1 Dec 2013 ... Woollen Woods of Sizergh. 6. Nicky Barfoot. 8. Knitting Yarns: Writers on Knitting
Book 10. Explore The World With Exclusive. Knitting Holidays.
December 2013
January 2012 - 1
CONTENTS Welcome Letter
Monthly Free Pattern
Woollen Woods of Sizergh
Nicky Barfoot
Knitting Yarns: Writers on Knitting Book
Explore The World With Exclusive Knitting Holidays
Christmas Knits
Romni Wools
Yarn in the Spotlight…Lima Colour
2 - December 2013
December 2013 - 3
Hello and welcome to the December issue of the
As we look to take our minds off the dark nights and cold weather here in the UK, knitting could not be more at the forefront of our minds. There really is a comfort like no other in snuggling into a cosy Cocoon number! This issue, we hear from Canadian stockist Romni Wools, give you details of an exciting new Woollen Woods project next year, and look at the talented work of member Nicky Barfoot. A must not miss, we also introduce you to our perfectly cute and festive Winter Animal Family designed by Jem Weston. Irresistible! We hope you enjoy your new issue and have a fabulous New Year – why not visit our Facebook page and tell us where you will be spending it to win a spot prize? Happy knitting as always, The Rowan team
Front Cover: Joplin by Lisa Richardson Kidsilk Haze & Kidsilk Haze Eclipse Rowan Studio 33
Keep in touch with us on social media…
4 - December 2013
Click on the
where it appears for a link to further information
EXCLUSIVE Rose Petal by Martin Storey Kidsilk Haze Glamour
Rose Petal
For this and hundreds of FREE patterns exclusive to members click the button below:
December 2013 - 5
The Woollen Woods of Sizergh As part of the ongoing Campaign for Wool, Cumbrian arts organisation Eden Arts has launched another inspirational initiative set to take 2014 by storm. Following on from the success of The Woollen Woods last year, the team are now planning on an even bigger and better installation at the National Trust estate Sizergh. /DVW\HDU·VGLVSOD\LQFOXGHGDOOW\SHVRIZRRGODQGFUHDWXUHVIURPRZOVWRGLIIHUHQW W\SHVRIELUGVDQGHYHQÁRZHUVDQGOHDYHVIURPWKHQDWXUDOKDELWDWDOOVHQWLQE\ enthusiastic volunteers from around the world. Eden Arts are encouraging more people to get involved this year and add to the wonderfully woolly collection of donations. The deadline for submissions is the 4th April 2014, so there is plenty of time to start thinking creatively! For further information on the project visit www.canopyart.co.uk.
6 - December 2013
December 2013 - 7
Meet member Nicky Barfoot We talk to member Nicky Barfoot about her continued success at the UK Knitted Textile Awards.
was then added after the knitting phase WRUHSUHVHQWWKHÀQHUOLQHVRIWKHGUDZLQJ
“Sitting Pretty” was originally also a quick warm up sketch, done in a different style Inspiration: Knitting is seen by many XVLQJ RQO\ WKH ÀQH HQG RI D SLHFH RI as an amateur and female craft due to FKDUFRDO 7KH VKDSH RI WKH SRVH ÀWWHG its familiarity and the memories that it perfectly into a Felted Tweed cardigan often provokes, frequently reinforced by front (one of the many UFOs in my work PDUNHWLQJ FDPSDLJQV DQG ÀOPV VXFK DV room) and was translated into textiles the Shreddies Knitting Nanas and the using embroidery thread to represent the Bridget Jones Christmas jumper. In my more delicate lines of this drawing. The artwork I use this widely held perception use of a garment piece as the background to take a playful look at identity and was a play on the fact that people often stereotypes, in particular the boundaries ÀQGLWGLIÀFXOWWRVHHDNQLWWHGWH[WLOHSLHFH between art and craft where attempts at as anything other than functional. A very categorisation often get quite heated and common question I receive from well provoke much debate. With this in mind, meaning viewers is, “What is it going to my knitted life “paintings” aim to combine be?” the artistic respectability of the life room with the craft image of knitting. I also like In contrast, Elise (sitting) represents a to raise a smile with the irony of a “knitted longer pose and an attempt at creating form using just two tones, light and nude”. dark. The piece was created using A regular attendee at local life drawing intarsia, mainly in Rowan Felted Tweed, classes, all of my work started out as Kidsilk Haze and Cashsoft DK, with charcoal sketches on paper. Probably the some duplicate stitch on the lighter areas most popular piece of this series at both to create more depth. I left this piece of the Knitting and Stitching Shows was hanging on knitting needles in a scroll like DZRUNHQWLWOHG´E\7KUHHµDWUDQVODWLRQ fashion in homage to its construction. of three, three minute warm up poses. I used Rowan Felted Tweed to create the More information on this series and my intarsia background, as it has a wonderful work in general can be found at: bloom which replicates the initial broad charcoal sweeps of the original sketch NICKY’S perfectly. A mixture of embroidery thread, WEBSITE sewing cotton and Rowan Kidsilk Haze 8 - December 2013
December 2013 - 9
Edited by Ann Hood, Published by W.W. Norton & Company
Here at Rowan we just love the new book from Ann Hood, and are extremely excited to be able to offer a limited amount of copies as our Rowan Subscription gift! Here are all the details…don’t wait too long or you might miss out! A collection of poignant, funny and moving essays about the transformative power of knitting by twenty-seven well-known writers. This unusual and engaging collection of stories about how knitting healed, challenged or helped writers grow is a wonderfully moreish portrayal of knitting triumphs, disasters and life’s challenges. Heartbreaking yet hilarious, the tales will have you on the edge of your seat…work on the new collections has all but ground to a halt here at the mill! Three purchase options:
Rowan Subscription offer - Limited availability Norton has just published Knitting Yarns: Writers on Knitting, an unusual and engaging collection of stories about how knitting healed, challenged or helped a selection of well-known writers grow. Rowan is offering this beautiful hardback edition as a free gift for our subscribers only. ROWAN SUBSCRIPTION Customers in the UK, Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East Knitting Yarns (ISBN 9780393239492) is priced at £14.99 but if you click on the link from 1 December 2013 to 31 October 2014, add to basket and enter the discount code WN262 at the checkout, you will receive an exclusive 30% discount (web orders only). CLICK TO ORDER Customers in the US Knitting Yarns (ISBN 9780393239492) is priced at $24.95 but if you click on the link From 25 November 2013 to 25 February 2014, add to cart and enter the discount code Rowan at the checkout, you will receive an exclusive 30% discount (web orders only). CLICK TO ORDER Customers outside these areas should order through their local bookseller.
10 - December 2013
Explore The World With Exclusive Knitting Holidays :H·YHMRLQHGWRJHWKHUZLWKWRSVSHFLDOLVWWRXURSHUDWRU$UHQD7UDYHOWR FUHDWHDUDQJHRITXDOLW\8.DQGRYHUVHDVNQLWWLQJKROLGD\VZLWKVRPHRI WKHWRSQDPHVLQNQLWWLQJ Stitchtopia Festival 17th-20th February 2014 Due to popular demand, the Stitchtopia festival is back at Wyboston Lakes, Beds, delivering more from the worlds of crochet, knitting, cross stitch and patchwork and quilting with top masterclasses from leading names in the business. 1HZWRWKLV\HDU·VIHVWLYDOLVWHOHYLVLRQVWDU6WXDUW+LOODUG6WXDUWLVDQDYLGTXLOWHUDQG will be running his own patchwork and appliqué sessions. Festival goers will also have a chance to chat with Stuart after his evening talk on his time on the show. The event is also bursting with experts from all areas of the crafting spectrum, including well known Rowan names such as knitting and bead work expert Debbie Abrahams; knitting and crochet specialist Jane Crowfoot and knitting & crochet designer Carol Meldrum. The festival will offer something for everyone with guests getting the chance to make something new, learn new skills and meet like-minded people who share their passion for craft. All of the nine experts are offering workshops where craft lovers can make anything from a Fair Isle mobile phone case to lace trimmed cuffs. Other Stitchtopia holidays to look out for include: Northern Lights Knitting Cruise with Carol Meldrum Tues 25th March - Wed 2nd April 2014 $/RQJ:HHNHQGLQ+ROPÀUWK - The Home of Rowan with Marie Wallin (Head Rowan Designer) Thu 6th – Sun 9th March 2014 For further information and to book visit: ARENA TRAVEL December 2013 - 11
12 - December 2013
December 2013 - 13
Vink, who lived in Vancouver, there were two stores – Romni Wool in Toronto and Romni Fibers in Vancouver. Ann had a connection to a New Zealand wool mill which provided the original inventory of \DUQDQGVSLQQLQJÀEHUV
$VWKH\DUQPDUNHWJUHZLQWKHODWH·V ²HDUO\·V5RPQL:RROVEHFDPHWKH $À[WXUHLQNQLWWLQJDQGÀEHUDUWVLQ7RURQWR local resource for yarns from all over the VLQFH WKH VWRUH ÀUVW RSHQHG LQ world. Imported European brands had Romni Wools has stood the test of time, become popular and their product mix nurturing knitters, crocheters, weavers grew to cover novelty and designer yarns DQGVSLQQHUVZLWKÀQH\DUQVDQGÀEHUVIRU IURPWKHÀQHVWPLOOVLQ)UDQFHDQG,WDO\ almost forty years. Originally a partnership between founder Marilyn Leonard and her friend Anne
,QWKHODWH·VWKHVWRUHEHFDPHRQH RIWKHÀUVW&DQDGLDQUHWDLOHUVWRFDUU\WKH 5RZDQEUDQG,QVSLUHGE\.DIIH)DVVHWW·V early work, Marilyn, an artist herself, was impressed by the artistic color palette and the originality of the designs and wanted to share this resource with her creative consumers. Since then, Romni Wools has been one of the best Rowan resources in Canada. Marilyn now shares her business with her son, Jonathon, who started managing the store in 2001. Jonathon attributes the stores continued success to understanding their customer. “Romni Wools feeds off RIRXUFXVWRPHU·VFUHDWLYLW\WKHZD\WKH\ share their projects and ideas, and how WKH\OHWXVKHOSWKHPÀQGWKHULJKWÀEHUV and yarns to make them successful. We try to offer a lot of yarns in colors and at price points that give lots of choices to
14 - December 2013
stimulate creativity and enjoyment. Our downtown Toronto customer is not afraid of color and we take pride in extending our selections to cover all the hot colors – from hot pink-fuchsias, to acid neon greens and bright pumpkin oranges.”
Romni Wools – 658 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M6J 1E5 7HO ROMNI WOOLS
To make shopping easier for customers, Romni has recently expanded their merchandising space so that customers can easily see their total selection. New À[WXUHV KDYH EHHQ DGGHG ZLWK EHWWHU lighting and refreshed displays which now cross-reference yarns to appropriate GHVLJQV7KHLUIHHWRISDWWHUQERRNV continue to have prominence at the front of the shop, which now has a sharper and clearer overall feel throughout.
December 2013 - 15
0DULH·V Highlights :HWDONWR5RZDQ'HVLJQHU0DULH:DOOLQDERXWZKDWKDVEURXJKWIRUKHU :KDWKDVEHHQ\RXUKLJKOLJKWRI" My highlight would have to be starting my new business and website, Marie Wallin 'HVLJQVDQGZZZPDULHZDOOLQFRP$OVR,·YHMXVWKDGFKDQFHWRJRWRRQHRIWKHPRVW beautiful places in the world I think….Glencoe in Scotland for a Rowan Magazine 56 photography shoot. Oh and not forgetting having my new puppy Nelly! :KDWGR\RXWKLQNKDVSURYHGWREHWKHELJJHVWIDVKLRQWUHQGWKLV\HDU" The whole black and white graphic trend has been really big for spring/summer with tartan and checks being a big hit for this winter. :KRKDVEHHQWKHPRVWLQÁXHQWLDOSHUVRQIRU\RXGXULQJDQGZK\" It would have to be both my mother and father even though they both have sadly passed away, my mother in Nov 2011 and my father in May 2012. They are the reason I wanted to start my own business and have given me the drive to succeed and to believe in myself. +DYH\RXOHDUQWDQ\WKLQJQHZ" Starting my own website and blog has been a steep learning curve for me and getting to grips with social media has and continues to be a challenge! :KDWZLOOEH\RXU1HZ