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Drew Chicone's Salty Fly Tying Chronicle. Salty Fly Tying Chronicle. January 2013. Happy New Year! In This Issue: "Blindingly Bright Bead Chain Eyes".
Drew Chicone's Salty Fly Tying Chronicle

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January 2013

Happy New Year! In This Issue: "Blindingly Bright Bead Chain Eyes" Highlighting Hareline Dubbin's Fluorescent Bead Chain, featured on Cordell Baum Jr.'s Electric Dread fly.

Feather Brain Pre Order Recently I partnered

"Essential Permit Patterns"

with Stackpole Books

My Latest 100 page ultra-hi resolution eBook. Step-by-Step instruction for 5 crab flies that must be in your box for chasing

to publish my latest

Permit a.k.a the “Black Fin Devils" on fly.

How to Design Better

work Feather Brain Saltwater Flies. If you

"Da' Redfish Wabbit" Louisiana Native and Clutch Fly Rod Pro Staff Member Ron Ratliff's Go-To Redfish Pattern.

Welcome to Salty Fly Tying Chronicle. My goal is to spread the word about new or unique materials, techniques and patterns

are interested in a signed copy of Feather

Brain, Click Here and I will email you as soon as it becomes available.

that I come across each month. Thanks for reading, and as always, let me know what you think. Tell Drew

Drew Blindingly Bright Bead Chain Eyes

SFT Blog Saltwater Fly Tying Tips, Tricks, Tutorials & More... Check Out the Salty Fly Tying Blog by Click Here

Miami Resident and notorious flats assassin Cordell Baum Jr. first turned me on to these flamboyantly colored fish beacons with his Electric Dread fly.

Logo Gear Shirts, Hats, Decal's, Travel Mug's you name it! For more colors, styles & options check out the Salty Fly Tying Online Store

A perfect example of a saltwater attractor pattern, his deadly fly

utilizes Hareline Dubbin's Fluorescent Bead Chain, along with several other radioactive looking materials you won't find at your neighborhood hardware store. The Electric Dread entices species from Permit to Peacock Bass. Give these brilliantly colored bead chain eyes a try on your favorite bonefish or redfish pattern.

Essential Permit Patterns

If you have ever tried to catch a permit on fly you are acutely aware that the deck is stacked against you. The notorious crustacean crunchers are nefariously critical of any crab-like offering and this is one of the reasons there are thousands of crab fly patterns existing today. In an effort to narrow the search and increase your success rate, here are step-by-step tying instructions for the Kung Fu Crab, Rag Head Crab, Inverted Merkin Crab, Bottle Cap Crab, and the McCrab. These 5 flies must be in your box for chasing the “Black Fin Devils”- 100 page downloadable pdf. illustrated with ultra-hi resolution images. Here are a few pages for a sneak preview. Download your copy today at $14.99

Da' Redfish Wabbit

Louisiana Native and Clutch Fly Rod Pro Staff Member Ron Ratliff grew up in the costal marshes of Terrebone Parrish and has over 30 years of experience chasing down redfish, black drum and sheepshead. One of his favorite impressionistic creations for convincing these persnickety eaters is called "Da'

Redfish Wabbit." This persuasive pattern does a tremendous job of being mistaken for a shrimp, wounded minnow, crab or any number of bottom dwelling critters. Its hook-up design allows this versatile pattern be stripped like a streamer or dragged slowly across the bottom as if it were crawling. Da' Redfish Wabbit catches crustacean crunchers on grass beds, mud flats, oyster bars, and most any other shallow water environment you can name!

Materials Hook: #2 Mustad O' Shaughnessy 34007 Thread: 210 Ultra, Fire Orange Tail: Magnum Zonker Strip, Tan Eyes: 1/30oz Pseudo, Yellow Body: Magnum Zonker Strip, Tan Legs: Silli Legs, Pumpkin Seed Wing: Devil N' Blends, Bunker Back Misc.: 20lb Mono Adhesive: Clear Cure Goo Hydro Step 1: Start your thread at the point of the hook and attach a loop of 20 lb. mono at the bend of the hook. The loop should extend about 1/4" past the bend. Secure with a series of tight wraps.

Step 2: On top of the mono loop, tie in an inverted 2" magnum zonker strip. The leather strip should be facing up.

Step 3: Directly in front of the inverted Zonker tail, tie in a 4-5" piece of cross cut rabbit zonker in the matching color. Advance your thread forward until it is roughly 1/4" from the eye of the hook. Attach the dumbbell eye with a series of figure eight wraps.

Step 4: Palmer the Cross Cut Zonker Strip forward, being carful not to trap any of the fur with consecutive wraps. Once you reach the dumbbell eyes, secure the strip in place with several tight wraps and cut away any excess.

Step 5: Directly behind the dumbbell eyes, tie in 3 pairs of Silli legs at their middles.

Step 6: Turn the fly over in the vice, and advance your thread in front of the dumbbell eyes. Being careful not to crown the eye of the hook, tie in a matchstick-sized gather of Devil Blends like a wing. Whip finish and cut away the thread. Finish the fly by covering the head with a thin coat of Clear Cure Goo Hydro.

Thanks again for sharing, Ron!

Until next time, keep your wraps tight & your feathers straight!

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