... by the instructor. Book List Key ... Refrigeration AC Text with lab manual.
$223.15. Consists of: ..... Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliance.
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name Accounting
Admin. Office Specialist
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Required Uniform: OCP A & B 9780078036804 9781591363903 9780840064981 9780840068095
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
2 Program Shirts + ID Communicating at work 11th Ed. Microsoft Office 2010 Essentials txt w/E-Lab Centruy 21 Accounting 10th Ed Online Working Papers for C21, Ch 1-24, 10th Ed
$50.89 $145.96 $137.11 $114.91 $53.20 $108.29
Microsoft Excel 2010 Comprehensive Txt w/E-lab
QuickBooks Pro 2013 Comprehensive
2 Program Shirts + ID
9780538748926 9780538753722 9781591363798
New Perspectives MSWord 2010 Comprehensive NP MS Office PowerPoint 2010, Comprehensive FastCourse MS Outlook 2010
Century 21 Accounting 9th Ed, Chpt 1-16
9780538798488 9781111425449 9780132664028 9780538746434
New Perspectives MS Access 2010 Introductory Machine Transcription & Dictation 6th Ed Business Essentials-9th Ed MicroSoft Office Publisher 2010, Complete
2 Program T-shirts + ID + Lanyard
TABE Level A Study Guide
Required OCP A:
$157.56 $106.17 $18.85
OCP B: $80.45
Adult General Education - West
$98.36 $109.02 $88.38 $94.75
$23.37 $19.68
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Air-Conditioning HVAC
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Required C - Bundle
GED Complete
GED Complete - Spanish Ed.
VOX Sp/Engl Dictionary
2 Program T-shirts + ID + Safety Glasses
Refrigeration AC Text with lab manual
Consists of: 9781401849016
Refrigeration AC Text
Consists of: 9781428319370
Refrigeration AC lab manual
Air conditioning HVAC - HS
651881680012 651881100091
EPA Prep Manual Universal R-410A Safety Manual
2 Program T-shirts + ID + Lanyard
Refrigeration AC Text
Refrigeration AC lab manual
ACLS Provider Manual 2011
ACLS Provider Manual 2011
BLS Provider w/CD 2011
BLS Provider w/CD 2011
CALL New Edition
CALL New Edition Spring 2011
PALS Provider Manual
PALS Provider Manual
American Heart Association Community Training Center C ACLS ACLS Renewal C C BLS Healthcare Provider C BLS Healthcare Provider Renewal ECG & Pharmacology Heart Saver AED C PALS Provider C PALS Renewal Course P.E.A.R.S. C ACLS Instructor BLS Instructor C PALS Instructor
ACLS Povider Manual Instructor
9781616690403 TBD
BLS Instructor Manual 2011 PALS Instructor Manual
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
TBD TBD $14.95 $52.65 $223.15 Bundle Bundle $4.92 $25.79 $52.65 Loaner TBD
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
Automotive Service Technology
Required C
Uniform: 9781428311497
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses Automotive Technology 5th Ed Txt
$52.65 $136.48
Automotive Collision Repair
Uniform: 9781133601876
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses Collision Repair and Refinishing
$40.71 $125.63
Required C C
Uniform: 9780136086376 9780136099512
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses Core Curriculum by NCCER w/Floor Plans Construction Technology by NCCER
$50.65 $66.28 $178.21
Building Construction Technology
Baking & Pastry Arts
Required C C
Uniform: 9781118083741
2 Jackets + 2 Pants + 2 Scarves +2 Hats + ID Professional Baking, 6th Ed Baking Kit
$128.06 $110.18 $202.71
Required C C C O O
Uniform: 9781435497153 9781435497139 9781401873998 9781435497122
2 Sets of Scrubs + ID + Safety Glasses Milady's Standard Barbering Text Milady's Standard Barbering Workbook Hair Kit Professional Barbering WkBk Barbering Exam Review
$72.61 $114.91 $56.39 $416.31 $35.71 $32.42
Uniform: 9780136086376 9780131122161 9780130472144 9780131025905
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses NCCER Core Curriculum w/Floor Plans NCCER Finish/Trim Residential Carpentry 2 NCCER Carpentry Level 3 NCCER Carpentry Level 4
$50.65 $61.30 $86.00 $107.22 $107.22
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Cosmetology for Licensure
Course No.
Computer Programing .NET
Culinary Arts
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
9780766822504 9781401809591 9780132272988
Practical Problems in Math for Carpenters Fundamentals Construction Estimating Applied Construction Math, A Novel Approach
Required C C C C O O O O O
Uniform: 9781439059296 9781439059227 9781439059234 9781435400740 9781435484207 9781562536671 9781418049430 9781562539191
2 Sets of Scrubs + ID + Safety Glasses Milady's Standard Cosmetology Text Milady's Standard Cosmetology Practical Wrkbk Milady's Standard Cosmetology Theory Wrkbk Hair Kit Haircutting Text Milady's Haircutting Spanish Ed. Cosmetology Dictionary 2nd Ed Cosmetology Exam Review Hair Care Products Ingredients Dictionary
$72.61 $97.35 $43.64 $43.64 $416.31 $25.44 $30.59 $29.75 $25.53 $30.96
Uniform: 9780735661684 9781133219071 9781492123323 9780735657724
2 Program Shirts + ID Start Here! .NET programming Discovering Computers Bundle MTA Microsoft Technology Associate Exam Start Here! Learn Microsof Visual C # 2010
$33.35 $18.53 $183.49 $22.14 $28.55
2 Chef Jackets + 2 Chef Trousers + 2 Hats + 3 Scarves + ID Professional Cooking Professional Knife Kit Poly Professional Knife Kit Winewood
$134.81 $137.63 $249.56 $332.27
Required C C C
Uniform: 9780470197523
$38.78 $93.77 $33.25
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Digital Design
Uniforms : 9780321840714 9780985301415 9780316020749 9780985301415
2 Program Shirts + ID Adobe Photoshop CS6 Learn by Video Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Digital Photography A Basic Manual Adobe Lightyear 5
$33.35 $51.61 $57.95 $25.82 TBD
Digital Video Production
Uniforms : 9780321822437 9780321822475
2 Program Shirts + ID Adobe After Effects CS6 Adobe Primiere Pro CS6
$54.39 $44.79 $47.54
Uniform: 9781585037391 9781585037353 9781585037162 9781585037537
2 Program Shirts + ID Residential Design Using Autodesk 2013 Commercial Design Using Autodesk 2013 AutoCAD 2013 First Level Fundamentals Certified SolidWorks Associate Exams
$33.35 $46.95 $46.95 $46.55 $43.03
Required C C S
Uniform: 9780136086376 9780877659143 9780132569583 9780132569538 9780877659174
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses NCCER Core Curriculum with Floor Plans NEC 2011 Code Book NCCER Electricity Level 1 Training Guide NCCER Electricity Level 2 Training Guide NEC 2011 Tabs for the NEC Code Book
$50.65 $61.30 $61.48 $88.94 $119.65 $20.92
Uniform: 9781111128531 1891749072 Model 3200CTK1
2 Program Shirts + ID Introduction to Electronics Text 6th Ed The Associate CET Study Guide RSR Tool Kit
$33.35 $155.70 $52.60 $37.16
Course Name
S Electronics Technology
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Course No.
Facials/Esthetics - Advanced
Hospitality & Tourism
Industrial Electricity
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
Required C C O O
Uniform: 9781111306892 9781111306915 9781435480209 9781428318953
2 Sets of Scrubs + ID + Safety Glasses Esthetics Fundamentals Text Esthetics Fundamentals Workbook Skin Care & Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary Fundamentals Esthetics Exam Review
$72.61 $124.09 $68.95 $39.07 $39.25
Required C O O O O
Uniform: 9781428319752 9781428319783 9781435487451 9781435487444 9781435480209
2 Sets of Scrubs + ID + Safety Glasses Esthetics Advanced Text Advanced Esthetics Exam Review Skin Care-Beyond the Basics-Text Skin Care-Beyond the Basics-Workbook Skin Care Ingredients' Dictionary
$72.61 $100.92 $39.25 $103.62 $51.34 $39.07
Uniform: 9780931202636 9780931202643 9780931202605 9780931202612
2 Program Shirts + ID Exploring the World Text 3rd Ed Exploring the World Work Book 3rd Ed Travel Career Development Text 9th Ed Travel Career Development Work Book 9th Ed
$33.35 $98.75 $21.26 $106.13 $21.26
Uniform: 9780136086376 9780877659143 9780132569552 9780132569569 9780877659174
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses NCCER Core Curriculum with Floor Plans NEC 2011 Code Book NCCER Level 3 Electricity Training Guide NCCER Level 4 Electricity Training Guide NEC 2011 Tabs for the NEC Code Book
$50.65 $61.30 $99.69 $120.60 $120.60 $20.92
I460313 C C S S O
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Industrial Technology
Legal Admin. Specialist
Title Call Program Secretary
Required OCP A:
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
2 Program Shirts + ID
9781591363651 9780538748926 9781591363798 9780538753722 9780078036804
Computer Concepts New Perspectives MS Word 2010 Comprehensive FastCourse MS Outlook 2010 MS PowerPoint 2010 Communicating at Work
$27.46 $157.56 $18.85 $106.17 $145.96
9780538447072 9780538447089 9780538742917 9781439057001
Century 21 Accounting 9th Ed, Chpt 1-16 Century 21 Accounting 9th Ed: Workpapers Microsoft Excel 2010: Comprehensive Using Computers in the Law Office-Advanced
$80.45 $44.18 $154.86 $140.08
9781418018375 9781418060855 9781428319288
Substantive Law for the Legal Profession Legal Term. Transcription & Court Reporting Fundamentals of Law Office Management
$84.75 $109.85 $129.21
OCP C & D:
Major Appliance
Required C
Uniform: 9780071770187
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliance
Marine Service Technology
Uniform: 9780130943187
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses Understanding the Outboard Motor, 3rd Ed
$40.71 $64.71 $50.65 $113.28
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Uniform: 9780132172202 9781428336568 9780831133474 9781590702499 9781619602090
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses +Shop Apron Blueprint Reading Machine Trades 7th Ed Math for Machining Technology 6th Ed CNC Programming Handbook 3rd Ed Machining Fundamentals Text Machining Fundamentals Text 9th Ed.
Marketing/ Sports & Entertainment
Uniform: 9780538445153
2 Program Shirts + ID Sports & Entertainment Marketing Text
$50.89 $49.01
Medical Admin. Specialist
Required OCP A:
2 Program Shirts + ID
9780078036804 9781133602996 9780538748926 9781591363651
Communicating at Work Delmar's Administrative Medical Assist, 5th Ed New Perspectives MS Word 2010, Comprehensive Computer Concepts
$145.96 $115.08 $157.56 $27.46
9780538742917 9780073374611 9780077436360 9781591363491
New Perspectives on MS Excel 2010 Essentials of Medical Language, 2nd Ed Essentials of Medical Language Connect Card Only Labyrinth Learning Excel 2010 w/eLab
$154.86 $80.84 $84.52 $108.29
9780077976453 9780077445324 9780538447089 9780538450768 9780073545127
Computers in the Med Office w/connect Computers in the Med Office Connect Card only Working Papers Workbook: Multi-Column 1-16 Aplia w/Century 21 Acct 21 Ch 1-16 Patient to Payment w/ connect
$162.85 $109.12 $35.77 $41.60 $133.03
Course Name Machining
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
$48.46 $85.15 $178.67 $77.02 $88.96 $103.28
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
Medical Coder Biller
Nails Spec for Licensure
9780073259369 9780073374598
Intro to Med. Office Transcription From Patient to Payment, 7 Ed
$107.83 $111.20
Required Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
Uniform: 9781584263524 9780077605131 9781455707744 9781584263685
One Set of Scrubs + Program Patch + ID Health Information Management Tech, 4th Ed A & P & Disease for Health for Health Professions Medical Terminology w/ICD-9 2013 Basic ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding
$47.26 $110.81 $79.54 $71.12 $105.84
Q2 Q2 Q2
9781622540679 9781556483875 9781622540181
ICD 10 CM Complete Official Draft Code Set ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Handbook ICD 10 PCS Complete Official Draft Code Set
$126.29 $95.53 $132.60
Q3 Q3 Q3 Q3
9781601516718 9781603598453 9781455744657 9781455744893
HCPCS Lvl II 2013 CPT 2014 Step by Step Medical Coding Text Step by Step Medical Coding Workbook
Q4 Q4
9780073545127 9780077976453
Insurance in the Medical Office w/connect Computers in the Medical Office w/connect
Required C C C O
Uniform: 9781435497689 9781435497641
2 Sets of Scrubs + ID + Safety Glasses Milady's Standard Nail Technology Text milady's Standard Nail Technology Workbook Nail Brushes Nail Technology Exam Review
$73.17 $85.19 $95.20 $35.95 $133.03 $162.85 $72.61 $99.40 $56.39 $63.41 $32.99
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
Network Support Services
Required C S
Uniform: 9780071795128 9780470948453
2 Program Shirts + ID Comptia A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Gd 8th MS Windows 7 Configuration Exam 70-680
$33.35 $58.73 $39.72
New Medica Technology
Uniform: 9780071795128 9780470948453
2 Program Shirts + ID v.2 Site Development Associate v.2 Internet Business Associate
$33.35 $49.03 $38.61
Required C C C C
Uniform: 9781435487550 9781616690397 9780721691466 9780721691442
2 Sets of Scrubs + 2 Program Patches + ID + Watch Introduction to Health Care BLS Healthcare Provider Basic Nurse Assisting Text Basic Nurse Assisting WkBk (required)
$77.89 $102.88 $15.80 $54.49 $32.09
Uniform: 9780136086376 9780132921435 9780131091832 9780132273015 9780132273053
2 Program Shirts + ID + Safety Glasses NCCER Core Curriculum with Floor Plans NCCER Plumbing Level 1 NCCER Plumbing Level 2 NCCER Plumbing Level 3 NCCER Plumbing Level 4
$50.65 $61.30 $92.13 $114.24 $112.81 $112.49
Uniform & Books: 9780742331310 9780742331341 9780321840714
2 Program Shirts + ID Internet Business Associate Site Development Associate Adobe Photoshop CS6 Learn by Video
Patient Care Technician
Plumbing Technology
Web Development
$33.35 $46.74 $46.74 $51.61
Main Book List by Program - Updated 1/9/2014 Book List Key
CALL: The BookStore does not stock these books. Please call the program secretary. HS - Required for HS Students
TBD: Price to be determined *C-concurrent = textbooks that are required at the beginning of the course
** S-sequential = textbooks are required at specific times during the course
*** O-optional = textbooks are not required but are considered beneficial by the instructor
Book availability and prices are subject to change without prior notice. Most uniforms are pre-paid at registration; uniform prices do NOT include tax.
Course Name
Welding Technology
Course No.
Requirement *C, **S, ***O
Required C C C C C
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Learn by Video
Uniform: Hobart: EW459 Hobart: EW342 9781435427884 9781435427907 9781435427969
2 Program Shirts + Welding Sleeves + Welding + Bib + Safety Glasses + ID Blueprint Reading for Welders & Fitters Symbols for Welding Welding Skills Book 1 SENSE Welding Skills Book 2 SENSE Welding Skills Book 3 SENSE
Price w/o Used Book tax w/o tax.
$99.75 $26.05 $24.08 $105.16 $55.64 $55.50