Download 2011-2012 Annual Report - SUNY Plattsburgh

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JoshuA duntley speAks on ForensiC psyChology bright With promise CAmpAign exCeeds $15 million goAl more thAn 1,000 grAduAte in spring Ceremony.

101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901

“Innocence,” a 2011 oil painting by Lauren Mahoney ‘12, was shown at the 2012 senior BFA exhibition. Says Mahoney: “When I paint, it is a physical and mental act of quick, decisive, agile strokes... My paintings are not systematically pre-conceived but arrive at a natural, authoritative conclusion.”

s ity l las a C y Qu al y en n ver i o t e e i m a G r h h s en lac ion r Cha s Ag urg e l e b Fre llowe orkp sary l g i s g e o lin M tt l n F r W n a l 5 e o l e O g Ha c $1 Co nce or tr niv Y P re th -2012. kin usi ing ds op M e e ly S ory Of tion F 11 An m T a Ra i SUN 1 l e a s e ica Hist ni t. Exc d Leaf s at t her om 201 tre t Of ter Sc ras g p m g S s n g i n e e e o L e s g S u s p d u c i es Sprin o r u b n e p e p e f t i a o l , i s a ca t R p g l m s S h s B Be Co In ee Arab ch h t it al adline es A Discu ional emora al Cam hbor ow o r REPORT s u i m d e h r t ND d m o e s r t T i A r e l h ig it c m Too o repo top he ono e Ra once ’ At On Th ar lish Prom rs Ne ons’ S H Wel id Ska ives Na t Com ty Rec & WORLD CS k e b q c l e a i C t i a ’s t o W h ce ONOMI ul leg WS erv peaks The Ye Dav cer ion ear ollege un r Jazz S s Es t Wit Spons Of Nat t y e R c a i i Col thor ege Re Con ts Fac .S. 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101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901

“Innocence,” a 2011 oil painting by Lauren Mahoney ‘12, was shown at the 2012 senior BFA exhibition. Says Mahoney: “When I paint, it is a physical and mental act of quick, decisive, agile strokes... My paintings are not systematically pre-conceived but arrive at a natural, authoritative conclusion.”



The Annual Report is published by the Plattsburgh College Foundation and the SUNY Plattsburgh Office of Marketing and Communications. State University of New York College at Plattsburgh 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY, 12901 Tel: 800-964-1889 Tel: 518-564-2090 [email protected] Photography by Andy Duback, Peter Finger, Rob Fountain, Bryce Hoffman, Mark McCarty and Tom Semeraro.

02 From the President

04 Volunteer Leadership of the College

06 Vital Signs: A Look at Our Students

08 Academic Breakthroughs, Big and Small

10 Building A Better Plattsburgh

12 The Economics of SUNY Plattsburgh

14 Cardinal Athletics Highlight Reel

18 Our Alumni: Red All Over

20 Plattsburgh College Foundation Report

22 Financial Summary 2011-2012

24 The Honor Roll of 2011-2012

39 Gifts Made in Memory and in Honor

When you were a kid, you probably tried at least once to hold your breath for as long as possible. Do you remember how good it felt when you finally took a big new breath of fresh air? For SUNY Plattsburgh, 2011-2012 was the year of fresh air. We came in on a high — having completed the Bright with Promise Campaign more than $1 million over the goal. Meanwhile, the state budget turmoil brought on by 2008’s Great Recession finally began to ease. Our campus received a rare set of commendations from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education along with its 10-year reaffirmation of our accreditation. We enrolled the strongest cohort of new students in recent history. We broke ground on our first totally new building in almost 30 years. With a stable budget and a clean bill of operational health, we are back to planning for the long term and thinking about how to best serve, not just how to best survive. I am proud of the achievements of our campus as we emerge from difficult times. I am also proud to share our progress — along with some much-deserved recognition of our most loyal supporters — with you in this Annual Report.

John Ettling President 02 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report

Volunteer LEADERSHIP OF the College Plattsburgh is strong because of the many leaders who contribute their time, expertise, ideas and influence toward making it so. The college extends its gratitude.

The Plattsburgh Alumni Association Board of Directors Toni Anne Nichels ’88 President Gary Stevens ’79 First Vice President Diane Austin ’73 G’76 Second Vice President Joseph DeSalvo ’89 Treasurer Dr. Ashley R. Gambino ’04 Secretary Douglas McManus ‘89 G’91 Past President

The College Council Salvatore Graven ’02 Acting Chair

Joanne Nelson Executive Director

Karen J. Edwards G’84 Secretary

Members at Large Jody Carpenter ’92 Richard Davino ’89 G’94 Justin Elmendorf ’04

Sydney S. Garrant ’69 G’75 John W. Johnson ’71 G’93 Heidi H. Kelly Martin Mannix Jr. ’64 Dr. Peter Sayles Patrick K. Russell Roger J. Burke* Charles Sanchez ’13 Prajwal “PJ” Shah ’11

Ex-Officio Dr. John Ettling Anne Whitmore Hansen Student Representatives Sitikege Mwakatobe ’11 Prajwal “PJ” Shah ’11

The Plattsburgh College Foundation Board of Directors Daniel J. Burke ’74 President David F. Champagne III ‘84 First Vice President Dr. James M. Johnson Second Vice President Kathy A. MaGaw ’72 Treasurer Linda L. Bourgeois Secretary

Right: Students write about why they love SUNY Plattsburgh on a size 20XL T-shirt for “Wear a Cause Day” in Amitié Plaza. The shirt comfortably fit up to seven students at a time.

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Woodrow Freese Jr. ’87 G’98 Christina Gerardi ’80 Michael Harrington ’03 G’05 Carrie Harvey-Zales ’95 G’98 Carla Jordan ’04 John Longware ’56 Dr. Stanley Maziejka ’80 Gregory Riley ’77 Kim Scalzo ’89 Theresa Siroky ’84 Dr. Hassan Tetteh ’94

Anne Whitmore Hansen Executive Director Directors Eileen B. Allen ’77

2011-2012 Annual report

Scott R. Bombard ’74 Anthony Cassella ’76 John K. Conners ’75 Wayne A. Duprey ’84 Dr. John Ettling Todd A. Moravec Richard G. Pfadenhauer ’85 Charles C. Sanchez ’13 Douglas A. Sloan ’91 Kirk A. Stallsmith Trent L. Trahan ’70 Lawrence M. Unrein ’79 Honorary Roger Forrence Donald Garrant ’57 G’59 Dr. Celine R. Paquette ’60

Ex-Officio John R. Homburger ‘75 William Laundry H’05 Dr. James Liszka Toni Anne Nichels ‘88 Appointed for 2012-2013 Richard E. Geoffroy ’93 Randall G. Giltz ‘87 Thomas M. Hermes ‘70 Jeffrey Rendinaro Thomas J. Skea ‘81 Robert C. Smith David M. Zebro ‘72

Vital Signs: A Look at Our Students To study at SUNY Plattsburgh is to do much more than study. The college is attracting academically strong students from New York, from throughout the United States and from more than 60 countries around the world. They are leaving their marks on the community through an immense commitment to volunteerism. They are establishing legacies of achievement in everything from the Cardinal sports record books to the Cardinal Points newspaper. Here they are, by the numbers.

Fall 2011 Enrollment Undergraduate: 5,822 Graduate: 528 Total Enrollment: 6,350

Blood Drives 7 drives 571 volunteers 432 units of blood collected

Branch Campus at Queensbury Undergraduate: 250 Graduate: 127 Gender Male: 2,788

Female: 3,562

High School Average for Freshman Class: 88.8 Financial Aid 80 percent of our students (graduate and undergraduate) received financial aid. More than $60 million in aid — including scholarships, grants, and loans — was distributed. Local Volunteerism through Project H.E.L.P. 1,191 volunteers 11,576 hours of service

Hundreds of Events Conferences Workshops Poetry readings Concerts Arts discussions Exhibitions Plays Dance performances The Seventh Annual President’s Gala Late Night Weekends Storytellers Student Organizations 22 honor societies 11 fraternities 8 sororities 5 religious organizations 12 ethnic organizations 74 other groups for music, dance and theater, intramural sports, politics, academic interests and more.

Alternative Break Volunteerism 8 trips 300 students More than 1,200 hours of service 100 percent of those involved said they would volunteer again.

Right: Ecology students Siobhan Levere and Erica Gorey measure and tag bass for the Lake Champlain Research Institute. The institute is studying how fishing tournaments affect the movement of sport fish populations throughout the lake.

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2011-2012 Annual report

“It’s amazing to be surrounded by the natural resources I am studying — lakes, mountains, forests and wetlands.” – Siobhan Levere ’13

ACADEMIC Breakthroughs, Big and Small Scholarship is the heartbeat of any college. At Plattsburgh, that means providing students with our signature blend of personal attention, innovative teaching, original research and experiential learning.

Academic Highlights The Middle States Commission on Higher Education renewed the college’s accreditation for 10 years with multiple commendations.

The college recruited 14 tenure-track faculty, one senior assistant librarian, five lecturers and six visiting assistant professors.

The International Student Barometer ranked Plattsburgh No. 1 in the United States and No. 2 in the world for overall satisfaction.

Work began on a strategic and academic plan that will guide the campus through 2018. Emerging themes include strengthening teaching excellence, experiential learning, assessment of student outcomes and preparation for life after graduation.

Eight faculty and staff and four students were awarded the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence. The college received or reaffirmed field-specific accreditation in communication disorders and sciences (ASHA), counselor education (CACREP) and business and economics (AACSB).

Faculty produced 18 books, 18 book chapters, 95 articles in peerreviewed journals and scores of other publications, abstracts, presentations and artistic performances.

New Academic Programs Master’s: Teaching and learning Graduate certificate: Early childhood education Clinical mental health counseling Leadership

Undergraduate minor: Bioinformatics Botany Entrepreneurship Web design and programming

Undergraduate certificate: Healthcare informatics

Right: Dr. Kenneth Podolak worked with the physics club in 2011 to build an electric-assist bicycle. Podolak tested its range by riding to campus from Rouse’s Point, a distance of more than 23 miles, without pedaling.

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2011-2012 Annual report

“I am most proud when I see success at all levels. Sometimes it is an individual student taking pride in their research or next big breakthrough.” – Dr. Kenneth Podolak

“Are our spirits up? I know mine are. It’s uplifting. The students are uplifted.”

Building A Better Plattsburgh

New Building for Business, Economics and Computer Science Cost: $14 million Open: 2013

A combined investment of more than $57 million (mostly from state construction funds) is remaking campus. The most visible sign? The construction of our first totally new building since the 1970s.

Highlights: 43,400 square feet of new classroom and office space; rooftop garden; accounting lab; videoconferencing; specialized computer labs; student common areas; fourperson study rooms; constructed to meet the LEED silver standard. Hood Hall Renovation Cost: $6.5 million Open: 2012 Highlights: Fitness center satellite; lounges and kitchenettes on every floor; improved elevators; new furnishings; energy-saving improvements expected to cut energy costs by 23 percent. Feinberg Library Renovation Cost: $481,000 Open: Spring 2012 Highlights: Restoration of basement space flooded in 2010; updated computer labs; improved lighting, data and power systems; new furnishings; third-floor reading room; second-floor “deep-quiet” study space; presentation rooms that allow students to record, play back and critique their performances.

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2011-2012 Annual report

Hudson Hall Renovation Cost: $20 million Open: 2013 Highlights: Renovated planetarium; science labs with all-new equipment, benches, epoxy resin countertops and ventilation systems; new interior walls, floors and ceilings; new greenhouse; new roof; upgraded insulation, windows and doors; exterior landscaping with native plants and rocks; eco-friendly, water-pervious parking lot. Hudson Hall Annex Cost: $16.2 million Open: Spring 2011 Highlights: 27,000 square feet of advanced laboratory and instructional space for the sciences; eco-friendly design. Saranac River Trail Cost: Funded by grants and the City of Plattsburgh Open: Spring 2012 Highlights: The 1.3-mile paved riverfront trail passes through campus behind Macdonough Hall, the intramural fields and Sibley Hall.

– Edward Miller, associate dean of arts and sciences and SUNY distinguished service professor of chemistry, on the addition to Hudson Hall.

The Economics of SUNY Plattsburgh




The college regained steady financial footing in 2011-2012.


Total Annual Expenditures 2011-2012: $67.6 million

A look at the long-term trend shows the recovery is from students shouldering a greater share of costs as taxpayers retreated from funding higher education.











REVENUE BY SOURCE 2007-2008 $75.4 million


2011-2012 $77.9 million

$30M $40.4M








2011-2012 Annual report





Total economic impact: $203 million Jobs supported: 2,286 Direct student spending: $47.4 million Direct visitor spending: $4.7 million


Change: +3.3%


The college remains a powerful force for economic development in the North Country. A recent study of the college’s economic impact, using widely accepted methodology, calculated these results for the fiscal year 20102011:

Student Affairs



The Impact of SUNY Plattsburgh

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$15M Academic Affairs

Over the past five years, overall revenues grew by $2.5 million (3.3 percent). Over the same period, the state reduced its direct support to the campus by $7.2 million (38 percent). Students have made up the difference.



*Encompasses student fees for admissions, athletics, health services, parking, technology, ticket sales, summer and winter session tuition, and other revenue.

Cardinal Athletics Highlight Reel The SUNY Plattsburgh Cardinals continue to power a tradition of excellence in and out of competition. This year, intercollegiate teams generated six AllAmericans representing four sports, 120 SUNYAC All-Academic accolades and numerous individual and team accomplishments. One day that will go down in Plattsburgh history: Feb. 5, 2012. Men’s hockey coach Bob Emery and women’s hockey coach Kevin Houle notched their 500th and 200th career wins in the same arena on the same day, just hours apart.

Season Performances Men’s Teams Baseball Basketball Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Track and Field Cross-Country Women’s Teams Basketball Cross-Country Hockey Soccer Softball Tennis Track and Field Volleyball

Record 22-17, SUNYAC Coach of the Year Kris Doorey 8-18 19-5-4, SUNYAC Champions, NCAA Quarterfinalists, SUNYAC Coach of the Year Bob Emery 11-7 13-5-2 7th Place SUNYAC Championships (outdoor); 8th Place, SUNYAC Championships (indoor) 9th Place NCAA Regional Record 10-15 7th Place NCAA Championships, SUNYAC Champion and NCAA Regional Champion Stefanie Braun 20-7-3, 3rd Place NCAA Championships 7-6-3 35-11, SUNYAC Champions, NCAA Regional Champions 7-7, 5th Place SUNYAC Championships 6th Place SUNYAC Championships (outdoor), 6th Place SUNYAC Championships (indoor) 12-21

Hall of Fame Inductees 2011 Chris Panek, men’s hockey Chris Verkey ‘01, men’s, track and field Laura Ray ‘96, women’s soccer Paul Dingman ‘69, baseball 2012 Brian Dodge ‘76*, cross country/track and field Bryan Murray ‘01, men’s hockey Niklas Sundberg ‘02, men’s hockey The 1975-1976 men’s basketball team

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2011-2012 Annual report

Right: Captain Kyle Kudroch leads his team on home ice against Buffalo State in February 2012. The Cardinals won 1-0.

Creative Fire The arts never stop at Plattsburgh. A visitor to campus this year might have found chamber music in E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, a production of “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” in Hartman Theatre, a clothesline strung with student art in Myers, dramatic photography in the Burke Gallery, the Gospel Choir performing just about anywhere, a poetry reading on the plaza or a late night jam session in the Angell College Center.

Roger Ackley, an information technology major and studio art minor, welds strips of steel together in the Myers Fine Arts Building for a sculpture he is creating. The senior has never exhibited his work publicly. “I do it just to take care of my creative itch,” he says.

OUR ALUMNI: Red All Over

The Alumni Association Mission Statement

Students become alumni, and their connection with Plattsburgh lasts a lifetime. The Office of Alumni Relations makes sure of that every summer at Reunion, every fall at Homecoming, and all year long. In 2011-2012, more than 4,000 alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of the college attended one or more association events.

The mission of the Plattsburgh Alumni Association is to: secure and strengthen the relationships between alumni and the college; actively support the student experience; facilitate the transition of current students to the alumni ranks; and work in partnership with the college to encourage alumni participation in its programs, activities and development efforts. Ways in which the Plattsburgh Alumni Association supports the student experience include: » Career networking, programming and direct access to alumni through the Plattsburgh Alumni Community. » Grants to students that underwrite student-centered educational programs, including guest speakers, conference travel and artistic performances.

Homecoming and Reunion. » The Distinguished Visiting Alumni Program which brings successful alumni back to campus to interact with and mentor current students.

» Communications with students

Honoring Our Best in 2011 and 2012 *Distinguished Service Award: Kathy A. MaGaw ‘75 Dr. Richard Semmler ‘65 Distinguished Alumni Award: Dr. Richard Correnti ‘62 Lt. Gen. L J. Manor USAF (Ret.) ‘40 Robert M. Garrow ‘52 Alumni Service Award: Stasia O. Arcarese ‘62 Off to a Good Start Award: Michael Nathan Mendez Bates ‘02 Selviana Banua Bates ‘02 Faculty/Staff Impact Award: Dr. Mohamed Gaber Distinguished Visiting Alumni: Dr. Neville E. Strumpf ‘69 Capt. Pamela Giza, USN ‘81 Dr. Nancy Balkon ‘70 Raghida Dergham ‘73 Dr. Haagen D. Klaus ‘00

to promote alumni-sponsored programming, events and resources. The Alumni Association hosted 27 events across 16 locations in 2011-2012. Plattsburgh Valcour Westport Buffalo Albany

*Awarded by the College Council

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» Alumni events on campus such as

2011-2012 Annual report

Boston, Mass. Burlington, Vt. Atlanta, Ga. Arlington, Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Litchfield Park, Ariz.

New York City Queensbury Rochester Hyde Park Valley Stream

Plattsburgh College Foundation REPORT Plattsburgh students are asked to excel academically, engage socially, give back civically and grow personally. We also ask them to pay more — both in actual dollars and as a share of the total cost of their education — than any other generation in the history of state-supported higher education. We would love to change that last part. We would love to provide a college education free of student debt. We envision sending our graduates into the world having received an uncompromising education, unburdened with loan payments, free to pursue their life’s best course.

of our students.

We cannot do that alone. We can only do that through the generous support of our donors. Donors change lives. Enclosed in this section of our annual report, you will see names and numbers that, together, tell a story. They tell of the people working to help our students through financial aid and support for college programming. When you read these names, please join us in our gratitude for their contributions, and please consider how you can help. In doing so, you may change the course of a life.

Daniel Burke ’74 President, Plattsburgh College Foundation

Anne Whitmore Hansen Vice President for Institutional Advancement Executive Director, Plattsburgh College Foundation

Expeditionary studies major Ryan Ward on the Saranac River.


2007 2010

10% 2006




2012 -2.4%














2011-2012 Annual report


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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012





Student Aid $1,309,817 74.0%


Faculty and Staff $125,329 8.2%



Friends $170,409 11.1%

Academic and Student Life $240,567 13.6%


Institutional Support $218,930 12.4%

n $11,075,885








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



Alumni $724,665 47.4%




n $12,000,000




























$2,000,000 $1,000,000












Bright With Promise, a sevenyear comprehensive fundraising campaign, ended in 2011 with more than $16 million raised.




Financial Summary 2011-2012









Parents $19,219 1.3% Businesses and Organizations $488,191 32.0%

Total Expenditures $1,769,314

Total Gifts $1,527,813



The Honor Roll of 2011-2012

Henry Barcomb Jr. ‘86

Steven Betrus ‘86 and Colleen

Jean Bovee ‘55

Suzanne Brunet ‘64

Susan Cardellino ‘73

Diane Chevalier ‘65

Ronald and Leith Bardon

David Bowen ‘74

Louise Brushnefski ‘44

Margaret Carey ‘69

Ann ‘57 and George Chien

Mark Barie ‘75 and Christine Racine ‘79

Catharine Beuerman ‘51

Audrey Bowman ‘52

Ruth Brussel ‘53

Travis ‘97 and Janet ‘96 Carey

Kathleen ‘76 and Terry Chilton

Barie & Company

Linda Bianco ‘65

Irma Boyea ‘72

Jack Bryan III ‘73

Linda Carley ‘61

Margaret Chippari ‘56

Jacqueline Barker ‘93

Pamela ‘92 and Milton Bickle

Margaret Boyea ‘73

Christopher ‘85 and Margaret ‘86 Buck

James Carlin ‘85

Joseph Chiseri ‘76

Joan Barnes ‘51

Carol Bicknell ‘81

James Boyle ‘68

Michael Buckley ‘82

Thomas ‘66 and Linda ‘68 Carlsen

Donna Chisholm ‘73

Patricia Barney ‘66

Olga Bieling ‘50

Celia Bradford ‘77

Marian Budnar ‘77

George Carlson Jr. ‘73

Mark ‘69 and Holley ‘75 Christiansen

Virginia Barnish ‘76

Peter Biesemeyer ‘65

Thomas Bradley ‘72

Leslie Buell ‘65

John Carothers

Kenneth Chuney ‘91

Raymond Barone ‘77

Aaron and Anne Bigalow

Nancy and Walter III Church

Roger ‘72 and Christine ‘70 Bigelow

Patrick Burch ‘97

Ruthann Anderson ‘65

Michelle Barr ‘85

James ‘68 and Elizabeth ‘68 Bradt

Gerald Carpenter ‘72

Leonard ‘70 and Claudia Churnetski

William Jr. ‘59 and Ann Anderson

Joyce Bird ‘69

Gordon Burdo Jr. ‘71

John ‘73 and Patricia ‘73 Carpenter

Michele Barricelli ‘82

William Brady ‘86

Stanley Cianfarano ‘71

Kari Anderson Fahrenbach ‘93

Sharman Birtz ‘73

Joan Burger ‘63

Michael Carpenter ‘78

Debra Barten ‘74

Elaine Brandt ‘54

Keith Clark

Mary Bixby ‘87

Mark Burigo ‘75

Donald ‘71 and Donna ‘71 Anguish

Helen Barton ‘49

Dorothy Brannigan ‘54

Carpenter Brothers Moving & Storage

John Bartoszek ‘72

Bonnie-Leigh Black ‘72

Daniel ‘74 and Cindy Burke

Lee Clark ‘70

Robert Antonecchia ‘78

Gary Brannigan

Michele Carpentier ‘77

Sue ‘74 and Gene Clark

Michael Bashaw Sr. ‘65

Carol Blackburn ‘78

Roger Burke *

Mary-Lenn Carr ‘67

Norman ‘74 and Jacqueline Appel

Juanita Brassard ‘68

Katherine Appleton ‘85

Richard ‘60 and Esther ‘61 Batchelder

Neal and Sheryl Blackstein

Elizabeth Burns ‘77

Susan Clark Blackburn ‘64

Anonymous (5)

Mary Brassard ‘64

Gale Carroll ‘71

Barbara Arana ‘62

Renee Bator and Todd Moravec

Janet Blaha ‘89

Janice Burns ‘69

Sarah Clark-Smithson ‘89

Kenneth ‘77 and Barbara ‘70 Adams

Cheryl Brayton ‘92

Kathryn Carter ‘82

James Clarke ‘68

Julius Archibald Jr.

Maureen Battiste ‘78

Gail Blake ‘65

Christopher Burtch ‘93

Neal Carter ‘91

Peter and Nancy Adams

Nancy Breen ‘54

Francis ‘69 and Patricia ‘69 Arcuri

Rosanne Battisti-Baxter ‘78

Karen Blance ‘73

Anne Burton ‘51

William Clarke ‘82

Richard Adams Jr. ‘95

William Breen ‘79

Scott Carter ‘79

Joan Argentero ‘54

Margaret Sordelet Bauer ‘54

Bridget Blanchard ‘60

Eleonora Burton ‘61

Philip Clarkson

Louis Adessa ‘73

John Brennan ‘81

David ‘87 and Karen ‘89 Carver

Mary Jo Argotsinger ‘73

Mary Bauer ‘74

Jeffrey Blanchard ‘74

Judith Bury ‘60

Timothy Clukey ‘97

Gerald Adler ‘73

Eileen Brewer ‘66

Maryann Case ‘77

Nancy Argus ‘58

Richard Baumgartner ‘74

Pamela Blanchard ‘94

Gary Butler ‘64

Timothy Clum ‘76

Jean Ainslie ‘59

Stephen ‘73 and Janet ‘73 Brezinski

Casella Waste Systems

Robert Armstrong ‘78

Sheila Bazarian ‘56

Stephen Bliss ‘76

Susan Butler ‘85

Geoffrey Co ‘91

Clayton Ajello ‘72

Mildred Briggs ‘65

Robert Casero Jr. ‘75

David ‘51* and Anneke ‘52* Arnold

S. Janet Beal ‘76

Louise Blivin ‘60

Bruce Butterfield

Eleanor Cococcia ‘52

Joy Aker ‘72

Steven ‘76 and Ellen ‘76 Brill

Lisa Casey ‘86

Kelly Arnold ‘82

Mark Beatham

Madeline Blood

Jacqueline Butterfield ‘71

James ‘67 and Susan Coffey

Gerald Alberry ‘87

Kenneth Brinck ‘91

Helen Casinelli ‘69

Alice Arzani ‘56

Harry Beck III ‘69

Marise Bloom

Sally Byrd ‘58

Jon Coffin ‘76

Janis Albrecht ‘72

Leslie Bristol ‘84

Jamie Casline ‘81

Adel Assal ‘83

Ines Beck ‘58

Martha Blount ‘73

Michael Caccuitto Jr. ‘65

Mark Cohen

Mildred Albrecht ‘54

Clarice Broderick ‘62

Robert Casper Sr. ‘74

Miriam Astacio ‘71

Carolyn ‘70 and Frederic Becker

Arthur Blymiller ‘74

George Cady ‘72

Barbara Cole ‘61

Janet Alexander ‘61

Lawrence and Sharon Brody

Joseph and E. Jacqueline Cassaniti

Anne Astemborski ‘82

Rita Bedard ‘45

Joseph Bodenrader

Patricia Cagle ‘73

Mary Coli ‘81

Joseph Alexander ‘69

Edward and Bette ‘85 Brohel

Gary Cassier ‘84 Mary Catellier ‘79

College Auxiliary Services

Sharon Alger-Mayer ‘79

Lorraine Astemborski ‘83

Jane Behrens ‘71

Doris Bodie ‘50

Kent ‘66 and Linda ‘69 Cauley

Dorothy Collen ‘48

J. Derek and Helen Allan

Pamela Atkins ‘93

Christopher Belair ‘70

Emmy Bodrogi ‘85

Joseph Cavanagh ‘83

Bonnie Collins ‘89

April Allen ‘82

Allen Audas ‘69

Janice Bell ‘76

Susan Bogdan Ritty ‘74

Michael Cecere Jr. ‘83

Sarah ‘79 and Dan Collins

Roberta Allen ‘70

Ann Auerbach ‘84

Kendall Bemis ‘66

Lisa Bohling ‘82

Richard Ceckowski ‘71

James Colloton Jr. ‘75

Marcia Altimari ‘53

Diane Austin ‘73

Michael Benardo III ‘76

Donald Bolin ‘76

Stephanie Cederstrom ‘84

Deborah ‘73 and David Colver

Audrey Ambler ‘60

Ellie Austin ‘83

Pamela ‘79 and Mark Bendyk

Gregory ‘71 and Julie ‘73 Bombard

Maureen Hurley Chaffin ‘77

Charles Commeret Jr. ‘89

James Ambrose ‘73

James Auth ‘73

Eileen Burnham Bennett ‘80

Ronald Bombard ‘58

Clarice Champagne ‘63

Eric Comstock ‘92

Madeleine Ambrose ‘64

Carey Avenia ‘84

John ‘84 and Lisa ‘85 Bennett

Michelle ‘00 and Mark ‘00 Bonczkowski

Champlain Valley Business &

Duke Connolly ‘79

Christian Ambrosini ‘83

Karen Avezzano ‘82

Joseph Benoit ‘79 and Alison Petro ‘86

Gina Bond

Michael Connolly ‘83

Arnold Amell ‘53 *

Judith Bachorz ‘66

Patricia Bentley

Phillip ‘50 and June ‘50 Ames

David Backus ‘94

Gale and Sharon Amyotte

ARNOLD A. AMELL ’53 SOCIETY Recognizing donors who have made annual gifts for 10 or more consecutive years.

Brogowski Betrus ‘87

“I feel more at home at Plattsburgh than I do at my actual home … If it weren’t for your generosity I never would’ve been able to afford this lovely school and never would know what college is truly like.” – Darrin Williams ‘16 Thomas ‘68 and Gail ‘68 Bromley

Margi Call ‘72

Alex ‘85 and Debra ‘86 Bronzo

Florence Callahan *

Colette Bonelli ‘79

Lisa Brousseau

Beverley ‘00 and Patrick Campbell

Kathrin Berg ‘88

Alan and Jennifer Booth

Angela Brown ‘76 and Kellum Smith

James Campbell ‘75 and

Ann Baier ‘70

Helen Bernstein ‘54

Deborah Booth ‘81

Delores Brown ‘57

Candace Anderson ‘73

Patricia Baker ‘67

Matthew Bernstein ‘95

Janet Booth ‘76

Douglas ‘73 and Linda ‘72 Brown

David Anderson ‘76

Sharon Baker ‘92

Paul Berry ‘86 and Kimberly

Robert and Helen Booth

David Anderson ‘81

Joanne Balch ‘73

Kay Anderson ‘55

Michael ‘66 and Margaret Baratto

Kenneth Anderson Jr. ‘69

Professional Women

Chapel Hill Foundation, Inc.

Susan Connolly ‘66

John Chapman ‘61

Marjorie Connors ‘53

Andrew Chase ‘65

Peter Conrad and Janice Marchut

Mona Whalen Campbell ‘89

Terry Chase ‘71


James ‘55 and Lois ‘53 Brown

Virginia Campbell ‘58 *

Carol Chauncey ‘58

David Conroy ‘76

Charles ‘84 and Kathleen ‘84 Border

Melanie Brown ‘89

Anne Canavan ‘64

Debra Chauvin ‘79

Mary Consadine ‘43

Susan Berube ‘77

Barbara Borneman ‘70

Merritt ‘83 and Cheryl ‘83 Brown

Loyal Canning ‘58

Phyllis Chauvin ‘55

Sandra Constantine ‘71

Bruce ‘86 and Mary Ellen ‘86 Barber

Beverly Besler ‘75

Maria Bosack ‘87

Robin Brown and Carole Slatkin

Mark Cantwell ‘80

Hung Wei Chee ‘85

Robert Cook ‘73

Patricia Anderson ‘55

Diane Barber ‘66

Anne Bethel Heaney ‘50 and Joseph

Susan Bouchey ‘88

Gregory Brownell ‘81

Debra Carbone ‘81

Lois Cheeley ‘60

William ‘81 and Cecilia ‘80 Cook

Rose Anderson ‘95

Terry Barber ‘71


Melody and Robert Bourgeois

Ronald Brunell ‘81

Helen Carcio ‘68

Thomas Chen ‘70

Joseph Coppola ‘63

24 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report

Kenyon-Berry ‘87

Cynthia Shenker



Jeanne Corcoran ‘52

Kevin ‘74 and Deborah ‘73

Mary DeGroot ‘58

Dale ‘78 and Kim ‘77 Dowdle

Laura Face ‘71

Oscar Flores

Christina Gerardi ‘80

Annamarie Grasberger Kelly ‘54 and

Kevin ‘84 and Patricia ‘84 Corcoran


Irene DeLaney ‘74

Cindy Downey ‘80

Genevieve Fagan ‘53

Richard Florin ‘61

Patricia Gere ‘54

Carolyn Cordero ‘72

Eileen Cupertino ‘78

Kurt DeLong ‘67

Karole Doyle ‘67

Jessica Fagan ‘78

Maureen Flynn ‘85 *

Peter Gerney ‘83

David and Lorraine Graves

Philip ‘76 and Mary Corell

Thomas ‘82 and Annmarie Curle

Gail DeMarco ‘61

Timothy Doyle ‘86

Sandra Fairbanks-McGlynn ‘79

Paul Folger ‘82

Ouida Gershman ‘46

Graymont Materials Inc.

Deborah Drain ‘81

Lonnie Fairchild

Merrellyn Foote ‘64

Robert Gertsch

Frederick Greeley III ‘82

Julia Drinnan-Doran ‘83

Karen Falco ‘85

Clark and Barbara Foster

Lawrence and Donna ‘93

Phyllis Greeley ‘60

Kimberley Driscoll ‘87

Robert ‘90 and Shari ‘92 Fall

Jean Fox ‘60


Alice Green ‘55

Mark Dubrey

Catherine Falvey ‘77

Joan Fraccalvieri ‘52

Frank ‘73 and Althea Giaquinto

David ‘98 and Angela Gregoire

David Farr ‘76

Ann ‘94 and David Franzi

Neil Giffen ‘79

Donald Gregoire ‘58

Bonnie Favreau ‘73

Kirk Fraser ‘87

Ann Gilfeather ‘54

Jane Gregware ‘71

Paul Frederick ‘90

Yvonne ‘58 and James Gillen

Ann Griffin ‘74

Steven ‘88 and Deborah ‘91 Frederick

Dodie ‘74 and Roderic Giltz

Harry Griffin ‘67

Ronald Fredette ‘74

Randall ‘87 and Julia Giltz

John Griffith ‘92

Michael ‘79 and Paula ‘80 Freed

James Girardin ‘87

Andrew Gronosky ‘93

Wallace Jr. ‘74 and Jane ‘75 Freeland

Janine Giroux ‘77

Judith Guilbo ‘88

Barbara Freeman ‘71

Edmond Glanc ‘80

John Gulley ‘75

Clinton ‘67 and Margaret ‘66

Erin Glanton ‘70

Raymond Guydosh


Kristen Glebus ‘95

Sandra Guynup ‘72

Darcie Fregoe ‘89

Garry Gleckel ‘71

Judith Guzzo ‘89

Alexandria Frenia ‘65

Carolyn Goff ‘52

John Hablitz ‘68

Donald Friedman ‘75

Norma Goff ‘63

James Hackett ‘81 and Lisa Leaf ‘81

Marcie ‘66 and Jack Frisch

Marjorie Goggins ‘55

Richard and Teresa Hackett

Nancy Fritz ‘75

Barbara Gold ‘60

Larry and Janet Haffner

Russell Fritz ‘76

Robert and Linda Golden

Richard Haffner ‘94

Stephen Froehlich ‘88 and Theresa

Bernard Goldhamer

Maureen Haggart ‘52

Irving Goldman *

“After I achieve my nursing degree I plan on joining a program such as Doctors Without Borders. Through this program I will travel as a nurse to developing countries that are in dire need of medical assistance.” – Catherine Price ‘16

Gilbert ‘56 and Judith ‘59 Duken Terrence Dupras ‘71

Margaret Cornell ‘77

Deborah Curry ‘83

Richard DePuy ‘74

Wayne ‘84 and Julie Duprey

Robert Cornell ‘71

Peggy Curtis

Cornelia DeRolf ‘54

Marjorie Duquette ‘60

Catherine Cornue ‘69

Beverly Curtiss ‘51

C. Sue DeSantis ‘82

Linda Durant ‘72 and Timothy Sullivan

Clare Corron ‘66

Robert Cuthbert ‘85

Margaret DeYongh ‘57

Durocher Auto Sales

Ralph ‘59 and Carol ‘59 Corron

Eric Czupil ‘84

Cheryl Deegan ‘69

Robert ‘66 and JoAnn ‘67 Dwyer

Ruth Corwin ‘55

Raymond ‘78 and Linda ‘78

Diane Delaney ‘85

Arlene Dykes ‘54

Susan Cota ‘72


Jean Delaney Hola ‘76

Karen Dyrli ‘70

LeRoy and Kathleen Cotnoir

Stephen Krieg ‘83 and Celeste

Richard Denmark ‘82

Todd Earl ‘78

John ‘75 and Mary Jane ‘74

Norman Denny ‘65

Robert Ebstein ‘72

D’Avignon-Krieg ‘79


Darlene Eddy ‘90

“Never underestimate the personal effect of your generosity. Here is one instance where the results are clear. You have made a difference in my life.” – Thomas Urtz ‘17

John Coughlin Jr. ‘78 Fred Couse Jr. ‘76 Clement Couture ‘69 Garnett Covey Maureen Cowen ‘68

Joan Edelberg ‘55 Gary Edick ‘75 Beth Edwards ‘73 Kenneth III ‘85 and Margaret ‘92 Edwards

Michael and Nancy Fayette Nancy Fegan ‘61 Laurie Covert Feinberg ‘81 Carol Feld ‘61 Francis ‘51 and Nilah ‘48 Feltman * Nancy Fern ‘60 Seena Ferrara-Cushman ‘87 Terrence Field ‘90 Stanley Fifield ‘62 Sally Filion ‘62 Roger Fillmore ‘66 Frances Filshie ‘60 Nancy Finch-Pierce ‘57 Diane Fine Howard Fine ‘79

Janet Cozza ‘81

Stephannie D’Orazio Dyl ‘68

Kimberly Denton ‘73

Nancy Edwards ‘60

Mary Craig ‘71

Eric Dahlgren ‘86

Susan Garrity DeSmet ‘87

Jo Eggleston ‘72

Elizabeth Cramer ‘74

Michael ‘89 and Robin Dailey

Michael Detres ‘77

Maureen Elley ‘73

Clifford Cranker ‘68

Ila ‘66 and Michael ‘72 Daley

Sheila Devers ‘79

Kathryn Elliott ‘83

Joseph Finn ‘75

Rodney Crary ‘58

Suzanne Daley ‘80 and Sherwood

Deborah Dexter

Randolph Ellsworth ‘64

Nancy Roskiewicz Finn ‘85

Dorothy Crawford ‘68


Louise Diamond ‘78

Diane ‘73 and Thomas Ely

Jim Creaser Jr. ‘56

Claire Dalton ‘77

Mary Diana ‘52

Michele Creese ‘88

Kathleen Daly ‘87

Maryann Creighton ‘65

Michele Finelli ‘73

Froehlich-Gallagher ‘88

William Kelly

“Without your contribution, I am not sure I would be able to attend Plattsburgh. Your funding means the world to me and my family.” – Cassie Seifert ‘13

Frank Fronhofer ‘72

Walter and Gretchen Goller

Martha and Richard Frost

Ruth Gonya ‘61

Laura Fugardi ‘87

Beth Goodell ‘95

Robert Fuller

Steven ‘76 and Barbara ‘76

Robert ‘75 and Joanne ‘72 Finnegan

Ronald Fuller ‘73


Belachew ‘74 and Linda ‘75 Emaelaf

Thomas Finnessey ‘57

Alice Gagnaire ‘73

A. Melissa Goodrich ‘97

Michael Dinova ‘73

Helen Anne Endres ‘70

E. Marie Fiorenza ‘54

Anthony and Patricia Galfano

Robin Goodrich ‘75 and Nancy

Sean Haggerty ‘90

Jim Danforth ‘75

Leo and Patricia Dishaw

James Engleman Jr. ‘78

Joan Fischer ‘71

Elizabeth Gallup ‘84

Peter ‘76 and Kathleen ‘76 Hagner

Patricia Crisafulli ‘59

Timothy Darcy ‘91

Judith Dixon ‘78

Peter III ‘80 and Carla ‘81 Ensel

Marci Fisher ‘83

Margaret Gamache Reardon ‘94

Eric Gordon ‘85

Johanna Hahn ‘78

Dexter Criss and Barbara Simmons-

Marilyn Darmsteadt ‘78

Sandra Doane ‘85

Margaret Erdle ‘60

Donald Gannon Jr. ‘84

Shirley ‘55 and Herbert Gordon

Thelma Halberstadt ‘51

Criss ‘12

Donald Dashnaw ‘68

Virginia Dodds ‘63

Amy Eskild ‘77

Freda Gardner ‘51

Francis Gorleski Jr. ‘73

Robert Haley ‘62

Ruby Cromie ‘72

Emilie Davenport ‘81

Susan Dodge ‘81

Angela Esposito ‘73

Denise Garrah ‘72

Barbara Gorrow ‘53

Bruce Hall ‘66

Stephanie Cross ‘77

Rodney Davey ‘62

Raymond Domenico

Cecilia Esposito ‘77

Donald ‘57 and Mary Garrant

Maura Goth ‘85

Cindy Hall ‘84

Dona Croto ‘57

Dorothy Davies ‘59

Donald Donah ‘72

Irene Euron ‘49

Constance Garrity ‘82

Jerome Gottlieb ‘60

Judith Hall ‘63

Anita Crowe ‘71

Alan ‘74 and Helene ‘76 Davis

Richard ‘64 and Marilyn ‘65 Donah

Phyllis Evans ‘58

Patricia ’52 * and Robert ’52 Garrow

Jon and Marcia Gottschall

Brent Hallenbeck ‘86

Rita Crowley ‘87

Beulah Davis ‘74

Mark Dondlinger ‘88

William Everett ‘73

Mark Garvey ‘81

Robert Grady ‘72 and Lois Clermont

Patricia Halligan ‘66

Diane Crumb ‘74

Janice Davis ‘61

Judith Donovan ‘75

Lawrence ‘53 and Betsy ‘55 Evola

John ‘64 and Olympia ‘64 Fitzgerald

Madeline Gary ‘43

Mary Jane Graf ‘51

Brent and Karen Hallock

James Csipak

Judy Davis ‘69

Kristian and Michelle ‘93 Doorey

Bonita Ewing ‘68

Dawn Flagler ‘84

Marcia Gavin ‘72

Donna ‘90 and Douglas Graham

Roger and Blanka ‘91 Hamernik

Cynthia Cubley ‘74

James and Caroline Dawson

Sandra Doorey ‘69

Maureen Ewing ‘59

Chris Fleming ‘78 and Andrea

Lawrence Geer ‘78

John Graham ‘81

Carol Hamilton ‘49

Elizabeth Culkin ‘80

M. Sheila ‘66 and Ronald Day

Ann Doran-Stewart ‘53

JoAnn Ezick ‘56

Robin Geery ‘73

Kathy Graham ‘68

Jane ‘50 and Frank Hamilton

Maureen Culligan-Zajkowski ‘76

Gary DeAmario ‘66

Anita Dorsey ‘58

David Fabiano ‘79 and Suzanne

Jeanine Flinton ‘82

Brian ‘84 and Carol ‘85 Genalo

Joseph Jr. ‘70 and Jean ‘70 Grant

Michelle Hamilton ‘85

Michelle Culver ‘81

Lee DeCoste ‘60

John Douglas ‘84

William ‘53 and Marjorie ‘54 Floor

Carol Gerard ‘60

Richard Grant ‘72

Linda Hamlin ‘85

26 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report

Salmon Fabiano ‘79

Janet Fink ‘58

“Words could not describe my elation upon receiving the news that I had been given an academic scholarship.” – Jillian Kimball ‘16

Kelson ‘80

Wood ‘76



Betty Hamlisch ‘68

Lise Heroux

Cheryl Hutchins ‘81

Jane Jones ‘54

Key Bank Foundation

Annette Krisak ‘79

Jeffrey Lape ‘76

Stephen Light

Cristina Hammond ‘82

Ilene Herr ‘73

Lance ‘61 and Arlene ‘61 Ida

Jeffry Jones ‘81

Beverly Kie ‘70

Lynne Kriss ‘74

Bruce Laplante ‘82

Linda Liotta

Kim Hammond ‘76

Wayne Herr ‘74

Maria Ilioff ‘80

Rose Marie Jones ‘64

Laura Kiely ‘76

Gary Kroll

Joseph Laramie ‘70

David ‘70 and Barbara ‘70 Lippert

Renee Hanks ‘79

Barbara Herrala ‘70

Susan Ilowiecki Gallagher ‘81

Joseph R. Takats Foundation

Margaret Kiely ‘54

Doris Krom ‘85

Walter Laramie ‘68

Mark Lippman ‘69

Kurt ‘81 and Barbara ‘81 Hansen

Laura Hescock ‘75

Janet Ingraham ‘59

Robert ‘54 and Mary ‘68 Joyce

Laurie Kilb ‘85

Rosmarie Krosch ‘61

Lisa Lasch ‘79

Jeffrey Lipton ‘74

Joseph Hardiman ‘85

Colleen Hession ‘76

Linda Isles ‘77

James Judge ‘68

Eileen Kiley ‘52

Manfred Kurtz ‘70

Sandra Lashua ‘63

Charles List

Gary Hare ‘69

Ellen Heyman ‘74

Jeffrey Ives ‘91

Julia O. Wells Memorial Education

Patricia Kilmer ‘62

Gail Kuschman ‘75

Wayne ‘62 and Arlene ‘64 Lashway

Lynn Lisy-Macan ‘82

Ann Harmsen ‘89

Lisa Higdon ‘81

Beverly Jabaut ‘90


Soon ‘92 and Jin Keon Kim

John Kuznia ‘84

Jean Latour ‘58

Joan Livingston ‘57

Stephen Harstedt Jr. ‘77

Mary Jane Higgins ‘86

Cori Jackson

Kathleen Juliano ‘77

William Kinahan Jr. ‘87

Gertrude Kuznitz ‘49

Bonnie Laudig ‘84

Ithiel ‘66 and Rubye ‘68 Lloyd

Mary ‘76 and Kevin Hart

Patricia Higgins

Kevin Jackson ‘83

Mark Kaiser

Dorothy King ‘43*

Nathan Kuznitz ‘49 *

Reese ‘91 and Rachael ‘91 Laundry

Elin Lockrow ‘89

Michael ‘79 and Martha ‘89 Hart

Richard ‘76 and Kathleen Higgins

Loretta Jacobs ‘80

Rebecca Kaiser ‘74

Janet Powell King ‘63

Roxanne LaBarge ‘84

William Laundry H’05

Janice Logan ‘79

Patrice Hart-Schubert ‘85

Thomas ‘83 and Susan ‘85 Higgins

Anna Jaeger ‘65

Sharyn Kalinkewicz ‘77

June King ‘60

Barbara LaBombard ‘81

Edward Jr. ‘61 and Barbara ‘77

Janice Lombardi ‘79

Caroline Harter ‘46

Grace Hilt-Mack ‘69

Donna Jahn ‘80

Judith Kalish-Bennett ‘66

Loris King ‘59

Michelle LaBounty ‘91


Maxine Long ‘66

Lynn Harter ‘78

Sharon Hinkle ‘89

Arthur ‘64 and Victoria ‘64 Jandreau

Anne Kallina ‘76

Nancy King ‘81

James LaDez ‘81

Sandra Lavin ‘91

William Long

Bryan Hartman ‘88 and Tracie

Victoria Hitchcock ‘69

Alice Janessa ‘72

Ronald Kaplan ‘67

Sheryl King ‘76

Carl LaFontaine ‘56

Kathleen Lavoie

Alan Longshore ‘60

Phyllis ‘70 and Robert Hock

Dixie Janicek ‘71

Lindsay Karlin ‘90

Maureen Kirby ‘78

Dennis ‘72 and Sharon ‘72 Lagoy

Michael Lawes ‘85

John ‘56 and Shirley ‘66 Longware

Timothy Hartnett ‘82

Mary Ellen Hoecker ‘85

Charles Janson ‘75

Adele Katz ‘68

Michele Kirk ‘72

Barbara LaGrave ‘69

Thomas Lawler ‘59

D. Loreen Loonie ‘90

Ann Harwood ‘56

Elizabeth Hoffman ‘60

Lori Jarvis ‘89

Andrew Katz ‘74

Eric ‘88 and Kathleen ‘89 Kirleis

Marilyn LaLone ‘56

JoAnne Lawliss ‘60

Myra Lopez ‘84

Nancy Hatch ‘61

Karen Hogan ‘81

Margaret Jastran ‘72

Florence Kaufman ‘70

Susan Kitun ‘69

James LaMont ‘72

Barbara Lawrence ‘56

Colleen Losi ‘80

Louine Hauck ‘64

Marcia Hollingsworth ‘58

Kenneth Klapp ‘72

Ernest LaPine ‘66

Paul LeBlanc ‘65

Jerry Lottie

Thomas Havens ‘65

Ruth Holt ‘61

Stephen Klein ‘70

Claude ‘42 and Marjorie ‘43 LaPlant

Carolyn LeGrys ‘54

Stephen ‘72 and Norma ‘74 Loughan

Laurence Hawes ‘83

Joseph Holtman ‘84 and Andrea

Daniel ‘78 and Kathleen ‘78 Klingman

Dan LaPoint

John LePere

Thomas ‘69 and Patricia ‘68 Loughan

Peter ‘72 and Barbara Hayden

Audrey Klinkenberg ‘64

Diana LaPorte ‘84

M. Catherine LeRoy ‘75

Dawn Ludovici ‘79

Terry Heagle ‘78

John ‘75 and Norma Homburger

Susan Knapik ‘82

Clara LaRose

June ‘56 and Clovis Leach

Peter Luguri ‘73 and Linda Byrne

Michael ‘68 and Joan ‘68 Healy

Hometown Radio WIRY

Amy Knapp ‘91

Gary LaRouech ‘63

Nancy Leatherman ‘57

Marian Heath ‘55

Joyce Hooley Bartlett ‘78

Marianne Jeffreys ‘82

Pamela Keable ‘85

Grace Kneil ‘57

Mark LaValla ‘90

Henry Leavitt ‘76

Jack Lukasiewicz ‘93

Catherine Heaton ‘69

Kay Hooper ‘66

Elizabeth Jenison ‘72

Gail Kearney ‘72

JoAnn Kney-Rosolia ‘83

Annette LaValle ‘64

Louise Leavitt ‘72

Jo-Ann Luke ‘55

Anne Geddes Hebbard ‘51

Rita Hooper ‘66

Judith Jenkins ‘62

James Keating ‘85

Stephen Knibbs ‘90

Ellen LaVarnway ‘66

Patricia Leavitt ‘92

Mary Ann Lumbrazo-Mahoney ‘63

James Heck ‘66

Judith Horeff ‘57

Sheryl Jenness-Madden ‘82

Avis Kedmenec ‘47

Mary Ellen Knickerbocker ‘92

John Labarge ‘59

David Leblanc ‘75

Debra Lunick ‘57

Lois Hedberg ‘87

Janice Horn ‘89

Ellen ‘74 and Robert ‘73 Jennings *

Trudy Kedzierski ‘53

Knight Automotive

James Lacey

Paul Leduc III and Thomas Grant

Robert ‘76 and Simone ‘83 Lutz

Theodore Heidrich Jr. ‘79

Patricia Horn ‘80

Susan Jennings ‘90

Margaret Keefe ‘51

Michael Knizeski ‘82

Linda Lahey-Fay ‘68

Kathlene Lyman ‘69

Brian Heil ‘81

Craig and Sally Horneck

Theresa Jensen ‘50

Christopher ‘87 and Cammie ‘87

Paul Heindl ‘92

Barton Hose ‘85

Robert ‘97 and Julie ‘83 Jock


Sandra Heins ‘57

Nancy Hoshlyk

William Jock ‘85

Donald ‘83 and Carol ‘83 Keegan

Richard Heise ‘96

Mary-Ellen Houghton ‘75

Valerie Jodoin ‘70

Lorraine Keen ‘58

Carol Heller ‘79

Jean ‘76 and Linda ‘79 Houle

Douglas Johnson ‘60

Harry Keeshan ‘79

Holly Heller-Ross ‘84 and Jerry Ross ‘76

Betty Houser ‘55

Edward Johnson ‘64

Robert Keever

Eileen Hellmuth ‘87

Gerald Howe ‘87

Georgia Johnson ‘54

John Kegan ‘70

Cynthia Knotts ‘64

Joanne Lahtinen ‘65

Michael Legacy ‘74

Kathy MaGaw ‘72

June Heming

Katherine Hoyt ‘71

Lois Johnson ‘57

Christine Kelley ‘84

Robert Knowles ‘92

John and Eleanor Lahtinen

Maureen Leitch ‘72

Donna Maas ‘77

Brian ‘80 and Leslie ‘82 Hendrix

Kimberly Hoyt ‘89

Lola ‘79 and Raymond Johnson

Larry Kelley ‘73

Rudolf and Mary Kohlroser

David Laird ‘89

Stanley Lemza ‘57

Helen MacDonald ‘59

Carla Hendrix

Lucy Hoyt ‘62

Mary Johnson ‘52

Kevin ‘78 and Kitty ‘79 Kelly

Bernadette Komonchak ‘54

Constance Lalonde ‘80

Nancy Lennon ‘88

Clara MacDougal ‘62

Katherine Henschel ‘55

Patricia Hudson ‘77

Patricia Johnson ‘60

Gail Kemp ‘58

Michael Kondratowicz ‘73

Lisa Lambert ‘79

Mark ‘86 and Dawn ‘92 Leopard

Peter ‘80 and Mary Beth ‘81 MacKenzie

Wendy Herb ‘80

Jean Humiston ‘62

Richard Johnson

Alan and Maureen Kendall

Mary Ellen Kondysar ‘56

Paul Lamond ‘89

Iris Levin ‘59

Lydia Macci ‘82

Harry Herbold ‘55

Christian Hummel ‘77

Scott ‘79 and Carol Johnson

Sharon Kennedy ‘66

James Kopaskie ‘81

Joseph Landry ‘71

Sharon Levine

David Macintosh ‘83

Shirley Herd ‘52

Margaret Hunt ‘54

Suzy Johnson and William Krueger

Bonnie Kerr ‘64

James ‘77 and Nancy ‘81 Kosakoski

Jane Lang ‘83

Barbara Levinson ‘88

Charlotte Mack ‘74

William Herman ‘76

David ‘69 and Susan ‘78 Hurd

Teri Johnson ‘81

Margaret Kerr ‘69

Lorraine Kourofsky ‘77

Clarence Langley Jr. ‘53

Allison Lewis ‘80

Irene Mack ‘85

William Resse ‘76 and Kathleen

Philip ‘68 and Barbara ‘63 Hurd

Alice ‘60 and Roger Jones

Jay Kesslen ‘95

Paul ‘81 and Patricia ‘79 Krekeler

H. Bernice Lankton ‘51

Julianne Lichtenberg ‘65

Sheila Mack ‘66

Jacqueline Huru ‘71

Gail Jones

John ‘70 and Shelley ‘91 Keuleman

Richard Kremer ‘69

Michelle Lansburg ‘81

W. Scott Liebert ‘74

Laurie Mackay ‘78

McCarthy ‘03

Herold ‘81

28 | suny plattsburgh

Osborn-Holtman ‘87

2011-2012 Annual report

“Thank you for donating your hard-earned money in the hopes of bettering and possibly changing the life of another. I will be forever grateful for your gift.” – Alexis Persson ‘16

Bruso ‘04

Luguri ‘77

John ‘70 and Wanda ‘71 Lynch

“I am very passionate about becoming a special education teacher; I had a disability that I learned to overcome through the support of my teacher. I would like to make this difference in the lives of my students as well … Thank you so much for this opportunity.” – Kala Lindtvit ‘17

Linda Lynch ‘87 Judith Lynd ‘63 Susan Lynn ‘69 David Lyons ‘62 James and Janet Lyons



Stephen Mackie ‘79

Albert ‘70 and Connie ‘71 Martin

Kimberly McGee ‘81

Joan Michela ‘57

Shirley Morgan ‘57

Muriel Sullivan Newcomb ‘49

Donald ‘70 and Florence ‘70 Obrist

Natalie Peck and Colin Read

John Maddix ‘86

David and Patricia Martin

Anna McGill ‘67

Michele E. Martin Memorial Trust

Barbara Morrell ‘64

Frances Newhall ‘46

Grant Odhner ‘77

Janis ‘60 and John Pedersen

Phyllis Maggy ‘58

Donna Martin ‘47

Michele McGinn ‘75

Lawrence Mickel ‘59

Carolyn Morris ‘58

Kathy Newman ‘71

Roxanne Oellrich ‘76

Joanne Peete ‘57

Lisa Magnant ‘88

Edward Martin Jr. ‘77

Edward McGloine ‘79

Albert Mihalek ‘75

Karen Morris ‘72

Barbara Newton ‘54

Jane Olcott ‘54

Peter Pekins ‘76

Thomas ‘81 and Kimberly ‘82 Maier

Eva Martin ‘50

Richard McGlone ‘73

Joseph ‘89 and Jennifer ‘88 Mihalkovic

Arlene ‘82 and Thomas Morrissey

Mary Neyenhouse ‘44

Renee Olivieri ‘86

Jack Pendar ‘66

Michelle Maines ‘88

Hilda Martin ‘39

Dianne McGowan ‘68

Andrew Mihans Jr. ‘95

Timothy Morrissey ‘86

David Nicandri ‘70

Nancy Olsen

Joseph Pendergrass ‘72

Peter ‘79 and Janet Majane

Jeffery Martin ‘78

Kevin ‘72 and Christine ‘73 McGrath

Betty Miller ‘52

Anita Morzillo ‘96

Toni Anne Nichels ‘88

Ingrid Olsen-White ‘84

Mary Penfield ‘59

Frances Major ‘50

Jean Martzinek ‘50

Terrance McGuire ‘77

Edward and Rosemary Miller

Doris Moss ‘43

Nancy L. Nicholson ‘61

Daniel ‘73 and Patricia ‘73 Olson

Susan Pepe ‘72

Bonnie Malady ‘65

Carolyn Marzigliano-Holden ‘87

Keith ‘80 and Cheryl ‘80 Moss

Mary Nielsen ‘79

William Ordway ‘65

Rose Peppe ‘68

Thomas ‘78 and Diane Malecki

Elizabeth Mashmann ‘73

Amy Moulton ‘94

Jay ‘64 and Mary Ann ‘64 Niles

Phyllis Ormsby ‘55

Douglas Perez

Kevin Mallahy ‘80

Douglas Mason ‘82

Cathy ‘79 and Donald Moulton

Nine Platt Hospitality Group

Marion Oro ‘53

Carol Perkins ‘55

Edith Mallaney ‘51

JoAnn Massad ‘81

Paul Mousseau ‘75

David ‘69 and Mary Nisoff

Malcolm Orton ‘73

Dorothy Perkins ‘60

Anne Maloney ‘76

Lauri Matijas ‘79

David Mowry

Mary Claire Noakes ‘63

Carol Osterhout ‘64

Richard Perkins ‘61

Judith Maloney ‘69

Karen Matis ‘68

Ruth Mowry ‘77

Kathi Noble ‘80

Dorothy Oswald ‘69

Christopher Peroza ‘93

Mary Gail Maloney ‘55

William ‘86 and Kathleen ‘86 Mattar

Irene McInnis

Elizabeth Miller ‘80

James ‘78 and Mary ‘78 Mraz

Dennis ‘49 and Jeannine ‘50 Nolan

John Otrembiak ‘71

G. Eileen Perras ‘39

Linda Manchester ‘96

Loretta Matters ‘80

Donald ‘52 and Thelma ‘56 McIntyre

Ira Miller ‘75

Mary Ann Mucedola ‘73

Robert and Susan Nolan

Marie Owens ‘60

Douglas Perreault ‘83

Jennie Maneeley ‘70

Harry ‘54 and Shirley ‘56 Matteson

Julie McIntyre ‘88

Jacqueline ‘52 and John Miller

Margaret Mugglin ‘61

Joanne Manion ‘83

Edward Matthews ‘76

Charlene McKaig ‘59

Jean Miller ‘71

Gordon Muir

Jean Manning ‘74

Stephen ‘90 and Meghan ‘04

Eleanor McKillip ‘35

Joseph Miller ‘78

Catherine Mularz ‘85

M. Patricia Manning ‘49


William ‘72 and Sharon ‘71 McKinley

Robert Miller ‘74

Diane DiTaranto Mullen ‘72

Carolyn Mannix ‘65

Thomas Matthews ‘64

Melinda McLaughlin ‘77

Scott Miller ‘74

Kevin ‘72 and Barbara ‘73 Mulligan

Marjorie Mannix ‘54

Lois Maxian ‘50

Douglas McManus ‘89 and Pamela

Virginia Miller ‘60

Kevin Mulvey ‘86

Thomas Mannix ‘57

Imogene Maxon ‘53


Louis Minella

Larry Mundy ‘67

David Noll ‘73

William and Jane ‘03 Owens

Richard and Patricia Pezzano

Tracy Manor ‘96

John Mc Kenna

Maureen ‘67 and Donald ‘78 McMurtry

David Minnich ‘66

Lilly Ann Munnich ‘67

Irene Nordbrock ‘83

Jason Pachter

Christine Pfeil ‘76

Bruce ‘79 and Kim Mante

Cynthia McBarnette ‘76

Brian ‘91 and Melissa ‘90 McNamara

Edward Miron ‘74

John ‘90 and Pamela ‘91 Munson

Jane Normile ‘65

Carol Pacilli ‘64

Patricia Pfeil ‘85

Jessica Many ‘61

Monica McCabe ‘67

Sandra McNeil ‘71

Annette Mitchell ‘76

Paul Muolo ‘82

Northern Insuring Agency

Tony Paladino ‘74


Meryl Marchand ‘84

Catherine McCallum ‘64

Peter ‘78 and Ruth ‘77 McNiff

Kathleen Mocko ‘76

Amy Murnane ‘83

Audrey Northup ‘58

George Palange ‘67

Wallace ‘65 and Jacqueline ‘65 Philips

Wendy Marcus ‘86

Barbara McCarthy ‘73

Phyllis McPherron ‘66

Stephen ‘99 and Toni Moffat

Murnane Building Contractors

Lawrence Northup Jr. ‘52

Margaret Palange ‘66

Barbara Phillips ‘59

Kathy Mariak-Cummins ‘75

Dennis McCarthy ‘67

Josephine McSweeney ‘51

Sandra Mohn ‘63

Julie ‘82 and David Murphy

Michael Northup ‘84

Lawrence ‘70 and Judith ‘70 Palecek

John Phillips ‘64

Bruce Marien ‘72

Peter ‘91 and Karen ‘90 McCarthy

Sandra McSweeney ‘58

Raymond and Rosemary Mollica

Margaret Murphy ‘74

Joanne ‘76 and Barry Norton

Michelle Palmer ‘88

Paul Phillips ‘77

Richard Marks ‘77

Kathleen McClellan ‘81

Helen ‘76 and Rande Mead

Catherine Molteni ‘78

William Murphy ‘65

Catherine Noto ‘71

Robert Palmerino ‘82

Richard ‘61 and Ruth ‘60 Phillips

Robert Marks ‘82

Brendan ‘84 and Judy ‘84 McCormick

Leila Meade ‘56

Jeffrey ‘84 and Pamela ‘84 Monder

Colleen Murray ‘93

John Nucatola ‘87

Lisa Palmero ‘90

Barbara Piekarski ‘65

Virginia Marks ‘53

Linda McCray ‘64

Robert Medve ‘73

Richard Monetti ‘87

Elizabeth Murray ‘89

Eleanor Hedges Nurre ‘76

Mary Palumbo-Reed ‘94

Virginia Pierce ‘65

Margaret Marmion ‘83

Deena Giltz McCullough and Mark

Louise Meisenheimer ‘71

Charles ‘66 and Carol ‘66 Monsees

Frank Muscolo ‘80

Andrew Nussbaum ‘85

Elaine Panton ‘81

Steven Pilchik ‘83

Sandra Mars ‘61


Dan Mellis ‘88

John Moody ‘75

Royal ‘62 and Ellen ‘63 Nadeau

Elizabeth Nylund ‘74

Marie Papale ‘51

Gail Pilger ‘72

Miles Moody ‘67

Cheryl Nadler ‘79

Maie O’Connell ‘58

Dorothy Pappas ‘52

Corrine Pimm ‘56

Cheryl Moon ‘72

Janet Nally ‘85

Catherine O’Connor ‘74

Jean Parker ‘53 *

Vincent Pisciotta ‘99

Mooney Bay LLC

John Nash ‘81

Edward O’Connor ‘70

Kenneth Parks ‘71

Myra Pitcher ‘78

Bruce Moore ‘63

Richard ‘67 and Beverly ‘69 Nathan

Sally O’Donnell ‘61

Robert ‘86 and Ann ‘87 Parmely

Shirley Pitcher ‘74

Delia Moore ‘80

Alan Nathanson ‘68

Colleen O’Flaherty ‘82

Thomas Parsnick ‘65

Plattsburgh Rotary Club

Edith Moore ‘58

Melva Naylor ‘56

Elizabeth O’Hagan ‘88

Steven Patnode ‘95

Beth Plotsky ‘92

“This financial support assists me in breaking the cycle my family has been in. My sister and I are the first to graduate high school and go to college.” – Trystan Gangi ‘16

“I love art, and I am determined to find a career that allows me to do what I love while making the world a more beautiful place in the process. Thanks again for your generosity to SUNY Plattsburgh and to me.” – Rachel Savastano ‘16

Pamela Perrone ‘78

“Thank you for your support and for inspiring me to one day help my alma mater as you have so selflessly done yourself.” – Cara Lee ‘13

Kevin Peryer ‘80 Claire Peters ‘67 Deborah Peters ‘81 Anne Petzoldt ‘86 Susan Peverly ‘72

Candice Marshall ‘49

Joan McDonald ‘51

Gerald and Elsie Menz

Jeanne ‘49 and Henry Jr. Moore

Carter Neale Jr. ‘76

Barbara O’Leary ‘72

David Patrick ‘89

Lynne Podeswa Walter ‘67

Elizabeth Marshall ‘72

Angela McDougal ‘91

Joan Mero ‘68

Jeffrey Moore ‘02

Harold Neddo Jr. ‘56

Kevin O’Leary ‘79

Kathleen Patrick ‘76

Carolyn Pokotilow

Harry ‘73 and Sara ‘73 Marshall

Janet ‘74 and Rob Mcdowell

Michael Mero ‘83

Kenneth Moore ‘75

Seward Neill ‘54

Nancy O’Leary ‘77

Keith ‘75 and Deborah ‘75 Pattison

Steven Polcer ‘81

James ‘96 and Kathy ‘83 Marshall

Timothy ‘77 and Susan ‘77 McElroy

Karen Merrill ‘84

Susan Moore ‘69

M. Frances Neligan ‘61

Michael O’Neil ‘67

Maria Paulson ‘74

Teresa Polino ‘74

William Marshall ‘81

Joanne McElwain ‘55

Marilee Mescon ‘66

Thomas ‘69 and Kathryn ‘69 Moran

David Nels ‘76

Robert O’Neill ‘71

David ‘84 and Judy ‘84 Pawlick

David and Rhonda Pomerantz

Beth Marshall Ellert ‘78

Andrew ‘91 and Kay McGarva

Thomas and Sally Metzner

John and Janet Moravek

Margaret Nelson ‘80

Marian O’Shea ‘47

Linda Pease ‘81

Robert Porpora ‘81

Aileen Martin ‘91

Nancy ‘51 and John McGaulley

Janet Meyer ‘62

Anne Morgan ‘88

Chrys Nestle ‘82

Cerise Oberman and Laurence Soroka

Lorraine Peck ‘78

Beatrice Pounds ‘60

30 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report



Monica Poznanski ‘75

Tanya Reeves ‘90

Marjorie Rooney ‘47

Roger and Lorraine Sandwick

Daniel Segrell ‘89

Charlotte Smith ‘65

Stewart’s Shops

Kathleen Talmadge ‘66

Cynthia Praeg ‘86

Walter Rehm III ‘63

Thomas Rooney ‘44 *

Nanette Santa Croce ‘66

J. Bruce Seguin ‘63

Daniel Smith ‘77

Richard Stiggins ‘68 and Nancy

Terry Tamer ‘70

Lyle ‘88 and Beth ‘88 Prairie

Kathleen Reid ‘78

Steven Ropitzky ‘76

Kathryn Santaniello ‘73

Charles Sehulster ‘75

Della Smith ‘63


Marie Taversano ‘49

David Pray ‘82

Peter Reilly

Karen Roppolo ‘93

Nancy Sargalis-Burnham ‘79

Sara Seifert ‘83

John Smith and Jean Troy-Smith

Catherine Stone ‘90

Elizabeth ‘79 and Dave Taylor

Robert ‘90 and Stacey ‘90 Preiss

Kimberly ‘84 and Kyle Reis

Leonard ‘66 and Karen ‘66 Rosa

Jason Saris ‘80

Doris Seipel ‘55

Keith Smith

Jane Stone ‘82

Bruce ‘76 and Pamela ‘78 Teague

Janet Rose ‘53

Kelly ‘94 and Brian Sauders

Jeffrey Selchick ‘72

Marguerite Smith ‘68

Michael Storonsky ‘50

Terry Terenzetti ‘81

Karen Rosen ‘75

Steven Saunders ‘83

Helen Seller ‘43

Pamela Smith ‘74

Kathryn Stott ‘64

Joseph Terry ‘75

Anita Rosenholtz ‘59

Katherine Sawicki ‘50 *

Richard Semmler ‘68

Robert Smith ‘92

Richard ‘81 and Nancy ‘83 Strack

Susan Terry ‘68

Lynn Rosentel ‘78

Gretchen Sayer ‘50

Linda Seymour ‘68

Robert and Diane ‘77 Smith

Lyn-Colleen Streck ‘73

Robert and Barbara Sayre

Joseph and Lorraine Tesoriere

Steven ‘70 and Linda ‘67 Roser

Barbara Shaffer ‘55

Alfred Snider Jr. ‘81

Kim Scalzo ‘89 and Lorraine

Dorothy Sharlow ‘64

Francine Snow ‘87

Susan Strickland ‘66

Debra ‘91 and Nathan Thomas


Terry Sharp ‘75

Sue Solberg ‘64

Neville Strumpf ‘69

Lynne Thomas-Buckshot ‘81

SUNY Plattsburgh Student

William Thompson


Terence Thornton ‘69

Erva Sturgess ‘54

Laurel Tierney ‘78

Dorothy Sudds

Stephanie Tighe ‘89

Ann Sullivan ‘77

Shirley Todd ‘71

Carol Sullivan ‘65

Joseph Tokarz ‘65

Patrick Sullivan ‘79

Michael Tokarz ‘94

Roberta Sullivan ‘84

Helen Tolmach ‘57

Thomas and Audrey Sullivan

James ‘78 and Margaret ‘77 Tooley

Arthur Sumbler ‘62

Pearl ‘57 and Frank Tourville

Carol Sussmann ‘72

Nancy Townsend ‘76

Diane Sutliff ‘69

Michael Tracey ‘86

Marilyn Suydam ‘53

Trent ‘70 and Paula ‘85 Trahan

Joan Swan ‘67

Anna Tramaglini ‘72

Barbara Stein Swartzberg ‘52 *

Judy Traynor ‘89

Mary Swartzmiller ‘49

Craig Treggett ‘74

Catherine Sweatt ‘64

Paul Trela ‘64

“Coming from a very small town in Vermont I was never sure how I would feel being at a large college like SUNY Plattsburgh. However, this has been the greatest experience of my life so far, and I again want to thank you for helping make that happen.” – Krystin Mercy ‘16

Cassandra Rosoff ‘76 David Jr. ‘57 and Nancy ‘59 Ross

Kevin ‘74 and Deborah Prendergast

Patricia Rekittke ‘63

Steven Prendergast ‘77

Donald Ross Jr. *

Barbara Reynolds ‘57

Nancy Prescott ‘56

Sharon Ross

Bruce Reynolds ‘61

Karen Roth ‘67

Arlene Rhodes ‘50

Michelle Roth ‘66

Thomas Rice ‘79

Phyllis Rozner ‘76

David Richards ‘73

Karen Rozzi-Smith ‘71

Michael ‘76 and Carol ‘76 Richman

Andrew Rudack ‘79

James Rider ‘51

Gail Rudloff ‘66

Salvedeo Righi ‘59

William Rueter ‘62

Gregory Riley ‘77

Andrew ‘93 and Lorraine ‘93 Ruffino

Barbara Ritchie ‘55

Richard Ruhl ‘66

Lucy Rizzo ‘60

Thomas Rumney

Joseph Robar ‘91

Jeffrey ‘71 and Sandra ‘70 Rundell

Richard Robbins and Amy Valentine ‘84

Christine Rush ‘82

Alonzo Roberts ‘87

James ‘89 and Linda ‘88 Ruth

Arthur Robinson ‘77

Richard Ruth III ‘81

Byron Robinson ‘58

Catherine Ryan ‘85

Wendy Rachlin ‘67

Mary Robitaille ‘54

Margaret Rafferty ‘75

John Roche ‘71

John ‘70 and Donna ‘69 Rahart Carolyn Randall ‘51

Press-Republican George Preston ‘67 and Mary Herlt Bethany Price ‘56 Caren Price ‘83

Rosemary Scarangella ‘60 Deborah Schaffer ‘75 Lee Schaller ‘93 Eleanor Schanck ‘46 Renee Scher ‘49

“I have distinct goals and aspirations, though without financial support none of this would be possible.” – Catilyn Honsberger ‘16

Jeffrey Schloss ‘85 Richard ‘70 and Zoanne ‘70 Schnell

Robert Sharpe ‘55

Anne Solenski ‘63

Georgia Scholl ‘62

Daniel Shaw ‘64

Marilyn Somerville ‘52

William Scholl ‘75

Michael Walsh ‘76 and Brigid Shea ‘77

Kim Sonderfan ‘86

Eileen Schondebare ‘71

Mary Shedlock ‘82

Janine Sorrell ‘86

Pauline Schroeppel ‘75

Carolyn Shelmidine ‘56

Sandra ‘70 and Andrew ‘76 Soulia

Nancy Schuessler ‘90

Nancy Shene ‘61

Heidi Sowder ‘86

Rosemary Schulenburg ‘68

Lynne Sheppard Rozier ‘71

Richard and Jacqueline Spataro

Henry Schulte ‘89

Judith Sheridan ‘70

Grant Spaulding Jr. ‘72

John ‘71 and Nancy ‘71 Schultz

Madonna Sheridan ‘85

Merritt and Joan Spear

Patricia Schultz ‘82

Adam Sherman ‘90

Jeanne Specht ‘53

Joy Schumacher ‘60

Gregory ‘78 and Deborah ‘77

Carol Specter ‘54

Jill Schwartz ‘66


Jeanne Speir

Gary ‘72 and Janice Ryan

Bernd-Ulrich Schwarz ‘70

Lizbeth Sherman ‘83

Joel Sperling ‘82

Jeanne Ryan

Betsy Shinego ‘74

Irvin Spinner ‘74

Carol Rock ‘78

Mary Schwenker ‘69

Mildred Ryan ‘63

Barbara Scott ‘69

Carol Shuttleworth

Patricia Spohr ‘60

Dorothy Rock ‘70

Patrick ‘80 and Anne ‘79 Ryan

Deborah Scott ‘74

Dorrie Silver ‘69

David Sponable ‘87

Dolores Rasalas ‘67

Gail Rock ‘95

Sheila Ryan ‘71

Dennis Scott ‘75

Donald Simpson ‘70

Steven Sprachman ‘79

Kevin Ratcliffe ‘72

Cherie Rockow ‘67

Michael Rybka ‘69

Doreen Scott ‘78

Elizabeth Simpson ‘57

Robert ‘81 and Jane ‘81 Stagno

Marianne Scott ‘74

Gail Siranko ‘70

Eleanor Stanley ‘60

Nancy Scott ‘72

Daniel Sistarenik ‘72

Kay Ellen Staplin ‘70

Sandra Scott ‘72

Harold Sklar ‘73

Helen Scott-Curtis ‘62

Douglas H’08 and Evelyne Skopp

Steven ‘91 and Michelle ‘91 Scribner

Gregory ‘72 and Yvonne ‘69 Price PrimeLink/Champlain Telephone Robert ‘72 and Rebecca ‘72 Purvis Christopher Quinn ‘80 Kerry Quinn ‘77 Patrick Quinn ‘71 James ‘80 and Jenny Quirk RE/MAX North Country George Rabideau ‘79 Margaret Rabideau ‘57 Pearlie Rabin

Ellen Rathbun Delocis ‘55 Nancy ‘76 and Jeffrey Ratliff Annette Raub ‘47 Janet Ravida ‘71 Margaret Rawstrom ‘66 Carol Reader ‘67

“My goal is to graduate with a degree in environmental science and to work in the field conserving wetlands, and I wish to let you know that your generosity has helped bring me closer to achieving that.” – Richard Sulley ‘14

James Reap ‘79

“I definitely want to make a difference in people’s lives with the career path that I choose. Your scholarship has helped to make a college degree a reality for me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Andrew Caico ‘16 Margaret Sweeney ‘79

Nancy Trent ‘89

Mary Sweeney ‘68

Norma Trent ‘64

Irene Starkes ‘58

Gary ‘75 and Catherine ‘74 Sweet

Elizabeth Triau ‘55

Linda State ‘61

Trina Sweet ‘85

Virginia Trombley ‘82

Sandra Slacer-Polizzi ‘82

Ellen Steele ‘42

Jill Swinton ‘81

W. Clark Trow ‘76

Edgar Scudder ‘77

Sandra Slack ‘73

Jo Ann Steele ‘63

Doris Symonds ‘52

Maria Truax ‘67

Theresa Scully ‘53

Michael ‘84 and Susan ‘80 Slapp

Theresa Steiner ‘73

Steven Szalowski ‘83

Marilyn Trudeau-Miller ‘60

Mary Record ‘52

Gary Roden ‘76

Arlene Sabo

Janet Seaman ‘64

Douglas ‘91 and Jennifer Sloan

Joy Stephens ‘66

Keith Tait ‘78

Marion Trudell ‘64

Mary Catherine Redmond ‘83

Pamela Rodgers ‘78

Peter ‘87 and Kathleen ‘87 Salaway

Patricia Searing ‘83

Ann Smith ‘59

JoAnna Steuerwald ‘62

Daniel ‘58 and Elizabeth Takacs

Laurence ‘65 and Patricia ‘66 Trzaskos

Lenore Redolphy ‘56

Susan Roeller ‘85

Elaine Salierno ‘72

Clare Sears ‘82

Carol Smith ‘69

Mary Ellen Stevens ‘68

Angela Tallada-O’Connell ‘95

James ‘72 and Linda ‘72 Tuggey

Heidi Reed ‘86

Mark ‘72 and Nietta ‘73 Rogers

Sandra Saltzer ‘66

Elizabeth Sebald ‘61

Carolee ‘86 and William Smith

Scott Stevens ‘94

Daniel Tallman ‘67

Doris Turbide ‘56

Elsa Reese ‘88

Diane ‘91 and Robert Rolfs

Diane Samelak ‘79

Brian Seeley ‘82

Carolyn Smith ‘49

Jay Stewart ‘90

Kathryn Tallman ‘95

Twin State/Voice Data Video

32 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report



Timothy Tymon ‘78

James ‘84 and Martha ‘86 Wall

Marcia Wheeler ‘71

Keith and Dorothea Tyo

Susan Wallace ‘59

Elberta Whelden ‘56 *

Nicholas Tyrell ‘91

Phillis Walrath ‘85

Gail Whitcomb ‘89

Elizabeth Tyrrell ‘53

Jane Walsh ‘51

Carol White ‘52

Carol Tytler ‘81

Jeffrey Wanek ‘79

Kerry White ‘66

UFirst Federal Credit Union

Andrew Ward ‘82

Richard Whitted ‘75

Margery Ulrich ‘61

Marie Ward

Kathleen Whittier

Anne Valentine ‘54

Marilyn Ward ‘60

Priscilla Wiant-Maskin ‘78

Donovan Van Derwerker ‘69

Michael Ward ‘79

Adele Wilde ‘66

Beverly Van Hee ‘53

Eileen Wardner ‘42

Doris Wildt ‘72

David Van Slyke ‘90

Michael Waring ‘94

Thomas Jr. ‘73 and Karen ‘72

Virginia Van Vranken ‘73

Linda Warren ‘71


Gary ‘68 and Billie ‘72 VanCour

Marcia Waterman ‘66

Ann Wilke ‘81

Linda VanValkenburgh ‘61

Bernard Watkins ‘54

Alan ‘62 and Rita ‘70 Williams

George VanderBeek

Douglas ‘71 and Margaret ‘71 Watt

Donald ‘55 and Beverly ‘56 Williams

Mary Lou Varga ‘72

Peter ‘62 and Nancy ‘62 Watts

Hugh Williams ‘59

Roxanne Vasquez ‘90

Carol Weathers ‘65

Paul Williams ‘78

Matthew Veitch ‘94

Mary Ann Weber ‘63

Peggy and David Williams Stuart ‘84 and Diane ‘84 Williams

“Here at Plattsburgh, with the financial support I receive I am able to enjoy my college experience without burying myself in debt. I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to my education through scholarships.” – Sarah Whalen ‘15

Susan Williams ‘75 Frances Wilson ‘46 James ‘66 and Norine ‘66 Wilson Shirley Wilson ‘50 Vicki Wilson ‘64 William Wilson ‘73 John ‘71 and Sarita ‘71 Winchell Gail Winter ‘57

Michael ‘70 and Gail ‘71 Veitch

Rose Weckesser ‘56

Theresa Winter ‘80

Thomas Velie ‘66

Cathleen Weed ‘74

Sheila Winters ‘61

Thomas Venne ‘79

Gail Weierstall ‘93

Nancy Wintle ‘76

Fred ‘67 and Jane ‘67 Verderosa

Shirley Weikel ‘67

Kathleen Wisnieski ‘74

Julie Veronezi ‘72

George Weiner ‘72

Andrew Wist ‘72

Laura Vidafar

Stefan ‘89 and Janice ‘89 Weinman

Ernest ‘69 and Rebecca ‘72 Witkowski

Margaret Villeneuve ‘72

Robert ‘62 and Joanna ‘62 Weir

Mary Ellen Witkowski ‘72

Michael ‘69 and Martha ‘71 Vitaliano

Margaret Weiss ‘52

Jeanette Wolf ‘53

Timothy Volk ‘78

Susan Weiss ‘76

Patti Wolf ‘91

Constance Vollmer ‘50

Marion Wells ‘50

Woman’s National Farm and Garden

Karen Von Kaenel ‘66

Robert Welter ‘72

Connie Vooys ‘71

Gerianne Wright and John Downs Diane and Thomas Wyand Melanie ‘80 and James Wyand Laurie Wyland ‘87 Richard Yando ‘54 James Yarter ‘73 Joan Yelland ‘62 William Yoos Jr. ‘69 Barbara Youmans ‘61 Lyman Young ‘50 John Zadrozny ‘92 Maria Zanotta ‘78 Michele Zatz ‘88 John ‘78 and Brenda ‘78 Zavaski Elaine Zeh ‘54 John and Phyllis Zekauskas Juliette Zeller ‘60 Leonard Zemarkowitz ‘71 Arthur Ziller ‘69 Kathleen Ziobrowski ‘86 Elizabeth ‘87 and Edward Zollinger Jeffrey Zolotorofe ‘84 Walter Zorn ‘72 Charlotte Zurlo ‘61 Lynne Zwickel ‘76 John Zwir ‘75 Linda Zych ‘70

ANNUAL GIVING Recognizing donors who made leadership gifts during the July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 fiscal year.

John Hahn

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Thomas Bradley ‘72

Harvest Restaurant Group

John Ettling and Lisa Lewis

Jack Bryan III ‘73

Thomas ‘70 and Marie ‘72 Hermes

Martha and Richard Frost

Bruce Butterfield

Suzy Johnson and William Krueger

Georgia-Pacific Corp.

James Campbell ‘75 and Cynthia

Key Bank Foundation

Craig ‘83 and Barbara ‘84 Giroux


John Marazio ‘82

Giroux’s Poultry Farm

Jody ‘92 and Scott Carpenter

Douglas McManus ‘89 and Pamela

Graymont Materials Inc.

Steven and Carol Carpenter


Anne Whitmore Hansen

Michele Carpentier ‘77

Edward and Rosemary Miller

David and Billie Hill

Patricia Catsimanes ‘83 *

Scott and Carol Mowry

Kathleen Lavoie

Champlain National Bank

David ‘75 and Barbara ‘75 Murphy

Annawati Liem ‘97

Gene Chauvin

Nine Platt Hospitality Group

Kathleen McClellan ‘81

Chauvin Agency

Cerise Oberman and Laurence

Craig Mowry

John and Shirley Christie


Kurt and Victoria Mowry

Nancy and Walter III Church

Regina ‘98 and Stephen Olin*

Plattsburgh Pediatrics

Church Oil Co. Inc

Celine Racine Paquette ‘60

PrimeLink/Champlain Telephone

College Store

Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.

Norman Radow ‘78

Sarah ‘79 and Dan Collins

Lori and Daniel ‘79 Price

Stanley Roe ‘77

David Curry

Rainbow Wedding and Banquet

Mark ‘72 and Nietta ‘73 Rogers

James and Caroline Dawson


Rogers-Carroll Family Foundation

Pasquale ‘90 and Kathleen ‘91

Roots Steakhouse

Joan Spies ‘52


Robert and Diane ‘77 Smith

Mark ‘82 and Kathy ‘02 Stata

Joseph ‘89 and Tina ‘90 DeSalvo

The Development Corporation

Steven E. Fuller Excavating

Raghida Dergham ‘73

Michael ‘79 and Paula ‘80 Freed

The Northeast Group

Gary ‘79 and Susan ‘80 Stevens

Gilbert ‘56 and Judith ‘59 Duken

Lawrence and Lucienne Glaubinger

Barbara Toner ‘52

Stewart’s Shops

John Duken

Chester ‘83 and Cheryl ‘83 Grabowski

Trent ‘70 and Paula ‘85 Trahan

SUNY Plattsburgh Student

Wayne ‘84 and Julie Duprey

Noriko Hasegawa

UFirst Federal Credit Union


Econo Lodge Inn & Suites

Robert and Teresa Kaschak

Vanguard Charitable Endowment


Peter Ensel


Cecilia Esposito ‘77


Susan Taylor ‘89 and Lee Williams

Neil and Connie ‘94 Fesette

$2,500 - $4,999

The Paul D. Schurgot Foundation

Fesette Realty

Anonymous (2)

Lewis G. Robinson Trust

Stanley Fifield ‘62

Jacqueline Barker ‘93

Stuart and Linda Voss

Dawn Fratangelo ‘82

DR. GEORGE W. ANGELL SOCIETY $25,000+ Chartwells College Auxiliary Services Vera Hyra ‘45 * Lawrence ’79 and Eileen Unrein Justin Voss DR. GEORGE K. HAWKINS SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Artisan Sign & Design Robert and Helen Booth Florence Callahan * Casella Waste Systems Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

Kathy MaGaw ‘72 Steven Maynard David Mowry Mowry Family Richard Semmler ‘68 Douglas ‘91 and Jennifer Sloan

Pamela ‘92 and Milton Bickle

Rosemary Frederick ‘60

Madeline Blood


Brian ‘76 and Gisele Freed

David ‘72 and Susan ‘72 Zebro

Robert and Diane Carroll

$1,000 - $2,499

Alice Gagnaire ‘73

Robert Casero Jr. ‘75

Robert Ackland and Marguerite

Robert ’52 and Patricia ’52 Garrow *



Anthony ‘76 and Ramona Cassella


Geoffrey’s Pub & Restaurant

Grace Wendland ‘65

Mary Lou Wood ‘63

$5,000 - $9,999

David III ‘84 and Kathleen ‘97

Kenneth ‘77 and Barbara ‘70 Adams

Peter Gerney ‘83

Stuart and Linda Voss

Andrew Wening ‘76

Lizabeth Woodard

Anonymous (1)


Adirondack Community Trust

Gwain and Janet Gillespie

Marcia Wagner ‘71

Mary Wenner ‘84

Gregory Woodcock ‘85

Clayton Ajello ‘72

Champlain Smiles

Todd Allen ‘84

Dodie ‘74 and Roderic Giltz

Sharon Wagner ‘63

Andrew West ‘76

Jeffrey Woodruff ‘82

Bobby’s Lounge

Chapel Hill Foundation, Inc.

Lawrence ‘65 and Stasia ‘62 Arcarese

Randall ‘87 and Julia Giltz

Jeffrey Wainwright ‘84

Charles Westfall Jr. ‘67

Kay Woods ‘75

Stephen Can ‘82

Harold Jr. and Erin Chaskey

Art Student Silent Auction

Aimee Gomlak ‘90

Irwin ‘67 and Marlene ‘60 Waite

Theresa ‘74 and John Weston

Jean Woolsey ‘42

Herbert ‘72 and Mary ‘64 Carpenter

Heidi Clute ‘80

Diane Austin ‘73

Greg Gregoriou

Richard ‘88 and Melissa ‘88 Waite

Antoinette Whalen ‘63

Karen McDonald Woomer ‘80

Deirdre ‘83 and Joseph Carr

James ‘67 and Susan Coffey

Anne Bethel Heaney ‘50 and Joseph

Susan Grobe ‘63

Susan Wakeman ‘77

Marion Whalen ‘58

Gary Worthman ‘78

John ‘75 and Diana Conners

Mark Cohen


Arthur Groten

Beverly Walker ‘69

Sharon Whalen ‘90

Sheila Wrede ‘89

Constance Killam & Elizabeth Killam

Community Bank

Robert La Fontaine ‘67 and Anna

Raymond Guydosh

Gail Walker ‘73

Bruce Wheeler ‘97

Diane and Roger Wright

D.S. Specialties

H.P. Hood LLC

34 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report

The Glaubinger Foundation

Rodgers Trusts

Maria Bethlen-La Fontaine ‘78



William Haney Sr. ‘72

Michael and Kim Murray


Carolyn and Lynn Delcore

Gregory Long ‘85

Bryan Hartman ‘88 and Tracie

Alan Nachman ‘77

$500 - $999

Mela Dieujuste-Obas ‘01

Douglas MacKenzie Jr. ‘93

North Insuring Agency Inc.

Deborah Altamirano

Raymond Domenico

Anne Maloney ‘76

Albert Hassler ‘67

Michael ‘75 and Kathy ‘75 O’Connor

Arnold ’53 * and Joan Amell

Barbara Dorrance

Roy and Nancy Malpass

Holly Heller-Ross ‘84 and Jerry Ross ‘76

Michelle Ouellette

Rashaunda Anderson ‘99

Peter III ‘80 and Carla ‘81 Ensel

William and Ginny McBride

Richard ‘76 and Kathleen Higgins

Soham and Sudha Patel

Francis ‘69 and Patricia ‘69 Arcuri

Lonnie Fairchild

Michele McGinn ‘75

Cheryl Hogle ‘68 and Beverly Hodge

Richard Pfadenhauer ‘85

James and Rachelle ‘92 Armstrong

Wallace and Cecily Feldman

Bridget Messina ‘97

John ‘75 and Norma Homburger


Mark Barie ‘75 and Christine Racine ‘79

Brian Fortune ‘89

Albert Mihalek ‘75

Hometown Radio WIRY

Plattsburgh Ford

Barie & Company

Kirk Fraser ‘87

David Minnich ‘66

Hynes Electrical Supply

Plattsburgh Rotary Club

Lucy Barnett ‘69

Friends of Anthony Santandrea

Bruce Moore ‘63

Anna Jaeger ‘65

Plattsburgh Sunrise Rotary Club

Barbara Barry

Elizabeth Gaffrey ‘62

Jeffrey Moore ‘02

Larry Jeffords


Renee Bator and Todd Moravec

Prem and Aruna Gandhi

Barbara Morrell ‘64

Jeffords Steel & Engineering

RE/MAX North Country

Colleen and Patrick Bernard

Donald ‘57 and Mary Garrant

Marilyn Morton

James and Mary Johnson

Pearlie Rabin

Bill McBride Chevrolet & Subaru

Richard Geoffroy ‘93

Amy Murnane ‘83

Lola ‘79 and Raymond Johnson

Margaret Rafferty ‘75

Lana Bilow-Saal ‘85

Christina Gerardi ‘80

Malcolm III ‘62 and Patricia Nash

Joseph R. Takats Foundation

Richard Robbins and Amy Valentine ‘84

Alan and Jennifer Booth

Robert and Linda Golden

Toni Anne Nichels ‘88

James Judge ‘68

Lynn Robinson ‘80

Linda Bourgeois

Eleanor and Irving Goldman *

Sami Nizam ‘81

Philip ‘83 and Denise ‘84 Kalafatis

David Rock ‘81

Dorothy Brannigan ‘54

David ‘98 and Angela Gregoire

Michelle Noble-Coursey ‘94

Thomas Kearney ‘81

Andrew Rudack ‘79

Roberta Britting ‘83

Andrew Gronosky ‘93

Robert ‘83 and Diane Nowicki

Howard Kern ‘78

Saranac Power Partners

Alex ‘85 and Debra ‘86 Bronzo

Roger and Blanka ‘91 Hamernik

Barbara O’Leary ‘72

Knight Automotive

Patricia Schultz ‘82

Angela Brown ‘76 and Kellum Smith

Thomas Hartnett ‘71

Julius Oni ‘03

Rudolf and Mary Kohlroser

Janet Seaman ‘64

Douglas ‘73 and Linda ‘72 Brown

Lois Hedberg ‘87

Douglas Parrish ‘85

James Koniuto ‘96

Toni Seidl ‘63

Ronald Brunell ‘81

June Heming

David Patrick ‘89

Gary Lamarche ‘77

Robert Sharpe ‘55

Anthony Buanno ‘81

James ‘79 and Marie ‘79 Henry

Lorraine Peck ‘78

William Laundry H’05

Adam Sherman ‘90

Michael Cashman ‘03 and Olivia

Eunice Holt Martin ‘71

Peter Pekins ‘76

Robert Lee ‘72

Thomas Skea ‘81

Harvey and Sara Hurwitz

Pamela Perrone ‘78

Michael Legacy ‘74

Donald and Suzanne Sokolowski

Gary Butler ‘64

Kevin ‘94 and Shannon ‘96

Dolores Rasalas ‘67

Liquor and Wine Warehouse

Merritt and Joan Spear

Thomas ‘66 and Linda ‘68 Carlsen


Arlene Sabo

Faith Long ‘01

Robert ‘81 and Jane ‘81 Stagno

Lisa Caron ‘87

Jacquelyn Jerry

Stephen Saiz

John ‘56 and Shirley ‘66 Longware

Richard Stiggins ‘68 and Nancy

John ‘73 and Patricia ‘73 Carpenter

Enamuthu Joseph

Roger and Lorraine Sandwick

Edward and Marion Lusk


Henry Jr. ‘66 and Bette ‘67 Casazza

Soon ‘92 and Jin Keon Kim

Kelly ‘94 and Brian Sauders

Richard Marin ‘78

Neville Strumpf ‘69

Richard Castine Jr.

Janet Powell King ‘63

Heidi Schnackenberg and Edwin

Cheryl Marshall ‘87

Arthur Sumbler ‘62

Champlain Valley Business &

Kiwanis Club of Plattsburgh - Noon

Elizabeth ‘60 and William Martin

Hassan Tetteh ‘94

Carole ‘64 and Harold Klein

Schonbek Worldwide Lighting

Larry McCann ‘62

Mark E. Thomson

Kathleen ‘76 and Terry Chilton

Grace Kneil ‘57

Jeffrey Selchick ‘72

Deena Giltz McCullough and Mark

Pearl ‘57 and Frank Tourville

Mark ‘69 and Holley ‘75 Christiansen

Mary Krakowski

Gregory ‘78 and Deborah ‘77


Nancy Trent ‘89

Carol Ciccarelli ‘85 and David Pivnik

Rosmarie Krosch ‘61


Bruce McDonald ‘94

Twin State/Voice Data Video

Nancy Cline Halterman Beisler ‘63

Timothy LaCroix ‘81

Elaine Simai ‘62

Kenneth ‘91 and Susan ‘92 McDonnell

Keith and Dorothea Tyo

David Cockram ‘83

Kathleen LaPier ‘66

Anne Solenski ‘63

Donald ‘52 and Thelma ‘56 McIntyre

United Group (College Suites at

Stephen Cohen ‘83

Clara LaRose

Sandra ‘70 and Andrew ‘76 Soulia

Michele E. Martin Memorial Trust


Michael Connolly ‘83

Joanne Lahtinen ‘65

Julius Spence ‘36

Jacqueline ‘52 and John Miller

Urbano & Co. LLC

Peter Conrad and Janice Marchut

John and Eleanor Lahtinen

Margaret St. Clair Coryer ‘65

Thomas ‘69 and Kathryn ‘69 Moran

Steven ‘09 and Jacqueline Girard Vogl


Lisa Lasch ‘79

Willard and Marilyn Stiles

Morgan Stanley

John Weldon

Richard ‘62 and Carol ‘63 Correnti

Jason Laureano ‘92

Dorothy Sudds

Cathy ‘79 and Donald Moulton

Thomas Jr. ‘73 and Karen ‘72

Thomas ‘82 and Annmarie Curle

Paul Leduc III and Thomas Grant

Angela Tallada-O’Connell ‘95

Gordon Muir


Suzanne Daley ‘80 and Sherwood

Joseph and Lorraine Tesoriere

Patrick and Sheila Murnane

Peggy and David Williams


James Lewis ‘87

Michael Tracey ‘86

Murnane Building Contractors

Elizabeth ‘87 and Edward Zollinger

Kurt DeLong ‘67

Stephen Light

Paul Trela ‘64

McCarthy ‘03

36 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report

Busuttil-Cashman ‘03

Professional Women

Bruso ‘04

Vega ‘05

Nicholas and Miriam Troisi Michael ‘70 and Gail ‘71 Veitch Karen Von Kaenel ‘66 Andrew Ward ‘82 Peter ‘62 and Nancy ‘62 Watts Lori Whitecar ‘87 Stephanie Wittwer ‘82 Jeanette Wolf ‘53 Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association Diane and Roger Wright Diane and Thomas Wyand Harry and Linda Yelle BENJAMIN F. FEINBERG SOCIETY $100 - $249 Within 1-5 Yrs of Graduation $250 - $499 Within 6-10 Yrs of Graduation Angel Acosta ‘08 Lizzie Atomi Pamen ‘10 Erin Campbell ‘09 and David Fountain Ryan Cavanagh ‘08 Kimberly Davis ‘06 Julie Devereux ‘08 Gina Doty ‘07 Daniel Hurley ‘03 Daniel Kelleher ‘08 Adam Knaust ‘05 Paul Mooney ‘08 Ayumi Nihommatsu ‘07 Claire O’Connor ‘10 Dusan ‘03 and Kelly ‘02 Palider Douglas H’08 and Evelyne Skopp

“The day I received my acceptance letter the smile on my face can only be compared to a child being told that Santa was coming early that year; I was beaming. The only day that I believe topped this feeling was the day I received notice of my scholarship. You have no idea how much that one piece of paper changed my life; I must have read it a million times and each time I believed that the words were lying to me. All of my work in high school had finally paid off and finally I had a scholarship to help me start my dreams of becoming a nurse … Thank you so much for helping me and giving me a chance to accomplish my dreams and goals; I won’t let you down.” – Jennifer Keim ‘16

Our students thank you Throughout this report, we have shared excerpts from real letters of appreciation written by our scholarship students to our donors. Nobody makes a better case for the transformational power of giving to SUNY Plattsburgh.



THE CHARLES C. WARD SOCIETY Recognizing donors who have made cumulative lifetime gifts of $250,000 or more. Grace Howard Allen Jonathan Merrill Allen * College Auxiliary Services C. Thomas Cummings ‘56 Frances Black Krinovitz * Richard Semmler ‘68

THE HERITAGE SOCIETY Planned Giving Benefactors Recognizing donors who have established an endowed fund with the foundation or made a planned gift arrangement through a bequest, insurance policy, charitable gift annuity and/or charitable trust. Anonymous (3) Rose Anderson ‘95 Lawrence ‘65 and Stasia ‘62 Arcarese Jack Bryan III ‘73 Heidi Clute ‘80 C. Thomas Cummings ‘56 Donna Darrow ‘53 Stanley Fifield ‘62 Donald ‘57 and Mary Garrant Evelyn Grabowski ‘56

Gordon Muir

Eastern Technical Services

Joseph Peterson ’87

Laurie Covert Feinberg ‘81

Norman Radow ’78

Phyllis Freedman

Vincent Reich ‘70

Donald ‘57 and Mary Garrant

Venice Sakell

Gwain and Janet Gillespie

Richard Semmler ‘68

Lawrence and Lucienne Glaubinger

Terry Staub ‘90

Jane Gore

Gary ‘79 and Susan ‘80 Stevens

Anne Whitmore Hansen

Joseph Swinyer ’62

Dean and Barbara Harrington

Ann Tracy

Noriko Hasegawa

Trent ‘70 and Paula ‘85 Trahan

Albert Hassler ‘67

Francis ’47 and Marjory Turner

June Heming

Stuart and Linda Voss

Thomas ‘70 and Marie ‘72 Hermes

Charles Jr. and Nancy Warren

Pamela Hewitt ‘74

Endowment Benefactors

Hiram Walker & Sons

Anonymous (1) Lisa Adkins Grace Howard Allen Allen-Howard Scholarship Foundation Arkell Hall Foundation J. Richard and Barbara Beach Patricia Bentley Madeline Blood

Margaret Hoerner ’52 Cheryl Hogle ’68 John ’75 and Norma Homburger Imasco James and Mary Johnson Suzy Johnson and William Krueger Elizabeth ’48 and Leonard Johnston Horace Judson and Gail Shorter-Judson

Steven Bloom

Suzanne ‘78 and Donald Kasprzak

Robert and Helen Booth

Elizabeth Kelly

Joseph and Joan Burke

Constance Killam & Elizabeth Killam

Capital District Alumni Club

John Carothers

Frederick Kissner

Casella Waste Systems

Ruth Kline

Robert Casero Jr. ‘75

Knight Automotive

Anthony ’76 and Ramona Cassella

Rudolf and Mary Kohlroser

Champlain Valley Business &

John and Eleanor Lahtinen

Professional Women

Rodgers Trusts

Edward and Marion Lusk

Carol Ciccarelli ‘85 and David Pivnik

Kathleen Lusk-Brooke

Aileen Clarke

Elizabeth ’60 and William Martin

Class of 1951

Edward and Rosemary Miller

Class of 1953

Gordon Muir

Class of 1962

Northern Telecom

Edward LeStrange ‘69

Heidi Clute ‘80

Regina ’98 and Stephen Olin*

Edith Mabon ‘45

Mark Cohen

Rosemary Olmsted

Martin Mannix Jr. ‘64

Michael Curcio ‘83

Celine Racine Paquette ‘60

Edward McGloine ‘79

James and Caroline Dawson

Henry Parnass

Mary Ellen McGloine ‘79

Nora Denzel ’84

Soham and Sudha Patel

E. Norman McGrattan ‘52

Joseph ‘89 and Tina ‘90 DeSalvo

Janice Pauling

Doris McKee

Scott DeSano ’83


Edward and Rosemary Miller

Kerry Diamond ‘91

Plattsburgh Airbase Redevelopment

Maureen Moll

Gilbert ’56 and Judith ’59 Duken


Elizabeth Kelly Margaret Quinn Kennedy ‘60 Clara LaRose William Laundry H’05

38 | suny plattsburgh

2011-2012 Annual report

Association TD Bank Judith Tierney ‘64 Trent ‘70 and Paula ‘85 Trahan Nicholas and Miriam Troisi UFirst Federal Credit Union Lawrence ’79 and Eileen Unrein Dean and Wanda Waldenberger John Weldon Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Annette Yardan

Francine Luck

Leonard ’70 and Claudia Churnetski

Margaret Keefe ‘51

Plattsburgh Distributing Co. Plattsburgh Lions Club Press-Republican PrimeLink/Champlain Telephone Pearlie Rabin Jean and Charles Raymond Sr.* David Rock ‘81 Rogers-Carroll Family Foundation Ira Rowlson Richard Semmler ‘68 Lois Sheats Carolyn Shipman Douglas ‘91 and Jennifer Sloan Donald and Suzanne Sokolowski Kay Stafford Michael ’72 and Carol ’72 Stafford Robert ’81 and Jane ’81 Stagno SUNY Plattsburgh Student

* Deceased

SUNY Plattsburgh is grateful for those who give in honor or in memory of a family member, a respected colleague or a loved one.



Arnold Amell ’53 Maureen Anken ’84 Gary and Kimberlee ’71 Baker Robert and Isabelle Baker Lesley Bates ’42 Francis and Ilona ’83 Bethlen Charles Blood Toni Bloom Sandra Brunk ’65 Roger Burke Florence Callahan Mary Carothers Patricia Catsimanes ’83 Lola Clarkson H. Lawrence Cowan Cordelia Drake ’88 Barbara Foley-Lee ’64 Evelyn Freeman-Ross Eddie Huggins ’63 Daniel Jerry Lenore Kaplan H. Charles Kline Neil Kowalewski Martin Lubin Roy MacDougal ’60 Albert Montanaro, Jr. Harry and Lynn Mowry James Nolan James Olmsted Eldridge and Mary Roark William Schnackenberg Joan Silvernail ’49 Henry Skaggs III Barbara Talton ’58 Joann Trudo Phyllis Wells ’57 Diana Yuska

Kenneth Adams ’77 Alpha Epsilon Phi Biology Department Edward Brohel Chemistry Department Karina Ckless Heidi Clute ’80 Janice Marchut Conrad Peter Conrad Dexter Criss Nina Davis Environmental Science Department Eta Sigma Delta Honor Society John Ettling Foreign Languages & Literature Department Martha Frost Nancy Fournier Danielle Garneau Gender and Women’s Studies Department Susan Grobe ’63 Wayne and Kathleen Guay Tracie Guzzio Lise Heroux Cheryl Hogle ’68 Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management Human Development & Family Relations Sara Hurwitz International Student Services Kirsten Isgro Glen Jerry Enamuthu Joseph Jurgen Kleist Ruth Kline William Laundry H’05 Linda Luck ’80 David Mowry Glenn Myer Rohit Rampal Peter Russom ’85 School of Business & Economics Sigma Lambda Upsilon Sorority Douglas Skopp H’08 Donald Slish Darlene Strack


Students chat between classes at the SUNY Plattsburgh branch campus in Queensbury, N.Y.


101 Broad Street Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901

“Innocence,” a 2011 oil painting by Lauren Mahoney ‘12, was shown at the 2012 senior BFA exhibition. Says Mahoney: “When I paint, it is a physical and mental act of quick, decisive, agile strokes... My paintings are not systematically pre-conceived but arrive at a natural, authoritative conclusion.”