White Crane Clinic Client Rights. 1. Each client has the right to be treated as an
individual and to be evaluated according to her/his individual needs. 2.
White Crane Clinic Client Rights 1. Each client has the right to be treated as an individual and to be evaluated according to her/his individual needs. 2. Each client has the right to participate in her/his treatment planning. 3. Each client has the right to considerate, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances, with recognition of her/his personal dignity. 4. Each client has the right to expect treatment by competent, qualified staff. 5. Each client has the right to expect that all records pertaining to her/his care will be kept confidential. Confidential records will only be released with written consent for the patient, the patient’s legal representative or legal guardian. The limits of confidentiality are: To medical personnel in a health emergency. To service provider personnel, if such personnel need to know the information to carry out their duties. Based on a good cause court order. Federal law and regulations do not protect any information about crimes committed by a client either at the White Crane Clinic or against any person who works for the White Crane Clinic or about any threats to commit such a crime. Federal laws and regulations do not protect any information about suspected child abuse or neglect from being reported under state law to appropriate state or local authorities. Provisions of the Patriot Act. 6. Each client is entitled to treatment in an environment that is physically safe. 7. Each client will receive orientation to the White Crane Clinic protocols and client responsibilities. 8. Each client will receive individualized discharge/after-care planning designed to contribute to and enhance the client’s continued well-being upon conclusion of services at the White Crane Clinic. 9. Each client has the right to know the identity and professional status of individuals providing service to her/him. 10. No client will be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, age, creed, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or handicap. 11. Each client is entitled to know the cost of her/his treatment regardless of the source of payment. 12. The staff of the White Crane Clinic is fully committed to providing humane, ethical, and quality treatment with empathy, respect, and genuine care. However, should a client wish to report abuse at any time she/he may notify the following: a staff member, the Business Manager, or the Florida Abuse Registry 1-800-962-2873. My signature below acknowledges that I have read and understood these client rights. I have received a copy of these rights as part of my new patient folder.
_______________________________________________________________________________ Client Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________________ Guardian Signature Date ____________________________________________________________________________________ Witness Signature Date