State Bank of India. Bank Copy. Payment details. Recruitment for the posts in
Southern Sector, ONGC Ltd.,. Chennai. Applicant's Name: ...
State Bank of India Bank Copy Payment details Recruitment for the posts in Southern Sector, ONGC Ltd., Chennai.
State Bank of India Candidate’s Copy Payment details Recruitment for the posts in Southern Sector, ONGC Ltd., Chennai.
State Bank of India ONGC Copy Payment details Recruitment for the posts in Southern Sector, ONGC Ltd., Chennai.
Applicant’s Name: ____________________
Applicant’s Name: ____________________
Applicant’s Name: ____________________
Account No: 30827318409 At Tel Bhavan Branch, Dehradun (Code No 1576)
Account No: 30827318409 At Tel Bhavan Branch, Dehradun (Code No 1576)
Account No: 30827318409 At Tel Bhavan Branch, Dehradun (Code No 1576)
Fee Details:
Fee Details:
Rs. 150 / 050 Application Fee 020 / 020 Branch Commission * 170 / 070 Total Rupees One Hundred and Seventy only / Rupees Seventy Only.
Paise 00 00 00
Paise 00 00 00
SBI Branch Name:
Branch Code No**:
Branch Code No**:
Branch Code No**:
Journal No**:
Journal No**:
Journal No**:
Deposit Date:
Deposit Date:
Deposit Date:
Branch Receipt Stamp
Rs. 150 / 050 Application Fee 020 / 020 Branch Commission * 170 / 070 Total Rupees One Hundred and Seventy only / Rupees Seventy Only.
SBI Branch Name:
Authorised Signatory (Name in capital letters)
Fee Details:
Rs. 150 / 050 Application Fee 020 / 020 Branch Commission * 170 / 070 Total Rupees One Hundred and Seventy only / Rupees Seventy Only.
SBI Branch Name:
Branch Receipt Stamp
Authorised Signatory (Name in capital letters)
Branch Receipt Stamp
Paise 00 00 00
Authorised Signatory (Name in capital letters)
Branch Commission Rs 20/- to be received per challan and credited to Branch Commission A/C vide CGM, Delhi Circle Note No. 2105 dated 30.07.2009.
Payment receiving branch is advised to write the deposit Journal No and the Branch Code no above invariably.
** Payment receiving branch is advised to write the deposit Journal ** Payment receiving branch is advised to write the deposit Journal No and the Branch Code no above invariably.
No and the Branch Code no above invariably.
Note: ONGC copy of this cash receipt along with other relevant documents should reach through ordinary post to the designated P.O. Box Address, on or before 30.06.2011, otherwise the application of the candidate will be rejected.
Note: ONGC copy of this cash receipt along with other relevant documents should reach through ordinary post to the designated P.O. Box Address, on or before 30.06.2011, otherwise the application of the candidate will be rejected.
Note: ONGC copy of this cash receipt along with other relevant documents should reach through ordinary post to the designated P.O. Box Address, on or before 30.06.2011, otherwise the application of the candidate will be rejected.
Branch Commission Rs 20/- to be received per challan and credited to Branch Commission A/C vide CGM, Delhi Circle Note No. 2105 dated 30.07.2009.
Branch Commission Rs 20/- to be received per challan and credited to Branch Commission A/C vide CGM, Delhi Circle Note No. 2105 dated 30.07.2009.