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English 9. Texts: Vocabulary Workshop D. (Sadlier-Oxford); Grammar &. Composition III (A Beka ... Students study facts from about the early explorers to the.
Covenant Christian Academy High School Curriculum Overview Bible





Spanish, Music, Art, PE

Church History

English 9

Algebra I

Physical Science

World History

Spanish 1

Text: The Church in History

Texts: Vocabulary Workshop D

by B.K. Kuiper (Christian Schools International)

(Sadlier-Oxford); Grammar & Composition III (A Beka Book, Inc.); Language & Literacy 9 (Prentice Hall)

Text: Algebra I (Saxon Publishers)

Text: Science of the Physical Creation (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: World History & Cultures (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: Realidades 1 (Pearson)

Focus is on mastery of basic algebra concepts and problem solving skills needed for higher courses. Application problems, geometry, trigonometry, and vectors are introduced.

This is a study of matter: its structure, chemistry, motion and energy. Also studied is the energy of several types of waves, and technology.

A course that begins with Genesis and follows history through to the present. The focus is on Western, Judeo-Christian heritage, but students also survey Asian, African, and Latin-American cultures.

Students develop skills in conversation, writing, and Spanish vocabulary.

Students learn about the history of the church after the Apostles up until the Reformation. Scripture memory

Course includes emphases in grammar, creative and research writing, vocabulary, literature, and oral communication.

New Testament

English 10

Algebra II


United States History

Spanish 2

Text: Hope of the World by Rachelle Wiersma (CSI)

Texts: Vocabulary Workshop E (Sadlier-Oxford); Grammar & Composition IV (A Beka Book, Inc.); Language & Literacy 10 (Prentice Hall)

Text: Algebra II (Saxon Publishers)

Text: Biology: God’s Living Creation (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: US History: Heritage of Freedom (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: Realidades 2 (Pearson)

Prepares students for calculus. Reinforces trigonometry concepts and provides practice with statistics.

This is a college preparatory course with discussions about biological evolution, physiology, ecology, and genetics. Lab dissections and reports are an integral part of the course.

A more intensive study of the United States. Students study facts from about the early explorers to the 1960’s. Considerable attention is given to the War of Independence and the War Between the States.

Students continue to master skills in conversation, reading and writing in Spanish, and developing an extensive Spanish vocabulary.

Students will examine how God’s covenant unfolds through the ministry of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in the early church. Scripture memory

A world literature course that includes advanced grammar, composition, research, oral communication and vocabulary.

Christian Doctrine

American Literature



Government (One Semester)

Music Appreciation

Text: A Summary of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof (The Banner of Truth Trust)

Texts: Vocabulary Workshop F (Sadlier-Oxford), Elements of Writing by Strunk & White, The American Experience (Prentice Hall)

Text: Geometry (Saxon Publishers)

Text: Chemistry: Precision and Design (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: American Government (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: Appreciating Music (Bob Jones University Press)

This course includes instruction and practice in basic figures, deductive reasoning, lines and planes, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, trigonometry, tangents, arcs, area and volume, coordinate geometry, and transformations.

The curriculum includes the major themes of physical science: matter and energy. States and forms of matter are investigated through problem solving, laboratory experiments and discussions.

A study of the phases, levels, and branches of American government.

Students explore the sounds, forms, and rich history of music.

A comprehensive study of the basic beliefs commonly held by believers regarding God, man, the work of Jesus Christ, and the church. Scripture memory

An American literature course that includes advanced composition, research, oral communication and vocabulary.

British Literature Texts: Elements of Writing by Strunk & White, Vocabulary Workshop G (Sadlier-Oxford), The British Tradition (Prentice Hall)

Explores federalism, state and local government, and the opportunities and responsibilities of American citizens in the political system.

Advanced Math Text: Advanced Math (Saxon Publishers)

A study of British literature with advanced composition, research, vocabulary, and oral communication.

Includes geometry, pre-calculus and trigonometry. Algebraic skills are refined, and word problems become more complex.


AP English*

AP Calculus (Elective)


Economics (One Semester)

Physical Ed./Health

Texts: Taking Every Thought Captive by Richard Pratt; Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by R.C. Sproul

Texts: Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense 7th Ed.; Vocabulary Workshop G (SadlierOxford); AP English Literature & Composition - 8th Ed.(D&S Marketing)

Text: AP Calculus (Prentice Hall)

Text: Physics: the Foundational Science (A Beka Book, Inc.)

Text: Economics: Work & Prosperity (A Beka Book, Inc.)

This course includes traditional physics topics of classical mechanics, as well as energy, matter, thermodynamics, electromagnetics, optics, and modern physics.

Text: Health for Christian Schools (Bob Jones University Press)

Emphasizes free enterprise capitalism in a free market economy. Biblical views of work, wealth, and stewardship teach proper economic roles of individuals, producers, consumers, and the government.

Students learn the basic needs of the human body as well as physical, emotional, spiritual and social self-care.

A course that equips students to defend the Christian faith and analyze false religions.

An advanced English class with an emphasis in analyzing literature and summarizing selections in essay format. AP test taken in early May. *Course may be taken in the senior year in lieu of a literature course.

This course includes trigonometry, derivatives, integrals, and series. AP test taken in early May.

Updated June 25, 2013