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Health & Wellness Eleventh Edition
Gordon Edlin, PhD University of California, Davis Eric Golanty, PhD, Las Positas College
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Health & Wellness, Eleventh Edition covers many facets of personal health, including physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental, and spiritual perspectives. Written in a personal and engaging style, this text encourages students to make the right health choices and gives them the tools and information they need to improve their health habits. The Eleventh Edition provides students with the skills they need to enhance their health and to develop a lifestyle that promotes lifelong wellness.
New and Key Features • NEW information on epigenetics and the biological roots of some mental illnesses • UPDATED information on MyPlate dietary recommendations • NEW coverage of obesogens or the chemicals that alter the body’s weight-regulating systems • ADDITIONAL information on vaccines and your health and the impact of controlling infectious diseases worldwide. • NEW data surrounding the health risks associated with different plastics used in the manufacture of water bottles.
For Students • Navigate Health & Wellness, a fully customizable curriculum solution for instructors and students, which includes ebook, learning activities, assessment, course management options, and reporting tools. Learn more at http://www.jblnavigate.com/. • The Navigate Companion Website includes a number of study aids and learning tools to helps students study more efficiently and effectively. Resources include: Practice Quizzes, Flashcards, Crossword Puzzles, and more.
For Instructors • PowerPoint Lecture Outlines • LMS-ready Test Bank • Instructor’s Manual • Instructor’s Media CD with PowerPoint Image and Table Bank ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8710-6 Paperback with Access Code • 776 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IM, MC, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, NV, SG Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Edlin11e
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Empowering Health Decisions Jerrold Greenberg, PhD University of Maryland
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! An innovative, student-focused introductory health text, Empowering Health Decisions focuses on encouraging college students to make healthy life decisions. Unlike any other health-based textbook on the market, Empowering Health Decisions utilizes an entirely new way of conceptualizing and organizing information by engaging students with specific content necessary to make healthy lifestyle decisions. Developed by a highly respected pioneer in the field, the text is an essential introduction to health for students in two- and four-year programs. Included with the textbook is access to an online Health Decision Portfolio, a resource for students to keep completed text-based assignments, exercises, and website material. Students can utilize the Health Decision Portfolio to organize self-tests and questionnaires included in the text. It encourages students to identify long-lasting, impactful choices that will have a positive effect on their health and well-being. Students who utilize Empowering Health Decisions will leave their health courses with lasting guidance, strong decision-making skills, and an increased ability to adopt healthful behaviors. • Individual chapter Learning Objectives, Chapter Summaries, and Internet Resources pertaining to the subject of each chapter. . • Special sections within each chapter focus on the Myths and Facts related to personal health
For Students • The Navigate Companion Website includes a number of study aids and learning tools to helps students study more efficiently and effectively. Resources include: Practice Quizzes, Flashcards, Crossword Puzzles, and more. • Student Study Guide in online ePDF format
Key Features include • A comprehensive, accessible presentation of staple theories of health behavior change • A discussion of how to apply theoretical approaches to real-life situations • A student-focused approach that eliminates extraneous and irrelevant information • A Health Decision Portfolio, which includes Health Check-Ups where students can track their interaction with course content, independent research, and strategies for maintaining a long-term healthy lifestyle
For Instructors • PowerPoint Lecture Outlines • LMS-ready Test Bank • Instructor’s Manual ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9040-3 • 450 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Empowering
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Health & Wellness GameScape Health & Wellness GameScape, powered by Toolwire, are “day-in-the-life” learning simulations that immerse students in photo-realistic settings with interactive video-characters and engaging storylines. In this GameScape, students must work to gather knowledge—all mapped to key course learning objectives—through exploration, research, and interviews. Creativity, quick thinking, and deductive reasoning play a key role in students’ ability to successfully analyze the situation, and a game-like point system will both measure performance and provide a sense of competition.
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Key Features • Interactive and immersive learning experience that requires strategy, innovative thinking, and experimentation • Combine the dynamic elements of gameplay with the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills learned in the course. • Games show-like scenario engages students while they make nutrition and health decisions for their virtual character team. • Students receive immediate feedback and helpful tips based on their health and wellness decisions and actions. • Uses content mapped to learning objectives • A game-like points system measures student performance • Short essay-like questions at the end of each episode urge students to discuss what they have learned.
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Essential Concepts for Healthy Living Sixth Edition
Sandra Alters, PhD Wendy Schiff, MS, RD
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Essential Concepts for Healthy Living, Sixth Edition provides students with a clear and concise introduction to the latest scientific and medical research in personal health. With its unique focus on critical thinking and analysis of health-related behaviors and attitudes, this thoroughly revised and updated text enhances students’ understanding of their own health needs and presents the scientific background necessary for students to think critically about the reliability of health-related information they encounter in the media.
New to this Edition • Upgraded and modernized interior layout • Information about genomics • The 2010 Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate • New information about Healthy People 2020 • Updated discussion of extended cycle oral contraceptives • Updated discussion of postmenopausal hormone therapy • New information on alcohol-related injury deaths in college students, and the rise in the incidence of stroke in young people • Updated discussion on targeted cancer therapies • New Analyzing Health-Related Information boxes: • Strategies to reduce college drinking • The link between tanning beds and an increased risk of melanoma • Trans-fat labeling • Gardasil (the HPV vaccine) and anal cancer
New sections on • Transgender populations • Anti-Drug Vaccines • Electronic Cigarettes • Celiac Disease • Consumer Health: CAM Products
Supplements Navigate Essential Concepts for Healthy Living, a fully customizable curriculum solution for instructors and students, which includes ebook, learning activities, assessment, course management options, and reporting tools. Learn more at http://www.jblnavigate.com/. The Instructor’s ToolKit CD-ROM includes Lecture Outlines, PowerPoint Presentations, Warm-Up Exercises, a Test Bank, and an Image Bank. Applying Concepts for Healthy Living: A Critical-Thinking Workbook is included at the back of the textbook. It contains two types of activities that address self-assessment and changing health habits. With the Navigate Companion Website students will have access to Practice Quizzes, Online Self-Assessments, Health and Wellness Videos, and more. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5193-0 • Paperback 698 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: IB, ITK, LO, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG Additional Formats: Coursesmart, Kno go.jblearning.com/healthyliving
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New Dimensions in Women’s Health Sixth Edition
Linda Lewis Alexander, PhD, FAAN QAIGEN Inc. Judith H. LaRosa, PhD, RN, FAAN, SUNY Downstate Medical Center Helaine Bader, MPH, QIAGEN, Inc. Susan Garfield, SM, MSc, Bridgehead International William Alexander, MA, Ipas
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Appropriate for undergraduate students studying Health Education, Nursing, and Women’s Studies, New Dimensions in Women’s Health, Sixth Edition is a comprehensive and practical text that offers students the tools to understand the health of women of all cultures, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. The fully revised and updated sixth edition gives women critical information needed to optimize their well-being, avoid illness and injury, and support their health. Each chapter presents in-depth coverage of an important aspect of women’s health and examines the contributing epidemiological, historical, psycho-social, cultural, ethical, legal, political, and economic influences.
New & Key Features of the Sixth Edition • Gender Dimensions sections in each chapter discuss how biological and cultural differences between men and women directly affect a health topic • Profiles of Remarkable Women feature stories of successful, admirable women whose life and work corresponds with topics found in the text • Charts, maps, and illustrations explain key topics • Topics for Discussion at the end of each chapter encourage students to consider their opinions on a topic and to explore the philosophical dimensions surrounding issues of women’s health. • Provides the latest data on healthcare reform, health promotion and disease prevention, and sexual and reproductive health • COMING SOON: Navigate New Dimensions in Women’s Health. Learn more at www.jblnavigate.com ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9813-3 • Paperback with Access Code • 480 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IM, NV, TB
Student Resources: CW
Explorations in Women’s Health A Workbook Third Edition
Maureen Edwards, Montgomery College Nora Howley, Montgomery College This workbook is designed to help students explore, in more detail, what they have learned in their women’s health course and apply this information to their own lives. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0201-7 • Express PDF • Subscription Length: 180 Days 176 pages • © 2012
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Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Health Professionals
Consumer Health
A Holistic Approach to Consumer Health
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website!
Linda Bailey Synovitz, RN, PhD Southeastern Louisiana University Karl Larson, PhD, Gustavus Adolphus College
Consumer Health: Making Informed Decisions offers the most up-to-date information about health care reform and insurance. Instead of devoting entire chapters to consumer issues related to specific diseases or conditions, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, or HIV/AIDS, the text weaves diseases and health conditions into discussions about fraud, alternative and complementary treatments, advertising, and the economics of health care. It also provides in-depth analyses of the American health care system, insurance options, consumer protection, and complementary and alternative therapies.
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! This text educates students about the many complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities, in addition to the more traditional methods, available to consumers today. Early chapters provide an overview of both traditional and alternative medicine, describe the scientific method and research involved, and look at the cost of healthcare in the United States. Later chapters introduce students to integrative medicine and provide a thorough overview of CAM practices employed today. Topics covered include acupuncture, meditation, botanicals, and aromatherapy. The authors provide accurate and meaningful information on a vast array of practices, as well as information on how to evaluate treatments and recognize quackery, allowing the consumer to gather information and arrive at his or her own conclusions. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5298-2 Paperback with Access Code • 320 pages • © 2013
Making Informed Decisions J. Thomas Butler, EdD, CHES
Throughout the text there are guidelines for making decisions that can benefit the individual. The goal is to provide students with the information and decision-making skills they need to utilize heath resources in the most beneficial ways. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4645-5 Paperback with Access Code 256 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: PP, SA Student Resources: CW Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/consumerhealth
Instructor Resources: LP, PP, SL, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/altmedicine
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Essentials of Managing Stress
Managing Stress
Third Edition
Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being Seventh Edition
Brian Luke Seaward, PhD Paramount Wellness Institute
Brian Luke Seaward, PhD Paramount Wellness Institute
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website!
Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being, Seventh Edition takes a comprehensive approach to stress management. More than just a collection of facts and figures, it connects the dots in nearly all aspects of stress through the integration, balance, and harmony of mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Referred to as the “bible of stress management,” this book gives students the tools they need to identify and manage stress while teaching them how to strive for health and balance.
The quintessential stress management text for undergraduate students, Essentials of Managing Stress balances key concepts and academic theory with real-life applications and exercises, allowing students to integrate theory and practice in their own lives. The only textbook of its kind to comprehensively address the relationship between mind, body, and spirit, this fully revised and updated Third Edition includes all-new sections on the sociology of stress and communication skills, with special emphasis on high-tech communications, screen addictions, and social networking. Essentials of Managing Stress also covers environmental disconnect, compassion fatigue, and mindfulness. • Over 80 personal exercises, questionnaires, and inventories • New chapter on communication with a special emphasis on high-tech communication • New section on the sociology of stress • Focus on holistic health practices, including yoga, meditation, and breath awareness ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9802-7 Paperback with Access Code • 346 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW
New to this Edition • Chapter 2, The Sociology of Stress addresses three emerging generators of stress: technostress; incivility; and environmental disconnect • New section on joy and happiness in tandem with the interest of the positive psychology movement • The interpersonal communication skills of people under the age of 30 • New section “Neuroplasticity: The Neuroscience of Meditation” • The healing powers of music in regards to post-operative pain, Alzheimer’s patients, and pediatric healthcare ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9833-8 • Paperback • 586 pages © 2012 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: IM, ITK, LP, PP, SL, TB Student Resources: CW, SG Learn more at go.jblearning.com/stress7
Learn more at go.jblearning.com/SeawardEss3
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Health of the Human Spirit Second Edition Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute
Health of the Human Spirit, Second Edition is a thoughtful examination of the ageless topic of human spirituality. It addresses the need to acknowledge spiritual wellness as a vital dimension of general health and well-being and examines the dynamic balance between mind-body-spirit health and the roadblocks and distractions on the spiritual path. The book includes many behavioral suggestions to enhance the health of the human spirit. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4845-9 • Paperback • 264 pages • © 2013
The Art of Peace and Relaxation Workbook Seventh Edition Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute
This workbook contains more than 130 stress management exercises - including 10 new exercises and several revised worksheets - that will show students how to withstand the pressure of any stress that comes their way. Collectively, these surveys, questionnaires, inventories, journal entries, and worksheets are designed as a comprehensive action plan to help students’ develop effective coping skills and learn to use proven relaxation techniques. This book is perfect for use in conjunction with Managing Stress, and Essentials of Managing Stress. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3438-4 • Paperback • 302 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Managing Stress A Creative Journal Fourth Edition Brian Luke Seaward, PhD, Paramount Wellness Institute
This journal allows students to identify common causes of stress in their lives and develop skills to manage them. Writing in this journal for a period of weeks or months, and then reading over the passages, will help students sort through personal, social, or even global issues ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9014-1 • Paperback • 220 pages • © 2011 Additional Format: CourseSmart
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Essentials of Human Disease Second Edition Leonard Crowley, MD, Century College; University of Minnesota Medical Center-Fairview
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website!
5 Stars! Doody’s Review Service 1st Edition - Perfect Score of 100
“...jam-packed with concise and well-written information.” Revised and updated with the latest data in the field, the Second Edition is a consolidated and modified version of the very successful An Introduction to Human Disease, now in its Ninth Edition. This book is designed for students who have limited time to master basic disease concepts. It covers the essential structural and functional characteristics of common and important diseases, as well as the principles of diagnosis and treatment. • Updated with the latest data on AIDS and HIV • New material on renal transplantation • Includes the latest Adult BMI calculations and tables ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8843-1 Paperback with Access Code • 554 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: AE, LO, PP, TB Student Resources: CW
An Introduction to Human Disease Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations Ninth Edition Leonard Crowley, MD, Century College; University of Minnesota Medical Center-Fairview
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! The Ninth Edition provides students with a clear and well-illustrated explanation of the structural and functional changes associated with disease, the clinical manifestation of disease, and how to determine treatment, Ideal for Pathology, Pathophysiology, or Human Disease courses, the first part of the text deals with general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole. The second considers the various organ systems and their diseases.
Key Features • Full-color photographs are all originals, taken by the author • Includes a comprehensive section on cardiovascular disease with material on isolated systolic hypertension, systolic and diastolic heart failure, and coronary heart disease. • Coverage of the nervous system including the effects of West Nile Virus and Huntington’s Disease ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6559-3 Hardcover with Access Code • 870 pages • © 2013 Additional Formats: Coursesmart, KNO
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, MC, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG
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Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality
Fifth Edition
Jerrold S. Greenberg, PhD University of Maryland Clint E. Bruess, EdD, MA, BS, CHES Birmingham –Southern College Sarah C. Conklin, Northern Illinois University
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website!
4 Stars! Doody’s Review Service
“… unquestionably impressive.” Revised and updated with the latest statistics and recent developments, the fifth edition addresses the many facets of sexuality, covering the biological, spiritual, psychological, and sociocultural dimensions. The authors are sure to present all information from both a factual and impartial view-point and encourage students discuss and discover their own perspective. Students are urged to explore the varied dimensions of human sexuality and see how each affects their own personal sexuality, sexual health, and sexual responsibility.
Sexuality Education Theory and Practice Sixth Edition Clint E. Bruess, EdD, MA, BS, CHES Birmingham –Southern College Elizabeth Schroeder, EdD, MSW The Sixth Edition prepares students planning to be sexuality educators and administrators, as well as seasoned teaching professionals seeking current information and successful methods for teaching elementary, secondary and college students about sexuality with confidence. It strikes a balance between content and instructional strategies that help students assess their own attitudes and knowledge of human sexuality. Emphasizing that sex education is an integral part of a comprehensive health education program, the text is ideal for helping students from a variety of backgrounds teach sexuality to learners of all ages. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4927-2 Paperback • 340 pages • © 2014
Instructor Resources: PP
COMING SOON: Navigate Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality. Learn more at jblnavigate.com. ISBN-13: 978-1-4469-9801-0 Paperback with Access Code • 796 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: AE, IM, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Exploring5
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Promoting Child and Adolescent Mental Health Carl I. Fertman, Ph.D., MCHES University of Pittsburgh Myrna M. Delgado, M. Ed. Susan L. Tarasevich, Ed.D. This text is written for health education students with a keen focus on how to build sustainable support systems across the community, classroom, schools and families to adequately promote positive behavior and mental health for both children and adolescents. The text addresses a wide range of learning challenges and mental health issues and outlines the support needed to provide communities and schools with the proper guidance to create an adaptable system which promotes child and adolescent mental health.
Key Features • Text and resources draw from actual experiences of professionals in our school systems • Incorporates evidence-based methods and practical applications • Emphasizes developing individual responsibility through active involvement with diverse communities • Includes action-based tips for promoting child and adolescent mental health ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5899-1 • 352 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Fertman
Foundations of Mental Health Promotion Manoj Sharma, MBBS, MCHES, PhD University of Cincinnati Ashutosh Atri, MD, MS, University of Texas Health Science Center Paul Branscum, PhD, RD University of Oklahoma Foundations of Mental Health Promotion provides an overview of mental health and mental illness with a focus on medical, epidemiological, behavioral, sociological, political, historical, developmental, and cultural perspectives in the field. Students are given an introduction to the field of mental health promotion, and both individual level and population level approaches to handling mental health concerns are emphasized.
Topics Covered • Roles of health educators and health promoters in mental health promotion • Determinants of mental health • Stress and coping • Major psychotic mood, anxiety, and personality disorders • Alcohol dependence, tobacco use, and substance abuse • Essentials of psychopharmacology and treatment of mental health disorders • Mental health promotion at all life stages ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9341-8 • Paperback 334 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: PP, TB go.jblearning.com/mentalhealthpromo
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Drugs and Society Eleventh Edition
Glen R. Hanson, PhD, DDS, University of Utah Peter J. Venturelli, PhD, Valparaiso University Annette E. Fleckenstein, PhD, University of Utah Available with Navigate Drugs and Society, which includes a wealth of study tools and course management resources. Learn more at www.jblnavigate.com. Drugs and Society, Eleventh Edition contains the most current information available concerning drug use and abuse. The authors have combined their expertise in the fields of drug abuse, pharmacology, and sociology with their extensive experiences in research, treatment, teaching, drug policy creation and implementation to create a textbook that presents the most current and authoritative views on drug abuse in an objective and understandable manner.
New to This Edition • Nonmedical use of pain relievers in the past year among persons aged 12 or older • Alcohol and marijuana use among 8th and 12th graders • Drug abuse among people with mood disorders and depression • Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 • Vaccines to treat nicotine and cocaine dependence
• Prescription drugs misused by youths • Propofol, an abused general anesthetic • Drinking and college students • Abuse of prescription opioid painkillers • And more! ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-1369-3 • Paperback • 618 pages © 2012 • Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: AE, LO, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG Learn more at go.jblearning.com/drugs11
Becoming an Addictions Counselor A Comprehensive Text Third Edition Peter L. Myers, PhD, Essex County College Norman R. Salt, MA, CPS, New Jersey Department of Health
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Becoming an Addictions Counselor, Third Edition provides evidence-based findings, cutting-edge treatment techniques, and a focus on critical thinking to show future counselors how to respond to clients’ needs rather than impose “cookie-cutter” routines. Each chapter takes an experiential learning approach to these topics and encourages readers to practice individual and group counseling skills through structured activities and exercises. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-7300-0 • Paperback • 350 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: PP
Student Resources: CW
Learn more at go.jblearning.com/counselor
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An Introduction to Community Health Brief Edition
James F. McKenzie, PhD, MPH, CHES Ball State University Robert R. Pinger, PhD, Ball State University
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! An Introduction to Community Health Brief Edition is a condensed and fully updated version of McKenzie and Pinger’s bestselling community health text. Written for students in Health Education, Nursing, and Social Work programs, the brief edition provides full coverage of epidemiology, adolescent and child health, health and safety in the workplace, environmental health, and minority and elder health, and is designed for the more concise course. A robust pedagogy enhances student engagement and understanding and includes, chapter objectives, review questions, key terms, glossary, and informative boxes.
Key Features • Extensive information on community-health related issues, including maternal, infant and child health; adolescent health, and elder and minority health • Full coverage of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) • Discussion around the epidemic of deaths resulting from the nonmedical use and abuse of prescription analgesics
• Environmental concerns around the earthquake, tsunami and the disabled nuclear power plant in Japan ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02689-4 Paperback with Access Code • 416 pages • ©2014
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, MC, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/MckenzieBrief
An Introduction to Community Health Seventh Edition James F. McKenzie, PhD, MPH, MCHES, Ball State University Robert R. Pinger, PhD, Ball State University Jerome E. Kotecki, HSD, Ball State University All of Ball State Since the publication of the first edition in 1995, An Introduction to Community Health has been a mainstay in community health education, and has been used in hundreds of colleges and universities across the country. Now in its Seventh Edition, this best-selling text features the latest trends and statistics in community health, covering such topics as epidemiology, community organization, program planning, minority health, health care, mental health, environmental health, drugs, safety, and occupational health. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9011-0 • Paperback • 596 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, ITK, NV, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/communityhealth7
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Measurement and Evaluation for Health Educators
Theoretical Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion Second Edition
Manoj Sharma, MCHES, CHES, PhD University of Cincinnati R. Lingyak Petosa, PhD Ohio State University
Manoj Sharma, MCHES, MCHES, PhD University of Cincinnati John A. Romas, MPH, PhD Minnesota State University, Mankato
Measurement and Evaluation for Health Educators prepares health educators for the responsibilities of conducting evaluations within their field. It includes psychometric, statistical, political, managerial and public health perspectives to measurement and evaluation. Written for the undergraduate or beginning graduate student, as well as practicing professions, this text will help readers choose and develop instruments for evaluation, and discusses the basics for carrying out evaluations to gauge the effectiveness of health education and health promotion programs.
The Second Edition introduces students to common theories from behavioral and social sciences that are currently used in health education and promotion. With its accessible language, the text helps students grasp new theories easily and shows them how to use these theories effectively when designing programs in community, school, work-site, or patient care settings.
Key Features • Student-friendly, accessible writing style • Each chapter closes with review questions and web references • Chapter objectives and key learning objectives are clearly defined • Includes skill building activities in every chapter • Boxed articles throughout the text highlight important issues in the field ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-2820-8 • Paperback • 358 pages © 2014 • Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: PP, TB
Key Features • Up-to-date examples of applications from current literature serve as ideas for designing interventions and resources for initiating literature review • Application exercises in each chapter present a case study pertaining to the concepts discussed and urge the reader to retrieve more applications from the literature • Diagrammatic depictions of each model and theory are included to enhance readers’ understanding ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9611-2 • Paperback • 306 pages © 2012 • Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/sharmahep2
Learn more at go.jblearning.com/measurement
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Practical Application of Entry-Level Health Education Skills Second Edition Bette B. Keyser, EdD, Illinois State University Marilyn Morrow, PhD Illinois State University Katherine Philips, PhD, MCHES Eastern Illinois University Michelyn Bhandari, DrPH, MCHES, CPH Karen Hunter, MPH, RD, LD, CHES
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! The credentialing process for the health education profession has led to the establishment of seven areas of responsibility and competencies that currently serve as a framework for preparing professional health educators. This text is to act as a tool that professional preparation program faculty can utilize to introduce their students to the numerous competencies and sub-competencies of the 7 areas of responsibility recommended by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC). It provides hands-on activities for individual student practice of the current 162 skill-based sub-competencies built on the 34 competencies and 7 responsibilities for entry-level health educators. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-8389-4 Paperback with Access code • 254 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: PP, SL Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Keyser
Skills-Based Health Education Mary Connolly, BS, MEd, Adjunct Professor, Curry College; Professor, Cambridge College
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Skills - Based Health Education provides pre-service and practicing teachers with the pedagogical foundation and tools to develop a comprehensive PreK-12 health education program using the National Health Education Standards. Rather than solely focusing on teaching content, an approach which can prove ineffective in developing healthy behaviors, readers learn to teach the content and skills their students need to be healthy and prepared for the 21st century.
Key Features • Connects skills-based health education to coordinated school health and the national initiatives of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Healthy People 2020, The Whole Child, and 21st Century Skills • Explains the advantage of using rubrics and demonstrates how to assemble rubrics based on the performance indicators of the National Health Education Standards • Addresses the importance of a performance task review and how to properly write one ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-3020-1 Paperback with Access code • 440 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart, KNO
Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW, WK Learn more at go.jblearning.com/connolly
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Introduction to Exercise Physiology
Tommy Boone, PhD, MPH, MBA The College of St. Scholastica
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Endorsed by The American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP) This text identifies the key scientific content that is critically important to the successful practice of exercise physiology. It focuses on the profession of exercise physiology by introducing students to the scientific basis for the practice of exercise physiology to prevent or control mind-body diseases, promote health and well-being, and enhance athlete performance. The goal of this text is to embrace a new paradigm of exercise physiology as a comprehensive healthcare profession and not as a one-course experience. The text emphasizes sound scientific content that will help exercise physiologists design appropriate exercise prescription that focuses on the public health challenges of a sedentary lifestyle. Students will learn the necessary physiologic, electrocardiographic, biomechanic, and anatomic concepts pertinent to prepare for and pass the ASEP Board Certification exam.
Key Features • Serves as foundation of the concept that “exercise is medicine” • Presents an introduction to the scientific disciplines that support the everyday practice of exercise physiology
• Educates the reader on the human body and how to take care of it and encourages critical reflection about the scientific basis of exercise physiology as a healthcare profession. • Provides comprehensive and thorough preparation for the ASEP Board Certification Exam • Discusses the importance of professionalization in exercise physiology ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9818-8 Paperback with Access Code • 532 pages • ©2014
Instructor Resources: PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Boone
Fit to Be Well Essential Concepts Third Edition Alton L. Thygerson, EdD, FAWM, Brigham Young University Steven M. Thygerson, PhD, MSPH, Brigham Young University The Third Edition offers simple, workable approaches for being healthy and fit that can easily be integrated into a student’s lifestyle and schedule. It encourages students to improve their eating habits and incorporate healthier foods into their diet; increase their level of physical activity; increase their self-esteem and create a more positive self-image; and reduce stress. Each chapter contains easy-to-follow guidelines to help students modify their lifestyle behaviors and make responsible decisions. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6140-3 • Paperback • 392 pages • © 2013 • Additional Formats: Coursesmart, KNO
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB, NV
Student Resources: CW, NVel
Learn more at go.jblearning.com/fit2bw
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
A Case-Based Approach Sean P. Flanagan, PhD, ATC, CSCS California State University, Northridge
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! Biomechanics: A Case-Based Approach focuses on the comprehension, retention, and application of the core concepts of biomechanics using problembased learning strategies. It features a broad range of case studies and examples to illustrate key content throughout the text. Relevant and realistic problems provide students with the opportunity to associate what they’re learning in class to real-life applications in the field. The text employs the technique of guided discovery to ensure that all students understand the concepts of biomechanics. To accommodate a variety of student learning styles, content is presented physically, graphically, and mathematically.
Key Features • Learning Objectives found at the beginning of each chapter address the objectives of each lesson • Definitions presented in the margins of the text help define new words each time they appear • Important Points provide summaries in the margin throughout the text • Essential Math boxes provide a review of essential math before it is presented in the text • Applied Research helps to illustrate biomechanical concepts
• Competency Checks found at the conclusion of major sections ask conceptual and quantitative questions to foster critical thinking and further student comprehension • End of Chapter Pedagogy includes: Chapter Summary and Conclusion, Review Questions, and a list of Chapter Reference ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9792-1 Hardcover with Access Code • 400 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/Flanagan
Survey of Athletic Injuries for Exercise Science Linda Gazzillo Diaz, William Patterson University Written for students within Exercises Science and Exercise Physiology, this text clearly outlines traditional prevention and care of athletic injuries for those who lack an athletic training background. It address the role that exercise science, exercise physiology, or professionals from other health-related fields play in the treatment of injuries and illnesses in the physically active population. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4843-5 • Paperback • 350 pages • © 2015
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Physical Activity & Health
An Interactive Approach Fourth Edition Jerome F. Kotecki, HSD Ball State University
Includes access to Navigate Companion Website! This student-friendly text systematically covers the basic essentials of physical fitness and health. It is accessible to learners from a wide variety of academic backgrounds and presents key concepts in a clear and easy to identify format. Students will gain the ability to make fullyinformed decisions about health and wellness and will be encouraged to commit to a lifelong fitness plan. The fully revised and updated fourth edition includes updated MyPlate and nutrition information, the most recent dietary guidelines for Americans, and revised sections on consumer health and reproductive anatomy.
New & Key Features • Expanded coverage of epidemiology, risk factors, and preventative care. • Updated information on USDA MyPlate, 2010 US Dietary Guidelines and Healthy People 2020 • Updated chapter on Consumer Health discussing health fraud, health literacy, understanding the health care system and more
• New details on body fat distribution, abdominal obesity and its effect on destructive metabolic abnormities. • Updated material on developing healthy sexual relationships and managing one’s fertility. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02587-3 Paperback with Access Code • 440 pages • © 2014
Instructors Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG
Companion Guide to Measurement and Evaluation for Kinesiology David Tomchuk, LAT, ATC, CSCS, Missouri Valley College Companion Guide to Measurement and Evaluation for Kinesiology serves as a quick reference for how to set-up, perform, and administer an array of physical performance field tests. It focuses on the presentation of the objective, age, appropriateness, necessary equipment, required personnel, set-up, administration, scoring, and emphasis areas for an array of different physical fitness tests and test batteries. The book is organized by the type of physical parameter to be tested and includes relevant photographs and figures that show how to set-up and administer each test. This resource is perfect for use in conjunction with a measurement and evaluation text or as a standalone quick-reference for athletic trainers, strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, fitness professionals, and PE teachers/coaches. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7610-7 • Paperback • 244 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Athletic Training and Sports Medicine
Concepts of Athletic Training
An Integrated Approach Fifth Edition
Ronald P. Pfeiffer, EdD, ATC Boise State University Brent C. Mangus, EdD, ATC Texas A&M University
Chad Starkey, PhD, ATC, FNATA, Ohio University
Written in cooperation with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Athletic Training and Sports Medicine: An Integrated Approach, Fifth Edition is a multipurpose, multi-course text that emphasizes the post-injury management techniques used by athletic trainers and physicians in management of orthopaedic injuries. This classic text has been re-titled to more accurately reflect the topical coverage of injury management and care. Richly illustrated and full of evidence-based practice, this text describes surgical techniques and their implications on rehabilitation/activity and captures the totality of injury management.
Key Features • Clinical Presentation Boxes list the characteristics of each injury, including: the history and mechanism of injury, observable symptoms of the injury, the functional status of the athlete, and various tests to diagnose the pathology. • Surgical Technique Boxes describe surgical treatment for a particular pathology and are accompanied by a figure illustrating the surgical technique. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9609-9 Hardcover • 700 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: AE, PP, TB Student Resources: CW, SG
Sixth Edition
“This is the best text that I have come across for the courses that I teach. Information is presented clearly and concisely, and the chapters are well-organized and provide all of the pertinent information that this level of student needs to know.” Patricia Patane ATC, PT, Stony Brook University Initial decisions and subsequent actions are critical in determining the outcome of a sports injury. Concepts of Athletic Training, Sixth Edition focuses on the care and management of sport and activity related injuries while presenting key concepts in a comprehensive, logically sequential manner that will assist future professionals in making the correct decisions when confronted with an activity-related injury or illness in their scope of practice. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8378-5 Paperback • 376 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: ITK, IM, TB, LO, PPT Student Resources: CW Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/athletictraining
Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/sportsmedicine
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PHYSICAL EDUCATION “This text is readable and complete. The balance of research and practice is perfect for an undergraduate class. I have taught this content for many years. This text provided me multiple ideas for how I will improve my own teaching of the content of educational gymnastics to undergraduate students.” Jayne M. Jenkins Associate Professor Division of Kinesiology & Health University of Wyoming
Elementary Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction
Inez Rovegno, PhD, University of Alabama Dianna Bandhauer, Lecanto Primary School
Includes access to Navigate Companion Site! This text translates the most current research on learning, motivation, higher-order thinking skills, and social responsibility into easy to understand concepts and instructional strategies for elementary school physical education. Content chapters include sample lesson plans designed to be teaching tools, which will help transform the ideas discussed in the book. The content is aligned with the National Standards for Physical Education and NASPE’s guidelines for appropriate practices.
Key Features • An entire chapter is dedicated to multicultural diversity and culturally relevant pedagogy • Annotated lesson plans help students imagine what the content might look like in an actual teaching environment. • Sample learning experiences and questions serve as a guide for students to write lesson and unit plans. • Review questions at the end of each chapter are designed to help students assess what they’ve learned and understand the content of the chapter
Available with Navigate Course Manager Elementary Physical Education! Navigate transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative content aligned to course objectives, with student practice activities, assessments, learning tools, and ebook. Learn more at www.jblnavigate.com. ISBN-13: 978-1284-03121-8 Paperback with Access Code • 700 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, ITK, PPT, TB Student Resources: CW, SG go.jblearning.com/elementarype
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Physical Education, Exercise and Sport Science in a Changing Society Seventh Edition William H. Freeman, PhD Campbell University Physical Education, Exercise and Sport Science in a Changing Society, Seventh Edition provides a current, complete, and balanced introduction to these growing fields.. It gives a thorough overview of the varied elements within the disciplines, how they came to be, and how they are developing, including the conflicts over field, major, and departmental names. It also examines the developing sub-disciplines within physical education, sport, exercise science, and kinesiology.
Key Features • Surveys both teaching and non-teaching careers and addresses technology, current issues, and future trends • Provides a solid background of the profession in order to help students prepare for the Praxis exams • Includes a full chapter devoted to ethics, Chapter 9, which is unique among introductory textbooks ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8157-6 Hardcover • 384 pages • © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
The Dimensions of Physical Education Lori E. Ciccomascolo, EdD University of Rhode Island Eileen Crowley Sullivan, EdD Rhode Island College The Dimensions of Physical Education addresses diverse, educational, and time sensitive issues in physical, health, and sport education using scholarly articles and letters from experts in the field. The articles provide a solid foundation for beginning students and professionals new to the discipline and challenge them to think about how all of the dimensions of physical and health education connect to each other. Students will not only learn, but reflect on the most essential components in the field of physical, health, and sport education, and teaching practices in these disciplines.
Topics covered • The significance of physical education • Gender issues and diversity • Technology • Professional development • Service-learning • Adapted physical education ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5190-9 Paperback with Access Code • 382 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB
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Principles and Practice of Sport Management
Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals
Fourth Edition
Patrick Thornton, JD, LLM, University of Houston Law Center; Rice University Walter Champion, JD, Texas Southern University Law School Larry Ruddell, EdD, MDiv Houston Baptist University
Lisa P. Masteralexis, BS, JD University of Massachusetts, Amherst Carol Barr, BS, MS, PhD University of Massachusetts, Amherst Mary Hums, BBA, MBA, PhD University of Louisville, Lafayette
From the basic knowledge and skill sets of a sport manager to current trends and issues in the sport management industry, this best-selling text provides the foundation for students as they study and prepare for a variety of sport management careers
Addressing ethics at both the amateur and professional level, Sports Ethics for Sports Management Professionals covers hot button topics such as: discrimination in sports, drug testing, unsportsmanlike conduct, the bad behavior of athletes, conduct and fans, and more. It also addresses the many legal and ethical issues facing student-athletes, parents, coaches, and others involved in the sports industry. Chapter 12, Ethical Considerations in Sports Media, makes this text unique, along with case studies and discussion questions that encourage classroom discussion.
Key Features
Key Features
Principles and Practice of Sport Management, Fourth Edition provides a comprehensive, current overview of the sport industry and the sport management field.
• Practical advice on how virtual communities like LinkedIn can affect the job search process • Updated information on salaries in professional sports • Heavily revised sections on evaluating coaches, programmatic goals, ethics, finances, and marketing as they relate to youth sports • More in-depth coverage of disability sport ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-9607-5 Paperback • 616 pages © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW
• Covers hot button topics such as: cheating, discrimination in sports, gambling, drug testing, sports agents, the conduct of fans, and privacy. • Chapter 12, Ethical Considerations in Sports Media, discusses stereotyping in the news and journalistic pieces, as well as new outlets such as social media. • Case studies drawn from actual events in the sports world are used throughout the text. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-4384-0 Paperback • 502 pages • © 2012 Instructor Resources: IM, TB
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
The Comprehensive Guide to Careers in Sports
The Business of Sports
Second Edition
Scott Rosner, JD,CCNS, University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School Kenneth Shropshire, JD, University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School
Glenn M. Wong, JD University of Massachusetts, Amherst The Comprehensive Guide to Careers in Sports, Second Edition provides an overview of what students should consider and expect from the varied career options available to them in the sports industry. This book answers the questions students are most likely to have, including what courses they should take, the areas of study available to them, the salary they can expect to earn after graduation, and how they can get the job of their dreams.
Key Features • Case studies and stories profile sport industry professionals & provide an insider’s perspective on the various benefits and drawbacks of working in sports. • Organizational charts explain how sports organizations are structured. • Industry segments describe specific industries within sports. • Career progressions track real careers in sports to give students an idea of how people arrive at certain positions. • Job descriptions detail actual career opportunities, responsibilities, and requirements for positions, as well as compensation and experience required.
Second Edition
The Business of Sports, Second Edition is a comprehensive collection of readings that focus on the multibillion-dollar sports industry and the dilemmas faced by today’s sports business leaders. It contains a dynamic set of readings to provide a complete overview of major sports business issues. The Second Edition covers professional, Olympic, and collegiate sports, and highlights the major issues that impact each of these broad categories. The Second Edition continue to provide insight from a variety of stakeholders in the industry and cover the major business disciplines of management, marketing, finance, information technology, accounting, ethics and law. In addition, it features concise introductions, targeted discussion questions, and graphs and tables to convey relevant financial data and other statistics discussed. This book is designed for current and future sports business leaders as well as those interested in the inner-workings of the industry. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8078-4 Paperback • 770 pages © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart, KNO
ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-0203-1 Paperback • 578 pages © 2013 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
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Sustainable Tourism & The Millennium Development Goals Effecting Positive Change Kelly Bricker, PhD, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Rosemary Black, Charles Stuart University, Albury, Australia Stuart Cottrell, Colorado State University, Fort Collins Endorsed by The International Ecotourism Society, this text demonstrates how ecotourism and sustainable tourism can assist in supporting and meeting the goals set forward by the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equity and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development. The text discusses how ecotourism and sustainable tourism can assist in supporting and meeting these goals by drawing on case studies and examples. It takes a historical perspective looking at the development of ecotourism and sustainable tourism over the past twenty years, from where The International Ecotourism Society and other associations began, and in particular the key landmarks and events that have brought ecotourism and sustainable tourism to the present day. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-2823-9 Paperback • 352 pages © 2013 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Kraus’ Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society Ninth Edition
Daniel McLean, PhD, CPRP University of Nevada, Las Vegas Amy Hurd, PhD, Illinois State University
“This text provides a great overview of Recreation and Leisure Studies. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner and in a way that students can relate to. I have taught Intro several times and never have I had a textbook that was so well organized and current.” Dr. Jan Louise Jones Southern Connecticut State University. The Ninth Edition provides a detailed overview of the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies. It addresses contemporary issues facing the recreation and leisure profession and focuses on challenges and opportunities that will impact the profession over the next 5 to 20 years.
Key Features • Includes Case Studies with questions designed to probe and stimulate student thinking • Tables and figures help illustrate important and challenging issues & points • Sidebars highlight key material in the text and offer additional information on related topics ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8159-0 Paperback • 464 pages © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn more at go.jblearning.com/recreation9
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
NUTRITION FOR MAJORS NEW EDITION! “This book presents a lot of valuable information in an easy-to-read and easy-toapply manner. Since nutrition is constantly changing, this edition is a welcome one. The topics covered give students all the information they need to have a firm grasp of basic nutrition.”
Nutrition Fifth Edition
Paul Insel, PhD, Stanford University Don Ross, California Institute of Human Nutrition Kimberley McMahon, Utah State University Melissa Bernstein, Roasalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Doody’s Review Service, Rating: 5 Stars Includes access to Navigate Companion Site!
Available with Navigate Nutrition!
Nutrition, Fifth Edition is a completely revised and updated text. The new edition is challenging, student-focused and provides the reader with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their overall nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
Navigate transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative content aligned to course objectives, with student practice activities, assessments, learning tools, and interactive ebook. Learn more at www.jblnavigate.com.
Central to the fifth edition is its rigorous coverage of the science of nutrition, metabolism, and nutrition-related diseases. Practical content coupled with focused chapter learning objectives reinforce key concepts to improve retention and learning outcomes. An integrated pedagogy accommodates different learning styles to promote knowledge, behavior change and student comprehension of the material.
ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02116-5 Hardcover with Access Code • 1040 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: AE, IB, IM, ITK, NV, PP, TB, TG Student Resources: CW, NV, SG
New to the Fifth Edition • Spotlight on Obesity • Chapter Learning Objectives added to the beginning of each chapter • All new Nutrition Science in Action Features • Updated chapter pedagogy includes new definitions and statistics based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, USDA MyPlate, and Healthy People 2020 • Updated position statements reflect the new Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics • Revised and updated art gives the text a modern and current feel.
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Advanced Human Nutrition Second Edition
Denis M Medeiros, MS, PhD, RD, LD University of Missouri, Kansas City Robert E.C. Wildman, PhD, RD, LD Texas State University, San Marcos Advanced Human Nutrition, Second Edition provides an in-depth overview of the human body and details why nutrients are important from a biochemical, physiological, and molecular perspective. Figures help illustrate the content and bring the meaning to life to enhance the reader’s understanding. Complex pathways, for example, are presented in a student-friendly fashion, as are diagrams that illustrate metabolism and the molecular functions of nutrients. Multiple elements within the text, such as “Here’s Where You Have Been” and “Here’s Where You Are Going,” help drive home key points from the chapter and provide real-world examples to bring the content to life.
Topics Covered • Cell aging, damage and repair systems • Human nutrition, digestion, and absorption with relation to organs, exocrine and endocrine functions, histology, and absorptive activities • Microflora and satiety/hunger mechanisms • Macronutrients during exercise and the role of liquids and sports drinks • Prevalent diseases in western cultures such as coronary heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis
Key Features • Concept and reasoning checks highlight key points from preceding chapters as well as major points the upcoming chapter • Before You Go On asks students to reflect upon what they’ve just read. This allows them to go back and re-read portions of the text if they do not readily grasp the material • Special Features on focused topics add depth to the chapter and, in some cases, allow the student to view the application of basic science • Key Concept summaries are included in each chapter
Table of Contents 1 Foundations of the Human Body 2
Digestion and Absorption
3 Carbohydrates: Energy, Fiber, and More 4 Lipids: Fatty Acids, Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Sterols 5 Proteins and Amino Acids: Function, Quantity, and Quality 6 Water 7 Metabolism, Energy Balance, and Body Weight 8
Nutrition and Exercise
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Major Minerals
Minor Minerals
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8039-5 Hardcover • 394 pages © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, PP, TB Student Resources: CW Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/advancednutrition
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Bring Online Learning, Study Tools, and Assessment to Your Course
Learning Like Never Before Navigate transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative and interactive content aligned to course objectives, with student practice activities, assessments, and learning tools. Why use Navigate? • Course curriculum organized into 15-16 lessons—little to no start up time • Interactive assessments, quizzes, and videos engage students to reinforce content • Adaptive study planning and remediation. • Jones & Bartlett Learning supported online learning platform For more information visit www.jblnavigate.com
Navigate Digital Learning Solutions May Include: Richly Interactive Course Lessons aligned to course objectives promote student engagement and retention. Developed using best practices in instructional design and learning theory, Interactive Course Lessons offer rich multi-media content designed to appeal to many learning styles. Dynamic and engaging Interactive eBooks offer study advantages far beyond the print textbook. With anytime access to complete textbook content, Interactive eBooks allow students the flexibility to navigate between the text and enhanced activities for greater understanding of core concepts. Adaptive Study Planning and Remediation tools optimize learning by enabling students to create custom study plans and track their own learning performance in real-time. Never before has it been so easy for students to gain actionable insight at the click of a button. Practice Activities give students an opportunity to try out new concepts in a safe learning environment. Featuring numerous interactive and informative learning resources and activities, Practice Activities gauge understanding and help students study more effectively, and in less time. Formative and summative assessments offer students ample opportunities to practice building competence against learning objectives and ensure a complete mastery of course concepts as they move through course objectives. Optional online course hosting with Moodle™ simplifies the management and delivery of curriculum and assessments to students enabling “anytime, anywhere” access to learning. Learn more about Jones & Bartlett Learning hosted course management tools at www.jblnavigate.com.
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NUTRITION FOR NON-MAJORS The text, in my opinion, is one of the best available for basic nutrition. Bernard L. Frye PhD, University of Texas at Arlington
Discovering Nutrition Fourth Edition
Paul Insel, Stanford University Don Ross, California Institute of Human Nutrition Kimberley McMahon, Logan State University Melissa Bernstein, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science Thoroughly revised and updated, this introductory nutrition text is designed for students with little or no background in college-level, biology, chemistry, or physiology. Discovering Nutrition’s coverage of material such as digestion, metabolism, chemistry, and life-cycle nutrition is clearly written, accessible, and engaging to undergraduate students.
New to this Edition • Updated Design - interior layout has been upgraded and modernized • MyPlate & 2010 Dietary Guidelines have been fully integrated into the text • Updated statistics and references throughout the text • Additional content on weight management; Vitamin D • ADA name change to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics • Spotlight on childhood obesity • Expanded information regarding Celiac Disease • More content on nutrition and disease • Information on the Mediterranean diet; food guides of other countries
Key Features • Think About It questions present realistic nutrition-related situations and ask students to consider how they would behave in such circumstances. • For Your Information offer more in-depth treatment of controversial and timely topics such as unfounded claims about the effects of sugar, whether athletes need more protein, and the usefulness of the glycemic index.
• Try This activities encourage students to put theory into practice. • Key Concepts summarize previous text and highlight important information. • Study Questions encourage students to probe deeper into the chapter content, making connections and gaining new insights.
Available with Navigate Discovering Nutrition! Navigate transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative content aligned to course objectives, with student practice activities, assessments, learning tools, and interactive ebook. Learn more at www.jblnavigate.com. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-6133-5 Paperback with Access Code • 690 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: AE, CD, IB, IM, NV PP, TB, TG Student Resources: CW, SG Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/discovering4
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Nutrition Decisions
Eat Smart, Move More Carolyn Dunn, PhD North Carolina State University Nutrition Decisions: Eat Smart, Move More provides students with the skills they need to make eating healthy and being active attainable, no matter how busy they are. It goes beyond the facts and provides practical ways students can put their knowledge to work immediately. The text employs the Theory of Planned Behavior to empower students to make positive changes in their lives to improve their health.
Key Features • Which Side Are You On presents unbiased facts about controversial topics. • Personal Health Check guides students to “check” their behavior or health status based on the chapter content. • Try Something New recommends new foods and/or activities to keep students moving. • How Policy and Environment Affects My Choices explores current policy and environmental issues that play a role in healthy eating and physical activity. • Green and Healthy discusses how eating a more plant-based diet, choosing local foods, walking or biking instead of using a car, and many more behaviors can help you be both green and healthy. • Ready to Make a Change highlights the first step students can take to eat smart or move more. • Myth versus Fact reviews the chapter content and points out the facts based on available evidence and dispels some of the myths about eating smart and moving more. • Special Reports go beyond the basics to help students understand the how and why of some of the most interesting topics related to nutrition and physical activity. • Built-in student workbook contains exercises and activities to help motivate students to improve and enhance their health and well-being.
Available with Navigate Nutrition Decisions! Navigate transforms how students learn and instructors teach by bringing together authoritative content aligned to course objectives, with student practice activities, assessments, learning tools, and interactive ebook. Learn more at www.jblnavigate.com. ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5295-1 Paperback with Access Code • 420 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: IB, NV, PPT, TB Student Resources: CW, SG Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/eatsmart
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Food Science
An Ecological Approach Sari Edelstein, PhD, RD, Simmons College
Includes access to Navigate Companion Site! Food Science, An Ecological Approach presents food science and food preparation in the context of current environmental world conditions. Throughout the text readers will examine the scientific basis of the dietetics profession and thoroughly explore food chemistry, preparation, safety, regulations, and cultural significance. The science of food is discussed within the broader context of the world’s food supply. Food Science, An Ecological Approach explores the idea of global sustainability and examines the ecological problems that challenge our food supply and raise increasing concerns among consumers. Each chapter sets out clear objectives and integrates helpful sidebars, illustrations and discussion questions to increase concept retention. Chapter summaries and special sections found throughout the text engage students and enhance the learning experience. Additional resources are available online which complement the text.
Key Features and Special Topics include • How to Provide Public Access to a ‘Green’ Food Supply • The Effect of Global Warming on the Food Supply • U.S. Obesity Crisis • Farm to Plate • Nuts and nut allergies • Genetically Modified Food • Governmental Regulations of Phytonutrients and Health Claims
• Pesticides in our Food • Food Safety • Food Preparation Principles • Sugar Replacement Safety History • Disappearance of the Bees ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9477-7 Hardcover with Access code • 584 pages • © 2014 Additional Formats: Coursesmart
Instructor Resources: IB, IM, MC, PP, TB Student Resources: CW
Geriatric Nutrition The Health Professional’s Handbook Fourth Edition Ronnie Chernoff, PhD, RD, FADA Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare Center This text is an authoritative reference to help readers understand the role of nutrition in the maintenance of health, the management of chronic conditions, and the treatment of serious illness. The Fourth Edition of this best-selling text provides a comprehensive review of nutritional assessment, intervention programs for the elderly, and health promotion activities. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8262-7 • Paperback • 575 pages • © 2014
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Pediatric Nutrition Fourth Edition
Essentials of Pediatric Nutrition
Patricia Queen Samour, MMSc, RD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Kathy King, RD, LD, Helm Publishing
Patricia Queen Samour, MMSc, RD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Kathy King, RD, LD, Helm Publishing
Pediatric Nutrition, Fourth Edition covers nutrition guidelines from preconception through neonatal, including normal growth, inborn errors, acute care medical conditions like diabetes, and cardiac and pulmonary issues. It addresses the latest clinical research, accepted practice protocols, and study of the normal child from preconception through adolescence.
Essentials of Pediatric Nutrition relays the key information needed to work in pediatric nutrition with various age groups and diseases/conditions. This consolidated and modified version of the very successful fourth edition of Pediatric Nutrition covers the core best-practice guidelines on the most vital information concerning the normal child from preconception through adolescence as well as infants and children with diseases/conditions affecting nutritional status. It provides the tools and resources needed to assess, monitor, and determine appropriate interventions aimed at maximal nutrition status and growth.
Commonly used by dietetic practitioners studying for their Pediatric Specialty exams, registered dietitians, dietetic technicians, nutritionists, pediatricians, nurses, and dietetic students, this book is considered the last word in pediatric nutrition.
Key Features • Case studies allow students to apply the knowledge gained from the chapter to a real-life situation • Figures, growth charts, and tables illustrate proper methods of assessment • New information on preconceptional care has been added to Chapter 1 • The Fourth Edition has been updated to include evidence-based nutrition therapy guidelines, based on the Nutrition Care Process • Alternative therapies, such as the use of herbs and phytomedicines, are addressed in Ch 21 ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8450-8 Paperback • 538 pages © 2012 • Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: AE Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/pediatricnutrition
Topics Covered • Recommended weight gain and key nutrient concerns during pregnancy • Food hypersensitivities • Unique nutritional challenges of infants and children with disabilities • Diabetes • Common types of cancers (such as leukemia) in infants and children and their treatment challenges • Enteral and/or parenteral nutrition • Approved botanicals in pediatric practice ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5291-3 Paperback • 352 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: AE Learn More at: go.jblearning.com/esspedsnutrition
Community Nutrition
Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Second Edition Nweze Nnakwe, PhD, RD, LD Illinois State University
Includes access to Navigate Companion Site! Thoroughly revised and updated, Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention provides students with the knowledge, skills, tools, and evidencebased approaches that they need to promote health and prevent diseases. The Second Edition provides pertinent statistics on the national health objectives for 2010 and discusses traditional concepts as well as current emerging nutrition issues. Real-world examples throughout the text explain nutritional concepts and present the reader with an application of these important topics.
New to this Edition • Public and Community Health Objectives • Healthy People in Healthy Communities • Ethics and Community Nutrition Professionals • Nutrition Care Process Evidence-Based Practice • The US National Health Objectives • Nutrition Care Indicators
ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-5293-7 Paperback with Access Code • 472 pages • © 2013
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB, TG Student Resources: CW go.jblearning.com/communitynutrition
Nutrition and Obesity Assessment, Management, & Prevention Alexandra Kazaks, RD, PhD, University of California, Bastyr University Judith S. Stern, RD, ScD, University of California, Davis Nutrition and Obesity presents major concepts about obesity including new knowledge gained from recent advances in research on health risks, caloric requirements and energy expenditures related to obesity, eating behavior and the biology of hunger and satiety, and pharmacotherapy and surgery as treatments for obesity. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7850-7 Hardcover • 208 pages • © 2013
5 Wall Street | Burlington, MA | 01803 | 1-800-832-0034 | www.jblearning.com
Nutrition and Dietetics
The Profession of Dietetics
Practice and Future Trends Fourth Edition
A Team Approach Fifth Edition
Esther A. Winterfeldt, PhD Oklahoma State University Margaret L. Bogle, PhD, RD, LD, US Department of Agriculture Lea L. Ebro, PhD, Oklahoma State University
June R. Payne-Palacio, PhD, RD Pepperdine University Deborah D. Canter, PhD, RD, LD Kansas State University
This text provides a comprehensive overview of the Dietetics profession. Now in its fourth edition, it includes the most recent updates made by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to its name, structure, and internship protocols. The text provides an overview of the career opportunities for dietitians, explaining what they do, highlighting the specific areas of dietetic practice, listing the requirements to become a dietitian.
New to the Fourth Edition • Updated education and experience requirements • New name for the association, the Foundation, and the journal • New experience programs • Expanded practice opportunities • Updated membership and salary data • New charts and tables ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-7903-3 Paperback • 296 pages • ©2014
Instructor Resources: PP, TB Learn more at go.jblearning.com/dietetics4
Includes access to Navigate Companion Site! This text offers students a complete toolbox of resources for beginning a career in nutrition and dietetics. It’ss student-centered approach focuses on concrete steps for navigating the highly competitive and often complex steps to personal and professional success in the field. The Profession of Dietetics includes a comprehensive history of the profession, a thorough examination of credentialing and educational requirements, and an analysis of the profession’s future.
Key Features • Updated references to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics • A chapter dedicated to discussing the Core Knowledge and Core Performance requirements which must be met by accredited programs • Photos and graphics that bring the text to life • Profiles of real-life nutrition and dietetics professionals who are making a difference in the field ISBN-13: 978-1-284-02608-5 Paperback with Access Code • 240 pages • © 2014
Instructor Resources: IM, PP, TB
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Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition Third Edition
Heather Hedrick Fink, MS, RD National Institute for Fitness and Sport Alan E. Mikesky, PhD, FACSM Indiana University – Perdue University
Includes access to Navigate Companion Site! Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition, Third Edition provides students and practitioners with the latest sports nutrition information and dietary practices so they can assist athletes and fitness enthusiasts in achieving their personal performance goals. This text not only provides the most current sports nutrition guidelines and research but also includes the tools and guidance necessary to most appropriately apply the information in the real world.
Key Features • Updated to include the new 2010 dietary guidelines • New calcium and Vitamin D recommendations • New World Anti-Doping Code- 2010 Prohibited Substances List • More meal planning and snack ideas throughout the book • Nutritional analyses for all recipes in the book
• Updated research covering carbohydrate intake and performance • Updated sport beverage comparison chart with new products ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-4643-1 Paperback with Access Code • 585 pages © 2012 Additional Format: CourseSmart
Instructor Resources: IM, NV, PP, TB, TG Student Resources: CW, SSG go.jblearning.com/sportnutrition
100 Questions & Answers about Sport Nutrition and Exercise Lilah Al-Masri, MS, RD, CSSD, LD Simon Bartlett, PhD, CSCS, ATC 100 Questions & Answers About Sports Nutrition and Exercise provides scientifically-based, useful, concrete concepts that will help athletes to excel in their respective sports. Equipped with case studies, quick facts, and testimonials, this practical guide covers topics such as vitamins and minerals, fluids, medications and supplements, weight management, warm-ups and cooldowns, flexibility, and more. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-7886-6 • Paperback • 256 pages • © 2011
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