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past life regression, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, spiritual principles and intuition. Approved by ..... You can also learn facts about hypnosis through books. But to.
TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY INSTITUTE ® Professional Home Study Certification Trainings & Educational Products Synthesizing Transpersonal Psychology, clinical hypnosis, medical hypnotherapy, NLP, past life regression, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, spiritual principles and intuition.

Approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools. Association for Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy (ATPH). International Hypnosis Federation (IHF). Approved provider for continuing education credits (CEUs) for Nurses, Marriage & Family Therapists, Social Workers, Hypnotists & Hypnotherapists.

WELCOME TO TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY INSTITUTE ® Approved & regulated by Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools. Become a Certified Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Medical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Transpersonal NLP Practitioner. Classes via Home Study DVD Training for Career Education, Professional Certification & Spiritual Growth. About Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute .....................................................................1 Message From The Directors ................................................................................1 History & Philosophy ............................................................................................2 About Transpersonal Hypnotherapy.....................................................................................2 Benefits You Receive from Trainings ....................................................................2 Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Described ...............................................................3 About Home Study ..............................................................................................................3 Home Study Format ..............................................................................................3 Benefits of Home Study Training with THI ..........................................................4 The Truth About Distance Education ...................................................................5 About Association for Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy (ATPH) .....................6 ATPH Membership Information ...........................................................................6 ATPH Guidelines for Professional Practice ..........................................................7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) .................................................................................. 7 Home Study Faculty ..........................................................................................................10 Certifications ......................................................................................................................12 Professional Certifications ...................................................................................12 School Course Completion Certificates ...............................................................12 Certifications Nationally Recognized ..................................................................13 Continuing Education Credits (CEU's) ..............................................................................14 Home Study Courses ..........................................................................................................15 Overview of Courses ...........................................................................................15 Course Planning Options .....................................................................................16 Personal Support .................................................................................................16 Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist Home Study Courses ............................................17 Stand-Alone & Advanced Home Study Courses ................................................20 Books, CDs, DVDs ..........................................................................................................31 DVDs ..................................................................................................................31 Audios/CDs .........................................................................................................33 Books ..................................................................................................................33 Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Sessions by Phone ...................................................................35 Policies ..............................................................................................................................35 Appointment Policies ..........................................................................................36 School Policies ................................................................................................... 36 ATPH Policies .................................................................................................... 38 How to Order .....................................................................................................................38 Enrollment & Order Form .................................................................................................39 (Courses, Books, DVDs, CDs, Hypnotherapy Sessions, ATPH Membership) Links (Important Information, Useful Links, How to Link) .............................................41

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc.

P. O. Box 18409 • Golden, Colorado 80401 (800) 366-9417 • (303) 278-9585 • Fax: (303) 474-3071 [email protected] • This is Catalog Number 20, Volume 1 Effective August 2010 © Copyright 1990 - 2011

ABOUT TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY INSTITUTE ® Hypnosis and hypnotherapy school offering home study training for career education, professional certification and spiritual growth.

Message From The Directors These professional home study trainings utilize psychology, hypnotherapy, spiritual techniques. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is brief therapy with long lasting results. Thank you for your interest in the certification and educational programs of the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute.™ We are dedicated to your personal and professional development, success and transformation. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is brief therapy with long lasting results. Since most insurance companies have stopped paying for long-term psychotherapy, clients are looking for results in a few sessions. They are asking for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, and psychotherapists are adding this education to their practice. The curriculum of THI is based in Transpersonal Psychology, and it utilizes powerful psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and spiritual techniques. You learn a variety of methods so you can easily determine each client's particular needs and apply the most appropriate technique. This means you can have satisfied clients who realize dramatic results. The trainings of THI are based in home study, a format which is being used by universities nationwide (distance learning programs, distance education, independent study, correspondence courses). You can actually learn and retain more when you have the ability to rewind and re-watch professionally recorded trainings from the comfort of your home. The training DVDs are extremely detailed and edited. They include professional demonstrations and discussions. Follow along in the workbooks which include outlines of the demonstrations, review questions and exercises. During the trainings there are also hypnotherapy practice sessions. During the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course for the Hypnotherapist Certificate, we personally review recordings of your practice sessions and give you professional feedback. You can practice with friends, family and co-workers and give multiple sessions to one person. It can be amazing how many people request sessions when they hear you are in a hypnotherapy training. Plus their "real life" feedback can be objective and unbiased and a valuable addition to the professional feedback you receive. You receive unlimited fax and e-mail support throughout your training. You may also call for assistance. We want you to achieve your goals. - Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt, Executive Director and Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt, Director "THI has been an extraordinary experience for me. Not only is the substance of the work profound and transforming, but also the integration of Psychology, myth, ritual, ceremony, spirituality and practical guidance has been educational, stimulating and moving. THI provides an expansive educational opportunity." - Jolie Ann Bales, Esq. (Attorney)

page 1 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

History & Philosophy THI is a recognized leader in hypnotherapy education. On campus trainings became home study classes to meet the needs of busy life styles today. The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ was founded in 1990 by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MA, MBA, NLP, CCHt after completing her MA in Transpersonal Psychology and making an extensive study of hypnotherapy. Over the next few years she and Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt co-developed the system which is known today as Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. Trainings were offered on-campus in Arizona, Colorado and Hawaii throughout the '90s. Thousands of certifications were awarded to individuals who came to study from around the globe. Then in 1996 home study programs were introduced, utilizing the professional videotaping of live classes. Because of its effectiveness, all programs are home study today. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is holistic, synthesizing Transpersonal Psychology with Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Alchemical Hypnotherapy and other proven schools of thought. As with Transpersonal Psychology, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy recognizes our drive toward wholeness, toward a fuller intuitive experience of spirit. THI is a recognized leader in the field of hypnotherapy education, and its curriculum is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools. THI holds the trademark for the name, the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ and copyrights for the many written and recorded materials. "As a University teacher of Transpersonal Psychology, I was concerned that students were not getting direct experience of conceptual materials. So, in THI trainings, I am excited to see students utilize Transpersonal material in hands-on processes without years and years of study. These are tools for mastery. They can be practiced easily and widely." - Dominie A. Cappadonna, Ph.D., former Professor of Transpersonal Psychology, John F. Kennedy University, California Institute of Integral Studies & San Francisco State


Transpersonal Hypnotherapy can benefit you personally and professionally.

Benefits You Receive from Trainings Take these home study trainings to enhance your professional practice, improve job performance, change careers, grow spiritually and personally. • Enhance Your Professional Practice: Whether you are a psychotherapist, massage therapist or health care practitioner you can successfully incorporate Transpersonal Hypnotherapy into your practice. This effective brief therapy appeals to both new and old clients, thereby increasing your practice and income. Stay on the cutting edge. Become fulfilled and renewed in your profession. Enjoy being creative, intuitive and more in rapport with clients. • Improve Your Job Performance: All of our relationships are enhanced with better communication. Become a more skilled communicator. Skills you learn in these trainings can heighten your job performance and advance your career. • Change Your Career: Enjoy financially rewarding and deeply satisfying work. A practice in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy can be a valuable first or second career. • Grow Personally & Spiritually: You enjoy yourself more and become a better role model when you have personally experienced transformation. Your life expands and unfolds through these trainings. page 2 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"This training far exceeds my expectations. The degree of personal healing has been profound, and the material integrates and expands upon decades of study in numerous fields of spiritual and psychological growth. I feel rejuvenated and firmly on my path, both as a therapist and a spiritual seeker." - Karen Rogers, Licensed Massage Therapist

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Described Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is based in Transpersonal Psychology. Through these home study trainings, learn how to facilitate inner journeys and help clients wake-up to who they truly are. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is a natural extension of Transpersonal Psychology which incorporates the methods of all four waves of psychology (1. Psychoanalytic, 2. Behavioral, 3. Humanistic and 4. Transpersonal). This basis assists you in becoming a well rounded, competent hypnotherapist with a wider perspective. It gives you broader choices which empower your clients and you. THI is unique in including hypnotherapy techniques for issues addressed in waves three and four. 1. The first wave, Psychoanalytic theory developed by Freud and then Jung, deals with the unconscious mind and underlying issues. In hypnosis, this is called hypnoanalysis: we examine the root causes of our problems. 2. The second wave, Behavioral Psychology, uses environmental modifications to alter our habits. In traditional hypnosis this is giving a direct suggestion to be different, reinforcing the new behavior and then expecting a change. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), which works to change the body’s neurology, has its roots in Behavioral Psychology. 3. The third wave, Humanistic Psychology, developed primarily by Abraham Maslow, acknowledges that our ultimate striving is for self-actualization: a healthy integration of body, mind and emotions. THI teaches various hypnotherapy and NLP techniques which access personal mastery. 4. The fourth wave, Transpersonal Psychology, was also developed by Abraham Maslow. It states that we strive toward self-transcendence and the realization of our spiritual potential. THI incorporates meditation with hypnotherapy to tap the resources of the unconscious mind and connect with the source of all that is. For example, in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy you work with issues (such as weight) from all four of these approaches: 1. Underlying issues. (Review, understand and relieve childhood wounds around weight.) 2. A habit to change. (Open the refrigerator less.) 3. Personal mastery. (Achieve physical, emotional and mental potential around weight issues.) 4. Spiritual potential. (Expand perspectives and wisdom. See choices and spiritual benefits.) Transpersonal Hypnotherapy ultimately focuses on the fourth wave, spiritual potential, with the goal being to help clients wake-up to who they truly are. You learn how to facilitate your clients' inner journeys and help them connect with their inner wisdom and intuition.


Learn hypnosis and hypnotherapy from the comfort of your home.

Home Study Format Distance education, distance learning, at a distance training, correspondence course and independent study are terms for hypnosis and hypnotherapy home study trainings. page 3 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

The home study format is now being used by universities nationwide as a major instructional tool. Learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Watch engaging DVDs and read stimulating materials whenever and wherever you want, learning something new every time. THI courses can include high quality professionally produced DVDs from live classes which take you step-by-step through the program. Seeing techniques in action and watching the group interact is invaluable. Plus, you can rewind and watch them again! Courses also include in-depth workbooks for your permanent reference library. Some courses include related reference books and CDs. During the trainings there are also hypnotherapy practice sessions. During the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course for the Hypnotherapist Certificate, we personally review audios of your practice sessions and give you professional feedback. You can practice with friends, family and co-workers and give multiple sessions to one person. It can be amazing how many people request sessions when they hear you are in a hypnotherapy training. The benefit of working with these people is that their feedback can be objective and unbiased. This can be a valuable addition to the professional feedback of the Directors. You can measure your progress through these processes. This prepares you for a professional hypnotherapy practice. You receive unlimited fax and e-mail support throughout your training. You may also call for assistance. We want you to achieve your goals. "I am so grateful for this Home Study material. Any way I can get the word out about the benefits of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, I will do it!" - Jennifer Thomas, Executive Director, American Association for Holistic Health

Benefits of Home Study Training with THI Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute is a premier hypnosis school. Enjoy professional home study training and education through distance learning. THI was founded in 1990 as an on campus school. In 1995, the live month long trainings were professionally recorded. This began the home study training. Today you receive the best of live trainings via professionally produced and edited DVDs and CDs. Enjoy THI's quality education, professional DVDs and recognized certificate titles. • Learn The Best of Hypnotherapy: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy uniquely synthesizes Transpersonal Psychology with the best of Clinical Hypnosis, Medical Hypnosis, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Past Life Regression and spiritual principles. Learn tools for a variety of situations and clients. • Gain Professional Certification: Become a

Certified Hypnotist (25 hours) Certified Hypnotherapist (150 hours) Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (300 hours)

• Learn at Leisure with Home Study DVDs: Study at your own pace from the comfort of your home. • Learn Easily: Educational consultants designed the workbooks for easy learning. • View Live Demonstrations: Experience pertinent demonstrations and discussions through DVDs. Extraneous material was edited out. • Practice with Family & Friends: Everyone is curious about hypnotherapy. Tell them you are available for free during your training period. Or take out an ad in the classifieds. This gives you invaluable experience with "real life" people. • Experience Quality: A former NBC cameraman recorded the Fundamentals of Hypnosis and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy trainings and professionally edited all training DVDs. Two cameras were utilized so you can see close-up details of demonstrations. page 4 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

• Retain More through DVDs: Watch these training DVDs, take notes and get an overview. Then rewind and re-watch for details and specifics. You can learn and remember more than is possible in a classroom setting. • Receive Personal Support: Receive answers to all your questions, by email, fax or phone, throughout your enrollment. • Receive Quality Feedback: Send in audios of your practice sessions and receive personal feedback (see Transpersonal Hypnotherapy). • Benefit from Experience: Anne Salisbury, PhD, MA, MBA, CCHt, NLP pioneered Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and trademarked the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ in 1990. Greg Meyerhoff, CCHt, NLP trained with THI and is now the Co-Director. Let them help you create a successful practice and fulfilling life. • Be on the Cutting Edge: Be in the forefront of learning with THI DVD trainings. Universities and corporations are now teaching through internet and DVD courses. • Be Financially Brilliant: Receive top quality hypnotherapy training at a fraction of the cost. Each 50 hours of home-study training was previously a 50 hour week of on-campus study. You can now receive training without the expense of time, transportation, food, lodging and time lost from work. "When I ordered the course Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, I was uncertain as to what I would get in terms of quality and content. Happily, I found the videos to be of high quality and the content to be valuable and useful." - Thomas Davies, Retired Psychologist

The Truth About Distance Education What is the truth about hypnosis and hypnotherapy home study training, distance learning, correspondence courses? How do on campus programs differ from distance education or home study trainings? As with anything else, hypnosis education and hypnotherapy schools vary dramatically. Here are some misconceptions and facts: Misconception: Hypnotherapy cannot be learned through home study. Fact: You can learn hypnotherapy easily through THI's home study trainings which include:

• Quality DVDs of live trainings which include lectures, demonstrations, group discussions and zoom-in shots to observe subtle shifts. • Quality workbooks and materials designed by educational consultants. • Multiple practice hypnotherapy sessions. • Professional supervision and feedback on CDs of practice sessions from a trained staff member. • Unlimited fax, e-mail and phone support.

Misconception: Live classroom training is better than DVDs of live classroom training. Fact: You will find that DVDs of live classroom trainings can often times be better.

• In a live class the teacher can have a bad day, you can have a bad day. There can be distractions. Discussions can drift off into tangents. In DVD trainings taken from live classes the teacher can be well chosen, DVDs can be edited for the best material and tangents can be edited out. You can choose to watch DVDs on good days. • In a live class you can ask questions live. In a quality home study training, pertinent questions and answers are included in the DVDs and you call-in or e-mail your questions. • In a live class you practice hypnotherapy processes with fellow classmates. In a home study training you practice with "real life" family, friends, co-workers and clients. • In a live class you are given feedback by fellow students and possibly the teacher. In quality home study training you receive professional feedback from a trained staff member via audio evaluation. You are also given potentially more objective feedback by "real life" clients.

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Misconception: Hypnosis DVDs are all about the same. Fact: Actually, you will find that hypnosis DVDs vary dramatically. THI utilizes videographers, mainly 2-camera shoots and professional editing equipment. Misconception: Hypnosis can be learned in a weekend or through book reports. Fact: You can get an introduction to hypnosis in a weekend. You can also learn facts about hypnosis through books. But to learn the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy you need quality DVDs and CDs of lectures, discussions and demonstrations. You need practice sessions and quality feedback. THI gives you this and more. Misconception: Receiving a diploma is better than a certificate. Fact: Actually, certificates for Certified Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist designations are more widely recognized than are diplomas in hypnosis. You receive these through THI. Misconception: Hypnosis certificate titles relate to standardized hours training. Fact: There are no standardized hours of study for certificate titles. Titles and hours are determined by individual schools and associations. "Having the THI videos for future viewing is better than attending a live workshop." - Mary Isabella, LPC, CACIII (Psychotherapist) "I am so glad that I can study at my own pace. Watching the videos and doing practice sessions has been very stimulating for me. Learning and applying these skills to my daily life has brought me harmony." - Sonja Jackson, Homemaker

ABOUT ASSOCIATION FOR TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY & HYPNOTHERAPY Professional hypnosis organization supporting hypnotists and hypnotherapists and issuing hypnotist, hypnotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist certifications.

ATPH Membership Information ATPH is a professional association dedicated to the advancement and improvement of the profession of Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy. It was founded by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt in 1995. ATPH ( functions in two capacities: 1. It issues the certifications of Hypnotist (25 hours), Hypnotherapist (150 hours) and Clinical Hypnotherapist (300 hours) after certifying hours of completion. These certifications are issued to THI graduates. They can last a lifetime. 2. It offers memberships to support hypnotists and hypnotherapists.. Membership in the Association is available in two categories and valid from June 1 until May 31 of the next year: • Professional Member: If you have trained for 150 hours or more you may apply for Professional Membership. Continuing education units are not required to renew your membership. Professional Liability Insurance is available to you. • Associate Member: If you have trained for less than 150 hours you may join as an Associate Member. As a member of ATPH, you receive the following benefits for your annual fee: (see the Enrollment & Order Form) • A Professional or Associate Certificate of Membership suitable for framing. • Eligibility to apply for Professional Liability Insurance as a Professional Member. page 6 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

ATPH Guidelines for Professional Practice I. General 1. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of each client shall always be of utmost consideration. 2. Any conduct which could be construed as moral impropriety or sexual misconduct with a client shall be avoided. 3. Hypnosis shall be used within the limits of a member’s training and competence. 4. Members shall be honest and ethical in all of their business dealings and promotional activities. 5. Members shall not communicate false or exaggerated claims regarding hypnosis but shall inform and educate the public of the true potentials of hypnosis. 6. Hypnosis shall be utilized in accordance with established laws and regulations. 7. The desires and rights of the clients shall be respected at all times. 8. Members shall conduct themselves in a professional, ethical, respectful manner toward clients, colleagues, other professionals, society. II. Practice of Hypnosis 1. Only induction methods and suggestions that are respectful to the client shall be used. 2. Hypnosis shall be used to motivate clients to eliminate negative or unwanted habits and to facilitate the learning process to achieve vocational, avocational, legal and ethical goals. 3. Positive post-hypnotic suggestions shall be employed to meet the needs of the client. 4. When bringing a client out of trance, all unnecessary suggestions shall be removed prior to bringing a client out of trance. Positive suggestions of well-being shall be given prior to re-alerting. Sudden re-alerting methods shall be avoided. 5. Proper professional practice records shall be maintained. 6. Members agree to withdraw voluntarily from the practice of hypnosis or hypnotherapy if they are no longer competent to perform the functions of their practice due to physical or mental impairment, or alcohol or drug abuse. III. Rights of the Clients 1. Audio or visual recording or third party observation shall be conducted only with the consent of the client. 2. Identifiable, confidential client information shall not be used in teaching, writing or public presentations wit prior written consent of the client. IV. Dual Relationships 1. Dual relationship occurs when the professional engages in a separate and distinct relationship either at the same time as the therapeutic relationship or during a reasonable period of time following termination of the therapeutic relationship. 2. Members shall seek to avoid dual relationships with their clients, for example, those involving money, bartering, or sex. 3. Sexual contact or intimacy with a client or the immediate relative of a client is considered unethical. 4. Personal, financial, social, and emotional needs of the member shall never be placed above clients' therapeutic interests.


THI is an American hypnosis and hypnotherapy school offering nationally and internationally recognized home study certification training.

About Hypnosis "What is Hypnosis?" Hypnosis is a natural state of consciousness in which we are open to suggestions. It is similar to “zoning out” while watching television or becoming absorbed in a novel. Our bodies are relaxed, our conscious "mind chatter” is quieted and our attention is free to examine and reprogram thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that no longer serve us. "What is Hypnotherapy?" Hypnotherapy utilizes hypnosis for therapy. "How is Hypnotherapist defined?" According to the Federal Dictionary of Occupational Titles published by the United States Department of Labor under Hypnotherapist 079.157.010 it is defined as follows: "Hypnotherapist induces hypnotic state in client to increase motivation or alter behavior pattern through hypnosis. Consults with client to determine the nature of problem. Prepares client to enter hypnotic states by explaining how hypnosis works and what client will experience. Tests subjects to determine degree of physical and emotional suggestibility. Induces hypnotic state using techniques of hypnosis based on interpretation of test results and analysis of client’s problem. May train client in self-hypnosis conditioning." "How is Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) defined?" According to the State of Colorado, Department of Regulatory page 7 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Agencies, it is defined as: "a detailed operational model of the processes involved in human behavior and communication. Although it is not itself a psychotherapy, NLP's principles can be used to understand and make changes in any realm of human experience and activity. NLP, however, has been applied to therapeutic concerns, and the result is a powerful, rapid, and subtle technology for making extensive and lasting changes in human behavior and capacities. NLP deals with modifying and redesigning thinking patterns, promoting flexibility and forging new capacities and abilities." "How is Hypnotherapy legally recognized?" Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) is recognized as a legal stand-alone profession by the US Department of Labor. It is listed in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (079.157.010). The US Department of Education lists "Hypnotherapy-hypnotherapist" (9CIP 2000, 51.3603) under instructional programs. The Office of Administrative Law Judges Law Library lists "Hypnotherapist" as a "legal profession." "What are the legal aspects of practicing hypnotherapy in my state?" According to the International Hypnosis Federation (IHF) there are no known formal licensure or educational requirement for hypnotherapists. Indiana requires in-state training (check with Indiana Hypnotist Committee). New Jersey (1994 NJ Hypnosis Exemption Legislation) requires hypnotherapists to call themselves "hypno-counselors" or "hypnotists;" avoid the words "depression" and "insomnia;" have a doctor's referral to work with "mental or health disorders;" freely offer smoking cessation, weight management, study skills, sports, creative activities. Colorado and Washington require unlicensed psychotherapists (hypnotherapists) to register with the State Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), Mental Health Section. California (2003 CA Business & Professional Code) requires clients of non-licensed practitioners to sign a Complementary & Alternative Health Care form. Some cities require a business license. Students are encouraged to check with their state occupational licensing authority. "How is hypnotherapy different from psychology?" Psychologists and psychiatrists can work with mental disorders and hypnotherapists work with functional individuals who want to change behaviors and improve the quality of their lives. "How is hypnotherapy different from meditation?" There are many styles of meditation, but the primary difference is the intent. Meditation is used to develop concentration, to focus, to be centered, to relax and to empty our minds. The purpose of traditional hypnotherapy is to reprogram the subconscious mind. The purpose of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is to de-program the subconscious mind to allow better access to the higher mind or the wisdom of intuition. "How is Transpersonal Hypnotherapy different from traditional hypnosis?" In addition to reprogramming the subconscious mind with the client's suggestions (which are given to the facilitating hypnotherapist during the session), Transpersonal Hypnotherapy goes beyond the personality to access intuition or inner wisdom. The goal is to increase awareness around personal and societal programming. With increased awareness comes the personal choice to keep or reject these programs. Once the choice is made to reject old programs, the undesirable patterns are de-programmed. This leads to the waking-up of spirit. As stated in "A Course in Miracles," "What you think you are is a belief to be undone."

About The Course Work "What is transpersonal about the training?" The term “transpersonal” comes from the Greek “trans,” which means beyond or through, and “persona,” which means mask. Transpersonal techniques make us aware of our spirit beyond our social conditioning, our masks, to our spiritual selves. "What client issues will I learn to work with?" Weight management, smoking cessation, phobias, habits, sports performance, stress, educational improvement, management skills, selling skills, emotional health, physical health, sexual health, grief and loss, relationship enhancement, personal growth and spiritual unfoldment. "Will I learn the nuts and bolts?" Yes. You learn all the hypnotic techniques you will need in these courses. "Is working with smoking and weight issues boring and repetitive?" No. But working solely with traditional hypnosis techniques can be. With Transpersonal Hypnotherapy you have tools to move beyond the basic techniques of direct suggestion and examining the root cause of a problem to the deeper spiritual motivating factors. This leads you on an exciting and transformative journey with your client. "Will I learn how to set up my hypnotherapy practice and attract clients?" Yes. Sections of "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" and all of "Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice" are dedicated to the success of your private practice. These courses provide coaching on marketing so that you can reach the personal and financial success you desire. page 8 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"If I already have a professional practice, will I learn how to incorporate hypnotherapy?" Yes. Professionals feel these techniques are the most valuable and effective tools you can add to your practice. "Can I apply what I learn if I don’t plan on making it my profession?" Yes. By watching these DVDs you receive different perspectives on human behavior, better ways of communicating, techniques to relax with self hypnosis and more. You can apply these new awareness and skills in your personal and professional life.

Taking Courses "Can I just start with self-hypnosis?" Yes. Order CDs under "Books, DVDs and CDs." Pick the topic area that appeals to you and then begin listening in the comfort of your home. The music was written especially for these scripts. "What do I do if I am curious but not yet sure what to do?" Order DVDs (see Books, DVDs & CDs) or the 25 hour course "Fundamentals of Hypnosis" (see Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist Courses). These give you a great introduction to the classroom and live sessions. "What do I take if I want to build a professional practice?" Take "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" (150 hours) for the Hypnotherapist Certification. This course includes not only the "Fundamentals Hypnosis" (and its hours) but also the in-depth study of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. Take additional courses, according to your interest, to advance your certification level to Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (300 hours total).

Certifications "What body will certify me?" Your certificates of completion are issued by THI, an approved and regulated vocational school through the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools. Your professional certifications of Certified Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist are issued by the Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnotherapy (ATPH), a professional association. "Can I transfer-in hours from another school?" If the school is state approved, THI will review its curriculum. Then, if given approval, it is possible to transfer-in credit hours towards a THI Certification.

Choosing a School Why would I want to take a comprehensive THI Training when I can take a brief course from another school?" It simply serves you and your clients to be skilled in your art. "People are telling me I’ll be glad I took the THI Training. What makes such a difference?" Many people who have hypnotherapy certifications from other schools transfer to THI. THI's courses provide lectures which give you an indepth intellectual understanding. The live demonstration sessions show you how to apply techniques practically. And the Transpersonal approach addresses the spirit of a client as well as the personality. This is all in the home study format, so you can study the techniques thoroughly and at your own pace. Your education makes a big difference in your ability to help others. It also effects your potential for professional success. "The training I've received from THI was far beyond my highest expectations. I researched many schools before choosing THI and have absolutely no doubt that this is the richest and most rewarding available. I take great joy in knowing my life, from this point on, will be a catalyst in healing others and thereby helping to heal the planet itself." - Joan Marlow, Professional Artist "Your trainings give me so much material and information! Unlike other courses I've taken, I feel spiritually recharged and nourished. Thank you for your intense commitment to providing top quality trainings." - Jan Hulme Shepard, Educational Design Consultant page 9 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"These courses are the best I have ever seen. As a CPA, I can see applying this information and the techniques to assist my clients in healing their money issues, creating their businesses more successfully, and having their finances be a satisfying part of their lives." - Gale Free, CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

The THI Logo "What is the THI Logo?" It is the dharma wheel which was one of the many images given to the Buddha in his moment of enlightenment. It translates from the Sanskrit as "the way" or "the truth." It is used as a mandala to focus on during meditation. When we unravel the illusion of who we are as separate, discrete individuals, we can realize the truth of our oneness. The eight lotus blossoms in the wheel represent the eight-fold path for attaining true knowledge of life's meaning. It involves: 1. right views (or understanding); 2. right purpose (or aspiration); 3. right speech (speaking truth); 4. right conduct (or action); 5. right means of livelihood (or vocation); 6. right effort (sustained); 7. right awareness (mastery of mind); and 8. right concentration (or meditation).

Catalog & Order Forms "How can I get a copy of the complete THI catalog?" You can download the complete THI catalog as a pdf. The complete catalog is also displayed on the web at "How can I get a copy of the enrollment and order form?" You can download the Enrollment and Order Form as a pdf. This form is also at the back of the catalog. "How can I order?" You can order on-line, by mail, by fax and by phone.

Policies "What are the school policies?" You can read the THI School Policies, the Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnotherapy Policies and the Appointment Policies on-line at the end of the catalog.


Learn hypnosis, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and NLP from a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Experience professional home study training. Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, MA, NLP, CCHt is the founder and Executive Director of the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ and Co-Developer of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. She is also the founder and Director of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy. She is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an NLP Trainer, a coach, a psychotherapist and an intuitive counselor. Dr. Salisbury holds a BFA and an MBA from the University of Denver. She holds an MA in Transpersonal Psychology from John F. Kennedy University. She received a Doctorate in psychology with distinction from Greenwich University where her dissertation was on accessing intuition through self hypnosis. As an intuitive (clairvoyant) she holds a minister's license. Dr. Anne Salisbury has been involved in meditation, hypnotherapy and intuitive skills development since the 1970s. She has owned and managed businesses and institutions since 1984. She worked as the Consulting Hypnotherapist for Norm Shealy, MD, PhD (Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association) providing professional consultations as part of total client care. In 1990 she founded the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ and has since certified thousands of individuals in cutting edge techniques. Dr. Salisbury has presented at industry conferences and taught and lectured throughout the country. She has been on professional and civic boards including the Colorado Association for Psychotherapists Board. page 10 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

She has received awards from the National Association of Women Business Owners, among others. She has authored numerous books and materials on professional and personal growth. She teaches Fundamentals of Hypnosis, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice, Medical Hypnotherapy, the Intuitive Skills courses, Weight Issues: Graduate Course, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols and gives private sessions. "When you look in the dictionary under "Integrity" and "Competence" you are likely to find a smiling picture of Anne Salisbury." - Rick Schamber, Ph.D., Psychotherapist Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt is the Director of the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute.™ He is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Transpersonal NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Practitioner. He is recognized as a Fellow with the International Hypnosis Federation and served on the board of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists. He is an intuitive business consultant, executive coach and intuition trainer. As an intuitive he holds a minister's license. Greg specializes in accessing natural creativity and producing practical results for both the short and long term. He received his degree in Business Management from the University of South Florida. Additionally, he has studied and taught meditation and intuitive techniques since 1975, applying these to work, sports, relationships and communications. Greg spent twenty years in national Sales and Marketing as a Senior Account Executive where he honed his intuitive skills. His clients included Bank of America, Wells Fargo, US Bank and Key Bank. For creating innovative solutions, he received the highest company awards. He teaches the Intuitive Skills courses, offers student support and gives private sessions. Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt is the co-developer of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. He is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an NLP Master Practitioner, an Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner, a Certified Biofeedback Therapist and a longtime Trainer in these fields. His Masters degree is in Transpersonal Psychology. He has lectured at the Esalen Institute, the University Extensions of San Francisco State and Davis, the University of Wyoming, the Association for Transpersonal Psychology’s Annual Conference and worked on staff with Ken Keyes. He has been involved in the spiritual growth movement, giving lectures and trainings, since the early 1970s. He was on staff with THI from 1990 through 1996 and is now in private practice. He teaches Fundamentals of Hypnosis, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice, Medical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression: Graduate Course, Recovering from Sexual Abuse, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols, Transpersonal NLP™ and Weight Issues: Graduate Course. Sara Kendall Gordon, LAc, Dipl Ac, CCHt has been practicing Oriental medicine since 1989. She has long been aware of the depth and power of the mind-body connection and has focussed on integrating these in her healing work. Sara synthesizes various systems of Psychology, Kinesthesiology and Oriental medical theory in the system she developed, BodyWisdom.™ She is a licensed acupuncturist in private practice in Santa Monica. She teaches BodyWisdom™ and lectures on the topic in California. John London, PhD, CCHt has been a Practical Medical Hypnotist for more than 50 years. In the 1950s he had 15 months of practical training with Dr. Norman Green, Ph.D. and also studied directly with the legendary pioneer in hypnoanalysis, Dave Elman. John has taught M.D.s, Dentists, Psychologists and professional Hypnotherapists these advanced Elman techniques. He was the Chief Instructor for the Arizona Society for Professional Hypnosis. He teaches Traditional Hypnosis. Cathy Platin, MA, CCHt is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a Masters Degree in Counseling. She uses Transpersonal, Ericksonian and Solution Focused approaches to help restore her clients to a sense of well-being and self-acceptance. Cathy has a private practice where she specializes in working with Sexual Abuse survivors. She developed and teaches the course, Recovering from Sexual Abuse, and gives seminars on the topic throughout the United States. page 11 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"THI teachers have excellent rapport, are warm, personable, approachable and authentic. They are gracious about answering questions with a wide range of knowledge. I enjoy having them as role models and want to thank them for the luxury of transformation we've all received by practicing Transpersonal Hypnotherapy techniques." - Dr. Lynn Gant, Presbyterian Minister & Pastoral Counselor, NLP Master Practitioner


Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Medical Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal NLP certificates through THI. Hypnotist, hypnotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist certifications through ATPH. Registered Membership through the International Hypnosis Federation.

Professional Certifications The Association for Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy (ATPH) issues the following professional certifications for THI. Your certification fee is included in tuition. Your certifications can last a lifetime since there are no renewal requirements. ("C" stands for "Certified" when used as a designation after your name.) Certified Hypnotist (C.H.) Certified Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.) Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (C.C.Ht.)

25 hours 150 hours 300 hours

(no prerequisite) (no prerequisite) (prerequisite: Certified Hypnotherapist)

Upon successfully completing Fundamentals of Hypnosis (a 25 hour course) you receive the "Hypnotist" certification. Fundamentals of Hypnosis, and its hours, are included in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, so you may begin either course. Upon successfully completing Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (a 150 hour course) you receive the "Hypnotherapist" certification. Upon successfully completing another 150 hours listed under Additional Courses you receive the "Clinical Hypnotherapist" certification. To determine a transfer of credits from another hypnotherapy school, please contact THI. "THI presents in-depth information in a sensitive and skilled manner. This provides me with valuable tools and excellent strategies for helping people." - Jenny Edwards, Ph.D., Consultant, Teacher, NLP Trainer

School Course Completion Certificates The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ issues certificates of completion for each course you complete. These are included in your tuition. Upon graduation you may use the professional titles which correspond to your certificates. Here are a few examples of courses you may take and their corresponding titles. (See Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist Courses and StandAlone & Advanced Study Courses for a complete list.) Fundamentals of Hypnosis (25 hours) for the professional title of Hypnotist. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (150 hours) for the professional title of Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. Medical Hypnotherapy (50 hours) for the professional title of Medical Hypnotherapist. Past Life Regression: Graduate Course (15 hours) for the professional title of Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist. page 12 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (25 hours) for the professional title of Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist. Traditional Hypnosis (50 hours) for the professional title of Hypnotist. Transpersonal NLP™ (50 hours) for the professional title of Transpersonal NLP Practitioner. "THI provides excellent material. I spoke with hypnotherapists who graduated from other schools and feel that I gained much more experience and knowledge than they did. And THI's home study style let me learn at my own speed. - Dennis Hiser, Social Worker

Certifications Nationally Recognized Your certifications are recognized by the following organizations (subject to change): Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools, approves and regulates THI's operations and curriculum. Graduates with THI certifications practice nationally and internationally. Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Colorado: THI is in the approved vender file. Check with your state for reciprocal approval. California Board of Registered Nursing: THI is an approved provider for contact hours for Registered Nurses: CBRN #CEP10175. (see Continuing Education) California Board of Behavioral Sciences: THI is an approved provider for continuing education for Marriage & Family Therapists (MFTs) licensure requirements: PCE#3138. (see Continuing Education) California Board of Behavioral Sciences: THI is an approved provider for continuing education for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) licensure requirements: PCE#3138. (see Continuing Education) Accredited Colleges & Universities may accept THI credits (here are some examples): • John F. Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill, CA may consider transferring units into the Graduate School for Holistic Studies: Master's programs in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness Studies and Holistic Health. • Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO may consider THI training hours as prior learning credits for their Bachelor's degree. • Antioch University, Yellow Springs, OH may consider THI training hours as prior learning credits for their at-a-distance Master's program. • Union Institute, Cincinnati, OH may accept up to 32 semester hours as prior learning credits in their distance learning Bachelor's program. • Vermont College of Norwich University, Montpilier, VT may be willing to work out personal Articulation Agreements with THI for their at-a-distance Bachelor's program. • Please call your university about independent study credits. Association for Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy (ATPH): THI graduates may apply for membership in this professional association. ATPH board certifies hours of training. Professional Members are eligible for liability insurance. International Hypnosis Federation (IHF): THI is an Approved Training School with the International Hypnosis Federation. THI Directors, Anne Salisbury, Ph.D., CCHt and Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt are IHF Fellows and Instructors. Graduates of THI may become Registered Members upon completing "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy." IHF tracks legislation and promotes that which is favorable to the industry. Important information is listed in the IHF newsletter, and discounts to IHF conferences are included with membership. Upon graduation from THI contact IHF for an application. American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE): From 1990-2005 THI was a member of ACHE as an Approved Hypnotism School and Anne Salisbury, Ph.D., CCHt, was an Approved Hypnotherapy Instructor and Designated Examiner. "THI presents material with complete explanations for greater understanding and retention. The combination of Transpersonal Psychology with the tools of hypnotherapy is so powerful and effective, speeding up the time required for healing." - Candace Burton, Licensed Massage Therapist page 13 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417


Receive CEUs certificate for home study hypnosis and hypnotherapy courses. Available for nurses, family therapists, social workers, hypnotists and hypnotherapists. Many organizations recognize your THI certifications for continuing education. If your association is not currently listed, please call THI to request that it be added to the list. California Board of Registered Nursing: THI is an approved provider for contact hours for Registered Nurses: CBRN #CEP10175. You receive one hour per hour of study. Thirty contact hours of continuing education are required every two years in California. Many states offer reciprocity, so check with your State Board about utilizing these contact hours. "It has been a privilege to witness and participate in the spiritual growth of my clients. By applying what I learned in THI trainings, I too continue in my own growth." - Janice Rambo Mielke, Registered Nurse "I have been very busy since finishing the training. I am still working full time in the Clinic and seeing clients in my home in my spare time. I have done 47 sessions and have 31 clients to date. That is a lot in less than two months! - Janice Breinig, Licensed Practical Nurse "This has been life changing for me. I gained insights and dealt with issues through the progression of the videos. And I now have the skills to venture into a new career." - Karen Wardell, R.N. California Board of Behavioral Sciences: THI is approved to offer continuing education for Marriage & Family Therapists (MFTs) licensure requirements: PCE#3138. You receive one hour per hour of study. You may earn up to 30 hours with THI when submitting your homework electronically via fax. These are classified as regular (not self-study) hours. Many states offer reciprocity, so check with your State Board about utilizing these contact hours. "THI's Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course is an important adjunct to my private practice in family therapy. It is a gift that allowed me to expand my practice and do personal work at the same time. It is a revolution in therapy." - James G. Wright, R.P.C., (licensed counselor in Canada) California Board of Behavioral Sciences: THI is approved to offer continuing education for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs) licensure requirements: PCE#3138. You receive one hour per hour of study. You may earn up to 30 hours with THI when submitting your homework electronically via fax. These are classified as regular (not self-study) hours. Many states offer reciprocity, so check with your State Board about utilizing these contact hours. "This course has exceeded my expectations. It is packed with information and all of it is so well presented. What a resource to have the videos to go back to and review!" - Stacey Guss, M.A., Social Worker "The presentation of material was thorough and complete. I'm taking from this training valuable tools to integrate into my work with clients." - Nancy Harris, L.C.S.W. (Social Worker) International Hypnosis Federation (IHF): THI is an Approved Training School offering continuing education for Registered Members of IHF. Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Associations: THI issues continuing education credits for renewal hours with many hypnotherapy organizations. Call THI for details. page 14 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"I have taken courses in hypnosis since 1980. THI's video format and learning content is some of the best and most comprehensive I have ever experienced. The presentation is clear and the ability to rewind and review is great. My clients have been routinely very impressed with this work." - Patrick McKee, Private Investigator

TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY INSTITUTE ® HOME STUDY COURSES Learn hypnosis and hypnotherapy through home study training DVDs. Experience the best in distance education, distance learning, independent study.

Overview of Courses Learn hypnosis, hypnotherapy, intuition, marketing, medical hypnotherapy, past life regression, Transpersonal NLP and more. • Tuition is listed on the Enrollment & Order Form. • Prerequisites may be waived if you are a transfer student. •  The Home Study courses listed below are explained in detail under "Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist Courses" and "StandAlone Courses & Clinical Hypnotherapist (Advanced Study) Courses."

Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist Home Study Courses Fundamentals of Hypnosis 25 hours Receive the Hypnotist Certificate for this brief introductory course. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy 150 hours Receive both the Hypnotist and the Hypnotherapist Certificate for this in-depth course. Fundamentals of Hypnosis, and its hours, are included in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. If you want a professional practice, begin with Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. Clinical Hypnotherapist & Stand-Alone Home Study Courses 150 hours Choose 150 hours of courses from the list below after completing Transpersonal Hypnotherapy to reach your Clinical Hypnotherapist Certificate. You can also take courses without prerequisites at any time. "This Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course is the best gift I've ever given myself! It provided me with the means to facilitate the inner healing of myself, my family, friends and future clients." - Jeanette Quinn, Real Estate Broker

Clinical Hypnotherapist & Stand-Alone Home Study Courses BodyWisdom™ 15 hours Intuitive Skills I: Tools for Life 20 hours Intuitive Skills II: Tools for Inner Sight 20 hours (prerequisite: Intuitive Skills I) Intuitive Skills for Relationships 20 hours (prerequisite: Intuitive Skills II) Intuitive Skills for Creating What You Want 20 hours (prerequisite: Intuitive Skills I) Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice 50 hours Medical Hypnotherapy 50 hours (prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) page 15 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy 25 hours (prerequisite: Fundamentals of Hypnosis) Past Life Regression: Graduate Course 15 hours (prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) Recovering from Sexual Abuse 50 hours (prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) Traditional Hypnosis 50 hours Transpersonal NLP™ 50 hours Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols 50 hours (prerequisite: transfer student with 150 hours) Weight Issues Graduate Course 15 hours (prerequisite Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) "The video format, along with the manual, works really well for me. Viewing your material is a very positive and thought provoking experience. And being able to watch the demonstrations over and over makes a huge difference in my level of understanding." - Angela Gieber Hayes, M.S., Industrial Organizational Psychologist

Course Planning Options Design a home study program that's right for you! Learn Hypnosis & Past Life Regression 1. Take Fundamentals of Hypnosis (25 hrs) to receive the Hypnotist Certification (25 hrs). 2. Then study Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (25 hrs) for the professional title of Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist.

Establish a Professional Hypnotherapy Practice 1. Take Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (150 hrs) to receive both the Hypnotist and the Hypnotherapist Certifications (150 hrs). Transpersonal Hypnotherapy includes all the material from Fundamentals of Hypnosis and so much more. 2. Then study an additional 150 hours of "Stand-Alone & Advanced Study Courses" to receive the Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification (300 hrs).

Transfer Students Pursue Continuing Education If you were previously trained in another form of hypnosis and want to learn Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: 1. Take Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols (50 hrs) to receive the professional title of Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. This course includes Transpersonal approaches to Weight Issues. 2. Then study Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (25 hrs) for the title of Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist. "For the first time I have a real understanding of the vast possibilities of hypnotherapy and how much faster the therapeutic process can be. I highly recommend these courses to other therapists.” - Donna Keyes, M.A., M.F.C.C., School Psychologist

Personal Support Receive personal support and feedback during home study hypnosis, hypnotherapy, marketing, intuition and all other training courses. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support is included with every course. You may also call for assistance. • Early Completion or Extension: You may complete any course early or e-mail us to request an extension. We want to accommodate your life-style! • Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, the estimated 6 month course for the Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist Certificates, includes an optional review of audios of your practice sessions. Receive private practice advice. This can be invaluable given THI's extensive experience in the field. page 16 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

• Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice course supports you in establishing and building your professional practice. You receive personal feedback about your brochures and business cards to help assure your business success. • Hypnotherapy Sessions are available by phone or in person with the THI Directors, Anne Salisbury, PhD, NLP, CCHt and Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt. (see Hypnotherapy Sessions) "I am so glad your training is available. I could have gone through another life making the same mistakes." - Phyllis Wright, Licensed Counselor in Canada


Receive the Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist certifications with Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. This course synthesizes Transpersonal Psychology, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian and clinical hypnosis, NLP, past life regression, spiritual principles and intuition. There are two core programs. (See Enrollment & Order Form for options.) 1. Hypnotist Certificate Program - Fundamentals of Hypnosis, a 3 month course which is a thorough study of hypnosis. 2. Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist Combined Certificate Program - Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, a 6 month course which is an in-depth study of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. (Fundamentals material is included in Transpersonal.) You may complete these courses early or ask for an extension.

1. Fundamentals of Hypnosis for Hypnotist Certification

25 hr Course, 6 DVDs, Workbook

With Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt prerequisite: none & Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt This course leads to the "Hypnotist Certification." Learn the fundamentals of modern hypnosis. Become adept at indirect suggestions, the Ericksonian style of hypnosis. Interview clients to find current problems; use the language of the unconscious mind; write a hypnotic script; induce trance; monitor the levels of trance; deepen the trance state; give post hypnotic suggestions; bring a client out of trance; and teach self-hypnosis. You receive: • 25 hours of demonstrations, exercises and readings. • Up to 12 hours of step-by-step "how-to" professionally produced DVDs with live demonstrations. • The complete "Fundamentals of Hypnosis Workbook" of over 60 pages. • An open-book exam included at the back of your workbook. • The "Fundamentals of Hypnosis" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The "Hypnotist" certification suitable for framing upon successful completion. • The professional title of "Hypnotist" which can be used in your promotional materials. • A tuition credit towards "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" so you can continue your studies. (see Enrollment & Order Form) • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Fundamentals of Hypnosis curriculum includes the following which are also covered in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: 1. Introduction & The Interview Format: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Described, Hypnosis, The Interview Format. 2. Introduction to Hypnosis: History of Hypnosis, Orienting a Client to Hypnosis & Hypnotic Trance, Myths & Misconceptions, Conscious, Subconscious & Unconscious Mind: An Ericksonian Viewpoint, Applications for Hypnosis. 3. Inducing and Monitoring Trance States: Conditions to Arouse a Hypnotic Trance State, Physical Characteristics of Trance, Levels of Trance, Styles of Hypnotic Inductions, Permissive Language, Guiding a Client into Trance, Deepening Techniques, Bringing a Client Out of Trance. page 17 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

4. Inducing and Monitoring Trance States (continued): Suggestibility Testing/Trance Ratification, Pacing and Leading. 5. Language of Hypnosis: Speaking the Language of Hypnosis, Guidelines for Effective Suggestions, Post Hypnotic Suggestions, Using Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviors as a Stimulus to Elicit New Responses, Contingent Phrasing, Verbal Predicates: Sensory Modes. 6. Self-Hypnosis: Steps for Self-Hypnosis, Guidelines for Effective Suggestions, Hypnotic Language Examples. "I loved Fundamentals of Hypnosis! I can't wait to do more." - Dionne Artis, MA, Psychotherapist "Fundamentals of Hypnosis helped me attain my personal goals. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy equipped me with the tools needed to work with clients. I am extremely happy to be able to provide such a healing space for others." - Sonja Jackson, Homemaker "Before taking the Fundamentals course I took two hands-on, on-site classes from other schools. I learned much more from this THI home-study course." - Mardon Renn-Alamudeen, Acupressure Massage Therapist "Thank you for this comprehensive course on hypnosis. The material is well organized with exceptional demonstrations and Yukio Hasegawa is a supurb and knowlegable role model for student hypnotists." - Peggy Cosimano, RN, Counselor

2. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy for Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist Certifications With Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt 150 hr Course, 26 DVDs, 2 CDs, Workbook, & Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt Personal Feedback on Audios of Sessions prerequisite: none

This course leads to both the "Hypnotist" and the "Hypnotherapist" certifications. It is a comprehensive, in-depth, professional study of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. You learn a variety of methods for a wide range of clientele so you can determine each clients' particular needs and apply the most appropriate technique. Watch live hypnotherapy sessions on DVDs to master techniques and develop skills. Closely observe physiological changes in clients. Rewind and re-watch to truly learn how to give successful sessions yourself. You will also benefit from the valuable business building ideas included in this course. During your training you can practice on family, friends and co-workers. It is amazing how people come out of the woodwork and request a session when they hear you are learning hypnotherapy. While you are learning you can give these sessions for free. Then after you complete the training you can charge for sessions. You can also practice with other THI students by phone. To help give you confidence in your skills as a hypnotherapist, we personally evaluate two of your practice sessions. Just mail us audiotapes or CDs of the sessions and we will return them with our feedback. This complete home study workbook and DVD library is a reference to keep for years to come. You receive: • 150 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 52 hours of innovative step-by-step training on 26 high quality professionally produced DVDs. • Up to 2 hours of step-by-step training on CDs. • The complete "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Workbook" with over 300 pages. • 12 practice sessions (You can practice with family, friends, co-workers.) • Feedback and evaluation on 2 of your audiotaped practice sessions (included yet optional). • The "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The "Hypnotist" certification suitable for framing upon successful completion. • The "Hypnotherapist" certification suitable for framing upon successful completion. • The two professional titles of "Transpersonal Hypnotherapist" and "Hypnotherapist" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. page 18 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy curriculum combines Transpersonal Psychology with Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Alchemical Hypnotherapy and other schools of thought in hypnosis. It includes these sections: 1. Introduction to Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: The Foundational Premise, The Philosophy of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Three Realms of Consciousness, Components of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. 2. Introduction to Hypnosis: History of Hypnosis, Orienting a Client to Hypnosis & Hypnotic Trance, Myths & Misconceptions, Conscious, Subconscious & Unconscious Mind: An Ericksonian Viewpoint, Applications for Hypnosis. 3. Inducing and Monitoring Trance States: Conditions to Arouse a Hypnotic Trance State, Physical Characteristics of Trance, Levels of Trance, Styles of Hypnotic Inductions, Permissive Language, Guiding a Client into Trance, Deepening Techniques, Bringing a Client Out of Trance, Suggestibility Testing/Trance Ratification, Pacing and Leading. 4. Inducing and Monitoring Trance States (continued): Suggestibility Testing/Trance Ratification, Pacing and Leading. 5. Language of Hypnosis: Speaking the Language of Hypnosis, Guidelines for Effective Suggestions, Post Hypnotic Suggestions, Using Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviors as a Stimulus to Elicit New Responses, Contingent Phrasing, Verbal Predicates: Sensory Modes. 6. Self-Hypnosis: Steps for Self-Hypnosis, Guidelines for Effective Suggestions, Hypnotic Language Examples. 7. Transpersonal Journey Work: Components of Transpersonal Journey Work, Jung's Concept of Complexes, Role of the Body in Therapeutic Practices, Two-Way Communication on the Causal Plane, Contacting Inner Archetypes for Guidance and Resources, Journey for Guidance & Resources, Releasing Parents: a Rite of Passage, Retrieval Work, Abreaction Reframing, Problem Solving Strategies. 8. Past Life Regression: Ways to Present Past Lives, Possible Clues, Approaches to Working with Past Life Issues, Reframing Past Life Trauma, Atoning for Overt Acts, Inspecting Contracts. 9. Shadow Work (Healing your Dark Side): Dynamics of the Shadow Self, Ways of Working with the Shadow on a Continuing Basis, Techniques for Working with the Shadow in Session. 10. Circle Integration (Integration into Wholeness): Sub-Personality Theory and Theorists, Characters, Archetypes, Principles of Circle Integration Work, Advanced Techniques. 11. Phobias, Weight & Smoking: NLP Phobia Cure, Meeting Fundamental Needs in Addictions, Weight Management, Smoking Cessation. 12. Creating & Maintaining Your Practice: Establishing a Practice, Setting up Your Business, Creating Safety, Transference & Countertransference (Client & Therapist Relationship), Hypnotherapy Intake Form (Interviewing Skills), Client Policies, Increasing Your Practice, Format for Ongoing Clients. 13. Protocol Flow Charts: Overview of a Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Session, Anatomy of a Session, Two-Way Communication, Journey for Guidance & Resources, Releasing Parents: a Rite of Passage, Retrieval Work, Abreaction Reframing, Reframe Past Life Incidents, Atone for Past Life Overt Acts, Inspect Past Life Contracts, Meeting the Shadow, Circle Integration. 14. Forms: Giving Practice Sessions, Certification Exam (Open Book). "I would certainly recommend this to any busy professional who desires a foundational grasp of hypnosis and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. The logical progression of the curriculum, engaging and respectful manner of instruction, and insightful comments of participants literally "brought home" the material presented." - Brian Hooper, M.Div, Psy.D., Pastoral Therapist "There is no substitute for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. You get in touch with who you are and let that unfold. And Yukio's demonstrations are the most powerful learning experiences: I am able to model his voice, compassion, techniques and balanced directive/ nondirective style." - Larry Thornton, Ph.D., Chief Prison Psychologist, Retired "Taking Transpersonal Hypnotherapy has been an extraordinary and transforming experience. These techniques help clients tap their own inner resources, and I am honored to be an instrument of their sacred healing process." - Dr, Lynn Gant, Presbyterian Minister & Pastoral Counselor, NLP Master Practitioner "I enjoyed this training, especially since my background is medical and not psychology. It was fascinating." - Patricia Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., Pediatrician page 19 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"I had felt something was missing from all the therapies I had learned and used. Now, after taking Transpersonal Hypnotherapy I can actively process my clients' real issues. I feel complete as a therapist and have so much more to offer my clients. Thank you for making this available on Home Study!" - Sue Stevenson, Ph.D., Educational Psychologist "The THI system is the essence of creativity and the farthest thing from redundancy. I am captivated by this beautiful work." - Mariette Khoury, Psy.D., M.S.W., Clinical Psychologist & Instructor "As a counselor and meditator I feel at home in this program." - Mira Rubenstein, M.A., ELS Teacher, Counselor

STAND-ALONE COURSES & ADVANCED HOME STUDY COURSES FOR CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPIST CERTIFICATION Become a Hypnotherapist. Learn clinical hypnosis, medical hypnotherapy, NLP, past life regression, intuition and more. Receive a certification for each course. The courses below can be taken for your personal growth and development. All of these course hours can also be applied to advance your certification level to Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist after you successfully complete "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" for the Hypnotherapist Certification. Pick 150 hours of courses to apply towards Clincal Hypnotherapist Certification (300 hours total). Suggested completion time is 3 months per course. You may also complete courses early or ask for an extension.

BodyWisdom™ With Sara Kendall Gordon, LAc., Dipl. Ac., CCHt

15 hr Course, 1 DVD, Workbook, Laser Pointer

prerequisite: none

Draw upon the wisdom that comes directly from your client's body. Your clients will be amazed at how quickly and simply you are able to pinpoint the real topic for their sessions. BodyWisdom™ is an incredible therapy tool. It was developed by Sara Kendall Gordon, a licensed acupuncturist. By using a special laser pointer on acupuncture points in the ear you are able to stimulate specific memories and innate wisdom. You receive: • 15 hours of demonstrations, workbook readings and exercises which thoroughly explain this process. • Up to 2 hours of step-by-step how-to instructions on DVDs. • The "BodyWisdom™: Balancing the Mind-Body System Workbook." • The laser pointer for this process. • The "BodyWisdom™" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "BodyWisdom Practitioner" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The BodyWisdom™ curriculum includes the following: 1. Introduction and Overview. 2. The Process: History and Terms, O-Ring Muscle Testing, Polarity Testing, Switching, Utilization of Hand Moding, Primary Finger Positions, Causal Chaining and Establishing Priority, Energetic Five Elements Theory, Five Element Test for Relationship Disharmony, Mental - Emotional - Physical Test, Organ Reflex points, Differentiating States of Imbalance with page 20 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

the Mindbody, Balancing the Disharmony through Auricular Reflex Activation, Balancing and Harmonizing Chakras, Utilizing Toning or Colors, Checking for Balance and Harmony. A Chinese doctor who watched the filming of this session was brought to tears with the results. She said that in her 40 years as an Acupuncturist in China she has never seen such a rapid and deeply emotional response to the stimulation of the body's points. "This is one of the most important tools in my toolbox. Now I am able to get to issues with clients faster since often times they aren't sure, on a conscious level, why things are happening the way they are." "...seeing the instruction on the DVD as many times as I wanted was actually better than being in a large class and having to go back or miss something. This is the first time I have ever done at-home training and it was wonderful. Thank you!" - Tracy Stelow, Hypnotherapist

Intuitive Skills I: Tools for Life

20 hr Course, 8 CDs, Workbook

With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt & Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt

prerequisite: none

Intuition is everyone's innate ability, though it is usually blocked or untapped. Tap your inner wisdom, the doorway to creativity. Learn tools to see intuitively and think clearly so you can be more calm and focused in stressful times. Relate to others from a more grounded state. Replenish your energy. Center your awareness. Define your personal space. Set healthy boundaries. Clear away blocks that keep you from living the life you desire. Learn the Intuitive Meditation™ technique which is easy and practical. This course is invaluable for any psychotherapists. Learn from the THI Directors, Anne Salisbury and Greg Meyerhoff. They are practicing intuitive counselors (clairvoyants) with many years of experience in teaching these tools. These tools are life-changing. You receive: • 20 hours of pertinent information, examples, exercises, meditations and practical applications. • Up to 8 hours of innovative step-by-step training on CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills I Workbook." Follow along in the workbook as you listen to the CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills I" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Intuitive Skills Practitioner" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Intuitive Skills I curriculum includes the following: 1. An Introduction to Intuition, The Left and Right Brain, How Stress Affects Us, We Are Electromagnetic, An Introduction to Grounding, Grounding Demo & Exercise. 2. Filling-In Our Body and Aura, Filling-In Exercise, Class One Review and Intuitive Meditation. 3. Grounding and Filling-In Exercise, Is This Real? The Center of Our Heads, Center-Of-Head Exercise, Corner of the Room Exercise, Redecorate Your Mind Exercise, Boundary Roses, Boundary Rose Demonstration. 4. Boundary Rose as a Filter, Permission Rose, Combination Exercise, Class Two Review & Intuitive Meditation. 5. Clean-Out Exercise, Running Energy, Running Energy Exercise. 6. Grounding Rooms, Cars, Airplanes, Running Energy with Eyes Open Exercise, Class Three Review, Intuitive Meditation. 7. Where is Our Awareness? Clean-Out Exercise, Running Energy Exercise, Grounding Work Exercise, Grounding Home Exercise. 8. From Ease to DisEase, Mocking-Up What You Want, Communicating What You Want for Another, Sticky Roses, Vacuum Roses, Creating and Destroying, Vacuum Rose Exercise, Class Four Review and Intuitive Meditation. "I enjoyed each step of this program, and the tools are extremely useful day to day. This course has already changed my life." - Renee Hollingsworth, Realtor "This course has been the icing on the cake for me. It has deepened my skills as a hypnotherapist. Personally, it has helped my life to flow with much less stress. It has helped with my creativity and the manifestation of my goals." - Karen Wardell, M.Ed., BSN, Hypnotherapist page 21 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"I really appreciate the tools I've acquired in this class. It was well worth the effort. Thank you so much!" - Jennifer Scardino, Loan Officer

Intuitive Skills II: Tools for Inner Sight

With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt & Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt

20 hr Course, 8 CDs, Workbook prerequisite: Intuitive Skills I

Access your clairvoyant ability, your innate sixth sense to see intuitively. Learn how to maintain neutrality with family, friends, associates and clients. See aura layers, vibrations, male and female energy, energy centers (chakras), past agreements and your intuitive reading screen. Learn how to clear your vision, establish intuitive boundaries and read situations intuitively. You receive: • 20 hours of pertinent information, examples, exercises, meditations and practical applications. • Up to 8 hours of innovative step-by-step training on CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills II Workbook." Follow along in the workbook as you listen to the CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills II" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Intuitive Skills Practitioner" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Intuitive Skills II curriculum includes the following: 1. A Review of Intuition, Clear Out Meditation, Discussion, Reducing Chakra Energy, Reducing Chakra Energy Meditation and Discussion, Reading Screen and Rose Meditation and Discussion, Interpreting a Rose, Psychic Reading Demo #1. 2. Psychic Reading Demonstration with Discussion #1, #2, #3, #4, Rose Reading At Home Exercise. 3. Clean Out and Review Meditation, Cleaning Rose, Preparing to Read, Giving Past Life Readings, Past Life Reading Demo #1 and Discussion. 4. Past Life Reading Demo #2 and Discussion, Colors and Vibrations Experience, Past Life Reading At Home Exercise. 5. Review and Discussion, Utilize Gauges, Prepare to Read Meditation, Reading Screen Demo with Discussion, Reading Yourself Meditation and Demo, Put Decisions in Roses. 6. Reading Pointers, Layers of the Aura, Reading Aura Layers 1 through 3 Demo #1, Demo #2, When the Screen Goes Blank, Reading At Home Exercise. 7. Reading Aura Layers, Clean Out Meditation and Discussion, Reading Aura Layers 4 through 7 Demo #1, Demo #2. 8. Reading Aura Layers Discussion, Reading Yourself in Relationship Demo and Discussion, A Review, Reading At Home Exercise. "These tools bring me back to center. Since starting these classes, I feel more relaxed and peaceful. I am more aware of when stress is getting to me. Now I have the tools and ability to help myself. - Patrice Perez, Salon Owner "By applying these tools, my skills grew and my relationships changed. It is always a special treat to take a training with THI." - Sonja Jackson, Hypnotherapist.

Intuitive Skills for Relationships

With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt & Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt

20 hr Course, 8 CDs, Workbook prerequisite: Intuitive Skills I and II

Improve the relationships you have. Create the relationships you want. Help your clients achieve the happiness they deserve. You receive: • 20 hours of pertinent information, exercises, meditations and practical applications. • Up to 8 hours of innovative step-by-step training on CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills for Relationships Workbook." Follow along in the workbook as you listen to the CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills for Relationships" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Intuitive Skills Practitioner" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support.

page 22 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

The Intuitive Skills for Relationships curriculum includes the following: 1. Types of Relationships, The Common Denominator, Clean Out Meditation, Create Awareness Space, Filters, Bring Awareness to Unconscious Material, Filters as Screens on the World, Where Filters Come From, Filters Meditation, Peeling Layers of Filters. 2. Moving Energy Out of Filters, Filters from Parents Demonstration and Discussion, Clean Out and Fill In Meditation. 3. Review of Class One, Clean Out Meditation, Filters from Significant Others Demo #1, Demo #2. 4. Filters from Significant Others Discussion, Review, Space Demonstration and Discussion. 5. Review of Class Two, Know What You Want, Clean Out Meditation, Reading Screen Meditation and Discussion, Wants in Relationships Demonstration. 6. Wants in Relationships Discussion, Removing Blockages Demonstration and Discussion. 7. Cords and Genetic Patterns, Clean Out and Reading Screen Meditation, Removing Cords Demonstration, Discussion, Tips for Removing Cords. 8. Identify Genetic Patterns, Genetic Patterns Demonstration, Review and Discussion. "What Anne and Greg do is huge. Through this class I realized that I am bigger than my issues, and I am now ready for change. I feel energized and in flow." - Barb Feeney, Sales Manager

Intuitive Skills for Creating What You Want

With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt & Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt

20 hr Course, 8 CDs, Workbook prerequisite: Intuitive Skills I

Learn powerful tools to create what you want in your life. Life is too precious to just ponder. It is time to live your dreams. You receive: • 15 hours of pertinent information, exercises, meditations and practical applications. • Up to 8 hours of innovative step-by-step training on CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills for Creating Workbook." Follow along in the workbook as you listen to the CDs. • The "Intuitive Skills for Creating" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Intuitive Skills Practitioner" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Intuitive Skills for Creating What You Want curriculum includes the following: 1. Creating, Clean Out Debris Meditation, What Do You Want to Create? Demonstration. 2. What Do You Want to Create? Demonstration (cont.), Clean Out Meditation, Creating Discussion. 3. Review of Class One, Clean Out Meditation, Discussion of Progress, Who Do You Need To Be? Demonstration. 4. Who Do You Need To Be? Discussion, The Path Demonstration and Discussion. 5. Clean Out Meditation and Review, Review Path Demonstration and Discussion, Ask Your Higher Self Demonstration and Discussion. 6. Ask Your Higher Self Discussion (cont.), Accept Yourself Demonstration and Discussion. 7. Clean Out Meditation, Review and Discussion, Crystal Ball Demonstration and Discussion, Body As Compass Demonstration and Discussion. 8. Body As Compass Discussion (cont.), Hitting the Target Demonstration and Discussion, Hitting the Target in Your Dreams, Stepping Stones Demonstration and Discussion. "Anne and Greg have taught me great tools. I closed my biggest account thus far after taking this course. I am able to create my own version of heaven on earth. Yea! - Cheryl Golenda, Sales

Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt & Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

50 hr Course, 7 CDs, Workbook, 3 Books prerequisite: none

Develop a successful hypnotherapy practice by implementing cutting-edge marketing techniques specific to hypnosis. Learn easy ways to create a dynamic brochure. Develop a business plan that works for you. Receive valuable personal feedback on your brochure and business card. This course is designed to help you establish a successful practice. You receive: • 50 hours of pertinent discussions on CDs, exercises, examples and readings. page 23 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

• Up to 10 hours of CDs packed with information. • The 275 page "Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice Workbook." It includes exercises, extensive examples of business cards, brochures and business plans. Follow in the workbook as you listen to the CDs. • 3 books on ethics, marketing and preparing yourself for clients. • Written feedback on your personal brochure and business card. • The "Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice curriculum includes the following: 1. The 21-Day Plan: Daily Disciplines, Purposes and Goals, Your Ideal Scene, Timeline Work, Self-Hypnosis, Creation Cards, Setting up Psychic and Physical Space; Utilizing Professional Referrals as a Marketing Strategy. 2. Ad Clinic: Flyers, Brochures, Ads, Business Cards, Ad Copy Guidelines; The Joint Ventures Marketing Strategy, Professional Referrals, Case Supervision, Inner Work. 3. Marketing Steps: Getting Your Phone to Ring, Free Consultations, Multiple Session Programs, Referrals from Satisfied Customers, Discounted Sessions, Marginal Net Worth, Promotional Sheet. 4. Giving Hypnosis Seminars: Information, Registration Form, Policies and Release Form, Feedback Form, Inner Work, Inspirational Reading, Dreams. 5. Ad Design and Marketing Strategy for Doctor's Referrals: Four Strategies for Doctor's Referrals. 6. Newsletter, Brochure and Business Card Design; Case Supervision: Issues & Ethics in the Helping Professions. 7. Marketing Plan and Case Supervision: The Instant Marketing Plan, What do Average People Want? Create a Support Team. "After learning the 21 day cycle in Marketing I applied it to my practice. Within a few days my calendar was filled. Then I taught it to one client who, within the next 3 days, received 17 job offers! I'd say she moved through her lack!" - Kathleen Robb Harris, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist "Marketing has given me the motivation to continue on my journey to succeed. And now, a little over 50% of my clients come from referrals!" - Janice Breinig, Licensed Practical Nurse

Medical Hypnotherapy With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt & Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

50 hr Course, 11 DVDs, Workbook prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Have a successful medical hypnotherapy practice by applying this knowledge to your clients' issues. Enjoy the satisfaction that comes with assisting clients toward health. Learn how to build your professional practice by working in conjunction with doctors, chiropractors and other health care professionals. Work with dentistry, painless childbirth, pre-and post-operative conditions, AIDS and cancer patients. Help your clients eliminate allergies, manage pain and disease and strengthen their immune systems. You receive: • 50 hours of extensive demonstrations, exercises, practical applications and readings. • Up to 22 hours of step-by-step how-to DVDs of in-depth procedures & demonstrations. • A comprehensive 150 page "Medical Hypnotherapy Workbook" which includes hypnotic scripts, forms, releases, and marketing strategies to help you network with health care professionals. • The "Medical Hypnotherapy" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Medical Hypnotherapist" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Medical Hypnotherapy curriculum includes the following: 1. Introduction to Medical Hypnotherapy: Global Formula for Working with Disease; The Interview, Determining Beliefs: Working with Beliefs, Integrating Conflicting Beliefs. 2. The Interview and Determining Beliefs (continued). 3. The Interview and Determining Beliefs (continued). 4. Developing Trance Phenomena and Suggestibility: Trance Ratification/Suggestibility Tests, Guidelines for Inducing Trance Phenomena and Suggestibility, Inducing Arm Levitation, Structuring Suggestions for Arm Levitation, Trance Ratification Script, Inducing Glove Anesthesia, Glove Anesthesia Script, Ideo-motor Signaling. page 24 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

5. Hypnotic Scripts and Demonstration: Sleep Disturbance, Sleep, Burn Injuries, Pre and Post Surgery, Multiple Sclerosis, Journey into the Body. 6. Pain and Disease Management Techniques: Pain Management Defined, Imagery-Distortion, Analgesia or Anesthesia, Manipulate Elements, Alter the Quality, Displace the Locus, Control Room in the Mind, Gate Control Theory; Communicate with the Body, the Pain or Disease, the Parts, the Higher Self, the Future Self; Regression, Self Hypnosis. 7. Specific Applications for Pain and Disease Management Techniques: Hypnotic Anesthesia, Hypnotic Childbirth, Protocol for Six Sessions, Hypnodontics, Allergies. 8. Life Threatening Diseases: Self Induced Healing, Dr. Carl Simonton's Whole Person Approach, Program for Working. 9. Life Threatening Diseases (continued): Death and Dying, Meditation. 10. Marketing Medical Hypnotherapy: Marketing Medical Hypnosis, Example Forms, Policies, Progress Notes, Letter for Approval. 11. Amazing Results from Hypnosis. "Combining THI's Medical Hypnotherapist course with Acupuncture has greatly increased my results. It was the essential piece missing from my practice." - Sara Kendall Gordon, L.Ac. Acupuncturist "This course expanded my knowledge exponentially. Witnessing these protocols on the DVDs and then with own my clients was beyond even my expectations." - Carmi Sprague, Hypnotherapist "This material is well presented, well organized and easy to comprehend. The demonstrations are impressive. The presenters are extremely knowledgeable and skilled. The emphasis on teaching clients tools for self-healing and self-empowerment is wonderful." ...I have a friend who took a lengthy Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Medical Hypnotherapy training from another well known school. We compared notes and found that I received more information in my home study courses than she did in 9 weeks of on-campus training." - Jaci Sivley, Hypnotherapist, Counselor, College Advisor

Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy With Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

25 hr Course, 4 DVDs, Workbook

prerequisite: Fundamentals of Hypnosis or transfer student

This course is for graduates of the course Fundamentals of Hypnosis or those who are transferring in from other schools. If you are a graduate of the course Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, enroll in Past Life Regression: Graduate Course instead. Transform your life and your clients' with these profound methods. Assist clients in making amends with those they have hurt and those who have hurt them. Clear away lingering relationship problems, whether personal or professional. Connect with your creativity. These techniques are extremely effective, no matter how you interpret past lives (as real, metaphors, symbols and/or allegories). This course includes one lecture and one live demonstration session DVD from "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" as well as two additional demonstration session DVDs. These DVDs gives you a full Past Life library: Healing Trauma through Reframing Past Life Incidents, Atoning for Overt Acts and Inspecting Past Life Contracts. You receive: • 25 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 8 hours of step-by-step how-to DVDs. • The "Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Workbook." • The "Past Life Regression" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist" which can be used in your promotional materials. The Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy curriculum includes the following: 1. Past Life Regression: Ways to Present Past Lives, Possible Clues, Approaches to Working with Past Life Issues, Reframing Past Life Incidents, Atoning for Overt Acts, Inspecting Contracts; Introduction to Transpersonal Journey Work: Transpersonal Journey for Guidance and Resources, Two-Way Communication, Retrieval Work. 2. Past Life Regression Demonstration #1: Healing Trauma through Reframing. 3. Past Life Regression Demonstration #2: Atoning for Overt Acts. 4. Past Life Regression Demonstration #3: Inspecting Contracts page 25 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"My experience with Past Life Hypnotherapy was enlightening. Regardless of beliefs about past lives, reframing the experience deeply changed my outer life." - Pam Wignall, Elementary School Teacher "THI's past life regression training has given me the knowledge to go forward with a sense of confidence. I can now help people I could not help before." - Michelle Charlston, Hypnotist and Artist

Past Life Regression: Graduate Course With Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

15 hr Course, 2 DVDs, Workbook, Book prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

This course is for graduates of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. It includes two live Past Life Regression demonstration session DVDs not included in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: Healing Trauma through Reframing Past Life Incidents and Atoning for Overt Acts. Heal past wounds and connect with your creativity. Assist clients in making amends with those they have hurt and those who have hurt them. These DVDs show you how to administer these techniques. The book broadens your understanding and helps you to be better informed when talking with clients about past lives. You receive: • 15 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 4 hours of step-by-step how-to DVDs not included in "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy." • The "Past Life Regression: Graduate Course Workbook." • The Book: "Journey of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives" by Michael Newton. • The "Past Life Regression" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist" which can be used in your promotional materials. The Past Life Regression: Graduate Course curriculum includes the following: 1. Past Life Regression Demonstration #1: Healing Trauma through Reframing. 2. Past Life Regression Demonstration #2: Atoning for Overt Acts. In the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course you receive two DVDs on Past Life Regression. You may want to review these: 1. Past Life Regression: Ways to Present Past Lives, Possible Clues, Approaches to Working with Past Life Issues, Reframing Past Life Incidents, Atoning for Overt Acts, Inspecting Contracts. 2. Past Life Regression Demonstration #3: Inspecting Contracts. "It feels as if I've done this past life and between lives soul regression work for many, many years versus my actual one year. Much of this is due to the excellent training I received from THI. This course broadened my expertise and understanding." - Denise Hmieleski, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Past Life and Spiritual Regressionist

Recovering from Sexual Abuse With Cathy Platin, MA, CCHt & Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

50 hr Course, 11 DVDs, Workbook prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Approximately one in every four people (one in every two in therapy) has been sexually abused. It is important to know how to work with this population and when to refer them out. Learn the profile and characteristics of the survivors so you can work with them. Gain a thorough understanding of the stages of recovery. Learn therapeutic approaches and techniques for each stage of recovery. These are different from the ones you learned in "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy." Learn how to create safety, keep very clear boundaries, utilize focus-solution therapies and neutrally assist in memory recovery. Learn specific applications for NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy methods. This course is essential for anyone who has a private practice. You receive: • 50 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 22 hours of live sessions, discussions and exercises on DVDs. (production quality: fair) •  The comprehensive "Recovering from Sexual Abuse Workbook" with extensive researched information on sexual abuse. • The "Recovering from Sexual Abuse" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Hypnotherapist Specializing in Abuse" which can be used in your promotional materials.

page 26 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

The Recovering from Sexual Abuse curriculum includes the following: 1. Introduction and Overview with Yukio Hasegawa, Definitions, 11 Do’s, Reasonable Precautions, Complex Exercise, Diary of Reactions Exercise, Working with Therapist’s Issues. 2. Working with Client’s Issues, Techniques for Keeping a Client in a Resourceful State, 5-4-3-2-1 Technique, The Nature of Memory. 3. Bubble Technique Exercise, Pseudo-Orientation in Time, Timeline Resources, Timeline Demonstration. 4. Introduction with Cathy Platin, Symptoms of Abuse, Stages of Healing, Present Time & Place Exercise, First Session Formula Task, Boundaries in Session, Boundaries Demonstration. 5. Boundaries Exercise, Letter from the Future Exercise, Letter to a Perpetrator, Denial of Facts. 6. Parts Work Demonstration. 7. Things that Happen to Therapists of Sexually Abused Clients, Secondary Post Traumatic Stress, How to Prevent Symptoms, Repressed Memory, Self Mutilation, When You are Attracted to Your Client, Counter-transference Role Play. 8. Role Playing Demonstration and Discussion #1, #2, #3 and #4. 9. Role Playing Demonstration and Discussion #5, Dealing with Doubts About Memory, Role Play for Therapists Exercise. 10. Dealing with Sexual Abuse: Demonstration, Session and Debrief. 11. How Sexual Abuse Impacts Survivors and Partners, Role Play and Discussion: Husband & Wife. "'Recovering From Sexual Abuse' provided a basic understanding of survivors' needs along with useful techniques for creating a supportive healing space which is empowering for the client. It was personally transformative." - Jean Wentzel, Pharmacist

Traditional Hypnosis With John London, Ph.D., CCHt

50 hr Course, 6 DVDs, Workbook, Encyclopedia prerequisite: none

This is the best of traditional hypnosis and the perfect adjunct to "Medical Hypnotherapy." The first section is taught by John London, Ph.D. who studied with the legendary pioneer in hypnoanalysis, Dave Elman. These techniques are profound. Be able to give a pre-induction interview that results in your client's verbal agreement to be hypnotized. Learn how to induce somnambulism (deep trance) in 2 minutes and determine the indications of deep and waking hypnosis. Become proficient at using the Two Finger technique, the Pencil-drop technique, the Hand-drop technique, the Library technique, Waking hypnosis, the White Room and the Grey Room. Learn the coma or "Esdaile" technique and the techniques of Dave Elman. Use hypnosis successfully for confidence building, stress management, insomnia, weight management and smoking cessation. The second section is taught through the great works of Ormond McGill, Ph.D. and Shelley Stockwell, Ph.D. They are experts in the field. Learn the functions of the mind and how you can harness it's power. Learn to mesmerize another, eye fixation, deepening skills and ideomotor impulses. Delve into everything you ever wanted to know about hypnosis. You receive: • 50 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 11 hours of step-by-step how-to DVDs. • The "Traditional Hypnosis Workbook." • The DVD "Hypnotically Yours" with Shelly Stockwell, Ph.D. and Ormond McGill, Ph.D. • The book "McGill's Hypnotherapy Encyclopedia" with over 800 pages of information. • The "Traditional Hypnosis" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Hypnotist" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Traditional Hypnosis curriculum includes the following: 1. Dave Elman, James Esdaile, Elman’s and Esdaile’s Techniques, Pre-Talk, Verbal Contract, Excerpt from Practice Session, Dave Elman Induction Demonstration, Two Finger Technique Demonstration, Pen Drop Technique Demonstration, Pen Holding Technique Demonstration, Hand Drop Technique Demonstration. 2. Confidence, Quit Smoking Demonstration, Stress Management Demonstration, Weight Loss Demonstration. 3. Weight Management, Library Technique Demonstration Waking Hypnosis. 4. James Esdaile, Esdaile or Coma State, Esdaile Technique Demonstration, Elman Induction Demonstration. 5. White Room Demonstration, Wisdom Room Demonstration, Gray Room Demonstration, Hypnosleep Demonstration. 6. “Hypnotically Yours” with Shelley Stockwell and Ormond McGill. page 27 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"John London's style was right to the point with heart. What a gift to learn how to do the Elman induction and reach somnambulism and move towards Esdaile or coma state! This course on traditional hypnosis really complements Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. And it helps me as a Medical Hypnotherapist. We definitely need both!" - Maryann Rose Broyles, L.M.T., C.T.Ht. (Licensed Massage Therapist) "I can't say enough about this course. It has built-up my confidence. I am truly ready now to re-open my office and deal with clients in a more effective way." - Melissa Veale, Hypnotherapist "Learning these rapid induction techniques is a great confidence booster for me, and they save valuable therapy time for my clients. This course is a perfect adjunct to THI's Medical Hypnotherapy course." - Sonja Jackson, Hypnotherapist "Learning to "Command a Dream" is, by itself, worth the price of this course. It leads to transformational symbolism, and isn't that what hypnosis is all about? This technique helped my wife find her inner guide." - James Alan Neely, Hypnotist

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols With Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt & Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

50 hr Course, 8 DVDs, 3 CDs, Workbook prerequisite: transfer student, THI approval

If you are a graduate of another school and have a solid background in hypnosis, you can now learn Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and transpersonal approaches to smoking cessation and weight management. This course includes techniques found in the 150 hour "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" training: Problem Solving Strategies and Releasing Parents: A Rite of Passage (CDs); Two-Way Communication; Retrieval Work; Circle Integration Process; transpersonal approaches to Smoking Cessation; and Weight Management (see Books, DVDs & CDs: DVDs for details). It also includes the material found in the Weight Issues Graduate Course. Learn how to access a client's true essence (see Weight Management Demonstration DVD for details) and how to work with eating disorders (see Abreaction Reframing Demonstration for details on one DVD; the other DVD is only available here). We recommend ordering the course "Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy" with this course for a complete grasp of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. You receive: . • 50 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 16 hours of step-by-step training on 8 professionally produced DVDs. • Up to 2 hours of step-by-step training on CDs. • The "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols Workbook." • The "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Transpersonal Hypnotherapist" which can be used in your promotional materials. • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols curriculum includes the following: 1. Two-Way Communication: Demonstration. 2. Retrieval Work: Demonstration. 3. Circle Integration Process: Demonstration. 4. Smoking Cessation Lecture and Demonstration: Smoking Issues, Smoking Demonstration, Debrief of Demo. 5. Weight Management Lecture and Demonstration: Introductory Consultation, Weight Demonstration, Debrief of Demo. 6. Weight Issues 1 of 3: Weight Management Demonstration (Accessing Essential Aspects through Retrieval Work). 7. Weight Issues 2 of 3: Eating Disorders Demonstration #1 (Abreaction Reframing utilizing Ideo-Motor Signals for Weight Issues). 8. Weight Issues 3 of 3: Eating Disorders Demonstration #2 (Abreaction Reframing & Breathwork). 9. Releasing Parents: A Rite of Passage. 10. Problem Solving Strategies. 11. Problem Solving Strategies (continued). page 28 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"This course is comprehensive—it covers the Transpersonal approach. It is a worthwhile investment in my personal and professional development." - David Kliese, Hypnotherapist, Counselor, Naturopath

Transpersonal NLP™ With Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

50 hr Course, 8 DVDs, Workbook, 3 Books prerequisite: none

Transpersonal NLP™ assists you and your clients in spiritual emergence. NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) teaches you patterns of excellence and effective communication. By modeling these you can become more resourceful in any situation. Learn how to be in rapport with a wide variety of people. Let subtle body language cues give you the needed information that is otherwise hidden. Ask questions that evoke meaningful responses. Understand everyone better with the Enneagram of Personality, a Sufi system of self-diagnosis. Know what you want and notice what you are currently getting. Then have the flexibility to change what you are doing until you get what you want. Reorganize your experiences through altering your language and seeing beyond your old ways of perception. This course gives you useful process. These methods are applicable to business, valuable in your personal life and essential in working with clients. You receive: • 50 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 16 hours of step-by-step how-to instructions on DVDs. • The "Transpersonal NLP™ Workbook." • 3 excellent books on NLP and the Enneagram (a spiritual model of personality types) for study and reference. • The "Transpersonal NLP™" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Transpersonal NLP Practitioner." • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Transpersonal NLP™ curriculum includes the following: 1. Introduction to Transpersonal NLP, NLP Presuppositions, Modalities for Handling Feelings, Release Work. 2. Processes: Release Work, Pacing & Leading, Timeline Therapy. 3. Timeline Therapy Demonstration, Reframing. 4. Spatial Anchoring Exercise, Forgiveness Pattern, Change Sub-modalities. 5. Six-Step Reframing, The Enneagram of Personality. 6. Working with Core Fixations and Core States Demonstration. 7. Debrief of Practice Session: Core Fixations and Core States, Deepening the Core State: Retrieving, Growing Up and Integrating Parts, Parental Timeline Re-Imprinting. 8. The Swish Pattern. "I think everyone should be given a manual when they're born on how to live life successfully. This course would be one of the aspects of that manual. It's priceless! And after coming into this course thinking that NLP was a style of manipulation, I discovered that Transpersonal NLP helps us get in touch with our essence and removes the veils." - Cam Vuksinich, National Presenter "I highly recommend this course for all therapists and health care workers who want to learn the essentials of NLP to help clients release old patterns. This gives you a transpersonal approach." - Robert Chu, L.Ac, Ph.D., CCHt. "I felt old things that I have carried for years like a ball and chain, melt away. Through this course I am opening up to my essential being. I am better able to help others as I help myself." - Vance Veale, Hypnotherapist page 29 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

"The processes in this course have started changes in me that I had almost given up on hoping to change." - Melissa Veale, Hypnotherapist

Weight Issues: Graduate Course With Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt

15 hr Course, 3 DVDs, Workbook, Book prerequisite: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

A large number of clients are concerned with weight gain or loss and want to start seeing their issue from a higher perspective. Have a successful weight management practice by understanding this topic more fully. Study one live demonstration session DVD in which the client's true essence is accessed. In this Weight Management Demonstration you learn an advanced Transpersonal approach for accessing the true nature or essential self. These techniques are applied here to weight issues, but they can also be applied to other issues as well. The session begins with a confusion induction and then transports the client through time to the original cause of the weight problem, unfreezes the emotions at the source and then releases the pain so that healing can begin. Then in a series of two demonstration session DVDs, learn how to work with eating disorders as the client's underlying issues unfold over time. The first is the Abreaction Reframing: Demonstration taken from "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy." The second is only available through this weight course. Abreaction is the release of emotional charges through reliving the traumatic cause of the problem. Wilheim Reich asserted that we block expression with muscle tension which results in our holding patterns of retained traumas. Utilizing trance, help your clients abreact and release these holding patterns. Then help them regain their power by reframing or altering the perspective on the situation. You receive: • 15 hours of demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications. • Up to 6 hours of step-by-step how-to DVDs. • The "Weight Issues: Graduate Course Workbook." • A valuable and informative book on weight issues. • The "Weight Issues: Graduate Course" certificate of completion suitable for framing. • The professional title of "Hypnotherapist Specializing in Weight Issues." • Unlimited fax and e-mail support. The Weight Issues: Graduate Course curriculum includes the following: 1. Weight Management: Demonstration (Accessing Essential Aspects through Retrieval Work). 2. Eating Disorders Demonstration #1 (Abreaction Reframing utilizing Ideo-Motor Signals for Weight Issues). 3. Eating Disorders Demonstration #2 (Abreaction Reframing & Breathwork). In the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course you receive the DVD on Phobias, Weight and Smoking which includes the introductory consultation for weight and the weight demonstration. You may want to review this. Note to Transfer Students: 1) We recommend ordering the individual DVD titled "Weight Management Lecture & Demonstration" when you order this course. 2) Material in this course is also included in the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols course. "The material in Weight Issues is extremely beneficial. I used this information with a long-term weight client and there was noticeable excitement." - Denise Hmieleski, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Editor, Writer, Speaker

page 30 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY INSTITUTE ® BOOKS, CDs & DVDs Learn self hypnosis through CDs (guided meditations and meditation music). Learn hypnotherapy through DVDs. Study self hypnosis scripts.

DVDs These are DVDs of live sessions. Most of them are from the course, "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy." If you are curious about "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy," these DVDs will show you applications of THI techniques. Two DVDs, "Smoking Cessation" and "Weight Management," include lectures before light trance demonstration sessions. All other DVDs are demonstration sessions utilizing techniques in deeper trance states, and some of these include follow-up interviews with the clients. (These DVDs are not included in the course, "Fundamentals of Hypnosis.") (see Order Form for prices) Note: The production quality is noted by each DVD: best, good, fair. We are committed to bringing you a wide variety of techniques through live sessions. A few sessions had to be recorded without professional sound and lighting, so it may be challenging to hear a trance subject's response to questions or questions from the audience. We have included these DVDs because we feel they are significant.

Abreaction Reframing: Demonstration

119 min.

Circle Integration Process: Demonstration

117 min.

1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy & Weight Issues with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt Abreaction is the release of emotional charges through reliving the traumatic cause of the problem. Wilheim Reich asserted that we block expression with muscle tension which results in our holding patterns of retained traumas. Utilizing trance, help your clients abreact and release these holding patterns. Then help them regain their power by reframing or altering the perspective on the situation. (production quality: best) 1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt CIP is based upon the work of Virginia Satir and Roberto Assagioli and utilizes trance. The goal of this process is to recreate harmony between sub-personalities. Sub-personalities, or the fracturing of the personality, is caused by trying to cope with trauma or by giving others what they want in an attempt to adapt. Learn the signs of fractured personalities and notice how each part has needs and agendas. For example, one part may want to eat chocolate while the other wants to lose weight. Align and integrate all the parts to move forward and grow. (production quality: best)

Esdaile Technique: Demonstration

114 min.

1 DVD from Traditional Hypnosis with John London, Ph.D., CCHt

Dr. James Esdaile was the British chief surgeon of a military prison in Calcutta, India in the 1840's. The mortality rate for surgery at that time was 50-70%. Using what appeared to be a "comma state" of hypnosis, Dr. Esdaile was able to get this rate down to 5-7% in the military prison. This was also important because it was before the use of ether for anesthesia in surgery. In this demonstration video you learn how to produce that "comma state" which is now referred to as the Esdaile State of hypnosis. (production quality: best)

Past Life Regression: Demonstration #1

63 min.

1 DVD from Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (not Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt This demonstrates the technique for Healing Trauma through Reframing Past Life Incidents. Reframing involves changing the frame of reference to arrive at a new understanding. By releasing the energy held in old wounds and seeing situations with page 31 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

broader perspectives, clients are able to contact their innate creativity and reach resolutions more easily. (production quality: good.)

Past Life Regression: Demonstration #2

87 min.

Past Life Regression: Demonstration #3

96 min.

Retrieval Work: Demonstration

92 min.

Smoking Cessation: Lecture & Demonstration

107 min.

1 DVD from Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (not Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt This demonstrates the technique of Atoning for Overt Acts in Past Lives. Help clients make amends with those they have hurt and those who have hurt them. Until we make good on the wrongs we have done another, there is often a cloud that follows us around. See the importance of forgiveness and how that affects life today. (production quality: fair.) 1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt This demonstrates the technique of Inspecting Past Life Contracts. Many times we are stuck in unfulfilling and frustrating relationships as a result of making an agreement long ago. This continued relationship makes no logical sense today. Clear away lingering relationship problems whether personal or professional. (production quality: best) 1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt Float back into personal history to recapture lost developmental stages. Heal old wounds and recover lost power. Discover, recover and integrate the fractured part of the psyche after moving through the historic incidents and empowering the inner child with necessary resources. The aspect of the psyche that was lost emerges. (production quality: best) 1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy with Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt Learn great interviewing techniques which can be used with any client, not just smokers. Create rapport as you ask for information about your client's smoking history. Learn a respectful approach to offering your client choices around the decision to stop smoking. Let these Transpersonal Hypnotherapy techniques help you have a successful smoking cessation practice. (Includes lecture, explanation of the techniques and demonstration session.) (production quality: best)

Two-Way Communication: Demonstration

118 min.

Weight Management: Demonstration

100 min.

1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt Communicate with others in this life or beyond when a relationship needs healing. Change perspectives and become the other, and then let him or her become you, to understand the situation more clearly. Utilize the Higher Self as a mediator in this sacred process. By using Transpersonal Hypnotherapy techniques to deal with communication issues at an unconscious level, conscious communication becomes transforming. (production quality: best) 1 DVD from Weight Issues Graduate Course with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt See an advanced Transpersonal approach for accessing your true nature or essential aspects of yourself through Retrieval Work. These techniques are applied here to weight issues, but they can also be applied to other issues as well. The session begins with a confusion induction and then transports the client through time to the original cause of the weight problem, unfreezes the emotions at the source and then releases the pain so that healing can begin. (production quality: best)

Weight Management: Lecture & Demonstration

117 min.

1 DVD from Transpersonal Hypnotherapy with Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt Learn basic techniques for interviewing clients with any issues. Interview your clients thoroughly so that you clearly know where to take a weight session. Make your initial hypnotherapy session a convincing one so that your clients commit to themselves and to you to continue. Learn how to help them reach their weight goals. (Includes lecture, explanation of the techniques and demonstration session.) (production quality: best) page 32 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Audios/CDs Transpersonal Treasures™ Self-Hypnosis Set

6 Audiotapes of self-hypnosis (guided meditations and meditation music) & Written Scripts with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt and Original Music by Craig Evans This is a collection of 6 self-hypnosis audiotapes on the subjects listed below. Side one is self-hypnosis with music. Side two is music only so you can read the scripts to your clients. These are great examples of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy inductions and processes. If you want more examples of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, these are perfect for you. Induce self hypnosis for yourself. Listen to the music alone while at work to remind your subconscious of what it is achieving. Listen regularly for the greatest benefit. These guided journeys can benefit you and your clients spiritually and professionally. Relax and enjoy! These may be purchased individually without the scripts or as a set of 6 with the written scripts. 1. The Sacred Journey: Releasing & Letting Go Music: Letting Go 2. Awakening Passion: Loving Deeply Music: Passion 3. Meeting Your Higher Self: Accessing Spiritual Mastery Music: The Higher Self 4. Receiving Powerful Gifts: Wisdom from the Four Directions Music: The Four Directions 5. Manifesting Prosperity: Success & Fulfillment in Your Life Music: Prosperity 6. Creating Your Future: Unfolding Your Life's Desires Music: The Future Self

Your Ideal Body: Winning with Hypnotherapy

1 Audiotape of self-hypnosis (guided meditation and meditation music) & Written Script with Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt and Original Music: Sunrise by Craig Evans This is an individual audiotape for weight management. It teaches you how to be healthy. Side one is self-hypnosis with music. Side two is music only so you can read the script to your clients while playing the music in the background. This can help you become more aware of your body's needs and how to love it more. Using it in conjunction with a review of your eating and exercise habits, can help you achieve the body you want. Lose weight, gain weight, firm up, be healthy! Play it or read the script with the music in the background for yourself, a client or a group. Give it to clients as a support between sessions. Listen to the music while you are at work to remind your subconscious of your choices.

Introducing Intuition

1 CD with Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt & Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt Intuition is everyone's innate ability, though it is usually blocked or untapped. Discover what uncovering your intuition can do for you. Learn ways to access it. Be more in flow with life. Make decisions more easily. This lecture is a great introduction to the "Intuitive Skills" home study course series (see Additional Courses).

How to Be More Aware in Relationships

1 Audiotape with Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt & Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt Create better relationships. Discover filters that unconsciously influence your life. See your world more clearly. Appreciate others. Love yourself for who you are. This lecture is presented by a married couple. It introduces valuable information included in the "Intuitive Skills" home study course series (see Additional Courses).

Books The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Scripts Book This book of almost 90 hypnotic suggestion scripts, written by THI students over the years, gives you great example dialogues for working with clients. It includes extensive topics: Relationships, Fears & Emotions, Dealing with Change, Trust, page 33 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Creativity, Health, Weight, Smoking, Successful Hypnotherapy Practice, Business, Spiritual Development, Joy, Relaxation, Sports and Exercise, Schoolwork and Prosperity.

Eureka! Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition

Book by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP CCHt Foreword by C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. and Introduction by Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. "What is intuition – is it real?" "Do I have it?" "Why would I want to use it?" "How can I trust it?" "How can I learn to use it?" Eureka! answers these questions and more. Eureka! gives proof, through history and research, that intuition truly exists. It satisfies your intellect, which, in turn, allows you to feel more comfortable using your intuition. Eureka! is a practical resource guide that appeals to beginners and professional intuitives alike because it shows you how to hone your intuitive skills in many different ways. You come away with powerful tools that you can apply in every aspect of your life. Finally, Eureka! offers you an easy and reliable seven-step process, the Eureka! System, to increase your intuitive abilities and assists you in decision making. The many exercises and examples make the intuitive process simple. As a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, business consultant, teacher and speaker I see people achieving their goals more quickly and with more joy when they live their lives with an awakened sense of intuition.

The Eureka Research: Experiences of Intuition in a Self-Hypnosis Experiment Book by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt

In the book, Eureka! Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition by Dr. Anne Salisbury, you discover everything you need to know about intuition, but didn’t know to ask. Now, in The Eureka Research, Dr. Anne Salisbury arms you with her extensive psychological research on self-hypnosis. This is an academic text. These results prove that self-hypnosis can actually access the powerhouse within you—your intuition.

The Eureka Factor

Book by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt and Greg Meyerhoff, CCHt, NLP In the first book, Eureka! Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition, you learn everything you need to know about the history and workings of intuition. You learn valuable techniques for accessing it, including meditation, self-hypnosis and dreamwork. Soon, in The Eureka Factor, you will be able to discover new ways to increase your intuitive abilities. Through example, you are shown how to develop a deep relationship with your intuition. You are taken on a journey into your heart where you personally experience what it feels like to live in partnership with your intuition. The Eureka Factor makes your journey through life a more enjoyable and successful one. It will be available soon. To keep updated, join the mailing list.

page 34 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417


Available for personal and spiritual growth and career development utilizing hypnosis, hypnotherapy, intuitive counseling, life coaching and intuition training. THI is here to assist you with your life issues. Private sessions, by phone or in person are available for personal, professional and spiritual development. These sessions may include Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (client directed experiences) as explained, for example, under Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Medical Hypnotherapy; intuitive counseling (clairvoyant readings) as explained under the Intuitive Skills courses; and life coaching and intuition training so you can apply what you learn. These hypnotherapy and intuitive sessions are given over the phone by the THI Directors, Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, NLP, CCHt and Greg Meyerhoff, NLP, CCHt. (See "Faculty" for details.) They are available for 30 or 60 minutes or for a package of 4 1-hour sessions with either Anne or Greg or both Anne and Greg Business consulting, as well as Feng Shui and Energy Clearing for your home or business, is also available. Call to discuss your needs and schedule sessions. (See "Enrollment & Order Form" for fees.) Since work is done with energy and not physical matter, phone sessions are as effective as in-person sessions. "Sessions with Anne and Greg are effective and extremely relevant. They are conducted with compassion, love and objectivity. Because the element of judgement is not there, I felt free to see myself honestly. New information processed for weeks afterwards." Denise Liotta, Director of Operations "Prior to working with Greg my customer work was slowing down and leads were not materializing. During our sessions, blocks were removed. This allowed committed work to arrive in a timely manner and unexpected work to materialize. Now, my company has more work than I can believe." R. T. Weightman, President, Quality & Management Firm "Anne and Greg, I don't know how you do what you do, but I am so grateful for it. I feel better!" - Amy Anderson, Musician Professor


THI is an approved and regulated school by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board. These THI (Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc.) Policies are deemed an attachment to THI Appointment Forms. Your payment or signature on any THI Form signifies that you read, understand and agree to the THI Policies. Priavacy Policy: We honor and respect your privacy and will not sell your information to third parties. Credit Card Charges: Your credit card statement will read Salisbury Meyerhoff, Inc. for all THI purchases.

page 35 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Appointment Policies

Fees: Fees are listed on the Appointment Form. You may pay by cash, check, money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express). In-person appointment fees are due at the beginning of the session. By-phone appointment fees are due in the office before the session. You may mail your check or phone, fax or pay on line at our website with your credit card. TH has the right to hold your credit card for security. If our fees change, we will discuss this with you in advance. Appointments: It is up to you to arrive or call at your scheduled appointment time. If you need to change an appointment please give us 24 hours notice, otherwise you will be charged for that session. Office hours are 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Mountain Time) Monday - Friday excluding holidays. We return calls as soon as possible. Evening and weekend appointments are available. Clients’ Rights: These rights are granted to you by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), Mental Health Section 1560 Broadway, Suite 1370, Denver, CO 80202 (303-894-7766): 1. You are free to ask questions you may have about our methods, the number of sessions (if we can determine that), our credentials and the fee structure. 2. You may ask for a second opinion or terminate at any time. 3. In a professional relationship such as this, sexual intimacy is inappropriate, and should be reported to the DORA. 4. Sessions are not legally confidential, and we may be forced to disclose information without your consent, such as in the circumstances of physical danger to yourself or others or the physical abuse of a child or elderly person. 5. If it is necessary for us to gather information from other professionals, e.g., your physician, we will discuss this with you. If you agree, you will be asked to sign a release of information authorization. Client Agreement: I understand that my sessions are for the purpose of learning and that my progress comes from my participation. I understand that if I am currently under medical or psychological care, it is in my best interest to contact my medical doctor and/or psychological practitioner and inform them of my choice to use these sessions. I understand sessions are to enable me to better understand myself, my relationships with other people and my environment. The consultant will make observations and suggestions to me, supply information, teach introspection and communication skills and offer coaching on how to accomplish my personal and/or professional objectives. The consultant cannot and will not predict outcomes or make decisions for me. I assume full responsibility for my actions and inactions which relate to any sessions. Client Release: I freely and voluntarily consent to undergoing sessions conducted by a THI staff member (“consultant"). I understand there are certain risks associated with these sessions, including but not limited to the following which I acknowledge the consultant hereby fully discloses: 1) sessions may bring to the conscious mind information and memories from the subconscious which may cause anxiety or strong feelings; 2) sessions may not be appropriate for those who have mental health disorders or are under the care of a mental health professional. I accept any and all risks for any adverse reaction I may have. I forever release Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc., Anne Salisbury, Greg Meyerhoff and any of their directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, sponsors, contractors, successors or assigns (collectively referred to as “THI”) from any and all claims for liability and damages of any kind whatsoever which I may at any time have, including without limitation personal injury, emotional distress and negligence (excluding only willful misconduct). I expressly waive all claims for indirect, consequential or exemplary damages. In no event shall I be entitled to recover more than the aggregate amount paid by me to THI. I will indemnify and hold THI harmless for any damages, including attorneys' fees, arising from my breach of the terms of this release. I have read and understand the contents of this release, I am 18 years of age or older and I execute this release of my own free will and without undue influence. I agree that the laws of the State of Colorado will govern my relationship with THI.

School Policies

To receive your certification(s), complete each course successfully and abide by school policies. THI (Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc.) Policies are deemed an attachment to THI Forms. Your payment or signature on any THI Form signifies that you read, understand and agree to the THI Policies. Tuition, Prices & Shipping: Course tuition (which includes materials cost) and Additional Products prices are listed in the "Enrollment & Order Form." After reviewing and approving your application and order, and after checks and credit cards have cleared, THI will mail you your materials. To locations within the US, items are shipped UPS ground or through USPO mail and generally take 7-10 business days for delivery. To locations outside the US, items are shipped through USPO Global Express or FedEx, as available, and generally take 7-10 business days to reach customs; exact postage and insurance plus $5 handling fee is charged at the time of shipment; items are insured at 1/4 of tuition for customs purposes; foreign duties and taxes are paid by recipient. If you prefer faster delivery to any location, that is always available upon request at the additional applicable fee. A $20 fee is assessed on all returned checks; and if any payment is not able to be cashed or credited this may also result in immediate dismissal at THI's sole discretion. Risk-Free Enrollment & Ordering: You have 3 days from your signature date on the "Enrollment & Order Form" to cancel the agreement in writing (via fax or e-mail to THI) and receive a full refund. After you receive the course materials or products, you have another 3 days to review them. If you are not completely satisfied, you may return them in their original condition for a full refund, paying only for shipping. Call for approval on a return. After this time no refunds on course materials or products can be considered. Mechanically defective items, however, will gladly be exchanged for the same item upon receipt of the damaged items within 30 days of original receipt. Withdrawal Refund Policy: After the 3-day review period of the received home study course materials, tuition will only be refunded as follows. Refunds are prorated based on the application signature date, the date stamp of the request to withdraw, and the length of the course (6 months for "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" and Clinical Hypnotherapist packages of courses; 3 months for all other courses). The maximum refund will be tuition paid less the materials cost (50% of tuition) and less the cancellation charge ($150 or 25% of tuition less materials, whichever is less). The refund is calculated as a percentage of tuition less materials: within the first 10% of the course the refund is 90%; between 10% and less than 25% the refund is 75%; between 25% and less than 50% the refund is 50%; between 50% and less than 75% the refund is 25%; after 75% completion of the course the student is responsible for 100%. Refunds are mailed within 30 days after the request to withdraw. The policy for granting credit for previous training does not impact the refund policy. Time Payments: You agree to the following: a $100 processing fee plus 1/5 tuition will be paid at the time of enrollment. No interest is charged. THI will automatically charge your credit card or accept payment for the remaining 4/5 in 4 equal installments the first of each month following your enrollment. THI has the right to hold your credit card for security. If any one payment is not received and/or able to be cashed within 10 days after the due date the full amount becomes due and payable immediately and this may also result in immediate dismissal and therefore the non-issuance of certification at the sole discretion of THI. Certificates are issued only after all payments are received in full and in a timely manner. Advanced Standing Credit for Previous Study: If you are a graduate from another school and would like to advance your certification with THI, submit proof of prior studies such as previous certificates, transcripts or signed letters documenting the hours, material covered, dates and instructors' names. A THI staff member will need to approve your previous training hours. At the discretion of the THI Administration, prior training and/or experience may allow you to enter with credits and advance your certification with THI. Prerequisites for Enrollment: A high school diploma, GED or equivalent, emotional maturity, high principles and a responsible attitude are required for enrollment. Prospective students may discuss personal, educational and occupational plans with THI staff prior to enrolling.

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Enrollments Accepted: Enrollments are accepted year round based on the home study format. After completing the Enrollment Form, return it with your tuition. Upon acceptance we will forward the course material to you. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, religious preference, national origin or marital status. Non-Acceptance & Discontinuance: If THI does not accept your enrollment, your paid tuition (which includes materials cost) will be refunded in full. If THI discontinues educational services during your enrollment period (6 months for "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" and 3 months for other courses) and you have not yet completed the course, you will be refunded your tuition less the cost of materials. The cost of materials is 50% of the course tuition. Attendance Requirements: All course assignments are to be received by THI in a timely manner (within 6 months from the date of enrollment in "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" and within 3 months for all other home study courses). If you are unable to complete assignments within the stated timeframe, notify THI by e-mail, fax or letter of your desire for an extension. If THI finds your request to be satisfactory, it may grant a 30 day probationary period for you to complete the course assignments. Further extensions are at the sole discretion of THI. Progress Requirements: THI's feedback system is designed to build self-confidence and competence. Exams (open-book) and student materials are graded under the Director's supervision. "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" students must obtain a passing score of 75% to receive certification with THI. Students who fail to pass the exam may request to retake it one time. THI will then mail you a second exam which needs to be received by THI before the course assignment due date (or probationary due date if applicable). All other courses are graded pass/fail. After passing, your certificate (which is also notification of a passing grade) will be mailed to you. Private Tutoring: In any course, if you have difficulty, you may request tutoring at an additional cost at current rates. Materials: Materials turned into THI become the property of THI. Please retain copies for your files if you would like them. Transferability of Credits: Transferability of THI credits to any other educational institution is not guaranteed since that is up to the receiving institution. Placement Assistance: THI does not promise or provide placement assistance to graduates; however, we will send a statement of your training, including CEU's, to a person, school or organization of your choice at standard rates. THI maintains school and student records for no more than 6 years, according to state law. Career Opportunities: THI does not make claims regarding future income since throughout the country the need for hypnotherapists varies. Those with good therapeutic and self-promotion skills usually have as much work as they target for themselves over a reasonable amount of time. Jobs in this area are generally self-created as small businesses; some choose to affiliate with health practitioners. As hypnotherapy becomes more accepted, more people will seek hypnotherapists. Income varies by region and time on the job and are established by the individual. Success in the field requires initiative. Conduct & Dismissal: Participants are expected to conduct themselves professionally. This includes, but is not limited to, complying with THI policies and paying tuition in full. Failure to do so is cause for dismissal. Other causes for dismissal include, but are not limited to, any behavior which might jeopardize THI or its reputation; cheating; theft; verbal or physical abuse of any member of the THI community; breach of privacy or confidentiality. If a participant is dismissed, re-entrance into the program will be at the sole discretion of THI. Grievance Procedure: If you have a concern, please speak with the THI director as soon as possible. If you feel it needs more resolution, submit your concerns in writing to the address listed herein. We will investigate your concern further, attempt to resolve it and notify you of THI's position on the situation within 30 days. If you wish to appeal this decision, you may make a written request for arbitration to be held in Golden, Colorado, by a mutually agreed upon party. If circumstances preclude your ability to participate in an arbitration hearing, or if your complaint can not be resolved through arbitration, you may request a complaint form at 303-866-2723 and file a notarized complaint at with the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools no later than two years after the date you discontinued training. Disclosure: In general, THI will not disclose information from student records without written consent of that student (which must include the information to be disclosed, the purpose for the disclosure, and the full name and address to which the disclosure is to be made). THI will, however, disclose information, without written consent, to: (1) Students or former students who wish to inspect and review their own records, upon receipt of written request. (This is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights ad Privacy Act of 1974.) (2) Certifying bodies for purposes of certification. (3) Protect the health and well being of the student or other person. (4) An individual or organization which is sponsoring a student by paying for tuition in full directly to THI. (5) Those responsible for determining eligibility for financial aid or collection services after an application has been made. (6) Federal and state authorities as listed in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. (7) Comply with a judicial order/subpoena or other legal process. Participant Release: In consideration of my participation in one or more services or courses of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc., the sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, I forever release Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc., Anne Salisbury, Greg Meyerhoff and any of their directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, sponsors, contractors, successors or assigns, (collectively referred to as “THI”) from any and all claims for liability and damages of any kind whatsoever which I may at any time have, including without limitation personal injury, emotional distress and negligence (excluding only willful misconduct). I expressly waive all claims for indirect, consequential or exemplary damages. In no event shall I be entitled to recover more than the aggregate amount paid by me to Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc. I acknowledge I have been made no representation by THI as to my suitability for services or training, or as to any results which I may receive. I will indemnify and hold THI harmless for any damages, including attorneys' fees, arising from my breach of the terms of this release. I have read and understand the contents of this release, and I execute this release of my own free will and without undue influence. I agree that the laws of the State of Colorado will govern my relationship with THI. Product Disclaimer: Opening the box and/or using materials constitutes your agreement and acceptance of the following: These materials are for private instructional use only. They are not a substitute for mental health advice. They are intended only for persons who understand and accept the risks of guided meditation, hypnotherapy, intuitive counseling, coaching (collectively referred to as “services”) including the risks described herein, and should not be used by any other person. The user assumes all risks and obligations, and agrees to indemnify and hold Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc., Anne Salisbury, Greg Meyerhoff and any of their directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, sponsors, contractors, successors or assigns (collectively referred to as “THI”) harmless for all claims and causes of action of whatever nature and origin, and the costs of defense thereof, including actions by persons receiving services and third parties who allege harm resulting from such services. Risks include but are not limited to: 1) services may bring to the conscious mind information and memories from the subconscious which may cause anxiety or strong feelings; 2) services may not be appropriate for people who have mental health disorders or who are under the care of a mental health professional; and 3) techniques depicted in the materials should not be practiced or performed on any person who has not given his or her informed consent following full disclosure of the techniques and risks. Do not use while driving. Contents are the copyrighted property of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalog Changes: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in this catalog and forms including the right to change fees and policies. Such changes become effective at the time they are determined and apply to all participants. These changes may not apply to those currently enrolled in a program of study during their completion of that program. Copyright: The contents of the audio, video and written materials are the copyrighted property of the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc. or persons or entities who licensed such audio, video and written materials for reproduction. All rights are reserved by the owners of the copyrights. No portion may be duplicated without permission. This is Catalog Number 20, Volume 1 Effective August 2010 © Copyright 1990 - 2011. Facilities: THI administrative offices are located at 1849 Denver West Drive, Suite 2313, Golden, Colorado 80401 • Mailing address: P. O. Box 18409, Golden, Colorado 80402 • Phone (800) 366-9417 or (303) 278-9585 • Fax (303) 474-3071. Anne Salisbury and Greg Meyerhoff are the Directors. Office hours are 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Mountain Time) Monday - Friday excluding holidays. THI, the facilities it occupies and the equipment it utilizes, fully complies with any and all federal, state and local ordinances and regulations, including those requirements as to fire safety, building safety and health.

page 37 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

ATPH Policies

Membership & Certification Policies: My signature signifies that I have fully and truthfully completed the application. I certify to The Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnotherapy (ATPH) that I have completed the indicated hypnotherapy courses. I desire to become a member of ATPH and/ or receive certification through ATPH, subject to the following terms and limitations. I agree to abide by the ATPH Guidelines for Professional Practice, as they may be adopted and as they may be amended. In consideration of my membership in ATPH and/or certification through ATPH, the sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, I hereby forever release ATPH, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc., Anne Salisbury, Greg Meyerhoff and any of their directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, sponsors, contractors, successors or assigns, (collectively referred to as “ATPH”) from any and all claims for liability and damages for any kind whatsoever which I may at any time have, including without limitation personal injury, emotional distress and negligence (excluding only willful misconduct). I expressly waive all claims for indirect, consequential or exemplary damages. In no event shall I be entitled to recover more than the aggregate amount paid by me to ATPH. I will indemnify and hold ATPH harmless for any damages, including attorneys' fees, arising from my breach of the terms of this release. I have read and understand the contents of this release, and I execute this release of my own free will and without undue influence. I agree that the laws of the State of Colorado will govern my relationship with ATPH.


Enroll in a home study hypnosis and hypnotherapy course. Order DVDs, CDs and books. Schedule a personal session by phone. Join a professional association. • • • •

Order On-Line: Order securely with your credit card at Order by Phone: Call with your credit card to 800-366-9417 or 303-278-9585. Order by Fax: Fax your order form to 303-474-3071. Order by Mail: Mail your form to Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc., P. O. Box 18409, Golden, CO 80402

Companion Enrollment Available If you and a friend are enrolling together in the same course, tuition for the second person is half price. You share DVDs, CDs and books and receive two workbooks and certifications. To enroll with a companion in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy or any other course, choose Companion Enrollment and write in the course you have selected. Also give us your companion's name, address and phone number. Time Payments Available for Hypnotherapist Certification course (Transpersonal Hypnotherapy) Pay 1/5 tuition (plus a $100 processing fee) upon enrollment. The remaining 4/5 is automatically charged to your credit card in 4 equal installments over the next 4 months. Time Payments Available for Clinical Hypnotherapist Certification (Packages of Courses) Pay 1/5 tuition (plus a $100 processing fee) upon enrollment. The remaining 4/5 is automatically charged to your credit card in 4 equal installments over the next 4 months. You can begin with Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (150 hour course) The Fundamentals of Hypnosis course material is included in the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy course. Course Completion & Extensions All courses are listed as taking 3 months to complete except "Transpersonal Hypnotherapy" which is listed at 6 months. You may complete any course early or e-mail us to request an extension. We want to accommodate your life-style! DVD & Audio/CD Formats Videos are formatted in DVDs. Audios are formatted as audiotapes and CDs. DVDs are NTSC formatted for North America (US, Canada, Mexico). They may not play on older DVD players. They should play on certain computers nationally and internationally. Check before ordering. Also, take special care in handling your DVDs and CDs since scratches will affect their ability to play. "I finally found a line of work that is totally congruent with my own spiritual and psychological discoveries. There are no compromises for me in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy. I take it into the world, add tremendous value and get paid for it!" - Martha Meagher, Ski Instructor using Aikido Principles, Aspen page 38 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Enrollment & Order Form

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc.

P. O. Box 18409, Golden, Colorado 80402 USA • (800) 366-9417 • (303) 278-9585 • Fax (303) 474-3071 [email protected] • • Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Back! (see THI Policies Risk-Free Enrollment & Ordering in Catalog for details) • We are here to help you make an informed decision on your hypnotherapy education. Call or e-mail us for assistance. • For fastest service order on-line, phone or fax this form with your credit card information. • Companion tuition is available (second person is half the tuition). See How To Order or call or e-mail us for details. Name (as you want it on your Certificate)________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ UPS Address (if different) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: Home_______________________________ Work __________________________ Cell ____________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________________________________________ Sex (M or F) _____ Age ________ Where did you hear about THI? ________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Certifications _______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Level of Education (Degrees & Majors)__________________________________________________________________________ Primary Occupation & Title ___________________________________________________________________________________ Previous Occupations ________________________________________________________________________________________

Home Study Courses

Unlimited e-mail support. Course materials and certificates are included in your tuition.

Hypnotist Certificate Program (25 hours) _____ Fundamentals of Hypnosis (6 DVDs, workbook)

Tuition $395


Hypnotherapist Certificate Program for Graduates of Fundamentals (125 hours) _____ Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (20 DVDs, 3 CDs, workbook) Tuition $1725 _____ Time Payment Option ($1725 + $100 processing fee: $445 down, 4 payments of $345) Down Pmt $445

$______ $______

Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist Combined Certificate Program (150 hours) (includes Fundamentals material and DVDs) _____ Transpersonal Hypnotherapy (26 DVDs, 3 CDs, workbook) Tuition $1995 _____ Time Payment Option ($1995 + $100 processing fee: $499 down, 4 payments of $399) Down $499

$ ______ $______

Clinical Hypnotherapist Certificate Program (300 hours total) Combine 150 or more hours of Stand-Alone/Advanced Study Courses or pick a package which gives you time payments: _____ Package #1: Medical Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal NLP, Intuitive Sk (I, II, Relationships) Tuition $1975 $ ______ _____ Time Payment Option ($1975 + $100 processing fee: $495 down, 4 payments of $395) Down $495 $______ _____ Package #2: Medical Hypnotherapy, Transpersonal NLP, Traditional Hypnosis Tuition $1950 $ ______ _____ Time Payment Option ($1950 + $100 processing fee: $490 down, 4 payments of $390) Down $490 $______ _____ Package #3: Medical Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Skills (I, II, Relationships, Creating), Weight Issues: Graduate Course, Past Life Regression: Graduate Course Tuition $1940 $ ______ _____ Time Payment Option ($1940 + $100 processing fee: $488 down, 4 payments of $388) Down $488 $______ Stand-Alone Courses and Advanced Study Courses for Clinical Hypnotherapist Certificate _____ BodyWisdom™ 15 hrs (includes 1 DVD, workbook, laser pointer) Tuition $195 $______ _____ Intuitive Skills I: Tools for Life 20 hrs (includes 8 CDs, workbook) Tuition Sale $260 now $225 $______ _____ Intuitive Skills II: Tools for Inner Sight 20 hrs (includes 8 CDs, workbook) Tuition Sale $260 now $225 $______ _____ Intuitive Skills for Relationships 20 hrs (includes 8 CDs, workbook) Tuition Sale $260 now $225 $______ _____ Intuitive Skills for Creating What You Want 20 hrs (includes 8 CDs, workbook) Tuition Sale $260 now $225 $______ _____ Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Practice 50 hrs (7 CDs, wkbk, 3 bks, brochure evaluation) Tuition $650 $______ _____ Medical Hypnotherapy 50 hrs (includes 11 DVDs, workbook) Tuition $650 $______ _____ Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy 25 hrs (includes 4 DVDs, workbook) Tuition $325 $______ _____ Past Life Regression: Graduate Course 15 hrs (includes 2 DVDs, workbook, book) Tuition $195 $______ _____ Recovering from Sexual Abuse 50 hrs (includes 11 DVDs, workbook) Tuition $650 $______ _____ Traditional Hypnosis 50 hrs (includes 6 DVDs, workbook, encyclopedia) Tuition $650 $______ _____ Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Protocols 50 hrs (includes 8 DVDs, 3 CDs, workbook) Tuition $650 $______ _____ Transpersonal NLP™ 50 hrs (includes 8 DVDs, workbook, 3 books) Tuition $650 $______ _____ Weight Issues: Graduate Course 15 hrs (includes 3 DVDs, workbook, book) Tuition $195 $______ _____ Companion Enrollment (includes 2nd workbook) for course(s):____________________________ Tuition $half $______ Friend's name: ___________________________________________________________________ Total Course Tuition $______

page 39 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

Products: DVDs

_____ Abreaction Reframing: Demonstration 1 DVD from Transpersonal 119 min. _____ Circle Integration Process: Demonstration 1 DVD from Transpersonal 118 min. _____ Esdaile Technique: Demonstration 1 DVD from Traditional 114 min. _____ Past-Life Regression: Demonstration #1 1 DVD 64 min. _____ Past-Life Regression: Demonstration #2 1 DVD 88 min. _____ Past-Life Regression: Demonstration #3 1 DVD from Transpersonal 95 min. _____ Retrieval Work: Demonstration 1 DVD from Transpersonal 93 min. _____ Smoking Cessation: Lecture & Demo. 1 DVD from Transpersonal 107 min. _____ Two-Way Communication: Demonstration 1 DVD from Transpersonal 119 min. _____ Weight Management: Demonstration 1 DVD 100 min. _____ Weight Management: Lecture & Demo. 1 DVD from Transpersonal 117 min.

Products: Audiotapes and CDs

$39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39 $39

$______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Transpersonal Treasures Self-Hypnosis Set (Set of 6 audiotapes below with individual transcripts for each audiotape.) $89 (out of stock) $______ #1 The Sacred Journey: Releasing and Letting Go (audiotape, transcript) $12 (out of stock) $______ #2 Awakening Passion: Loving Deeply (audiotape, transcript) SALE $12 now $9 $______ #3 Meeting your Higher Self: Accessing Spiritual Mastery (audiotape, transcript) $12 (out of stock) $______ #4 Receiving Powerful Gifts: Wisdom From the Four Directions (audiotape, transcript) SALE $12 now $9 $______ #5 Manifesting Prosperity: Success & Fulfillment in Your Life (audiotape, transcript) SALE $12 now $9 $______ #6 Creating Your Future: Unfolding Your Life’s Desires (audiotape, transcript) SALE $12 now $9 $______ Your Ideal Body (audiotape, transcript) SUPER SALE! $12 now $3 $______ How to Be More Aware in Relationships (audiotape) $12 (out of stock) $______ Introducing Intuition CD $15 $______

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Scripts Book Eureka! Understanding & Using the Power of Your Intuition (paperback) Eureka! Understanding & Using the Power of Your Intuition (hardback) The Eureka Research: Experiences of Intuition in a Self-Hypnosis Experiment The Eureka Factor

Products: Books


$29 $______ $16.95 $______ $26.95 $______ $29 $______ Coming in 2011! $______

Total Products


Issued at time of certification. CEU Certificate (one per course) for course ___________________________________________ $10


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Call or email to schedule. 30 min. Session with either (circle) Anne Salisbury or Greg Meyerhoff $75 1 hour Session with either (circle) Anne Salisbury or Greg Meyerhoff $150 4 1-hour Sessions with either (circle) Anne Salisbury or Greg Meyerhoff $540 30 min. Session with both Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff $150 1 hour Session with both Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff $300 4 1-hour Sessions with both Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff $1080 2-hour Business Consultation with Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff at your office (2-hr. min.) $650 2-hour Energy Clearing with Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff at your home or office (2-hr. min.) $650

$______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______

_____ _____

Professional Membership (includes certificate) Dues are $25/year valid June 1-May 31 $25 (150 hour training required, so under Previous Certifications list hours, dates, schools for THI approval.) Associate Membership (incl. certificate, no training required) Dues $25/year valid June 1-May 31 $25

Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Sessions by Phone

ATPH Membership Application


$______ $______

Shipping & Handling USA Canada Course Tuition $______ Up to $50 $8 $16 Products $______ $51 to $300 $12 $24 Colorado only: 8.4% Sales Tax on Products $______ Over $300 $18 $36 Subtotal $______ Shipping & Handling on Subtotal $______ Items usually shipped UPS ground or USPO insured mail. CEUs $______ Items insured at 1/4 of tuition for customs purposes. Foreign duties and taxes are paid by recipient. Sessions $______ For S & H to other countries: exact postage plus $5 handling is charged at the time of shipment. A TPH Mem bership $______ Total $______ I have enclosed the above in a: ___Credit Card (MC/Visa/AmEx) ___Check, ___Money Order (in US dollars only) (credit card statement will read Salisbury Meyerhoff, Inc.)

Credit Card #__________________________________________________________________________________Exp:_______

Address Card Statement is mailed to: _________________________________________________________________________

Name on Credit Card: ___________________________________________________________________ CIV on back: _______

I have read and understand the THI Policies in the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute™ Catalog, which are deemed an attachment to this Form by reference, and my signature signifies that I agree to its contents.

Date____________________ Signature of Applicant____________________________________________________________________

page 40 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417


Here are some web sites you might find useful.

Important Information California Graduates Hypnotherapists in California must utilize disclosure forms. You can find California Disclosure forms for Alternative Healthcare Providers (Hypnotherapists) at the IHF site. Colorado Graduates Hypnotherapists in Colorado must register as non-licensed psychotherapists to practice legally in Colorado. You study the information on the DORA site, pass their open book exam and pay your fee before opening your professional practice.

Useful Links Association for Transpersonal Psychology & Hypnotherapy THI graduates may become Associate or Professional Members. California Board of Behavioral Sciences THI offers continuing education for MFT & LCSW California Board of Registered Nursing THI offers continuing education for Nurses Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies THI Colorado graduates register here as unlicensed psychotherapists to practice in Colorado Intuitive Advantage, Inc. Anne Salisbury & Greg Meyerhoff offer hypnotherapy, intuitive counseling, life and career coaching, business consulting and intuition training programs for personal and business development. Sessions are available in person and by phone. (also International Hypnosis Federation THI graduates with over 150 hours of training may become Registered Members of IHF.

page 41 To enroll & order: 800-366-9417

TRANSPERSONAL HYPNOTHERAPY INSTITUTE, INC. P. O. Box 18409 • Golden, Colorado 80402 (800) 366-9417 • (303) 278-9585 Fax: (303) 474-2071 [email protected] •