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Our girls' team won its first Regional Tournament game in 26 years!!! Our Boys ... MARISSA BELL ... which houses a huge


Doss High School Newsletter 7601 St. Andrews Church Road



Wed. 3/21

Dear Dragon Nation,

Balfour Visit during lunch

The month of March has been extremely productive at Doss High School. Students and staff are working exceptionally hard each day as we continue to close in on Spring Break. I am reiterating to students each day the importance of working hard and not missing one minute of valuable instruction. One of our core beliefs at Doss is: Instruction will occur every minute, every period, every day. As we wind down the school year, it is critical that students are in school every day, go to every class, and put in the effort necessary to be successful. I am very pleased with how our students have performed thus far this school year, and I want to see that continue through the last day of school on May 29th. 20th,


On Tuesday March our grade students will be taking the ACT here at Doss High School. Over the past month, we have been actively preparing students, not only during the school day, but also during our A+ time after school. It is very important that 11th grade students do everything they can to be prepared for this very important assessment. This ACT can be used to hit transition readiness benchmarks and can be used to obtain future scholarship opportunities after graduation. We will be meeting with the whole Junior class, prior to the test, to re-emphasize the importance of the test and to go over some helpful tips to prepare them for March 20th. Thank you in advance for any additional assistance and encouragement you can give the kids. I want to congratulate both our Boys and Girls Basketball teams for an outstanding 2017-2018 season. Our girls’ team won its first Regional Tournament game in 26 years!!! Our Boys team had another extremely successful season but fell a little short in the regional semifinals. I am very proud of both teams for not only how they performed on the basketball court but also how they represented our high school throughout the entire season. Congratulations to Coach Crowe and to Coach Stone on terrific seasons and for representing Dragon Nation in such a positive manner. As we turn into March, our Spring sports will be starting up. Please check our website ( for all Spring sport schedules and get out and support our Doss Athletic teams. In less than three weeks our staff and students will get a much deserved rest during Spring Break (April 2nd-April 6th). Once we return, we will be in the home stretch of the school year. Students are encouraged to continue attending after school A+ on Wednesdays and to work with their teachers on any/all remediation opportunities as we wind the school year down. If students need any assistance, they can see their Counselor, Academy Principal, or myself. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you ever have any questions, and, as always, thank you for your support/commitment to Doss High School and our students.

Check our website for current info!

Important Dates & Reminders

Sincerely, Todd C. Stockwell, Interim Principal Twitter: @tcstockwell [email protected]


Mon. - Fri. 4/2-6 SPRING BREAK

Fri. 4/20 Junior Ring Ceremony @ Doss in Large Gym, 9 am

Friday 4/27 Prom @ Frazier Museum

Fri. 5/4 NO SCHOOL

Tues. 5/15 Choir Concert @ Doss, 6 pm

Thurs. 5/17 Band Concert @ Doss, 6 pm

Fri. 5/18 Red Cross Blood Drive @ Doss

For a complete list of upcoming sports events, please visit our website,



Freshman Academy MARISSA BELL Academy Principal JEREMY SHARFE Academy Counselor

Freshman students participated in their second intramural event on Friday, March 9th.    This intramural session included the career and technical education teachers from our Business/Finance, Tech/Design, and STEM academies.  Having these new teachers on board, we were able to offer our students more choices, like computer gaming, and give students the opportunity to build rapport with their future teachers.    I would like to thank all 9th grade students and staff for making this another successful intramurals experience.  Students and teachers enjoyed their time together, helping promote a positive culture within our academy.  Parents, please ask your students about this event.  Does your student have any ideas for other possible activities to offer?  Please send suggestions to us on twitter @DHSFreshmanAcd.   We are in our final stretch before spring break.  Please talk to your students about their grades and encourage them to speak with their teachers.  We do offer A+ on Wednesdays where students can receive interventions during two one-hour sessions with their teachers.  Students must plan ahead and know what classes they will be attending.  Students must have a signed permission slip to attend.  Please see Freshman Counselor, Jeremy Sharfe, if your student still needs an A+ permission slip to bring home and return.  If you have any questions about the program or your student’s grades, please don’t hesitate to call us at 485-8239.

FRESHMAN ACADEMY CONTACTS Marissa Bell, Academy Principal [email protected] Twitter: @DHSFreshmanAcd Jeremy Sharfe, Academy Counselor Email: [email protected]




Tech & Design Academy KATIE LADUKE Academy Principal

BETH SALYER Academy Counselor

On March 8, 29 Tech and Design students had the opportunity to visit Geek Squad  City in Brooks, KY. Students saw first-hand how this impressive facility operates. Geek Squad  City receives more than 3,000  computers every day from Best Buy stores across the nation. The majority of these computers are repaired and shipped back to their owner within a 24-hour window. Students made many  connections between  the skills  they are learning in their  Computer Hardware and Software  classes and the work they saw Geek Squad employees doing. Students left feeling excited to learn more and prepare themselves to enter the tech workforce. 

On March 9, 9 Tech and Design seniors visited UPS Supply  Chain Solutions. Most people  connect UPS with shipping, but Supply Chain Solutions contracts technology services to a variety of businesses across the nation. Students were able to tour the facility which houses a huge warehouse space and several tech operations including imaging, troubleshooting and fixing, and refurbishing and painting a variety of products. Students were excited to hear about UPS' tuition reimbursement options and learn about the company in more detail. 

TECH & DESIGN ACADEMY CONTACTS Katie LaDuke, Academy Principal Email: [email protected] Twitter: @Doss_Tech Beth Salyer, Academy Counselor Email: [email protected] Twitter: @bethsalyer 3



Business & Finance Academy TERRA GREENWELL Academy Principal TAMMY LUCAS Academy Counselor The Business and Finance Academy has been #makingitcount! Marketing students have been hard at work in the Amazing Global Marketplace competition. Students have been learning about business strategies, differences, and similarities around the world including China and Mexico. Thank you to the business men and women, including those from Ford Motor Company who have come to share their expertise with our students! Also, good luck to our students competing in FBLA this week. Thank you for your professionalism in representing Doss High School. Students visited the Federal Reserve Bank for the Women at Work E-STEM Conference. Thanks to Ms. Blount and Ms. Carraro for encouraging our Doss ladies to attend and see the power of women in business!

Students will be taking their ASK assessments to become certified in Marketing, Finance and/or Business Management this month as well. Class Act Federal Credit Union is up and running. Stop by and open an account today, and get a free $25! See Ms. Blount for details. Bank Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays 9:30-12:25 Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:25-12:25

BUSINESS & FINANCE ACADEMY CONTACTS Terra Greenwell, Academy Principal Email: [email protected] Twitter: @terragreenwell @Doss_Business Tammy Lucas, Academy Counselor Email: [email protected] Twitter: @tlucas11




STEM Academy DAVID HINES Academy Principal CHRISTY EMBRY Academy Counselor The STEM Academy would like to highlight our 3 students of the month. We asked each the following questions: 1. What attracted you to the STEM Academy? 2. What do you enjoy the most in the STEM Academy? 3. What do you want to accomplish or what is your goal within the STEM Academy? 4. What would you say to a Freshman who may be considering gate STEM Academy? Their answers are below.

Akaijriya Boyd 1. 2. 3. 4.

It isn’t a boring concept and it is a more hands on style of learning. The STEM Academy really allows me to show off my creative style. My ultimate goal within the STEM Academy is gain all of my CPT Certifications that I will need to join the workforce right out of high school. I would say to do it if you want to learn, have fun, and express your creative side.

Grace Brown


1. I’ve always been interested in medicine, and STEM is a core part of medicine. Whether its biochemistry, engineering, or new medical technology, a background in STEM is very practical. 2. I love the projects. They are designed to be really hands-on and it allows me to learn a lot of new and interesting information. I am currently in the medical terminology class so I also love all of the new scientific vocabulary. I feel like I am learning so much and doing so well with the content and I am very proud of the stuff I am doing with the course. 3. My goal is to be at 100%. I want to be able to ace all of my tests and be perfect on all of my projects. I want to be the best that I can be. My end goal, of course, is to have a career in the medical field where I can apply this new knowledge. GO FOR IT! No offense to the other academies, but this is by far the most fun. You will have the most amazing teachers and the most amazing experiences. As they say, it’s all sunshine and rainbows in the STEM Academy!

Dymond Dennis 1. 2.

Well, in the beginning I was randomly placed in the STEM Academy after I transferred to Doss. Over my time here the STEM Academy has grown on me because my mom was a nurse I knew I had to stay on top of my medical class. I just like how there are so many different programs that are very beneficial to help me with my future career. 3. My goal is to stay focused on my work and continue to excel in the Nursing program. 4. I would say the STEM Academy is the way to go. At the end of your high school career you will graduate with your CNA Certification. Earning your CAN is a huge accomplishment that will lead to you a very productive job before you leave high school.

STEM ACADEMY CONTACTS David Hines, STEM Academy Principal Email: [email protected] Christy Embry, STEM Academy Counselor Email: [email protected]




Project Based Learning

Career Academies

Project based learning has really taken off at Doss. This month, I would like to highlight the KUNA group for their tremendous work at representing Somalia and Doss High School at the Galt House. The amount of preparation that went into their booth and speeches is an incredible testament to the power of PBL in bringing the real world into student learning.

This month, several academy students have participated in work-based learning field trips. A group of Finance students attended the Women at Work Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank. Students heard from several female professionals in the E-STEM fields (Economics, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) about their paths to success. Tech and Design students had two field trip opportunities last week: Geek Squad City and UPS Supply Chain Solutions. Both companies  took students on a tour, talked to students about entry-level qualifications and the need for industry certification, and answered students' questions.

In addition to connecting classroom studies  to realworld jobs and companies, students continue to work toward obtaining their industry certifications. Several Tech and Design students who have passed their CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification have been spotlighted on Twitter. Manufacturing, Marketing, Finance, and Management students will begin taking their certification exams  later this month. Be sure to ask your student about their progress toward certification! 

Our spring Exhibition will take place on May 9th. Stay tuned for details!

Sariena Sampson PBL Resource Teacher

Tina Carraro Academy Coach

Twitter: @SampsonPBL

Twitter: @MrsCarraro

[email protected]

[email protected]

DOSS HIGH SCHOOL 7601 St. Andrews Church Rd. Louisville, KY 40214 (502) 485-8239

@Doss_High @tcstockwell @terragreenwell @Doss_Business @tlucas11 @Doss_Tech


@bethsalyer @DHSFreshmanAcd @MrsCarraro @SampsonPBL



Counselors’ Column

Youth Service Center The Family Resource and Youth Service Centers exist to provide a variety of support services to students and families at Doss High School. Our goal is to provide services that enhance your student’s ability to succeed in school by helping to eliminate barriers that interfere with learning. These barriers to learning vary for each student and school. So, periodically we survey parents, students, and staff to identify the barriers and develop programs to meet these needs. Please contact Theresa Ryan for more information.

Balfour Visit 3/21/18 Balfour will be set up in the cafeteria during lunch on these dates to take orders for Senior Memorabilia, Senior Announcements, and Junior Rings.

Services provided through the Youth Service Center include: • School based mental health counseling


All Juniors will take the ACT during the school day at Doss on March 20, 2018.

• • • • • • •

The next available ACT is April 14, 2018. The deadline to register is March 9, 2018. Students may see Ms. Rist in Room 119 for assistance.

Family crisis assistance and referrals to community based mental health programs Referrals for drug and alcohol abuse prevention and counseling services Mentoring and Service Learning Groups Conflict Resolution Education and Programs Clothing Assistance Summer and Part time Job Development Attendance Support and Truancy Diversion Programs Career Counseling and College Information

FAFSA Is your student looking for service learning opportunities or a part time/summer job? Are you interested in earning your G.E.D. or going back to school? There are several opportunities in our community to help you gain the credentials for getting a better job. If you are interested in any of these programs or have questions regarding any of the programs listed please contact Theresa Ryan at 313-4445.

If your student plans on attending college for the 2018-19 school year, they must fill out the FAFSA. If you have questions or need any help, please call your student’s counselor at 485-8239. See the academy pages of this newsletter to identify who your student’s counselor is. Log on to and get a student and parent FSA IDs so you will be able to sign your FAFSA electronically. To fill out the FAFSA, you will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Educational Benefits Form -- Doss is part of the Community Eligibility (CE) Provision for National School Lunch and Breakfast Program which offers free meals to all of our students. A large part of our schools funding is based on the free/reduced-price paying status of the student population. If these forms are not completed Doss could lose funding for some reading and math programs and the Youth Service Center. The information provided on the EBF may also help determine fee waivers, ACT/SAT test fees, and Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) eligibility. You may apply online at  It is only necessary to complete one form per household. All required information must be completed for the form to be processed and the form must be signed by the adult that completed it. If you are unsure if you have completed a form you may contact the Youth Service Center at 313-4445.

Student’s Social Security # Student’s 2016 w-2 forms (if you worked) Student’s federal 2016 income tax return (if filed) Records of untaxed income received last year (Social Security, alimony, disability, child support, welfare, veteran benefits) Parent’s Social Security #, birthday, and email address Parent’s 2016 w-2 forms, federal 1040 tax returns, any other financial records above.

Save the Date! The Junior Ring and Awards Ceremony will be on Friday, April 20, 2018 at 9:00 am. More details will be mailed home to parents in late March. Senior Awards Day and Graduation dates are to be determined, and we will pass on the dates as soon as we get the necessary information.

DOSS HIGH SCHOOL 7601 St. Andrews Church Rd. Louisville, KY 40214 (502) 485-8239

@Doss_High @tcstockwell @terragreenwell @Doss_Business @tlucas11 @Doss_Tech


@bethsalyer @DHSFreshmanAcd @MrsCarraro @SampsonPBL