training needs of the hospitality industry and to address ...... reflect the tenth
revised edition of the Uniform System of. Accounts for the Lodging Industry.
For 20 years, the Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE®) has been the mark of excellence for hospitality educators around the world. Discover why nearly 3,000 people have earned the only professional certification specifically for hospitality educators. • Those new to higher education will gain confidence in using traditional and up-to-date teaching techniques to improve student learning. • Those who are seasoned instructors will gain new approaches and strategies to teaching that will increase student learning and performance, and will make the educational experience a more positive endeavor for both the instructor and the students.
• Experience updated teaching strategies used to deliver hospitality education today. • Improve traditional teaching skills by incorporating today’s technology support media strategies into your courses. • Learn how to use a wider variety of support media in your teaching to improve learning. • Create more effective exams and evaluation tools to increase the total educational experience for your students.
• Make it convenient for your faculty members to earn the CHE®. • Provide a place for educators in your area to network and share ideas. • Gain a reputation for being committed to professional development.
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In this photo: Professor Dr. Fred Mayo conducted a CHE workshops at HK Polytech University..
For information on the CHE®, including a downloadable application and sites for upcoming workshops; or to inquire about sponsoring a workshop, call 1-888-575-8726 or +1-407-999-8100 or visit
The Educational Institute (EI) — Academic Resources for Hospitality Education EI’s hospitality management textbooks are packed with competency-based content developed to reflect real-world operational knowledge and skills, which means that your students are ready to enter the hospitality workforce. Schools and international Global Academic Program (GAP)* partner schools can offer EI’s academic certification, a recognizable credential your students can show to future employers. New print textbooks shipped to those schools include a scan sheet that can be used for EI’s 100-question final exam. Students who pass with a score of 70% or higher receive a certificate of completion for that course in addition to the school’s credential (see page 43 for more detail). If a book does not include our exam and certification, it is noted in the product description. *For information on becoming a GAP partner school, see page 5. Some of our best-selling textbooks also come with an optional online component that provides additional learning activities to supplement the textbook content. (See page 2 for more detail.) Instructor’s Resources On select titles, EI provides educators with an Instructor’s Guide on CD, which includes sample lesson plans, PowerPoint files that highlight key concepts in each chapter, suggested classroom activities, and optional test questions. A print version of the Instructor’s Guide is available upon request. In addition, EI’s website includes easily-accessible resources for instructor review, including a syllabus, chapter outlines, and downloadable PowerPoint files.
Table of Contents Certified Hospitality Educator ........ inside cover Online Learning............................................2-4 Global Academic Program ............................. 5 Introduction to Hospitality...........................6-8 Rooms Division .........................................9-14 Food and Beverage ..................................15-20 Finance and Accounting...........................21-25 Sales and Marketing.................................26-28 Human Resources ...................................29-31 General Hospitality Mgmt.........................32-35 Special Topics .........................................36-41 Workforce Development................................ 42 Curriculum Options..................................43-49 AH&LA Membership..................................... 50 Index........................................................51-52 Customized Textbooks...........inside back cover
In the United States, most of EI’s academic textbooks are distributed through Pearson Higher Education. For U.S. customers, a listing with Pearson ISBNs for EI textbooks is included as a supplement to this catalog. To request a review copy or to order books, please contact your Pearson representative or visit
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Online Learning
EI offers bonus online components for several of its textbooks. Online components vary by textbook title, and may include author-narrated commentary on chapter topics, video interviews with industry professionals, links to hospitality and association websites and industry articles, slide shows and video clips, sample reports and checklists, and interactive quizzes to help students gauge their understanding of the material. Some textbooks, such as Managing Front Office Operations, feature an online component that is a complete, freestanding program developed for industry training. Online components: • Are packaged with both the print-based and e-text versions of textbooks • Have six-month access for student users • Are included in the purchase price of the book • Can be purchased independently of the textbook for use with used books, another publisher’s book, or with an EI Customized Textbook. “It’s important to offer and use a variety of media and instructional tools to enrich the learning experience for the students. [Online components like] Front Office Manger provide a new option to introduce content outside the classroom and assess the learning in a way that is efficient for both the student and the instructor.” Mehmet Erdem Associate Professor UNLV College of Hotel Administration
eTexts Offer Options for Students Several of EI’s textbooks are also available in an eText format that includes the online component (but not the academic certification exam scan sheet). Students may purchase the eTexts directly from EI’s online shopping cart, or bookstores can purchase physical keycodes that provide access to the eTexts. Please note that currently, eTexts are not able to be downloaded to eReaders or to a computer hard drive, but can only be accessed online through the Moodle platform. Because the eTexts and online components are created using Flash technology, they are not compatible with any Apple products.
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Online Learning
CourseLine® offers schools a convenient option for presenting EI’s hospitality management courses over the Internet. Course material is organized by competency, with interactive exhibits, case studies, and chapter quizzes. Students take their final exam online with immediate feedback.
CyberCinema® provides access to EI’s video library covering various hospitality areas. Topics are designed to meet the training needs of the hospitality industry and to address current topics. Your students learn from the same training materials used for employee development in hotel properties worldwide.
There are two options for academic invoicing: 1. A school’s bookstore purchases key codes from EI and is invoiced for them. Key codes are an interface for accessing CourseLine®. Key codes are not coursespecific, have no expiration date, and there are no returns. This method eliminates the need for instructors to handle CourseLine® fees. 2. An instructor submits a list of students on a class roster and after 14 days EI generates an invoice, which is sent to the school.
Once registered, users have access to CyberCinema® 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Videos can be accessed at a time and place that’s convenient and can be stopped and restarted as needed.
Students typically access CourseLine® using a link off of their institution’s website, providing a unique student number and password for access.
EI videos are available in a number of formats from the wordless World Trainer: Guestroom & Bathroom Cleaning, which uses icons to teach key concepts, to the Supervisory Skill Builders series, which uses demonstration scenarios to cover leadership skills such as effective communication, scheduling and time management. Some titles are also available in Spanish.
Flexible pricing for academic institutions makes it easy and affordable to offer from one to 30 courses online. For information, contact your account executive at +1-800-349-0299 or +1-517-372-8800.
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Online Learning Incorporate these online programs into your curriculum to provide your students the same staff training resources used throughout the hospitality industry. Skills Training Online Courses Properties depend on their front-line employees to keep their operations running smoothly and efficiently. As future supervisors and managers, your students need to be familiar with the skills used by front desk representatives, guestroom attendants, restaurant servers, and maintenance employees. The online courses include video segments, interactive activities, printable checklists and worksheets, as well as a 25-question quiz at the end of each course to test learner mastery of the required knowledge and skills. Note: the Restaurant Server program is also the online component for the textbook, Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations (see page 16). Supervisory Skill Builders Online The Supervisory Skill Builders Online Course provides an entertaining approach to building supervisory skills through a series of nine modules. These modules are loaded with need to know information on how supervisors should carry out their responsibilities to management as well as employees. This series show aspiring supervisors how to meet management’s objectives for productivity and quality guest service; solve everyday workplace challenges; and gain respect, trust, and support from the people who work for them. For descriptions of individual modules, see page 34. Note: Supervisory Skill Builders Online is also the online component for Supervision in the Hospitality Industry (see page 29). Front Office Manager Front Office Manager is a 10-module, interactive online program that provides an overview of the organization and management of the front office. Users will love the self-paced, discovery-driven approach that puts them in control as they explore each area of the hotel and click on highlighted objects to learn about each facet of front office operations. The program includes a glossary of terms, detailed site map, case studies, knowledge checks to test understanding, and 10-question quizzes for each module. Note: Front Office Manager is also the online component for the textbook, Managing Front Office Operations (see page 10). Eye on Awareness®—Hotel Security Training Developed in partnership with international security experts, hospitality leaders, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s If You See Something, Say SomethingTM campaign, Eye on Awareness®-Hotel Security Training provides the skills and knowledge essential for hotel employees to recognize, report and react to suspicious situations at their property. This program can be a valuable addition to any hospitality management course from front office and housekeeping to supervision and, of course, risk management. Note: Eye on Awareness® is also the online component for the new edition of Security and Loss Prevention Management (see page 9).
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The Global Academic Partner (GAP) License provides international hospitality management schools with the opportunity to offer their students EI’s respected and globally recognized hospitality courses, multi-course certificates, as well as instructor material, supplemental learning resources, educator certification, and the right to use the EI name, logos, and trademarks. How does it work? • GAP Licensees receive preferential pricing, discounted from the regular book prices. • Schools that meet EI’s standards are invited to apply for GAP status • Schools pay an application and license fee, as well as an annual maintenance fee • GAP agreements are active for five years, with renewal provisions • Schools offer EI’s courses and certificates • EI certifies full-time faculty members and provides technical assistance with the CHE
A c a d e m i c
L i c e n s e e
For information on becoming a GAP school, contact EI’s International Sales department +1-407-999-8100, email
[email protected], or visit
In this photo: At the May 2013, ApaCHRIE meeting in Macau, the Educational Institute met with its Global Academic Partner (GAP) school representatives from Greater China.
“We are very proud to work and collaborate with high caliber tourism educational services and leading institutions such as the Educational Institute and enjoy benefiting from the educational opportunities of this prestigious institution.” Professor Serhat Akpinar Chancellor, Girne American University, North Cyprus “Oman has an incredible future in tourism with some amazing natural assets, the greatest one being its people and their ability to provide good service. EI will help us to harness this local asset into an international framework making the graduates of the program suitable for work anywhere in the world.” Robert MacLean, Principal, National Hospitality Institute, Muscat, Oman “Becoming a partner school of the Educational Institute enables us to become an equal partner on the international hotel training market.” Toomas Undusk Founder, Estonian School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Talinn, Estonia
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t s e B
! r e l el
Introduction to Hospitality Hospitality Today: An Introduction (103) Seventh Edition
©2010, 17 chapters, Hardbound This best-selling textbook, rich with full-color photos and illustrations, provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the many entities that make up the hospitality industry, as well as an overview of today’s hot issues, including ethical challenges and management concerns. Numerous examples, exhibits, and statistics give students an up-to-date look at the dynamic hospitality field.
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-363-1 Academic certification scan sheet only 00103ANS07ENGE
This edition includes information on: • Green hotels and restaurants and sustainable tourism development • Hotel technology, computer-based restaurant control systems, and virtual meetings • Application of management techniques such as Six Sigma and Balanced Scorecard • How the Internet, e-mail, and social media have changed hospitality marketing Contents: Service Makes The Difference; The Travel and Tourism Industry; Exploring Hospitality Careers; Understanding the Restaurant Industry; Restaurant Organization and Management; Understanding the World of Hotels; Hotel Organization and Management; Club Management; An Introduction to the Meetings Industry; Floating Resorts: The Cruise Line Business; Gaming and Casino Hotels; Managing and Leading Hospitality Enterprises; Managing Human Resources; Marketing Hospitality; How Management Companies Manage Hotels; Franchising is Big Business; Ethics in Hospitality Management. Authors: Rocco M. Angelo, CHA, Florida International University Andrew N. Vladimir, CHE
Request your free textbook examination copy—call 1-800-349-0299 and +1-517-372-8800
Introduction to Hospitality
The Lodging and Food Service Industry (100) Eighth Edition
©2013 14 chapters, Softbound This unique introductory textbook will get new hospitality students excited and interested in the world’s largest service industry. In addition to offering a historical perspective, the book covers all hotel operating areas to give students an understanding of each department and how it operates. Students will learn about the complex interrelationships involved in the hospitality business and discover the variety of available career opportunities. Students will learn: • How the hospitality industry has evolved • How lodging and food service departments operate to create a hospitality experience for guests • What careers await them in the hospitality industry Contents: The Travel and Tourism Industry; Career Opportunities; Early History of Lodging; Globalization; Organization and Structure of Lodging Operations; Rooms Division; Growth and Development of Food Service; Organization and Structure of the Food Service Industry; Management and Operation of Food Services; Engineering and Maintenance; Marketing and Sales; Accounting; Human Resources; Security.
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-437-6 Academic certification scan sheet only 00100ANS08ENGE
Authors: Gerald W. Lattin, Ph.D., CHA Thomas W. Lattin James E. Lattin Seventh edition also available in Russian.
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Introduction to Hospitality Go for the GOLD—Guest Service Gold® Top hospitality professionals have long known that the secret to exceptional guest service involves having trained and engaged professionals who care about their guests. Every hospitality student needs to have a strong grounding in the art of guest service as the foundation for all of their hospitality knowledge and skills. Guest Service Gold® is a comprehensive learning program designed to produce confident, guest service-oriented hospitality professionals who can engage and connect with guest needs and provide memorable service. The Guest Service Gold® program features a video with seven brief stories, based on true examples of award-winning guest service, designed to motivate and inspire hotel employees to ‘go for the gold’ when it comes to providing service above and beyond the call of duty. Accompanying instructor and participant materials further elaborate on the seven guest service attributes, encouraging participants to explore how they might deliver “guest service gold®” to their customers. Instructors receive: The program includes a video (DVD), a leader’s guide, one sample participant manual, and an instructor’s resource disk that includes the certification exam, proctoring instruction, and class roster. Students receive: Student materials include a participant workbook and certification exam scan sheet. Students who successfully complete the 30-question exam can earn the designation of Certified Guest Service Professional (CGSP®) and receive a lapel pin, certificate, and congratulatory letter.
“We decided to try the Guest Service Gold® program because we want to add value to our students’ education and we want to instill the spirit of service into our students early in our program.” Cynthia S. Deale, Ph.D. Associate Professor Hospitality Management Affiliate Faculty-Center for Sustainable Tourism East Carolina University
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Rooms Division
Security and Loss Prevention Management (387) Third Edition
©2013, 10 chapters, Softbound This textbook has been substantially updated to reflect safety and security issues of current concern within the hospitality industry, presenting best practices and guidance related to risk management in the hospitality workplace. Content takes a broader and more global view of the issues, and focuses on identification and remediation of a variety of safety and security concerns. The third edition includes: • Integration of recent material from the AH&LA web site dealing with safety and security issues • Information from research about guest and meeting planner rankings of security and safety practices • Expanded discussion of hotel safety issues including indoor air quality, foodborne illness, infectious diseases and bed bugs • A new chapter focusing on employee safety • Expanded discussion of emergency management with additional material on natural disasters and terrorism Contents: Security and Safety in the Lodging Industry; Legal Aspects of Loss Prevention; Guestroom Security Equipment; Lodging Safety Equipment; Security Procedures Covering Guest Concerns; Departmental Responsibilities in Guest and Asset Protection; Emergency Management and Media Relations; Protection of Funds; Employee Safety; Insurance and Risk Management. Author: David M. Stipanuk, Cornell University
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-410-2 Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-409-6 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-411-9 Online component only 00387OLC03ENGE Academic certification scan sheet only 00387ANS03ENGE
Raymond C. Ellis Jr., CHE
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ed s i v
Rooms Division Managing Front Office Operations (333) Ninth Edition
©2013, 14 chapters, Softbound This best-selling textbook provides students with a comprehensive overview of a hotel’s front office and the role it plays in create memorable guest experiences. Students will learn how the front office interacts with other departments, strategies for keeping the front desk profitable, and how e-commerce and social networking affect front office operations.
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-413-3 Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-412-6 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-414-0 Online component only 00333OLC02ENGE
This edition features new information on several technology-driven topics, including social media channels, QR codes, tablet PC applications, mobile payments, and cloud computing concepts. Other new topics discussed in the ninth edition are meeting and event planning, digital signage, locationbased services, reservation channel management, and PCI compliance concepts Students will learn: • Strategies for keeping the front desk profitable • The relationship between the front office and other departments • The impact of e-commerce and social networking on front office operations • The front office staff’s role in delivering high-quality service Author: Michael L. Kasavana, Ph.D., Michigan State University Also available in Spanish and Russian. (Eighth Edition)
Academic certification scan sheet only 00333ANS09ENGE
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Rooms Division Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry (468)
Managing Housekeeping Operations (338)
©2011, 12 chapters, Softbound
©2008, 14 chapters, Softbound
Sixth Edition
This textbook introduces students to the dynamic and critical field of technology within the hospitality industry. Students learn the basics of purchasing, implementing, maintaining, and effectively managing today’s information systems in hospitality. This edition features 10 new sections with the latest information on benchmarking hospitality technology, social networking, Internet marketing, self-service technologies, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), open and closed payment systems, PCI compliance, menu item pricing, inventory replenishment, and data mining. Author: Michael L. Kasavana, Ph.D., Michigan State University Also available in Russian.
Third Revised Edition
Housekeeping is critical to the success of today’s hospitality operations. The third revised edition of this textbook shows what it takes to direct day-today operations of this department, from big-picture management issues to technical details for cleaning each area. Topics include: • Energy management, sustainability and “green” housekeeping (microfiber mops, reusing linens/towels, chemical use, green lighting, etc.) • Post 9/11 security issues • Health concerns (bedbugs, mold, viral outbreaks) • Amenities and guestroom furnishings (bathrobes, triple sheeting, higher thread counts, “bed wars,” pillow menus, wireless Internet, etc.)
Package options:
Authors: Aleta Nitschke, CHA William D. Frye, Ph.D. CHE, Niagara University
Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-357-0
Also available in Spanish and Russian. Package options:
Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-394-5 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-393-8 Online component only 00468OLC01ENGE Academic certification scan sheet only 00468ANS06ENGE
Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-387-7 Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-336-5 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-383-9 Online component only 00338OLC01ENGE Academic certification scan sheet only 00338ANS03ENGE
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Rooms Division Hospitality Facilities Management and Design (281) Third Edition
©2006, 15 chapters, Softbound This detailed textbook shows students how to keep every area of a hotel property running smoothly. The book takes a systems approach to hospitality facilities issues, while also providing a summary based on functional spaces within a property. This edition includes case studies in several of the chapters, as well as the latest information on facilities management and design issues. Contents: The Role, Cost, and Management of Hospitality Facilities; Hospitality Facilities Management Tools, Techniques, and Trends; Environmental and Sustainability Management; Safety and Security Systems; Water and Wastewater Systems; Electrical Systems; Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems; Lighting Systems; Laundry Systems; Food Service Equipment; Building, Structure, Finishes, and Sites; Lodging Planning and Design; Food Service Planning and Design; Renovation and Capital Projects. Author: David M. Stipanuk, Cornell University Also available in Spanish and Russian. • Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-285-6 Academic certification scan sheet only 00281ANS03ENGE
The Art and Science of the Hotel Concierge (619) ©2011, 18 chapters, Softbound This textbook details every aspect of the profession of hotel concierge, focusing on the service issues and opportunities that have shaped the concierge profession. The book includes illustrative true stories, immediately implementable tips, and occupational hazards, collected from concierges and service experts from all over the world. Topics include: • Qualities of a successful concierge • Ways to develop positive relationships both inside and outside the hotel • Handling guest requests • Turning complaints into compliments • Using today’s technology to the fullest to organize the desk and serve guests with a personal touch • Benefits of involvement in Les Clefs d’Or and local associations. Contents: Spirit, Characteristics, Values, Philosophy; Thinking Like a Concierge; The Joys and the Challenges; What to Expect; Telephone Manners; Building and Nurturing Relationships; Routine Requests; Working with Restaurants; The Digital Revolution; Netiquette; Organizing the Concierge Desk; Transforming Complaints into Compliments; Sailing Through Stress; Uniforms and Grooming; Tales from the Front; The Evolution of the Concierge Phenomenon; Les Clefs D’or; Managing the Concierge. Author: Holly Stiel, with Lin Ivice Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-7627-7852-2 Also available in Spanish. Arte & Cienca del Conserje de Hotel ISBN 978-0-86612-423-2
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Rooms Division Housekeeping: The DeepCleaning Process Courtesy Rules! Better Telephone Skills Now #05130DVD03 Telephone courtesy skills directly reflect the quality of service a caller or prospective guest can expect from a property. This video demonstrates how to use the telephone courteously and effectively to handle emergency calls; transfer, take messages, and place callers on hold; handle problems and conflicts; and sell rooms. Includes companion guide. 22 minutes. ©2004
Front Desk First Impressions #05226DVD01ENGE Show students the importance of first impressions with this new video training program with companion guide focusing on the interpersonal skills, attitudes and procedures that help front desk staff achieve optimal results and satisfied guests who return again. Five brief segments showcase sample encounters between front desk agents and guests, including check-in, handling a complaint, upselling, follow up, and multi-tasking. Three additional segments focus on unprofessional behavior, pre-shift activities, and teamwork. 40 minutes. ©2010
Beg Bugs: Facts and Prevention
This video shows students deepcleaning techniques that keep hotels looking “openingday” clean, extend the life of furniture and fixtures, and keep carpets and draperies looking fresh. 20 minutes. ©2005
Raising awareness on the issues surrounding bed bug infestations has become a critical element in hotel property operations. This video trains employees to spot bed bugs in the early stages and respond before a major infestation occurs. 12 minutes, ©2009
10-Minute Trainer: Housekeeping #05502DVD02
Housekeeping: Quality Guestroom Cleaning #05371DVD04 Our most popular housekeeping video and companion guide have been completely updated to feature the latest and most effective guestroom and bathroom cleaning techniques, including discussion of enhanced bedding, glassware cleaning, and green practices. 27 minutes. ©2008
Housekeeping: Laundry Operations
Start classroom discussions about common housekeeping scenarios and procedures with this program that presents brief vignettes, followed by questions for discussion and learning. 10 minutes. ©2008
GHS: Hazard Communications #07060DVD01ENSS
Learn what the new GHS (Globally Harmonized System) is and how it works with current HAZCOM programs. Topics include: key points of the change, new symbols and labels, and new classifications. 17 minutes. ©2012
#05373DVD02 This updated video offers a comprehensive, narrated training program covering all aspects of laundry operations, including preparation, gathering dirty laundry, sorting, washing, drying, folding, and storing. 12 minutes. ©2008
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Rooms Division Fire Prevention Preventive Guestroom Maintenance #05350DVD02 This DVD training program features the latest, updated techniques and strategies for handling guestroom inspections and repairs in hotels. A PDF companion guide included on the DVD features a full guestroom inspection checklist, descriptions of all repair procedures presented in the video, discussion questions and training activities. 43 minutes. ©2009
Lodging SafetyWorks #05230DVD02 This video and companion guide will show students the importance of risk management and minimizing liability, with discussions of: motion safety, fire prevention, chemical care, bloodborne pathogens, and machine safety. 33 minutes. ©2008
#07040DVD01ENSS Few things can be more terrifying and catastrophic than a fire in a hotel. This video looks at ways fires can be prevented and covers the basics of fire prevention, conditions that contribute to fires and steps employees can take to minimize the risk of a potential fire. 12 min. ©2007
Methamphetamines: Too Dangerous To Ignore #07035DVD01ENSS This program was developed to educate your associates about the dangers of meth and the devastating effects it has on lives, jobs and property. Topics include: how to spot potential problems, security tips to prevent risk, and what to do if a lab is discovered. 17 minutes. ©2009
Slips, Trips & Falls #07025DVD01ENSS Slips, trips and falls can happen to almost anyone on your property: guests, bell staff, front desk staff, housekeeping, maintenance, management and others. These unfortunate events can also happen almost anywhere on your property. 10 minutes. ©2009
Hazard Communications #07020DVD01ENGE Chemicals can be found in nearly every area of your property. OSHA mandates that all employees be trained in the safe use, storage and handling of these materials. This video details material safety data sheets, container labeling and basic chemical safety. 10 minutes. ©2009
Human Trafficking #07055DVD01ENSS
Human trafficking is often facilitated using hotels as stopover points, while sexual exploitation sometimes happens in hotel rooms and hotel lounges. This DVD will help associates identify suspicious activity related to human trafficking and provide instruction on how to proceed with their suspicions. 8 minutes. @2012
Valet Safety Essentials #07050DVD01ENSS
Learn about key safety issues for valet parking professionals, including vehicular traffic, distracted drivers, weather, baggage handling, and parking in tight spaces. Guest service and courtesy are also discussed. 14 minutes. ©2012
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Food & Beverage
Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations (464) Eighth Edition
©2013, 14 chapters, Softbound This essential management textbook introduces students to the control processes used to reduce costs and increase efficiency in food and beverage operations. The book explores how planning and control functions can help operations work smarter, compete for market share, and provide value to guests. Students will learn to: • Exceed expected profit levels through effective budgeting and staffing • Maximize revenue with cost-volume-profit analysis • Consistently meet sales income standards • Satisfy guests’ demands for value and quality This new edition has a greater focus on point-of-sale systems and other new technologies and how they contribute to control processes and procedures. New “Effective Control Tactic” features throughout the text highlight basic principles of effective food and beverage management.
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-415-7 Academic certification scan sheet only 00464ANS08ENGE
Contents: The Challenge of Food and Beverage Operations; The Control Function; The Menu: The Foundation of Control; Operations Budgeting and Cost-VolumeProfit Analysis; Determining Food and Beverage Standards; Purchasing and Receiving Controls; Storing and Issuing Controls; Production and Serving Controls; Calculating Actual Food and Beverage Costs; Control Analysis, Corrective Action, and Evaluation; Revenue Control; Preventing Theft of Revenue; Labor Cost Control; Implementing Labor Cost Controls. Author: Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D., CHA, CFBE, CHE Michigan State University
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Food & Beverage Managing Beverage Operations (346)
Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations (349)
©2010, 16 chapters, Softbound
©2012, 14 chapters, Softbound
Second Edition
This textbook focuses on the successful elements of a beverage operation, based on research to identify those that are thriving. Discussions of leadership and supervision focus on the management and leadership practices specific to a beverage operation, including emotional intelligence and the importance of relationships, communication, recruitment and training, and motivation and performance reviews. Bar operations covers a realworld approach to beverage controls, from purchasing through serving, technology, design, and handling guest complaints. A chapter on sales and marketing includes both food and beverage products, and boosting sales through technology and unique service. This industry-focused textbook includes preparation for EI’s CARE® (Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively) exam; those who pass the exam will receive the CARE certificate and proof of training. Students will also be able to obtain EI’s hospitality skills certification for bartenders or beverage servers after completing this course, providing them with an industry credential at the start of their hospitality career. Contents: Trends Affecting Bars; The Basics of Beverage Service; Beverage Service Responsibilities; Serving Alcohol with Care; Leadership and Supervision; Bar Operations; Bar Marketing and Sales; Beer; Spirits; Wine Fundamentals; Wines of France; Wines of Italy; Wines of Germany; Wines of Spain and Portugal; Wines of the United States; Wines of Other Countries. Authors: Ronald F. Cichy, Ph.D., NCE, CHA, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University Lendal H. Kotschevar, Ph.D. Also available in Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-354-9 Academic certification scan sheet only 00346ANS02ENGE
Fourth Edition
This textbook shows students how food service professionals create and deliver guest-driven service; enhance value, build guest loyalty, and promote repeat business; and continuously improve the process of providing excellent service. Students will learn how every aspect of a food service operation contributes to the guest experience and will explore features of many food and beverage operations. The text features the latest food service topics, including sustainability/green issues for suppliers, equipment, and facilities; revised labor and cost control information; and menu trends; as well as all new restaurant industry examples. Contents: Leadership in Food and Beverage Operations; Teamwork in Food and Beverage Operations; Attracting and Retaining Restaurant Service Staff; Select Hotel Food and Beverage Staff; Select Beverage Service Staff; Responsible Alcohol Service; Menu Development; Food Service Supplies and Equipment; Facility Design, Décor, and Cleaning; Sanitation, Safety, Security, Health, and Legal Issues; Fine-Dining, Casual-Dining, Fast-Casual, Quick-Service Restaurants, and Hotel Dining Operations; Banquets and Catered Events; InRoom Dining; On-Site Food and Beverage Operations. Authors: Ronald F. Cichy, Ph.D., NCE, CHA Emeritus, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University Philip J. Hickey, Jr., Chairman of the Board, O’Charley’s, Inc. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-395-2 Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-358-7 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-384-7 Academic certification scan sheet only 00349ANS04ENGE
Request your free textbook examination copy—call 1-800-349-0299 and +1-517-372-8800
Food & Beverage Management of Food and Beverage Operations (241) Fifth Edition
©2009, 13 chapters, Softbound Give your students the foundation they need to make smart decisions in food and beverage operations. The book addresses ways in which food and beverage operations have adapted management and operating tactics from other industries, what operations are doing to maintain or improve quality standards while reducing expenses, and how high-tech strategies are being used to give customers greater value for their dining dollars. Changes to this edition include technology-related updates throughout the text and an expanded discussion of marketing channels and tactics used by food service managers. Where applicable, arithmetic problems have been included at the end of chapters. Contents: The Food Service Industry; Organization of Food and Beverage Operations; Fundamentals of Management; Food and Beverage Marketing; Nutrition for Food Service Operations; The Menu; Standard Product Costs and Pricing Strategies; Preparing for Production; Production; Food and Beverage Service; Sanitation & Safety; Facility Design, Layout, and Equipment; Financial Management. Author: Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D., CHA, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University Also available in Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-344-0 Academic certification scan sheet only 00241ANS05ENGE
Greening Food and Beverage Services: A Green Seal Book (679) ©2012, 7 chapters, Softbound Sustainability and green are more than just buzzwords—they are vital new keys to the profits of food service businesses and their relationships with customers. Food production and service make a huge impact on people and the environment, much of it negative. This textbook shows students how food service affects air quality, oceans, fresh waters, and land use, and how food professionals can implement methods to make positive changes. Students will learn the benefits of sustainability for the earth and its people, as well as for business profitability and marketability. The focus on profitability and cost savings makes this concise textbook a must for any culinary program and an ideal companion to any planning and control or foods course. Topics include: • Environmental impacts across the food service life cycle • Management of pre- and post-consumer food waste • Conducting a waste audit • Staff training for waste management • Understanding energy and water use • Tracking, reporting, and marketing sustainability efforts Contents: Sustainability in the Food Service Industry; Food; Food Waste Management; Solid Waste Management; Energy and Water Conservation; Building Operation and Construction; Making Green Happen. Editor: Cheryl Baldwin, Ph.D., Vice President, Science & Standards, Green Seal Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-388-4
eText (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-431-7
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Food & Beverage Purchasing for Food Service Operations (445) ©2007, 15 chapters, Softbound This textbook teaches the latest thinking in purchasing, guided by a review committee of food purchasing professionals from restaurants, hotels, and on-site/managed services organizations. The book focuses on value-added purchasing strategies and techniques that go beyond a basic product specification approach. Students will learn how the purchasing control point is a vital element in the food distribution chain from the source and manufacturers to the guest at the table. It covers the latest in e-purchasing, addresses trends in purchasing and product, and features vital information on security, food safety, and ethics from both the distributor’s and operator’s perspectives. Contents: Purchasing in the Food Service Distribution Channel; Food Service Operations; Purchasing Systems and Personnel; The Distributor; Buyer-Distributor Relationships; Receiving, Storing, and Inventory Controls; Meat Products: Beef, Pork, Veal, and Lamb; Seafood; Poultry; Dairy Products and Eggs; Produce; Baked Goods and Grocery Items; Beverages; Equipment, Supplies, and Services. Authors: Ronald F. Cichy, Ph.D., NCE, CHA, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University Jeffery D Elsworth, Ph.D., Michigan State University Also available in Russian. Package options:
Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System (245) Second Edition
©2008, 8 chapters, Softbound This textbook presents the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system of food safety in an understandable format ideal for classroom teaching. Clearly defined terms, detailed lists of food safety responsibilities, and checklists for all control points make this a resource that can be readily put into practice in any food and beverage operation. Contents: Food Safety, Risk Management, and the HACCP System; Food Contamination and Spoilage; The Menu Planning and Purchasing Control Points; The Receiving, Storing, and Issuing Control Points; The Preparing, Cooking, and Holding Control Points; The Serving Control Point; The Cleaning and Maintenance Control Point; Facilities Cleaning and Maintenance. Author: Ronald F. Cichy, Ph.D., NCE, CHA, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University Also available in Spanish and Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-327-3 Academic certification scan sheet only 00245ANS02ENGE
Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-288-7 Academic certification scan sheet only 00445ANS01ENGE
Request your free textbook examination copy—call 1-800-349-0299 and +1-517-372-8800
Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage Sunrise Collection New Employee Orientation #06208DVD01ENGE (English) #06208DVD01BIGE (Bilingual) This DVD provides an overview of the food and beverage service industry and delivers ten “Winning Work Habits” that make every food service operation and every employee more successful. 26 minutes. ©2006
Workplace Safety & Security #06207DVD01ENGE (English) #06207DVD01BIGE (Bilingual)
This fast-paced program presents dozens of common-sense policies, procedures, and techniques that will help prevent injuries, accidents, and security incidents at any operation, whether in the kitchen or the front of the house. 39 minutes. ©2006
Food Safety & Sanitation #06206DVD01ENGE (English) #06206DVD01BIGE (Bilingual) This program presents important concepts and principles to help prevent physical or chemical contamination, infestation by pests, and biological contamination by foodborne pathogens. The program also presents critical steps to take when receiving, storing, preparing, serving, and restoring food. 23 minutes. ©2006
Food Preparation & Kitchen Operations #06210DVD01ENGE (English) #06210DVD01BIGE (Bilingual)
Introduce your students to the inside workings of a commercial kitchen and the organization, tools, and systems that contribute to its success. They will learn the key ingredients for quality, consistency, and cost-effective kitchen operations that drive guest satisfaction and profitability. 38 minutes. ©2006
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Hosting & Cashiering #06209DVD01 In this program, students will see the important skills and techniques that every successful host and cashier must know, from positive phone skills to greeting and seating guests, service during the stay, processing payment, and creating a positive last impression. 26 minutes. ©2006
Professional Table Service #06212DVD01 Stressing efficiency, communication, and quality guest service, this program shows servers the basics, but also how to do the little things right. From personal appearance and presentation to pre-shift tasks and side work, this DVD guides servers through all phases of the service cycle. 40 minutes. ©2006
Enhanced Selling #06213DVD01 This program shows how order takers can become sales makers with strategies to build check averages, increase tips, and enhance guests’ dining experience by focusing on key opportunities in the service cycle. 27 minutes. ©2006
Food & Beverage Bussing & Dishwashing
Restaurant Hazard Communications
#06211DVD01ENGE (English) #06211DVD01BIGE (Bilingual)
This DVD presents essential job skills necessary for a safe, efficient bussing and dishwashing operation, including personal hygiene for bussers and dishwashers. In addition, the program includes a comprehensive segment on cleaning public restrooms. 21 minutes. ©2006
Preventing Work Related Burns in Restaurants #07030DVD01ENSS The food service industry experiences the highest number of burns of any employment sector, about 12,000 each year. The industry employs approximately 6.5 million workers in the United States each year; it also comprises one of the largest groups of workers injured on the job in the United States. These injuries and illnesses are costly and damaging, both for the employee and for the individual restaurant owner. Job injuries and illnesses contribute to absenteeism, light duty assignments or other work restrictions, high turnover, and higher workers’ compensation costs. 10 minutes. ©2011
Chemicals can be found in nearly every area of your restaurant. OSHA mandates that all employees be trained in the safe use, storage and handling of these materials. This video details material safety data sheets, container labeling and basic chemical safety. 10 minutes. ©2011
Restaurant Server #08022DVD01 This video focuses on the critical role of the restaurant server in a successful food and beverage operation. The video focuses on the key qualities, tasks and service skills needed by restaurant servers. Includes companion guide. 16 minutes. ©2006.
Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively (CARE®) Training in responsible alcohol service is an important component of your food and beverage curriculum. Capture your students’ interest while effectively teaching them to handle the challenges of serving alcohol with care. CARE® program materials include manager’s resources, seminar training guide, updated video/DVD, sample participant materials, and group training information. Pocket guides and exam packets are also available separately. CARE® for Servers Program #06990ISE03 ©2007 CARE® for Guest Contact Staff #06880ISE03 ©2007 CARE® for Club Servers #06630ISE02 ©2007 CARE® for Gaming Servers #06670ISE03 ©2007 CARE® for Gaming Guest Contact Staff #06650ISE02 ©2007
Request your free textbook examination copy—call 1-800-349-0299 and +1-517-372-8800
Finance & Accounting Hotel and Restaurant Accounting (261) Seventh Edition
17 chapters, ©2012, Softbound This introductory accounting textbook accentuates the interrelationship between business principles and accounting. Information presented is based on the most recent uniform systems of accounting for hotels and restaurants. It uses computerized general ledger accounting as the basis for processing financial data. The text also contains several introductory managerial accounting chapters. This edition includes new information on the role of accounting in successful business decision making, fair value accounting, feasibility studies, and buying a franchise. Two new chapters cover depreciation and amortization and business math for hospitality managers. Contents: Accounting: A Management Resource; Business Formation: Important Decisions; Survey of Financial Statements; Exploring the Balance Sheet; Exploring the Income Statement; The Bookkeeping Process; Computerized Accounting System: An Introduction; Computerized Accounting Cycle: A Demonstration; Restaurant Accounting and Financial Analysis; Hotel Accounting and Financial Analysis; Depreciation and Amortization Methods; How to Analyze Hospitality Financial Statements; Annual Report to Shareholders; Credit and Debit Cards; Introduction to Budgeting and Forecasting; Internal Control of Cash; Business Math Topics for Hospitality Managers. Author: Raymond Cote, CPA, CCP
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-381-5 Academic certification scan sheet only 00261ANS07ENGE Supplements: Hotel and Restaurant Accounting, Exercises in Accounting #261WKB07 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting Solutions Manual #261IGG07
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Finance & Accounting Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting (462) Seventh Edition
©2011, 15 chapters, Softbound This textbook includes everything students will need to gain a clear understanding of managerial accounting in a hospitality setting. This edition reflects changes to taxes in 2010, updated operating statistics for lodging, a new section on revenue management, discussion of accounting for gift cards, and a new section in the capital budgeting chapter on the profitability index. Information on the Uniform System of Financial Reporting for Clubs has been added for comparison to current information on hotels and restaurants. Each chapter also features problems to challenge students, as well as samples of actual statements and forms from hospitality organizations. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-359-4 Academic certification scan sheet only 00462ANS07ENGE
Contents: Introduction to Managerial Accounting; The Balance Sheet; The Income Statement; The Statement of Cash Flows; Ratio Analysis; Basic Cost Concepts; Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis; Cost Approaches to Pricing; Forecasting Methods; Operations Budgeting; Cash Management; Internal Control; Capital Budgeting; Lease Accounting; Income Taxes. Author: Raymond S. Schmidgall, Ph.D., CPA, Michigan State University
Recommended by the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) in preparation for the Certified Hospitality Accountant Executive (CHAE) exam.
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Finance & Accounting Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting (260)
Accounting for Hospitality Managers (362)
©2006, 18 chapters, Softbound
©2007, 20 chapters, Softbound
Third Edition
This textbook presents basic financial accounting concepts and shows your students how they apply to the hospitality industry. This edition incorporates the most recent formats, information, and schedules from the Uniform Systems of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, Tenth Revised Edition. Each chapter also includes five new problems to give students practice using accounting information. Students will learn: • The responsibilities of a hospitality property’s accounting department • Advantages and drawbacks of various types of income statements • The role of inventory in calculating profit Contents: Introduction to Accounting; Accounting for Business Transactions; Accounting Adjustments; Completing the Accounting Cycle; Income Statement; Balance Sheet; Specialized Journals and Subsidiary Ledgers; Cash; Receivables and Payables; Inventory; Property, Equipment, and Other Assets; Current Liabilities and Payroll; Partnerships; Corporate Accounting; Bonds, Leases, and Mortgages Payable; Investments in Corporate Securities; Statement of Cash Flows; Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements. Authors: Raymond S. Schmidgall, Ph.D., CPA, Michigan State University James W. Damitio, Ph.D., CMA, Central Michigan University
Fifth Edition
This managerial accounting textbook will help your students understand and apply hospitality departmental accounting at the supervisory and managerial levels. This edition includes three chapters on cash management and planning, casino accounting, and assorted accounting topics. Hospitality managerial accounting case studies and Internet reference sites are included in each chapter, and content has been updated to reflect the tenth revised edition of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act gets comprehensive coverage, including the role of the SEC. The book also covers Fair Value Accounting, required for all publicly-held corporations. Exhibits throughout the book reflect computerization and today’s technology. Author: Raymond Cote, CPA, CCP Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-297-9 Academic certification scan sheet only 00362ANS05ENGE Supplements: Accounting for Hospitality Managers, Exercises in Accounting #362WKB05 Accounting for Hospitality Managers Solutions Manual #362IGG05
Also available in Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-284-9 Academic certification scan sheet only 00260ANS03ENGE
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Finance & Accounting
Hotel Sustainable Development: Principles and Best Practices (678) ©2011, 21 chapters, Softbound Leading sustainable development experts contributed to this book’s 21 chapters that discuss a variety of topics from regulatory, policy, development, and architectural issues to financial, operational, and emerging trend perspectives. Each chapter presents the conceptualization and implementation of sustainable development to provide valuable insights to hotel investors, developers, owners, and lodging operators. Highlights include: • Application of the triple bottom-line concept of sustainable development: People, Planet and Profit at the corporate and operating level. • Examples of best practices and the successful implementation of sustainable development to serve a guide for hotel investors, developers and operators. • The importance of sustainability standards, certifications, measurement and communication of results. • The value-creating role of hotel leaders at the corporate and operating levels, as Citizen CEOs and Citizen Hoteliers. Partial Contents: Definitions and Historical Evolution of Sustainable Development; An Overview of Sustainable Development Standards and Certifications; Sustainable Development: Global Environment and Policies Impacting Hospitality; Developing and Operating Sustainable Resorts to Achieve the Triple Bottomline: Maho Bay Resort Case Study; Sustainable Design and Architectural Perspective; Sustainable Development Strategies: IHG; Sustainable Development Strategies: Taj Hotels; Sustainable Development Strategies: Accor; Sustainable Development Strategies at Las Vegas Sands: VisionJourney and Future Outlook; High Performance Hotels; Green Meetings; Sustainable Development Measurement in Hotel Operations; Sustainable Development: Engineering Perspectives; Going Green: The Business Impact of Environmental Awareness on Travel; The Green Guests: Marketing Perspective to Understand the Green Customer; Global Trends in Sustainable Development. Editors: A. J. Singh, Michigan State University, and Hervé Houdré, Intercontinental Barclay Textbook only. No final exam. ISBN 978-0-86612-378-5
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Finance & Accounting Hotel Investments: Issues & Perspectives (668)
Hotel Asset Management: Principles & Practices (676)
©2012, 20 chapters, Softbound
©2009, 19 chapters, Softbound
Fifth Edition
This book presents a one-of-a-kind collaboration of hospitality industry leaders who share their hotel investment experience and expertise with readers. Chapters cover a myriad of timely hotel investment topics including key industry trends, establishing an investment program, managing the investment, e-commerce, revenue management, best practices in food and beverage profitability, key legal issues, and sustainability. Contents: Overview of the Lodging Industry; An Inside View of a Hotel Investment Program; Investment Strategies: Buy, Hold, or Sell; Hotel Investments 101; Public Versus Private Ownership of Lodging Real Estate; Investor Lessons; Hotel Valuation; Emerging Lifestyles and Travel Trends; Marketing; E-Commerce; Revenue Management; Key Legal Issues; Current Management Contract Themes; Strategic Positioning and Performance Improvement on an Acquired Hotel; Labor Productivity Management; Leveraging Hotel Food and Beverage Partnerships to Improve Profitability; Technology; The Emergence of Sustainable Development; A New Model for Developing and Managing Hotels; Competitive Advantage Through Differentiation at the Ocean House; Condominium Hotels: Do They Have a Future? Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-404-1 Editors: Lori E. Raleigh, ISHC Rachel J. Roginsky, ISHC
Second Edition
The second edition of this book takes a look at the challenges and opportunities hotel owners, lodging industry real estate professionals, and hotel company executives face today with articles by 29 industry leaders in asset management. There are sections on foundations and principles of asset management, strategies and tools to manage the investment, and emerging trends. Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-337-2 Also available for iPad. Editors: Greg Denton, MAI; Lori E. Raleigh, ISHC; and A. J. Singh, Ph.D.
Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (659) Tenth Revised Edition ©2006, Hardbound This book establishes standardized formats and account classifications to guide individuals in the preparation and presentation of financial statements for lodging operations. In a philosophical shift, this edition focuses on only the basic financial statements and the operating statements and does not allow for alternatives in the Summary Operating Statement or the departmental statement/schedule presentations. Other changes to this edition include content and format modifications for both the financial and operating statements, reflecting changes in generally accepted accounting principles since the ninth revised edition. Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-282-5
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Sales & Marketing Hospitality Sales and Marketing (472)
Convention Management and Service (478)
©2008, 19 chapters, Softbound
©2011, 18 chapters, Softbound
Fifth Edition
In today’s highly-competitive hospitality market, it is essential to have an understanding of sales and marketing. This textbook goes beyond theory to focus on a customer-oriented and practical approach for effectively marketing hotels and restaurants. The book explores the “four Ps” (price, product, promotion, and place) as they relate to specific market segments, providing students with a customer-focused perspective. This edition includes profiles of key industry innovators, corporate spotlights of hotel and restaurant companies, and Internet exercises. Examples of forms, checklists, charts, and other items used by practicing hospitality sales and marketing professionals provide students with resources they can use in their careers. In addition, the Internet’s increasing role in sales and marketing is explored in new sections on social media and social networks, using the Internet to build brand awareness, and sales and marketing in the Web 2.0 world. Author: James R. Abbey, Ph.D., CHA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Also available in Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-325-9 Academic certification scan sheet only 00472ANS05ENGE
Eighth Edition
This best-selling textbook provides students with the most current and comprehensive coverage of the convention industry. Students receive a comprehensive look at conventions and meetings marketing and learn how to successfully sell to groups and how to service their business after the sale. This edition offers expanded coverage of key industry trends, including the greening of meetings, new technology applications, social media, and the popularity of secondtier cities. There is an increased global perspective with international examples from Canada, Asia, and Europe; positioning of conference centers, meeting rooms of the future, and a day in the life of a convention service manager. Contents: Introduction to the Convention, Meetings, and Trade Show Industry; Developing a Marketing Plan; Organizing for Convention Sales; Selling the Association Market; Selling the Corporate Meetings Market; Selling Other Markets; Selling to the Meetings Market; Advertising to the Meeting Planner; Negotiations and Contracts; The Service Function; Guestrooms; Preparing for the Event; Function Rooms and Meeting Setups; Food and Beverage Service; Audiovisual Requirements; Admission Systems and Other Services; Exhibits and Trade Shows; Convention Billing and PostConvention Review. Authors: Milton T. Astroff, Marketing Consultant James R. Abbey, Ph.D., CHA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-356-3 Academic certification scan sheet only 00478ANS08ENGE Print textbook only (Convention Sales and Service) ISBN 978-0-9620710-6-5
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Sales & Marketing Marketing in the Hospitality Industry (270) Fifth Edition
Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing (323)
©2011, 27 chapters, Softbound
©2005, 15 chapters, Softbound
Hospitality marketing is based on understanding the needs of consumers, knowing the segmentations of the market, and selecting the best marketing tools to reach customers. This introductory text provides students with a real-world perspective on the world of hospitality marketing, industry forms, and useful ideas for increasing sales and making marketing more effective. Revisions to the fifth edition include new information on understanding marketing trends, using market research tools to help make sound strategy decisions, and writing a strategic marketing plan. There is also new information on how technology is impacting hospitality marketing. Partial Contents: Understanding the Hospitality Industry; Market Segmentation and the Hospitality Industry; Positioning in Line with Consumer Preferences; Consumers and Marketing in Perspective; Applying Key Marketing Methodologies: Marketing Research; Sales; Customer Service; Advertising; Public Relations; Promotions; Packaging; Collateral Materials and Promotional Support; Technology and Marketing in Perspective; Data Base Marketing; Electronic Marketing; Practical Steps to Maximize Marketing; The Marketing Budget; The Hotel/ Unit Marketing Plan; The Corporate/Multi-Unit Marketing Plan; The Strategic Marketing Plan.
Published under the sponsorship of the Destination Marketing Association International as an indispensable resource for travel professionals and a learning tool for students, this textbook is the first comprehensive guide covering basic functions of the contemporary convention and visitors bureau. Students will learn how destination management organizations depend on intertwined relationships involving hosts and guests, and suppliers and consumers, as well as complex networks of residents, government officials, and CVB leaders and employees. Contents: Service; Sales; Marketing; Tourism Research and Performance Reporting; Communications; Product Development; Technology; Human Resources; Member Care; Financial Management; Board Governance; Alliances, Destination Management in Canada; Destination Management in the United Kingdom; Destination Management in Mexico. Editor: Rich Harrill, Ph.D., University of South Carolina Also available in Spanish. Package options:
Author: Ronald A. Nykiel, Ph.D., CHA, CHE, University of Houston
Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-266-5
Package options:
Academic certification scan sheet only 00323ANS01ENGE
Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-355-6 Academic certification scan sheet only 00270ANS05ENGE
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Sales & Marketing Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hospitality Operations (374)
Revenue Management Online Program #00374WEB01ENGE
©2009, 7 chapters, Softbound A solid understanding of revenue management’s key concepts and the selective application of its most effective strategies and tactics have become mission critical for most hospitality operations. This NEW book explores the applicability of revenue maximization strategies and their operational aspects. This short course provides students with an overview of this important discipline and is an ideal supplement to a marketing, front office, or general operations class. Students will learn: • How revenue management spans all facets of operations management • How marketing, accounting, operations management, and finances are all involved in devising revenue management strategies • Why revenue management has become essential to hotel profit optimization
The Revenue Management online program is an interactive, online course that explains revenue management concepts and applications in the lodging industry, basic revenue management formulas, factors affecting revenue decisions and strategies, and the critical skills and qualities of successful revenue managers who proactively strive to increase the profitability of their operations. This program uses an exploratory learning approach to explain the skills and role of revenue managers, benefits of revenue management practices and systems in lodging operations, reports that assist with fair market share forecasting, occupancy and rate optimization tactics, group management considerations, evaluating other revenue sources, and common mathematical computations used to determine a hotel’s potential revenue performance. 2 hours. ©2012
Contents: What is Revenue Management?; Measurement; Tactical Revenue Management; Strategic Revenue Management; Automation in Revenue Management; Revenue Management’s Place Within the Organization; Top Ten Revenue Management Mistakes Hotels Can Make. Author: Gabor Forgacs, Ryerson University Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-348-8 Academic certification scan sheet only 00374ANS01ENGE
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Human Resources Supervision in the Hospitality Industry (250) Fifth Edition
©2013, 14 chapters, Softbound Introduce students to the supervisory skills they’ll need to succeed in a hospitality career. They will be prepared to meet the expectations of management, employees, and guests. The fifth edition features revised procedures for managing conflict; expanded information on motivation, including a discussion of on-boarding; new information on the role of technology and social media on recruiting and reference checks; new information on the costs and benefits of training; and a discussion of the use of technology for employee scheduling, including scheduling software and company intranets. This book also provides resources to help students create a professional development plan for their career. Students will learn how to: • Identify key supervisory skills and understand why supervisors fail • Develop the communication skills essential for effective leadership • Increase productivity and raise performance standards • Turn basic human resource functions into motivational strategies Contents: The Supervisor and the Management Process; Effective Communication; Recruitment and Selection Procedures; Training and Orientation; Managing Productivity and Controlling Labor Costs; Evaluating and Coaching; Discipline; Special Concerns (EEO, Sexual Harassment, Safety and Security, Ethics, Substance Abuse, Unions); Team Building; Motivation through Leadership; Managing Conflict; Time Management; Managing Change; Professional Development. Authors: Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D., CHA, CFBE, CHE, Michigan State University Raphael R. Kavanaugh, Ed.D., CHA, Purdue University
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-406-5 Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-405-8 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-407-2 Online component only 00250OLC01ENGE Academic certification scan sheet only 00250ANS05ENGE
Also available in Russian. (Fourth Edition)
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Human Resources Managing Hospitality Human Resources (357) Fifth Edition
©2012, 14 chapters, Softbound Hospitality is a people industry, and this textbook will teach students how to manage the important human resources who provide services within a hospitality operation. They’ll learn how to fulfill the requirements of U.S. employment and workplace laws, and discover the latest strategies for attracting employees, minimizing turnover, and maximizing productivity. The new edition has been extensively revised to reflect changing economic conditions and industry trends, and also features new learning activities in every chapter.
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification and online component ISBN 978-0-86612-380-8 Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-369-9 eText with online component (no academic certification) ISBN 978-0-86612-385-3 Online component only 00357OLC01ENGE Academic certification scan sheet only 00357ANS05ENGE
Topics include: • The impact of the post-recession economy on recruiting, selection, retention, and turnover • How companies use social media to learn about job applicants • The role of technology in performance appraisals • The latest trends in effective incentive programs and industry benefits • The changing face of unions and new trends in organizing and collective bargaining • Social responsibility and sustainability measures, including what companies are doing (and not doing) right Contents: Employment Laws and Applications; Job Analysis and Job Design; Planning and Recruiting; Selection; Orientation and Culture; Training and Development; Evaluating Employee Performance; Compensation Administration; Incentives and Benefits Administration; Labor Unions; Negotiation and Collective Bargaining; Health, Safety, and Employee Assistance Programs; Turnover, Discipline, and Exits; Social Responsibility and Ethics. Author: Robert H. Woods, Ph.D., CHRE, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Misty Johanson, Ph.D., DePaul University Michael P. Sciarini, Ph.D., Grand Valley State University Also available in Russian. (Fourth Edition)
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Human Resources Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry (354) ©2002, 14 chapters, Softbound Every hospitality organization needs well-trained employees. Use this text to teach your students how to be excellent trainers who understand the role training plays in the organization, how to design it, and how to deliver it. Students will learn: • How to measure training as an investment in the organization • Assessment methods to determine training needs • Instructional design techniques and processes • What mentoring is—and isn’t Contents: A Case for Training and Development; Training and Development as an Investment; Assessing Training Needs; Instructional Design; Training Tools and Techniques; Training with Technology; Measuring and Evaluating Training and Development; Training the Trainer; Orientation and Socialization; Hourly Employee Training; Mentoring; Supervisory and Management Development; Executive Education; Outsourcing Training and Development. Authors: Debra F. Cannon, Ph.D., CHE, Georgia State University Catherine M. Gustafson, Ph.D., CCM, CHE, University of South Carolina Also available in Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-224-5 Academic certification scan sheet only 00354ANS01ENGE
English for Hotel and Tourism Professionals “English for Hotel and Tourism Professionals” from Lingua TV develops listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills by focusing on realistic hospitalityoriented scenarios. The online program consists of 20 lectures, each focusing on a specific hospitality situation (such as making a reservation or recommending tourist attractions), featuring a brief video segment and a variety of interactive exercises to test listening comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar. Appropriate for lower-intermediate to intermediate level English speakers who are employed in, or planning a career in, hospitality and tourism. For more information, visit or contact an EI sales associate at 1.800.349.0299 or +1.407.999.8100.
Sexual Harassment: What Managers Need to Know #07015DVD01ENSS This video explains how to handle and respond to complaints and how to recognize potential sexual harassment in the workplace. Information is provided on how to conduct a property investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. 18 minutes, ©2005
Think Again—Educate Your Managerial Staff on Card Check #80007DVD03ENGE This video from AH&LA presents information on “card check” and what it means for the U.S. lodging industry. Currently, legal recognition of a union is achieved through secret ballot elections, in which each worker decides whether or not to support a union in the privacy of the voting booth. This video explains the process and what the issue means to a property’s business and employees’ rights. 8 minutes, ©2008
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General Hospitality Management Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry (304)
International Hotels: Development and Management (428)
Third Edition
Second Edition
©2010, 13 chapters, Softbound
©2008, 14 chapters, Softbound
Teach students how to improve their leadership abilities and develop an understanding of high-performance teams and employee empowerment. Practical information prepares them to put quality management tools into action to enhance guest service and increase profitability. Information and exhibits have been updated throughout the text, and a new chapter on ethics has been added.
Introduce students to the exciting world of international hospitality with this extensively-revised textbook that explores key issues in global hotel development and management. Students will learn about new trends and developments that have changed the context of international hotel operations and management and explore international policies affecting travel, tourism, and hospitality development.
Contents: Changing Nature of Leadership and Management; Quest for Quality; Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the Ritz-Carlton; Quality Service; Continuous Improvement; Power and Empowerment; Communication Skills; GoalSetting, Coaching, and Conflict Management Skills; HighPerformance Teams; The Challenge of Diversity; Managing Organizational Change; Strategic Career Planning; Ethics.
Contents: Globalization, Tourism, and the Lodging Sector; Emergence of International Hotels; Political Aspects of the International Travel, Tourism, and Lodging Industry; Financing International Hotels; The Decision to Go Global; Developing an International Hotel Project; International Contracts and Agreements; Cultural Diversity; Selection and Preparation of International Hotel Executives; International Human Resources Management; International Hotel Operations; International Hotel Classifications and Standards; International Hotel Sales and Marketing; Global Competition and the Future.
Authors: Robert H. Woods, Ph.D., CHRE, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Judy Z. King, President, Quality Management Services Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-347-1 Academic certification scan sheet only 00304ANS03ENGE
Author: Chuck Yim Gee, Dean Emeritus, University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Travel Industry Management Also available in Russian. Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-329-7 Academic certification scan sheet only 00428ANS02ENGE
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General Hospitality Management Understanding Hospitality Law (391) Fifth Edition
©2010, 40 chapters, Softbound This comprehensive textbook introduces students to the many legal issues that hotel operations face daily. The fifth edition revises most major sections of the text to update and clarify the basic legal principles that govern the hospitality industry. New topics include “drive by” ADA lawsuits, admitting minors to hotels, overbooking, group contracts, tip compliance agreements with the IRS, and the power of law enforcement to obtain guest records. The book addresses changes in major legislation, including the Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and immigration laws. A new chapter explains the impact of the Patriot Act and related legislation on the hotel industry. Partial Contents: Torts; Reservations; Privacy; Right to Evict; ADA; Protecting Guests; Loss of Property; Frauds; Food and Beverage; Wages and Hours; Family and Medical Leave Act; Discrimination; Lie Detector Tests; National Labor Relations Act; Immigration Reform and Control Act; Social Security; Unemployment and Worker's Compensation; Health and Safety; OSHA; Telephone Service; Copyright; Fire Safety; Taxes; Warranties; Antitrust; Franchising; The Internet; The Impact of Terrorist Attacks on the Laws Governing Hotels.
Executive Decisions: Hospitality Case Studies in Leadership, Ethics, Employee Relations, and External Relations (606) Second Edition ©2011, 60 cases, Softbound These 60 quick-hitting case studies require students to apply management principles and creative solutions to situations they may encounter as upper-level hospitality executives. Students are encouraged to use role-playing, team decision making, and consensus-building techniques to develop solutions to the cases. Author: William P. Fisher, Ph.D. ISBN 978-0-86612-361-7 Instructor/Facilitator Version 606TIG02 ISBN 879-0-86612-362-4
Author: Jack P. Jefferies, J.D., LL.M., J.S.D., Special Consultant, McDermott, Will & Emery Banks Brown, J.D., McDermott, Will & Emery Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-345-7 Academic certification scan sheet only 00391ANS05ENGE
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General Hospitality Management a supplemental
Certified Hospitality Supervisor Hospitality students are eligible to take the Certified Hospitality Supervisor (CHS®) exam, using the “early entry” option. This allows students to take the CHS exam before they have met the certification’s time in position requirement. Successful applicants will receive a Certificate of Completion and an Employer Verification Form, which can be completed when they meet the experience requirement. Completion of the Supervisory Skill Builders series (either workbooks or online program) provides additional preparation for the CHS®. Special pricing is available for both the CHS® and for a bundled Supervisory Skill Builders/CHS® package when purchased through an academic institution. Please contact your account executive for details.
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General Hospitality Management Great American Hoteliers: Pioneers of the Hotel Industry (842) ISBN 978-1-4490-0752-2 ©2009, 16 chapters, Hardbound Introduce your students to the remarkable history of the U.S. hotel industry, as seen through the stories of the entrepreneurs and business leaders who shaped the development of the hospitality business. Profile subjects include Frederick Harvey, Henry Flagler, Conrad Hilton, J. Willard Marriott, Ellsworth Statler, Kemmons Wilson, A.M. Sonnabend, and Kanjibhai Patel. Author: Stanley Turkel, CMHS
Enabling Independence: Service for Guests with Disabilities #005597DVP01BIGE This NEW video highlights the unique needs of guests with various disabilities and identifies how lodging employees can accommodate their desire for independence. It also covers expanded ADA requirements regarding powerdriven mobility devices, service animals, and practical steps you can take to ensure the safety and satisfaction of guests with disabilities.
NEW! STAR Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA) The Educational Institute, ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education), and STR Global (Smith Travel Research)have collaborated to offer a new certification for undergraduate and graduate hospitality management students.
Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA) This is to attest that
John Smith has successfully completed the course of study hereby recognized by the
Educational Institute Certification Commission
President, Educational Institute
Chairman, Certification Commission
Issue Date
CHIA is the leading hotel-related certification for hospitality and tourism students. It provides evidence of a thorough knowledge of the foundational metrics and definitions used by the hotel industry. Recipients have proven that they can “do the math” and interpret the results, demonstrating an ability to analyze various types of hotelindustry, STAR (Smith Travel Analytic Reports) data and make strategic inferences based upon that analysis. The certification also confirms a comprehensive understanding of benchmarking and performance reports. 12-04264
Core content areas include: • Hotel Industry Analytical Foundations • Hotel Math Fundamentals • Property Level Benchmarking (STAR Reports) • Hotel Industry Performance Reports (Trends, P&L, Pipeline, and Destination Reports) Material can be presented in a variety of formats, including capstone classes, stand-alone labs, and workshops. Students must take a 50-question exam and receive a score of 70% or higher to earn the certification. Professors must complete a Train the Trainer experience conducted by STR in order to teach the program at their school. For information, contact: Steve Hood, SVP of Research, STR
[email protected] Chris Jack, VP, Certification, EI
[email protected]
The video/DVD is presented in English and Spanish. 33 minutes. ©2011
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Special Topics Contemporary Club Management (313) Third Edition
©2013, 17 chapters, Softbound
Not actual cover
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-408-9 Academic certification scan sheet only 00313ANS03ENGE
This textbook introduces students to the complex world of private club management. Chapter contributors are hospitality educators and others with expertise in the areas of club management and facilities. The third edition features two new chapters. “Effective Communication for Club Managers” covers common communications challenges; speaking, writing, and listening; important workplace communication issues, and technology and communication. “Club Facilities Management provides an overview of facility management responsibilities at a private club, sustainability, building projects, and quality assessments. Contents: Overview of Club Operations; Club Governance and the General Manager/ CEO; Leading Clubs Effectively; Strategic Planning and Management; Club Communications; Club Marketing; Membership Marketing; Managing Human Resources in Clubs; Training and Professional Development in Clubs; Club Food and Beverage Operations; Club Financial Management; Club Technology; Club Facilities Management; Managing Entertainment in Clubs; Golf Operations in Clubs; Golf Course Maintenance; Club Fitness, Spa, Aquatics, and Tennis Operations. Editors: Joe Perdue, CHE, and Jason Koenigsfeld, CHE, for the Club Managers Association of America
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Special Topics Accounting for Club Operations (366)
World of Resorts: From Development to Management (424)
©2001, 15 chapters, Softbound Future club managers and club controllers will learn the basics of financial and managerial accounting in a club environment with this book. Topics include financial statements, operations budgeting, capital budgeting, taxes, and technology issues. Contents: Introduction to Club Accounting; The Statement of Financial Position; The Statement of Activities; The Statement of Cash Flows; Ratio Analysis; Understanding and Applying Cost Concepts; Operations Budgeting; Current Asset Management; Internal Controls; Capital Budgeting; Property, Equipment, and Other Fixed Assets; Accounting for Payroll-Related Liabilities; Club Technology Applications; Lease Accounting; Taxes. Authors: Raymond S. Schmidgall, Ph.D., CPA, Michigan State University James W. Damitio, Ph.D., CMA, Central Michigan University Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-190-3 Academic certification scan sheet only 00366ANS01ENGE
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Third Edition
©2010, 14 chapters, Softbound Introduce your students to the complex world of resort management with this comprehensive textbook that examines development, management, and ownership concerns in the resort field. The book features discussion of timeshares and mixed-use developments; the relationship between resorts and tourism development, especially in developing countries; the responsiveness of resorts to trends and lifestyle changes; crisis management; and green practices. Examples and illustrations from around the world provide students with a global picture of the resort industry. Students will: • Follow the opening of a new resort from planning and development, to “punchlist” checking and ownership acceptance, to handover to management for preopening and opening • Learn about resort development in Europe, America, and Asia, with particular emphasis on China, Japan, and Thailand • Examine the transformation of resorts from traditional forms to eco-resorts, theme parks, vacation clubs, and mixed-use properties Author: Chuck Yim Gee, Dean Emeritus, University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Travel Industry Management Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-346-4 Academic certification scan sheet only 00424ANS03ENGE
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Special Topics Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction (120)
Retail Management for Spas (220)
©2008, 10 chapters, Softbound
©2005, 9 chapters, Softbound
This introductory textbook, developed by the International SPA Association Foundation, explores the history and philosophy of spas, examines today’s spa industry, and introduces students to spa careers. The text also takes readers through a typical day from a spa director’s perspective, examines the qualities of an outstanding spa experience, and discusses industry trends and future directions.
The International SPA Association (ISPA) and the ISPA Foundation have partnered to create a retail management course that fully explores retail planning, inventory management, maximizing profits, sales and service, visual merchandising, and marketing within the spa environment. This course will help aspiring spa professionals increase their retail knowledge and understanding of vendor partner relationships.
Contents: Philosophy of Spa; A History of Spa and Spa Cultures; Contemporary Spa; The Future of Spa; Terms, Treatments, and Traditions; Service; The Business of Spa; Spa Careers and Professions; A Day in the Life of a Spa Director; Leadership and Ethics.
Contents: The Art and Science of Retail; Retail Planning; Purchasing; Inventory Management; Evaluating Financial Performance; Sales and Service; Visual Merchandising; Marketing; Spa Retail Opening.
Authors: Elizabeth M. Johnson and Bridgette M. Redman Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-323-5
Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-089-0 Academic certification scan sheet only 00220ANS01ENGE
Academic certification scan sheet only 00120ANS01ENGE Note: Adoption of this book includes a free copy of the two-hour companion DVD, “Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction” (see complete product description on page 40)
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Special Topics Financial Management for Spas (367) ©2011, 11 chapters, Softbound This textbook is the fourth book developed by the Educational Institute in collaboration with the International SPA Association (ISPA) and its Foundation. Written by Raymond S. Schmidgall, Ph.D., CPA, and John R. Korpi, this textbook aims to show spa professionals how to achieve profitability and manage financial issues while delivering on the mission of spa. The realistic measurement of spa performance is articulated in financial terms and the success and sustainability of a spa business is achieved by mastering financial management skills, such as those found in this textbook. Contents: Introduction to Financial Management and the Daily Summary Report, Payroll and Compensation Practices, Inventory Management, Financial Statements, Operating Ratios, Pricing and Spa Menu Engineering, Annual Budgeting, Spa Revenue Management, Cash Management, Capital Expenditures/Leasing, Business Plan/Feasibility Study Development.
Risk Management for Spas (388) Online Course
Learn to identify, analyze, and transfer risks pertaining to staff, guests, property, treatments, products and equipment, and information technology in the spa environment. Information about insurance and the U.S. legal system is also included. The course is divided into 10 modules. The content includes links to relevant websites, sample forms, and useful articles. This e-learning course was developed by the International SPA Association, the ISPA Foundation, and the Resort Hotel Association. This course is only available through CourseLine®. There is no print version. Contents: Introduction, Staff and Human Resources Liabilities, Guest-related Liabilities, Facility Operations and Property Liabilities, Treatments and Services, Product and Equipment Liability, Handling Incidents and Emergencies, Insurance, Information Technology, Understanding the Legal Process. Course includes optional, 50-question final exam. No instructor’s guide available.
Authors: Raymond S. Schmidgall, Ph.D., CPA, Michigan State University John Korpi, Principal, Korpi & Korpi Package options: Print textbook with academic certification ISBN 978-0-86612-360-0 Academic certification scan sheet only 00367ANS01ENGE
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Special Topics Supervisory Skill Builders for the Spa Industry #09510SKP03ENIP This series of nine workbooks provides current and future spa supervisors with insight into the skills and competencies they need to manage their time, communicate effectively, motivate their employees, resolve workplace conflicts, and manage the performance of their direct reports. Completion of the workbooks serves as preparation for the Certified Spa Supervisor (CSS) exam. The nine workbooks are: • You as a Supervisor • Conducting Orientation and Training • Leadership • Handling Problems and Conflicts • Motivation and Team Building • Staffing and Scheduling • Improving Employee Performance • Effective Communication • Time Management
Supervisory Skill Builders for the Spa Industry Leader’s Guides #09510SKG03ENIP
Students may be eligible for the ISPA Foundation’s Mary Tabacchi Scholarship, which is awarded to an undergraduate student who has completed at least oneyear of college and is seeking a spa-related degree with a demonstrated interest in spa management. For information, visit ISPAFoundation and click on “Scholarships” or call toll-free 888-651-ISPA.
Uniform System of Financial Reporting for Spas (677) ©2005, Hardbound This definitive guide for accounting principals was created by the ISPA Foundation in a collaborative effort with author Raymond Schmidgall, Ph.D., the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute and Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals. Specifically designed for spas, it provides a financial reporting system that will allow operators to measure, compare and report on the financial health of their business. The flexibility of the system allows spas of any size to enjoy success from implementation. Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-264-1 Also available on CD-ROM. #677CDR01
Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction #00120DVD01 This DVD is packed with two hours of sparelated content in 10 segments for easy classroom use. The program includes extensive interviews with leading spa industry authorities and covers topics including: philosophy of spa, consumer viewpoints, the business of spa, industry trends, treatments and spa types, creating memorable experiences, spa careers, a day in the life of a spa professional, leadership and success, and advice for those considering a spa career. This DVD is an ideal supplement to an introductory hospitality course, a careers seminar, or a leadership/ management class, as well as a companion to the textbook, “Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction.” 120 minutes. ©2008
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Special Topics Ethics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (885)
Managing Casino Slot Operations (840)
Second Edition ©2008, 25 chapters, Softbound
©2008, 15 chapters, Softbound
This hospitality-specific book teaches students to distinguish right from wrong in the workplace based on moral values. The first section describes some moral theories in simple language. The following sections apply those ethical theories to various hospitality situations.
This book provides a comprehensive look at casino slot operations, covering history, department organization, regulatory controls, slot machine types, common beliefs held by slot players, slot math, technological trends, floor design and layout, financial reporting, staffing, and customer service issues.
The book presents ethical issues in housekeeping, purchasing, marketing, front office, food and beverage, clubs, cruise lines, and entertainment, event, and meeting management, among others. Issues in financial management, diversity, and research are also explored.
Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-342-6 Authors: B. Roger Pettersson and Nathanial Hammond
Authors: Karen Lieberman, Ph.D., R.D., Johnson & Wales University Bruce Nissen, Ph.D., Florida International University
Hospitality 2015: The Future of Hospitality and Travel (841) ©2009, 10 chapters, 6 appendices, Softbound
Supplements: Instructor’s Guide #885TIG02 Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-328-0
High Performance Hospitality: Sustainable Hotel Case Studies (610) High-performance hotels are the future of the hospitality industry. This solid analysis of sustainable hospitality development presents eight detailed case studies of successful, sustainable hotel projects representing a cross-section of hotel types: mid-size, conference center, and luxury; small and large; branded and independent. Authors: Michele L. Diener, Amisha Parekh, and Jaclyn Pitera
In an age of economic and political turmoil, hospitality executives must plan for business conditions one, five, or ten years ahead, and sometimes longer. But how can anyone anticipate events such as the global economic collapse of 2008? In this book, two leading futurists and a hospitality educator offer a primer of business forecasting, then apply their methods to predict the future of sectors from restaurants to tourism, airlines to meetings and expositions. These are must-have skills and information for anyone pursuing a hospitality career in the 21st century. Authors: Marvin J. Cetron, Ph.D., Frederick J. DeMicco, Ph.D., and Owen Davies Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-342-6
Textbook only. No final exam available. ISBN 978-0-86612-343-3 Also available on CD-ROM: #00610CDR01
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Colleges and the Educational Institute— the Perfect Workforce Development Team The hospitality and tourism industry leads the future as one of the fastest-growing work segments with multiple opportunities for qualified employees. As the industry grows, the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) leads the way with reallife skills and knowledge through education and training, complete with industry-recognized, portable, and stackable professional certifications. EI workforce programs include:
180-hour curriculum covering 12 line-level positions; instruction in guest service, professionalism, and safety; and industry-recognized certification. Targeted training plus certification, available for front desk representatives, guestroom attendants, and restaurant servers. Essential for all hospitality employees, this training prepares workers to earn the Certified Guest Service Professional (CGSP®) designation (see page 8) More and more colleges are reaching out to the unemployed and underemployed in their communities to offer workforce development training. The Educational Institute is eager to partner with your school to offer this training. Schools using EI’s workforce development resources include: • • • •
Wake Technical Community College, Raleigh, NC Nunez Community College, Chalmette, LA Great Bay Community College, Portsmouth, NH Colorado Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, CO To discuss partnering with EI for your workforce program, call 800-349-0299 or +1-407-999-8100, or visit
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What makes the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) different from other educational publishers? The academic certification we include with each of our hospitality management textbooks. No other educational publisher offers this tangible industry connection—a certificate that tells hospitality employers that your students have mastered the competencies needed to be successful members of a hospitality operation. All EI textbooks sold to schools in the United States and Canada, and to our Global Academic Partner (GAP) schools (see page 5), include an exam scan sheet. Professors have the option of offering their students the EI-graded, 100-question final exam in addition to their own assessment tools. Those students who successfully complete the EI exam with a score of 70 percent or higher will receive an EI course completion certificate in addition to the course credit and credential awarded by your school. Students who pass the exam with a score of 90 percent higher receive a certificate “with honors.”
EI’s academic course certification: • Is backed by 60 years of EI’s hospitality education and training expertise • Provides a stamp of approval from EI’s parent organization, the American Hotel & Lodging Association—a respected national association that represents more than 10,000 lodging properties • Is recognized by hospitality employers as evidence of competency in hospitality knowledge
Frequently Asked Questions • How do I receive the EI exam? If you would like to offer the EIgraded final exam, please contact your account executive or e-mail
[email protected] and request the exam materials for the book you are using. Your account executive will send you the exam, along with instructions for returning the exams and class roster, either by e-mail, or if you prefer, by regular shipping. • How long does it take to receive the students’ grades from EI? It generally takes two to three weeks, depending on the time of year and the number of classes submitting exams.
Students who fail the course final exam are permitted one complimentary retake examination. After that, a second retake exam can be ordered for a fee of $35.00. Students who continue to fail after two retake exams may either attempt the Challenge Exam at a cost of $90 or reenroll in the course, with the institution re-ordering from EI for the course/exam at the prevailing price.
• May I grade the exams myself? Only instructors at U.S. schools have the option to grade the exams themselves before sending them to EI. • What if my student doesn’t have an answer sheet? We certainly understand that students may lose their scan sheet or purchase a used textbook without an exam scan sheet. Students can purchase scan sheets directly from the EI online store( U.S. students may call Pearson Higher Education at 800-922-0579 to order a scan sheet.
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Single Courses
• Select from more than 30 courses to update your offerings or add a new area to your curriculum. • Students earn a certificate from the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute for each course they successfully complete. • Contact your account executive for review materials.
Course Listings Introduction to Hospitality
100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 103 Hospitality Today: An Introduction
Rooms Division
281 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 333 Managing Front Office Operations 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 387 Security and Loss Prevention Management 468 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry
Food and Beverage
241 Management of Food and Beverage Operations 245 Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System 346 Managing Beverage Operations 349 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 445 Purchasing for Food Services Operations 464 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations
Accounting and Finance
260 Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting 261 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting 362 Accounting for Hospitality Managers 462 Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting
Marketing and Sales
270 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing 374 Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hospitality Operations 472 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 478 Convention Management and Service
Human Resources
250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 354 Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry 357 Managing Hospitality Human Resources
General Hospitality Management
304 Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry 391 Understanding Hospitality Law 428 International Hotels: Development and Management
Special Topics
120 Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction 220 Retail Management for Spas 313 Contemporary Club Management 366 Accounting for Club Operations 367 Financial Management for Spas 388 Risk Management for Spas 424 World of Resorts: From Development to Management
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Choose from eight Departmental Specializations • Give your students the specific technical and supervisory job skills employers demand for entrylevel management positions. • These programs make perfect complements to a liberal arts education.
2013-2014 Departmental Specialization Curricula (For substitutions, see next page*.)
To adopt a Specialization, simply contact your account executive.
Spa Management Curriculum Required: 120 Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction 220 Retail Management for Spas 367 Financial Management for Spas 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 388 Risk Management for Spas (online course only) -Elective Educational Institute Course Rooms Division Management Curriculum Required: 333 Managing Front Office Operations 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 468 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 387 Security and Loss Prevention Management 391 Understanding Hospitality Law Food and Beverage Management Curriculum Required: 245 Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System 349 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 464 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 346 Managing Beverage Operations 445 Purchasing for Food Service Operations
Accounting and Financial Management Curriculum Required: 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 261 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting 362 Accounting for Hospitality Managers 468 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 366 Accounting for Club Operations 462 Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting Marketing and Sales Management Curriculum Required: 472 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 478 Convention Management and Service 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing Select one: 374 Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hospitality Operations 270 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry
Human Resources Management Curriculum Required: 304 Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry 354 Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry 357 Managing Hospitality Human Resources 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry — Elective Educational Institute Course
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International Hotel Management Curriculum Required: 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing 428 International Hotels: Development and Management 333 Managing Front Office Operations 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry — Elective Educational Institute Course
2013-2014 Hospitality Fundamentals Program Curriculum Required: 241 Management of Food and Beverage Operations 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 333 Managing Front Office Operations 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 346 Managing Beverage Operations Select one: 100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 103 Hospitality Today: An Introduction 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing
Club Management Curriculum Required: 313 Contemporary Club Management 357 Managing Hospitality Human Resources 464 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 281 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 366 Accounting for Club Operations
Hospitality Fundamentals Program This new streamlined hospitality management curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in hospitality basics, with courses focusing on rooms division and food and beverage competencies and supervisory skills. • Combine with an area of specialization or offer as a core to a hospitality management program. • Makes a perfect addition to a liberal arts curriculum. Contact your account executive if you are interested in offering this curriculum.
*Curriculum Substitutions Limited substitutions may be allowed in the Departmental Specialization, Fundamentals Program, Operations Certificate, and Diploma curriculum programs. All substitutions must be pre-approved by the Educational Institute. Alternative EI courses or courses from accredited, degree-granting institutions may be accepted if they are in the same subject area as the EI course being replaced.
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2013-2014 Hospitality Operations Certificate Curriculum Required: 241 Management of Food and Beverage Operations 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 333 Managing Front Office Operations 349 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations Select one: 100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 103 Hospitality Today: An Introduction 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing Select one: 270 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 472 Hospitality Sales and Marketing Select one: 261 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting 362 Accounting for Hospitality Managers 468 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 245 Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 391 Understanding Hospitality Law 445 Purchasing for Food Service Operations 464 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations
Hospitality Operations Certificate Your graduates will be ready for a wide variety of operational areas after completing this curriculum. • Choose from many options to easily combine with culinary arts, travel and tourism, or other hospitality programs. • Makes a perfect addition to a liberal arts curriculum. Contact your account executive if you are interested in offering this curriculum.
*Curriculum Substitutions Limited substitutions may be allowed in the Departmental Specialization, Operations Certificate, and Management Diploma curriculum programs. All substitutions must be pre-approved by the Educational Institute. Alternative EI courses or courses from accredited, degree-granting institutions may be accepted if they are in the same subject area as the EI course being replaced.
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2013-2014 Hospitality Management Diploma Curriculum Required: 333 Managing Front Office Operations 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 281 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 357 Managing Hospitality Human Resources 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry — Elective Educational Institute Course Select one: 100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 103 Hospitality Today: An Introduction 323 Fundamental of Destination Management and Marketing Select one: 304 Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry 354 Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry 428 International Hotels: Development and Management Select one: 387 Security and Loss Prevention Management 391 Understanding Hospitality Law Select one: 241 Management of Food and Beverage Operations 349 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations Select one: 270 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 374 Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hospitality Operations 472 Hospitality Sales and Marketing Select one: 260 Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting 261 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting
Hospitality Management Diploma Students master the management and operational skills that make hospitality properties thrive. • Flexible—facilitates adoption • Ideal for strengthening your existing course offerings or for launching an allnew hospitality program. To adopt the full curriculum, contact your account executive.
Curriculum Updates To ensure that your students get the most current information, we regularly update our courses and curricula. For this reason, curriculum requirements are subject to change. We work with you to give your students the highest-quality education.
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2013-2014 Food & Beverage Management Diploma Curriculum Required: 245 Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 281 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 346 Managing Beverage Operations 349 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 354 Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry 445 Purchasing for Food Service Operations 464 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations 468 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry — Elective Educational Institute Course
Food & Beverage Management Diploma Students learn management skills needed to excel in an F&B environment. • Flexible—up to four course . substitutions allowed. • Perfect for a new program or . for adding a new dimension to a . culinary program.
Select one: 100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 103 Hospitality Today: An Introduction 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing Select one: 260 Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting 261 Basic Hotel and Restaurant Accounting
2013-2014 Dual Diploma Curriculum Required: 245 Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System 250 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry 261 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting 281 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design 333 Managing Front Office Operations 338 Managing Housekeeping Operations 346 Managing Beverage Operations 349 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations 354 Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry 357 Managing Hospitality Human Resources 445 Purchasing for Food Service Operations 464 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations 468 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry Select one: 100 The Lodging and Food Service Industry 103 Hospitality Today: An Introduction 323 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing
Select one: 270 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry 374 Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hospitality Operations 472 Hospitality Sales and Marketing Select one: 387 Security and Loss Prevention Management 391 Understanding Hospitality Law This course curriculum enables schools to offer a curriculum that enables students to fulfill the requirements of both the Hospitality Management Diploma and the Food and Beverage Management Diploma. Because of the nature of this curriculum, substitution options may be limited and must be pre-approved by the Educational Institute.
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EI products with your student or faculty membership with the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA).
AH&LA Student and Faculty members get: • Up to 40% savings on EI training and certification products • Free use of the AH&LA Information Center, answering any industry-related question within three business days • Access to more than a dozen scholarship opportunities through the Foundation • Subscriptions to Lodging magazine and other industry news publications to keep you in the know • Networking opportunities with key industry players
Get to the center of the hospitality universe by joining AH&LA, the key resource for more than 9,000 hotel owners and operators nationwide. And we’ve got tailored benefits just for hospitality students and faculty, because we’re grooming tomorrow’s leaders as well. Take your membership one step further and start an AH&LA Student Chapter at your university – contact Tara Bush at
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Index Academic Certification ............................................................... p.43 AH&LA Membership................................................................... p.50 Areas of Specialization...........................................................p.45-46 Certified Hospitality Educator................................. Inside front cover Course Listings........................................................................... p.44 Curricula................................................................................p.44-49 Customized Textbooks............................................inside back cover Dual Diploma.............................................................................. p.49 Food and Beverage Management Diploma.................................. p.49 Global Academic Program ........................................................... p.5 Hospitality Fundamentals Program............................................. p.46 Hospitality Operations Certificate................................................ p.47 Hospitality Management Diploma............................................... p.48 Workforce Development ............................................................. p.42 Online Learning Online Components and eTexts .................................................... p.2 CourseLine® ................................................................................. p.3 CyberCinema®............................................................................... p.3 Eye on Awareness® ...................................................................... p.4 Front Office Manager ................................................................... p.4 Skills Training Online Courses ...................................................... p.4 Supervisory Skill Builders Online ................................................. p.4 Introduction to Hospitality Guest Service Gold®...................................................................... p.8 Hospitality Today: An Introduction (course) ................................. p.6 The Lodging and Food Service Industry (course) ........................ p.7 Rooms Division 10 Minute Trainer: Housekeeping (DVD) .................................... p.13 Art and Science of the Concierge (book) .................................... p.12 Bed Bugs: Facts and Prevention (DVD) ...................................... p.13 Courtesy Rules: Better Telephone Skills Now (DVD) .................. p.13 Fire Prevention (DVD) ................................................................ p.14 Front Desk First Impressions (DVD) .......................................... p.13 GHS: Hazard Communications (DVD) ........................................ p.13 Hazard Communications (DVD) ................................................. p.14 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design (course) ............. p.12 Housekeeping: Laundry Operations (DVD)................................. p.13 Housekeeping: Quality Guestroom Cleaning (DVD)..................... p.13 Housekeeping: The Deep Cleaning Process (DVD) ..................... p.13 Human Trafficking (DVD) ........................................................... p.14 Lodging SafetyWorks (DVD)....................................................... p.14 Managing Housekeeping Operations (course)............................ p.11 Managing Front Office Operations (course) ............................... p.10 Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry (course)......... p.11 Methamphetamines: Too Dangerous to Ignore (DVD) ............... p.14 Preventive Guestroom Maintenance (DVD) ................................ p.14
Security and Loss Prevention Management (course) ................... p.9 Slips, Trips, and Falls (DVD)....................................................... p.14 Valet Safety Essentials (DVD) .................................................... p.14 Food and Beverage Bussing & Dishwashing (DVD)................................................... p.20 Controlling Alcohol Risks Effectively (seminar) ......................... p.20 Enhanced Selling (DVD).............................................................. p.19 Food Prep & Kitchen Operations (DVD)...................................... p.19 Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System (course).......... p.18 Food Safety & Sanitation (DVD).................................................. p.19 Greening Food and Beverage Services (book) ........................... p.17 Hosting & Cashiering (DVD)....................................................... p.19 Management of Food and Beverage Operations (course)............ p.17 Managing Beverage Operations (course) ................................... p.16 Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations (course) ... p.16 New Employee Orientation (DVD)............................................... p.19 Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations (course) .... ................................................................................................... p.15 Preventing Work-Related Burns (DVD) ...................................... p.20 Professional Table Service (DVD)............................................... p.19 Purchasing for Food Service Operations (course) ...................... p.18 Restaurant Hazard Communications (DVD) ............................... p.20 Restaurant Server (DVD)............................................................ p.20 Workplace Safety & Security (DVD)............................................ p.19 Finance and Accounting Accounting for Hospitality Managers (course) ........................... p.23 Accounting for Hospitality Managers, Exercises in Accounting (book) ..................................................................... p.23 Accounting for Hospitality Managers Solutions Manual (book) .p.23 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting (course) ................................ p.21 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting, Exercises in Accounting (book) ........................................................................................ p.21 Hotel and Restaurant Accounting Solutions Manual (book) ....... p.21 Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting (course)..................... p.23 Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting (course) ................ p.22 Hotel Asset Management: Principles & Practices (book)............ p.25 Hotel Investments: Issues and Perspectives (book) ................... p.25 Hotel Sustainable Development (book)...................................... p.24 Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (book) .. p.25 Sales and Marketing Convention Management and Service (course) .......................... p.26 Convention Sales and Service (book)........................................ p.26 From Hotels to HTMLs (book).................................................... p.28 Fundamentals of Destination Management and Marketing (course) . ................................................................................................... p.27 Marketing in the Hospitality Industry (course) ........................... p.27
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Index Revenue Management: Maximizing Revenue in Hopsitality Operations (Course).................................................. p.28 Revenue Management Online Program (e-learning) .................. p.28 Hospitality Sales and Marketing (course) .................................. p.26 Human Resources English for Hotel and Tourism Professionals (e-learning) ......... p.31 Managing Hospitality Human Resources (course) ..................... p.30 Supervision in the Hospitality Industry (course) ........................ p.29 Sexual Harassment: What Managers Need to Know (DVD)......... p.31 Think Again: Educate Your Managerial Staff on Card Check (DVD) ................................................................................................... p.31 Training and Development for the Hospitality Industry (course) .p.31 General Hospitality Management Enabling Independence: Service for Guests with Disabilities (DVD) .................................................................................................. p.35 Executive Decisions: Hospitality Case Studies (book) ................ p.33 Great American Hoteliers (book) ............................................... p.35 International Hotels: Development and Management (course) ... p.32 Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry (course) .... ................................................................................................... p.32 STAR Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics (certification) .... p.35 Supervisory Skill Builders (workbooks, DVDs)........................... p.34 Understanding Hospitality Law (course) .................................... p.33 Special Topics Accounting for Club Operations (course) .................................. p.37 Contemporary Club Management (course) ................................ p.36 Ethics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (book)................ p.41 Financial Management for Spas (course) .................................. p.39 High Performance Hospitality: Sustainable Hotel Case Studies .p.41 Hospitality 2015 (book).............................................................. p.41 Managing Casino Slot Operations (book)................................... p.41 Retail Management for Spas (course)........................................ p.38 Risk Management for Spas (online course) .............................. p.39 Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction (course)............................ p.38 Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction (DVD) ................................ p.40 Supervisory Skill Builders for the Spa Industry (workbooks) ............................................................................... p.40 Uniform System of Financial Reporting for Spas (book) ............. p.40 World of Resorts: From Development to Management (course).p.37
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