as Cassie leaves her sheltered life in rural Scotland to stay with each of her best
friends in the ... Un diamante da Tiffany , Karen Swan, Nov 24, 2011, Fiction, .
Christmas at Tiffany's, Karen Swan, Pan Macmillan UK, 2012, 1743294603, 9781743294604, 400 pages. Cassie settled down too young, marrying her first serious boyfriend. Now, ten years later, she is betrayed and broken. With her marriage in tatters and no career or home of her own, she needs to work out where she belongs in the world and who she really is. So begins a year-long trial as Cassie leaves her sheltered life in rural Scotland to stay with each of her best friends in the most glamorous cities in the world: New York, Paris and London. Exchanging grouse moor and mousy hair for low-carb diets and high-end highlights, Cassie tries on each city for size as she attempts to track down the life she was supposed to have been leading, and with it, the man who was supposed to love her all along.. The Perfect Present , Karen Swan, Nov 8, 2012, Fiction, 544 pages. Haunted by a past she can’t escape, Laura Cunningham desires nothing more than to keep her world small and precise - her quiet relationship and growing jewellery business are .... Heritage , , , , . . Let's Get Lost , Sarra Manning, Jun 12, 2008, Juvenile Fiction, 320 pages. More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USA. The Knitting Circle , Ann Hood, Mar 8, 2008, Female friendship, 432 pages. Come on in and join the knitting circle it might just save your life... Spinning yarns, weaving tales, mending lives... Every Wednesday a group of women gathers at Alice's Sit .... Lonesome Dove A Novel, Larry McMurtry, Jun 1, 2010, Fiction, 864 pages. A love story, an adventure, and an epic of the frontier, Larry McMurtry’s Pulitzer PrizeвЂ― winning classic, Lonesome Dove, the third book in the Lonesome Dove tetralogy, is the .... Reunion , , , , . . Un diamante da Tiffany , Karen Swan, Nov 24, 2011, Fiction, . EDIZIONE SPECIALE: CONTIENE UN ESTRATTO DI TUTTA COLPA DI NEW YORK, DI CASSANDRA ROCCA New York, Parigi, Londra. Tre cittГ , tre stagioni. Un unico amore? Una sola scatolina blu .... The Master of Bruges , Terence Morgan, Feb 1, 2011, Fiction, 304 pages. Master painter Hans Memling is without peer in the artistic world of fifteenth-century Bruges. But when he falls in love with the Princess Marie, daughter of his powerful .... Prima Donna , Karen Swan, Jan 7, 2011, Fiction, 320 pages. Breaking the rules was what she liked best. That was her sport. Renegade, rebel, bad girl. Getting away with it. Pia Soto is the sexy and glamorous prima ballerina, the .... Ein Geschenk von Tiffany Roman, Karen Swan, Sep 17, 2012, Fiction, 576 pages. Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk von Tiffany entpuppt sich als SchlГјssel zum GlГјck Cassie Fraser
wollte eigentlich ihren zehnten Hochzeitstag feiern, als sie herausfindet, dass ihr Mann .... The Night Before Christmas , Scarlett Bailey, Oct 27, 2011, Fiction, 400 pages. All Lydia's ever wanted is a perfect Christmas... So when her oldest friends invite her to spend the holidays with them, it seems like a dream come true. She's been promised ....
Cassie settled down too young, marrying her first serious boyfriend. Now, ten years later, she is betrayed and broken. With her marriage in tatters and no career or home of her own, she needs to work out where she belongs in the world and who she really is. So begins a year-long trial as Cassie leaves her sheltered life in rural Scotland to stay with each of her best friends in the most glamorous cities in the world: New York, Paris and London. Exchanging grouse moor and mousy hair for low-carb diets and high-end highlights, Cassie tries on each city for size as she attempts to track down the life she was supposed to have been leading, and with it, the man who was supposed to love her all along. I have to admit, when I picked this up, I was expecting a generic 'easy read' of the regular woman's fiction genre, but boy - was I taken for a pleasant ride with this one! Karen Swan has presented us with every woman's secret dream - to move away to a foreign city and 'recreate' yourself in a bid to find who you really are - and that's just what Cassie does in Christmas At Tiffanys. Having found out that her long-term marraige was not what she thought it was, she ups from the wilds of countryside to magical New York, romantic Paris and bustling London, each time to stay with one of her three closest friends. There, each take their turns to remake her, involve her in their very different worlds, and, show her just how adaptable she really is. This was no easy read; there were twists I never imagined coming. Descriptions of places I haven't been to, but now, after reading this, know will stick in my mind whenever I do go to these cities - she reminded me very much of Belinda Jones in the way the sheer passion of sharing these cities with the reader shone out, especially the captivating lesser-known areas, not so much tourists spots. Love, laughter, sorrow, death, tears, happiness, friendship, desire - are but a snippet of the emotions and experiences ranging through Christmas at Tiffanys. Four best friends; each so very different and yet so very close. An estranged husband, too-attractive boyfriend, intriuging new friendhips and enigmatic blast from the past make Christmas at Tiffanys definitely one for the must reads list this year - although don't be fooled, not much of the book is actually set at Christmas time. I jumped at the chance to read this book because let's face it - I'm a sucker for a Christmas book. However, now I've finished the book, I have to say I felt a little robbed because it wasn't really a festive book at all, BUT it was a really enjoyable story, perhaps just marketed a little wrongly! I found Karen Swan's writing very easy to read and despite it being a fairly long book, I found it very consuming and I really loved the cast of characters within. I think my favourite thing about this book is that you really don't know how its all going to end up, there are clues throughout but nothing to spoil it for the reader, and I loved that! The book is based on Cassie, and the mess that is her life. Cassie's marriage has recently fallen apart following a shocking revelation about her marriage to Gil, but her 3 girl friends are ready to step up to the plate and help her out, by Cassie spending 4 months with each of them at 3 "exotic" locations... well they are for the girl who has never left Scotland anyway! I felt really sorry for Cassie, her life has been turned upside down by her husband, and she is totally lost. She was very likeable and I think she works well as a main character for the book. First up is New York, and her friend Kelly. I really liked Kelly, she was a fun girl who worked hard and played hard, and it made a real lifestyle change for Cassie and a good way to kick start the book. New York seems to be an ever popular location in chick lit these days, but I felt Swan did a good job in portraying the city, especially through the eyes of the naive Cassie, who hasn't got a clue about places like this! I found the other characters to be good, especially Suzy, who lives in London. Her life is perhaps the most realistic of the three friends to be honest. She's a wedding planner, and a pretty good one at
that. She's also happily married, the only one of the group who is settled down. It's her brother Henry who suddenly and surprisingly befriends Cassie and sends her on some fun runarounds courtesy of his well-travelled self, and lists he creates for Cassie to follow as she travels the world with her friends. The last friend was Anouk, a well-cultured French lady living in Paris, and working in fashion, as suits her very well! I have to say I warmed to Anouk the least, she was quite cold and stand-offish, especially compared to the bubbly Kelly and homely Susy, but it made a nice contrast, although I did want Cassie to wise up to her behaviour and attitude a bit more, as she was a bit too slow on the uptake! However, I really did love seeing Cassie grow throughout the year, and you really feel her go through every emotion, it's very well written. I did think there was a good cast of characters in the book, my favourite being Henry, the traveller who helped Cassie out on her travels, he was fun and I really liked him. I do have to make a comment about the title, and the fact I find it a little mis-leading though. Although there is a scene at Tiffany's at Christmas, it takes place in the middle of the book, for just a few pages, and that's it. In fact, Christmas is barely mentioned during the whole book, so I think those expecting a festive read will be disappointed with this book. I think the publishers seem to have jumped on the festive fiction bandwagon a bit here, which is a shame as this is a really great book that I got really into as the story about Cassie and her reinvention happens. Yes, that story is nothing new - girl gets dumped, reinvents self in amazing way and is happy ever after, but I enjoyed the journey it took to get there, and I found Swan has really well researched the places that Cassie went to as they came to life in my head as I was reading them, and that was really great. I think this is a really great book, but certainly not the festive read you may expect from the cover and title! Do give it a chance though, this is a fab read that I loved and it certainly makes me want to look out for more of Karen Swan's books! Read more › I just loved this story as there were so many different angles to it. I never knew about the bridge in Paris but would love to see it. To write a story about 3 different cities was clever idea and to have friends like this would make anyone glad. I really lived this story as if it was me and I have been to all these cities and could really picture them all in my mind. Great read, did not want it to end. I chose this book because it was December and I wanted a Christmas read, and the cover and title of this book seemed to fit my requirements. However, this book is not in the least bit christmassy, or even wintery at all, so I was very disappointed. Fortunately though, the story was good and it was strong enough to keep me turning the pages, despite my initial disappointment. The story focuses on Cassie and her three friends, Kelly, Anouk and Suzy. Deciding to spend the year with three friends in their home countries, the story takes Cassie to New York, Paris and London. I enjoyed the story the most when it was set in New York as I felt that it was where the characters were the most interesting and where the story progressed the most. I personally found Cassie's length of time in Paris quite dull and thought it only heated up at the end of the section where there was a revelation. Cassie's spell in London was enjoyable and eventful and far more interesting to read. La storia è quella di un gruppo di quattro amiche Inglesi che si conosco...more Se siete delle sognatrici, romantiche, vi piacciono i gioielli di Tiffany, Dior, New York, Londra, Parigi, e credete nell'Amicizia e nell'Amore con le A maiuscole, allora questo è un libro che fa per voi, o se non sapete cosa regalare a chi è così, questo è il regalo perfetto! Inizia il bello, Cassie, viene catapultata nel mondo delle amiche che la coinvolgono in una vita sempre attiva, sempre nuova, sempre al massimo, e le insegnano a farle prendere cura della sua immagine esteriore e anche della sua bellezza interiore. Incontra nuovi amici ma anche delle vecchie conoscenze che la aiuteranno nel suo percorso di ripresa e cambiamento. Soffrirà , gioirà , avrà paura e coraggio come mai era accaduto nella sua vita fino a quel momento, rimetterà tutta la sua vita in discussione fino a che non si troverà a dover decidere se realmente ciò che vuole è lasciare la vecchia se stessa per continuare a percorrere strade che fino ad allora non le hanno dato le risposte che cercava e di cui aveva bisogno.
On the night of her tenth wedding anniversary Carrie is devastated to find her friend has been having a long term affair with her husband and her friends son is also her husband's child from that relationship. Torn apart she leaves and hands herself ver to her 3 best friends Kelly, Annouk and Suzy agreeing to spend 4 months with them in New York, Paris then London trying to get over her failed marriage. The reinvention her friends put her through and the journey of self discovery is a joy to read however it's the character of Suzy's brother Henry who brings the book to it's real meaning as he helps Carrie heal by providing her with a list of things she must see and do in each city she lives. Through these tasks she truly finds herself and begins to move on but is it in the wrong direction and towards someone who is already half way down the aisle. In dem Buch "Ein Geschenk von Tiffany" von Karen Swan geht es um die vier Freundinnen Cassie, Kelly, Anoukh und Suzy, die seit Kindesbeinen befreundet sind. Trotz dass sie über der ganzen Welt verteilt leben und arbeiten, hält die Freundschaft. Am 10.Hochzeitstag von Cassie treffen sich alle im schottischen Hochland. An diesem Tag erfährt Cassie von dem Ehebruchs ihres Mannes und ihre Freundinnen schmieden einen Plan, der sie das nächste Jahr auf Trapp hält. Zuerst geht es zu Kelly nach New York, dort soll sich Cassie auf das New Yorker Leben einlassen. Dann geht es zu Anoukh nach Paris und der Abschluss bildet dann Suzy in London. Jede der Freundinnen wird Cassie unter ihre Fittiche nehmen und ihr das Leben und die Philosophie der jeweiligen Stadt näher bringen. Christmas at Tiffany’s is a novel about friendship and love throughout a journey of discovery and reinvention. Having gone through a similar starting over process myself as the main character, Cassie - unfortunately without the world travel - I could relate to much of what she was going through. There were times though that I wondered what she was doing or cringed at her decisions and those her friends forced on her, but in the end Cassie found her way and I e...more Originally Reviewed at Novel Escapes I swooned when this gorgeous book arrived in my mailbox, expecting a story about Christmas in New York City, which I’m a complete sucker for even though I have never been myself. I had looked forward to living vicariously for a while, but I felt a little let down by this cover and title as this novel rushes through Christmas during its journey through three seasons. The title does come into play though, so I wasn’t altogether disappointed, but I had hoped for more of this magical season in the bustling city. Cassie doesn’t spend too much time depressed and moping about which I appreciated and I did giggle out loud at times through this novel, but at times I wondered how these very different women were friends. When Cassie was visiting each of them on their own turf (New York, Paris and London), I frequently thought they took it a little too far in their influence and transformation of her. It was like they didn’t even know her. I wanted them to leave her alone and let her figure it out on her own and I think it especially irked me that it was mostly outward focused, not inward. In the end, they did come around and recognized Cassie was her own woman and stopped trying to transform her into something she wasn’t. The love story in Christmas at Tiffany’s was interesting, definitely different, but somewhat aggravating and predictable. It took eons of bumbling miscommunication for them to figure out that it became a bit irritating, even though some of the scenes were enjoyable along the way. There were some surprises outside the love story which dampened the overall predictability of the book. In a side note, I hated the format of this novel. It was one of those huge paperbacks that are ridiculously awkward to hold and actually gave my hands cramps. It was worse than a hard cover. I would have preferred smaller print or an actual hardcover for this one and the only reason I mention it is that it really did take away from my enjoyment at times because I had to put it down.
Tra tutti i chick lit che mi è capitato di leggere, questo forse è il più grazioso e divertente. Gli elementi tipici di questo genere ci sono tutti, dal primo all'ultimo: la protagonista trentenne di buona estrazione sociale, le amiche in carriera, l'amico gay, la relazione finita e quella inaspettata, il bello e non proprio impossibile, l'amore che sorprende, le gaffe epocali, i contrasti e le riappacificazioni, la morale dell'essere e non dell'apparire, la fiducia nell'Amore con la A maiuscola...more Tra tutti i chick lit che mi è capitato di leggere, questo forse è il più grazioso e divertente. Gli elementi tipici di questo genere ci sono tutti, dal primo all'ultimo: la protagonista trentenne di buona estrazione sociale, le amiche in carriera, l'amico gay, la relazione finita e quella inaspettata, il bello e non proprio impossibile, l'amore che sorprende, le gaffe epocali, i contrasti e le riappacificazioni, la morale dell'essere e non dell'apparire, la fiducia nell'Amore con la A maiuscola. Quello che lo distingue tra i tanti è però lo spunto particolare della ricerca di sé in giro per il mondo. The story tells of Cassie, who married young at 20 and then 10 years later finds that her marriage wasn’t what she thought it was as her husband has betrayed her. She leaves and puts herself in the hands of her 3 best friends and stays with each of them in turn in New York, Paris and London. In each city she is reinvented and changed by the experiences she has there. Although it is called Ch...more I’ve just finished reading Christmas as Tiffany’s by Karen Swan and I have to say I absolutely loved it!!!