacedispersal system that allows prompt recolonization (Templeton & Levin, 1979; Lampert, 1995). All these aspects have been ascertained in other animals capable of dormancy, are likely to fit rotifers as well, but need experimental tests. Several areas need to be explored by rigorous experiments. Among the many questions that deserve an answer are: 1. How do monogononts cope with ephemeral habitats? Are they capable of fast dormancy similar to quiescence? 2. Do bdelloid rotifers use trehalose as a osmoprotective molecule, in analogy with anhydrobiotic nematodes and tardigrades? 3. Are the resting eggs of the monogononts making use of the same chemicals? 4. How does bdelloid age affect recovery after anhydrobiosis? 5. What causes mortality of bdelloids after anhydrobiosis, if they appear insensitive to the environmental conditions during dormancy?

10 6. Since the production of resting eggs is costly, is quiescence a costly condition as well? 7 Do bdelloid eggs synthesize protective chemicals?

Acknowledgements Many thanks are due to Maria José Carmona, Giulio Melone, Charles King and Terry Snell, who significantly improved this manuscript with their criticism and suggestions. John Gilbert and Elizabeth Wurdak commented on an earlier version of the manuscript. Manuela Caprioli gave technical and experimental support, Simona Orsenigo and Cesare Covino helped in preparing the manuscript. Financial support for the study and for attending the rotifer meeting came from ASI (Italian Space Agency) grant.

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