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Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12. DOI: 10.1214/ECP.vVOL-PID ... In terms of applications, analyzing the
Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12. DOI: 10.1214/ECP.vVOL-PID ISSN: 1083-589X


Double averaging principle for periodically forced slow-fast stochastic systems Gilles Wainrib∗

Abstract This paper is devoted to obtaining an averaging principle for systems of slow-fast stochastic differential equations, where the fast variable drift is periodically modulated on a fast time-scale. The approach developed here combines probabilistic methods with a recent analytical result on long-time behavior for second order elliptic equations with time-periodic coefficients. Keywords: averaging principle; slow-fast; stochastic differential equation; periodic averaging; inhomogeneous Markov process. AMS 2010 Subject Classification: NA. Submitted to ECP on April 25, 2012, final version accepted on .



Time-scales separation is a key property to investigate the dynamical behavior of non-linear dynamical systems, with techniques ranging from averaging principles to geometric singular perturbation theory. This property appears to be also crucial to understand the impact of noise on such systems. A multi-scale approach based on the stochastic averaging principle can be a powerful tool to unravel subtle interplays between noise properties and non-linearities. More precisely, consider a system of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in Rp+q :

dxt dyt

1 1 g(xt , yt )dt + √ σ(xt , yt )dBt   = f (xt , yt )dt


(1.1) (1.2)

with initial conditions x (0) = x0 ∈ Rp , y  (0) = y0 ∈ Rq , and where y  is called the slow variable, x the fast variable, with f, g, σ smooth functions ensuring existence and uniqueness for the solution (x , y  ), and Bt a p-dimensional standard Brownian motion. Time-scale separation in encoded in the small parameter   1. In order to approximate the behavior of (x , y  ) for small , the idea of stochastic averaging is to average out the equation for the slow variable with respect to the stationary distribution of the fast one. More precisely, one first assumes that, for each y ∈ Rq fixed, the frozen fast SDE:

dxt = g(xt , y)dt + σ(xt , y)dBt ∗ Université Paris 13, Laboratoire mail: [email protected]




(1.3) Applications,




Double averaging principle

is sufficiently mixing, typically exponentially, and admits a unique invariant measure, denoted ρy (dx). Then, one defines the averaged vector field f¯ :

f¯(y) :=


f (x, y)ρy (dx)


Rm y ¯ y ) with initial condition y¯(0) = y0 . and y¯ the solution of d¯ dt = f (¯ According to the regularity and dissipativity assumptions made on the coefficients of the system, several convergence results have been proven in the literature, from convergence in law [11], to convergence in probability [5] or strong convergence in L2 [3, 14, 7]. Many other results have been developed since, extending the set-up to the case where the slow variable has a diffusion component or to infinite-dimensional settings [1] for instance, and also refining the convergence study, providing homogenization results concerning the limit of −1/2 (y  − y¯) [9] or establishing large deviation principles [6]. In terms of applications, analyzing the behavior of the deterministic solution y¯ can help to understand useful dynamical features of the stochastic process (x , y  ). In particular, observing that the averaged vector field f¯ depends on the diffusion coefficient σ can be the starting point for the understanding of stochastic bifurcations [13, 12]. However, fewer results are available in the case of non-homogeneous SDEs, that is when the system is perturbed by an external time-dependent signal [10]. This setting is particularly relevant to study models of learning in neuronal activity, which was the original motivation for the present paper. In this class of models, neurons are interconnected and the connections strengths evolve at a slower speed to account for synaptic plasticity, leading to a high-dimensional periodically forced slow-fast SDE. An application of the main result (Theorem 2.3) is developed in the particular context of learning models in [2]. Hence we are interested in multiscale SDEs driven by an external time-periodic input. Consider (x , y  ) solution of:





  1 t 1 g(x , y  , ) dt + √ σ(x , y  )dBt      f (x , y )dt

(1.5) (1.6)

with t → g(x, y, t) ∈ Rp a τ -periodic function and  ∈ R+ . We consider the case where  is small, that is a strong time-scale separation between the fast variable x ∈ Rp and the slow one y  ∈ Rq , and a fast periodic modulation of the fast drift g(x, y, .). Notice that the case of a slow periodic modulation would be less mathematically interesting, since in this case the time variable t appearing in the fast drift g(x, y, t) could be treated as an additional slow variable satisfying t˙ = 1. This case is fully covered by the classical stochastic averaging principle described above. However, in our case of a fast modulation, one needs to develop a new result, based on a fine understanding of the asymptotic behavior of inhomogeneous Markov processes. To obtain an averaging principle, one needs to understand the long time behavior of the rescaled periodically forced SDE, for any y0 fixed :

dx = g(x, y0 , t)dt + σ(x, y0 )dB(t) Recently, in an important contribution [8], a precise description of the long time behavior of inhomogeneous Markov diffusion processes has been obtained, using analytical methods. In particular, conditions ensuring the existence of a periodic family of probability measures µ(t, dx) to which the law of x converges as time grows have been Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.

Double averaging principle


identified, together with a sharp estimation of the speed of mixing. These results are at the heart of the extension of the classical stochastic averaging principle, that we present here, to the case of periodically forced slow-fast SDEs. As a result, we obtain a reduced equation describing the slow evolution of variable y in the form of an ordinary differential equation:

d¯ y = f¯(¯ y) dt where f¯ is constructed as an average of f with respect to a specific probability measure, that is precisely the time-average over one period of the periodic family µ(t, dx). We prove the strong convergence in L2 over finite time intervals of the slow variable y  to y¯. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we first recall the key theorem from [8], before stating our main convergence result in Theorem 2.3. In Section 3, we give the proof of our main result.


Main result


Preliminary : long-time behavior of inhomogeneous Markov diffusion processes s,x

We recall here the recent result from [8]. Consider Xt

dXts,x Xs

solution of the SDE:

= g(Xtx,s , t)dt + σ(Xtx,s )dWt , t > s


= x


where g, σ are Lipschitz-continuous functions, and with the property that t → g(x, t) is a τ -periodic function of time. Under the following assumptions: Assumptions 2.1. (i) The diffusion matrix σ is bounded:

∃Mσ > 0 s.t ∀x, ||σ(x)|| < Mσ


and uniformly non-degenerate:

∃η0 > 0 s.t ∀x < σ(x)σ(x)0 ξ, ξ >≥ η0 ||ξ||2 , ∀ξ ∈ Rp


(ii) There exists r0 < 0 such that for all t ≥ 0 and for all x ∈ Rp : < ∇x g(x, t)ξ, ξ >≤ r0 ||ξ||2 , ∀ξ ∈ Rp


The following result holds: Theorem 2.1. (cf. [8], Theorem 3.15) There exist a unique τ -periodic family of probability measures {µ(s, .), s ∈ R}, such that: Z Z x∈Rp

E [φ(Xts,x )] µ(s, dx) =

φ(x)µ(t, dx)



Such a family is called an evolution system of measures. Furthermore, under the strong dissipativity condition (ii), the convergence of the law of X to µ is exponentially fast. More precisely, for any r ∈ (1, +∞) there exist M > 0 and ω < 0, such that for all φ ∈ Lr (Rp , µ(t, .)):

Z x∈Rp

||E [φ(Xts,x )] −


φ(x0 )µ(t, dx0 )||r µ(s, dx) ≤ M eω(t−s)

x0 ∈Rp


||φ(x)||r µ(t, dx)



Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.


Double averaging principle


Main result : averaging principle

We consider the following system (S  ) of inhomogeneous stochastic differential equations, with fast periodic forcing:

dxt dyt

  1 t 1 g xt , yt , dt + √ σ(xt , yt )dWt    = f (xt , yt )dt


(2.8) (2.9)

with initial conditions (x0 , y0 ) = (x0 , y0 ) ∈ Rp ×Rq , and where the function g is τ -periodic in time. We are interested in describing the asymptotic behavior of (x , y  ) when  → 0. We make the following assumptions. Assumptions 2.2. 1. Existence and uniqueness of a strong solution: We make standard Lipschitz and linear growth assumptions on the coefficients, ensuring global existence and uniqueness for (S  ) (cf. Thm 2.9 Ch. 5 in [4]). Note that one can replace the linear growth assumption by a condition on the drift which prevents explosion of the solution. y 2. Asymptotic periodic behavior: for all y ∈ Rq fixed, denote Pt0 ,x0 (t, x) the transition y density for the time-inhomogeneous diffusion process Xt solution of :

dXty = g(xt , y, t)dt + σ(xt , y)dWt


starting at x0 at t = t0 . We assume that there exists a τ -periodic family of probay bility measures µy (., dx) such that the law of Xt becomes close to µy (., dx) exponentially fast. This condition is ensured as soon as Assumptions 2.1 are satisfied by g and σ uniformly in the variable y ∈ Rq . More precisely we assume:

∃Mσ > 0 s.t ∀(x, y) ∈ Rp+q , ||σ(x, y)|| < Mσ


∃η0 > 0 s.t ∀(x, y) ∈ Rp+q , < σ(x, y)σ(x, y)0 ξ, ξ >≥ η0 ||ξ||2 , ∀ξ ∈ Rp


and finally, there exists r0 < 0 such that for all t ≥ 0 and for all (x, y) ∈ Rp+q :

< ∇x g(x, y, t)ξ, ξ >≤ r0 ||ξ||2 , ∀ξ ∈ Rp .


We also assume that the initial condition x0 belongs to the support of µy0 (s, .) for all s ∈ [0, τ ). 3. Moment conditions. We further assume the following moment bounds:


||f (x, y)||2 µy (s, dx) < ∞

sup y∈Rq ,

s∈[0,τ )



E [||f (xt , yt )||] < ∞.



t∈[0,T ],>0

Before stating the main result of this paper, we need to introduce the following definition. Definition 2.2. We define the averaged vector field:

f¯(y) :=


f (x, y)¯ µy (dx)




µ ¯y (dx) :=

1 τ



µy (t, dx)dt.



Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.

Double averaging principle


Accordingly, we introduce y¯ the solution of :

d¯ y = f¯(¯ y) dt


with initial condition y¯(0) = y0 . Then, under Assumptions 2.2, we have the following averaging principle: Theorem 2.3. The following convergence result holds :



lim E





− y¯t ||



t∈[0,T ]

As a consequence, the convergence also holds in probability : for all T > 0 and δ > 0:

" lim P




# ||yt


− y¯t || > δ = 0


t∈[0,T ]

Proof of the averaging principle

The idea of the proof is to decompose the interval [0, t] into many disjoint subintervals of size ∆ = 1/n. In each subinterval, the slow variable y  is almost constant and the fast variable x , by a time change, is well described by the long time behavior of the frozen y variable Xt . As we will see below the idea, introduced in [5], is to chose a subinterval size that depends on , and that is small enough to control the discrepancy between the fast variable and the frozen variable, yet large enough so that the frozen variable can be described by asymptotically periodic measure µ. We start by splitting [0, t] as the union of Lk = [kt/n, (k + 1)t/n] for k = 0, ..., n − 1. Within each Lk we define x ˆ the strong solution of:

s 1 1   g(ˆ xs , ykt/n , )ds + √ σ(xs , ykt/n )dWs    = xkt/n

: dˆ xs =

For kt/n < s ≤ (k + 1)t/n

: x ˆkt/n

At s = kt/n

where Wt is the same Brownian path used in the definition of x as the strong solution x of (S  ). We write the difference yt − y¯t as a sum:

yt − y¯t



= =

0 n−1 X

 f (xs , ys ) − f¯(¯ ys ) ds Z (I1,k + I2,k ) +


(f (ˆ xs , ys ) − f (ˆ xs , y¯s )) ds




Z I1,k


(f (xs , ys ) − f (ˆ xs , ys )) ds

:= kt/n

Z I2,k



 f (ˆ xs , y¯s ) − f¯(¯ ys ) ds


We will show in Lemma 3.1 how to control the term I1,k in terms of n and , studying the difference x − x ˆ and using the Lipschitz property of f . To estimate the second term I2,k , we will apply Lemma 3.2 below that shows how p to take advantage of the results of [8] (cf. section 2.1) so that I2,k will be of order O( /n). From those estimates we will be able to chose n() to control the growth of y  − y¯. Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.


Double averaging principle

Lemma 3.1. There exists a constant C > 0 such that:

  sup E ||xs − x ˆs ||2 ≤ C


1 1 + 2 2 n 3 n

   1 1 exp C + 2 n 2 n


Proof. Let s ∈ [0, t]. There exists k = k(s) such that s ∈ Lk and we have:

xs − x ˆs





1 √ 


kt/n Z s

  , u/) du g(xu , yu , u/) − g(ˆ xu , ykt/n 

  ) dWu σ(xu , yu ) − σ(ˆ xu , ykt/n


Using Cauchy-Schwartz inequality for the deterministic integral and Ito isometry for the stochastic one, we obtain:

Z 1 1 s  E||g(xu , yu , u/) − g(ˆ xu , ykt/n , u/)||2 du 2 n kt/n Z 1 s  E||σ(xu , yu ) − σ(ˆ )||2 du xu , ykt/n  kt/n

  E ||xs − x ˆs ||2 ≤ +

Now, using the Lipschitz property of g and σ , there exist K, K 0 > 0 such that:



x ˆs ||2

Z K1 s  E||xu − x ˆu ||2 + E||yu − ykt/n ||2 du 2 n kt/n Z K0 s  E||xu − x ˆu ||2 + E||yu − ykt/n ||2 du  kt/n

≤ +

 Since E||yu − ykt/n ||2 ≤ K 00 |u − kt/n| (by Assumption 2.2 (3.)) , we have:

  E ||xs − x ˆs ||2 ≤ + ≤

Z s K0 K1 + (u − kt/n)du 2 n  kt/n  Z s K1 K0 + E||xu − x ˆu ||2 du 2 n  kt/n " #   Z s 1 1 1 1 + 2 + + C E||xu − x ˆu ||2 du 2 n 3 n n2  kt/n K 00

We conclude by applying Gronwall Lemma. The previous Lemma will help us to chose n large enough such that the frozen variable and the original fast variable would stay close. However, one is not allowed to take n too large (i.e the interval spacing too small) since the ergodic mixing needs some time to occur. The aim of next Lemma is to quantify this statement. For t0 > 0, we define Xs,x,y solution of:

dXs,x,y =

1 1 g(Xs,x,y , y, s/)ds + √ σ(Xs,x,y , y)dWs  


for s > t0 and initial condition Xt0 = x. Lemma 3.2. There exists a constant M such that for any ξ > 0, y ∈ Rq and z ∈ [0, τ ], one can find a subsequence k going to zero as k → ∞ such that :

 2  1 Z t0 +ξ M k E  (f (Xsk ,x,y , y) − f¯(y))ds  µ(z, dx) ≤ ξ ξ p x∈R t0


Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.


Double averaging principle


Proof. In this proof we will make an essential use of the convergence rate of the law of the frozen process to its asymptotic time-periodic limit (cf. Section 2.1). x,y First, by a time change, we observe that Xs,x,y has the same law as Xs/ with X x,y solution of: dXsx,y = g(Xsx,y , y, s)ds + σ(Xsx,y , y)dWs (3.4) for s >


:= t and initial condition Xt = x. Then denoting T = ξ/ we have:

 2  1 Z t0 +ξ  f (Xs,x,y , y) − f¯(y) ds  E  ξ t0  2  1 Z t +T  E  f (Xsx,y , y) − f¯(y) ds  T t Z t +T Z t +T    1 E f (Xsx,y , y) − f¯(y) . f (Xrx,y , y) − f¯(y) dsdr 2 T t t Z t +T Z t +T 1 (E [f (Xsx,y , y)f (Xrx,y , y)] − E [f (Xsx,y , y)] E [f (Xrx,y , y)]) dsds0 T 2 t t " Z #2  1 t +T x,y E [f (Xs , y)] − f¯(y) ds T t


= = +

Let us denote Λ1 and Λ2 respectively the first and second term of the above sum. Using a change of variable, and conditioning w.r.t Xs , we bound Λ1 as:

||Λ1 || = ≤

Z t +T Z T +t −s       x,y x,y x,y x,y E E f (Xs+z , y)|Xs − E f (Xs+z , y) f (Xs , y) dsdz t 0 Z t +T Z T +t −s       2 x,y x,y E E f (Xs+z , y)|Xsx,y − E f (Xs+z , y) f (Xsx,y , y) dsdz 2 T t 0 2 T2

Using Cauchy-Schwartz inequality to the integrand, we obtain:

      x,y x,y E E f (Xs+z , y)|Xsx,y − E f (Xs+z , y) f (Xsx,y , y)  h i h     2 i1/2 2 x,y x,y ≤ E ||f (Xsx,y , y)|| E E f (Xs+z , y)|Xsx,y − E f (Xs+z , y) 

From Assumption 2.2 (3.), we know that E ||f (Xsx,y , y)||2 will be uniformly bounded by a constant C1 . Furthermore, we deduce from Theorem 2.1 (cf. [8]) that

h     2 i x,y x,y hz (x) := E E f (Xs+z , y)|Xsx,y − E f (Xs+z , y) goes to zero exponentially fast in z . Indeed, we first use Eq. (2.6) which implies:


Z hz (x)µ(t , dx) =

Z   y Ex0 ,s f (Xs+z , y) − p

x0 ∈R


2 f (x, y)µ(s + z, dx) µ(s, dx0 ) p


(3.5) Then from Eq. (2.7), we conclude that there exist constants M, κ > 0 such that:

Z x∈Rp

hz (x)µ(t , dx) ≤ M e−κz


||f (x, y)||2 µ(s + z, dx) ≤ M C1 e−κz



Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.


Double averaging principle

By Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, and since hz (x) ≥ 0:




hz (x)1/2 µ(t , dx) ≤

hz (x)µ(t , dx)




so that:



||Λ ||µ(t , dx) ≤ x∈Rp

≤ ≤ =

1/2 C1 1/2 C1

C1 M

2 T2


2 T2



T +t


T +t



4C1 M 1/2

T +t −s




(hz (x))1/2 µ(t , dx)dzds




2 T2 

T +t −s

T +t


1/2 dzds hz (x)µ(t , dx) x∈Rp !


T +t −s

e−κz/2 dz




 1 2 1 − 2 2 (1 − e−κT /2 ) = O( ) = O(/ξ) κT κ T T

Furthermore, one remarks that the above bound holds for any  sufficiently small, say  < 0 , in particular any  ∈ [1 , 0 ] where 1 is such that t01 = t00 + τ . Because of Rthe time 1periodicity of µ, one concludes that the obtained bound is also valid for any ||Λ ||µ(z, dx), with z ∈ [0, τ ). Notice that in the bound we have obtained,  is such x∈Rp that z = t0 [τ ]. The second term Λ2 also goes to 0, as O(1/T 2 ) because E [f (Xsx,y , y)] is asymptotically periodic, which ends the proof. In the following Lemma, we establish a link between the law of xt , denoted Pt and the law µy¯t (z, .), for some z ∈ [0, τ ). To this end, we need first to introduce an appropriate distance between two probability measures, namely the Kantorovich distance here. Definition 3.3. If P and Q are two probability measures on Rp , one defines:

d(P, Q) :=

sup Lip(h)≤1

Z Z hdP − hdQ


where the supremum is taken over all Lipschitz functions h : Rp → R such that |h(x) − h(y)| ≤ ||x − y||. Lemma 3.4. With the above notations, for any t > 0 and any  > 0, there exists a constant C = C(t) > 0 (independent of ) such that

 Z t   d(Pt , µy¯t (z, .)) ≤ C E ||ys − y¯s || ds + e−κt/



with z ≡


[τ ].

Proof. The idea of the proof is to decompose the distance d(Pt , µy¯t (z, .)) using the triangular inequality as follows:

d(Pt , µ ¯y¯t ) ≤ d(Pt , P˜t ) + d(P˜t , µy¯t (z, .))


˜t solution of the SDE: where P˜t is the law of x d˜ xs =

1 1 g(˜ xs , y¯s , s/)ds + √ σ(˜ xs , y¯s )dBs  


for s > 0, with initial condition x ˜0 = x. Let us study both terms of the sum: Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.

Double averaging principle


• First, from Theorem 2.1 (cf. [8]), we deduce that there exists a constant M > 0 such that: d(P˜t , µy¯t (z, .)) ≤ M e−κt/ (3.12) Indeed, by a time-change u = s/, one remarks that P˜t is also the law of X t  solution of:

dXu = g(Xu , y¯t , u)du + σ(Xu , y¯t )dBu The long-time behavior of the above SDE (corresponding  → 0 and t fixed) is described by Theorem 2.1, implying that the law of Xu converges exponentially fast to µy¯t (u[τ ], .) as u becomes large. Therefore, the law P˜t also converges exponentially fast to µy¯t (z[τ ], .). Notice that, since the left hand side of inequality (2.7) involves an average over µ, the constant M appearing in (3.12) shall depend on the initial condition x. • Second, the distance d(Pt , P˜t ) can be controlled by the spread between y  and y¯:

d(Pt , P˜t )




≤ CE

 − y¯s || ds




|E [h(˜ xt ) − h(xt )]|

E [||˜ xt − xt ||] Z t  Z t K E ||ys − y¯s || ds + E ||˜ xs − xs || ds

≤ ≤


(3.14) (3.15)


Applying Gronwall Lemma to E [||˜ xt − xt ||] gives:

E [||˜ xt − xt ||] ≤ KeKt



E ||ys − y¯s || ds

0 Kt

implying (3.13) with C = Ke


We are now able to conclude the proof of the averaging principle: Proof of Theorem 2.3 Proof. Equipped with Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we are now able to select the value of n() so that the subintervals size ∆() would be: • sufficiently small to be able to approximate x by x ˆ during a time ∆(), that is we want the right hand size of Eq. (3.1) goes to 0 when  → 0


• sufficiently large for the mixing to occur: each I2,k is of order O( /n()) (from Lemma 3.2 with ξ = 1/n()) and we have to sum them n() times, that is we want p n() → 0. To this end, we set:

n() =

1  ln(1/)h

and plugging this expression in Eq. (3.1), we obtain that: if 2h − 1 < 0 then the right hand side of Eq. (3.1) goes to 0 when  → 0. So we choose h = 1/4 for instance. Obviously, the second requirement n() → 0 is also satisfied. So with this choice of n(), by Lemma 3.1 and using the Lipschitz property of f , we deduce that

 Z t      lim sup E || (f (xs f , ys ) − f (ˆ xs , ys )ds|| = 0

→0 t∈[0,T ]


Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.


Double averaging principle

We want to to control each:

I˜2,k =



(f (ˆ xs , y¯kt/n ) − f¯(¯ ykt/n ))ds


  ˜ 2 since the initial value x ˆkt/n , In fact, Lemma 3.2 does not control exactly E I2,k which is equal to xkt/n , is not exactly distributed according to µy¯kt/n (z, x) for z ∈ [0, τ ), nor according to µ ¯y¯kt/n (x). So one cannot directly apply Lemma 3.2. However, the  law of xkt/n is shown in Lemma 3.4 to be close in some sense to µy¯kt/n (z, x) for some z ∈ [0, τ ). More precisely we obtain:

    ˜ 2 ˜ 2   ≤ M /n + Rkt/n E I2,k = Eν I2,k + Rkt/n where ν = µy¯kt/n (z, .) with z =  Rkt/n

kt n [τ ]

and with

  Z t  κkt 2 ≤C E ||ys − y¯s || ds + e− n 0

− κkt n

where each e goes to zero as  → 0 since n is chosen such that n → 0. As for s ∈ Lk we have ||¯ ys − y¯kt/n || ≤ K/n so that ||I2,k − I˜2,k || is of order 1/n2 since

R 1/n 0

sds = 1/2n2 . Using Gronwall Lemma, we deduce that h i 2 lim sup E ||yt − y¯t || = 0


→0 t∈[0,T ]

Finally, one applies Prop A.2 (Appendix) to conclude the proof. Indeed, ∆yt = yt − y¯t is continuous in the sense that there exists K > 0 such that:

" sup E >0


# sup


t∈[0,T −h] r,s∈[t,t+h]


∆ys |

≤ Kh

Strong convergence and regularity

Let (x (t))t∈[0,T ] a family of real valued stochastic processes, with  a positive parameter. We are looking for a condition such that

lim sup E[|x (t)|] = 0 ⇒ lim E[ sup |x (t)|] = 0

→0 t∈[0,T ]



t∈[0,T ]

In general, it is not true. Indeed, consider the following counter-example. Let j be a random integer chosen uniformly from 0, ..., n − 1. Let xn (t) be a piecewise linear function on [0, 1] as follows: • xn (t) = 0 if t ∈ / Jn where Jn = [j/n, (j + 1)/n] • If t ∈ Jn , then the graph of xn (t) has a "tent shape": it vanishes at each endpoint and increases linearly with slope 2n as we move toward the midpoint so that it takes value 1 at the midpoint. The resulting function xn (t) is piecewise linear on [0, 1], bounded by 1 and the slope of any linear segment is bounded by 2n. Then, for each t, E[|xn (t)|] ≤ 1/n since xn (t) 6= 0 only with probability 1/n and 0 ≤ xn (t) ≤ 1. However, E[supt∈[0,1] |xn (t)|] = 1 since supt∈[0,1] |xn (t)| = 1 for every outcome. We show below that if one controls the continuity of x uniformly on [0, T ] then the implication becomes true. Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.

Double averaging principle


Definition A.1. For any h > 0, we define the modulus of continuity of a trajectory (x(t))t∈[0,T ] by: ωx (h) := sup sup |x(r) − x(s)| (A.2) t∈[0,T −h] r,s∈[t,t+h]

The main result is then the following: Proposition A.2. Suppose that: 1. there exists φ() such that sup E[|x (t)|] ≤ φ() → 0 as  → 0 t∈[0,T ]

2. sup E [ωx (h)] ≤ c(h) with lim c(h) = 0 h→0



E[ sup |x (t)|] ≤ inf

φ()δ + c(T φ()1−δ )



t∈[0,T ]

Proof. From Lemma A.5, we have for all n ∈ N∗ :

E[ sup |x (t)|] ≤ (n + 1)φ() + c(T /n)


t∈[0,T ]

Choosing n dependent on  as n() + 1 = φ()δ−1 for a constant δ ∈ (0, 1) we obtain:

E[ sup |x (t)|] ≤ φ()δ + c(T φ()1−δ )


t∈[0,T ]

so that:

E[ sup |x (t)|] ≤ inf

φ()δ + c(T φ()1−δ )



t∈[0,T ]

Remark A.3. Under assumptions 1. and 2., we have in particular

lim E[ sup |x (t)|] = 0


t∈[0,T ] α

Remark A.4. In the case c(h) = O(h ) and φ() = O(γ ) one finds that

E[ sup |x (t)|] = O(µ ) with µ = t∈[0,T ]

γα 1+α

In fact we have found a bound µ on the convergence rate of supt∈[0,T ] |x (t)| in L1 as a function of the averaged uniform Hölder exponent α and the uniform convergence rate γ of E[|x (t)|]. If the trajectories are very smooth, then α is large and µ is close to γ . If the trajectories are only uniformly Lipschitz-continuous (in the sense α = 1), then the bound µ is half of γ . To establish Prop. A.2 we have used the following inequality: Lemma A.5. For all n ∈ N∗ , we have the following inequality:

E[ sup |x(t)|] ≤ (n + 1) sup E[|x(t)|] + E [ωx (T /n)] t∈[0,T ]


t∈[0,T ]

Proof. Denote S := sup |x(t)|. For n ∈ N∗ , consider a sequence of n + 1 points tk = t∈[0,T ]

kT /n for 0 ≤ k ≤ n in the inverval [0, T ], and denote Sn := max |x(tk )|. 0≤k≤n

Then S − Sn ≥ 0 and

E[S − Sn ] ≤ E [ωx (T /n)]




= E[Sn ] + E[S − Sn ] ≤ (n + 1) max E[|x(tk )|] + c(T /n) 0≤k≤n

Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.

(A.9) (A.10)


Double averaging principle

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Acknowledgments. The author thanks the anonymous reviewer for pointing out several improvements of this article.

Electron. Commun. Probab. 0 (2012), no. 0, 1–12.