way affected the world and the way people live are most definitely ... Hopefully
we have a new wonderful way forward, .... e Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks.
HAY FESTIVALwriters club – Contributors
Not all contents are guaranteed;
Lucie Rawlins, Freya Sage, Gwydion Sage,
replacements will be pleasing
Thomas Scruby, Eve Thomas, Robert Waghorn, Marnie Waghorn This magazine has been made possible through the generous support and encouragement from writers Jenny Valentine, Julie Harries, Judith
e Great Big Festival Issue Hay Festival 2009 interviews, reviews, gossip and musings om all the Scribblers
Wills and illustrator Rachel Best. Paul Thomas Thanks also to Tony Allen, Sam Shepherd, Webster Wickham, Finn Beales, Brian Platt, Jasper Fforde, the good people at Powys County Council and our colleagues at
Authors to include – Cornelia Funke, Lucy Christopher, Patrick Ness, Robert Muchamore, Anthony Horowitz, Julia Donaldson, Melvin Burgess and many, many more!
Hay Festival for supporting our endeavours.
Online Sophie Lording, Jo Rodell-Jones and Maggie Robertson Hay Festival
[email protected]
We anticipate so much festival fun that there won't be enough space in the next
of bwa-design created this beautiful magazine.
ble rib Sc
Daniel Gethin, Serena Howard, Alex Jones,
In the next issue...
Jasmine Biddlecombe, Maddie Fleming,
n o s il a W eric e w e elin Am i v r qu that . e t in Jac erful ent .. e v ter ond esid i s u wri ’s w a pr l c ex ith ink it such s w I th ha
issue to contain it all, so keep an eye out online for special extras at
hayfestival.com/thescribblers Hay Festival of Literature & the Arts Ltd e Drill Hall, 25 Lion St, Hay on Wye, HR3 5AD
Registered in England & Wales Registration number 2258780
issue02 – spring2009
HAY FESTIVALwriters club
Inspiration Maddie Fleming Inspiration. What really inspires me? Well…
My name is Eliza Wyatt and I wish to tell
There are stories you hear about people
you why my Grandmother is my inspiration.
winning battles against their oppositions,
I remember as a child, Grandmother would lift
whether that’s an enemy football team, the
me by my skinny arms onto her flowered cotton
school bully or cancer. These are certainly
lap and whisper stories into the whorl of my ear.
inspiring stories, but no; it’s not what truly
I’m not talking about the usual stories of ginger
inspires me. Or the celebrities, sports players,
bread houses and glass slippers you get off
actors and actresses that so many children
your grandparents. My Grandmother’s stories
base their futures on. I was never inspired by
were of her days working as a nurse during the
these main candidates. While the other little
First World War. The villains in my Grandmother’s
girls’ had their hearts set on being Posh Spice
tales were not witches, giants and big bad
or Britney Spears, I was keen on becoming that
wolves. There were disease, agony and death.
bald man off Time Team and spending all day
What made them even worse was knowing that
discovering dinosaur bones and Roman
every word that came from my Grandmother’s
artefacts. I’d spend morning after morning in
wrinkled lips was completely true. Not the sort
the front garden, scrabbling around in the
of story you’d expect a five year old to be
crumbling earth and feeling immensely proud of
interested in, right? Wrong. I’d sit for hours on
my eight year old self if I unearthed a chipped
end at my Grandmother’s feet, eagerly awaiting
shard of pottery. No that’s not what inspires me.
the next story to begin. Her gripping tales of
The many historical figures that have in some
the many horrific injuries she had been
way affected the world and the way people live
expected to make right had me nibbling my
are most definitely inspiring, and should be
stubby fingernails down to the quick.
inspiring to everyone. How could anyone not be inspired by Emily Davison, Anne Frank, Christopher Columbus, or in my case, Tony Robinson? Yes, they do inspire me, but the real inspiration for me is someone closer to my time. This may sound soppy and sentimental, but every word is true. I am
Photo credit: Pete Souza
inspired my Grandmother.
Continued inside...
I can still rush up somewhere like Hay Bluff and back again quite happily’’
Inspiration (continued) Maddie Fleming
An interview with Jacqueline Wilson
My parents always thought the stories too
beds and medicines to help every patient, I still
frightening for a young child, but it wasn’t the
like to think that I am doing just as much good
graphic descriptions of deadly disease and
as my Grandmother did. She is the reason that
oozing wounds that had me gripped. It was
I didn’t aspire to be a pop star or a model,
knowing that the wrinkled old woman sitting in
but to make my name in the world for a
front of me, with her white cloud of fluffy hair
worth while reason. I owe all my success to
encircling her head like a halo, had been there.
my Grandmother.
She had calmed the screaming trench foot
That is the reason why my Grandmother
e Scribblers were lucky enough to grab an exclusive interview with Jacqueline Wilson, writer extraordinaire and keen ballroom dancer. Jacqueline will be appearing at this year's festival on Friday 29 May, so get thee to the box office and book your tickets!
children’s book world so occasionally some of and we’re all very supportive and nice to each
I read a great deal and I love browsing in
other and if we weren’t I wouldn’t tell you.
bookshops so obviously going to Hay is a big
I’ve got loads of friends but I would say my
treat for me. If I’ve got spare time I will go in all
three best friends in the children’s book world
the different bookshops, especially Addyman
would be Jean Ure, Adele Geras and Anne Fine.
Books because Ann and Derek and their children Shaun and Frank are friends. I like swimming
What do you think of Barack Obama?
is an inspiration.
What do you do when you’re not writing?
us can all be on stage together at big events
How do you find time to write so many
and I try to go as often as possible. I like going to
soldiers having legs amputated. I could see her
I think it’s wonderful that America has such an
books and, as rumour has it, are you going
art galleries. I like going to schools. I like going
memories hidden deep inside her glazed grey
interesting and obviously sincere president.
to stop at 100?
for walks; I can still rush up somewhere like Hay
eyes as she recalled the nightmare times she
Hopefully we have a new wonderful way forward,
had in the hospital, and it made me sad to see
so that world events are not so troubling.
sufferers, and held the hands of the many
Do you have a favourite tea?
I think it was the way in which my Grandmother presented life to me that helped
Do you have any hidden talents?
as well for a long time. I think it helps in a way that I don’t write too much all in one day. I write
I’m actually quite good at dancing. I can’t do
First I don’t like milk, so I don’t have milk in my
sometimes for as little as an hour a day.
anything too acrobatic, but I'm quite good at
tea. I do sometimes have peppermint tea or
Obviously I’ve got loads of other work that I do
ballroom dancing.
cranberry, but mostly I'm a coffee woman.
too and it’s surprising that if you write 500
her stories to me I came to realise that even the strongest of people can break.
I recently asked myself that because I’ve been writing two books a year plus a few other bits
it. I knew my Grandmother as a powerful, strong fortress of a woman, but as she spilled
Bluff and back again quite happily.
words a day how much it can add up.
me follow in her footsteps and devote my life to caring for as many people who need my help
In the children's writing who is your biggest
as I can. Telling me detailed gory stories of her
rival and who your best friend?
Marmite – love it or hate it? Hate it! OJ – bits or smooth? Bits
Who is your favourite writer for adults?
I would love to say I’ve written 100 books the
Mac or PC? Mac
only trouble is I’m not sure exactly how many
My favourite twentieth century book is The Bell
books I have written. I have most of them, but
Jar by Sylvia Plath. Of adults writing now I like
parents feared. Because of her I have been
I don’t really think I've got rivals. We’re all
one or two may have escaped so I’m not really
the American novelist Anne Tyler very much.
able to better myself and work to make the
different and wonderfully, mostly, people are
going to be sure when I have written 100. I’ll go
world a better place for everyone else. Although
quite friendly. I wouldn’t say there’s any kind of
on as long as I’ve got what I think are good
hospitals today are clean and there are enough
rivalry. I know most people quite well in the
ideas in my head.
days as a nurse didn’t affect me in the way my
Quickfire Questions
Town or Country? Town Summer or Winter? Summer
anks very much to Jacqueline Wilson for taking the time to answer our questions
Letter or email? Letter
‘‘using natural horse communication, to build trust & respect Pony Share Scheme Marnie Waghorn
I was mesmerized from start to finish...’’
e American Economy – and Hereford… Jasmine Biddlecombe
Cirque du Soleil Review Lucie Rawlins
Pirate Puzzle Alex Jones
e Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks Gwydion Sage
Hi, I’m Marnie. I'm twelve years old and I
pony and Hazel has four ponies in the scheme
In his inauguration speech, Barack Obama
Using light, sound and movement Cirque du
100 years ago, there were two cliffs, close
interviewed Hazel Ray, who runs a Pony Share
at the moment. Jake is a bay Connemara
talked a lot about the recession, constantly
Soleil managed to create a spectacular
enough that you could see one summit if you
scheme at Barton Hill Farm in Kentchurch. I
cross New Forest pony, Honey is a grey New
using bad (or cold) weather phrases such as,
experience that I will never forget. Each act of
stood on the other. On one cliff sat three palm
For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art and he
chose to interview Hazel because she has
Forest pony, Saphire is a black part Arab part
“in the depth of winter”. Strangely, the
their show centered on a main theme. The
trees, all in a straight line, and on the other, an
is the city’s most accomplished artist, his
taught me natural horsemanship with my pony
Quarter horse and Robbie is a black Fell pony.
Hereford Times had also used this sort of
opening scene sees a man and a woman
old canon and three pirates. As a dare, one
talents required from alleyway to courtly
for the last two years. Hazel is a brilliant
Hazel is planning to expand and get more
metaphor a few days before, talking in its
sitting in a chair reading a newspaper, and as a
pirate fired the canon at the palm trees, but the
boudoir. For Azoth, survival is precarious –
teacher; her lessons are fun for me and for
ponies and horses, so that she can offer more
headlines about “The Big Freeze”. Obama is
girl in a red and orange outfit walks on stage
canon exploded so the pirates couldn’t see
something you never take for granted. As a
Looby, my pony. Looby and I can do so many
spaces to children and adults.
the first black President of the United States of
singing the couple are lifted away. The girl
which one had been hit. When the smoke
guild rat he’s grown up in the slums and
The perfect killer has no friends only targets
things now that I would never have thought
Everyone in the scheme learns natural
America has seen, and instead of at first
appears in every act after this, so the opening
cleared, only two trees were left standing, but
learned the hard way to judge people quickly
possible. For example we can play Liberty,
horsemanship with Hazel, which means you
saying how wonderful America is, he began
scene is the perfect introduction to this
no sight of the other. The pirates could not
and to take risks. Risks like apprenticing
which means I communicate with Looby using
learn to handle the ponies on the ground as
his speech by saying that they were going to
amazing show.
decide which was hit, and began to argue.
himself to Durzo Blint. But to be accepted,
body language, without using ropes or reins.
well as from their backs using natural horse
have to clean up their own mess. America is
“The one on the right was hit!” said the
Azoth must turn his back on his old life and
I am lucky enough to have my own pony,
communication, to build trust and respect.
lucky to have a president who can think clearly
around the stage; it was phenomenal! The
about such things.
aerial contortionist was the most striking act I
but you don't have to. Hazel’s pony share scheme gives people the experience of having their own pony, but they share the
To find out more Hazel can be contacted on:
[email protected]
He also spoke of the era when Abraham
One performer in a big wheel was spinning
have ever seen in my entire life. She was
Lincoln was president, “we must brave once
hanging from two silk curtains, bending and
responsibilities and have Hazel to guide and
more the stormy waters.” Barack Obama is
twisting into some remarkable shapes; all the
teach them. You don’t have to be able to ride
going to make some serious changes to
stunts clearly needed incredible talent and
to join. Some people join who have never
America, which will hopefully make a difference
intense concentration. Each time an act came
ridden before and some people join who have
to what the world thinks about the USA.
on stage I thought that it just couldn’t get any
lots of experience. If someone buys a share pony, they can go once a week to look after and ride their pony, as well as ride for half a day, once a fortnight. There are never more than five owners of one
better than the last, but the acts just kept getting better and better - see it!
first pirate. “No! The middle one got hit!” said the second pirate “Of course not! But the one on the left didn’t get hit, that’s for sure!
embrace a new identity and name. As Kylar Sterm, he learns to navigate the assassins’ world of dangerous politics and strange magic, all the while cultivating a flair for death. I was mesmerized from start to finish by Weeks. His unforgettable characters, a plot
But which pirate is right?
Answer in the next issue...
that kept me guessing, non-stop action and the kind of in depth storytelling that makes me really admire this writer’s work. One in a million. Brilliant.
e Night Angel Trilogy – e Way of Shadows, Shadow’s Edge, and Beyond the Shadows
‘‘the new president made his moving speech,
‘‘the world is changing &we must change it
the world – held its breath... e Big picture Daniel Gethin
Reasons to be cheerful Lucie Rawlins
Obama and the environment Serena Howard
America’s place in the world What the Scribblers think Gwydion Sage Robert Waghorn
As Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th
Since Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th
President Obama promised in his inaugural
words, our actions have consequences and it’s
President of the United States of America, one
POTUS, people’s views of America have
speech that he would deal with the big issues
about time we realised it. He highlighted the
could only help but feel that change was
changed for the positive. Very recently, the
of today’s society - one of them being climate
fact that it is us who have caused climate
imminent, and that it may be happening much
country was viewed as the most polluting land
change - but it may take time to find out if he
sooner than many expected. As up to two
mass on earth with a president who denied
really means it. We’ve heard empty promises
million people watched in Washington D.C.,
global warming – whereas now it’s increasingly
and the rest of the world viewed his speech via
seen as a state of hope. The election of a
television, Obama told of the need for “a new
black president has proved that America is
and let other issues take centre stage, and
era of responsibility” and to “begin remaking
ready to change. Obama’s first move as
sometimes they do the opposite and choose
powerful and influential as the new POTUS is
America”. He also told his nation that they
president was to announce the closure of the
financial gain over environmental concerns –
were “ready to lead the world once more”.
controversial facility at Guantanamo Bay – and
for example, building a third runway at
Very emotionally, he talked about the problems
on that evidence alone, Obama is picking up
Heathrow airport.
in the world - from the recession, to war,
where the 42nd president and fellow Democrat
But Obama doesn’t look like the type to
through to climate change. He assured his
Bill Clinton left off and aiming to make America
audience that these will be addressed. While
a better place.
throughout the whole speech about the people
“To those leaders around the globe who seek
I asked three friends from the writers club
place” isn’t a bad idea either; the original point
who know far more about protecting the
to sow conflict or blame their societies’ ills on
about their views on Barack Obama. I asked
of science was to benefit the human race in
environment, and who got there first: the Native
the west; to those who cling to power through
the first person why they think he stands out
change, that you can’t blame it on anyone else
general, not to find out more efficient ways to
Americans. In the early days of America the
corruption and deceit. Know that you are on
from the other politicians. Their response was
because we all use energy and produce
kill people. He also made a possible reference
American Indians were forced off their land,
the wrong side of history, but that we will
that they saw him as honest and straightforward,
from other politicians who say they will solve
carbon dioxide, but that doesn’t mean we
to Hurricane Katrina, which destroyed much of
which they had lived on for generations, to
extend the hand if you are willing to unclench
and agreed with most of what he said,
the problems of global warming, then sit back
can’t do something about it.
New Orleans, when he said that “homes have
make way for immigrants from across the
your fist.” Obama’s opening words on the war
especially regarding the war in Afghanistan.
been destroyed.” Maybe this suggests that in
Atlantic for no other reason than that the
on terror sent a strong message around the
The second person was asked if they thought
his opinion it is human intervention which
newcomers wanted the land for themselves.
globe: that people should “know that America
Obama was cool. They said they thought that
bringing this hot topic – no pun intended – into
causes an increase in natural disasters like that
Is it fair, then, that Obama hasn’t mentioned
is a friend of each nation and every man,
he was, especially because his speech
the open, because it makes you think: if he’s
one. But he also said that “we will not apologise
them in his inauguration speeh? And is he really
woman, and child who seeks a future of peace
mentioned people being treated equally.
so sure we can solve the problem, then maybe
for our way of life”, which could get on some
going to do something about climate change
and dignity.”
Their favourite part of the speech was “the
we can. Obama promised to “harness the sun
people’s environmental nerves, since America
and make a difference, or is it all hot air? That,
stand and watch while the planet gets hotter.
and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and
has a reputation – albeit not entirely true – for
for the moment, is a matter of opinion.
“we will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to its
They thought he was determined and would
He seemed to be admitting in his speech that
run our factories.” All well and good, but on
being a nation of excessive consumers with gas
people, and forge a hard earned peace in
carry through with what he said. I also asked a
the new president made his moving speech,
America and the rest of the world have made a
the other hand some figures would be nice.
guzzling 4x4s. In the eyes of many, global
Afghanistan”. On the other hand, “with old
third person a very simple question: what they
the world held its breath, waiting and admiring.
mess of things and that we need to rethink the
Here’s a good one, though not from Obama
warming is partly America’s fault because they
friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly
thought of Barack Obama in general. They
Now, he must prove that his powerful
ways we use energy: “each day brings further
himself: there are 400,000 people working in
are seen as one of the largest producers of
to lessen the nuclear threat.” Finally, he said
said that they were not very interested in
speeches can be turned into bold and fruitful
evidence that the ways we use energy
the wind power industry worldwide, with
carbon dioxide in the world.
this: “for those who seek to advance their aims
politics and had no particular view. I suspect
actions. If he can, he will certainly be rated
strengthen our adversaries and threaten our
increases shown in the US – so is Obama
by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents,
they soon will have.
among the best.
planet…nor can we consume the world’s
really saying much if the changes he
religions and races such as Christians,
we say to you now that our spirit is strong and
resources without regard to effect.” In other
mentioned have already started?
Muslims and Jews, he doesn’t say a word
cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and
It must be a good thing that someone as
Promising to “restore science to its rightful
Last but not least, despite mentioning other
On that particular subject, he said that
we will defeat you.”
world is changing and we must change it.”