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An Imprint of Jones & Bartlett Learning
2014 Medical Reference Catalog “It’s not how much you know, it’s how quickly you can find the answer.”®
“This is one of the classics that many clinicians have learned to rely on over the years…Because medicine transitions so quickly, the yearly update is well worth purchasing to stay current. I recommend this wholeheartedly to everyone in medicine. I remain personally grateful to the editors and editorial board for their work; they have saved me innumerable hours.” —Vincent F Carr, DO, MSA, FACC, FACP Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Doody’s Book Review - 100 -
2014 Medical Reference Catalog
Welcome It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by and the 2014 Pharmacopoeias have published! We’re proud to report that the series continues to receive accolades from customers and reviewers alike. In 2013, the Classic Pharmacopeia received another 5-Star review from Doody’s Book Review and the Internal Medicine book in our Clinical Review Series received its first 5-Star review this year. We have to admit, though, that our favorite reviews are the ones we regularly hear from physicians, nurses, PAs, students, etc. who call, write, or approach us at conferences to tell us that the Pharmacopoeias are among their most favorite resources. We learned early on that Tarascon customers aren’t shy with their opinions and 2013 was no exception. We were happy to hear that the addition of color to the Classic and Deluxe versions made finding information within a drug entry easier, and we’re utilizing the use of color again in the 2014 Classic and Deluxe versions. At the request of a number of our customers, we’ve added red tabs to make navigating to particular sections faster. Let us know what you think! Also, we heard you loud and clear when you told us that the font size in the Deluxe version was getting too small, so it has been increased for 2014. We hope these new features, plus the standard addition of new drugs and tables, will provide you with an even more useful and effective resource. In terms of our digital products, the Pharmacopeia mobile apps continue to receive rave reviews in the app stores. We’re currently working on an update to the functionality and design of the apps and will release an iOS 7 update very soon. Stay tuned for new features, updates, and brand new apps within the Tarascon suite of products coming in 2014. Please keep your invaluable comments, suggestions, and questions coming. The feedback we receive from our customers throughout the year truly influences and shapes the Tarascon series. You can reach me directly at
[email protected]. You can also stay current on what we’re doing by subscribing to our newsletter, The Monthly Dose, or visiting us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or online at Wishing all of our customers a healthy, safe, and prosperous year. Thanks for a great 2013. Nancy Anastasi Duffy
Executive Editor, Tarascon
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Table of Contents Pharmacopoeia
Emergency Medicine
Global Health
Hospital Medicine
Pediatrics 9 Primary Care
Students & Residents
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What Our Customers Are Saying… “The Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia is an outstanding and much-needed addition to my daily patient care. I purchased the larger Lab-Coat edition which affords the larger print, which I love. This book provides not only the medication information, its indications, any interactions, and correct dosing, but it just ‘feels’ like there’s so much more. To me, this is definitely a ‘must-have’ for any clinician.” —Roz
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Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia®
Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia®
Doody’s Book Review Editor in Chief: Richard J. Hamilton, MD, FAAEM, FACMT, FACEP ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02670-2 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
To learn more or order your copy today, scan this code or visit: pharmacopoeia/
The Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia® is the world’s leading portable drug reference and has been a popular and trusted source of portable drug information since 1987. Available in both print and digital formats, it is carried in essentially every medical bookstore in the United States, Canada, and around the world. Used by prescribers around the world, including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, physician assistants, and dentists, the Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia® 2014 Classic Shirt-Pocket Edition continues its tradition as a respected drug reference packed with vital drug information to help clinicians make better decisions at the point of care. The Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia® 2014 Classic Shirt-Pocket Edition details FDA approved drug dosing, available trade and generic formulations, metabolism, safety in pregnancy and lactation, relative drug pricing information, Canadian trade names, and an herbal & alternative therapies section. Multiple tables supplement the drug content, including opioid equivalency, emergency drug infusions, cardiac dysrhythmia protocols, pediatric drug dosing, and much more. As always, each edition of the Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia is meticulously peer-reviewed by experts and is now available in multiple print, mobile and online formats.
What Our Customers Are Saying… “It’s slim, easy to use, and the red text makes a huge difference in helping you find pertinent information quickly. I couldn’t imagine functioning in clinic without it.” —Tamir
Tarascon | 5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 |
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Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia® 2014 DELUXE LAB-COAT EDITION
Editor in Chief: Richard J. Hamilton, MD, FAAEM, FACMT, FACEP ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02684-9 • $29.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Doody’s Book Review
An expanded version of the Classic Shirt-Pocket Edition, containing more drugs, black box warnings, evidence-based off-label indications for adults and pediatric patients, and additional tables.
Tarascon Pharmacopoeia® MOBILE APP
The most complete and up-to-date resource in the Pharmacopoeia family of products. Your 12-month subscription includes weekly content updates, a drug-drug interaction tool, and medical calculators. Updated version for iOS 7 coming soon!
Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia® 2014 PROFESSIONAL DESK REFERENCE EDITION
Editor in Chief: Richard J. Hamilton, MD, FAAEM, FACMT, FACEP ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02671-9 • $39.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Doody’s Book Review
Contains all the same vital information as the Deluxe Lab-Coat Edition plus additional sections for warnings and adverse affects. Easier to read with a larger font, in a 7” × 10” reference size.
What Our Customers Are Saying… “I’m an ER physician, and see patients with the full spectrum of problems in every specialty. NO WAY can I keep all the drugs in my head. The Tarascon Pharmacopoeia is far and away the best and fastest medication reference I use…for dosage, forms available, pricing data.” —C.D.
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NEW Pharmacopoeia® Editions
Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia® 2014 DISEASE EDITION
Mark A. Davis, MD, MS ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8219-1 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Organized by Disease
Based on the Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2014 Classic Shirt Pocket Edition, the Disease Edition contains the same award-winning content, but is organized by disease. Each disease entry contains an in-depth breakdown, including a brief overview, disease epidemiology, type of disease, associated risk factors, and more.
Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia®
2014 SYMPTOMS & DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS EDITION Mark A. Davis, MD, MS ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8220-7 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Ideal for Students & Residents
Based on the Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2014 Classic Shirt Pocket Edition, the Symptoms & Differential Diagnosis Edition contains the same awardwinning content, but is organized by symptom. Each symptom contains an in-depth breakdown of signs, symptoms, differential diagnoses and more. This is the ideal reference for med students and residents!
What Our Customers Are Saying… “I’ve been picking up Tarascons every year for over a decade and I keep getting it as it has proved its usefulness time and again. I am a military physician and have used this as a general medical officer, during deployments, as an OB/GYN resident, and as a hospital staff….Nothing [beats] the functionality of the Tarascon for rapid lookups for use in clinical situations. Plus, as a pocket peripheral brain, its other huge advantage has been its portability. —Jackie “Tarascon is my go to guide for drug information, and I purchase a new one every fall when the new edition comes out. The Lab-Coat edition…includes recommended dosing, non-approved uses and doses, breast milk safety, cost, and excretion routes. Drugs are organized by system and class so if your patient can’t get a class due to insurance, the alternatives in that class are right there!” —John
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Emergency Medicine
Tarascon Adult Emergency Pocketbook FOURTH EDITION
Steven G. Rothrock, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6588-0 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2009
Meticulously referenced with expert commentary on current academic controversies within the field. Convenient reference sections include dysrhythmia protocols, emergency drug infusions, antibiotic therapy, rapidsequence intubation, toxicology, trauma care, burn care, and much more.
Tarascon Adult Emergency MOBILE APP
Tarascon Pediatric Emergency Pocketbook SIXTH EDITION
Steven G. Rothrock, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8053-1 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2011
Doody’s Book Review
For use at the bedside, the Sixth Edition of this meticulously referenced pocket guide outlines the diagnosis and management for almost all emergencies occurring in infants and children and includes expanded commentary regarding current controversies in the field.
Tarascon Emergency Department Quick Reference Guide D. Brady Pregerson, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8789-9 • $22.95* • Paperback • © 2012
All the practical information you need when working in the emergency department. Features a one-page emergency medical dictionary in 17 foreign languages as well as sections on physical exams, diagnostic tests, procedures, sedation, diagnoses, risk management, med-legal and billing. The perfect resource for medical students, interns, and residents.
Coming Soon!
Tarascon Emergency Department Quick Reference MOBILE APP
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Global Health
Tarascon Global Health Pocketbook Amit Chandra, MD, MSc, and Matthew Dacso, MD, MSc ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7889-7 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2011
A must-have resource for physicians, residents, or medical students traveling to developing countries and those with an interest in international health policy.
Tarascon Global Health MOBILE APP
Tarascon Medical Translation Pocketbook Ross I. Donaldson, MD, MPH, and Timothy Horeczko, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6680-1 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2010
This current, quick, and concise reference translates the most common phrases used in patient interviews in 17 languages, including Arabic, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.
What Our Customers Are Saying… “I’m an ER nurse and find this book extremely helpful in my hospital where many languages are spoken and I can’t learn all of them. This is a must-keep in every medical professional’s pocket. The phrases are relevant and the breadth of languages is vast. I use it on a daily basis and have purchased several as gifts, especially for my colleagues.” —Julie
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Tarascon | 5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 |
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Hospital Medicine
Tarascon Hospital Medicine Pocketbook Joseph S. Esherick, MD, FAAFP ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7371-7 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2010
The perfect reference for anyone working in internal medicine and critical care. Provides hospitalists and inpatient clinicians with critical information about the evaluation and management of every common medical disorder encountered in the hospital including the most common conditions encountered in the ICU.
Tarascon Hospital Medicine MOBILE APP
Tarascon Medical Procedures Pocketbook Joseph S. Esherick, MD, FAAFP ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-2648-8 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2012
Doody’s Book Review
Containing over 200 tables and figures that depict the proper technique used for performing each procedure, this pocket reference is the perfect resource for the indications, contraindications, necessary equipment, stepby-step technique, fluid analysis, complications, and coding for the 45 most commonly performed medical procedures.
Tarascon Medical Procedures MOBILE APP
$ Features Interactive Videos!
Sign up to receive the Tarascon Monthly Dose Today! Written specifically with Tarascon customers in mind, the Tarascon Monthly Dose will provide you with new drug information, tips and tricks, updates on our print, mobile and online products as well as some extra topics that are interesting and entertaining. Simply subscribe today at:
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Tarascon Pediatric Inpatient Pocketbook Stephanie D’Augustine, MD and Todd Flosi, MD ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3638-8 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2015
Written by two Stanford-trained pediatricians, the Tarascon Pediatric Inpatient Pocketbook contains the most up-to-date pediatric practice guidelines, the latest study findings, medication tables, conversions and formulas, as well as differential diagnoses and algorithmic workup ideas for treatment of pediatric patients in a hospital setting.
Tarascon Pediatric Outpatient Pocketbook SECOND EDITION
Stephanie D’Augustine, MD and Todd Flosi, MD ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3640-1 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2013
Covering newborns through adolescents, this completely revised and updated pocketbook puts the most important but hardest-to-remember facts, treatment options, prognoses, and other critical information at your fingertips.
Tarascon Pediatric Psychiatrica Josiane Cobert, MD, FACFE ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7640-4 • $24.95* • Paperback • © 2013
This must-have clinical resource includes vital information on infant, child, and adolescent disorder classification and treatment, epidemiology and biostatistics, human development, diagnostic evaluation, psychopharmacology, management of psychiatric medical emergencies and more.
Tarascon Pediatric Emergency Pocketbook SIXTH EDITION
Steven G. Rothrock, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8053-1 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2011
Doody’s Book Review
This updated edition features many new or upgraded guidelines that cover anaphylaxis, hereditary angioedema, head trauma, diabetic ketoacidosis, colic, endocarditis prophylaxis, jaundice, bleeding disorders, oncologic emergencies, hypertension, HIV exposure, and febrile and non-febrile seizures.
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Primary Care
Tarascon Primary Care Pocketbook FOURTH EDITION
Spring 2014
Joseph S. Esherick, MD, FAAFP ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6575-3 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2015
The Tarascon Primary Care Pocketbook, Fourth Edition is packed with essential lists, figures, and tables concisely covering the full spectrum of primary care medicine, providing instant reminders of hard-to-remember yet vitally important clinical facts for the primary care physician.
Tarascon Primary Care MOBILE APP
Tarascon OB/Gyn Pocketbook Tamara L. Callahan, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8425-6 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2015
The Tarascon OB/Gyn Pocketbook is a comprehensive, evidenced-based resource that provides vital information for the care of women in the office, operating room and the labor and delivery suite. Apart from routine obstetrics and gynecology care, the information found in this pocket-sized reference has been distilled down to include pertinent material from the major sub-specialties including: maternal-fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology, urogynecology, and gynecologic oncology.
Tarascon Palliative Medicine Pocketbook Bates D. Moses, MD ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3421-6 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Tarascon Palliative Medicine Pocketbook is the only shirt-pocket sized, quick
reference guide for having those difficult conversations with patients and family members who require palliative and hospice care. Practitioners will find helpful ideas as well as guidance on managing difficult-to-control symptoms whether practicing in a busy clinic, making home visits or managing the hospitalized patient.
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Primary Care
Tarascon Pocket Cardiologica Timothy W. Smith, DPhil, MD, FACC, FHRS ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1516-1 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2013
This handy reference details a wide variety of cardiac topics, including ECG monitoring, cardiac imaging, coronary artery disease, pericardial disorders, pacemaker therapy, electrophysiology and much more.
Tarascon ECG Pocketbook Timothy W. Smith, DPhil, MD, FACC, FHRS ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9968-7 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2013
Beginning with principles of electrocardiography, this must-have portable reference guide continues with an algorithm for ECG reading as well as a discussion of multiple potential findings, providing numerous examples and diagrams.
Tarascon Clinical Neurology Pocketbook MG Gephart Hayden, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6681-8 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2013
This concise, organized pocket guide is packed with essential lists, figures, and tables covering the diagnosis and treatment of common neurological disorders.
Tarascon Pocket Ophthalmologica Randall L. Goodman, MD, FACS, Won I. Kim, MD, and Ronald D. Allen, DO ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8662-5 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2013
The first book of its kind—a quick reference guide for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, written specifically for health care providers without extensive ophthalmic training. This is a great pocket-sized resource for primary care and emergency medicine physicians, nurses, physician assistants and students.
Tarascon | 5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 |
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Primary Care
Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook Marc Laufgraben, MD ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4856-5 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook is a convenient reference guide
that provides a comprehensive review of major endocrine topics along with a succinct presentation of physiology, pathophysiology, and diagnostic and management strategies in endocrinology.
Tarascon Pocket Urologica Pamela Ellsworth, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9191-9 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2011
The Tarascon Pocket Urologica provides urologists and primary care physicians with the most convenient and comprehensive pocket reference available today. This quick guide provides essential facts and treatment options for common urologic diseases.
Tarascon Pocket Rheumatologica FOURTH EDITION
Andrew E. Thompson, MD ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7006-8 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2010
Tarascon Rheumatologica MOBILE APP
Tarascon Pocket Oncologica Mark A. Marinella, MD, FACP, CNSP ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9315-9 $19.95* • Paperback • © 2012
Tarascon Sports Medicine Pocketbook Brent S.E. Rich, MD, CAQ, SM, and Mitchell K. Pratte, DO, CAQ, SM ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6679-5 $19.95* • Paperback • © 2010
Tarascon Adult Psychiatrica Josiane Cobert, MD, FACFE ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7639-8 $24.95* • Paperback • © 2012
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Tarascon Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Pocketbook James A. Chambers, MD, MPH ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3636-4 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
The first pocket-sized reference of its kind, the Tarascon Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Pocketbook provides a concise, up-to-date snapshot into the key areas of both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. Organized by anatomic region, this must-have guide includes management of traumatic, congenital, malignant, infectious and degenerative conditions divided into the following areas: Craniofacial, Upper extremity, Breast, Torso, Lower extremity reconstruction.
Tarascon Neurosurgery Pocketbook MG Gephart Hayden, MD ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1554-3 • $19.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Concise, organized pocket guide is packed with essential lists, figures, and tables covering neurosurgery topics including brain tumors, and a comprehensive section on neuropharmacology.
Tarascon General Surgery Pocketbook James A. Chambers, MD, MPH ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-2862-8 • $24.95* • Paperback • © 2013
Chapters in this surgical reference are divided by anatomic and physiologic topics, including a section for managing surgical ward problems while on call and step-by-step outlines of the most common general and vascular surgery operations and exposures.
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Students & Residents
Tarascon Clinical Review Series: Internal Medicine Joseph S. Esherick, MD, FAAFP ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3642-5 • $24.95* • Paperback • © 2014
Doody’s Book Review
Ideal for medical students or resident physicians, this evidence-based, pointof-care reference provides critical information about the evaluation and management of every common medical disorder encountered in the hospital, including the most common conditions encountered in the ICU.
Tarascon Clinical Review Series: General Surgery James A. Chambers, MD, MPH ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3634-0 • $24.95* • Paperback • © 2013
Organized, portable reference guide providing appropriately referenced basic science with clinical pearls to help with ABSITE exam preparation and more. Chapters cover tips for managing problems on call, such as life-support algorithm steps, an introduction to several of the most common general surgery operations, and much more.
Available As Electronic Editions! Did you know that many of your favorite Tarascon resources are available as Kindle, NOOK, and Google eBooks? Not only can you carry Tarascon references in your pocket, but you can carry them on your eReader as well. Search for Tarascon in the Kindle, NOOK and Google Play stores to see a list of available titles.
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