Match the power of today's presentation software to the complexity of your
content ... system to meet the needs of 21st Century students – two (2) Day
Discovery Education Professional Development Course Catalog
Table of Contents Course Overviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-06 Detailed Course Descriptions Digital Literacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07-12 Technology Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-21 Curriculum & Instruction Integration. . . . . . 22-27
*All courses are subject to change. Catalog last updated August 2010
Digital Literacy Enrich your classroom instruction by harnessing the power of digital content. Incorporate video segments, images, and sounds to bring your curriculum to life while reinforcing the content standards. This course introduces participants to the main features of Discovery Education streaming Canada, demonstrates how to navigate the site, and allows time for exploration and independent practice.
Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus Enrich your classroom instruction by harnessing the power of digital content from Discovery Education’s complete library of digital assets. Incorporate video segments, images, and sounds to bring your curriculum to life while reinforcing the content standards. This course introduces participants to the main features of Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus, demonstrates how to navigate the site, and allows time for exploration and independent practice.
Maximizing Student Engagement with Discovery Education Encourage your students to discover the power of learning with Discovery Education’s Student Centers. Taking advantage of unique student logins, your educators will learn how to promote and differentiate student learning through the use of Discovery Education tools such as Writing Prompt, Quiz, and Assignment Builder.
Discovery Education Science - Elementary School Put the power of inquiry into the hands of your students as they explore a variety of media. This course will guide educators in the use of full-length videos and segmented clips, virtual labs, simulations, explorations, reading passages, and an interactive glossary all developed and organized for the elementary school student.
Discovery Education Science - Middle School Encourage your students to think like scientists as they solve inquiry problems using a variety of media. This course will guide educators in the use of full-length videos and segmented clips, virtual labs, simulations, explorations, reading passages, and an interactive glossary all developed and organized for the middle school student.
Discovery Education MediaShare Learn how to build a toolkit of resources to enrich your curriculum, by uploading, sharing, and managing user–created content. The use of MediaShare allows you to maximize the reach and use of successful lessons and resources at the school, district, or national level, all in a safe and protected environment.
Course Overviews
Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada
Technology Integration Unleash the power that new web tools bring to help students manipulate existing content and create new content with their own spin, a process that promotes critical thinking and deepens learning. This course introduces educators to tools related to content creation including Glogster, Animoto, Blabberize, and GoAnimate.
Web 2.0 Platforms for Student Communication and Collaboration Encourage student creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking with Web 2.0 applications that promote networking. The web can be a safe and academically rigorous place for collaboration, where students can express opinions, share insights, and document their learning, and this course will show you how to guide students with tools like VoiceThread and Diigo.
Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Management Once your students have created original, thoughtful, and dynamic content using Web 2.0 tools, they’ll need a place to put it. This course provides educators a variety of options for sharing and storing content on the web. Blogs and wikis are just the beginning. There are many options for managing content. Come find the best option for your students.
Integrating Google™ Earth Into the Classroom Put the power of Google™ to work for you in your classroom. This course will show educators how to use Google™ Earth to create instructional tools and creative content for student content. From virtual field trips to maps and exploration, Google™ Earth will take your students around the world without leaving the classroom.
Google™ Applications Encourage your students to collaborate online, demonstrate understanding through presentations, and analyze real time data. Using Discovery Education and your own curriculum as a guide, this course presents ways that Google™ Applications can be used for collaboration between students and teachers, in a safe and protected environment.
MultiMedia Presentations Match the power of today’s presentation software to the complexity of your content with this course that will encourage educators to integrate digital content into classroom presentations. Teachers and students alike will benefit from engaging, interactive presentations using the latest capabilities of the digital world to bring your curriculum to life.
Course Overviews
Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Creation
Digital Storytelling
Interactive Presentation Tools and Digital Content Interactive tools help provide a gateway to exciting digital content. This course is designed for educators who are new to both their technological tools and the content available for use with those tools. Learn how to use the hardware by incorporating exciting and engaging content into your own lessons.
Integrating Digital Content without Interactive Tools Ensure student engagement and growth through the use of digital content presented with the technology you have in your classroom right now. This course will help educators understand how to develop and deliver interactive presentations using their specific classroom set-ups.
Course Overviews
Challenge your students to create digital stories with editable video segments, stunning photos, and a variety of sounds, all from Discovery Education. This course examines the ways digital storytelling can deepen understanding of curricular content and shows educators how to combine text, images, audio, and video to create movies using free software.
Curriculum Alignment to Digital Content Learn to use the curriculum alignment designed by Discovery Education, specifically for your district, to select and use the best resources to support your plans right where you are in the curriculum and your own pacing guides. This course is designed for districts who have partnered with Discovery Education on curriculum alignment to simplify and maximize the use of digital content among their staff.
Model Lesson Demonstration Allow teachers and instructional coaches to see the robust use of digital content and technological tools in their own classrooms. Beginning with teachers’ existing lessons, Discovery Education Professional Development staff will collaborate with teachers to infuse lesson plans with digital content and then deliver the lesson in the teacher’s own classroom. This course includes predemonstration collaboration, in-classroom delivery, and post-demonstration debrief.
Differentiating Instruction and Using the Response to Intervention (RTI) System to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Students – Two (2) Day Course During this two day academy, educators will learn to plan instruction using a tiered, Response to Intervention (RTI) approach. Participants will determine essential standards at their grade level, learn effective strategies to teach the essential standards, understand the importance of monitoring student progress to ensure student learning, and adjust student instruction based on formative assessments. They will have the opportunity to develop a model lessons for Tier 1 and Tier 2. Meaningful integration of Discovery Education media will be emphasized as a way to enhance literacy instruction.
Differentiating Instruction and Using the Response to Intervention (RTI) System to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Students – Four (4) Day Course During this four day academy, educators will deeply engage to plan instruction using a tiered, Response to Intervention (RTI) approach. Participants will determine essential standards at their grade level, learn effective strategies to teach the essential standards, understand the importance of monitoring student progress to ensure student learning, and adjust student instruction based on formative assessments. They will have the opportunity to reflect upon previous lessons and learn how to design and implement research validated interventions based on individual student needs at all three tiers of RTI. Meaningful integration of Discovery Education media will be emphasized as a way to enhance literacy instruction.
Course Overviews
Curriculum & Instruction Integration
Follow-up webinars are offered as part of Discovery Education’s professional development to provide continuing support. Webinars are sold in packages of three one hour sessions for CAD $495. Educators who have taken Discovery Education’s Professional Development are invited to participate in our Discovery Educator Network (DEN) at no additional cost. With over 125,000 members, the DEN is one of the largest professional learning communities in the United States.
Course Overviews
Transforming our classrooms into environments that allow for full student engagements require the efforts of all stakeholders in our school communities. Please speak with our team of educators at Discovery Education about how student, parent, and community engagement workshops can spark your change movement to fully integrate great instruction, rich digital content, technology, and the best pedagogical practices into your classrooms.
Course Overviews
Student/Parent/ Community Workshops
Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada
This course introduces participants to the content and capability found in Discovery Education streaming Canada. Educators will learn how to search for content based on a variety of different tags, including standards, keyword, media type, grade level, and more, making it easy to link lesson objectives to up-to-date digital resources. In addition to content searching, this basic level course details the ways in which digital content can be accessed, stored, and used. Professional Development Specialists will show participants the difference between streaming and downloading, how to store content markers in personal folders and share those markers with others in the school, district, or nation. In addition to direct instruction and demonstration, this course provides time for participants to explore several areas of Discovery Education streaming Canada and get started creating their own folders and lesson plans.
Digital Literacy
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Login and pass code for Discovery Education streaming Canada for each participant
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Maximizing Student Engagement with Discovery Education • Any of our Curriculum and Instruction Integration or Technology Integration courses.
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Search for content in Discovery Education streaming Canada using a variety of search methods. • Identify, access, and store digital content for use in planning and classroom activities. • Determine whether to stream or download content, based on desired usage. • Create a standards aligned lesson that includes purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to Discovery Education sign in page Introduction to Discovery Education streaming Canada How to search Types of media Storing and downloading Digital Treasure Hunt Streaming and downloading Hands-on work time Integration ideas Creating lesson plans Hands-on work time Debrief and Evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus
This course introduces participants to the content and capabilities found in Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus. Educators will learn how to search for content based on a variety of different tags, including standards, keyword, media type, grade level, and more, making it easy to link lesson objectives to up-to-date digital resources. In addition to content searching, this basic level course details the ways in which all of Discovery Education’s digital content can be accessed, stored, and used. Professional Development Master Teachers will show participants the difference between streaming and downloading, how to store content markers in personal folders and share those markers with others in the school, district, or nation. In addition to direct instruction and demonstration, this course provides time for participants to explore several areas of Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus and get started creating their own folders and lesson plans.
Digital Literacy
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Login and pass code for Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus for each participant
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Maximizing Student Engagement with Discovery Education • Any of our Technology Integration or Curriculum and Instruction Integration courses.
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Search for content in Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus using a variety of search methods. • Identify, access, and store digital content for use in planning and classroom activities. • Determine whether to stream or download content, based on desired usage. • Create a standards aligned lesson that includes purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to Discovery Education sign in page Introduction to Discovery Education streaming Canada Plus How to search Types of media Storing and downloading Digital Treasure Hunt Streaming and downloading Hands-on work time Integration ideas Creating lesson plans Hands-on work time Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Audience • Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • Lab setting with one computer for each participant • Presentation station with computer for presenter • Internet access
Prerequisites • Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada
Recommended Companion Courses • Any of our Technology Integration courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Create a classroom of students for the purpose of assigning materials directly to individuals and classes. • Create a media infused writing prompt. • Create a media infused quiz which can include both questions from a bank as well as those that are self created. • Create a digital assignment that aggregates several pieces of media together with instructions for each piece. • Examine how digital writing prompts, quizzes and assignments increase student engagement, interaction with content and aid in lesson differentiation.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to the Student Center Creating classrooms Assigning media directly to students Creating a writing prompt Hands-on Writing Prompts Builder Creating a quiz Hands-on Quiz Builder Creating an assignment Hands-on Assignment Builder Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
This course begins with a rationale for engaging the mind through digitally interactive tools. Educators will learn how to put the power of Discovery Education streaming Canada directly into the hands of their students. Through the use of the Student Center and Builder Tools Discovery Education streaming Canada is transformed from an instructional tool to an interactive world for students to be fully immersed in the process of their own learning. Professional Development Master Teachers will show participants how to create an environment for student access, as well as a variety of media infused lessons, such as writing prompts and quizzes, which can be assigned directly to each individual student. Some focus will be given on how these tools will increase the power of the differentiated classroom, allowing the educator to create materials for all learning styles. In addition to direct instruction and demonstration, this course provides time for educators to explore each tool, learn its functionality and begin to create their own media rich lessons.
Digital Literacy
Maximizing Student Engagement with Discovery Education
Discovery Education Science - Elementary School includes a variety of features and tools that enable teachers and students to navigate science curriculum. Participants in this course will learn to search by category: Earth, Life, and Physical Science, by keyword or by state science standards. Discovery Education Science also includes a variety of media types which are introduced in this course: video segments, reading passages, eBooks, Fun–damentals, and virtual labs. Once participants are familiar with these features, they will use a sample topic to explore how content is organized within the product to ease delivery of instruction. Finally, this course clarifies the built-in assessment tools in Discovery Education Science and provides time for participants to set up their own classrooms and create an assessment for their own use.
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Login and pass code for Discovery Education Science – Elementary School for each participant
Prerequisites • Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada
Recommended Companion Courses • Any of our Technology Integration courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Search for content in Discovery Education Science Elementary School using a variety of search methods. • Identify and select a variety of DE Science tools: Video Segment, Reading Passage, eBook, Exploration, FUN-damentals, and Brief Constructed Response. • Access and store digital content for use in planning and classroom activities. • Navigate activities with content topics based on area: Learn, Explore, Demonstrate, and Extend. • Create an assessment that includes purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to Science – Elementary School Three searching methods Digital Treasure Hunt Keyword and My Content Review Teacher Center My Classroom Writing, Assignment, and Quiz Builders Science Assessment Manager Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Digital Literacy
Discovery Education Science Elementary School
Audience • Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Login and pass code for Discovery Education Science – Middle School for each participant
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Any of our Technology Integration courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Search for content in Discovery Education Science Middle School using a variety of search methods. • Identify and select a variety of DE Science tools: Video Segment, Reading Passage, Interactive Video, Exploration and Virtual Lab. • Access and store digital content for use in planning and classroom activities. • Navigate activities with content topics using the inquiry-based approach. • Create an assessment that includes purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to Science – Middle School Three searching methods Digital Treasure Hunt Keyword and My Content Review Teacher Center My Classroom Writing, Assignment, and Quiz Builders Science Assessment Manager Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Discovery Education Science - Middle School includes a variety of features and tools that allow teachers and students to access science curriculum. Participants in this course will learn to navigate by category (Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science) and then topic. They will also review traditional search methods like keyword, standards, editable resources, and more. The middle school curriculum is organized using the inquiry method and participants in this course will be shown how to maximize engagement by following this structure. Discovery Education Science also includes a variety of asset types which are introduced in this course: video segments, reading passages, interactive videos, explorations and virtual labs. Once participants are familiar with these features, they will use a sample topic to explore how content is organized within the product to ease delivery of instruction. Finally, this course clarifies the built-in assessment tools in Discovery Education Science and provides time for participants to set up their own classrooms and create an assessment for their own use.
Digital Literacy
Discovery Education Science Middle School
Discovery Education MediaShare
3 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Login and pass code for Discovery Education Media Share for each participant
Prerequisites • Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada • Discovery Education Science
Recommended Companion Courses • MultiMedia Presentations • Interactive Presentation Tools and Digital Content
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Search for content in Discovery Education MediaShare using a variety of search methods. • Select the appropriate channels for downloading and uploading content. • Identify and share content between colleagues at the school, district, and national level. • Access and store digital content for use in planning and classroom activities.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • •
Introduction Searching for content Downloading, uploading, and organization Building your folders Populating your folders Sharing content Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
Digital Literacy
Participants in this course will develop expertise in using MediaShare to manage their own resources and find valuable resources developed by other educators. Beginning with search options for topicrelated or grade-specific content, participants quickly learn what is available for download from MediaShare. Since MediaShare provides an opportunity to exchange resources, this course also teaches participants how to upload their own resources and select from a variety of audience options. Finally, the course reviews basic Discovery Education features like My Content, My Builder Tools, and My Classroom.
Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Creation
Audience • Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours 25
System Requirements Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access OPTIONAL: Microphones
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Web 2.0 Platforms for Student Communication and Collaboration • Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Management
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Explore the research on how Web 2.0 tools impact learning. • Examine sample Web 2.0 projects created by teachers from across the globe. • Understand how non-linguistic representations, advanced organizers, recognition, summarizing and providing feedback are impactful instructional strategies. • Combine text, images, audio, and video to create a Glog, Blabber/Animation (GoAnimate) or Animoto video that matches their current curriculum. • Analyze a sample model lesson.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • • •
How Web 2.0 impacts learning Introduction to Glogster Creating a Glog Introduction to Animoto Creating an Animoto video Introduction to Blabberize or Go Animate Creating a Blabber or Go Animate Group sharing Additional Web 2.0 tools that can impact learning Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Maximum Participants • • • •
Technology Integration
Reach beyond your classroom walls and provide your students Web 2.0 tools that increase their participation with concepts and content. Create multimedia digital posters with Glogster, by embedding Discovery Education videos and images. Bring Discovery Education images to life and give them an opportunity to tell their story by uploading them to Blabberize or GoAnimate. Animoto automatically analyzes the music, photos and video clips that you choose, and orchestrates a custom video that incorporates Discovery Education images, video and text that can be shared easily on many platforms as an introduction, reflection, or assessment for any topic.
Expose your students to the power of collaboration with Web 2.0 platforms for networking. Let your students’ voices be heard round the world with VoiceThread. Using Discovery Education video segments and images, students can comment on what they have learned and add messages to other students’ work. Develop students’ researching, bookmarking and tagging skills with Diigo. Connect with classrooms, professionals and experiences anywhere in the world with Skype. This course empowers educators with the tools for developing these important skills in every student.
Audience • Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches 6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access OPTIONAL: Microphones
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Creation • Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Management
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Explore the concept of how Web 2.0 tools develop team building, collaboration and problem solving skills. • Examine some existing Web 2.0 collaborative projects created by teachers and students world wide. • Create a VoiceThread using Discovery Education media and explore the networking capabilities of VoiceThread. • Create a class account in Diigo. • Create a Skype account and explore the potential for connecting with anyone, anywhere in the world has for the classroom.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • •
How Collaborating with Web 2.0 builds skills Intro to Voicethread Creating a Voicethread Intro to Diigo Creating a Diigo account and sharing environment Intro to Skype Creating a Skype account Practice with Skype Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Technology Integration
Web 2.0 Platforms for Student Communication and Collaboration
Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Management
Audience • Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours 25
System Requirements • Lab setting with one computer for each participant • Presentation station with computer for presenter • Internet access
Prerequisites • Web 2.0 Platforms for Content Creation
Recommended Companion Courses • Web 2.0 Platforms for Student Communication and Collaboration
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Explore the concept of how blogs, wikis and share sites help with content management, feedback, and communication. • Examine some existing educator blogs and wikis. • Create a simple class blog. • Identify ways that blogs can be used for content management and communication. • Create a simple class wiki. • Identify ways that wikis can be used for content management, communication, and project based learning. • Explore educational sharing communities. • Embed Web 2.0 content on blogs, wikis, or share sites.
Sample Agenda • How managing content with blogs and wikis increases student engagement communication and feedback • Introduction to blogs • Creating a blog ( • Adding Web 2.0 content to blogs • Introduction to wikis • Creating a wiki ( • Adding Web 2.0 content to wiki • Introduction to Edmodo or • Creating an Edmodo class environment • Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Maximum Participants
Technology Integration
Expose your students to the power of collaboration with Web 2.0 platforms for networking. Let your students’ voices be heard round the world with VoiceThread. Using Discovery Education video segments and images, students can comment on what they have learned and add messages to other students’ work. Develop students’ researching, bookmarking and tagging skills with Diigo. Connect with classrooms, professionals and experiences anywhere in the world with Skype. This course empowers educators with the tools for developing these important skills in every student.
Integrating Google™ Earth Into the Classroom
Audience • Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
• Lab setting with one computer for each participant • Presentation station with computer for presenter • Internet access
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Integrating Google™ Applications Into the Classroom
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Explore how Google™ Earth can enhance instruction. • Explore how Google™ Earth can be used for student projects. • Create a Google™ Earth tour. • Create specified Google™ Earth layers. • Embed Web 2.0 Widgets into Google™ Earth. • Embed Discovery Education media into Google™ Earth.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • •
Introduction to Google™ Earth Creating a placemark Creating a Google™ Earth tour Embedding Discovery Education Media Embedding Web. 2.0 Content Examples of Google™ Earth student projects Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
System Requirements
Technology Integration
Bring the whole world into your classroom with Google™ Earth. Utilize this Google™ tool to create instructional content infused with Discovery Education media. Learn how Google™ Earth can interact with a variety of other Web 2.0 sites such as Google™ Maps and Glogster. Explore the world of possibilities for using Google™ Earth as a creative tool for student projects. This course will focus on a wide range of uses for Google™ Earth in the classroom.
Ready to “go green”? You can have a paperless classroom through the use of Discovery Education and Google™! Engage your students in 21st century learning by having your students collaborate online with documents connected to Discovery Education content and your curriculum, demonstrate understanding through making presentations, and analyze real time data. Differentiation can take place by assigning self graded examinations through Google™ Documents (Docs). Put all the elements in place for a custom search engine, designed by you where only the websites you choose will be searchable. Take a look at real K-12 instructional examples designed by Google™ Certified Teachers. Learn about a variety of other tools that Google™ has to offer and their potential in education. Challenge your students to create, collaborate and demonstrate understanding of your curriculum inside Google™ Groups. Design and maintain a free website where your students and parents can find information 24/7.
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • Lab setting with one computer for each participant • Presentation station with computer for presenter • Internet access
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses • Integrating Google™ Earth Into the Classroom
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Explore the art of online communication through Google™ Docs. • Create a Google™ site to use with your school, students and parents. • Create a Google™ Calendar. • Have a working knowledge of the basics of various Educational Google™ Tools in the K-12 environment. • Use educational Google™ Programs to enhance student learning.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to Google™ Docs Create and collaborate with a Google™ Document Introduction to Google™ Calendar Creating a Google™ Calendar Introduction to Customized Google™ Search Introduction to Google™ Site Introduction to Google™ Groups Pair/Share: Compare/Contrast Google™ Site and Groups Explore class projects using Google™ Applications Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Technology Integration
Integrating Google™ Applications Into the Classroom
Multimedia Presentations
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Required Software: MS PowerPoint (2003, 2007) or Keynote
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Understand why media impacts the brain and learning. • Examine sample multimedia presentations created by teachers from across the globe. • Understand how non-linguistic representations and advanced organizers are dynamic instructional strategies that impact learning. • Combine text, images, audio, and video to create multimedia presentations that match their current curriculum. • Observe a sample model lesson.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • •
Students and multimedia presentations Multimedia sample projects Model lesson Demonstration Kit Hands on time for creation of presentations Group sharing Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
Technology Integration
In this course, participants will learn how to transform traditional, two-dimensional presentations into multi-dimensional interactive experiences that facilitate engagement and achievement. Discovery Education Professional Development master teachers will demonstrate and teach the ways to create dynamic and educational multimedia lessons that support existing lessons and curriculum needs. This course focuses on the use of PowerPoint or Keynote as foundations for planning curricular lessons that are embedded with Discovery Education media assets such as images, songs, and video segments. Participants in the course will be given guided time to create their own lesson plans with embedded resources and assessments. Upon completion of this workshop, educators will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to spark and engage students’ learning through the use of interactive presentations.
Digital Storytelling
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Software requirements: PhotoStory, Movie Maker, and/or iMovie, GarageBand (free downloads)
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Explore the art of digital storytelling by creating digital poetry, stories, reports or historical documentaries. • Combine text, images, audio, and video to create movies using free software such as PhotoStory, iMovie and Movie Maker. • Explore the literacy component of movie making through the use of storyboards, script writing, and recording narration. • Examine how making movies can deepen understanding of curricular content, including social studies and science and more.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • •
Students and digital storytelling Examples of digital stories made with PhotoStory Introduction to PhotoStory Creating a story using PhotoStory Hands on time to create a PhotoStory Introduction to Movie Maker or iMovie Creating a story using Movie Maker or iMovie Hands on time to create a story with Movie Maker Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
Technology Integration
This course begins with a rationale for engaging the mind through narrative in any form and sets the groundwork for using digital narratives as learning experiences for your students. Participants will see how a digital story is pieced together using videos, images, and sounds to create a story that is crafted to be both engaging and informative. Using several examples as a springboard, Discovery Education Professional Development master teachers will demonstrate each step of the process from storyboarding to resource selection to the use of available technology to pull the pieces together into a coherent product. Participants will be given time to create their own digital stories to use in their classrooms as instructional tools and examples. This course is designed not only to teach participants how to create a digital story, but to show them how to guide their students through the process as well. This course will allow you to explore free tools for your computer, such as PhotoStory and Movie Maker (PC) or iMovie and Garage Band (Mac).
This course uses digital content to bring interactive presentation tools to life. Whatever technology your school or district uses, Discovery Education Professional Development master teachers will help your staff get the most out of each piece of equipment. The course uses Discovery Education digital content to show teachers and coaches how to create dynamic presentations that take advantage of all the technological tools embedded in interactive whiteboards and projectors. From highlighting to spotlighting to interactive assessments on the board, this course demonstrates the basics and the enhanced strategies to get the most from your equipment. Once participants have an understanding of the tools within the technology, they will learn how to download, edit, and include digital content within the parameters of the hardware and software available.
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with standard classroom technology tools (i.e. SMART, Promethean, Mimeo, etc.) One computer for each participant Internet access Presentation station with computer for presenter
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Use the software tools embedded in their technological equipment. • Manipulate content right in the interactive board/projector. • Incorporate digital content with the interactive board/projector for dynamic lessons and presentations. • Create truly interactive formative assessments that include purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • •
Introduction to the interactive presentation tool Basic navigation within the tool Tips, tricks, and shortcuts Organizing a presentation Integrating digital content into interactive presentations Creating an interactive presentation Creating an interactive assessment Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
Technology Integration
Interactive Presentation Tools and Digital Content
Engaging students with exciting digital content is possible with virtually any classroom set up. This course will show educators how to incorporate video, images, even sounds and songs into lessons that are designed to be delivered in a classroom that has very limited technology and, potentially, no interactive tools. Using the same pedagogical research and reasoning that serve as a basis for developing lessons for the classroom with interactive technology, participants in this course will learn how to integrate digital content into solid lessons and adjust the delivery to match the capabilities in their classrooms. Discovery Education Professional Development master teachers will address alternative solutions in one-computer classrooms, no computer classrooms, LCD projector classrooms, even classroom with just an overhead projector! Develop multimedia presentations and materials then find ways to present them that maintain their interactivity. Don’t let your classroom technology hamper your creativity – bring your lessons to life in a low-tech environment.
• Teachers • Facilitators • Instructional Coaches
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • •
Lab setting with standard classroom technology tools (i.e. overhead projector, teacher computer, and/or LCD projector, etc.) One computer for each participant Internet access Presentation station with computer for presenter
Prerequisites None Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Manipulate the technology tools available in their classrooms for a variety of purposes. • Incorporate digital content into lesson plans in a way that preserves interactivity on available equipment. • Create truly interactive formative assessments that include purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • •
Getting to know the available technology Basics of integrating digital content to support pedagogy Organizing a presentation for limited technology Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts Integrating digital content into interactive presentations Creating an interactive presentation that works Creating an interactive assessment that works Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
Technology Integration
Integrating Digital Content without Interactive Tools
Curriculum Alignment to Digital Content
Using these services allows your educators to find resources that have been aligned to your state standards, vetted, and arranged for ease of identification and use.
Audience • • • •
Teachers Facilitators Instructional Coaches Curriculum Directors
6 hours
Maximum Participants
System Requirements Lab setting with one computer for each participant Presentation station with computer for presenter Internet access Login and pass code for Discovery Education streaming Canada for each participant
Prerequisites • Utilization of Discovery Education’s Curriculum Alignment Services
Recommended Companion Courses • Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Search for content in Discovery Education streaming Canada using a variety of search methods. • Identify, access, and store digital content for use in planning and classroom activities. • Determine whether to stream or download content, based on desired usage. • Create a standards aligned lesson that includes purposefully integrated digital content.
Sample Agenda • • • • • • • • • • • •
Introduction to Discovery Education sign in page Introduction to Discovery Education streaming Canada How to search Types of media Storing and downloading Digital Treasure Hunt Streaming and downloading Hands-on work time Integration ideas Creating lesson plans Hands-on work time Debrief and evaluations
Detailed Course Description
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Curriculum Instruction & Integration
During Discovery Education’s curriculum alignment session, participants will learn how to use the extensive library of Discovery Education assets, including video, audio, images, articles, songs, and more, to link specific benchmarks to discrete resources that have been aligned to your district’s curriculum through the Discovery Education Curriculum Alignment Services.
Model Lesson Demonstration
Audience • • • •
Teachers Facilitators Instructional Coaches Building Principles
Length • V aries by classroom structure and district plan; includes pre-lesson meetings, model lesson demonstrations, and post-lesson debrief sessions.
Maximum Participants System Requirements • Presentation station with computer for presenter
Prerequisites • Integrating Discovery Education streaming Canada
Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Articulate the strategies used to integrate digital content in the model lesson. • Replicate the structure and strategies used in the model lesson. • Manipulate the technology to support purposeful use of digital content in the classroom. • Plan for and assess lessons for successful integration of digital content.
Sample Agenda • Pre-Lesson Meeting with Teachers and Coaches (1/2 day) • Model Lesson Demonstrations (class periods) • Post-Lesson Debrief Session with Teachers and Coaches (1/2 day)
Detailed Course Description
• Varies by classroom structure and district plan
Curriculum Instruction & Integration
During a Model Lesson Demonstration a Discovery Education Professional Development master teacher models a research-based lesson for a cadre of teachers in the classroom environment. Educators observe the instructor use a Discovery Education service such as streaming Canada and or Science coupled with other technologies such as interactive whiteboards, PowerPoint or Keynote multimedia presentations, Web 2.0 applications, moviemaking software, etc. Teacher(s) and designated facilitators observe the lesson demonstration using an observation tool created by Discovery Education. Model Lesson Demonstrations include planning, execution, and reflection phases.
Students in the 21st century come to our classrooms with a myriad of background knowledge and experiences. As educators, how can we best meet the needs of ALL our students, ensuring they are receiving a high quality education to prepare them for future success? Our students deserve a differentiated approach that utilizes research-based strategies. During this two day academy, educators will learn to plan instruction using an RTI approach. Participants will determine essential standards at their grade level, learn effective strategies to teach the essential standards, understand the importance of monitoring student progress to ensure student learning, and adjust student instruction based on formative assessments. They will have the opportunity to develop a model lessons for Tier 1 and Tier 2. Meaningful integration of Discovery Education media will be emphasized as a way to enhance literacy instruction.
Audience Teachers Facilitators Instructional Coaches Reading Specialists
2 Days – 6 hours each
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Internet access Presentation station with computer for presenter Chart tablets, markers, and easels Appropriate teachers’ guides to facilitate planning Copies of State Standards for the represented curricular areas OPTIONAL: Microphones
Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Define RTI and understand the 3 Tier System in relation to the students in their classroom. • Determine essential standards: What is crucial to teach? • Utilize the RTI approach to develop lessons using the state standards at Tier 1 and Tier 2. • Design lessons that incorporate Robert Marzano’s effective teaching strategies and Discovery Education media in order to enhance and differentiate instruction for students at all levels. • Understand the importance of progress monitoring in order to provide targeted interventions and facilitate fluid grouping. • Share model lessons in a collaborative effort during RTI Lesson Showcase.
Detailed Course Description
• • • •
Curriculum Instruction & Integration
Differentiating Instruction and Using the Response to Intervention (RTI) System to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Students – Two (2) Day Course
Sample Agenda
Detailed Course Description
DAY 2 • Introduction to multi-tiered instruction and interventions • Research validated interventions to meet individual learner needs • Teacher Reflection: How do you monitor student progress for students with the most intensive needs? • Model lessons • Review of select Discovery Education streaming Canada resources and search engines (Key Word Search) • Hands On: Cognitive planning for differentiated lessons • RTI lesson showcase and group sharing • Debrief and evaluation
Curriculum Instruction & Integration
DAY 1 • Introduction to RTI and its relationship to differentiated instruction • How does the RTI pyramid relate to your students? • Teacher Reflection: What makes a successful lesson and how do you determine it was a success? • Hands On: Digging into the standards…What is MOST IMPORTANT? • Review of select Discovery Education streaming Canada resources and search engines (curriculum standards search and subject area drill down) • Hands On: Teacher exploration and collection of resources based on essential standards • Group sharing • Debrief and evaluation
Students in the 21st century come to our classrooms with a myriad of background knowledge and experiences. As educators, how can we best meet the needs of ALL our students, ensuring that they are receiving a high quality education that will prepare them for future success? Our students deserve a differentiated approach that utilizes research-based strategies. During this four day academy, educators will learn to plan instruction using an RTI approach. Participants will determine essential standards at their grade level, learn effective strategies to teach the essential standards, understand the importance of monitoring student progress to ensure student learning, and adjust student instruction based on formative assessments. They will have the opportunity to reflect upon previous lessons and learn how to design and implement research-validated interventions based on individual student needs. Meaningful integration of Discovery Education media will be emphasized as a way to enhance literacy instruction.
Audience Teachers Facilitators Instructional Coaches Reading Specialists
4 Days
Maximum Participants
System Requirements • • • • • • •
Lab setting with one computer for each participant Internet access Presentation station with computer for presenter Chart tablets, markers, and easels Appropriate teachers’ guides to facilitate planning Copies of State Standards for the represented curricular areas OPTIONAL: Microphones
Recommended Companion Courses
Learning Outcomes By the completion of this session participants will be able to: • Define RTI and understand the 3 Tier System in relation to the students in their classroom. • Determine essential standards: What is crucial to teach? • Utilize the RTI approach to develop lessons using the state standards at Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. • Design lessons that incorporate Robert Marzano’s effective teaching strategies and Discovery Education media in order to enhance and differentiate instruction for students at all levels. • Determine effectiveness of instruction based on formative assessments. • Understand the importance of progress monitoring in order to provide targeted interventions and facilitate fluid grouping. • Share model lessons using the 3 tier approach in a collaborative effort during RTI Lesson Showcase. • Share model lessons in a collaborative effort during RTI Lesson Showcase.
Detailed Course Description
• • • •
Curriculum Instruction & Integration
Differentiating Instruction and Using the Response to Intervention (RTI) System to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Students – Four (4) Day Course
Sample Agenda
DAY 2 • Introduction to Tier 1 • Teacher Reflection: Digging into the core curriculum • Core curriculum with differentiation • Model lessons • Review of select Discovery Education streaming Canada resources and search engines (subject area drill down) • Hands On: Cognitive planning of differentiated lesson(s) using the core curriculum • Group sharing • Debrief and evaluation
DAY 4 • Introduction to Tier 3 • Teacher Reflection: How do you monitor student progress for students with the most intensive needs? • Options for formative assessment • Intensive interventions and comprehensive evaluation • Model lessons • Hands On: Designing lessons for intensive learners • RTI lesson showcase • Debrief and evaluation
Detailed Course Description
DAY 3 • Introduction to Tier 2 • Teacher Reflection: Identifying standards that have historically been difficult for some students • Research validated interventions to meet individual learner needs • Model lessons • Review of select Discovery Education streaming Canada resources and search engines (key word search) • Hands On: Designing lessons for strategic learners using supplemental materials • Group sharing • Debrief and evaluation
Curriculum Instruction & Integration
DAY 1 • Introduction to RTI and DI • How does the RTI pyramid relate to your students? • Teacher Reflection: What makes a successful lesson and how do you determine it was a success? • Hands On: Digging into the standards…What is MOST IMPORTANT? • Review of select Discovery Education streaming Canada resources and search engines (curriculum standards search) • Hands On: Teacher exploration and collection of resources based on essential standards • Group sharing Debrief and evaluation