Twenty Third Edition Publisher and Cover Design: Cullen Hughes and Tanya Findlater ..... well as free entry to shows for
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory 2018 Twenty Third Edition The North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory is a valuable resource for young people interested in volunteering within the community, particularly on the North Shore. The directory provides useful information regarding volunteer opportunities for youth between the ages of 12 – 19 years old in the City of North Vancouver, and the Districts of North and West Vancouver. North Shore Community Resources publishes the directory annually, creating an up-to-date and easyto-use resource. A variety of volunteer positions are listed ranging from engagement in social, economic, cultural, and environmental activism. There are positions to meet everyone’s interests and availability, with opportunities for entry level, to both short and long term time frames. The directory, as well as other volunteer resources, can be accessed online at the North Shore Community Resources website at
Benefits of Volunteering There are many different reasons people become involved in volunteering. Volunteering is a way to contribute to your community, expand your horizons, and explore new future career options. It is also a social activity providing visibility to a wide range of people, including many strong influential community leaders. Volunteering is an excellent way to develop your career potential by fulfilling graduation requirements for secondary school and by gaining valuable work experience, network contacts, and references through volunteer positions that may even lead directly to employment. Volunteering enables you to find your strengths, your passions and explore your interests while developing workplace, management, customer service, and leadership skills that can be documented in your resume. School and career counsellors, encourage job seekers to document pertinent volunteer experiences. Volunteer work opens doors to build character, teamwork, and balance in life while providing on-going training to upgrade your skills.
About North Shore Community Resources North Shore Community Resources is a non-profit society and United Way partner agency that has been serving the North Shore since 1976. The North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory is just one service that our organization offers to the general public. The Centre has four main functions: To provide up-to-date community information and referral services, to coordinate and promote volunteer services and volunteerism across the North Shore, to provide child care information, and to provide legal information and advocacy.
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
Directory Information Directory Contributors: Managing Editor 2017 – 2018: Tanya Findlater Twenty Third Edition Publisher and Cover Design: Cullen Hughes and Tanya Findlater Cover Image: Cullen Hughes and Tanya Findlater Special thanks to The BC Community Gaming Grants and United Way for their ongoing support.
The North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory is produced by: Volunteer North Shore, a service of:
North Shore Community Resources Society Capilano mall, Suite 201 – 935 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, B.C. V7P 1S3 Telephone: (604) 985 7139 Twitter Account: @nscr_volns Email:
[email protected] Website:
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
Table of Contents Administration and Office work
Page 6
Animals and the Environment
Page 7
Arts and Culture
Page 14
Community Services
Page 23
Page 34
Page 35
Page 37
Page 38
Youth Work
Page 41
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
List of Organizations Artisan Farmers Market
Page 23
Aunt Leah’s Place
Page 25
Canadian Blood Services
Page 26
Canadian Cancer Society
Page 35
Canucks Place Children Hospice
Page 26
Capilano Care Centre
Page 38
Capilano Community Services Society
Page 41
City of North Vancouver
Page 7
Democracy Café
Page 34
Diners Club – Seniors Congregate Meals Program
Page 39
District of North Vancouver – Animal Welfare Shelter
Page 7
District of North Vancouver – Social Planning Department
Page 6
Fresh Air Learning
Page 42
Harvest Project
Page 27
Kay Meek Centre
Page 14
Kids Help Phone – BC and Yukon Region
Page 28
Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre
Page 8
Lynn Valley Care Centre
Page 39
North Shore Black Bear Society
Page 9
North Shore ConneXions Society
Page 28
North Shore Homelessness Task Force
Page 29
North Shore Keep Well Society
Page 36
North Shore Meals on Wheels Society
Page 40 4|Page
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory North Shore Multicultural Society
Page 37
North Shore Neighbourhood House and John Braithwaite Community Centre
Page 42
North Vancouver Community Arts Council
Page 15
North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission
Page 30
Parkgate Community Centre
Page 43
Presentation House Arts Centre
Page 16
Seymour Art Gallery
Page 17
Seymour Salmonid Society (Seymour River Fish Hatchery)
Page 9
SOS Thrift Store Foundation
Page 31
St. John Ambulance Cadets (North Shore Division)
Page 36
Stanley Park Ecology Centre
Page 10
Telus World of Science (Science World)
Page 34
Theatre Under the Stars
Page 17
Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports
Page 32
Vancouver Aquarium – Stanley Park
Page 11
Vancouver Fringe Festival
Page 18
West Vancouver Community Services
Page 32
West Vancouver Memorial Library
Page 33
West Vancouver Museum
Page 22
Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia
Page 13
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
Administration and Office Work
District of North Vancouver – Social Planning Department 355 West Queens Rd., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 4N5 CONTACT: Policy Planning Department EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Mon – Fri, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Phone: (604) 990-2454 FAX: (604) 984-8664
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Community Development/Social Planning VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Some volunteer opportunities may exist in the Social Planning Department for the District of North Vancouver. In addition to providing information about the various Council Committees seeking youth volunteers, Social Planning staff are also involved in a variety of projects with community partners throughout the District of North Vancouver that regularly need volunteers. Examples of Council Committees that require youth representation are the Transportation Advisory Committee, Community Services Advisory Committee, and Advisory Community on Disability Issues etc. There are also municipal processes that require youth input and involvement such as Official Community Planning implementation processes. Volunteer opportunities on projects done in partnership with community partners include events like various youth agency activities, Youth Week and the Annual Civic Youth Awards to name a few. For more information on any of these go to the website or give Annie a Call!
TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided REQUIREMENTS: Good communication skills, able to work independently. Requirements depend on the project and volunteers may be placed with a project depending on the skills they have. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Employment education, career exploration, networking, experience in event planning and leadership and communication skills. HOURS INVOLVED: Varying depending on the project. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
Animals and the Environment
City of North Vancouver 141 West 14th street, North Vancouver, B.C., V7M 1H9 Want to get out into our parks and get your hands dirty while making a difference? Then come join in the fun with the City Park Stewards! Email:
[email protected] Contact availability: Anytime
Phone: 604-689-0766 ext 9253
VOLUNTEER TITLE: City Park Stewards VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be working at various parks around North Vancouver and will be removing invasive species growth. They will be working with a team to help restore local parks with the support from the City of North Vancouver. Tools, gloves, and refreshments are provided. TRAINING AVALIABLE: Job role training provided REQUIREMENTS: Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will get to work outside to help restore and maintain parks. Volunteers can also log there hours to use towards their graduation credit. HOURS INVOLVED: Various dates, 9:00am – 12:00pm MINIMUM AGE: All ages welcome
District of North Vancouver – Animal Welfare Shelter 299 Mansfield Place, North Vancouver, B.C., V7T 1E4 The District of North Vancouver Animal Welfare Shelter provides temporary housing for homeless cats, dogs and rabbits on the North Shore. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Jason Johnston, Lead Shelter Attendant CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Mon-Fri, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
PHONE: (604) 990-3711 FAX: (604) 987-2694
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Animal Care Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: There are volunteer opportunities available for students over 16 years of age. Volunteer jobs are more than working with the animals: you are working for them during their stay at the shelter. Primarily, volunteers are involved with cleaning and feeding but they also help to improve the welfare and adoptability of the
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory animals. Advanced scheduling and orientation attendance is required, please contact the shelter (604) 990-3711. Volunteer positions depend on availability and may not be available at all times. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training in proper handling and care of animals REQUIREMENTS: Committed, reliable, positive, self-motivated, tidy, detail oriented and flexibility in an ever changing environment. In addition, other ideal characteristics of volunteers include the ability to work well as part of a team and complete tasks in a timely manner. Applications must be picked up in person at the animal shelter. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Communication in a work environment, leadership skills, animal care skills. HOURS INVOLVED: 3 month commitment is required MINIMUM AGE: Anyone under the age of 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre 3663 Park Rd., North Vancouver, B.C., V7J 3G3 Ecology resource center featuring films, lectures, trails and nature walks. Special programs are available for schools and groups. Operated by the District of North Vancouver. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Tricia Edgar, Education Programmer PHONE: (604) 990-3755 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604) 981-3154 CONTACT AVAILIABILITY: Please leave a message or send an email to arrange an interview. For more opportunities with this organization see page: 21
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Summer Nature Program Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: The nature program assistant helps the Ecology Centre summer nature educators with programs for children ages 5 - 8. This is a good introduction to working with children. The assistant helps children make crafts, play games and explore outdoors (only for July and August). TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided REQUIREMENTS: Fair English skills, and enjoy working with children. Volunteers have to attend training, express enthusiasm for children/nature, and be responsible. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Increased knowledge of natural history and nature education. Facilitation skills in teaching and working with children. HOURS INVOLVED: Looking for people who can come in from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, Monday-Wednesday, for one or more weeks during the summer. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old and up
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
North Shore Black Bear Society c/o 355 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 4N5 The North Shore Black Bear Society, a non-profit organization, works in partnership with municipalities and other groups involved with black bears and bear attractant issues. Our education program is delivered by dedicated volunteers across the North Shore of Vancouver.
[email protected] Contact Availability: Contact Anytime
Phone: 604-317-4911
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Black Bear Society Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Multiple jobs available for volunteers. Jobs include running information booths at public events, making presentations to groups, including elementary schools, guides and scouts, summer camps and adult organizations, canvassing neighborhoods where there have been bear activity, communicating with residents who have contacted us by phone or email about bear sightings and bear attractant management challenges, hanging signs where bear sightings have been reported and maintain a data base on bear activity and bear attractants. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must have excellent communication skills and be willing and enthusiastic about learning about bears. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the North Shore Black Bear Society SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working with a team and help increase safety of black bears. Volunteers can also use the hours towards their graduation credit or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Contact Black Bear Society directly MINIMUM AGE: Secondary High School students only
Seymour Salmonid Society (Seymour River Fish Hatchery) Box 52221, North Vancouver, B.C., V7J 3V5 Fish Hatchery is on the Seymour River in North Vancouver The Seymour Salmonid Society runs the Seymour River Fish Hatchery and Education Centre. The society has a working relationship with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Metro Vancouver, and many schools, colleges, businesses and other conservation groups. Volunteers will be involved in the day to day operations of the hatchery. Most volunteer opportunities are hands on and outside in all weather conditions. If you are looking for entry level career experience or would just like to give back to your community, the Seymour River Hatchery is a great place to spend time. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Sasha Gale, Volunteer Coordinator PHONE: (604) 288-0511 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: – please look at to see how to get to the hatchery (we can help with getting you up to the hatchery) and also the volunteering page. CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Email anytime
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Fish Hatchery Operations Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Help maintain the fish hatchery on weekdays or weekends. Many of the activities are seasonal and may include brood stock capture, fish releases, and fin clipping. Daily hatchery duties include feeding fish, cleaning troughs and general hatchery maintenance and cleaning. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Volunteer Orientation provided. Instructions given on an as-needed basis. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers from all backgrounds are welcome to apply. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Fish husbandry, teamwork, communications, fish biology, and understanding of current topics in fisheries. HOURS INVOLVED: No minimum commitment required. Hatchery operation hours are from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm year round. MINIMUM AGE: 15years old & up (younger volunteers are accepted but require parental supervision).
Stanley Park Ecology Centre 610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, BC, V6G 1Z4 Stanley Park Ecology Society promotes awareness and respect for the natural world and plays a leadership role in the stewardship of Stanley Park through collaborative initiatives in education, research and conservation. For more information please visit: Email: Visit Contact page
Phone: (604)-257-6908
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Special Invasive Plant Removal Team VOLUNTEER ACITIVITIES: Volunteers will work as part of a small team to remove targeted invasive species from selected areas and help with other stewardship projects in Stanley Park. They will also interact with the public about ecology and invasive species in Stanley Park as needed. Volunteers will also collect data on invasive species removal and support fellow team members and the Stewardship Coordinator by maintaining a positive attitude and showing dedication while accomplishing tasks. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training will be provided. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older, have excellent English and effective communication skills. They must also be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions, be reliable and punctual, have an interest in nature and be enthusiastic about contributing to habitat restoration work in Stanley Park. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain experience in the field of environmental conservation, make an important contribution to the conservation and restoration of habitats in Stanley Park and develop team building, leadership and project organizational skills. They will also receive a letter of reference after 30 hours of service HOURS INVOLVED: 10:00am – 1:0 pm Monday - Wednesday MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Nature House Host (summer) VOLUNTEER ACITIVITIES: Volunteers will welcome visitors to the Nature House and share information about Stanley Park’s ecology. They will also engage visitors with the educational displays and promote other Stanley Park Ecology Society programming. They will also organize resource materials, assist in the opening and closing procedure for the Nature House and perform some light cleaning duties. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided on select dates REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must have excellent communication skills, a friendly personality, and interest in and willingness to learn about ecology and Stanley Park and have a high level of commitment.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will be invited to attend Discovery Walks for free and can receive a reference letter after 30 hours is completed. They also get to develop ecology interpretation skills and spend time and learn about Stanley Park. HOURS INVOLVED: Tuesday – Friday 10:00am – 1:30pm or 1:30pm – 4:00pm MINIMUM AGE: 17 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Bio Blitz Festival Crew VOLUNTEER ACITIVITIES: Volunteers will be welcoming visitors to the event and providing information. They will also be registering visitors for surveys, directing and guiding participants to their survey location, assisting participants with iNaturalist and photo uploads and helping those with Wi-Fi and IT if interested. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Provided by Stanley Park REQUIREMENTS: Must be comfortable interacting with new people, have excellent communication skills, be a team player and have the ability and willingness to learn new technology. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain customer service experience, learn about the biodiversity in Stanley Park, contribute to an initiative that connects people with nature and spreads awareness about the importance of bio diversity. HOURS INVOLVED: Check website MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Eco Detectives Summer Day Camp EcoCaptain VOLUNTEER ACITIVITIES: Volunteers will be assisting SPES educators with various operational and educational activities. They will also be assisting in supervision and group management of campers. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training will be provided by Stanley Park REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must have excellent leadership, organizational and communication skills. They must also have a willingness to work outdoors (rain or shine) and have the ability to pass a criminal record check. Having work experience with children is an asset but not required. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain leadership experience working with children, skills to build their resume, network with new people, contribute to the next generation’s understanding and appreciation of nature and will be invited to attend the season-end volunteer appreciation party in August. HOURS INVOLVED: 8:00am – 12:30pm, 12:30pm-5:00pm or all day (8:00am – 5:00pm) MINIMUM AGE: Must be enrolled in grade 11 or higher
Vancouver Aquarium – Stanley Park P.O. Box 3232, Vancouver B.C., V6B 3X8 The Vancouver Aquarium is a non-profit association dedicated to effecting the conservation of aquatic life through display, interpretation, education, research and direct action. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Zoe Jackson, Coordinator, Volunteer Services & Youth Programs PHONE: (604) 659-3478 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604) 659-3515 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Vancouver Aquarium Youth Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Interpretive, educational activities, and visitor experience related roles. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Mandatory orientation and training sessions. Recruitment occurs every 1-2 months. REQUIRMENTS: Valid medical coverage, fluency in English, eligibility to volunteer in Canada; people skills and public speaking skills are an asset, interest in marine life, conservation, and the environment.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Fluency in English, mature attitude, positive interactions with public. HOURS INVOLVED: 4 hours per week for a term of 3-6 months, OR, if doing a Work Experience placement, shortterm & intensive 2-3 week placement. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Marine Educator Aqua Camps Work Experience Placement VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Assist with the preparation, delivery and cleanup of Summer Camp program, enhance participants experience through group activities using hands on, interactive activity stations and props, help supervise and lead small groups of children during play and gallery exploration time. Please note the student will primarily be working with children and not marine life. The position also requires the students to be outside for most of the day. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: The student will gain experience working with children, develop leadership skills, learn more about the animals at the aquarium and complete hours towards work experience requirements. SKILLS PREFERRED: Outgoing, enthusiastic personality, and experience in educating or working with children, with excellent interpersonal skills TRAINING AVAILABLE: Mandatory core and specific training dates provided by the Vancouver Aquarium. HOURS INVOLVED: Full-time shifts are Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 3:30pm. Part time shift is Monday to Friday 2:00-6:00pm. MINIMUM AGE: Grade 11 or 12 students are preferred
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Interpretive Delivery Work Experience Placement VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Interact with visitors and answer questions in the Discover Rays Gallery, supervise face painting, educate the public with stories and props in all galleries, handle small animals for public programming, assist staff cleaning the Goldcorp 4D theatre, assist staff with visitor surveys, complete self-led educational modules to increase knowledge of aquatic life. SKILL PREFERRED: Individuals who are outgoing, enthusiastic and self-motivated. Genuine interest in working with the public, strong communication skills including excellent spelling/grammar and average typing skills. Experience with delivering excellent customer service, and second language is an asset. The ability to learn quickly from selfled activities, studying written documents and some group activity work. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Gain customer service and communication skills and a chance to work alongside specialists in aquatic fields. Also gain priority placement in future volunteer training sessions and experience hours. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Mandatory core and specific training date will be provided by the Vancouver Aquarium. HOURS INVOLVED: 10:00am to 6:00pm MINIMUM AGE: Secondary High School students preferred
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Gallery Assistant Work Experience Placement VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Kiosk/plaza attendant. 4D assistant, information desk attendant, gallery greeter, discover rays assistant, and sustainability ambassadors. SKILL PREFERRED: Outgoing, enthusiastic personality, genuine interest in working with the public, strong communication skills, experience with delivering excellent customer service. A second language is an asset.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Gain customer service, communication skills, and priority placement in volunteer training and work experience hours. It is also a chance to meet people from all over the world and learn new vocabulary and knowledge about different animals/specimens. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Mandatory core and specific training date provided by the Vancouver Aquarium. HOURS INVOLVED: Each shift will be from 10:00am to 6:00pm MINIMUM AGE: Secondary High School students preferred
Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia (WBT) MAILING ADRESS: 2645 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7H 1B1 WORK LOCATION: The Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats, 2645 Dollarton Hwy, North Vancouver Enhancing The Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats for birds and wildlife. School Programs, Bird Surveys, Nature Walks and Volunteer Days. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Ernie Kennedy, MCA Manager E-MAIL:
[email protected]
PHONE: (604) 929-2379
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Communications Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Support the social media team at Maplewood Flats by supporting the building of digital photography and social media assets and materials and share them with our followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and through our semi-annual Wingspan publication. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIRMENTS: Should have an interest in communications and social marketing, the environment, wildlife and birds, and the interest and ability to follow and work under direction. Previous knowledge of the environment, wildlife, and birds is not necessary. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Working with people; gaining work references. HOURS INVOLVED: Flexible and by arrangement MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: General Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are accepted all throughout the year for various activities and positions at the Wild Bird Trust. Volunteers will be involved with enhancing the conservation area at Maplewood Flats for birds and wildlife, school programs, bird surveys, nature walks. Some volunteer activities may include invasive plant removal, gardening, trail work, and tree planting. For more information contact WBT’s MCA Manager Ernie Kennedy. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIRMENTS: Ability to sign WBT’s Waiver of liability and transportation to the site are necessary. Should have an interest in the environment, wildlife and birds, and the interest and ability to follow and work under direction. Previous knowledge of the environment, wildlife and birds is not necessary. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Working with people; gaining references. HOURS INVOLVED: Flexible and by arrangement MINIMUM AGE: 18 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Day Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer Day is held once a month on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 10:00 am on the day and be prepared to work outdoors. Assist with habitat restoration for the
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory various species of birds and animals that live in The Conservation Area at Maplewood Flats. This is outdoor work and is weather-permitting. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Ability to sign WBT’s waiver of liability and own transportation to the site are necessary. Volunteers should be interested in the environment, wildlife and birds, and have an ability to follow and work under direction. Previous knowledge in environment, wildlife and birds not necessary. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Working with people; references. HOURS INVOLVED: Flexible, by arrangement. The event will normally include 2 or more hours of work. MINIMUM AGE: 18
Arts and Culture
Kay Meek Centre 1700 Mathers Avenue, West Vancouver BC V7V 2G7 Kay Meek Centre is a performing Art Centre. As a presenter of cultural events, Kay Meek Centre is committed to presenting artistic excellence in a range of experiences that would not otherwise be available in West Vancouver. These events focus on theatre, music, dance and film. Kay Meek Centre is a proud community partner of the West Vancouver School District and the Municipality of West Vancouver. Our Vision: A community engaged, inspired, and enriched by the performing arts. WEBSITE: For more information about Kay Meek Centre visit: Please look at: to see a map. EMAIL:
[email protected] PHONE: (604) 981 1170 CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Email anytime
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Kay Meek Centre Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Ushers, ticket takers, concession, bar, and in other support roles for performances at Kay Meek Centre. TRAINING AVAILABLE: We will be conducting an intake and orientation for the 2017-2018 season starting in September 2017. Orientation is provided. Instructions given on an as-needed basis. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers from all backgrounds are welcome to apply.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: English and Farsi speakers HOURS INVOLVED: No minimum commitment required. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
North Vancouver Community Arts Council 335 Lonsdale, North Vancouver, B.C., V7M 2G3 Located at Cityscape Community Art Space, our mandate is to enable emerging and professional artists in all disciplines, bridge cultures and build strong communities through the arts. Resource centre for artists and public on arts and cultural matters, encouraging the development of the arts in all media. Programs include: Art Rental, Art in the Community, community events, art classes for adults, youth, and children, spring break and summer camps for children, as well as youth and community art projects. Also, program and manage City Scape Community Art Space and Maplewood House. For more information please visit: EMAIL:
[email protected] PHONE: (604) 988-6844 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Art Workshop Assistants VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Throughout the year the Arts Council puts on various community art workshops. These workshops are held at various venues and invite members of the community to participate in creating art and are often associated with events, traditional holidays, and gallery exhibitions. Volunteers will also work with children. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers should be friendly, social, organized, comfortable in crowds, and interested in the arts. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Develop leadership skills and ability to interact with children. HOURS INVOLVED: Interested volunteers will be placed on a waiting list. The workshop schedule is sporadic and based on need. Volunteers will have to give their contact info. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Gallery Attendant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Present during the open hours of the Gallery to greet Gallery patrons, answer questions about the current exhibition, and direct them to the appropriate staff member where needed. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers should be friendly, social, organized, and interested in the arts. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Develop leadership skills and ability to interact with others. Gallery Attendants are invited to attend exhibition receptions at the start of each exhibition, as well as exhibition orientations to familiarize themselves with the new works of art in the gallery. HOURS INVOLVED: Interested volunteers will be placed on a waiting list. Shifts are 2.5 hours long and there is an occasional need for spots to be filled when regular volunteers are away. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Events Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: The North Vancouver Community Arts Council is an event-driven organization and we have a lot of fun planning, organizing and executing various public events throughout the year. These popular events are fabulous for those who want to work closely with the public in a rich interactive arts environment. Volunteer positions are defined according to the specific needs of the event. Many positions require that you be outdoors, may involve lifting and carrying e.g. setting up tables and chairs.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers should be friendly, social, organized, comfortable in crowds, and interested in the arts. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Develop leadership skills and ability to interact with others. Volunteers will have to give their contact info. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Art in the Garden Greeter (May) VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: To greet the public, give information, and accept admission during the annual two-day North Shore event. Art in the Garden is a chance for local residents to open their gardens to be animated by two and three dimensional art and live musical performances. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers should be friendly, social, organized, and interested in learning new information in the arts. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Experience working in an art environment with experts and interacting with the public. HOURS INVOLVED: Interested volunteers will be placed on a waiting list. Volunteers will have to give their contact info. Shifts are usually 5.5 hours in length. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Presentation House Arts Centre 333 Chesterfield Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7M 3G9 The Presentation House Arts Centre consists of two heritage buildings, the largest a former school built in 1902, the smaller a former church built in 1899. The school building now houses three organizations: Presentation House Theatre, Presentation House Gallery, and North Vancouver Museum and Archives which are all non-profit charitable societies. The Theatre operates a 158-seat performance space, with fixed raked seating and a black box stage area which it programs year-round with a wide range of community and professional performing art events. The Theatre lobby functions as a community gallery and displays artwork by local artists. The former church is named Anne Macdonald studio and is used for rehearsals, auditions and workshops. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Giselle Clarke-Trenaman, Volunteer Coordinator PHONE: (604) 990-3474 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604) 990-3474 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Usher/Ticket Taker VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: To take tickets and hand out programs to patrons, assist patrons with finding seats. Give general information to patrons regarding running times and upcoming shows being presented at the theatre. Occasional opportunity for data entry, fundraising, and helping with annual mail out to clients. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Short orientation provided REQUIREMENTS: Dependable and pleasant. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Customer service skills and interpersonal skills are developed as we have a diverse patron base. A benefit of this job role is the ability to see a wide variety of live theatre, music and dance for free. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary depending on show times, but mostly evenings 6:45 – 9:30/10:00 pm and some weekend matinees 12:45 – 4:30 pm. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
Seymour Art Gallery 4360 Gallant Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7G 1L2 A non-profit gallery located within the Deep Cove Cultural Centre featuring group and solo exhibits of emerging to internationally recognized artists. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Vanessa Black, Gallery Assistant PHONE: (604) 924-1378 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604) 924-3786 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Gallery Shop Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Help customers and ring through sales in the Seymour Art Gallery’s Gallery Shop, which sells work by more than 60 local artists; monitor the Gallery and record visitor numbers, provide friendly customer service and information to the public. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Processing sales transactions, information about gallery exhibits, and customer service. REQUIREMENTS: Must like working with the public, be friendly and enthusiastic, comfortable working independently, and willing to learn. Must be comfortable with simple math and have an ability to handle cash, Visa, MC, and debit machine transactions. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Skills for working with the public and sales experience. HOURS INVOLVED: 4 hours per shift, flexible and on-going. MINIMUM AGE: 19 years old & up
Theatre Under the Stars 610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, BC V6G 1Z4 Theatre Under the Stars has always depended on the hard work and dedication of our team of volunteers! Each season, over 200 volunteers contribute their time, energy, and skills to make our season a great success! We require energetic committed volunteers to help in the front house: ushering, taking tickets, greeting, and staffing the coffee bar and bar, we also recruit for our backstage crew who work in costuming, lighting, sound, set and props for the run of the shows. CONTACT: Melissa Bergeron EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604)-734-1585
PHONE: (604)-734-1917 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Front of House Support VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Greeter, Ticket Takers, Box Office, Coffee Bar, Bar, Programs and Cushions, Photo Booth, Emporium Gift Shop, Ushers TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation and training dates start in May 2018 REQUIREMENTS: Friendly, social, can work in a team setting, and follow instructions from a supervisor. SKILLS / ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Have a fun experience and become part of the TUTS family as well as free entry to shows for yourself, a family and friends discount, and opportunities to meet professionals in the Vancouver arts industry. HOURS INVOLVED: The hours for this position are flexible MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up for most positions (unless volunteering with an adult) / 19+ for bar positions (SIR required)
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Vancouver Fringe Festival Box 203 – 1398 Cartwright Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6H 3R8 The Fringe employs an “everyone is welcome” selection technique – the Mainstage shows are literally drawn out of a hat giving all artists from novice to veteran a chance to participate. The Fringe strives to break down traditional boundaries and encourage open dialogue between audiences and artists by presenting live un-juried, uncensored theatre in an accessible and informal environment. All artist receive 100% of regular box office revenues generated during the festival
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Volunteer Centre Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be in charge of making sure all volunteers are scheduled and in the right place. They will also be in charge of making sure the volunteer center is clean and well stocked with food and drinks. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by Vancouver Fringe Festival REQUIREMENTS: Having interest in theatre is a benefit. Volunteers must also be reliable and team players SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: The volunteer gains experience working in a theatre. They can also use the hours towards their graduation credit. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16+ to volunteer without a parent or guardian present
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Ticket seller and Usher Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will work in pairs to sell tickets to the shows, handle money and keep track of how many pass holders attend each performance. Volunteers will be using iPads to sell tickets and keep track of Festival passes TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must be familiar with the Canadian currency and have a high level of spoken English. They must also be comfortable with multitasking and busy environments as well as with technology. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working in the theatre and can also put the hours towards their graduation credit. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16+ to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Fringe Ambassador / Surveyor VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be walking around Grandville Island raising awareness of the Vancouver Fringe Festival by talking to people. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Must have a high level of spoken English and very low level of shyness. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain experience working with a team and interacting with the public. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old and up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Info Line Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be answering calls and assisting people with information about the Fringe Festival. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training Provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must have basic computer skills and high proficiency in English is required. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working for a theatre as well as develop customer service skills. All volunteer hours can be logged and out towards graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Volunteer Photographer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer is in charge of taking photos and documenting the festival. Volunteer will be given a list of shots to capture during their shift and will upload the photos to the Fringe for use in social media, web, email newsletter, and various print materials. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training will be provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival but volunteers should already know how to use their camera. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must provide their own camera and know how to use it properly. Previous photography experience is an asset. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience taking professional photos as well as gain volunteer hours that can be used towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Site / Crew Production VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are in charge of hanging signs, building venues, painting, installing signs/banners, and preparing for the festival. Volunteers will also be responsible for supporting the take down of the set after the festival is over. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training will be provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must wear closed toe shoes and have warm clothes. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain experience with theatre set up, take down, and general back stage support. Volunteers can also use the hours towards their graduation credit or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Runner VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be in dispatch until they get a call over the radio for supplies needed at a venue. They will then take what they need and head out to the other venue. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training will be provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must come prepared in comfortable footwear and waterproof clothes depending on the weather. Position requires large amounts of walking. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers get to work in a theatre setting and also can log their hours to put towards their graduation credit or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to work without a parent or guardian present.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Events Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer are in charge of setup and strike, monitoring the silent auction, picking up empty bottles and helping ensure the event runs smoothly. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training will be provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Food safe certification and being a team player is an asset. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working in a theatre and also gain volunteer hours to put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Raffle Ticket Seller Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be selling raffle tickets and mingling with people going to the event. TRAINING AVAILABLE: All training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must be outgoing and willing to talk to people. They must also have excellent spoken English skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain experience working with people in a theatre setting. They will also gain volunteer hours that they can put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Jack of All Trades VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: The Jack of All Trades volunteer position will involve doing a bit of everything around the festival. They will be helping fill in for volunteers unable to make their shift or jump in and help when it gets busy. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must be flexible, adventurous, and ready to try multiple different roles at the festival. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will get a well-rounded idea of what working at a theatre is like. They will get experience working in all different areas of the festival and gain volunteer hours they can put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Office Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be given a number of important tasks including preparing artist welcome packages to entering new Fringe members into the database. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer should feel comfortable using computers and basic computing programs such as word and excel. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working in an office and theatre setting. They will also gain some basic computer skills and hours that they can use towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Count Room Captain VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be communicating with other departments at the festival via radio to process change requests from other venues to make sure that the artists get paid. TRAINING AVAILABLE: All training is available through the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must have strong math skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience using math in a fast paced environment. They will also gain volunteer hours which they can put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Bean Counter VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be preparing cash floats and deposits in the count room. Volunteers will also be receiving and recording cash from show envelopes and other Fringe venues. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer must have some cash handling experience. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience dealing with cash and deposits. They will also gain volunteer hours that they can put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Cross Checker VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: The volunteer will be verifying ticket sales on show envelopes and reconcile it to cash receipts. You will also get to find out which shows are the most popular. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Willing and able to work until midnight some nights. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain experience in developing their attention to detail skills as well as gain hours they can put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be at least 16 years old & up to volunteer without parent or guardian present.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Administration / Office Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers may be working in multiple positions including the office, count room captain, bean counter and cross checker. TRAINING AVAILABLE: All training provided by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. REQUIREMENTS: Having an interest in theatre is a benefit. Volunteer must be reliable and a strong team player. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer gains experience working in the theatre. The hours volunteered can also go towards their graduation credit or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary. MINIMUM AGE: Must be 16 years old & up to volunteer without a parent or guardian present.
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West Vancouver Museum 680 17th St., West Vancouver, B.C., V7V 3T2 The West Vancouver Museum is dedicated to foster awareness and understanding of art, culture and history through dynamic exhibitions and educational programs. The museum profiles important creators, innovators and events that have shaped our community, region and country. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Caroline Brandson, Coordinator, Volunteer Services | District of West Vancouver PHONE: (604) 913-2703 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Tue – Wed, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Gallery Guide VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers needed to work as gallery attendants. Talk to visitors and work in the gift shop. The Gallery Guide will assist with the preparation and delivery of programs and hosting special events. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Friendly and reliable. Looking for skilled individuals who are interested in art, architecture and design. Criminal record check is required. A volunteer under 19 requires submitting a parent consent form. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Retail, communication, working with the public, organizational skills, learning how to plan programs, working with museum duties and materials, and knowledge of art and museum practices. HOURS INVOLVED: 3 hours per week, minimum 3 month commitment. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Education Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Working with Education Coordinator, volunteers help prepare for the museum’s art and architecture programs and educational programs offered at schools. If you like children and enjoy arts and crafts, this position is for you. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Good communication skills. Criminal record check is required. A volunteer under 19 requires submitting a parent consent form. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Communication, public speaking, working with the public, organizational skills, and ability to pay attention to detail. HOURS INVOLVED: Mon, Tue, or Wed, 3:30 – 5:00 pm, minimum 6 months commitment. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
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Community Services
Artisan Farmers Market Society 123 Carrie Cates Court, North Vancouver, B.C., V7M 2E4 Stroll the boardwalk and take in the ocean and city skyline views from North Vancouver’s Lonsdale Quay while you check out fresh locally grown produce, tasty baked goods and creations by local artisans. Experience a farmer’s market in a forested setting with ample paved parking steps away from Deer Lake while you listen to entertainers and meet up with friends to check out locally grown, baked and created goodies. Or enjoy a relaxing Sunday just steps away from Ambleside Park and Beach at West Vancouver’s farmers’ market where you can meet growers, bakers and artists while you sample fresh baking and shop for your Sunday dinner. EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Farmers Market Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are needed for Market Set Up (8-10am) & Tear Down (3 - 3:45pm). Volunteers are also needed to deliver posters to community centres and coffee shops in both the Lonsdale area and in West Vancouver. HOURS INVOLVED: Ambleside (Sundays from 10am to 4pm), Burnaby (Saturdays from 9am to 2pm), and Lonsdale Quay (Saturdays from 10am to 3pm) MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Market Site Concierge VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be outside at the market greeting customers, helping them find what they’re looking for, inviting customers to take surveys, and count the number of customers entering. HOURS INVOLVED: Burnaby (9:00am – 3:00pm), Ambleside (10:00am – 3:00pm), Lonsdale Quay (10:00am3:00pm) MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Market Site Setup Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be assisting in the setup of the market. HOURS INVOLVED: Burnaby (7:00am – 3:00pm), Ambleside (8:00am – 3:00pm), Lonsdale Quay (8:00am-3:00pm) MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Market Site Children’s Activities Volunteer 23 | P a g e
NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be running the children’s activities at the market. These activities include the ones pre-planned by the market as well as any activities the volunteer has planned. Activities can be anything from crafts to balloon twisting to face painting to treasure hunts. HOURS INVOLVED: Burnaby (9:00am – 2:00pm), Ambleside (9:00am – 2:00pm), Lonsdale Quay (9:00am-2:00pm) MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Market Site Sustainability Steward VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be in charge of educating vendors and customers about the importance of recycling and the using re-usable, sustainable materials HOURS INVOLVED: Burnaby (9:00am – 3:00pm), Ambleside (10:00am – 3:00pm), Lonsdale Quay (10:00am3:00pm) MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Social Media Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Spend all your free time on Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Come volunteer with us and spend hours liking farmers' market vendors. Work on your own time, on your own device and see how entrepreneurs market themselves using social media. HOURS INVOLVED: Burnaby (9:00am – 3:00pm), Ambleside (10:00am – 3:00pm), Lonsdale Quay (10:00am3:00pm). MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Social Media Volunteer Videographer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be spending the day at the market speaking with the vendors and recording Facebook Live events. HOURS INVOLVED: Burnaby (9:00am – 3:00pm), Ambleside (10:00am – 3:00pm), Lonsdale Quay (10:00am3:00pm) MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Social Media Volunteer Writer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be writing biographies of the market vendors who sell in popular categories including farmers, small food processors, soap makers, jewelry makers and more. Learn about their career paths to become successful entrepreneurs. HOURS INVOLVED: This position is flexible with options to choose shifts MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Bookkeeping Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Interested in Numbers? Might want to be an Accountant one day? Generally Like Math? Looking to learn/use Excel in your work? Come help record the weekly payments we receive and see how many $40 and $45 weekly payments need to be input in order to sum to over $100,000. This position can be done at a time and place of your choosing. HOURS INVOLVED: This position can be done at a time and place of your choosing. MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Children’s Activities Volunteer
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Are you artistic and enjoy designing fun craft activities for children? We have a ton of craft supplies just waiting to be used. Put your artistic talent to work designing crafts, making frames for Instagram and Facebook photos, putting together games. HOURS INVOLVED: This position can be done at a time and place of your choosing. MINIMUM AGE: Grade 8 & up
Aunt Leah’s Place 816 20th Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 4W6 Aunt Leah’s Place helps prevent children in foster care from becoming homeless and mothers in need from losing custody of their children. To support them on their journey to self-sufficiency, we provide supported housing, job training and coaching on essential life skills. CONTACT: Hope Rayson EMAIL:
[email protected]
PHONE: 604-525-1204 (ext. 252) CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Contact Anytime
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Tree Lot Sales Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Tree lot sales volunteers will be assisting customers in selecting a tree, explaining the benefits of each tree, sawing off trunk ends, wrapping trees using the tree baler, assisting putting purchased trees on vehicles, and sharing the vision of Aunt Leah’s. TRAINING AVAILABLE: The tree lot manager will provide training SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working in a team and sales environment. They will also gain hours that can be put towards graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: TBA MINIMUM AGE: Contact Aunt Leah’s Place
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Tree Lot Cashier Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be tracking all sales, handling cash, operating debit and credit machines, reconciling sales after shift, answering customer’s questions and explaining Aunt Leah’s Vision. TRAINING AVAILABLE: The tree lot manager will provide training SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience handling cash, developing customer service skills, and gain hours to put towards their graduation or Duke of Edinburgh Awards. HOURS INVOLVED: TBA MINIMUM AGE: Contact Aunt Leah’s Place
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Tree Lot Jack Of All Trades Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Jack of all trades will be helping customers select a tree, unload trees from the truck, organize trees, clean up tree lot, assist getting the purchased tree to customer’s vehicles and operate the credit / debit machines. TRAINING AVAILABLE: The tree lot manager will provide training HOURS INVOLVED: TBA MINIMUM AGE: Contact Aunt Leah’s Place
Canadian Blood Services 4750 Oak St., Vancouver, B.C., V6H 2N9
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory
Canadian Blood Services is a national not-for-profit charitable organization whose mission is to manage the blood supply for Canadians and the OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network. They recruit, screen, and recognize blood donors, collect, test and process blood products and distribute blood and blood products across Canada. To apply to become a Canadian Blood Services volunteer you must fill out the online application at CONTACT: Susan Spencer, Volunteer Coordinator PHONE: (604) 707-3552 EMAIL:
[email protected] CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Mon – Fri, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
VOLUNTEER TITLE: In-Community Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Recruitment booths, OneMatch swabbing events. We require volunteers who are comfortable talking to the public and are willing to regularly engage our current and prospective donors in conversation. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Participation in training and orientation are mandatory. REQUIREMENTS: Must be an outgoing person who loves to talk to new people! Volunteers are required to commit to a regular 3-4 hour shift. Good communication skills. Good customer services skills required. Once you have applied online, you will be contacted and asked to provide a minimum of two descriptive examples where you have had a positive experience interacting with the public. Your acceptance into our Volunteer Orientation and Training session will be based on a demonstrated ability to interact with the public. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Communication skills, promotional skills, knowledge about blood, blood donation, and blood manufacturing. HOURS INVOLVED: Mainly on the weekends or holidays. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Canucks Place Children Hospice 1690 Matthews Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V6J 2T2 Canuck Place is a caring, innovative children’s hospice and community-based service that fully embraces the life of each child and family. We provide leadership in improving pediatric palliative care regionally, nationally, and internationally through collaboration, education and research. CONTACT: Kiran Hundal, Coordinator, Volunteer & Support Services EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
PHONE: (604) 731-4847
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Kitchen Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Provide support to kitchen staff by assisting with baking, some preparation of meals, cleaning of the kitchen and dining room areas. REQUIREMENTS: Food Safe Level 1 Certificate and a current Hepatitis A Vaccine. HOURS INVOLVED: Monday to Sunday 10 – 2 pm & 3 pm – 7 pm MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Housekeeping Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Housekeeping Volunteers work with our Housekeeping Coordinator and housekeepers on a variety of light housekeeping duties to help preserve the beauty of our Hospice facility.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory HOURS INVOLVED: Monday to Sunday: 9 - 1pm or 1pm – 5pm MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Harvest Project 1073 Roosevelt Crescent, North Vancouver, B.C., V7P 1M4 Helping North Shore residents experiencing challenging life circumstances. Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Harvest Project. We rely on more than 150 weekly volunteers to keep our programs running effectively and provide a quality service. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Philippe Segur, Support Programs Coordinator PHONE: (604) 983-9488 CONTACT AVAILABILIY: Tues to Fri, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Cleaning Help VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Maintain a high standard of cleanliness throughout the building. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and information sessions available. REQUIREMENTS: A willingness to help, make a difference and be open to learning new skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will provide references and letters of recommendation with job description and hours worked. HOURS INVOLVED: We ask that volunteers commit to a weekly four-hour shift for a minimum of three months. Tuesday to Friday 12 PM to 4 PM. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Clothes for Change VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Sort incoming clothes, assist clients in selecting clothes for work, and sell clothes to the public. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and information sessions available. REQUIREMENTS: A willingness to help, make a difference, and be open to learning new skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will provide references and letters of recommendation with job description and hours worked. HOURS INVOLVED: We ask that volunteers commit to a weekly four-hour shift for a minimum of three months. Tuesday to Friday 12 PM to 4 PM MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Relief Driver’s Assistant/ Warehouse Attendant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Assist driver with pick-up and delivery route. Load and unload van. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and information sessions available. REQUIREMENTS: A willingness to help, make a difference, and be open to learning new skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will provide references and letters of recommendation with job description and hours worked. HOURS INVOLVED: We ask that this volunteer commits to a weekly rotating four-hour shift on call Tuesday to Friday 12 PM to 4 PM MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Grocery VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Assist clients as they select and pack groceries. Keep shelves stocked and monitor food
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory freshness. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and information sessions available. REQUIREMENTS: A willingness to help, make a difference, and be open to learning new skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will provide references and letters of recommendation with job description and hours worked. HOURS INVOLVED: We ask that volunteers commit to a weekly four-hour shift for a minimum of three months. Tuesday to Friday 12 PM to 4 PM MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Warehouse VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Sort, crate, and store non-perishable foods. Maintain safety and cleanliness of the warehouse. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and information sessions available. REQUIREMENTS: A willingness to help, make a difference and be open to learning new skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will provide references and letters of recommendation with job description and hours worked. HOURS INVOLVED: We ask that volunteers commit to a weekly four-hour shift for a minimum of three months. Tuesday to Friday 12 PM to 4 PM MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Kids Help Phone – BC and Yukon Region Suite 570 – 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6C 1H2 Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone and web counselling, referral and information service for children and youth. Every day, professional counsellors provide immediate, caring support to young people in urban and rural communities across the country. Children and teens contact Kids Help Phone for many different reasons. Mental health, like pressure and stress, school or relationship issues too, are just a few reasons kids and teens reach out for help. Since 1989, young people have connected with Kids Help Phone professional counselling services more than 7.1 million times. For more information about volunteering, please visit: CONTACT: Mariam Riad EMAIL:
[email protected]
PHONE: (778) 379-5437 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Various Volunteer Positions available for events, outreach and administration support. REQUIREMENTS: We ask that potential volunteers, please apply online to contact listed above. Once we receive your application, we will follow up with volunteer candidates based on your interests to assist and support a number of events and activities we are involved in throughout the year.
North Shore ConneXions Society 1070 Roosevelt Crescent, North Vancouver, B.C., V7P 1M3 Come join our team! North Shore ConneXions Society (ConneXions) is a nonprofit Society that supports families and serves children and adults living with intellectual disabilities. ConneXions offers Residential Programs, Day Programs, Employment Services and Recreation and Education Programs. Volunteer opportunities are customized to each volunteer and are designed to create successful long lasting relationships and experiences.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory CONTACT: Nicole Boiselle, Program Manager (ext. 241) EMAIL:
[email protected] CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Mon to Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm For more information please visit:
PHONE: (604) 984-9321 Extension 241 FAX: (604) 984-9882
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Leisure Companion JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Leisure Companions work within a variety of program settings and participate in each of the daily routines. Whether it is reading, cooking, walking, art/photography, gardening, helping out at events or sports, volunteers are matched to programs where they can utilize their expertise/interest and gain new valuable experiences. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation to the Society and program specific orientations are available. HOURS: (Residential Programs, Day Programs & Recreation/Education) the head office and all Day Programs are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. The residential programs run 24 hours a day/7 days a week and the recreation and education programs run during the week day, evenings and on weekends. The days and times for this position are flexible. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Staff Services / Administrative Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: This opportunity allows volunteers to work within an office environment and participate in administrative duties. This position involves filing, computer work, photocopying and other miscellaneous office duties. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation to the Society and program specific orientations are available. HOURS INVOLVED: ConneXions head office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. The days and times for this position are flexible. MINIMUM AGE: 18 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Literacy Volunteer Job Description: This position facilitates shared reading, read aloud sessions and other reading activities. Literacy volunteers provide a friendly, comfortable environment to engage the participants in the development of literacy skills as well as to support and promote literacy initiatives in a variety of ConneXions’ programs. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation to the Society and program specific orientations are available. VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers must complete and submit the Volunteer Application Form available in the “Support Us” section of the ConneXion website, Volunteers are screened through the Ministry of Justice for criminal record check clearance (processed by ConneXions) and must undergo Tuberculosis screening. Although there is a cost associated for the Tuberculosis screening, volunteers who complete over 40 hours of service with ConneXions can submit their TB receipt for a full reimbursement. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
Quest Food Exchange Quest Food Exchange is a not-for-profit organization that provides dignified access to a variety of affordable and healthy foods to individuals facing food security challenges in British Columbia. Our primary objectives are to reduce hunger with dignity, build community and foster sustainability. Not open to the general public, Quest Food Exchange works in collaboration with food suppliers who donate their surplus food, and community resource partners who refer their clients. Our environmentally conscious food redistribution program includes delivery trucks,
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory distribution centres, and not-for-profit grocery markets to ensure the quality surplus food we recover is reallocated efficiently to those who need it. Clients are empowered to choose what suits their needs in our friendly, safe and welcoming grocery market environment. Email:
[email protected]
Phone: 604-602-0168
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Grocery Market Clerk Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: The Grocery Market Clerk volunteer is responsible for tallying client totals and ensuring accurate financial transaction; customer service including assisting shoppers, suggesting products; maintaining the stock levels and shelf displays; maintain current pricing and signage; preparation and cleanliness of the Grocery Market for daily operations and client shopping TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the North Shore Homelessness Task Force REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer should have good organizational and time management skills, be able to remain calm in stressful situations, communicate effectively written and verbally, work and interact effectively with the public, work independently and in a team, have good analytical and decision making abilities and be patient SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working in customer’s service and gain hours they can put towards their graduation HOURS INVOLVED: Contact North Shore Homelessness Task Force MINIMUM AGE: 13 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Warehouse Associate VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: The warehouse associate ensures products are safely loaded and unloaded at the Quest Distribution Center. They also ensure products are stored in a safe and efficient manner. The volunteer will work in the distribution center as required and directed by the distribution center supervisor. They will also be keeping inventory of products received. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by North Shore Homelessness Task Force REQUIREMENTS: Must be able to operate distribution center related equipment, be able to sit for long periods of time and be able to carry 50lbs. Good organizational skills is also a benefit. Volunteer should be able to work independently and have effective communication skills. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working in a warehouse and gain volunteer hours that they can out towards their graduation. HOURS INVOLVED: Contact North Shore Homelessness Task Force MINIMUM AGE: 17 years old & up
North Vancouver City Library 120 West 14th Street, North Vancouver, B.C, V7M 1N9 North Vancouver City Library is a landmark building located in the heart of the City of North Vancouver. The library serves a population of 48,000 residents as well as customers from neighboring cities and districts. We provide a fine balance of both traditional and emerging new library services and take pride in providing excellent customer service.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Teen Advisory Council VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will help plan and promote Library programs and events for teens. Meetings will take place twice a month on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Volunteers will also get a chance to provide input on teen services and materials at the Library. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Teen Art and Promotion Group VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be creating artwork to help promote the Library programs. They may also get involved with curating teen artwork in the Library or assisting with creating themed decorations for the teen room. Meetings will take place twice monthly on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30-4:30 p.m. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Read Along VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be a reading buddy for children. English and reading skills are required for this volunteer opportunity. Meetings will be held each Wednesday from January 17 th – February 28th from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Homework Help! VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be tutoring teens and pre-teens on Mondays from 3:30 – 5:30. Hours are flexible. The orientation meeting will be January 15th. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Culture and Language Exchange Group VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be meeting with international students and newcomers to Canada once a week for six week starting February. They will be helping them build and understating across cultures and languages. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Library Events VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will help with Library events such as the Kirby Memorial Teen Art Contest, Movie Nights in the Plaza, teen room parties and more. Volunteers will get to choose which event they sign up for. Event schedule TBA. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Lego Robotics VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be mentoring pre-teens to learn about Lego Robotics. Volunteer dates will take place from 3:30-5:30 on Thursdays during the school year. Orientation will be held on Tuesday January 16 th. No prior experience with Lego robotics is needed. PREREQUISITES: Must be in grade 8-12
North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission 851 West Queens Road, North Vancouver B.C, V7N 4E3 North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission provides and coordinates a broad array of recreational opportunities to encourage individuals to develop their potential as physical, social, emotional, and spiritual beings. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Meh Najak, Volunteer Resources Programmer PHONE: (604) 983-6345 EMAIL:
[email protected] CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Monday to Friday
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VOLUNTEER TITLE: Day camp Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Assist with the general supervision of participants as directed by the day camp leaders. Assist with preparation, set-up and clean-up of materials used by participants. Interacting with children and facilitating them to have a great day camp experience. Have fun and encourage kids to have fun! TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in working with and sensitive to the needs of children; enthusiasm; must be reliable; willingness to take on responsibility. A criminal record check, 3 references and completion of orientation are required. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Leadership skills; communication skills; great group/team building skills. HOURS INVOLVED: Mon to Fri, 8:45 am – 4:30 pm. A minimum commitment of two full day weeks or three weeks of half days. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: General Recreation VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers assist with art, basketball, hockey, soccer, skating programs, and so much more. If you have an interest or passion call us and we will work with you to find a suitable placement. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in working with and sensitive to the needs of children; enthusiasm; must be reliable; willingness to take on responsibility. A criminal record check, 3 references and completion of orientation are required. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Leadership skills; communication skills; great group/team building skills. HOURS INVOLVED: Mon to Fri, 8:45 am – 4:30 pm. A minimum commitment of 40 hours per week MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
SOS Thrift Store Foundation 2319 West 41st Avenue Vancouver Do you love thrift? SOS Children’s Village Thrift Store Foundation volunteers perform a variety of tasks at one of our Thrift Store Boutiques, including – sorting donations, pricing, merchandising, displays, stock turnover, public relations, customer service and tidying as well as store maintenance and providing information about SOS to the public. Volunteers are assigned to one or more days a week and trained on the job by their designated leader. Email:
[email protected] Contact Availability: Mon to Fri, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Phone: 604-274-8866
VOLUNTEER TITLE: SOS Thrift Store Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be given a variety of tasks which include sorting donations, pricing, merchandising displays, stock turnover, public relations, and customer service and tiding the store TRAINING AVAILABLE: Mandatory training provided by SOS Thrift Store REQUIREMENTS: Must be an outgoing person who loves to engage with the public. Volunteers are required to commit to a regular 3-4 hour shift. Good communication and service skills are required. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain communication skills, become a part of the community, gain self-growth and experience in the retail industry and earn volunteer hours they can put towards graduation
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory HOURS INVOLVED: Volunteers are asked to make a minimum 6 month commitment. Most shifts are 3 – 4 hours long. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports 1030 Denman Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6G 2M6 VASS delivers ski, snowboard and sit ski lessons to people with disability in the Lower Mainland. All lessons are 100% coordinated and taught by volunteers. VASS enables people to contribute to their community while having fun in a mountain setting. Email:
[email protected] Contact Availability: Contact anytime
Phone: (604)-646-8277
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Ski and Snowboard Volunteer Teacher VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be in charge of assisting and teaching people with a disability to ski or snowboard. REQUIREMENTS: Must be able to volunteer on weekend for training then six weeks of being an assistant instructor in the morning or evening. The volunteer must be comfortable riding blue runs TRAINING AVAILABLE: One weekend of mandatory training provided by Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working with youth on a mountain setting. Volunteer can also log hours to put toward their graduation credit HOURS INVOLVED: One weekend of training and 6 weeks of lessons either in the morning or evening MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
West Vancouver Community Services 2121 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C., V7V 4Y2 CONTACT: Caroline Brandson, Coordinator Volunteer Services EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
PHONE: (604) 913-2703
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: There are many opportunities for youth to volunteer with the District of West Vancouver Community Services Department. Youth interested in volunteering at placements such as: children’s art, sport programs and day camps; at community special events; with different youth committees; with children’s birthday parties and more are encouraged to take an orientation. This is also a great way to make connections in your community, and make new friends! TRAINING AVAILABLE: Call at (604) 925-7270 for information and to register for an orientation. We offer more specialized training for those wishing to volunteer in Aquatics, Summer Camps, Gymnastics, Skating, and the Seniors Centre. To register for secondary training call 604-925-7270 or register at any one of our recreation centers. REQUIREMENTS: Participation in an Orientation Session is mandatory to volunteer and must be completed in advance of any volunteer placements. Proof of BC Card or BC Services Card with personal Health Number is also required. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Once the orientation session has been completed, you can sign up for various opportunities throughout the year. They will also be able to further develop the following skill areas through other training opportunities: Communication skills (listening skills, conflict resolution skills, etc.), Tips and
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory hints for working with children in a recreation setting, and more! HOURS INVOLVED: Flexible, ongoing. MINIMUM AGE: Minimum age 14
West Vancouver Memorial Library 1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C., V7V 1J8 The West Vancouver Memorial Library is an innovative, well-used and well-supported public library with an engaged community, a dedicated staff and a commitment to service excellence and sustainability. Services include wifi, individual and group study areas, computer terminals, an expansive physical collection including books, movies, and magazines, as well as ebooks, downloadable audio books, on-line magazines, and databases, plus homebound delivery and a full range of programs for youth and adults. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Roseanne Hinmueller, Teen Volunteer Coordinator PHONE: (604) 925-7408 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604) 925-5933 WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Teen Advising Group (TAG) Member VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Participants are 12 – 15 members in Grades 8 – 12 who live and go to school on the North Shore and are willing to commit to participation from September to June. TAG meets once a month for 1.5 hours. TAG members contribute to the library though: designing the media slides in Room 14, writing reviews; helping with the selection of teen books, magazines, and movies for the library; being spokespersons for teens in the community; getting involved in library programs and helping to promote them; other ideas as suggested by you! PREREQUISITES: Must be in Grade 8 -12, willing to be an active participant in the group and want to make a positive impact on the library.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Shelver VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Participants ages 14-18 who live and go to school on the North Shore and can commit to a two hour shift once per week for up to 4 months at a time. Shelvers will receive training from staff and will spend their time putting books away, tiding the collection, assisting with displays, and other tasks. PREREQUISITES: Taking the Youth Volunteer Training at the West Vancouver Community Centre is a prerequisite to this volunteer position.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Book Buddies VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Participants ages 14-18 who live and go to school on the North Shore and can commit to a two hour shift once per week for up to 7 weeks at a time. Book Buddies will work with children in Kindergarten to Grade 7 to give them extra reading practice time. PREREQUISITES: Taking the Youth Volunteer Training at the West Vancouver Community Centre is a prerequisite to this volunteer position.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Special Events volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Participants ages 14-18 who live and go to school on the North Shore. Special events volunteers will generally just be needed for a single activity happening in the library like concerts and festivals. PREREQUISITES: Taking the Youth Volunteer Training at the West Vancouver Community Centre is a prerequisite to this volunteer position.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Digital Buddy VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Participants ages 14-18 who live and go to school on the North Shore provide assistance in one-on-one sessions with patrons in our Community Computer Centre, helping them with email on their computer, tablet or other device.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory PREREQUISITES: Taking the Youth Volunteer Training at the West Vancouver Community Centre is a prerequisite to this volunteer position.
Democracy Café Suite #201, 985 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, B.C., V7P 1S3 Democracy Café is North Shore Community Resource’s platform for all types of citizen engagement in democratic life including learning about local, provincial and federal government, electoral reform, voting and how citizens can participate in public life to make their democracy better Email:
[email protected] Contact Availability: Available Monday to Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm
Phone: 604-985-7138
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Democracy Café Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer will be assisting with event management, community outreach school workshops, preforming research and more TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by Democracy Cafe REQUIREMENTS: Must have an interest in democracy and politics SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will gain knowledge on democracy and the local, provincial and federal government. They will also gain volunteer hours which they can put towards their graduation HOURS INVOLVED: Contact Democracy Cafe MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
Telus World of Science (Science World) 1455 Quebec St., Vancouver B.C., V6A 3Z7 Features interactive exhibits and programs exploring basic scientific principles, innovative technology, and the processes of art and science and art/science collaborations. For more information please visit: EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Various Positions VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: There are various volunteer roles for which we recruit twice a year. Some examples are Gallery Interpreters for our varied exhibits/galleries (e.g. Search Gallery, Body Works, etc.). We also normally
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory recruit for Birthday Party volunteers and other administration roles. TRAINING AVAILABLE: There are 2 intake and training sessions each year – Spring and Fall. Please check our website for further information and instructions regarding completion of an application form (available each Spring and Fall).There also may be the possibility of specific recruitment for volunteers. REQUIRMENTS: You must be at least 16 years old and must be able to commit to a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer service. We will ask you to volunteer for 2-4 hour shift once per week. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will develop communication/social skills, creativity, and numerous other skills, and concrete benefits depending on position.
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Gallery Volunteer Interpreters VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Greet and be friendly with visitors, demonstrate exhibits, answer questions, supervise use of equipment and centre. Volunteer will work with all ages and individuals. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Interest in people; willingness to learn and demonstrate exhibits; interest and ease in talking to the public. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Communication/social skills and self-confidence. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours involved varies, term of 6 months, 4 hours per week. We are a 7-day operation, weekend shifts available. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Canadian Cancer Society 565 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver B.B. V5Z 4J4 Are you a team player looking for an opportunity to make a positive impact in your community? Help the cancer society’s Daffodil Campaign in the fight against cancer. PHONE: (604)-872-4400 EMAIL:
[email protected]
FAX: (604)-872-4113 CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Contact Anytime
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Daffodil Campaign Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be raising funds through the sales of pins and fresh daffodils during the Daffodil Campaign. Positions range from office roles, banking, data entry, ground support and pin sales. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by the Canadian Cancer Society REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer should be enthusiastic and a team player SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers can use the hours logged towards their graduation
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary MINIMUM AGE: High school
North Shore Keep Well Society Delbrook Rec Centre, 600 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 2L3 A free health and wellness program for older adults. Seven weekly drop-ins in community centers offer mild exercise, blood pressure checks, massage, nutrition information, peer support, speakers, social times, etc. at various North Shore locations from Dundarave to Deep Cove. CONTACT: Lise Pitt, Coordinator EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
PHONE: (604) 988-7115 ext. 27 FAX: (604) 988-7105
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Wellness Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are needed to work at an exercise and wellness drop-in for seniors 55+. Applicants may choose to work on the registration desk, do shoulder or hand or foot massage, help with set-up and tidy-up, and take blood pressure (RN required). TRAINING AVAILABLE: Massage training is provided. REQUIREMENTS: An interest in helping others. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Learn about seniors’ wellness, and enjoy the company of good people. HOURS INVOLVED: 2 1/2 hours per week. DAYS AND LOCATIONS: Mondays - North Shore Neighborhood House from 9:30 – 11:30 and New Delbrook Recreation Centre from 11:00 - 1:00; Tuesdays - Parkgate Community Centre from 9:30 – 11:30 and West Vancouver Kiwanis from 11:15 to 1 pm; Wednesdays - Silver Harbor Seniors Centre from 9:30 – 11:30; Thursdays West Vancouver Seniors Activity Centre from 9:00 – 11:00; Fridays - Kiwanis Lynn Manor from 9:30 – 11:30. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
St. John Ambulance Cadets (North Shore Division) 106-223 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver, B.C., V7J 3V3 The St. John Ambulance Cadets is a non-profit youth organization that provides leadership development opportunities through first aid training and community service. EMAIL: Register online at or email for more information:
[email protected] PHONE: (604)-990-1290 FAX: (604)-984-0475 CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Contact Anytime
VOLUNTEER TITLE: St. John Ambulance Youth Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACITIVITIES: First aid and leadership training. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Emergency First Aid certificate: 11-14 years. Standard First Aid Certificate: 15-16 years. Advanced Medical First Responder Certificate: 16+ years. For the junior members (6-10 years) the program emphasizes home safety and basic first aid as well as fun activities. All volunteers will also be trained in basic foot drill and marching drill. REQUIREMENTS: Be able to commit for a term of approximately one year (September to June), and be able to perform a set number of community service hours providing first aid at public events. There are no training prerequisites to joining, but after enrolment members will have 3 months to complete their respective training
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory requirements (see above). SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Basic and advanced first aid training, leadership training, first aid competitions, provide first aid at public events to gain volunteer hours, have fun, build friendships. HOURS INVOLVED: Tuesday night training meetings 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the North Shore Branch. Occasional events on weekends such as competitions, parades, training. MINIMUM AGE: 16-18years old
North Shore Multicultural Society 207-123 East 15th St., North Vancouver, B.C., V7L 2P7 The NSMS Youth Department is committed to youth engagement and providing valuable opportunities for young immigrants to connect to their community. Youth volunteers will help with event preparation, office administration, and other assigned tasks. CONTACT: Volunteer Coordinator PHONE: (604)-988-2931 ext 357 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604)-988-2960 Visit our website for current vol. opportunities
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Youth Program Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Provide assistance and support to the Youth Department. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation and diversity training. REQUIREMENTS: Volunteer application and criminal record check. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES: Good communication skills, highly organized, team player, takes direction well. HOURS INVOLVED: 2-3 hours per week and/or variable depending on activities. MINIMUM AGE: 13 years old & up
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Capilano Care Centre 525 Clyde Avenue, West Vancouver, B.C., V7T 1C4 A seniors’ care facility. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Alana Amaroso, Volunteer Coordinator PHONE: (604) 926-6856 ext. 331 CONTACT AVAILABILITY: Mon to Fri, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm FAX: (604) 926-0245 EMAIL:
[email protected]
VOLUNTEER TITLE: One to One Visitor VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are needed to visit with residents on a one to one basis. This position is flexible as visiting times are determined by the resident and volunteer. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Must be patient, understanding, work independently after orientation. Good communication skills to be able to hold and stimulate conversation. Criminal records check required. Previous experience working with the elderly is an asset. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Gain a wealth of knowledge from seniors and an opportunity to provide compassion and nurturing of seniors. HOURS INVOLVED: A six-month commitment is required. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Recreation Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers are needed to assist recreation staff to run various programs. This position is flexible as visiting times are determined by the resident and volunteer TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Must be patient, understanding, work independently after orientation. Good communication skills to be able to hold and stimulate conversation. Criminal records check is required. Previous experience working with the elderly is an asset. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Gain a wealth of knowledge from seniors and an opportunity to provide compassion and nurturing of seniors. HOURS INVOLVED: A six-month commitment is required. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
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Diners Club – Seniors Congregate Meals Program 3625 Banff Court, Parkgate Community Health Centre, North Vancouver, B.C., V7H 2Z8 Provides seniors affordable, nutritious hot meals enjoyed in the companionship of others. The program is offered at 5:00 pm four days a week (and at 12 noon on Wednesdays) at a number of different North Shore locations. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Andrea Winterbottom, Program Coordinator PHONE: (604) 904-6483 EMAIL:
[email protected] FAX: (604) 904-6470
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Meal Server VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: A senior’s dinner and lunch program is looking for meal servers who will serve ready cooked meals and assist the hostess with the cleanup of the kitchen. The dinner programs take place at several different locations on the North Shore on Mondays through Thursdays at 4 pm (Wednesdays at 12 noon to 1 pm) TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation at dinner site. REQUIREMENTS: Able to communicate well; physically able to do the tasks; and have a criminal record check. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Communication skills; food serving skills, will be able to socialize and be able to relate to seniors. HOURS INVOLVED: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm; Weds 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. MINIMUM AGE: 15 years old & up
Lynn Valley Care Centre 1070 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver BC V7J 1Z8 Lynn Valley Care Centre is North Vancouver’s newest state-of-the-art Complex Care facility dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of programs and services. Our focus is on individuals and meeting their unique needs through appropriate activities, care and support. CONTACT: Leslie Cyment PHONE: (604)-988-4181
[email protected]
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Visitor VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers would be engaging seniors with conversation, musical entertainment, playing games, reading, escorting residents to and from dining room, mealtime and general assistance. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by Lynn Valley Care Centre REQUIREMENTS: Criminal record check required as well as references. Be able to work individually. Must be able to communicate very well in English. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will develop communication skills with elderly who have trouble communicating, develop reliability and responsibility. Hours involved: HOURS INVOLVED: Various times are available between 9:30 – 6:00pm any day of the week. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Security Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteer would be greeting visitors and giving them directions. They would also be keeping the residents safe and keeping records. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by Lynn Valley Care Centre
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory REQUIREMENTS: Criminal record check required as well as references. Be able to work individually. Must be able to communicate very well in English SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will develop communication skills with elderly who have trouble communicating, develop reliability and responsibility. HOURS INVOLVED: 4:00pm – 6:00pm Monday to Sunday, 11:00am – 1:00pm; 2:00pm – 4:00pm Saturday, 2:00pm4:00pm Sunday MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Ice Cream Socials VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Socializing with residents TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by Lynn Valley Care Centre REQUIREMENTS: Criminal record check required as well as references. Be able to work individually. Must be able to communicate very well in English SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will develop communication skills with elderly who have trouble communicating, develop reliability and responsibility. HOURS INVOLVED: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Wednesdays (Manor 1st & 2nd), 2:15pm – 3:30pm Wednesdays (Lodge), 3:00pm-4:00pm Thursdays (Manor 3rd floor) MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Arts Program VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be doing art projects with residents. Contact the Lynn Valley Care Centre for more details. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training Provided by Lynn Valley Care Centre REQUIREMENTS: Criminal record check required as well as references. Be able to work individually. Must be able to communicate very well in English SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Will develop communication skills with elderly who have trouble communicating, develop reliability and responsibility. HOURS INVOLVED: 1:30pm – 2:30pm Saturdays MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Gardening VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be planting, weeding and watering the pots and planters TRAINING AVAILABLE: Once or twice per week for 1-2 hours. Days and times flexible. REQUIREMENTS: Criminal record check required as well as references. Be able to work individually. Must be able to communicate very well in English SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteer will gain experience working outside and gardening. They will also gain volunteer hours they can use towards their graduation. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary, contact Lynn Valley Care Centre for more details. MINIMUM AGE: High school
North Shore Meals on Wheels Society 1525 Taylor Way, West Vancouver, B.C., V7S 1N5 A volunteer service which delivers hot meals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to the elderly, the disabled or those who are unable to prepare a nutritious meal for themselves. This service assists North Shore residents to remain in their own familiar surroundings and contributes to an independent lifestyle. For more information please visit:
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory CONTACT: Troy Steyn, Volunteer Coordinator CONTACT AVAILABILITY: 9:30 am – 11:30 am, Mon, Wed, and Fri
PHONE: (604) 922-3414 FAX: (604) 922-3401
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Kitchen/Office Help VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Kitchen-portion and assemble meals at one or two churches where the preparation is done. Assist in volunteer delivery. TRAINING AVAILABLE: On-the-job orientation. REQUIREMENTS: Reliability, communication skills, empathy, able to work during daytime hours. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Teamwork, increased understanding of the needs of seniors and people with disabilities. HOURS INVOLVED: Able to work between 10:00 am – 1:30 pm on Mon, Wed, or Fri: 2 hours, one day per week. MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
Youth Work
Capilano Community Services Society 600 West Queens Rd. N. Bldg., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 2L3 Capliano Community Services Society provides one-to-one support, school and community outreach, and programming for youth between the age of 10 and 24 who live in North Vancouver. For more information please visit: CONTACT: Renee Strong, Executive Director EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
PHONE: (604) 988-7115 FAX: (604) 988-7105
VOLUNTEER TITLE: After School Program Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Provide support to Youth Outreach Worker with afterschool gym recreation activities and games for grade 6 and 7 students. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation will be provided by Youth Outreach Worker. REQUIREMENTS: Criminal Record Check required for all Volunteers. Positive and fun attitude, good communication skills, willingness to learn and work as a team while having fun! SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Leadership skills and experience working with youth. HOURS INVOLVED: Tuesday and Thursdays 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm MINIMUM AGE: 16 years old & up
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Youth Week Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Variety of volunteer opportunities for Youth Week Events and activities. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation will be provided by Youth Outreach Worker and other individual involved in the events. REQUIREMENTS: Positive and fun attitude, good communication skills, willingness to learn and work as a team while having fun! SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Experience with event planning and support, working as a team, and the opportunity to support Youth Week in North Vancouver! HOURS INVOLVED: Depending on Youth Week Event, during the first week of May. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
Fresh Air Learning North Vancouver, B.C Are you interested in gaining extensive experience working with a single class over time? If you’d like to learn about local ecosystems, develop hands-on outdoor skills and discover how you can become a nature mentor for children, take a look at our internship position. We are looking for volunteers who would like to work with an entire class and those who are interested in supporting one or two children as they integrate into the class Email:
[email protected] Contact Availability: Contact Anytime
Phone: 604-802-7539
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Classroom Volunteer VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Volunteers will be assisting in nature class activities and helping one or two children integrate into the class REQUIREMENTS: Must be eager to learn about nature and be willing to commit to a minimum of 8 weeks TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training provided by Fresh Air Learning SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Volunteers will learn about planting, animal identification and hands-on outdoor skills. They will also learn how to facilitate in an outdoor learning environment and how to work with children to help them resolve conflicts and work on problems. They will also learn how to manage risk while encouraging children to explore. HOURS INVOLVED: Minimum of 8 week commitment. Classroom hours vary MINIMUM AGE: High school
North Shore Neighborhood House and John Braithwaite Community Centre NSNH: 225 East 2nd St., North Vancouver, B.C., V7L 1C4; JBCC: 145 West 1st St., North Vancouver, B.C., V7M 3N8 North Shore Neighborhood House and John Braithwaite Community Centre are partners in delivering community, social and recreational services to the Lower Lonsdale Community.
WEBSITE: (Apply Online) CONTACT: Amal Hasan, Volunteer Services Coordinator PHONE: 604-987-8138 ext. 202
[email protected] WEBSITE:
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory VOLUNTEER TITLE: Day Camp Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: To assist day camp leaders in supervision of children and providing activities. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training and orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Dependable, take direction well, experience with children an asset. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Great experience for resume and enhancement of leadership skills. HOURS INVOLVED: Camps run Monday to Friday, 8:45 am – 4:15 pm during Spring Break and the summer. Halfday camps also run Monday to Friday. Volunteers can pick weeks that work for their schedules. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: After School Children’s Sports or Arts Programs VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Assisting instructor in supervision and instruction. It includes a few different school site (JBCC, Queen Mary elementary, Westview elementary, and Ridgeway elementary). TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Dependable, enjoy children, and play sports or enjoy art. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Leaderships skills, great experience in teaching and coaching. HOURS INVOLVED: After school. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Monday LoLo Family Drop-in Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Help staff prepare snacks, play with the children and some setup and clean up. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Friendly, outgoing, love working with children, Enjoy spending time with children and parents. A program for parents, grandparents, caregivers and their children (0-6 yrs.). SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: People and communication skills. HOURS INVOLVED: Monday Mornings 9:15am - 11:45 am/ Monday afternoons 12:15 pm - 2:45 pm. You can decide to volunteer either in the morning or the afternoon. MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old 7 up
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Wednesday LoLo Family Drop-in Assistant VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Help staff prepare snacks, play with the children and some setup and clean up. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Orientation provided. REQUIREMENTS: Friendly, outgoing, love working with children, Enjoy spending time with children and parents. SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: People and communication skills. HOURS INVOLVED: Wednesdays 9:15am - 11:45 am MINIMUM AGE: 14 years old & up
Parkgate Community Centre 3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver, B.C., V7H 2Z8 For more information please visit: CONTACT: Alison Caldwell Johnson PHONE: (604) 983-6385 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:
VOLUNTEER TITLE: Youth Volunteer Opportunities VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Parkgate offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for youth throughout the year. Summer camp assistant, pre-teen drop-in assistant, Seniors services’ support, children’s sports assistant, children’s art/pottery assistant, birthday support, special events, senior’s kitchen volunteer and special projects assistant.
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NSCR’s North Shore Youth Volunteer Directory Please visit our website,, or contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information. TRAINING AVAILABLE: Training varies depending upon the position. REQUIREMENTS: Criminal record check required for all volunteers. Genuine desire to contribute to the community, willingness to learn and work as a team while having FUN! SKILLS/ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPED AND BENEFITS: Benefits vary according to position. Opportunity to gain leadership skills and work experience. Parkgate can provide a reference for work and future scholarship applications. Volunteer experience can lead to future part-time and temporary employment at Parkgate Community Centre. HOURS INVOLVED: Hours vary depending upon position. MINIMUM AGE: 13 years old & up
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Classrooms Connect & Engage with NSCR NSCR is looking for students, teachers, classrooms, and youth Program to provide support with workshops, resources, skill-based training session, and more. Let’s engage with the community together!
CONTACT: Elaine Smith, NSCR Volunteer Coordinator Direct Line: 604-982-3307 |
[email protected]